December 2014 Newsletter


December 2014 Newsletter
#171 Newsletter
1217 2014
Westland, MI 48186
Commander’s Corner
operate have been limited, so the volunteering is
even easier than it used to be. Check the sign up
sheet in the lounge, or contact Terry Hyvari for
more info. Money raised from the Texas Hold
Ems goes a loooong way to easing the monthly
financial burdens of the Post.
Lot's of activities coming up; breakfast on
Pearl Harbor Sunday, and the New Years Eve
Greetings Everyone. I hope you had a great
Party just to name a couple. Continue to help
Thanksgiving holiday, and for those of you who support the Post activities, it continues to make
take to the woods, I hope your pursuit of the
a better Post for you and yours. Merry
Elusive White Tail was more successful than
Christmas, and Happy New Year!!
Jim Meloche
Post 171 Commander
The AMVETS have been busy lately doing
what we do best, taking care of Vets. We made 734-467-8472 734-756-6662
[email protected]
a donation to the St Johns Lutheran Church
Veteran Project; that money will be used to help
needy veterans through the Thanksgiving
From the AMVETS Post Senior Vice
holiday season.
We have 42 renewals. Thanks everyone.
We have also set aside a sum, along with the
Always looking for New Members to sign up.
Ladies Auxiliary, to fix gift/food baskets for
families over the Christmas season. The
AMVETS want to thank Madam President
Michele Nail, and the rest of the Ladies
Auxiliary for their help in this project. The
funds for these projects come from the money
raised from our Poppy weekend, money which
is specifically earmarked for Veterans projects.
The hard work put in by the volunteers that
weekend, make these types of projects possible.
Enjoy the Christmas holidays.
Don t forget Pearl Harbor Breakfast Sun Dec
7th 8am-noon. All U Can Eat $6.00-$3.00 Kids
under 10 See U there.
Mike McDougall
Post 171 Senior Vice Commander
[email protected]
Another type of project looms for the AMVETS
next week - Texas Hold Em. The state now
requires 3 people per shift, but the hours and the GO ARMY!!
days of the week that the Poker rooms can
From the AMVETS Post Junior Vice
Texas Holdem sign up sheet is posted on the
clubhouse bulletin board . Volunteers needed
Dec. 10, 11,12,13 . Tickets are on sale in the
clubhouse for New Year's Eve party now. $25
each or $45 per couple. Doors open at 730 .
Cocktails - open bar , Cadillac music dj , dinner
st. 8pm. Dancing ,champagne toast at midnight
and pizza after that.
Terry Hyvari
Post 171 Junior Vice Commander
In support of our AMVETS Post, active duty
military, and our veterans.
Michele Nail
AMVETS Post 171 Ladies Auxiliary
From the Auxiliary 1st Vice President
Your dues are now due. Renewal is now $30.00.
If I don’t have your money by 12/31/14 you will
have to join as a new member at $35.00. Life
members please help out your Auxiliary by
From the Post Auxiliary Madam
reimbursing us the $5.00 for hospital dues. We
have to pay them even if you don’t reimburse
Tis the season for family and friends to share us. Don’t forget if you have a new phone
memories and make new ones, be safe,
number or address please let me know so I can
patronize our Post, and Merry Christmas to all. update our records. Just drop me a note at the
Hope to see you for the Various fundraisers that Post or by mail, or drop me an e-mail or call me.
each officer should be sharing in their section of I know people change things and forget to let
the newsletter.
the Auxiliary know. Remember we don’t have a
meeting in December.
Next Quartermania (QM-STACY) fundriser willBeckie Rathnaw
be on Thursday, Dec 4th from 6-9pm. The
Quartermania Flyer will be available soon at the Ladies Auxiliary 1st-Vice President
Post, Faebook, and via email. We are asking E-mail: [email protected]
Auziliary Members for volunteers to donate a Phone: 734-729-0207
variety of baked goods for three raffle baskets
for our faffle items for the event. We will sell From the Auxiliary 2nd Vice President
tickets for the three baskets during the event.
Hello everyone, hope your Thanksgiving was
Any other ideas or donations would be great.
safe and happy. Just a reminder the last day to
sign up your child for the Christmas party is
Most importantly, share the fundraisers with
Dec. 5th. The party is Dec. 13th from 2-5 pm in
your inner circles, co-workers, family, friends, the hall. Still need volunteers. Hope to see you
and neighbors. The more people are aware of there!
our events, the more successful we can be.
Dana Berry
Thank you in advance.
Ladies Auxiliary 2nd-Vice President
AMVETS National Ladies Auxiliary has a
From the Auxiliary 3rd-Vice President
website It is a great
resource for information and forms are easy to Hello everyone, hope you all have a very
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Auxiliary's next meeting is January 27, 2015 at The Auxiliary doesn't meet in December, but
there is so much going on at the Post, be sure to
come out and join us for all the events on the
newsletter calendar!
see you there!!!
 Tracy Holbert
The AMVETS and Auxiliary together have
donated $750 for holiday baskets to give out to
3 Veteran affiliated needy families. Isn't
it wonderful that the AMVET family is able to
give this year? My hats off to the current
Executive board operations, good job! Also,
keep in mind Veterans Haven on Wayne Rd.
They give out food and clothing every
Wednesday to Veteran's first, then anyone in
need next. They are in dire need of outerwear
clothing such as Coats, Hats, Gloves,
Jeans, and Flannel Shirts. Also canned food.
Please keep them in your thoughts as you do
your Christmas shopping this year. You can
bring items to the post marked with my name
and I'll get it to Vets Haven. Or you can drop it
off yourself on Wayne Rd. south of Michigan
Ave. north of Annapolis Rd. Thank you for
your generosity.
Ann Arbor Veterans Hospital
If you have an appointment you can
schedule a ride by calling 734-2227145. Remember you must have an
appointment to schedule a ride. The
following is a schedule from the
Westland Meijer’s:
37201 Warren Ann
Westland, MI VAMC
Departure Arrival
West 1 8:10 AM
8:50 AM
West 2 12:30 PM 1:10 PM
1:40 PM
West 3 4:30 PM
5:10 PM
Also, keep those canceled stamps coming in
along w/ up to date coupons. Again, Happy
Holidays! God bless our servicemen and
women and as always, God Bless our Vets!!
Brenda Meloche
Post Auxiliary 3rd Vice
H: 734-467-8472 C: 734-968-5235
Cadillac Gardens West Cemetery
2 Plots for Sale Side by Side - $2100
Phone: 734-664-8033
Editor’s notes:
Deadline for the December 2014
Newsletter is December 26th. Please
have your inputs to me by this date so
Stitch and B$*%H
that we can get the newsletter out by
Do you like to knit or crochet? Want to the 1st of the month.
learn? Want to help others or just need
Copies of the current newsletter can be found in
a little stress reliever and a couple of
the lounge. Please do not remove them from the
laughs? Join us for an old fashioned
lounge so that others can read it.
Stitch N' Rhymes with itch (or
SNB) with the girls and a couple of
drinks! The next SNB with be held on This newsletter is YOUR newsletter. It
Thursday, December 11th. We will be is only as good as the inputs I received.
If you have any input or would like to
meeting from 7pm-9pm every 2nd
see something in the Newsletter, feel
Thursday of the month at the Post.
Supplies will be available if you'd like free to E-mail me at
to give it a try and don't want to make [email protected] or leave it in the
the monetary commitment. :) Hope to Riders President’s box at the post. Any
comments, announcements, photos,
etc will be accepted. It will be placed in So you think you know everything?
the next upcoming newsletter. Inputs An old law in Bellingham, WA made it
will be anonymous if requested.
illegal for a woman to take more than
three steps backwards while dancing.
Upcoming Events:
Dec 1st
Sons of Mtg 8:00pm Bats always turn left when exiting a
Dec 3 Riders Mtg 6:30 pm
Dec 4th Quartermania 6-9pm
Dec 6th Karaoke 8pm-12am
In the 1400's, a law was set forth in
Dec 7th Post Breakfast 8am-Noon England that a man was allowed to
Dec 7th Pool League 1pm
beat his wife with a stick no thicker
Dec 10-13th AMVETS Texas
than his thumb. Hence we have “the
rule of Thumb”.
Dec 11th Stitch “N” B%&ch 7-9pm
Dec 13th - Kids Christmas Party 2- Many years ago in Scotland, a new
hame was invented. It was ruled
Dec 13th Karaoke 8pm-12am
“Gentleman Only... Ladies
Dec 14th Pool League 1pm
Forbidden”......and thus the word GOLF
Dec 18th Executive Bd Mtg 6 pm
entered in the English language.
Dec 18th Gen Mbrshp Mtg 7 pm
Dec 20th Karaoke 8pm-12am
The first couple to be shown in bed
Dec 21 Pool League 1pm
together on prime time TV were Fred
Dec 25th - Christmas Day
and Wilma Flintstone.
Dec 27th Karaoke 8pm-12am
Dec 28th Pool League 1pm
AMVETS Members
Dec 31 New Years Eve Party 7pm-1am
Feb 14-15th Spring SEC Best
S. Cedar St.,
Lansing, MI
Washer – Dryer – Dishwasher
Repair – Installation
Trivia Question:
What was the length of Sherman's
March? (Answer in next month’s
Answer to last month’s question:
“Huff-Duff” was the World War II nickname
for a type of radio direction finder. It's how the
acronym HF/DF, or High-Frequency Direction
Finding was pronounced.
Michigan Facts
Sault Ste. Marie was established in 1668 making
it the oldest town between the Alleghenies and
the Rockies.
Dave O’Brien
Certified Home Improvement, LLC
Roofing, Siding, Gutters,
Windows, Masonry, Insulation
Larry Vartanian
L.E.D. Brake/Tail Lights,
Turn Signal's, Headlight's and Accessory lighting
for Harley, Indian, Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki,
Yamaha and universal fit.
Also available for Vintage cars trucks, Muscle
cars and Limited late model cars.
Will sell at cost to Post Members. Installation
available at Extra cost.
Contact at 734-953-8676
Independent Distributor
Mary Wilseck