Kastanjebacken room information


Kastanjebacken room information
Kastanjebacken room information
During your stay, you will have contact with both Student Housing Services at GU (University of Gothenburg) and
the local student housing company SGS Studentbostäder.
Contact details
GU is your landlord and The
Student Housing Services is
your main point of contact
at the University regarding
your accommodation.
Rental contracts,
extensions/termination of your
lease, invoices/payment of rent
NB: Please contact us by email.
Area office Rosendal
Is the local SGS office for
Kastanjebacken. SGS is the
maintenance provider.
Keys, maintenance, laundry room,
internet, gates and parking,
storage room, waste, faults in
communal spaces etc…
Medicinaregatan 20A
PO Box 100, SE 405 30 Gothenburg
Tel: 031-786 2112, 031-786 2162
No office hours; Appointment only.
[email protected]
Studiegången 6
416 81 Göteborg
Tel: 031-333 64 60
Office hours: Mon 12-19, Tue-Fri 12-15:30,
first weekday each month: 9-16. If first
weekday is a Monday: 9-19.
[email protected]
PLEASE NOTE: As a tenant of the University of Gothenburg, you cannot login to the SGS website to
update information. If you have questions regarding your contract, rent period or payment, then you
need to contact The Student Housing office at the University of Gothenburg.
Inventory list
When moving in, please check that all the listed items are in your room and follow the Kastanjebacken Moving in
document given to you when you sign your contract and pick up your keys.
2 beds with mattress
1 ceiling lamp
2 mattress covers
2 desk lamps
2 desks
2 bathroom cupboards
2 chest of drawers
Blinds for the windows
2 chairs
1 router
1 bookshelf
Please note: Kitchenware is not included in the inventory, but is allowed to be left by previous students??
Items not included & that should be removed upon your departure
All personal belongings and decorations. Textiles such as bed linen, curtains, shower curtains and carpets.
Light bulbs need to be changed by the student.
Students are expected to clean their rooms themselves.
Common areas and utilities
Information is available on the SGS residence website.
Contact the SGS area office to report disturbances. If disturbed during evenings, nights and weekends call
Securitas, tel: 031-40 42 90.
Please do not call unless it is absolutely necessary otherwise you risk having to pay for the dispatch.
If a complaint is filed against you for disturbance, you will be fined a minimum of SEK 1400.
No warning is necessary prior to the complaint being filed.
Drilling holes
You need to ask SGS for permission otherwise you could be liable for damage.
In case of fire or other emergency, call 112 and do not go out in a smoke-filled staircase or corridor!
Fault reports
Send the fault report to [email protected]. You must write your name, address and phone
number. Also state whether or not the SGS area office representative can use a master key to enter your room.
This is free of charge, unless you have caused the damage deliberately.
Fire detectors
All rooms are equipped with a smoke detector. Test your smoke detector at least once a month.
Read the information on the SGS website to know how to test if it works. (Housing info > When you live >
Important about smoke detectors)
Indoor temperature
The temperature in the flats is between 18-20 degrees. If it falls lower than this, contact your SGS area office.
You gain access to internet using a router located in your room. The internet connection is provided by Telia. In
order to activate your account you need to call Telia on 90200 and give them the following information:
Your name, date of birth and room number.
It takes approximately one hour between the call and the connection being activated.
If you need support, please call the Telia helpdesk on 90200
Locked out?
The SGS area office can help you during office hours. You will be charged a service fee for lock opening. During
evenings, nights and weekends contact Securitas, tel: 031-40 42 90.
Pets are not allowed.
Public transport
For time tables see http://www.vasttrafik.se/en/, telephone to customer service 0771-41 43 00.
Is prohibited inside the rooms/buildings.
Vermin/Bed bugs
Should you discover bedbugs or any other type of vermin, it is your obligation to inform the SGS area office
immediately. You will not be held responsible nor charged for this.