Course Outline - Dr. Subir Bandyopadhyay
Course Outline - Dr. Subir Bandyopadhyay
COURSE INFORMATION Fall 2014 60-212 Object-Oriented Programming in Java School of Computer Science, University of Windsor Instructor Dr. Subir Bandyopadhyay School of Computer Science Room: LT 5112 Email: [email protected] Tel: (519) 253-3000 Ext 2999 Course Description Concepts of classes and objects, Java applications, frames, event handling, control structures, methods, arrays, string manipulations, object-based programming, object-oriented programming inheritance, polymorphism, interface and abstract classes, anonymous classes, data structures in Java, exception handling, introduction to graphical user interface. Pre-requisites 60-141. Recommended Textbook John Savitch, “Absolute Java”, Addison Wesley. Lecture hours Lectures – Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30-6:50 PM, Room: TC 202, Tutorial – Fridays, 11:30 – 12:50 PM Room TC 204. In the tutorial students will have discussions/self tests using tests from previous years. Office Hours LT 5112: Mondays 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Students should keep the instructor informed about his/her difficulties/concerns with the course and review their progress with the instructor during the office hours. E-mail is one of the best methods to contact the instructor. Only emails originating from a valid University of Windsor student account will be accepted from students wishing to contact the instructors. Students must include their full names and student ID’s in their correspondence. Teaching Evaluation Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) forms will be administered during the last two weeks of the class schedule. 1 Labs Students must register in any one of the following sections: Section 51 - Wednesdays 1:00 PM –2:20 PM, ER 3119 Section 52 - Wednesdays 4:00 – 5:20 PM, ER 3119 Section 53 - Fridays 1:00 – 2:20 PM, ER 3119 Section 54 – Wednesdays 5:30 to 6:50 PM ER 3119 Note: Lab attendance is mandatory. All students must check the SIS to ensure that they are enrolled in a lab section as well as in a lecture section. If a student is not enrolled in a lab section s/he cannot be given credit for his/her labs and assignments. Examinations Midterm Test I: October 25, 4:30 – 6:30 PM, Venue : Toldo 200 Midterm Test II: November 22, 1:00 – 3:00 PM, Venue : Toldo 100 Final Examination: Dec 16, 7 – 10 PM, Venue : TBA Course Evaluation The weights for different components of the course will be as follows: 9% 9% 20% 20% 42% 9 laboratory- based assignments 9 take-home assignments Midterm test I Midterm test II Final Exam In accordance with the current policy of the University, students will receive a numeric final grade for this course. A grade below 50% is considered a failing grade. The University policy for examinations is available at C51852573690055F0A1?OpenDocument Notes to Students General 1. A website has been set up for this course. The URL will be Lectures, assignments, laboratories and other material will be available online as the course progresses. 2. Students should see the website periodically. All notices to the students will be posted on the web. 3. Students must read the material in the textbook/course notes before coming to class. Most of the lecture time will be devoted to problem solving that illustrates the topic being discussed. Students are expected to actively participate in the discussions and answer questions. 4. The University of Windsor allows students to take a course only twice. If a student fails to get the specified minimum grade in a required course after two attempts, the student may be asked to withdraw from the program. The Dean's office has to grant permission to take a course more than twice. Students must note that such permission is granted only under exceptional circumstances. Any student who is taking a course for the second time and having difficulties with the course must seek counseling before the last day to withdraw voluntarily from a course. 2 Laboratory sessions 1. Laboratory-based assignments are expected to be completed by the assigned due date and time. LATE submissions WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Students must allocate enough time to complete the work; start early and report difficulties. 2. Students should start working on their laboratory-based assignment for the week when they come to their lab session. If they do not finish the work by the end of the lab session, they have until the start of their next lab session to complete the work. 3. Each laboratory-based assignment carries 1 mark. The grade will be awarded based on completing a working program corresponding to the laboratory-based assignment given in the previous week. Each student will have to present the laboratory-based assignment and SIGN an attendance sheet before he/she leaves the lab. Students who do not follow the guidelines for good programming (to be discussed in the first week), will be penalized. 4. If a student submits a laboratory assignment very similar to that submitted by another student, no marks will be awarded for the lab. 5. Students must keep a copy of all laboratory-based assignments in their directory. If a student finds that some of his/her laboratory-based assignment were not graded, he/she must appeal WITHIN 3 days after the lab mark is posted. Late appeals will not be considered. 6. Dr Joan Morrissey will be in charge of the labs. There will be a number of Graduate Assistants who will be involved in evaluating the laboratory-based assignments and also the take-home assignments given in the previous week. 7. One Graduate/Teaching Assistant will be designated to be the resource person for the laboratory sessions. Students who have any difficulty understanding the course material, the laboratory-based assignments and the take-home assignments should approach Dr Morrissey or this resource person for help and advice. 8. Whenever possible, the resource person will approach students in the laboratory and give students feedback on the work they are doing, including suggestions on their programming style, algorithms and data structures used. Students are required to cooperate with this process. 9. Neither Dr Morrissey or this resource person will write any code or debug code for any student. 10. If a student misses a lab due to serious reasons (e.g., medical reasons), he/she has to bring in documentation (e.g., a copy of the doctor’s note) when s/he comes to the next lab session. The student must give the copy of the medical note to Dr Morrissey. The student must present the missed laboratory-based assignment to the resource person and not to any other GA. The student must keep a copy of the medical note until the results of the course has been published. Assignments 1. The take-home assignments are expected to be completed by the assigned due date and time. LATE submissions WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Students must allocate enough time to complete the assignments; start early and report difficulties. 2. Each take-home assignment carries 1 mark. The grade will be awarded based on completing a working program corresponding to the take-home assignment given in the previous week. Programs that do not following the guidelines available on the course website will not be awarded full marks. Each student will have to present the assignment and SIGN an attendance sheet before he/she leaves the lab Students who do not follow the guidelines for good programming (to be discussed in the first week), will be penalized. 3. If a student submits a take-home assignment very similar to that submitted by another student, no marks will be awarded for the assignment. 4. If a student misses an assignment due to serious reasons (e.g., medical reasons), he/she has to bring in documentation (e.g., a copy of the doctor’s note) when s/he comes to the next lab session. 5. Students must keep a copy of all take-home assignments in their directory. If a student finds that some of his/her assignments were not graded, he/she must appeal WITHIN 3 days after the lab/assignment mark is posted. Late appeals will not be considered. 3 6. If a student misses a take-home assignment due to serious reasons (e.g., medical reasons), he/she has to bring in documentation (e.g., a copy of the doctor’s note) when s/he comes to the next lab session. The student must give the copy of the medical note to Dr Morrissey. The student must present the missed take-home assignment to the resource person and not to any other GA. The student must keep a copy of the medical note until the results of the course has been published. Exams 1. The midterm tests and the final test will be open book tests. Students will be allowed to take one unmarked copy of an English textbook on Java. No other material will be allowed. 2. Once a student attends a test, the grade in that test cannot be overlooked for any reason. If a student is ill on the day of the test or has any other difficulty, s/he must contact the course instructors before the test and will be required to submit a written application including a doctor’s note in case of illness. 3. There will be no make-up test if a student misses a midterm test. A student who misses a midterm test due to unavoidable reasons must submit a request, with adequate documentation (e.g., doctor’s note), to move the grade within 48 hours of the scheduled test to the final test. If approved, the portion of the evaluative procedure not completed will be added to the value of the final evaluative procedure. 4. If a student misses the final examination due to serious and unavoidable reasons, s/he must contact the instructor and submit a written request by 12 Noon, Thursday December 18, 2014, with adequate documentation (e.g., doctor’s note), to take a supplementary test. Such a student will be allowed to take a supplementary test. When setting the supplementary test, the instructor will take into account the fact that the student had more time to prepare for the test and may involve an oral test to be administered by the course instructor. 5. No student will be allowed to write a test if she/he do not have his/her student card with him/her. Invigilators will check the picture ID of each student during the test. If some special arrangements need to be made regarding this process, students must inform the instructor beforehand. 6. Students will not be allowed to get their test booklets back. They will get a chance to look at their tests and may request a copy of their midterm test by paying the appropriate photocopying charges. Announcements will be made indicating how the students may look at their midterm test and the final test. 7. Students should be aware of the University policy on plagiarism (given below). All cases of academic misconduct will be reported to the Director, School of Computer Science and appropriate actions will be taken. 8. If a student becomes ill either before or during a test, it is his/her responsibility to get a doctor’s note. No consideration will be made without an adequate doctor’s note (see requirements for a doctor’s note given below). 9. Once a student writes a test and hands it in, his/her grade for the test cannot be prorated, ignored or replaced by his/her grades for other exams. Requirements about Doctor’s note 1. If a student misses a lab, a project presentation, or a test (the midterm test or the final examination) due to medical reasons, a doctor’s note must be submitted immediately. A standard form for the medical note, available on the web (, must be used. Policies regarding appeals for grade changes 1. An appeal for a lab mark will be considered only if the student has signed the attendance sheet during his laboratory slot, submitted the lab assignment and has not copied the lab from someone else. If two students submit similar programs, both will be given 0 for the lab. 2. As a result of an appeal, the mark assigned may go up or down or not change. 4 University Policy on Plagiarism Plagiarism is defined as: "The act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts of passages of his or her writing, or the ideas or language of the same, and passing them off as the products of one's own mind." (Black's Law Dictionary) It is expected that all students will be evaluated and graded on their individual merit and all work submitted for evaluation should clearly indicate that it is the student's own contribution. Students often have to use the ideas of others as expressed in written or published work in preparing essays, papers, reports, theses and publications. It is imperative that both the data and ideas obtained from any and all published or unpublished material be properly acknowledged and their sources disclosed. Failure to follow this practice constitutes plagiarism and is considered to be a serious offense. Thus, anyone who knowingly or recklessly uses the work of another person and creates an impression that it is his or her own, is guilty of plagiarism. Plagiarism also includes submitting one's own essay, paper, or thesis on more than one occasion. Accordingly, it is expected that a thesis, essay, paper or a report has not been and is not concurrently being submitted for credit for any other course at this or any other University. In exceptional circumstances and with the prior agreement of the instructor, a student may use research completed for one course as part of his or her written work for a second course. A confirmed incident of plagiarism will result in a sanction ranging from a verbal warning, to a loss of credit in the course, to expulsion. Examples of academic misconduct by students Some typical examples of improper conduct during a written test which may lead to severe disciplinary measures against students are given below. The list is not exhaustive. Submitting a program very similar to that submitted by another student or a program available somewhere else (e.g., a book or a web site). If two programs are different only in variable names or comments, they would be viewed as being similar. Communicating with any unauthorized person during an examination in any way (e.g., verbally, using a cell phone, passing messages in some form to another student). Bring into an examination any unauthorised material (e.g., a book or a class note which is marked in any way, bringing any unauthorized documents or aids). Attempting to obtain, by any means, a copy of the test before the examination takes place. This includes stealing a test, buying a test before the examination is held, accepting (from anyone) a copy of the test before the examination is held. Starting to write a test before the test is officially scheduled to start. Refusing to stop writing a test when the test is over. Refusing to obey the instructions of the officer in charge of an examination. 5