ANNUAL DINNER 2014 Monday, 8 December
ANNUAL DINNER 2014 Monday, 8 December
Early bird discount by 9 November ANNUAL DINNER 2014 Monday, 8 December CMA Event Code: AD141208 Reservation Form (please return on or before 21 November 2014) To: Finance & Operations Department, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 37th Floor, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong. For event enquiry: 2287 7034 (Jenny Wu) For payment enquiry: 2287 7381 (Finance & Operations Department) Fax no: 2893 9853 Our firm / I would like to reserve seat(s) / table(s) for the above annual dinner: (please in the appropriate box) Normal rate No. of participant $900 per person x person(s) $9,000 per table of 10 x table(s) Total amount $ Remarks: Western set menu will be served. In the absence of any specific request, each table will be served 5 beef and 5 fish dishes for the main course. Please contact us for any special meal requests on tel: 2287 7034 (Jenny Wu) by 21 November. Name of firm / member : ( ) Firm no. / Membership no. Name of table (if applicable) : Contact person : Tel : Fax : Email : Date : Paym ent Method (Please tick the appropriate box) Cheque (no.____________________) payable to “Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants” or “HKICPA” VISA / MasterCard BOC HKICPA UnionPay card Card Number: Card Expiry Date (MM/YY): Cardholder’s Nam e (block letters): Cardholder’s Signature: Date: I would like to have an official receipt. (Remarks: Official receipt will be sent to your email address provided above.) FOR OFFICE USE Auth. code no.: Handled by: Date: Address labels for receiving dinner ticket(s). Name Name Name of Company Name of Company Address Address Personal Data: Your personal data collected from the enrolment process and administration of courses/events/activities will be used for the purpose of the administration of the course/event/activity on which you are enrolled ("Event"). Such data collected may be accessible by the Institute's officers, persons or committees processing the application and related mat ters. In addition, the Institute may use the collected data for statistical research and analysis. By submitting this Enrolment Form, you understand and agree that the Institute may provide your personal data above to coorganisers/service providers in or outside Hong Kong for the purpose relating to the Event. The Institute intends to use the personal data of your name, email address and correspondence address to inform you, where relevant, of members' benefits, goods, services, facilities and events organized or provided by the Institu te or other organizations. Members and registered students may opt out of receiving such materials at any time by logging in via the following link . Non-members may opt out of receiving such materials at any time by sending an email to the Institute at [email protected] or a letter to the Institute's privacy officer. For more information about the privacy policy of the Institute, please go to CMA Event Code: AD141208MP ANNUAL DINNER 2014 Monday, 8 December Sponsorship Form (please return on or before 21 November 2014) To: Corporate and Mainland Affairs Department, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 37th Floor, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong. Fax: 2803 4620 Enquiries: 2287 7285 (Ella Chan) Sponsorship Package by Member Practices / Other Organizations $25,000 Sponsor’s Benefits one complimentary table for ten* name/logo of the firm/organization displayed on the table acknowledgement on dinner programme acknowledgement on signing board in reception area * Western set menu will be served. In the absence of any specific request, each table will be served 5 beef and 5 fish dishes for the main course. Please contact us for any special meal requests on tel: 2287 7034 (Jenny Wu) by 21 November. We would like to be a sponsor of the Annual Dinner on 8 December. Name of firm / organization: Contact person: Position: Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Notes: Please return the sponsorship form together with payment by cheque by 21 November 2014. The cheque should be made payable to “Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants” or "HKICPA". If extra tables are required, please use the table reservation form. Please send your firm's/organization's logo in AI and JPG format (in high resolution) by 21 November 2014 to Miss Ella Chan (email: [email protected]) for inclusion in the sponsorship package. Prize Sponsorship If you are also interested in sponsoring lucky draw / table prizes, please return the prize sponsorship form by 21 November 2014. ANNUAL DINNER 2014 Monday, 8 December Prize Sponsorship Form (please return on or before 21 November 2014) To: Corporate and Mainland Affairs Department, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 37th Floor, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong. ❑ Fax: 2803 4620 Enquiries: 2287 7012 (Carolyn Cheung) Prize for Lucky Draw Description: Quantity: Value (per prize): ❑ Table Prize Description: Quantity: (for 65 tables) ❑ I / We will deliver the prize(s) on or before 26 November 2014 to the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 37/F Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong. ❑ Please collect the prize(s) at the following address by ______________________________________ (Date) (Address) Particulars of Sponsor Sponsor’s name: (for acknowledgment on printed programme) Contact person on prize arrangements: Name & position: Telephone no.: Email: Address: The Institute would like to send a thank you letter to all prize sponsors after the event. Please provide the name and position of the addressee for the letter (if difference from the contact person above): Name & position:
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