ieee 2014 embedded project list for and m
ieee 2014 embedded project list for and m
IEEE 2014-2015 EMBEDDED PROJECT LIST WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS & COMMUNICATION WSN-01 A forest fire monitoring system based on GSM and ZIGBEE wireless sensor networks WSN -02 A hybrid wired/wireless networking infrastructure for greenhouse management WSN -03 A parking guidance and information system based on wireless sensor network WSN -04 Design of monitor-and-control system for supermarket fresh area based on ZIGBEE WSN -05 Hybrid wireless communication system using ZIGBEE technology in the coalmine The comprehensive gateway model for diverse environmental monitoring upon wireless WSN -06 sensor network WSN -07 The flexible bus systems using ZIGBEE as a communication medium WSN -08 The temperature humidity monitoring system of soil based on wireless sensor networks WSN -09 A prototype parking system using wireless sensor networks WSN -10 A remote home security system based on wireless sensor network and GSM technology Design of intelligent residential lighting control system based on ZIGBEE wireless sensor WSN -11 WSN-12 network and fuzzy controller ZIGBEE sensor network for advanced metering infrastructure MEDICAL EMBEDDED SYSTEMS MED-01 A ZIGBEE-based tele-cardiology system for remote healthcare service delivery MED-02 Advanced network based wireless, single PMS for multiple-patient monitoring MED-03 Bidirectional medication support system for medical staff and home care patients MED-04 Design of a wireless medical monitoring system MED-05 Led indicator for heart rate monitoring system in sport application MED-06 Measuring and transmitting vital body signs using MEMS sensors MED-07 Monitoring patients’ signs wirelessly MED-08 Remote compact sensor for the real-time monitoring of human heartbeat and respiration MED-09 Trial & experimentation of a smart home monitoring system for elderly MED-10 Wireless ECG monitoring and alarm system using ZIGBEE MED-11 GSM based ECG tele-alert system POWER CONSERVATION POW-01 A microcontroller-based multi-function solar tracking system POW-02 Design of sensor modules of active and intelligent energy saving system POW-03 Development of road light gateway with sensor network POW-05 Elder care based on cognitive sensor network POW-06 More efficient home energy management system based on ZIGBEE communication Take field trials and performance monitoring of distributed solar panels using a low- cost POW-07 wireless sensors network for domestic applications POW-08 The design of tiered pricing meter based on ZIGBEE wireless meter reading system POW-09 Engineering quality control of solar-powered intelligent water-saving irrigation POW-10 Microcontroller-based two-axis solar tracking system POW-11 A new intelligent control terminal of solar street light AUTOMOBILES AUT-01 A reservation-based smart parking system AUT-02 Design of vehicle positioning system based on arm AUT-03 GPS-GSM integration for enhancing public transportation management services AUT-04 Smart parking applications using RFID technology AUT-05 Software design and development for automotive online monitoring system AUT-06 Traffic accident automatic detection and remote alarm device AUT-07 Vehicle control system for automatic valet parking with infrastructure sensors AUT-08 ZIGBEE-GPS tracking system for rowing races AUT-09 An intelligent road traffic control system AUT-10 Intelligent control system based on can bus for car doors and windows AUT-11 ZIGBEE based vehicle access control system AUT-12 Anti-theft tracking system for automobiles. AUT-13 Design and analysis on practical automobile parameters recording system. AUT-14 Design and realization of intelligent logistics transportation equipment. AUT-15 Design of transport vehicles remote monitoring system. AUT-16 Electronic bus stop boards promote the intelligent construction of urban public transportation. AUT-17 Smart parking reservation system using short message services. AUT-18 System for identification and control of arrival of vehicles. SECURITY SEC-01 A RFID-based material tracking information system SEC-02 An embedded laboratory security monitoring system SEC-03 An improved three-factor authentication scheme using smart card with biometric privacy SEC-04 Automated urban drinking water supply control and water theft identification system SEC-05 Design and implementation of pyro electric infrared sensor based security system using MC SEC-06 Design of auto-guard system based on RFID and network SEC-07 Design of landslide warning system SEC-08 Monitoring and alarming system based on ZIGBEE technology SEC-09 Network intrusion detection system embedded on a smart sensor SEC-10 ATM terminal design is based on fingerprint recognition SEC-11 Computer controlled intrusion-detector and automatic firing-unit for border SEC-12 Design and realization of an intelligent access control system based on voice recognition. SEC-13 Anti theft control system design using embedded systems SEC-14 RFID and ZIGBEE based manufacturing monitoring system ROBOTICS & AUTOMATED MACHINES ROB-01 Design and development of a hand-glove controlled wheel chair ROB-02 Development of an automatic parallel parking system for non homonymic mobile robot ROB-03 Situation-driven control of a robotic wheelchair to follow a caregiver ROB-04 The intelligent embedded control warning system for car reversing ROB-05 Camera-in-hand robotic system for remote monitoring of plant growth in a laboratory Combined scheduling of ultrasound and GPS signals in a wearable ZIGBEE-based guidance ROB-06 system for the blind Development of intelligent power wheelchair assisting for people on daily life using motion ROB-07 ROB-08 recognition Development of vision-based navigation for a robotic wheelchair ROB-09 Construction of an obstacle map and its real time implementation on an unmanned ground ROB-10 Head motion controlled power wheelchair ROB-11 Development of a distributed elevator control system based on the microcontroller ROB-12 Design of an intelligent book conveyor ROB-13 Eagle o a semi autonomous robot. ROB-14 A study on mobile robots based on d-s ROB-15 Multi-robots’ communication system based on ZIGBEE network MEASUREMENTS AND DATA ACQUISITION MND-01 Design and deployment of a robust remote river level sensor network MND -02 Design and development of microcontroller based electronics queue control systems MND -03 Development of a distributed data collection system based on embedded Ethernet MND -04 Real time paddy crop field monitoring using ZIGBEE network MND -05 Remote monitoring system for oil wells based on GPRS technology MND -06 MND -07 Temperature gathering and fuzzy control system of electric furnace based on the ARM The research on ZIGBEE-based mine safety monitoring system MND -08 Research and design of intelligent temperature control system MND -09 Development of Remote Waste Gas Monitor System MND -10 Design and implementation of embedded indoor intelligent temperature control system. MND -11 Design of agricultural information acquisition system AUTOMATION ATM-01 Home automation and security for mobile devices ATM-02 Research on water-saving irrigation automatic control system Secured wireless communication for industrial automation and control ATM-03 A new intelligent remote control system for home automation and reduce energy ATM-04 ATM-05 consumption Design and application of mobile embedded systems for home care applications Real-time atomization of irrigation system for social modernization of Indian agricultural ATM-06 ATM-07 system Wireless fingerprint attendance system based on ZIGBEE technology ATM-08 ZIGBEE wireless mesh networks for building automation and control ATM-09 Automated voice based home navigation system for the elderly and the physically challenged ATM-10 Design and implementation of a family living support system based on ZIGBEE ATM-11 Home automation design using low pan wireless sensor networks ATM-12 Smart home service robot applying self-adaptation technologies. REAL TIME RET-01 Advertising display using single column of LED’s (Persistence of vision) RET-02 Smart mobile phone using MEMS and Graphical LCD RET-03 Intelligent water dispenser based on embedded microcontrollers RET-04 RET-06 Voice based wireless ICU patient medicine reminder for busy hospitals to save the patients Modern Restaurants atomization for wireless menu dish ordering using touch panel and ZIGBEE. Wireless moving/scrolling LED display used as a notice board (GSM or Zigbee) RET-07 Hourly timetable alerts for faculty using I2C protocol RET-08 Voice based bus stage announcement for rural people RET-09 Touch panel based industrial device management system. RET-10 An Innovative college bus information system to students using GSM RET-11 Innovative Congestion Control System for Ambulance Using ZIGBEE RET-12 Touch panel based wheel chair for handicapped persons RET-13 An intelligent mobile robot navigation technique using RFID technology. RET-14 Finger print authentication for vehicle access system. RET-15 GSM based secured ATM cash Transactions with Dynamic pin. (ATM prototype) RET-16 Centralized secured voting system using finger print sensor. RET-17 Automatic college ringing bell management system using I2C protocol. RET-18 Remote Weather Station design using GSM (or) ZIGBEE. RET-19 Touch panel based advanced home automation system for next generation apartments. RET-20 GSM Based Prepaid Energy Meter for electrical applications. RET-21 Autonomous Light Control by Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks. RET-22 Touch panel controlled motor speed and direction control system. RET-23 Electronic Medical Record for Effective Patient Monitoring Database. RET-24 MEMS base automatic wheel chair movement for paralyses patients /old age people. RET-05 RET-25 RC5 Protocol decoding for automation of electrical home appliances using TV remote RET-26 Sending SMS in block spot area in an innovative manner RET-27 Power theft identification and prevention system. RET-28 Voice command activated robot. RET-29 Intelligent water flow monitoring and management using flow rate sensors RET-30 RET-31 An embedded systems for Juice dispenser with automatic SMS alerts to the owner Hand gesture controlled robotic arm RET-32 RFID based ware house labor robot with automatic path detection EEE ELECTRICAL AUTOMATION ELA-03 RC5 IR Based Remote Device Switching Triac and optically isolated diac based electrical oven temperature monitoring and controlling system with zero-crossing detector Transformer oil temperature monitoring with automatic Circuit Breaker operation ELA-04 Graphical LCD and Touch Screen based Electrical devices control system ELA-05 A Smart Card Based Prepaid Electricity System ELA-06 Controlling AC lamp Dimmer through Mobile Phone ELA-07 Microcontroller based Substation Monitoring and control ELA-08 High voltage fuse blown indicator with Voice based announcement system ELA-09 Automatic Intelligent Plant Watering System ELA-10 Touch screen based advanced temperature monitoring and control system with graphical LCD ELA-11 Timer based automatic power cutoff for industrial sealing/packaging machines ELA-12 SCADA implementation based on wireless RF technology ELA-13 ELA-14 Microcontroller based refrigeration control system Wired resistive touch screen controlled lamp dimmer for next generation apartments with Optical isolation and zero crossing detectors ELA-15 Touch Screen based digital devices control system ELA-16 Password enabled pre-paid liquid/milk dispensing system ELA-01 ELA-02 ELA-17 Voice enabled devices switching for visually impaired ELA-18 Touchscreen operated industrial oil dispensing system DATA ACQUISITION EDA-01 Wireless power theft monitoring system and indication at local substations EDA-02 Smart Wireless Temperature Data Logger EDA-03 Timer based Electrical Oven temperature monitoring and control for Metal Industries EDA-04 Electrical Data (voltage, current, frequency etc) Logger SCADA system design and construction for real-time electrical parameter monitoring and control Digital Voltage, Current and Frequency Meter EDA-05 EDA-06 ENERGY METER EEM-01 RF transceiver (Zigbee/X-Bee) based energy meter monitoring system EEM-02 Auto-Credit Energy Metering System using RFID card EEM-03 Energy meter statistics display with Graphical LCD EEM-04 Energy meter monitoring and control system using SMS technology EEM-05 Energy meter data logging system with Realtime clock and KWH readings EEM-06 Mobile technology (GSM) based remote monitoring and control of digital Energy meter EEM-07 Talking energy (KWH) meter MOTORS EMOT-01 DC Motors speed synchronization for rolling mills EMOT-02 Microcontroller and Touch screen controlled motor speed and direction controlling system EMOT-03 DC Motor Speed and direction control using RF/IR/Zigbee technologies EMOT-04 GSM based Irrigation Water Pump Controller for Illiterates EMOT-05 DC Motor Speed and direction control over GSM Mobile/Modem EMOT-06 Hall Effect sensor based non-contact Tachometer for electrical motors speed measurement EMOT-07 Contact less Motor speed monitoring on Graphical display with high and low speed alerts EMOT-08 EMOT-10 IR Remote controlled Irrigation water pump controller Construction of central control unit for Irrigation water pumps Cost effective method to control entire villagers water pumps with user level authentication Illiterates friendly system Motor Speed Monitoring over GSM Mobile EMOT-11 IR (Infrared) Remote based DC Motor Speed and Direction Controller EMOT-09 WIRELESS EW-04 DTMF mobile phone controlled dam water gates controlling system with high-level protection Motor speed monitoring and control system using GSM modem Home Network Configuring Scheme for All Electric Appliances Using ZigBee-based Integrated Remote Controller RF based Wireless Electrical Devices Controller EW-05 Implementation of wireless sensors network based industrial temperature monitoring system EW-06 GSM/Mobile/Cell Phone Based Device Monitoring and Control EW-07 UPS battery monitoring system over GSM for high availability systems EW-08 Wireless electrical devices monitoring and controlling system for industrial applications Multiple Transformers oil temperature monitoring with automatic circuit breaker operation with SMS based alerts EW-01 EW-02 EW-03 EW-09 POWER EPW-01 EPW-02 EPW-03 EPW-04 High power LED based intelligent streetlight controlling system with automatic brightness control based on traffic density A Novel Wireless Self-powered Microcontroller-based Monitoring Circuit for Photovoltaic Panels in Grid-connected Systems PIR based energy conservation system for lighting system Dual Lithium-ion battery charger for continuous non-interrupted power supply to critical loads