Poster Sessions Poster 1 Multimedia service (Hallway
Poster Sessions Poster 1 Multimedia service (Hallway
Poster Sessions Time Title Authors Authors with affiliation and country Poster 1 Multimedia service (Hallway) / Coffee Break Considerations and Design on Apps for Elderly with Mild-tomoderate Dementia Inter-symbol Interference Compensation for Bit Patterned Media Recording Storage A Research on the QR Code Recognition Improvement using the cloud-based pre-generated Image Matching Scheme Media Synchronization Model based on Relation Flow for MultiScreen Service Interpolation Using Hybrid Wavelet Transform and Discrete January 12, 2015 Cosine Transform for Display Device (Monday) Multimedia Delivery Mechanism Framework for Smart Devices 15:00-16:00 based on Mega Data Center and Micro Data Center in PMIPv6 Room 1 Environment Practical Design of Screen-to-Camera based Optical Camera Communication Effective Bandwidth Measurement for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP Transmission Model for Next-generation Digital Broadcasting Systems A Synchronized Playback Method with Dynamic Buffering Time Awareness for Media Streaming Time Title Grantham Pang; Enid Kwong Seongkwon Jeong; Oh-Soon Shin; Chulhun Seo; Jaejin Lee Grantham Pang (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong); Enid Kwong (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong) Seongkwon Jeong, Oh-Soon Shin, Chulhun Seo and Jaejin Lee (Soongsil University, Korea) Misun Ahn; Seunghyun Hong; Sungwon Lee Misun Ahn, Seunghyun Hong and Sungwon Lee (Kyung Hee University, Korea) Svetlana Kim Svetlana Kim (Sookmyung Women University, Korea) Ramesh Lama; Goo-Rak Kwon Ramesh Lama (Chosun univ., Korea); Goo-Rak Kwon (Chosun University, Korea) Aymen Alsaffar; Eui Nam Huh Aymen Alsaffar and Eui Nam Huh (Kyung Hee University, Korea) Trang Nguyen; Nam Tuan Le; Yeong Min Jang Trang Nguyen (Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea, Korea); Nam Tuan Le and Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University, Korea) JongMin Jeong; Jong Deok Kim JongMin Jeong and Jong Deok Kim (Pusan National University, Korea) Hyung-Yoon Seo; Byungjun Bae; Jong-Deok Kim Kisu Ok; Dongwoo Kwon; Hyeonwoo Kim; Huigwang Je; Taeyoung Kim; Hong Taek Ju Authors Hyung-Yoon Seo (Pusan National University, Korea); Byungjun Bae (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea); Jong-Deok Kim (Pusan National University, Korea) Kisu Ok, Dongwoo Kwon, Hyeonwoo Kim, Huigwang Je, Taeyoung Kim and Hong Taek Ju (Keimyung University, Korea) Authors with affiliation and country Poster 2 : WLAN, LTE, cognitive radio technology (Hallway) / Coffee Break A Simulation Approach for Analysis of Multi-hop Connectivity in Cognitive Radio Ad-hoc Networks Power Allocation Scheme for D2D Communications in an OFDM-Based Cellular System Hybrid Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme for Cognitive Radio Networks January 12, 2015 Mitigation of the polarization sensitivity in OFDMA PON uplink transmission (Monday) 15:00-16:00 Network Selection Algorithm in Heterogeneous Wireless Room 2 Networks using Utility Function Power Control for Cognitive Users in Coexistence with CSMAbased Primary Networks A Novel Medium Access Scheme for Cluster Based Device-toDevice Broadcast Communications A D2D Cooperative Relay Scheme for Machine-to-Machine Communication in the LTE-A Cellular Network Beongku An; Dung Le The Beongku An and Dung Le The (Hongik University, Korea) Gil-Mo Kang; Jaejin Lee; Oh-Soon Shin Gil-Mo Kang, Jaejin Lee and Oh-Soon Shin (Soongsil University, Korea) Beongku An; Nhu Tri Do Beongku An and Nhu Tri Do (Hongik University, Korea) Sang-Min Jung; Kyung-Hak Mun; Sang-Kook Han Sang-Min Jung, Kyung-Hak Mun and Sang-Kook Han (Yonsei University, Korea) Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn; Thananan Wongsirikajorn Teerapat Sanguankotchakorn (Asian Institute of Technology & School of Engineering and Technology, Thailand); Thananan Wongsirikajorn (Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand) Kwanhee Jeong and Hyuk Lim (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea); Hyunduk Kang Kwanhee Jeong; Hyuk Lim; Hyunduk Kang (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea) Jun Suk Kim; Jaheon Gu; Hong June Seok; Min Jun Suk Kim and Jaheon Gu (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea); Hong June Seok (Kyonggi Young Chung University, Korea); Min Young Chung (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) Rung-Shiang Cheng; Chung-Ming Huang; Guan-Shiun Rung-Shiang Cheng (Kun Shan University, Taiwan); Chung-Ming Huang (National Cheng Kung Cheng University, Taiwan); Guan-Shiun Cheng (Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) Time Title Authors 08:30-09:00 Authors with affiliation and country Registration Open Poster 3 : Information-centric Networking and Software Defined Networking (Hallway) / Coffee Break Mergeable Flexible Routing Tables: A Design Framework for Reusable Structured Overlay Algorithms Hiroya Nagao; Kazuyuki Shudo Hiroya Nagao and Kazuyuki Shudo (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Differentiated Content Caching in Content Centric Networks Younghoon Kim; Yusung Kim; Ikjun Yeom Younghoon Kim (KAIST, Korea); Yusung Kim and Ikjun Yeom (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) A Research on Transmission of Message and Voice using CCNx Cheolhoon Kim; Sangyun Han; Sungwon Lee January 13, 2015 Content verification in Named Data Networking (Tuesday) 09:00-10:00 ICN-OMF: A Control, Management Framework for InformationRoom 1 Centric Network Testbed Autonomous Handoff Management of Heterogeneous Wireless Links Using SDN Assessing the Impact of Resource Attack in Software Defined Network RAON: A Recursive Abstraction of SDN Control-Plane for LargeScale Production Networks SunWook Nam; Dohyung Kim; Ikjun Yeom Cheolhoon Kim (Kyung Hee University, Korea); Sangyun Han (Kyung-Hee University, Korea); Sungwon Lee (Kyung Hee University, Korea) SunWook Nam (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea); Dohyung Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea); Ikjun Yeom (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) Hyunwoo Lee; Donghyun Kim; Junho Suh; Taekyoung Hyunwoo Lee, Donghyun Kim, Junho Suh and Taekyoung Kwon (Seoul National University, Korea) Kwon Yumi Oh; Sungwon Lee Yumi Oh and Sungwon Lee (Kyung Hee University, Korea) Hiep Tuan Nguyen Tri; Kyungbaek Kim Hiep Tuan Nguyen Tri and Kyungbaek Kim (Chonnam National University, Korea) Myungchul Kwak; Jisoo Shin; Junho Suh; Taekyoung Kwon Myungchul Kwak (Seoul National University, Korea); Jisoo Shin (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea); Junho Suh and Taekyoung Kwon (Seoul National University, Korea) Poster 5 : Network measurement, performance and security (Hallway) / Coffee Break Deanonymizing Schemes of Hidden Services in Tor Network: A Survey The Performance Evaluation of K-means by Two MapReduce Frameworks, Hadoop vs. Twister Potentialities and challenges of VLC based outdoor positioning An Improved NLOS Detection Scheme Using Stochastic Characteristics for Indoor Localization Prediction technique for resource allocation in Micro Data January 13, 2015 Center (Tuesday) Ethernet Switch/terminal Simulators for Novices to Learn 15:00-16:00 Computer Networks Room 1 Homomorphic Encryption in Mobile Multi Cloud Computing Sabita Nepal; Saurav Dahal; Seokjoo Shin Sabita Nepal, Saurav Dahal and Seokjoo Shin (Chosun University, Korea) YunHee Kang; Young B Park YunHee Kang (BaekSeok University, Korea); Young B Park (Dankook University, Korea) Trong-Hop Do; Myungsik Yoo Trong-Hop Do and Myungsik Yoo (Soongsil University, Korea) Manato Horiba; Eiji Okamoto; Toshiko Shinohara; Katsuhiko Matsumura Manato Horiba and Eiji Okamoto (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan); Toshiko Shinohara and Katsuhiko Matsumura (Daifuku Co., Ltd., Japan) Thinh Huynh; Eui Nam Huh Thinh Huynh and Eui Nam Huh (Kyung Hee University, Korea) Yasusi Kanada Yasusi Kanada (Kogakuin University &, Japan) Maya Louk Maya Louk (Dongseo University, Korea) Cryptanalysis of An Anonymous Multi-Server Authenticated Key Chun-Ta Li; Cheng-Chi Lee; Hua-Hsuan Chen; MinAgreement Scheme Using Smart Cards and Biometrics Jie Syu; Chun-Cheng Wang Fast Secure Authentication Mechanism for Smart Device based Aymen Alsaffar; Eui Nam Huh on PMIPv6 in Cloud Computing Detecting and tracing leaked private phone number data in Wooguil Pak; Youngrok Cha; Sun ki Yeo Android smartphones Chun-Ta Li (Tainan University of Technology, Taiwan); Cheng-Chi Lee (Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan); Hua-Hsuan Chen, Min-Jie Syu and Chun-Cheng Wang (Tainan University of Technology, Taiwan) Aymen Alsaffar and Eui Nam Huh (Kyung Hee University, Korea) Wooguil Pak and Youngrok Cha (Keimyung Univ, Korea); Sun ki Yeo (Keimyung Uni., Korea) Time Title Authors 08:30-09:00 Authors with affiliation and country Registration Open Poster 4 : Internet of Things and Internet Applications (Hallway) / Coffee Break Efficient Bloom Filter Design for Information Hiding in Peer to Peer Social Networks A Measurement Model for Trustworthiness of Information on Social Network Services Mergeable Flexible Routing Tables: A Design Framework for Reusable Structured Overlay Algorithms January 13, 2015 Prediction Model for Mental and Physical Health Condition using Risk Ratio EM (Tuesday) 09:00-10:00 Behavior Tracking Model in Dynamic Situation using the risk Room 2 ratio EM IoT Service Framework based on Mega Data Center and Micro Data Center in PMIPv6 Environment for Smart Devices Narae Hwang; Sanghwan Lee Narae Hwang and Sanghwan Lee (Kookmin University, Korea) Yukyong Kim; Eun-Wha Jhee; Jongwon Choe; Jeong- Yukyong Kim and Eun-Wha Jhee (Soongsil University, Korea); Jongwon Choe (Sookmyung Women's Seok Choi; Yongtae Shin University, Korea); Jeong-Seok Choi and Yongtae Shin (Soongsil University, Korea) Hiroya Nagao; Kazuyuki Shudo Hiroya Nagao and Kazuyuki Shudo (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) Yong Ik Yoon; Yuchae Jung Yong Ik Yoon and Yuchae Jung (Sookmyung Women's University, Korea) Yong Ik Yoon; Yuchae Jung Yong Ik Yoon and Yuchae Jung (Sookmyung Women's University, Korea) Aymen Alsaffar; Eui Nam Huh Aymen Alsaffar and Eui Nam Huh (Kyung Hee University, Korea) E-government Service The case of e-tax filing In Thailand Chumsombat Nakanya Chumsombat Nakanya (Assumption University, Thailand) Design of A Compact UWB Antenna for Multi-band Wireless Applications Martins Ezuma; Jae-Young Pyun Martins Ezuma (Chosun University, Korea); Jae-Young Pyun (Chosun University & Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering, Korea) Poster 6 : Wireless, Multi-hop, Delay-tolerant Networks (Hallway) / Coffee Break Influence of the constellations selection on the bit/power loading in DMT modulation Ge/GaAs Heterojunction-based Tunneling Field-Effect Transistor for High Frequency Mobile Network System The RF characteristic Analysis of InGaAs based-on nanowire tunneling field-effect transistor RF Performance of InGaAs-Based T-gate Junctionless FieldEffect Transistors which Applicable for High Frequency Network Systems January 13, 2015 A Multipath Routing Protocol Based on Bloom Filter for Multi(Tuesday) hop Wireless Networks 15:00-16:00 Enhanced PRoPHET Routing Protocol that Considers Contact Room 2 Duration in DTNs Jerzy Siuzdak; Lukasz Maksymiuk Jerzy Siuzdak and Lukasz Maksymiuk (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) Young Jun Yoon; Sung Yoon Kim; Jae Hwa Seo; Young Jae Kim; In Man Kang Sung Yoon Kim; Young Jae Kim; Jae Hwa Seo; Young Jun Yoon; In Man Kang Young Jun Yoon, Sung Yoon Kim, Jae Hwa Seo, Young Jae Kim and In Man Kang (Kyungpook National University, Korea) Sung Yoon Kim, Young Jae Kim, Jae Hwa Seo, Young Jun Yoon and In Man Kang (Kyungpook National University, Korea) Jae Hwa Seo; Young Jun Yoon; Sung Yoon Kim; Young Jae Kim; In Man Kang Jae Hwa Seo, Young Jun Yoon, Sung Yoon Kim, Young Jae Kim and In Man Kang (Kyungpook National University, Korea) Junwei Jin; Sanghyun Ahn; Hayoung Oh Junwei Jin and Sanghyun Ahn (University of Seoul, Korea); Hayoung Oh (Soongsil University, Korea) Ho-Jong Lee; Jae-Choong Nam; Won-Kyeong Seo; You-Ze Cho Ho-Jong Lee, Jae-Choong Nam, Won-Kyeong Seo and You-Ze Cho (Kyungpook National University, Korea) Mobile Interface Control Scheme for Battery Lifetime Extension Suguru Doki; Tomohiko Ogishi; Shigehiro Ano Suguru Doki, Tomohiko Ogishi and Shigehiro Ano (KDDI R&D Laboratories, Japan) Contribution-Level-Based Opportunistic Flooding for Wireless Multihop Networks Seung-kyu Byun; Hyung-Yoon Seo; Jong Deok Kim Seung-kyu Byun, Hyung-Yoon Seo and Jong Deok Kim (Pusan National University, Korea) Analaysis of Bit Error in Wireless Netwok Jongmin Lee; Donghyeok An; Ikjun Yeom IASS: An Intelligence Access Selection Scheme for Heterogeneous Networks Jongmin Lee (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea); Donghyeok An (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea); Ikjun Yeom (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea) Bo HU; Ning Li; Jingjing Zhang Bo HU, Ning Li and Jingjing Zhang (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, P.R. China)