Notes on the Boussinesq integrable hierarchy


Notes on the Boussinesq integrable hierarchy
International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy
2015; 4(1-1): 17-22
Published online MM DD 2014 (
doi: 10.11648/j.ijrse.s.2015040101.14
Notes on the Boussinesq integrable hierarchy
O. Dafounansou1, D. C. Mbah2, A. Boulahoual3, Moulay Brahim Sedra3, 4
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Douala University, Douala, Cameroun
CEPAMOQ, Douala University, Douala, Cameroun
LHESIR, Faculty of Science of Kenitra, Ibn Toufail University, Kenitra, Morocco
ENSAH, Mohammed First University, Al Hoceima, Morocco
Email address:
[email protected] (O. Dafounansou), [email protected] (D. C. Mbah), [email protected] (A. Boulahoual),
[email protected] (M. B. Sedra)
To cite this article:
O. Dafounansou, D. C. Mbah, A. Boulahoual, Moulay Brahim Sedra. Notes on the Boussinesq Integrable Hierarchy. International Journal of
Sustainable and Green Energy. Special Issue: Wind-Generated Waves, 2D Integrable KdV Hierarchies and Solitons.
Vol. 4, No. 1-1, 2014, pp. 17-22. doi: 10.11648/j.ijrse.s.2015040101.14
Abstract: This work is dedicated to some notes on the Moyal momentum algebras applied to the sl Boussinesq integrable
hierarchy. Starting from a brief review of the Moyal momentum algebra structures, we establish in detail the Non-commutative
Boussinesq hierarchy by using the Lax pair Generating Technique. Then we shows that these equations can be obtained as 3reduction of Non-commutative KP hierarchy in a similarly form via some conformal realizations.
Keywords: Moyal Momentum Algebra, Moyal KP Hierarchy, Non-Commutative Boussinesq Hierarchy
1. Introduction
The origin of integrable system dates back to the 19th
century with the KdV equation, which describe the long
solitary wave in the shallow water [1]. Since the study of
integrability of nonlinear system, has taken more
consideration [2]. For such systems integrability means the
existence of an infinite number of conserved quantities in
involutions. A definition given by Ward is that such system,
more precisely few of them, can be derived from the antiself-dual Yang Mills equations by reduction with gauge
groups [3, 4].
These studies yield exacts solutions in many problem in
theoretical high energy physics and mathematics. It appears
that the geometry of integrable system is crucial for
understanding many aspects of field theories [5]. E. Witten
has conjectured that the energy of 2-dimensional gravity
coincide with the Tau-function of KdV hierarchy [6].In
addition the integrable systems can be linked to the infinitedimensional conformal algebra and its extensions. From their
Poisson bracket structure it turns out that Boussinesq and KP
hierarchy are respectively isomorphic to
algebra. In current days, there are deep interest in the noncommutative aspect of different soliton equations [7, 8, 9],
with successful applications to string theories [10]... It
appears that the Moyal momentum algebra Σ ( , ) via its
− momentum Lax operators provides an interesting
tools for the study of −deformed integrable systems.
We will study integrable systems of (1 + 1) and (2 + 1)
dimensional evolution equation namely the Boussinesq and
KP equation respectively. We starts with some basic
properties of the Moyal⋆ Product, introducing the Moyal
Momentum Algebra Σ ( , ) . Then we adopt the Lax Pair
Generating Technique to study the evolution equations of
Non-commutative Boussinesq hierarchy. By the way we
establish the Non-commutative KP hierarchy before
discussing the 3-reduction of NC KP hierarchy and the link
with the previous Boussinesq hierarchy.
2. Moyal Product ⋆ and Operators
Algebra ( , )
Our formulation will be based on star product ⋆ called the
Moyal product. Given a smooth manifold M with =
( , , … , ) coordinates system. This manifold will be
endowed with the skew-symmetric bilinear bracket defined
on " (#) by [11, 12]:
$%, &' = ( )*
+, +/
+- . +- 0
%, & ∈ " (#)
$, ' verifies the Jacobi identity, if ( )* is a non-degenerate
skew-symmetric matrix, hence M is symplectic manifold
with and even dimension. We consider extend tensorial
O. Dafounansou et al.: Notes on the Boussinesq Integrable Hierarchy
manifold 2 = # ⨂ 4with 5 = (61, 62, … , 69) denoting the
extra coordinates system of T. The Moyal product will not
affect t and it is given by [2, 13]:
%( , 6) ⋆ &( , 6) = :exp > ( )*
+- . +- 0
? %( , 6)&( @, 6)A
$%, &' =
+E ,(-,H)
+E /(-,H)
+- .G …+- .E +- 0G …+- 0E The Moyal bracket is defined as follow:
With LMD→J % ⋆ & = %&.
If we consider the 2d-phase space # , with
, = P)coordinate, the matrix ( )* becomes:
Expanding this equation we find:
%( , 6) ⋆ &( , 6) = ∑IBJ ( )G*G … ( )E*E ,⋆/–/⋆,
( )* = >
hence expression (3) can be written as [13]:
%( , P, 6) ⋆ &( , P, 6) = ∑IBJ ∑ITBJ (−1)) " ) >R-) RS ) %( , P, 6)? >R- ) RS) &( , P, 6)?
and the Moyal bracket :
$%( , 6), &( , 6)' =
$%( , 6), &( , 6)' = U
(2 + 1)!
U (−1)) >
2 +1
? >RL
) )
RS %(
L is a C (F) function of ordinary spin M living in a noncommutative space parameterized by θ . The conformal
dimensions are given as follow:
cY) d = L, c d = 0, cPd = cR- d = −c d = 1, eRHf g = −c6h d = i. (8)
( , )
( )
[\, involving zero value u
s (n,n) .
to the space
* ⋆P
n (r
≤ k ≤ s) term belong
is the space of operators of degree 0 denoting
function coefficient of conformal spin M:
P ⋆ %( , P) = ∑uIBJ
⋆ %( , P) = ∑IBJ(−1) $P , %'D = ∑nBJ
, %'D = − ∑nBJ
" % ( ) ( , P)P
% ( ) ( , P)P
% (
% (
. (12)
3. Moyal Boussinesq Hierarchy
− moyal hierarchy is defined by the lax equation
= wx[
z , [{
( , )
where ^\
denotes the space of momentum lax operators of
conformal spin M and degrees start from l to :
[\ = ∑*B Y\
&( , 6)?
The Moyal bracket of two operators ∈ Σ (r,I) gives rise to
an operator ∈ Σ (r, I ) . To perform all the forthcoming
calculations, the formulae (3) will be use its more simplified
way. This has be done in several papers [8, 15].
We have
( , )
⊕\∈] ^\ ( )
Yt ⋆ Y\ = Yt Y\ .
^ ( ) can be decomposed as:
^ ( ) =⊕
, 6)? >R-) RS
%W9X& ∈ " (2) = " (#⨂4)
The point of introducing the above properties is to define
the Moyal momentum algebra. The Moyal momentum was
introduced first by authors [14], and systematically studied
later with some applications to conformal field theory and deformed integrable models [15]. This algebra is a pseudo
momentum operators algebra denoted by Σ( ).
Σ( ) consist of the object of the form Y( , Z) ⋆ %(P)
where %(P) is polynomial in momentum P, Z =
(6 , 6 , … , 6 ). The Moyal momentum algebra is isomorphic
to the ordinary pseudo differential operator [\ =
∑)∈] Y\ ) ⋆ R ) . The construction of ^ ( ) consist of
replacing the ordinary pseudo differential lax operators by
the Lax momentum operators:
[\ = ∑*∈] Y\ * ( , Z) ⋆ P * % ⋆ &– & ⋆ %
| ⋆ [| ⋆ …⋆ [ / )
z = ([
It follows that the coefficient in order 9 − 1 vanishes, we
s (u ,u ) called [ −
have the special form of
[ = [ = P + ∑)BJ Y
) ⋆P
International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy 2015; 4(1-1): 17-22
= P + ∑)B ()
$[, (P
⋆ [) + RH '
= (3Y‰ − 2Y‰ )P − ‘2(Y‰ − Y‰‰ ) +
is the 9H• root of L. Thus the
-Boussinesq moyal
momentum Lax operator we will deal with is :
[ = P + Y ⋆ P + Y
+ Y Y‰ −
The equation (19) is equivalent to (15) where T is the
analogue of x[h/\ z [4, 8]. This technique is based on the
following ansatz:
−$[, 4„' = −3Š‰ P − Y Š‰ − Š‰‰‰ ,
one gets :
Š = − Y + W,
taking W = 0, then:
Š=− Y .
‹ˆ Œ
The equation (19) leads to trivial equations with 4„ = Š ∈
‹ˆ Œ
‹ˆ •
= −Y‰ ,
Y Y‰ −
where we denote by = Y′ and = Yˆ We can obtain the
ordinary form of the Boussinesq hierarchy via the
⟶− .
D +H
The 6 flow RHŒ Y = Yˆ :
We consider the ansatz:
4 = P
⋆ [ + 4„,
where 4„ = Š ∈ Σ
Considering the differential part of P
⋆ [, we get:
= −2Y + 2 Y‰‰ .
‹ˆ •
‹ˆ Œ”
Y‰‰‰ = −Y Š‰ − Š‰‰‰ ,
we get:
‹ˆ •
= Y Y‰ +
Y‰‰‰ − 2 Y‰‰ .
We recognize the pair of equations (27) and (28) is nothing
but the non-commutative Boussinesq equation.
• The 6– ow RH— Y = Yˆ
Here we consider the following ansatz:
4 = P ⋆ [ + 4„
= −Y‰ ,
4 = P² + Y
Substitute A in:
[ = P + Y ⋆ P + Y = P + Y P + Y − Y‰
⋆ [ + 4„
with … and † ∈ ‡.
where P‚ is a monome of momentum operator. Actually the
clue of the problem is to determine the expression of the
operator 4„ ; keeping in mind that T and 4„ have the same
The 6 flow RHG Y = Yˆ :
4 = P
Y‰‰‰ By identifying with:
4 = P‚ ⋆ [ƒ + 4„
Yˆ ‰
+ +
The explicit expression of [ / and the straightforward
calculations gives the Boussinesq hierrarchy. This has been
done by many authors [8, 15].
Instead of the above approach in this section, we will
adopt the Lax pair generating technique to determine the
Non-commutative Boussinesq hierarchy [4]. Briery, the Lax
pair generating technique consist of finding for a given [\ ,
the operator T such that:
$[\ , 4 + RH 'D = 0
4„ = W ⋆ P + ˜ ⋆ P + ™
4„ = ŠP + šP + "
where coefficients of polynome in p belong to Σ (J,J) . To find
the Lax pair of equation
$[, 4 + RH 'D = 0,
we start by calculating the following terms:$[, P ⋆ ['D and
$[, 4„ 'D :
O. Dafounansou et al.: Notes on the Boussinesq Integrable Hierarchy
$[, P ⋆ ['D = −Y‰ P– + (−Y‰ + 4 Y‰‰ )P
+ (3 Y‰‰ − 6 ²Y‰‰‰ − Y Y‰ )P²
+ e−3 Y‰‰‰ − (Y Y )‰ + 2 Y Y‰‰
+ 4 Y gP + xY − Y z
+ ²Y‰ Y‰‰ + Y (Y‰‰ − Y‰‰‰ )
− Y (Y‰ − Y‰‰ ).
Then by identifying the order 4, 3, 2 in P, we obtain:
š = (Y − 4 Y
‰ ),
²Y‰‰ − Y‰ + (Y ) ,
¤ˆ )
(Y Y‰‰ + (Y‰ )²) − (Y Y )‰ − 2
Y‰‰‰ + 2
$š², ['D = $P² + 2¤ , P + ∑)B ¤) P ) 'D
= ∑)B 2¤)‰ P
− 2¤ ‰ − 2 ∑)B ¤) $P ) , ¤ ',
−Y Y‰ + Y Y‰ +
¤ˆ = ¤ ‰
¤ˆ = 2¤–‰ + 2¤ ¤ ‰
¡ (34)
+ (Y Y‰‰ + Y‰ Y‰ ) +
²Y2′Y2′′+Y2Y2′′′. (35)
4 = P ⋆ [ + 4„,
¤ˆ– = 2¤•‰ + 4¤ ‰ ¤
²Y‰‰ + (Y )². (36)
D +Hf
. time derivation we
start with a more familiar notations similar to Lax
representation for a hierarchy in Sato's framework. We
consider the KP Lax operator:
[ = P + ∑)B ¤)
by a conformal realization the field ¤) is expressed in term of
Y) :
¤ = Y , ¤ = Y + Y‰
¤– = Y– + 2 Y‰ + ²Y‰‰ ,
¤• = Y• + 3 Y–‰ + 3 ²Y‰‰ + Y‰‰‰ ,
Yˆ = 2(Y‰ + Y‰ ),
Yˆ = 2Y–‰ + 2 Y‰‰ + 2Y Y‰
Yˆ – = 2Y•‰ + 2 Y–‰‰ + 4Y Y‰ − 4 Y Y‰‰ ,
** The 6 flow RH• Y = Yˆ :
4. Moyal KP Hierarchy
[¢£ = [ = P + U Y)
we find the previous hierarchy in the following form:
Equations (34) and (35) correspond to the 6– evolution
equations of the non-commutative Boussinesq hierarchy.
In this section, we drop the −
then we get the
– Y (•)
4 = P– + Y P² + (Y − Y‰ )P +
and P
Finally, the term of the order 0 ∈ Σ (J,J) fields:
‹ˆ • D‹ˆ Œ”
** The 6 flow RHŒ Y = Yˆ :
With these values, the identification in order 1 leads to:
‹ˆ Œ
= ¤)‰ ,
we keep the terms in P , P
following equations:
We use the later to determine KP hierarchy in a simpler
way by using the Moyal ⋆ product and recover the hierarchy
similar to the one found by using the supershmidt-Manin ⋆
product, just by a conformal realization of fields ¤) . It turns
out that the KP hierarchy consists of an infinite set of
differential equation for each time 6h [13, 17].
** The 6 flow RHG Y = Yˆ :
−$[, 4„'D = −3Š‰ P– − 3š‰ P
− ( Š‰‰‰ + 3" ‰ + Y Š‰ − 2Y‰ Š)P
− c š‰‰‰ + Y š‰ − Y‰ š
− 2Š(Y‰ − Y‰‰ )dP − " ‰‰‰ − Y " ‰
− Y‰‰ Š‰ + š(Y‰ − Y‰‰ ).
Š = Y ,
= $šh , ['D = $([h ) , ['D
) ∈
P ) .
$š , ['D = $P + 3¤ P + 3¤ , P + ∑)B ¤) P ) 'D
keeping the term up to P , we find:
¤ˆ = 6¤ ¤ ‰ + 3¤–‰ + ²¤ ‰‰‰
¤ˆ = 6(¤ ¤ )′ + 3¤•‰ + ²¤ ‰‰‰
, )
s (J,J)
using the conformal realization (41), we get:
Then the non-commutative KP evolution equations take
the lax form:
Yˆ = 6Y Y‰ + 4 ²Y‰‰‰ + 3Y–‰ + 6 Y‰‰ ,
Yˆ = 6(Y Y )′ + 4 ²Y‰‰‰ + 3Y•‰ + 6 Y–‰‰ ⋮
It appears that if one takes the first two equations of (42)
International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy 2015; 4(1-1): 17-22
and eliminating Y and Y– in the fisrt equation of (44) we get
the non-commutative KP equation where 6 ≡ § and 6 ≡ 6.
5. Boussinesq Hierarchy as 3-Reduction
of Moyal KP Hierarchy
This approach pictures the link between the KP Lax
operator and others integrables models. Let's rewrite the KP
Lax operator [ = P + ∑)B Y) ⋆ P ) or in the form
[ = P + ∑)B ¤) P ) . For Boussinesq equation, we denote
the Lax operators by ℒ = P + Y ⋆ P + Y orℒ = P +
¤ P + ¤ .Then the Boussinesq hierarchy obtained by 3reduction is given by the following Lax equation.
= cšh , [ d
Where šh = ([h ) with the contrain [ = š . The 6 flows
are trivial.
For The 6 flows we have:
š = ([ ) = P² + 2¤
= cš , [ dD .
and the contrain [ = š ⇒ ¬- ([ ) = 0,we find:
The termcB , L d¯ yields:
¤– = −¤ −
cš , [ dD = 6¤ ‰ P − 2(
¤ ‰‰‰ + 3¤ ¤ ‰ ).
¤ ‰‰‰ + 3¤ ¤ ‰ )
it turns out that the RHŒ time derivation of equation (50) yields:
¤° = 6¤ˆ ‰ = 6x−2(
¤ ‰‰‰ + 3¤ ¤ ‰ )z′,
gives rise to:
¤ˆ = 4(3(¤ ¤ )′ + 2
¤ˆ = 4 >3¤ ¤ ‰ − 3¤ ¤ ‰ − 6
¤ ‰‰‰ )′.
Taking classical limit = we obtain the Boussinesq
equation in the ordinary form [18]. Notice that the map (41)
doesn't change equation (52).
The 6– flows are given as follow: we start by calculating:
[ = B– = P + 4¤ P² + 4¤ P + 4 ²¤ +6¤ +4¤– .
The condition ¬- ([ ) = 0 yields :
²¤ ‰‰ .
¤ ‰ ¤ ‰‰ − 3
Y° = 4 ‘3(Y Y )‰ + 3 xY Y‰‰ + Y‰ z + 2
¤ ¤ ‰‰‰ −
– (•)
>Y‰‰‰ + Y
Yˆ − Yˆ ‰ = 12 >Y Y‰ − Y Y‰ + (Y Y‰‰ + Y‰ Y‰ ) −
Y2Y2′′′−29 4Y25.
?. (56)
?’, (57)
(Y‰ Y‰‰ +
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¤° = −12(3¤ ¤ ‰ +
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Technique. We hope our discussion will make the Moyal
momentum be more accessible in the study of some
integrable models.
Finally with the lax equation (47) we obtain:
¤ˆ = −2(
= cš– , [ dD
¤ˆ = 6¤ ‰
6. Conclusions
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¤ ‰‰
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