IES Virtual Environment 2014 Feature Pack 02


IES Virtual Environment 2014 Feature Pack 02
IES Virtual Environment
2014 Feature Pack 02
Release Notes
December 2014
VE 2014 Feature Pack 02 Changes .......................................................................................................... 0
General................................................................................................................................................ 0
ModelIT ............................................................................................................................................... 0
Model Viewer II ................................................................................................................................... 1
Constructions ...................................................................................................................................... 1
ApPro .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Building Template Manager ................................................................................................................ 2
Apache ................................................................................................................................................ 2
ApacheHVAC ....................................................................................................................................... 2
MacroFlo ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Vista .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Tariff Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 4
ASHRAE 90.1 App. G - PRM ................................................................................................................. 4
VE Compliance .................................................................................................................................... 4
New Zealand Compliance ................................................................................................................... 5
Radiance .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Simulex ................................................................................................................................................ 7
SunCast ............................................................................................................................................... 7
MicroFlo .............................................................................................................................................. 7
VERS .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Impact ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Title 24 ................................................................................................................................................ 8
VE 2014 Feature Pack 01 Hotfix 01 Changes .......................................................................................... 9
ASHRAE 90.1 App. G – PRM ................................................................................................................ 9
VE Compliance .................................................................................................................................... 9
RadianceIES ......................................................................................................................................... 9
VE 2014 Feature Pack 01 Changes .......................................................................................................... 0
General................................................................................................................................................ 0
ModelIT ............................................................................................................................................... 0
Model Viewer II ................................................................................................................................... 2
Component Modeller.......................................................................................................................... 2
SunCast ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Apache ................................................................................................................................................ 2
ApacheHVAC ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Vista/VistaPro ..................................................................................................................................... 4
ASHRAE 90.1 App. G - PRM ................................................................................................................. 5
VE Compliance .................................................................................................................................... 5
RadianceIES ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Green Mark Pro................................................................................................................................... 7
IESVE plug-in for SketchUp ................................................................................................................. 8
VE 2014 Hotfix 01 Changes ..................................................................................................................... 9
ModelIT ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Model Viewer II ................................................................................................................................... 9
Master Templates ............................................................................................................................... 9
Apache ................................................................................................................................................ 9
ApLocate ............................................................................................................................................. 9
ApPro ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Constructions .................................................................................................................................... 10
Radiance ............................................................................................................................................ 10
VE Compliance .................................................................................................................................. 10
VE 2014 Changes ................................................................................................................................... 12
General.............................................................................................................................................. 12
ModelIT ............................................................................................................................................. 12
SunCast ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Apache .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Building Template Manager .............................................................................................................. 13
Constructions .................................................................................................................................... 14
ApLocate ........................................................................................................................................... 14
ApPro ................................................................................................................................................ 14
ApacheHVAC ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Vista/VistaPro ................................................................................................................................... 15
Tariff Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 15
ASHRAE 90.1 App. G -PRM ................................................................................................................ 15
VE Compliance .................................................................................................................................. 16
FlucsPro/DL ....................................................................................................................................... 16
RadianceIES ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Room Group Creator......................................................................................................................... 17
Navigators ......................................................................................................................................... 18
IESVE plug-in for SketchUp ............................................................................................................... 18
IESVE plug-in for Revit....................................................................................................................... 18
VE 2014 Feature Pack 02 Changes
Room Browser multi-select improvements [ID-0064002]: When selecting or deselecting multiple
rooms by Ctrl clicking, the correct rooms will be highlighted in the browser.
Crash prevented when changing fuel type [ID-0074102]: A crash has been prevented when using
Design Options and assigning a system fuel when the space has no system assigned.
Design option takes site rotation into account [ID-0070732]: When using the Design Options
feature, the site rotation will be taken into account.
Undo/Redo reset for new project [ID-0071647]: When starting a new project the Undo list will be
Selection retained when expanding/compressing room groups [ID-0008747]: Changing the
expanded state of items in the browser will no longer affect the selected state of items.
Browser will only refresh once when switching views [ID-0070420]: The browser will now refresh
only once when switching views. In addition there will no longer be a browser refresh and view
redraw when closing the VE.
Model Check Report update [ID-0072628]: Room groups are only created for sections that have
problems AND where the user has selected "Create room grouping schemes?".
Place Component dialog remains when changing views [ID-0069503]: The place component dialog
remains open when switching between views.
Behaviour improved when switching into Component mode [ID-0069784]: When switching into
Component mode in ModelIT at Body level:
In Axonometric view, the Place Component dialog is no longer shown.
In other views, switch into Place Component mode. This allows the component placement to
work as expected.
Room Browser updates correctly after gbXML import [ID-0069868]: After importing a gbXML file,
the room browser will update to show all rooms.
Create Slice corrections [ID-0071596]: Update to prevent the VE from hanging when using Create
Slice under certain circumstances.
Crash prevented when switching views [ID-0074051]: A crash has been prevented on switching
views when multiple viewports were in use.
Escape key will undo last node [ID-0069833]: When you draw an extruded shape or similar in
ModelIT, right-clicking with the mouse or pressing the Esc key would remove the last node placed.
Undo/Redo menu item gives relevant text [ID-0071648]: The Undo/Redo menu item shows text
related to the operation involved, including plane and label drawings.
Minimum dimension now set to 1mm [ID-0070609]: You can now create geometry with a minimum
dimension set to 1mm. In previous releases this was 100mm.
Browser list automatically scrolls when a room is selected [ID-0060539]: When you have a list of
rooms in ModelIT large enough to initiate the scroll bar so that some of the rooms are not visible,
then when selecting a zone, the browser list will automatically scroll to the selected zone.
Dimension precision reflects grid setting [ID-0070757]: Dimensions are now set to display to the
number of decimal places set in the Grid Settings dialog.
Colour selection dialog improvements [ID-0069848]: Updates to the Colour Preferences and Colour
selection dialogs to make colour selection consistent between them.
Room browser no longer expands zones after simulation [ID-0073241]: After running a simulation
with selected zones, the selected zones will no longer be expanded in the room browser tree after
the simulation completes.
Crosshair visible when moving objects [ID-0070758]: When moving Label objects a crosshair will be
shown to help with placement.
Model Viewer II
Sky display update [ID-0070830]: A correction has been made to prevent, in certain circumstances,
the sky taking on the colour of the model.
MV2 orbit controls improvements [ID-0070878]: In Model Viewer 2, the orbit controls have been
improved to produce smoother camera movement.
Special Characters now displayed in the Input Data Visualisation legend [ID-0073242]: When using
Input Data Visualisation, non-standard characters are now displayed in the legend correctly.
Meaning of "Assigned" in CDB updated [ID-0069198]: There is a flag in CDB which identifies
whether a particular construction is assigned in your model. Previously, any construction used in any
model variant or template would be highlighted. The logic has now been updated so only
constructions in use in the current model or variant will be highlighted.
Glazing u-value initialised correctly [ID-0072477]: The glazing u-value is initialised correctly when
opening the Edit Glazed Construction dialog.
Compact profiles UI improvements [ID-0068465]: The Edit Compact Profile dialog UI has been
improved to keep it consistent when switching between tabs.
Building Template Manager
Tabular BTM Internal Gains and Air Exchanges columns added [ID-0071289]: Tabular Building
Template Manager's Internal Gains and Air Exchanges tabs are now set up to include the columns for
Gains 1-10 and Air Exchanges 1-10 (reference and type in both cases).
Crash prevented in Tabular BTM [ID-0073848]: A crash has been prevented in Tabular Building
Template Manager when setting the NCM Activity or NCM Building Type in VE Compliance.
ASHRAE Loads Simulation time step now user editable [ID-0060407]: The ASHRAE Loads Simulation
time step can now be set to 1, 2 or 6 minutes. Previously it was fixed to 6 minutes.
Long/short file name improvements [ID-0062100]: Improvements have been made to reduce
problems arising due to using longer project names and path lengths. Previously these errors could
relate to missing .ajf files or errors reading the SunCast shading file.
FFP defined heating setpoint is used in ASHRAE loads [ID-0060076]: When a Free Form Profile is
applied to a building heating set-point it will now be used by the Apache system.
View fits to window when switching views [ID-0073985]: When switching to view hot/chilled water
loops or opening networks the system will be fitted to the screen.
Hot water supply loop temperature edit will update Room Unit [ID-0067256]: Any edits to the loop
temperature settings made in the HWL dialog will update the values used by the room units, without
having to open the room unit controller dialog.
Editing multiplexed fan reference updates all layers [ID-0067664]: When in global mode, editing a
multiplexed fan reference will update all layers.
If autosized data is present the Proportional flow controller becomes active [ID-0072188]: When an
autosized minimum flow is present, the Proportional flow controller tab will show as the active tab.
This applies only to the controller dialog for radiators.
Viewports menu item disabled [ID-0047281]: The Viewports menu item on the View menu within
ApacheHVAC has been disabled.
Expanding multiplex no longer hides controllers [ID-0073969]: When expanding a multiplex so it
includes a previously non-multiplexed controller the controller no longer becomes invisible and
double-clicking the tile where it should be will not cause a crash.
Degree of opening profile improvements [ID-0071264]: Opening a model with no MacroFlo license
will no longer reset the Degree of Opening profile (or Opening Threshold) in MacroFlo openings.
Compliance report carbon summary table correction [ID-0071291]: Correction made to ensure the
same floor area is being used when calculating the TER and the Notional Building CO2 emissions in
the carbon summary table.
Empty "No system" item in Systems browser removed [ID-0071008]: The "No System" item will
only appear in the tree if there is at least one room in the current APS file that was assigned a main
system of "None" in Room Data when simulated.
Display Layer up/down arrows work as expected [ID-0068367]: The display arrows now allow you
to scroll through multiplex layers when viewing an HVAC network in VistaPro.
Custom variable improvements [ID-0072340]: The following improvements have been made in
Custom variables:
Variables are stored in the same form as they are displayed.
HVAC Component variables are displayed correctly when switching out of and back in to
The unit type selected no longer alters the calculated values. It is for display purposes only.
Successive copy of graphs no longer clears clipboard [ID-0064207]: When viewing a graph and using
the copy button, any successive attempts to copy the graph will not clear the clipboard.
Custom Variables MIN and MAX functions corrected [ID-0070548]: The custom variable functions
MIN and MAX now work as expected.
Systems tree available in VistaPro [ID-0070944]: The Systems tree is now available when you switch
into VistaPro, as it is in Vista.
Combine Rooms now works for the following variables [ID-0069744]: You can now view results
with the combined rooms checkbox enabled for the following variables; People dissatisfied;
Predicted mean vote; Comfort index; Relative humidity; Moisture content and CO2 concentration.
Deleted custom variables no longer listed [ID-0074234]: After deleting a custom variable it will no
longer be incorrectly listed.
Vista Part L2 BER and TER correction [ID-0070146]: When generating a VE Compliance report in
Vista after an an L2 2013 simulation the BER and TER show no longer be shown as 0.0.
Colour Gradient Scaling now consistent when date range is updated [ID-0069273]: When adding
and removing periods from the selected range of dates in VistaPro the scaling of the chart along the
time axis is now consistent.
Tariff Analysis
Demand period limit increased [ID-0066975]: You can now create more than four demand periods.
ASHRAE 90.1 App. G - PRM
System Schedules dialog improvements [ID-0059591]: The Template checkbox will be unticked
correctly after assigning profiles via the system schedule dialog.
System Load Calculations selects Proposed.asp as default [ID-0069147]: The "System Load
Calculations" action in the PRM Navigators (2007 and 2010) and System Sizing Navigator selects
"Proposed.asp" as the HVAC network by default.
General performance improvements [ID-0070082]: There have been some general performance
improvements, most noticeably, when switching to PRM view while working with larger projects.
Update profile working week will updating profiles [ID-0065720]: Update Profile Working Week
Order will correctly update the profiles.
VE Compliance
Notional building external window improvements [ID-0070914]: A fix has been put in place where
in certain circumstances external windows were removed/truncated and other external windows
were replaced by holes.
NCM activity set correctly via Thermal Template [ID-0046896]: If "Residential Spaces" is set within
BTM as the NCM Building Type without explicitly setting NCM Activity, any rooms on that template
will use "NCM Dwell: Lounge" as their activity rather than being blank and using the NCM Unheated
Space template.
Error prevented when upgrading 6.1.1 models [ID-0050595]: An error has been prevented when
upgrading a project that still has 2006 Notional Building Systems in the Apache Systems file.
Results tab available after reopening project [ID-0069516]: When reopening a project where a
simulation has been run the Compliance Results tab with be available.
SBEM Keyword corrected [ID-0073250]: The Solar Collector keyword has been renamed to "SC 1".
Correct keywords for Modular-ADL2-T3 written out [ID-0073625]: For Part L 2013 England the
keywords for Modular-ADL2-T3 have been modified and now the correct keywords are written out.
Base floor level calculation update [ID-0071319]: Only the floor or floors with the largest area are
used for determining the base floor level.
"Loading Free Form Profiles" message removed when leaving BTM [ID-0072629]: When exiting
Building Template Manager in Compliance view or when entering VE-Compliance, no message
referring to loading free form profiles will appear.
BRUKL keyword not written out when no CHP system [ID-0071888]: The "CHECK2-CHP" keyword is
no longer written to the BRUKL input file when a CHP system hasn't been entered.
Part L Vista report correctly reports a pass [ID-0056768]: When the BER is equal to the TER the Vista
Part L report will correctly list a pass.
Design Options report corrections [ID-0057218]: Rooms that are not applicable for Criterion 3 now
show "N/A" for in the pass/fail column.
Accreditation Scheme list updated to include Elmhurst and Stroma [ID-0074593]: The Section 6
Accreditation scheme dropdown has been updated to include Elmhurst Energy Systems Ltd and
Stroma Accreditation Ltd.
New Zealand Compliance
Project Name in report updated after Save As [ID-0055750]: After saving a project with a new name
then the project name in the compliance report will be updated.
Report graphs display corrections [ID-0073863]: When running the simulation multiple times the
graphs in the report will be displayed correctly.
Upwards facing hemispherical fisheye images can be generated [ID-0070629]: Upwards facing
hemispherical fisheye images can be generated successfully for both luminance and illuminance
Only rooms written out to sensors illuminance file [ID-0071284]: Previously all objects including
shading files were written to the illuminance files. Now only rooms are written out.
Sensors not added to adjacent buildings [ID-0072306]: If you have a model with an adjacent
building and either run a PRM simulation or use the "Set Defaults" button in the sensor dialog to add
sensors to your model, rooms in the adjacent buildings will no longer have sensors added.
Dynamic Daylighting calculations can re-use computed sky values [ID-0073369]: When running
dynamic daylighting simulations, the output files are now reusable when running calculations on the
same zone or other zones in the same model. This cuts the simulation time for successive
simulations on the same model drastically.
Ground Reflectance can be set [ID-0069075]: New preferences menu added where you can set a
custom ground reflectance value.
Customise Parameters Cancel button corrected [ID-0069843]: Any edits made in the image quality
Customise Parameters dialog are not saved when the cancel or close buttons are used.
WP Grid Tab refresh improvements [ID-0070076]: In the PW Grid tab the statistics are successfully
updated after selecting AOI option and redrawing.
Focus View position enabled [ID-0070630]: Focus View position is enabled for Hemispherical fisheye
and Angular fisheye images after Plan image has been selected.
Eye view position lock setting retained [ID-0070710]: The Eye view position lock setting is retained
when switching between model views.
Maintenance Factor corrections [ID-0070920]: Maintenance Factor is no longer applied cumulatively
on successive uses of the dialog.
Preferences menu item added [ID-0070921]: A Radiance Preferences menu item has been added
where you can set Working Plane, Maintenance Factor, AOI Shrinkage and Ground Reflectance
Dynamic simulation results legend will use user defined colours [ID-0071048]: The Dynamic
simulation results legend will use the colours defined in the colour preferences dialog.
Duplicate results removed from WP Grid tab [ID-0072066]: In the WP Grid tab, any duplicate results
files will be removed when selecting the .wpd file.
Summary now shows all luminaires [ID-0073123]: The Luminaire summary dialog now shows all
luminaires in all zones.
Working Plane Data Calculations can be run on multiple zones automatically [ID-0073194]: The
Working Plane Data calculations now allow you to select multiple zones and run simulations for each
zone sequentially.
Selecting a results file highlights the corresponding zone [ID-0068757]: When you select results for
one or more zones in your model, they are listed in the WP Grid tab. Selecting any of these results
will highlight the corresponding zone in the model.
Image updates automatically when Show Thumbnail is selected [ID-0071058]: When you activate
the "Show Thumbnail" it will update the image automatically.
Edit Surface Properties corrections [ID-0074188]: In the Surface Properties tab, the correct edit box
is opened when double clicking on a row in the pattern, image or BSDF properties panel.
Zone selection retained when opening view menu [ID-0067975]: When you double right-click to
bring up the view menu then the zone selection will be retained.
Playback error message removed [ID-0008411]: After running and recording a simulation, the
erroneous error message saying "The simulation has not finished" when playing it back has been
Error prevented when running Parallel SunCast [ID-0070777]: On certain models when running
Parallel SunCast an "An error occurred while running Suncast. (-3)" message would be displayed. A
fix has been put in place to prevent this.
MV 2 stays open when changing display settings [ID-0070959]: When using loaded results, Model
Viewer 2 will stay open when changing display settings.
Progress dialog will close when simulation fails [ID-0070960]: If Parallel SunCast fails then the
progress dialog will close.
Custom scale updates automatically [ID-0071649]: Changes to the scale are applied to the display
automatically without the need to change False colours.
Openings contained in "invisible" surfaces allow light into room for Timed Images [ID-0072389]:
When a surface is marked as invisible for SunCast image generation any windows contained within
that surface will be included in the calculation. When generating Timed Images, the surfaces will
allow light into the zone so correct shadows will be shown.
Slice Display Settings dialog improvements [ID-0070381]: Updates have been made to the Slice
Display Settings dialog so all rows can be displayed at once.
LEED 2009 IEQ 8.2 numeric grid corrections [ID-0068631]: The numeric grid shows the correct
numbers (0 to 4). A conversion factor is no longer applied when using IP units.
ISO composite calculation method update [ID-0071796]: The ISO composite calculation method can
now handle the case when there is both composite layers and cavity layers in a single construction.
Title 24
Materials dialog improvements [ID-0069751]: Any changes made to composite materials are
retained and the details are also updated when switching between materials.
Exceptional Conditions ticked on by default [ID-0070418]: The "Does our project contain any spaces
with no lighting installed?" checkbox is ticked on by default when the space has lighting.
"Copy" button now selects the copy [ID-0070513]: Title 24 air segments, terminal units and outside
air: when copied, the copy is selected (rather than the original staying selected).
Crash prevented when there is no Unzoned Component [ID-0074288]: No crash when selecting
'Define HVAC Zones' and the HVAC Zones list is populated correctly on Load.
'Design flow rate gpm' only displayed hardsizing mode [ID-0070469]: The 'design flow rate gpm' is
only displayed for hotwater coils when in hardsizing mode.
Objects that cannot be edited are greyed out [ID-0069827]: In the Primary and Secondary sidelit
area frames, the "Daylit Area" and "Illuminance RefPt coord" (X,y & Z) are disabled.
Crash prevented when selecting luminaire [ID-0070466]: A crash has been prevented when
selecting a renamed luminaire in Tabular Room Data.
HVAC zone names are case insensitive [ID-0071656]: When a zone is renamed similar to an existing
one (eg. existing: Zone, new: zone) after clicking OK an alert is popped up prompting to rename the
new zone.
PwrReg defaults to checked [ID-0071221]: Interior Lighting System PwrReg is defaulted to "checked"
in all schedules.
Material category updates when composite fields are activated [ID-0070738]: When a material is
switched to composite, the category shown on the Project Construction dialog updates to
"Number control steps" output removed when control type is not "SteppedSwitching" [ID0073356]: There is no input in the XML file for "Number control steps" when the control type is not
Furnace thermal efficiency now editable [ID-0073315]: The Thermal efficiency in the furnace
section of the Air system dialog can now be edited.
VE 2014 Feature Pack 01 Hotfix 01 Changes
ASHRAE 90.1 App. G – PRM
Baseline lighting adjusted correctly for RCR [ID-0070523]: The VE calculates the Room Cavity Ratio
value for each individual room and checks whether it is greater than the RCR threshold value (found
in Table 9.6.1 in Standard 90.1-2010). If the value is greater than the threshold then the baseline LPD
for that room will be increased by 20% (space by space method only).
VE Compliance
User excluded rooms not included in reported external area [ID-70838]: There is the option to
exclude a room from analysis by removing the tick from the 'Include room(s) in analysis' check box or
by placing the room on a different layer and then turning that layer off. The external area of these
inactive rooms will no longer be included in the total external area reported in the BRUKL Certificate.
Comparative Asset Rating written out correctly [ID-0071143]: When running Section 6 SBEM EPC
the manually edited Comparative Asset Rating will be written out correctly to the input and XML
Crash prevented when importing Tabular Room Data [ID-0070525]: After editing the "Local Manual
Switching?" and/or "Occupancy Sensing" values in Excel and importing back into the VE a crash no
longer occurs.
Tabular Room Data import process improvements [ID-0069850]: Any SBEM Lighting Only data
edited in Excel will be imported correctly when pasting back into Tabular Room Data.
Duplicate entries removed from materials file [ID-70480]: When you create a new project the .map
file created will no longer duplicate materials entries.
VE 2014 Feature Pack 01 Changes
Can add more than 64 room groups [ID-0068237]: Edit Room Groups dialog now allows more than
64 groups in a scheme without error.
Adjacency/surfaces can be selected in viewport [ID-0064223]: When at surface/adjacency level you
can now select different adjacencies by clicking in the viewport as well as selecting them from the
Locks dialog corrections [ID-0063162]: When the locks dialog is open then updating the locks via the
toolbar buttons will update the dialog UI.
Performance improvements when switching room groups [ID-0059075]: Performance
improvements have been made to reduce the delay when switching room groups.
Import gbXML improvements [ID-0069174]: Further improvements have been made to the gbXML
import process to prevent crashes when importing files.
Shape Settings dialog defaults to Room [ID-0069909]: When the Shape Settings dialog is first
opened, it will default to Room. If subsequently changed from Room to one of the other types, it will
remember the selected type for the lifetime of the VE (i.e. it won't be reset back to Room if you
change model).
Custom colours retained on exit [ID-0066011]: In the colour preference dialog, custom colours can
be created and assigned to different areas of the model. When you exit the VE these custom colours
will be retained.
Model browser tree no longer updated after opening and closing "Colour Preferences" [ID0069172]:- When you exit from the "Colour Preferences" settings, it no longer updates the Model
Browser tree, which was not needed since none of the spaces in the model will have changed.
New sparse mode [ID-0068777]: There is now a new navigator tool to disable the storage of model
snapshots for "undo". This is called "Sparse mode", and it can speed up editing of large models
1. Switch to Navigators.
2. Select Geometry > Tools.
3. Click Enable Sparse mode.
4. Perform multiple edits (undo will now only be able to take you back to the point before you started
Sparse mode).
5. Click Disable Sparse mode.
6. Click Refresh model browser (required after sparse mode).
Undo/Redo operation enabled after importing model [ID-0065201]: After importing a model via the
SketchUp plug-in the Undo/Redo operations will be enabled.
Model visible in all views when far from origin [ID-0065960]: If the model is very far from the origin
(likely due to the dxf it's based on) then it will be drawn correctly in any view (Right, Left, Front etc).
Changed the way intersections are reported when importing GEM file [ID-0059677]: If intersection
checking was turned off before starting GEM import (using the key-in "int=off") then the import
dialog simply displays a new note to that effect. If intersection checking is on ("int=on") then a dialog
is displayed on encountering the first intersecting room, with "Yes", "No" and "Cancel" options.
If "Cancel" is clicked – the import is stopped at this point (the user can then use the "OK" or
"Cancel" option in the main window).
If "Yes" is clicked – this zone is added to the import and all subsequent zones are imported
without any intersection checks. The above-mentioned note about intersection checking
being turned off is displayed.
If "No" is clicked – this zone is not added to the import and this message will be shown again
for the next intersection.
DXF endpoints corrections [ID-0069223]: DXF endpoints are correctly shown when the view has
been rotated.
Fit view includes partially drawn shapes [ID-0068096]:- If you start to draw a new shape (e.g. using
the Draw extruded shape tool) with all existing rooms scrolled out of the current view port, and you
select Fit Window, the viewport is now changed to include the partially drawn shape as well as all
existing rooms.
Drawing geometry improvements [ID-0068100]: When drawing certain shapes (Cylinder, Sphere,
Hemisphere, Prism) any placed vertices will not be lost when zooming in or out.
Zoom Window improvements [ID-0059908]: The Zoom Window feature no longer interrupts the
drawing session, any placed vertices will be retained when returning to drawing mode.
Connect spaces tool zone selection improvements [ID-0065202]: When using the connect spaces
tool, you can select multiple spaces by clicking and dragging.
Landscaping object rotation improvements [ID-0067823]: To be consistent with the rest of the VE,
landscaping objects will consider 0 degrees to be pointing to the top of the screen and any rotation
made will be clockwise from this.
Undo removes landscaping object fully [ID-0068160]: After placing a landscaping object in ModelIT,
using Ctrl + Z will completely remove the object.
All storeys feature corrected [ID-0068288]: If you have a multiple zone model and you isolate zones,
all storeys will become visible when using the 'all storeys' function.
"DXF Endpoint" added to pop-up menu [ID-0068714]: "DXF Endpoint" added to pop-up menu and
the menu behaviour has been changed to toggle items (previously switched between items).
Label object co-ordinates shown [ID-0067306]: The co-ordinates of the Label object have been
added to the object bar.
Model Viewer II
Shadow display improvements [ID-0068252]: Improvements have been made to the way shadows
are displayed in Model Viewer II.
Solar arc always visible [ID-0068804]: When the Solar arc is switched on it will be visible from any
view point.
MV2 accepts extended ASCII characters [ID-0069823]: Models can be viewed in Model Viewer II
when the project path or room names contain extended ASCII characters.
Component Modeller
Duplicate components no longer added [ID-0069685]: Duplicate opening components are no longer
added to the component library when placing openings.
Last default component cannot be deleted [ID-0060170]: You can no longer delete the last of the
three standard components.
Opening index out of range corrections [ID-0068998]: Some indexing issues within parallel SunCast
have been corrected.
Air exchanges can be removed without triggering any error [ID-0066311]: It is now possible to
delete a non-template air exchange from a room in Room Query, with the list then being correctly
updated to reflect the removal. In addition, the Remove button will now be disabled if the selected
air exchange in the list is from template (these cannot be removed).
External holes alert [ID-0039560]: If any external holes are found then when switching to Apache an
alert will be displayed.
Note: Apache will not simulate if a model contains rooms with external holes. If the holes have been
modelled on purpose it is suggested that they are replaced with doors and assigned an always open
MacroFlo profile. If the surface that contains the hole was intended to be internal then it is possible
that another zone intersects this one and should be corrected.
Secondary Circulation fields active in Tabular Apache Systems [ID-0067990]: In Tabular Apache
Systems, the "Does System Have Secondary Circulation" option enables and disables the four
columns to the right - "Circulation Losses (BTU/ft)", "Loop Length (ft)", "Pump Power (kW)" & "Time
Thermal template settings corrections [ID-0067950]: Setting only the construction template via the
Assign Templates dialog will no longer reset thermal template settings in the rooms back to their
"Time switch?" column added to Tabular Apache Systems [ID-0067992]: In the Tabular Apache
Systems Hot Water tab the Secondary Circulation "Time Switch" column has been added.
PV Array Type changes retained [ID-0068487]: Any changes made to the PV array type in the
Renewables dialog will be retained.
Fan input out of range error improved [ID-0064057]: When an out of range value is entered in a fan
dialog the error is only displayed once and gives option to enter a valid value.
Error message clarified when try to add Radiator or Chilled Ceiling type [ID-0058566]: Clarification
is made to the error message displayed when try to create a Radiator or Chilled Ceiling type while
the required waterside equipment (Hot Water Loop/Generic Heat Source or Chilled Water
Loop/Generic Cooling Source) is not present in the project.
Room Units can be added when room is not assigned to room component [ID-0063726]: Room
units (Radiator, Directing Acting, Chilled Ceiling) can be added to a room component when a room
has not yet been assigned i.e. when Room dropdown is 'unset' or 'adiabatic'.
Principal room not duplicated when copy and paste within Multiplex [ID-0058884]: When a
Principal room within a multiplex is copied and then pasted into the same Multiplex the copy will not
be denoted as a principal room.
Water-to-air heat pump values stored to 2 d.p. [ID-0048694]: All inputs on the water-to-air heat
pump dialog are displayed and stored to 2 decimal places.
Range check improved for Cooling Coil Design Entering WBT [ID-0055254]: An improvement is
made to ensure no error is displayed on querying a Cooling Coil where autosizing has resulted in a
negative Design Entering WBT, instead where this has occurred, the value is reset to 0.
Loads Data Spreadsheet correction: Room-Design Airflows Design Min Airflow [ID-0068785]: The
Loads Data spreadsheet Room-Design Airflows tab is updated to correct the formula for Design Min
Airflow (Column AK). An extra reference was added to the MAX function to consider SA Flow at Area
Min (Column AG).
Note: The correct value has always been reported and used in the Sys tabs.
Generic Heat Source/Hot Water Loop Capacity correctly updated during autosizing [ID-0049013]:
The autosizing process is improved so that the capacity calculated for a Hot Water Lop or Generic
Heat Source will take into account load from any heating coils, DHW or absorption chiller which are
Autosizing link can be disabled by removing code in Controller Reference [ID-0063099]: If the
alphanumeric code in a Controller Reference is removed then the link to autosizing is disabled and
no values will be overwritten when assign sizing data.
The link can be reactivated if required by updating the Controller Reference again to reinstate the
appropriate code then assign data once more.
Improvement to network definition when crossovers are adjacent to junctions [ID-0057287]:
Improvement to ensure no invalid errors are displayed at simulation time when network contains
crossovers adjacent to junctions or dampers.
Sizing parameters not updated when component has no load [ID-0055213]: When Apache
calculates no load for a component during autosizing then no sizing parameters are updated for the
component (previously some out of range values may have been applied based on 0 load).
Comfort Parameters range checking improvements [ID-0043337]: Improved range checking and
warning message in the Comfort Parameters dialog.
Crash prevented when setting default dates [ID-0067639]: Crash prevented when setting default
dates for the Peak day graph in Vista.
Error prevented when switch to results file with no MacroFlo data while viewing Model Viewer ll
MacroFlo Arrows [ID-0070073]: When viewing MacroFlo Arrows results using Model Viewer ll and
select a new results file that does not have MacroFlo data a warning is displayed.
Surface selection display corrections [ID-0068150]: Results will be shown correctly when going
down to surface level in VistaPro.
Range test dialog corrections [ID-0063689]: When changing the selected date range the 'Test values
in' edit boxes are no longer reset to the previous value.
Power and Energy Units settings retained [ID-0064094]: When leaving VistaPro any edits made in
the Power and Energy Units settings dialog will be retained.
Crash prevented when viewing cooling loads results [ID-0068298]: A crash has been prevented
when switching to view the .clg results if you currently are viewing a chart for the .aps results.
Calendar displayed correctly [ID-0068310]: The calendar and month selection show correctly when
switching between results files.
Manually edited line colours used [ID-0067633]: Manually edited line colours will be used until the
window containing the graphic is closed.
Error prevented when entering a valid save name after warning [ID-0067935]: When saving a
category or variable preset, a valid name will now be accepted after you receive the warning about
entering an invalid name.
Cooling loads chart data shows correct month [ID-0068016]: When viewing cooling loads results the
chart data dialog will display the correct month label when switching between months.
Peak day table updates correctly for selected dates [ID-0068017]: The Peak day graph will
automatically update with the selected calendar dates.
Error prevented when combining rooms [ID-0068078]: When combining rooms to view variables
the "Encountered an improper argument" error has been prevented.
ASHRAE 90.1 App. G - PRM
Only assigned construction listed in PRM Report [ID-0067403]: Table 1.4 in the BPRM report lists
the constructions assigned to the proposed and baseline buildings for comparison. Only
constructions assigned in a project are listed in this table. Previously, constructions from the default
construction template were included.
VE Compliance
Reference Building DHW system set correctly when Actual Building has no space heating system
[ID-0068907]: When a room in the Actual Building has the system set to "None" for the space
conditioning system then the Reference building DHW system is set to the NCM reference system, it
is no longer also set to "None" (i.e. changing the AB main system to None no longer changes the RB
DHW system to None).
Notional infiltration assignment for metal clad zones is based on total floor area [ID-0056958]: The
Notional infiltration for metal-clad zones (NCM v4.1.e) is now implemented in the VE based on total
floor area. "Total floor area" now includes upper floors.
Tabular Room Data people gains corrections [ID-0068018]: Tabular Room Data is now able to
update the Input Mode for People gains correctly, such that viewing the gain subsequently in Room
Query will not result in the occupancy values being switched (and therefore the sensible gain being
Performance improvements for larger models [ID-0068627]: Fixes put in place to increase
performance and avoid the out of memory/file past its end errors when trying to change thermal
template in Compliance.
Save prompt before archive added [ID-0067603]: When you go to archive a project it will prompt for
a save first is the model has been modified.
No error message when selection includes shading objects and Image mode is set to Working
Plane [ID-0070641]: When one of the Working Plane options is selected on the Create Image tab and
the selection includes shading objects no error is displayed.
Illuminance Dialog sensor names use the Sensor ID [ID-0068335]: After running a Radiance sensors
simulation the Summary Information dialog will use the sensor ID, [Room ID]:[Sensor Number], for
the sensor name.
Image quality parameters retained [ID-0068189]: If you change the parameters setting (either using
the slider or the custom dialog), the settings will be retained the next time you go back into
UI updated to reflect saved parameter file [ID-0068039]: When you load parameters from a file the
UI will be updated to indicate you have custom parameters or a different preset loaded.
Overwrite existing results prompt added [ID-0068665]: When trying to run a Dynamic Daylighting
simulation, where results already exist, you will be prompted to overwrite or backup the existing
Component Settings tab UI corrections [ID-0068243]: In the Component Settings tab, the Room
Name & Room ID text boxes will update to show "Multiple Selected" & "None" when you have
multiple zones selected and "None Selected" & "None" when you have nothing selected.
Unchecking the customise parameters checkbox will reset parameters [ID-0068029]: When
unchecking the "Customise Parameters" checkbox after setting custom parameters, the parameters
will be reset to match the quality slider.
Radiance false colour default updated [ID-0068426]: The default colour scale for Radiance false
colour images has been updated (colour ranges from blue to red).
"Use Custom parameters for Apache Simulation" checkbox settings [ID-0068326]: The "Use Custom
parameters for Apache Simulation" checkbox selection is retained when tabs and room selections
are changed.
Highlighted sensor corrections [ID-0067181]: When you deselect a room that has a sensor defined,
the sensor will no longer remain highlighted.
Contour image unit correction [ID-0067270]: When you run an illuminance calculation and set the
units to Foot-Candles, the correct units, lm/ft2, will be used in the image.
The "all zones in selection" option only updates selected zones [ID-0067979]: If you select some
zones in your model and use the "all zones in selection" option in the "Set Defaults" dialog, only the
selected zones will be updated with the new sensor locations.
Apache Sensors calculation parameters corrections [ID-0068031]: When running an Apache Sensors
calc, the parameters are set to specific values (unless the "use custom parameters" checkbox is
checked). When running an Apache Sensors (non-dynamic) calculation it no longer forces all
subsequent calculations to use these set parameters.
Sensor settings improvements [ID-0068327]: The following issues have been corrected:
If you have the "Use Sensors" checkbox enabled and select a room with no sensors defined,
the table will no longer lose any rows.
Turning off one sensor in a room with at least two does not prevent editing of the other
sensor(s) that are still on.
Scale changes accounted for in Radiance [ID-0059654]: Components that have had their scale
edited will be displayed correctly in Radiance.
"Bad width" error message removed [ID-0067196]: When you have no geometry in the project no
error message will be shown when selecting the image generation options.
Luminaire Settings tab UI corrections [ID-0068242] If you have the "Use Luminaires" checkbox
enabled and select a room with no luminaires defined, the table will no longer lose any rows.
Edit sensor position improvements [ID-0069968]: When you have multiple sensors in a zone, when
the first sensor is disabled you can still edit the positions of any other sensor.
Default Eye and Focus position updated [ID-0067163]: When selecting a zone the default Eye
position will be in the centre of the zone with the Focus in the corner of the zone.
Save prompt added when adding/removing sensors [ID-0068467]: You will now be prompted for a
save if you add/remove sensors and try to switch modules or close the VE.
Crash prevented when switching module with image open [ID-0068510]: Switching modules while a
Radiance image is still open no longer causes a crash.
Images appear in the image list as soon as they are generated [ID-0068778]: Generated contour
images appear in the image list as soon as they are generated.
Delete AOI point button retained [ID-0068257]: The delete AOI point button is no longer removed
when adding additional points.
Green Mark Pro
Invalid profile reference warning removed [ID-0068351]: Invalid profile reference warning removed
when switching between New Zealand and Singapore compliance modules.
IESVE plug-in for SketchUp
Missing construction improvements [ID-0064042]: When you enter the Assign Constructions dialog
it will check for missing constructions and display the Missing constructions dialog if any are missing.
If the model is a variant there will be another item of text on the Missing constructions dialog, to
warn the user that they may need to re-import constructions and regenerate the variant.
SketchUp import no longer skips small surfaces [ID-0069542]: Small surfaces are no longer skipped
when importing models via the SketchUp plug-in.
VE 2014 Hotfix 01 Changes
Surface improvements when creating "jagged" edge geometry [ID-0068809]: When creating
"jagged" edge geometry false adjacencies are no longer added to surfaces.
Edited zones remain in assigned Room Groups [ID-0068286]: When a zone is edited either by
connecting or dividing spaces or when using the partitioning tool the edited zone will remain in the
assigned Room Group.
Model Viewer II
Crash prevented opening MV II [ID-0068477]: Crash prevented when Model Viewer II is run on
machines using OpenGL versions earlier than version 2.1.
Users should ensure they have an OpenGL 2.1+ compliant graphics card and the latest drivers
Master Templates
Import text displayed [ID-0068346]: In the Master Template import options dialog the text labels
are now visible.
Impossible configuration of surfaces for room error prevented [ID-0068562]: Internal openings of
type hole are always written to Apache. This is to prevent "Impossible configuration of surfaces"
Reference building test run shows correct weather file [ID-0068529]: In the Apache Simulation
Options dialog for a reference building test run, the weather file displayed will be a TRY file (i.e.
LondonTRY05.fwt) rather than a DSY file (i.e. LondonDSY05.fwt).
ABS daily profiles renamed [ID-0068647]: The default ABS daily profile is now labelled as 'constant
0' in line with its weekly counterpart.
Compact profiles saved [ID-0068464]: After setting up a compact profile it will now be saved.
Charts displayed correctly [ID-0068349]: Both the Condensation Analysis chart and the Renewables
Wind Power Curve chart are now displayed correctly.
Radiance images generate correctly on 32-bit versions of Windows [ID-0068779]: When running a
32-bit version of Windows Radiance images are all generated correctly.
BSDF XML file retained on project reload [ID-0067312]: On reloading a model which has had a BSDF
modifier attached to a component, the XML file will be retained.
Dynamic Daylight simulations more robust [ID-0068680]: Dynamic daylight simulations are
improved so they can run on standard windows user accounts without requirement to be run ‘as
VE Compliance
Regulation and method settings retained on upgrade [ID-0068357]: For certain projects the
regulation and method dropdown settings were not retained when upgrading. They are now
initialised and set correctly.
Error prevented when room has zero floor area [ID-0068664]: When running DSM 2010 or 2013, if a
room in the model has zero floor area (i.e. 100% hole in the floor) then no "Improper argument"
error will be shown when running the simulation.
Missing material error prevented [ID-0068318]: No corrupt construction error due to missing
material shown when switching to Section 6 notional building after starting project in Part L2 2013.
Luminaire efficacy reporting corrected on BRUKL [ID-0068452]: When a room type is set to be an
office, storage or industrial area then the luminaire efficacy will be written out correctly. The
compliance check for general lighting in office, storage, and industrial areas is assessed on the
luminaire lumens per circuit-watt (the corresponding keyword is LIGHT-EFF-LUMIN in the BRUKL
input file). For general lighting in other types of spaces, it is assessed on lamp lumens per circuit
watts (the corresponding keyword is LIGHT-EFF-LAMP in the BRUKL input file).
Infiltration applied to Internal Voids corrected & Air Permeability on BRUKL correctly reported [ID0068450]: When setting a zone to room type ‘internal void or warm roof’ the correct infiltration rate
will be applied. The zone will not be taken into account when deriving air permeability after the
simulation for the BRUKL, it will only consider heated spaces and their relevant side-lit, no-lit, top-lit
activity categorisations.
CEF and PEF used in the weighting calculation for the bivalent system's CEF and PEF are the values
specified for DH in Building & System Data [ID-0068646]: You can now edit the District Heating
conversion factors in the building and system data dialog when the Apache system contains a
bivalent DH system, editing the values will update the fuel CEF/PEF values in Apache Systems.
Corrections to Notional Bivalent Systems [ID-0068961]: In cases where the Actual Building system is
bivalent and includes an electric heat source (inc electric heat pumps) the corresponding system in
the Notional Building is correctly generated based on the notional equivalents for each fuel and heat
source efficiency weighting from NCM Modelling Guide Table 7 & 8.
BRUKL input file format corrections for SFPs [ID-0068517]: In the BRUKL input file the format of the
HVACGUIDE-SFP and SFP values have been corrected. This ensures the correct room level SFP's are
reported in the BRUKL.
Local manual switching permitted for actual building [ID-0068317]: For the actual and reference
building, if the room activity is appropriate to receive local manual switching then as long as floor
area < 30m2 then it will be enabled. It doesn't matter if the zone has external windows or not.
Previously, for the actual building local manual switching would not be permitted if the zone had
external glazing (reference was OK).
NCM Lighting Control Occupancy Sensing Options clarified [ID-0068212]: When a room is identified
as not being eligible for Local Manual Switching then the Occupancy Sensing options are limited to
AUTO-ON-DIMMED, AUTO-ON-OFF and None. This is in line with SBEM behaviour as specified by
VE 2014 Changes
Improved generated room ID [ID-0055356]: All generated room ID's are now unique.
Storey select function corrected when viewing model variants [ID-0063767]: When viewing a model
variant, the storey select function now works as expected.
Tabular Edit sorting improved [ID-0046361]: Case is ignored sorting names within tabular edit grids.
Toolbar display improvements [ID-0064222]: The ModelIT toolbar images no longer flicker when
zooming in and out.
Model Check Report Calculated side lit area corrected [ID-0065903]: When viewing details of
identical zones at different heights the calculated side lit area reported in the Model Check Report is
correct and will now match.
Importing gbXML improvements [ID-0063575]: Improvements have been made when importing
certain gbXML files with poorly defined geometry. The VE is more likely to be able to bring in the file
and the Tidy functions will fix as much as possible.
Crash prevented when converting object type [ID-0067088]: A crash has been prevented when
converting an invalid shading object to a room.
Selected vertex no longer changes on mouse move [ID-0059685]: The selection of Vertices when in
Edit Vertices is updated to prevent the selected vertex being overridden by the snap to grid.
Coordinates displayed when placing Label object [ID-0066346]: When placing a Label object the
coordinates will be displayed.
Colour and Layer dropdown display corrections [ID-0063640]: The item text in the colour and layer
combo boxes is now fully visible vertically.
Moving DXF file improvements [ID-0060191]: A DXF file can now be moved correctly in any view. It
is not limited to specific axes.
Error prevented when selecting invalid shading surface [ID-0064610]: An error has been prevented
when selecting a room group that contains an invalid shading surface.
DXF endpoint lock works in all views [ID-0065406]: Using DXF endpoint lock now works in left, right
or back views.
Label objects read in correctly in GEM file [ID-0066510]: When you export a GEM file with a "label"
object, it will now be read back in correctly.
Disabled/Inactive rooms not included in SunCast images [ID-0041691]: When a room is disabled or
on an inactive layer it will not be shown in the SunCast generated image.
File path length limit increased [ID-0067261]: To prevent any errors running SunCast due to project
path lengths, the limit has been increased to match the operating system limit.
Surface index out of range error corrected [ID-0066349]: The surface index out of range issue when
running parallel SunCast to generate a shading file for the L2 Notional Building when the Actual
Building contains unheated spaces has been corrected.
Improved Error reading annual profiles message [ID-0051108]: The profile name and ID is now
shown in the error reading annual profiles message.
Results file names accept uppercase characters [ID-43295]: When naming results file names you can
now use uppercase characters.
Boiler/Chiller component output reset for load sequencing iterations [ID-0066165]: Boiler/chiller
component output is now reset inside the load sequencing iteration. This is to prevent the
boiler/chiller loads being reported in the component output when the actual boiler/chiller has been
unloaded as part of the load sequencing process.
Chiller Sequencing improved [ID-0066166]: Chiller sequencing is improved during Apache
simulations so that each subsequent chiller is only utilised when the chiller before is running at
specified capacity.
Building Template Manager
Old template casual gains removed when switching building type [ID-0058487]: When changing the
NCM Building Type in VE Compliance any old referenced template internal gains will be removed.
Constructions Database dialog position saved for user [ID-0065314]: The position on the screen of
the Constructions Database dialog is saved for the user account on the machine they are using
(previously was saved in different position for each project).
Project can be opened when Constructions are corrupted [ID-0061404]: When a project has a
corrupt project constructions database the model can be opened and an error to show which
constructions have been replaced is displayed.
Chart Data displays correct month [ID-31488]: The label text for the month is now set correctly
when viewing the Chart Data dialog.
Warning shown when editing annual profile end date [ID-0038267]: An annual profile end date
must finish on December 31st. When trying to change it, a warning will be shown preventing you
from doing so.
Pre-defined HWL with Heat Recovery efficiency value updated [ID-0065942]: The Hot Water loop
“2 Condensing Boilers, 110-140-F SWT (OA reset), 35-F dT, VSD Primary, Solar HW Pre-heat, WWHPCHR” Max heat recovery value has been updated to 85% and also the CHR method has been updated
to correctly set up WWHP for CHR.
Warning added when unchecking controller setpoint [ID-0054983]: Disabling On/off control with an
OR connection will show a warning saying it will also disable the OR connection and ask if you wish
to continue. Clicking yes leaves the OR connection in the list but it is disabled. Clicking No enables
On/off control again.
Prototype systems import from library in global mode [ID-0063405]: When importing the standard
prototype systems 09g and 09i they will be imported in global mode.
Pump power units corrected [ID-0065990]: When using IP units the Chilled Ceiling dialog displays
the correct units for pump power.
Range tests dialog reports correct values [ID-0065895]: The range test no longer reports 100% of
hours having a room air temperature greater than the specified temperature level (unless the
temperature level is less than the room air temperature over all hours).
Range test "total hours" column corrected [ID-0065843]: In the greater than range test tool the
column for total hours now shows the correct value.
Chart line colour corrections [ID-0056275]: Chart line colours no longer change each time
subsequent variables are added.
Charts List displays correct chart names [ID-0043321]: Chart list menu now displays the correct
chart numbers and names.
Shading surface removed from Radiator selection list [ID-0026894]: Shading objects should not be
shown in the radiator selection list so have been removed.
Wind direction calculation updates [ID-0031861]: The wind speed is taken into account when
computing the wind direction mean.
Automatic scaling on charts improved [ID-0040653]: There has been an option added to chart
preferences to scale XY plots to the displayed data only. When this is selected, the max value for the
scale will be based on the selected data range.
Crash prevented when switching modules while reports are open [ID-0064017]: A crash has been
prevented when switching modules while the heating and cooling report is still open.
Tariff Analysis
Baseline costs listed correctly in Tariff dialog [ID-64240]: When opening either simple or advanced
"set flat rate" or "set advanced rate" the baseline costs are listed in the correct section.
ASHRAE 90.1 App. G -PRM
Correct climate zone reported [ID-0047790]: Correction made to ensure the correct climate zone is
shown in reports.
Equipment gain corrections when setting back to template [ID-0067436]: If Equipment
(miscellaneous) gains have been edited at room level and are subsequently set back to the
"Template" value using tabular room data, subsequent PRM simulations will use the correct value.
Windows reported in PRM report [ID-62739]: For certain models, windows were not reported in the
PRM report. Now the Window to Gross Wall Ratio in the PRM report is reporting a sensible value.
90.1 ECB 2010 descriptions added [ID-64706]: System descriptions have been added for the 90.1
ECB 2010 systems in the import systems dialog.
VE Compliance
NCM Template Updates [ID-]: A number of fixes and updates are made to the NCM Templates which
affect existing regulations (including Part L2 2010) ApacheSim methods so as to match recent NCM
Modelling Guide and NCM Activities Database updates;
Profile values are stored and read to more decimal places to better match precision of NCM
Activity Database.
Corrections to some Activities Database values (e.g. Hot Water Consumption rates) are
incorporated in the NCM Templates
Plant profiles are corrected to match NCM Modelling Guide rules for plant operation (previously
had been tied to occupancy schedules)
NCM Template upgrade message removed [ID-63191]: When upgrading a project the NCM
template upgrade message will only be shown when the NCM templates are updated.
Notional building EWNI glazing calculation improvements [ID-0066021]: The Part L2/Part F Notional
Building glazing calculation has been improved for identified geometry scenarios where the glazing
area could not be derived satisfactorily.
Crash prevented when export model as 6.1.1 version [ID-0063332]: A crash has been prevented
when switching modules or selecting room groups after exporting as a v6.1.1 model.
Export as version 6.1.1 corrections [ID-67264]: A model that contains landscaping objects can be
exported as a version 6.1.1 model and can be opened in 6.1.1 with no errors.
Daylight results improved [ID-0065961]: The daylighting calculation has been improved so that
display is not corrupted when model is far from origin (0, 0).
Luminaire drawn correctly [ID-0063707]: Luminaire now drawn correctly when changing rotation
Scale now shows the correct units [ID-0066522]: When displaying daylighting data the correct units
will be used on the scale.
Threshold legend updates correctly [ID-65792]: When updating the Threshold contour (daylight
factor or illuminance) the correct value will be shown in the legend.
Components shown in Radiance images [ID-0065085]: The model and placed components are
displayed correctly in generated images.
Simulation parameters for Dynamic Simulations updated [ID-0067162]: To improve the clarity of
results the simulation parameters have been updated.
Illuminance Working Plane image corrections [ID-0067028]: The Illuminance Working Plane image is
now generated correctly when the room height is not at zero.
Model view updated when adding/removing sensors [ID-0062947]: The model display is updated
any time sensors are added or removed.
Location mismatch error prevented [ID-0066108]: The erroneous location mismatch error has been
prevented when running a Radiance calculation.
Only one simulation can be run at a time [ID-62520]: To prevent any errors related to accessing
Radiance only one simulation or image can be generated at a time.
Abort button stops the radiance processes [ID-59768]: When generating an image, the Abort button
will now stop all radiance processes.
Dynamic Working Plane Data uses user set date [ID-63578]: The dynamic working plane data report
(Illuminance - WP dynamic on the Images tab) will now use the day that is selected in the Sky/Eye
Image generates successfully with an ampersand in the project path [ID-42121]: When there is an
ampersand in the project path, all Radiance images will be generated successfully.
Menus removed from unnecessary tabs [ID-0063579]: When double right clicking, the set eye and
focus position menu will only be shown in the Images or Sky/Eye tab.
A time step with no results will be shown with a grey hyphen [ID-66465]: After running a Sensors
calculation and viewing the results with the units set to foot candles, any time step without a value
will be shown with a grey hyphen to signify no results.
Room Group Creator
Word search grouping improvements [ID-0030920]: Improvements have been made in the Word
search grouping dialog so edits are correctly retained.
Assign room sizing data no longer locks spreadsheet [ID-63899]: When running through the
Navigator for Green Mark the Assign Room Sizing Data no longer locks the loads data spreadsheet.
IESVE plug-in for SketchUp
Errors prevented when using multiple versions of SketchUp [ID-0067337]: Corrections have been
made to prevent any startup errors when running multiple version s of SketchUp with the IESVE
plug-in installed.
IESVE plug-in for Revit
Location data retained when importing gbXML [ID-0065211]: When importing a gbXML file from
Revit the location data will be retained.
MEP data imported from Revit gbXML file [ID-0065298]: MEP data (for example Lighting Gains data)
stored in gbXML files from Revit MEP are imported to VE along with model geometry.
Fix is for gbXML exported from Revit 2014 onwards