Technical and Trainings Committee Update as of December 2014
Technical and Trainings Committee Update as of December 2014
PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF PAINT MANUFACTURERS, INC. “Unity Towards Globalization and Green Innovation” 2014 – 2015 Officers & Board of Directors HENRY W. SO FH Colors and Coatings Corp. PRESIDENT ANDREW T. CHUAH Campbridge Paints, Inc. VICE-PRESIDENT Membership Committee, Chairman PREXILLA T. LONGASA Omya Chemical Merchants, Inc. BOARD SECRETARY ROLAND D. LEGARDA Twin Aces Industries, Inc. TREASURER VERGEL DYOCO Pacific Paint (Boysen) Philippines, Inc. AUDITOR Technical Committee, Chairman DIRECTORS CHARLES Y. KWA Mayon Industrial Corporation Trade and Industry Committee, Chairman PATRICK GOLANGCO Tradeton Corp. Ethics Committee, Chairman RACHAEL ANNE S. CHUA Chemwealth, Inc.. Outreach Program Committee, Chairman Sports Committee, Co-Chairman MANNY ESPIRITU Nippon Paint Phils., Inc. Environment, Health & Safety Committee, CoChairman JONATHAN C. BANGAYAN Universal Paint Coatings (Phils.), Inc. Sports Committee, Chairman RECHELDA HIRANG Connell Bros. Co. Pilipinas, Inc. Special Project Committee, Chairman JONATHAN SANCHEZ Dow Chemical Pacific Ltd. Environment, Health & Safety Committee, Chairman ANNALIE PATULOT- LODANGCO Synerchem Corp.. Public Information & Relations, Chairman 19 December 2014 A.en0on: PAPM Partners SUBJECT: Technical and Trainings Commi5ee Update as of December 2014 Dear Partner, Joyful Yule0de gree0ngs! Task Force Developments FDA Task Force • While wai0ng for the tripar0te encounter with FDA and EMB, TFC Engineer Gretchen Fontejon-‐Enarle and Mr. Johnson Ongking men0oned our concerns with DTI during their mee0ng last December 4. DTI recommended that we bring our plight to the Na?onal Compe??veness Council (NCC). • DTI can only convince other government agencies through “moral suasion”. NCC has the power to make decisions that government agencies will have to follow. • A posi0on paper has been prepared to convince them of our cause. BPS Task Force • The BPS-‐TF convening last December 8 was cancelled due to Typhoon Ruby. This was reset for January 7 in lieu of the hec0c schedules of the season. • BPS/TC25 met last December 10 at the Barducci Ristorante in Serendra. This doubled as a Christmas gathering. Honorarium checks were issued to the two sectors: Consumer and Academe. The Professional Sector was not represented in this session. • PNS463 for Semi-‐gloss Latex Topcoat White and Light Tints is now complete. Next on the table is the Gloss Enamel White and Colored. EWC Task Force • The lunch consulta0on with EWC took place at Barrio Fiesta EDSA Greenhills last November 27 along with TFC Malou Valiente and President Henry So. • The 2-‐week no0ce for suspension has been extended to 60 days which is the global maximum for their regulated industry. • The cost is presently 0ered according to number of paint products, namely: 100, 300, 500. We argued that this should be tapered to lesser brackets (e.g., 10, 25, 50) in order to be inclusive for all members. • The interim commiXee that will ini0ate the Paint SEAL Program will assemble some 0me January 2015. ROBERT MANALILI Globesco, Inc. Technical Committee, Co-Chairman JAHZON LIH TNC Chemicals Phils., Inc. Ways & Means Committee, Chairman Unit 201 Cityland Condominium III, Herrera corner Esteban Sts., Legaspi Village, Makati City Tel. No. (+632) 892-7766/ (+632) 703-6580 ~ Fax (+632) 893-2976 Special Project Committee, Co-Chairman Website: PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF PAINT MANUFACTURERS, INC. “Unity Towards Globalization and Green Innovation” 2014 – 2015 Officers & Board of Directors HENRY W. SO FH Colors and Coatings Corp. PRESIDENT ANDREW T. CHUAH Campbridge Paints, Inc. VICE-PRESIDENT Membership Committee, Chairman PREXILLA T. LONGASA Omya Chemical Merchants, Inc. BOARD SECRETARY ROLAND D. LEGARDA Twin Aces Industries, Inc. TREASURER VERGEL DYOCO Pacific Paint (Boysen) Philippines, Inc. AUDITOR Technical Committee, Chairman DIRECTORS CHARLES Y. KWA Mayon Industrial Corporation Trade and Industry Committee, Chairman PATRICK GOLANGCO Tradeton Corp. Ethics Committee, Chairman RACHAEL ANNE S. CHUA Chemwealth, Inc.. Outreach Program Committee, Chairman Sports Committee, Co-Chairman MANNY ESPIRITU Nippon Paint Phils., Inc. Environment, Health & Safety Committee, CoChairman JONATHAN C. BANGAYAN Universal Paint Coatings (Phils.), Inc. Sports Committee, Chairman RECHELDA HIRANG Connell Bros. Co. Pilipinas, Inc. Special Project Committee, Chairman JONATHAN SANCHEZ Dow Chemical Pacific Ltd. Environment, Health & Safety Committee, Chairman PNP Task Force • Engineer Fontejon-‐Enarle met with the Philippine Associa?on of Chemical Service Providers, Inc. (PACSI), Bulk Chemical Importers Associa?on of the Philippines (BCIAP), SPIK, PAPIM, and Philippine Associa?on of Explosives (PAE) last November 19. • It was agreed that a posi0on paper addressed to DILG Secretary Mar Roxas will be prepared by SPIK for review and signature by the Presidents of the involved associa0ons. • Simultaneous efforts include the submission of a posi0on paper to Senator Trillanes to revisit RA9516 and the dra`ing of an IRR. A similar paper was also forwarded to DOST Secretary Montejo to validate the 41 Chemicals included in the expanded list of explosives and explosive Ingredients. MARINA Task Force • We are currently on standby for the next Stakeholders Consulta?ve Mee?ng with the Mari?me Industry Authority (MARINA) of the Department of Transporta?on and Communica?on (DOTC) for further talks on the Na?onal Work Programme (NWP) dra`. Recent AssociaIon Events The PAPM Christmas Party that was scheduled last December 9 at the West Greenhills Clubhouse was moved to December 15 at the Palladium Clubhouse in Mandaluyong City due to the aforemen0oned weather condi0on. The well a.ended K-‐POP party proved to be a fun event with a sumptuous dinner served by Verleo and heaps of prizes given away. Hats off to all the compe00on dance groups who were the stars of the night! We remain united with you towards globaliza0on and green innova0ons! Have a happy blessed Christmas and a fruibul 2015! Very truly yours, Vergel V. Dyoco Director Technical & Trainings ANNALIE PATULOT- LODANGCO Synerchem Corp.. Public Information & Relations, Chairman ROBERT MANALILI Globesco, Inc. Technical Committee, Co-Chairman JAHZON LIH TNC Chemicals Phils., Inc. Ways & Means Committee, Chairman Unit 201 Cityland Condominium III, Herrera corner Esteban Sts., Legaspi Village, Makati City Tel. No. (+632) 892-7766/ (+632) 703-6580 ~ Fax (+632) 893-2976 Special Project Committee, Co-Chairman Website: