Weekly Bulletin & Announcements - Dexter United Methodist Church


Weekly Bulletin & Announcements - Dexter United Methodist Church
Welcome to the Dexter United Methodist Church. We’re
glad you could join us for worship this Christmas season. To learn more about our
church and its ministry stop by the Welcome Center in the Atrium, where welcome
packets and ministry information are available. Thank you for joining us this
evening and have a blessed Christmas & New Year.
A special thank you to Earl Foster for designing, building and
donating the stable for our new crèche.
On Sunday, Dec. 28th we will have two worship services,
8:30 AM & 9:50 AM. If you usually attend the 11:15 AM
service, please plan to join us a little earlier next Sunday.
Did You Know…
Our Church Office will be closed Dec. 25th thru Jan. 1st? Members
who are in need of pastoral support may contact Pastor Tom Snyder
(734.476.8954) or Pastor Denise Kasischke (818.359.4799).
Dexter UMC – Weekly Reader
Today –
• Visit the Atrium, get a cup of coffee & donut hole, and then take a stroll to see
the many opportunities available to you!
• Open Prayer Time in the Chapel during 2nd service, all are welcome
• Longest Night Service, 6 PM in the Sanctuary
This Week –
• Tues. Dec. 23rd – Simply Christmas Service, 7 PM
• Wed. Dec. 24th – 5 PM, 7 PM & 9 PM —Simply Christmas Services
• Thurs. Dec. 25th thru Thurs., Jan. 1st – Church Office closed.
• Sun. Dec. 28th – 8:30 AM & 9:50 AM worship services. If you usually attend
the 11:15 AM service, please plan to join us a little earlier next Sunday.
Planning Ahead –
• Mon. Jan. 5th – All Church “Walk thru the New Testament”, 5 chapters/week
• Tues. Jan. 6th – Explorers Bible Study resumes, 9:30–11 AM in the Ed. Bldg.
• Mon. Jan. 12 – Fri. Feb. 1 – All-Church Daniel Fast
• Sun. Jan. 18th – Starting Point Brunch, 9:50 AM in the Atrium for newcomers
• Sat., Feb. 28th – Habitat for Humanity Dinner & Silent Auction, 4:30 PM until
7 PM in Newkirk Hall & the Atrium
• Sun. Mar. 22nd – Starting Point Brunch, 9:50 AM in the Atrium for newcomers
December 21, 2014
4 t h Sunday of Advent
7643 Huron River Drive, Dexter MI 48130
Office Closed : Dec. 25th thru Jan. 1st
Church Office Hours:
(Friday, Pastor’s day off)
Mon. – Thurs. 9 AM – 4 PM
Fri. 9 AM – 1 PM
O u r M i s s i o n : “ L o v e Go d ,
L o ve P e o p l e , S e rve t h e
W o r l d , fo r J e s u s C h r i s t . ”
The Light Before Christmas
By Joseph M. Martin
9:50 AM Worship Service
8:30AM & 11:15 AM
Worship Songs
“We have come to worship him” – Matthew 2:2
Please silence your cell phones & pagers.
Call to Worship “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”
“Joy to the World”
“Angels We Have Heard on High”
Worship Team: Maggie Kaercher, Alex Sikora, Brianna Tomczak, Kara Rider, Austin
& Samantha Zeglis, Seth Kasten, Bill Hansen, Archie Woods, Sheralyn Sherrill
Congregational Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer
Lighting the Advent Wreath—Candle of PEACE
Welcome & Prayer
Pastor Denise Kasischke & Holden Hughes
“O Come, All Ye Faithful”
“Wonder of Advent”
“All Things are Possible”
Candle of HOPE
Paige Sayler
“Hope is Like a Candle”
Youth Worship Band
The Christmas Story – Part 1
Kids Praise
Morgan Marsh & Reagan Cattell, soloists
Candle of PEACE
Human Video
“O Come, O Come Emmanuel”
CAST: Kara Rider, Nina Rider, Alex Sikora, Grace Potter, Claire Potter,
Madelyn Lee-Lehrer, Quinn LaFontaine, Caleb Williams,
Jared Scott, Patrick Kaercher, Cora Boychuck
Vivian Kinnard & Mason Grann
“Sing for Joy”
Kids Praise
Offering & Ritual of Friendship
Down to Earth – Ensemble & Dance
SINGERS: Kara Rider & Emma Vantine
DANCERS: Kara Young, Cora Boychuck, Abby McLean
“Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”
Closing Blessing
OUR NURSERY is available for infants up thru preschool. Rocking
chairs & our CRY ROOM are located in the rear of the Sanctuary.
Dr. Matt Hook
“Christmas Medley”
Bella Hughes, Simone Kasischke & Charlotte Meeker
CAST: Jackson Bement, Taylor Smith, Caleb Williams, Jeremy Hannich
“The Christmas Story”
Children’s Choirs
Candle of JOY
The Christmas Story – Part 2
Holden Hughes
“Prayer for Peace”
CAST: Caleb Williams & Jeremy Hannich
Mason Grann
Kids Praise
Welcome & Ritual of Friendship
Gloria Dance Troupe
Jeremy Hannich
Youth Choir
Jeremy Hannich
“Holly and the Ivy”
Lyrical Dance Class with Gloria Dance Troupe
Steve Bringardner, piano
Children’s Sermon
“Joy to the World”
Candle of LOVE
“Look to the Light”
“Five Little Candles”
Christ Candle
Pastor Denise Kasischke
Paige Sayler
Kids Praise
Preschool Children
Holden Hughes & Vivian Kinnard
“An Echo of Praise”
Children’s Choirs
Descant: Lindsey Vantine, Simone Kasischke, Lana & Liliana Burns & Bella Larson
Bells: Holden Hughes & Paige Sayler
Mason Grann
“Go Tell it on the Mountain”
Children’s Choirs, Speakers and Dancers (9:50)
Garrett Keeler
Regan Sherrill
Elise Cebulski
London Cribbins
Isla DiGiuseppe
Juliette Dubuque
Cammy Faust
Betty Lou Fink
Timmy Hannich
Johnny Keeler
Muriel Kinnard
August Louwerse
Lillian Meeker
Claire Musleh
Graham Niermann
Evelyn Oliver
Ezra Oliver
Elizabeth Shellhaas
Kaia Siebert
Kayden Smith
Thomas Streetman
Claire Zaski
Marcus Keeler
Jillian Kinnard
Spencer Kinnard
Gigi Kirkey
Lillian Louwerse
Jack Meeker
Charlotte Miller
Amelia Musleh
Alana Niermann
Jack Sayler
Natalie Shellhass
Amelia Shugart
Kyra Siebert
Cora Tasker
Nathaniel TerBush
Owen Thorburn
Kids Praise
Elle Barnabo
Gracie Burns
Lana Burns
Young 5’s – 2nd Grade
Liliana Burns
Chloe Burns
Stevie Cattell
Lydia Cebulski
Jay Corcoran
Amelia Cribbins
Alexander Dromazos
Caleb Drummond
Claire Dubuque
Jack Dubuque
Ray Eby
Karl Fink
Ryan Grann
Bryce Haines
Reagan Cattell
Chris Coffer
Nicholas Dromazos
Emily Eby
Georgia Fletcher
Luke Greatorex
Bella Hughes
Simone Kasischke
Bella Larson
Morgan Marsh
Charlotte Meeker
Riley Maciejewski
Peter Shellhaas
Sidney Streetman
Alexis TerBush
Claire Vander Haagen
Paige Vander Haagen
Lindsey Vantine
Lyrical Dancers
Colby Boyce
Elise Cebulski
Lydia Cebulski
Kadence Chan
Lauren Clark
Anya Coffer
Amelia Cribbins
London Cribbins
Anabell Dettling
Betty Lou Fink
Amelia Musleh
Claire Musleh
Carmella Poroko
Amelia Shugart
Youth Choir (8:30 & 11:15)
Lauren Bazick
Cora Boychuck
Linda Colosky
Molly Corcoran
Anna Gauthier
Clara Gauthier
Wilson Kasischke
Quinn LaFontaine
Madelyn Lee-Lehner
Olivia Lee-Lehner
Claire Potter
Grace Potter
Kara Rider
Nina Rider
Jared Scott
Alex Sikora
Emma Streetman
Taylor Smith
Jacquelyn TerBush
Brianna Tomczak
Emma Vantine
Caleb Williams
Austin Zeglis
Sam Zeglis
Vera Boychuck
Sarah Hannich
Marcia Mitchell
Leda Stimac
Aimeé Vantine
Archie Woods
Etta Woods
Allison Zeglis
Caleb Williams
Archie Woods
Marcia Mitchell
Etta Woods
Allison Zeglis
Alex Sikora
Gloria Troupe Dancers
Bella Hughes
Kiara Kapusansky
Simone Kasischke
Candle Lighter
Nicholas Spruce
Cynthia Nixon
Special thanks to Vera Boychuck, Aimee Vantine, Leda Stimac, Megan
Meeker, Bill Hansen, Archie Woods and Tony Caselli for helping us
produce “The Christmas Story Drama”.
Special thanks to Pastor Steve Bringardner, for sharing your time and
talent rehearsing with our children’s handbells.
Prayers & Concerns
Rick Fike ♥ Jeanne Barry ♥ Marylou Dunlavy ♥ Lee Knapp ♥ Beverly Baker-Jones ♥ Gil Campbell
♥ Vernita Gilkey ♥ Dean Birk ♥ Mike McCalla ♥Bob Knickerbocker ♥ Mazie Bell ♥ Dee & Paul
Wensel ♥ Ermil Jones ♥ Brett Talbott ♥ Jan Alford ♥ Dave Kieft ♥ Linda Thiel ♥ Kim Lomax ♥
Diane Schumann ♥ Pi Yau Lin ♥ Doug Sexton ♥ Meg & Elka ♥ Barb ♥ Brian Schroeder ♥
Recently experienced the loss of a loved one
Dan Kapela & family in the death of his wife (Anne Kapela) on Nov. 29th. A local memorial service will take
place in the spring.
* Names remain on our Prayer Requests & Concerns list for 4 weeks. To return someone’s name for an additional 4 weeks,
contact Cathy ([email protected]) in the office.
9:50 AM – Big God Story for Grown-Ups looks at “The Rest of the Christmas Story from the
prophecy of Isaiah to Simeon and Anna and the discipleship of Mary” in Rm 207, 2nd floor Ed. Bldg.
9:50 AM – Church & Society – Church & Society will hold its annual Christmas party during
2nd service in Rm. 203-204.
11:15 AM – Deep Foundations—Exploring Theology for Life, this study aims to dig deep
into scripture and in a systematic way tie together the Biblical text, Christian teachings, and our
purpose and meaning as Christians. The study, while deep in nature, will always be rooted with
a focus on application to life, faith, and calling. Aimed at 30-40 something men interested in
wrestling through their faith; led by Matthew Niermann. Class meets in Rm 205, 2nd floor Ed.
Starting in January, additional Adult Sunday School Classes:
9:50 AM – Bible study primarily for singles in Rm 206, 2nd floor Ed. Bldg.; returns Jan. 11th.
9:50 AM – Explorer’s Bible Study “Making Sure of the Truth” in the Conference Room, 1st
floor Ed. Bldg. will return in January.
11:15 AM – Old Testament Overview, we'll be walking thru the entire Old Testament piecing
together the events that unfold God's big redemptive story, Jan 11th - Mar 29th. As a guide
we'll use the CASKET foldout timeline ($11). Led by Crystal Niermann
([email protected] or 734.353.8194), contact her if interested.
11:15 AM – On Second Thought – This class will “take a second look” at the Scriptures and
readings used in that week’s sermon series on the New Testament. Led by Chuck White, will
meet in Ed. Bldg., Rm 206, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM, January thru May.
Fair Trade Coffee Sale Today (yes, a
opportunity this month) – Perfect for
last minute shoppers, we have great gifts, hostess presents, and stocking stuffers.
Visit us in the Atrium between services to stock up on coffee, tea, chocolate and
our newer nuts, jams, baking chocolate and oil. Support small farmers, UMCOR
and Heifer International.
Looking for talented singers and band members who would
like to join our praise team. Please contact Louis Smith
([email protected] or 702.789.9813) for more information.
Next Sunday, Dec. 28th we will have two worship
services, 8:30 AM & 9:50 AM. If you usually attend
the 11:15 AM service, please plan to join us a little
earlier next Sunday.
2015 Offering Envelopes are NOW
AVAILABLE at the Missions & Adult Ministries counter in the
Atrium. If you’ve used envelopes this year, please take a moment to pick
yours up (it costs the church 75¢ to mail). If you would like offering
envelopes, add your name to the list posted at the counter or contact Cathy
Leadley ([email protected]) and indicate if you prefer weekly or monthly
Gifts Unto Others – For Christmas, consider giving a donation to one of
the organizations in the Gifts Unto Others catalog and receive a
personalized card to send to the person you are honoring. Complete the
order form contained in the catalog available at the display table in the
Atrium between services or on-line (www.dexterumc.org  missions) or
email your order ([email protected]). If you prefer, you can
drop off a donation ($10 minimum suggested) at the Gifts Unto Others table and pick up an
“Instant Card”… a gift enclosure describing your donation but without the personalization.
Did You Know…
• The Pastor’s Benevolence Fund is set up to help people in our church & community who
have immediate need? Pastors Matt and Steve use this fund often to provide short-term
financial assistance. So, any gifts to support this ministry are greatly appreciated.
• The Pastor’s Discretionary Fund is designed for corporate needs (e.g.: special ministry
projects, mid-year opportunities that come up between budgeting cycles) at the discretion of
the lead pastor. Gifts to replenish this fund are also greatly appreciated.
Good Things to Know at Dexter UMC…
• Our church now has a hearing assist system. You can pick up a self-adjusting headset in
the Narthex.
• Enjoy our door to door shuttle service, from 7:45 AM to 12:30 PM between the Dexter
Mill and church.
• We were created for relationships and Christian community. It takes commitment,
intentionality, grace, and love. To join a home group, visit the connections table or contact
Tom Snyder ([email protected]) or Beth Snyder ([email protected]).
Volunteer and Other Opportunities
• We are looking for volunteers to support the NEW BABIES MINISTRY by providing
meals to families adjusting to life with newborns (very occasional involvement). To help with
this ministry, please contact Jen Miceli ([email protected]).
• COFFEE FELLOWSHIP – If you love the smell of fresh-brewed coffee in the morning,
please consider joining the coffee hour ministry team. It’s a great way to meet people and
provides a great opportunity for fellowship. Contact Rick Fitzgerald (734.355.1329 or
[email protected]).