The 2014 International Workshop on Big Data Commerce (BDC 2014)


The 2014 International Workshop on Big Data Commerce (BDC 2014)
Call for Participation:
The 2014 International Workshop on Big Data Commerce (BDC 2014)
December 27, 2014, Shenzhen, China
Hosted by Shenzhen Research Institute of City University of Hong Kong and
China Information Economics Society
Big data have been embraced as a disruptive technology that will reshape business in many
domains. E-Commerce is one such domain that involves huge amount of data. The purpose of
this workshop is to bring together people from academia, industry, and government, and provide
a forum to discuss new research directions in the area of big data commerce. A critical goal of
the workshop is to cultivate high quality research publications concerning Big Data Commerce,
which capitalizes on recent technological advances such as cloud computing, mobile commerce,
and big data analytics to advance electronic commerce. Given the nature and purposes of this
workshop, we invite submission of Extended Abstract (up to three pages).
The workshop will consist of working sessions in various groups that are designed to help
authors to develop their research papers in terms of research problems, analysis methods,
theoretical perspectives, and business contexts. Post conference papers will be published that
incorporate the results of discussion in the workshop. Two special issues related to this
workshop will be announced soon for “Information & Management” and “Electronic Commerce
Research” respectively. Authors of selected papers will then be suggested to revise and resubmit
their papers to special issues.
Given that big data commerce is a relatively new area of study, this workshop has a unique
mission to cultivate high quality research papers through an open innovation process. Through
extensive discussions with authors based on their submitted abstracts during the workshop, the
workshop is to help authors develop their research ideas rapidly so that they will be able to
submit more well-developed papers soon after the workshop. Special issue editors associated
with the workshop will be invited to review the resubmitted papers for recommendation to the
special issues for further processing.
All submissions should be formatted in single line spacing, Times New Roman, 12 point font,
and 1 inch margins all around. The submission should outline business background, research
problems / questions, overview of key references, research methods, and intended research
outcomes. Submissions in English are mandatory, but authors may also submit in Chinese if that
is their preference. We will recommend professional companies to provide translation and
editing services for selected papers. Suggested research topics include, but not limited to, the
following ones:
Big data applications in finance
Big data in e-commerce
Big data management for business
Big data driven business processes
Big data strategies and cases
Business redesign through big data initiatives
Cloud services and architecture for business applications
Customer value management via big data analytics
Data as a service for business
Data science and applications in business
Data mining theories and applications in e-commerce
Data monetization strategies and operations
Economic issues of big data applications in business
E-commerce ecologic issues and models in the big data era
Innovative business models in e-commerce involving big data
Integration of mental models and big data analytics in e-commerce
Mobile commerce analytics
Security and privacy issues concerning big data business
Social network analytics for business
Strategic considerations for big data implementation
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: Dec. 17, 2014
Acceptance Notification: Dec. 20, 2014
Workshop Date: Dec. 27, 2014
Post-Workshop Submission: March 27, 2015
Each submission must be emailed to both [email protected] and
[email protected], simultaneously.
Workshop Chairs:
J. Leon Zhao, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Kang Xie, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
Program Chairs:
Jinghua Xiao, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
Shaokun Fan, West Texas A&M University, USA
Lele Kang, City University of Hong Kong, China
Advisory Committee (Tentative):
Guoqing Chen, Tsinghua University
Hsingchun Chen, University of Arizona
Patrick Chau, University of Hong Kong
Paulo Goes, University of Arizona
Lihua Huang, Fudan University
T. P. Liang, National Sun Yat-Sen University
Yezheng Liu, Hefei University of Technology
Kai Lim, City University of Hong Kong
Jiye Mao, Renmin University of China
Veda Storey, Georgia State University
Kar Yan Tam, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Doug Vogel, Harbin Institute of Technology
Huaiqing Wang, South University of Science and Technology of China
K.K. Wei, City University of Hong Kong
Pengzhu Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Daniel Zeng, University of Arizona
Program Committee (Tentative):
Jinwei Cao, University of Delaware
Wanchun Dou, Nanjing University
Yulin Fang, City University of Hong Kong
Xunhua Guo, Tsinghua University
Sang-Pil Han, Arizona State University
Susanna Ho, National University of Australia
Daning Hu, University of Zurich
Noyan Ilk, Florida State University
Raymond Lau, City University of Hong Kong
Xin Li, City University of Hong Kong
Manlu Liu, Rochester Institute of Technology
Jian Ma, City University of Hong Kong
Jay Shan, University of Cincinnati
Alan Wang, Virginia Tech
Harry Wang, University of Delaware
Xiang Wang, Nanjing University
Qiang Wei, Tsinghua University
Harris Wu, Old Dominion University
Zhi Xiao, Chongqing University
Jennifer Xu, Bentley College
Qiang Ye, Harbin Institute of Technology
Wei Thoo Yue, City University of Hong Kong
Dongsong Zhang, University of Maryland – Baltimore County
Kunpeng Zhang, University of Illinois at Chicago
Han Zhang, Georgia Institute of Technology
Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Zhongju Zhang, University of Connecticut
Huimin Zhao, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Kang Zhao, University of Iowa
Ying Zhao, Sichuan University
Rong Zheng, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Lina Zhou, University of Maryland – Baltimore County
Wenqi Zhou, Duquesne University
Yilu Zhou, Fordham University
Bin Zhu, Oregon State University
Qinghua Zhu, Nanjing University