the coming week's notice sheet.
the coming week's notice sheet.
St. James’s Church, Poole Sunday 21st December 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Tea and coffee will be served at the back of the church after the 10.30 service - please join us Today 8.00 am BCP HC 10.30 am Morning Worship * 6.30 pm Carols by Candlelight *PARKING: disabled in Churchyard - others at Lexus on West Quay Rd *Prayer for lighting of candle at 10.30 Morning Worship A candle burns, The fourth marker of our Advent journey. As we continue, May we travel joyfully. As we continue, God of journeys, draw us to our journey’s end.. Readings Romans 16 (v 25-end) (p.1143) Luke 1 (v. 26-38) (p.1026) Intercessions Chris Dunning Sandy Vincent Lorna Warburton Collect God our redeemer, who prepared the Blessed Virgin Mary to be the mother of your Son: grant that, as she looked for his coming as our saviour, so we may be ready to greet him when he comes again as our judge; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. 9am Christingle making – just turn up to help 12 noon Funeral - Mrs Winifred ‘Joan’ Jolliffe Wed 24th Dec 4 pm Christingle 11.30 pm Christmas Communion CHRISTMAS DAY 10 am All Age Holy Communion Tues 23rd Dec Next Week (Sunday 28th December 2014) 8.00 am BCP HC 10.30 am CW Holy Communion *No mid week Holy Communion on Thursday 1st Jan 2015* DECORATION OF THE CHURCH FOR CHRISTMAS A huge thank you to all who have helped to decorate the church – it looks beautiful. ‘SILENT NIGHT’ CAROL SERVICE Commemorating the 1924 Christmas truce Poole Park War Memorial Tuesday 23rd December at 4pm Please bring a torch & outdoor clothing SOUND SYSTEM We are desperately short of people willing to do the sound at Services. We now only have three on the rota – it is not hard and anyone could do it – male or female. Please do speak to a churchwarden if you feel you would like to be on the rota. Engage, Equip, Encounter: Jan-Feb 2015 Please put the following dates in your diaries for our mid week groups and activities before the start of Lent. If you would like to join a home group for the New Year please speak to Lucy. We hope to add a new group for the Lent course – more details to follow in the New Year. Thursday 22nd Jan 7pm Encounter evening in Church Monday 26th Jan 7pm Jenny and Rob and Claire and Andrew’s home group – Christianity and politics 1 Thursday 29th Jan 7pm Roger and Margaret’s home group - Christianity and politics 1 Monday 2nd Feb 7pm Pub Discussion group King Charles Monday 9th Feb 7pm Jenny and Rob and Claire and Andrew’s home group – Christianity and politics 2 Thursday 12th Feb 7pm Roger and Margaret’s home group – Christianity and politics 2 Wednesday 18th Feb 7pm Ash Wednesday Holy Communion in the Church ST JAMES’ CHURCH WEBSITE – WEEKLY NOTICES Remember to look at your church website! You can always find weekly notices there. A gentle reminder: Please note the deadline of 10 am on Wednesday for submission of notices to go in the following Sunday. Either drop in a note to the church office, phone 01202 677117 or e-mail [email protected]. If you miss the deadline, the notice will go in the following week. CHURCH OFFICE will be closed Christmas Eve to 2nd January 2015 SERMON NOTES