Be A Prayer Warrior! - Galilee Christian Church


Be A Prayer Warrior! - Galilee Christian Church
Prayer Ministry Bulletin
Galilee Christian Church
December 21, 2014
Be A Prayer Warrior!
Join our Prayer Team
in room 409 of our Worship Center
Sunday Mornings 8:45-9:15 AM
Praises & Thanksgiving
Our Galilee family
God’s grace and mercy
Baby Lyza Brown, infant great-granddaughter of
*Jennell Hutchins ― She was able to come home
from the hospital.
Church Family
Chuck Ford― ICU at ARMC after fall.
Lelia Bryant ― recurring pain.
JP Murrell ― God’s direction and guidance.
Angie Murrell ― recovery from surgery.
Tim Wilson’s Family ― one year old cousin passed
away from drowning.
Family of Eugene Whitfield ― passed away
Nancy Harris ― recovery after neck surgery.
Tammy Ehl ― recovery from shoulder surgery.
Joel Hammond ― diagnosed with the flu.
Sheree Garrison ― endoscopy 12/19.
Val Walden ― recovery after shoulder surgery.
Alyssa & Timothy Wilson ― fertility treatments.
Mary Jo Lathrop ― continued healing and
opportunity to get into a clinical trial.
Tiffany Puckett ― job interview Monday.
Sue Swinson ― recovery from surgery.
Ed Swinson ― battling blood cancer.
Vicki Hart ― inflammation in her stomach and
small intestines.
Daniel Goodwin ― diagnosed with Legg Cave
Perthes Disease.
Pam Wilburn ― employment.
Church Family Relatives
Joann Camp, mother of Marla Loggins ― diagnosed with colon cancer.
Chynna Manley, granddaughter of June Blake ― high blood pressure and it will be at least a week before
doctors feel it is safe enough to deliver her baby.
Karen Korf Family, sister of Cheryl Kerr ― her husband is struggling through alcohol rehab and the
children are having a tough time.
Erin Bailey, cousin of Leslie Holden ― “Pray for her marriage.”
Sarah McGuffey, sister of Beth Veldhuis ― she popped out her hip replacement joint.
Richard Middlebrook, step-brother of Melissa Barney ― his mother passed away from cancer.
Family of Bill Nemnich, brother of Dave Nemnich ― he passed away. Please pray for the family and
traveling mercies for Dave and Nita as they drive to Wichita, Kansas.
Family of Andrew Jackson Eberhart, cousin of the Albea’s ― he committed suicide, pray for the
salvation of their family.
Family of Helen Hunnicut, mother of Susan Vanhook ― she passed away 12/5, pray for Bob, Susan and
their family during this difficult time.
Family of Jack Dalrymple, brother-in-law of Annis McClure ― passed away, pray for his wife Grace and
their family.
Janie Dowker, daughter of Debbie and Lavern Pethel ― in ARMC room# 2479 with an enlarged liver and
spleen cirrhosis.
Andy McDonald, requested by Karen and Kermit Simmons ― diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer.
Lynda Kesler, sister of Joe Massey ― knee replacement surgery 12/29.
Misty Jones, sister of Candice Bowler ― unspoken
Lou Ann Epperson, friend of *Bruce and Libby Quiggle ― cancer and surgery to remove mastoid bone
Monica & Steve Allen, requested by *Joan Curtis ― Missionaries in Africa, please pray for health and
divine protection.
Dwight Dorsey, friend of *Tracey Archer ― he is in ICU with pneumonia and septicemia.
Smokey Rogers, step-father of Christy Maynard ― low potassium levels causing heart arrhythmia.
Hannah Maynard, daughter of Christy Maynard ― kidney stones and multiple calcifications in her right
Mandy Foreman, requested by *Charlene Woolard ― MS.
Sara Vo & Family & Maggie Griffith, requested by *Rick and Jane Ivey ― salvation.
Helen Wilbur, friend of *Susan Whitfield ― recovering from health issues.
Henry Wiggins, friend of *Crystal Carloto ― he was in a car accident and is in a medically induced coma.
Clete Meaders, neighbor of *Ellie and Bruce Berthold
Over for long-term health issues
GCC Long-term Prayer Concerns
December 21, 2014
Members in Assisted Living/Nursing
Mary Morgan
Birthday 8/13
The Oaks of Athens
490 Cathwood Drive, #210, Athens, GA 30607
June Hall
Birthday 01/30
Bentley Assisted Living
50 Summer Way, #155, Jefferson 30549
Barbara Brooks
Birthday 11/05
(Please continue to pray but don’t send mail.)
Val Walden
Birthday 07/06
Pruitt Health - Athens Heritage
960 Hawthorne Ave, Athens 30606.
Margaret Miller
Birthday 4/10
208 Fawn Road, Milner, GA 30257
Family & Friends Serving in U. S. Military
Long-term Health Needs
 Sandy Balduci, intensive therapy, stroke
 Rosalind Bishop--breast cancer
 Katrina Bloyd—leukemia
 Betty Brandon
 Scott Brooks, cancer
 Jerry Causey, lung cancer
 Kale Corbett, Leukemia
 Deanie Dotson, health issues
 Michelle Eager, brain cancer
 Ray & Donna Evans, health issues
 Zac Farmer—continued recovery
 Terry Funderburk, cancer
 Sandra Gomez, brain tumor
 Larry Harrelson, breathing problems
 Pat Harrison & family, terminal illness
 Bill Healan—inoperable lung cancer
 Logan Hermes, medical issues
 Gerald Hester, terminal cancer
 Dale Hobbs, Stage 4 COPD
 Cheryl Kerr, breast cancer, continued success
 Glen & Bobbie Larkin, health issues
 Mary Jo Lathrop—healing, ovarian cancer
 Jackson Lindauer, continued recovery
 Grace Lowe, lung cancer
 Jill Macy, lung cancer
 Ty Maschke, PANDAS disorder
 Joey Mullins—esophageal cancer
 Michelle Nevitt & family—cancer
 Kay Paoletti, lung cancer (husband Tom)
 Anne Richardson, non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
 Bryce Satterfield, long term health issues
 Shirley Satterfield, cancer
 Shirley Sledge, Alzheimer’s disease
 Neva Smith, hospice care
 Teresa Smith, back problems
 Dianne Still, Lupus
 Deac Tiley, recurring throat cancer
 Butch Vipperman—lymphoma
 Kay Waddell, cancer
 Val Walden and family—motorcycle accident
L Cpl Brian Bent USMC (B & J Goldsmith’s nephew)
Michael Botelho, Army (Dawn McElreath’s brother)
SSGT J Cullen Branch, USAFR
Ryan DeBockler, Army
Nathan Durden, Nat’l Guard (P Tillman’s g-nephew)
Michael Duren, Army
Jon D'Zamko, National Guard
Capt. Ron Forster (L & D Powell’s son-in-law)
Clifton George (D & T George’s son)
Emily Hardy, USAF (B & B Perkins’ niece)
Steve Holman, USAR
Heather Hultman, USAF (J Phillips’ g-daughter)
Lance Hultman, USAF (J Phillips’ g-son)
Lt. Col. Sharon Jackson, USAR
Adam Kemmp, Army, Iraq
Daniel Kirchens, Army
David Kirchens, USN
Troy Mayfield, Nat’l Guard Military Police
John Mazepa, USAF, deployed (Caldwell’s nephew)
Capt. Emily Meredith, USAF (Ramlow’s g-daughter)
Dan Oakes, Army (J&C Geer’s son-in-law)
TSGT R.B. Quiggle, USAFR
Richard Quiggle, Army
Kris Saunders
LTC Jonathan Rex Simmons, Army
Sean Tillman, USMC (P Tillman’s g-son)
Joseph Tillman, USCG (P Tillman’s g-son)
Lori Tillman, USCG (Joseph’s wife)
Shawn Weed, Army (H & B Weed’s g-son)
Sadie Caudell, US Army
Church, Community, Nation
 GCC Church Family
 Simultaneous worship
 Our Staff, Elders, &
 Bible Study Leaders
 Sunday School
 Women's Ministry Team
National Leaders
All in the Military
Prayer Team
Our schools & students
Ekklesia 2015
President Obama and
our country/decision
Supported Missions
 Patrick & Heather Cline-Ghana
 UGA Christian Campus Fellowship - Athens
 Jonathan & Heather Powell-Ukraine
 Christian City - Union City
 Bethshean Mexico Mission & Clinic
 North GA Christian Camp - Clarkesville
 Gideon’s International
 GA Tech Christian Campus Fellowship - Atlanta
 The Ark for Jackson County - Jefferson
 Andreas Valencia- El Oasis, Chile
 Hope Resource Center-Jefferson
 Vivert & Neelam Lall - Mid-India Church Partners
 Cris Garcia - Mexico
 Western Bible College-Mexico
 Marty & Jeannette Steiner - Center for Global
Outreach, Fort Myers, Florida
Fledge Fiamingo - Son Safaris - Africa
CY & Patricia Kim, C.R.A.M. - N Korea & China
Melissa Young - Imagine Mission, Haiti
Sauceda Christian Church - Mexico

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