Easy to install, Easy to scale Video Surveillance


Easy to install, Easy to scale Video Surveillance
Top 10 ways Avaya
Fabric Connect
makes Video
simpler and better
1. Deliver scalable and reliable multicast without PIM.
Eliminate lapses in video with sub-
second network recoveries.
Enable video streaming from remote monitoring stations in real-time.
4. Completely eliminate Spanning Tree.
Simplify management and troubleshooting by eliminating complex protocol overlays.
6. Provision an IP Video Surveillance Network in minutes not days with end point service provisioning.
7. Add, move and change cameras on the fly.
8. Scale the number of cameras and receivers to tens of thousands of
devices – without having to purchase new switches.
Support any type
of surveillance implementation (analog, IP, hybrid, unicast, multicast) with the same network configuration. Eliminate redesign!
10.Create a secure zone for video surveillance across a converged backbone quickly and easily.
Easy to install, Easy to scale
Video Surveillance
Avaya and Pelco deliver superior performance
and simplicity to IP video security
The performance of the network is a critical part of any IP video
surveillance system. With an Avaya Fabric Connect and Pelco IP Video
System solution, customers can realize the full potential of their video
surveillance technology.
The Challenge
2014 marks the year where revenues from
network (IP-based) video products will
overtake analog-based video products.
However while cameras and other
surveillance infrastructure has evolved, the
majority of networks that act as the
foundation for IP video surveillance have
not. They rely on antiquated protocols that
are over 15 years old – resulting in long
camera re-convergence times and
scalability restrictions.
More-so, the design, deployment and
troubleshooting of an IP network can
require numerous protocols which must be
managed and configured individually.
Particularly onerous, IP multicast routing
relies on Protocol Independent Multicast
(PIM) being enabled on all devices
throughout the network (cameras, video
management systems, switches, routers
etc.) which is complex, cumbersome and
limited. New deployments can take weeks
to implement due to the complexity.
Avaya Fabric Connect
Avaya Fabric Connect offers a simpler way.
Fundamentally different from today’s
complex and static IP networks, Avaya
Fabric Connect enables a dynamic, agile
and resilient network where services can be
deployed at the edge only. Customers can
streamline their network, eliminate legacy
protocols (Spanning Tree and any PIMbased protocol) and enable IP routing with
greater ease, scale and resiliency that what
has been possible in the past.
Best-in-Class, End to End solution
About Pelco
Pelco by Schneider
Electric is a world
leader in the design,
development, and
manufacture of video
security systems and
supporting equipment
ideal for any industry.
For more information
please visit
Avaya Fabric Connect is a perfect complement to Pelco IP Video Systems, delivering
superior performance and simplicity to IP video security and surveillance customers.
The Pelco Endura Video Management System (VMS) uses IP multicast to transport
video streams to Management/Operation centers for viewing and recording. Avaya
Fabric Connect eliminates the complexity associated with IP multicast/PIM and
substitutes it with very simple end point provisioning with only one or two lines of
Customers who deploy Avaya and Pelco systems together find that installation and
configuration is uncomplicated and the solution delivers high-quality performance with
consistent around-the-clock availability.
Traditional IP Multicast
Avaya Fabric Connect IP Multicast
• Multiple Protocols - Multicast is an
amalgamation of protocols layered atop
each other (PIN over OSPF).
• Single Protocol (IS-IS)
Onerous Configuration
Single Command Configuration
• Painful to deploy
• Quick Start Scripts for Pelco Endura VMS that
configures Avaya VSP4000 in <1 min (VSP 4000
• PIM enabled on all routers, rendezvous
points, etc
• Easy to design, deploy and troubleshoot
• Edge provisioning only - no need to touch core
Slow Recovery
Lightning Fast Recovery
• Seconds even minutes due to multicast
streams trying to re-establish while the
network protocols (OSPF & Spanning
Tree) are trying to restore n/w
• Sub-second Recovery <200 ms due to single
Limited Scale
Massive Scaling
• 100’s of streams
• Tens of thousands of streams
Security Vulnerable
Secure Traffic Separation
• Limited end to end separation
• Totally private and closed network
Painful to deploy
Ease of Configuration
• PIM enabled on all routers, rendezvous
points, etc
• Edge provisioning only- no need to touch core
About Avaya
Avaya is a leading,
global provider of
customer and team
engagement solutions
and services available
in a variety of flexible
on-premise and cloud
deployment options.
Avaya’s fabricbased networking
solutions help simplify
and accelerate the
deployment of business
critical applications
and services. For more
information, please visit
| avaya.com
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