2015 MLK Community Sponsorship Package
2015 MLK Community Sponsorship Package
Town of Eatonville 38th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade Saturday January 17th, 2015 Dear Community Partners, The Town of Eatonville will host its 38th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Parade 2015 and Celebration starts on Saturday January 17, 2015 through Monday January 19, 2015 with several events in Dr. King’s honor: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade: Saturday January 17, 2015, 2:00 PM, Kennedy Boulevard. Festival in The Park: following the parade on Saturday, which includes live performances with invited our guests’ Speakers and Artists. Candlelight Vigil: Monday January 19, 2015, 6:00 PM. beginning at the Catalina Park’s Entrance on Kennedy Boulevard, ending at the Hungerford Prep. Forum/Debate: A discussions about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy. “The Color of Unity” In keeping w/our Tradition of Cultural Diversity and Inclusion. The theme reiterates the importance of remembering Dr. King’s work and legacy, celebrating his birthday as a national holiday and acting on his teachings and principles of nonviolence, and human rights. The Town of Eatonville’s goal is to be a voice of our community and visitors to our town by honoring the memory and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through this annual celebration. Each year over 30,000 visitors and constituents from all walks of life assemble in the Town of Eatonville to show tribute to the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The Town of Eatonville’s parade spans just over 1 mile and encompasses Kennedy Boulevard both West and East of I-4. Your partnership will tremendously support our effort in taking Eatonville to the next level and it’s a great opportunity for your organization to be part of this wonderful endeavor. We invite you to take a look at the enclosed proposal and consider this great opportunity to partner with us. Please feel free to contact me Nattacha Wyllie at 407.623.8913 or via email [email protected]. I thank you in advance and will be please to work with you. I look forward to hear from you soon. Respectfully, Nattacha Wyllie Special Assistant to the Mayor Community/Businesses Partnership Proposal Platinum Sponsor $5,000.00 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 1. Benefits: Recognition in all radio Ad involving in the Event leading up to the Date of the event Primary recognition at and during the event Corporate visibility along MLK Parade route, down Kennedy Blvd Company participation in the Parade Company logo included on the MLK Photograph Banner Premium complimentary 10 x10 exhibit booth space Logo inclusion on townofeatonville.org MLK web page with link to sponsors website Banner signage along the parade route Sponsor reserved viewing section along the parade route Name and company logo listed as MLK Sponsor on all marketing materials. Opportunity to address the audience at the Festival in the Park Gold Sponsor $3,000.00 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 2. Benefits: Corporate visibility along MLK Parade route, down Kennedy Blvd Company participation in Parade Your company logo included on the MLK T-shirt Premium complimentary 10 x10 exhibit booth space Logo inclusion on townofeatonville.org MLK web page with link to sponsors website Banner signage along parade route Sponsor reserved viewing section along parade route Name and company logo listed as MLK Sponsor on all marketing materials. Opportunity to address the audience at the festival in the park Silver Sponsor $2,000.00 a. b. c. d. e. 3. Benefits: Company participation in Parade Company logo included on the MLK T-shirt Logo inclusion on townofeatonville.org MLK web page with link to sponsor website Name and company logo listed as Supporter on marketing materials Opportunity to address the audience at the festival in the park