Bulletin - Bordentown Elks
Bulletin - Bordentown Elks
THE CHRONICLE Greetings to our Membership: Happy 2015, seems like the last year just flew by. 2014 was a great year for our Lodge thanks to all of our committees that worked so hard to make all of our events a success. From our charities to our entertaining events, all of your hard work has been appreciated. Last month our Christmas Tree sale was a success. Thanks to all who braved the cold weather to work this event and thanks to all who came out to support their efforts. Bobby Swanson came through once again this year with the WAM’s poinsettia sale. The Entertainment Committee held a memorable Christmas Party that was enjoyed by all that attended. The Special Children’s and YAC Committees held the Annual Christmas parties for the children, thanks to all who help make a child smile. Veteran’s Committee packaged much needed supplies to our service people and Toys for Tots was once again sponsored. Thank You all. We were indeed extremely busy last month. The YAC also held a Hoop Shoot in December. A special thanks to Valerie Heinz who set up both the Soccer Shoot and the Hoop Shoot. She came forward and ran both events, which involves the youth in our community. Because of the success of events like these, our community can experience first hand what the Elks here in Bordentown are all about. Valerie, it is my honor to name you Elk of the month. Finally, even though the weather outside is frightful, we still need our members to support out sandwich Nights and all of our other events. Fraternally Yours, Cary F. Crivelli WHOSE MOTTO IS: “Together We Can Accomplish Great Things.” VOLUME 11 ISSUE 10 JANUARY 2015 Special Points of Interest Audio/Video Com. (Pg. 3) Chaplain Sickness & Distress (Pg. 2) Committee Chairpersons (Pg. 14) Convention Corner (Pg. 6) Credentials (Pg. 2) ELK of the Month (Pg. 7) Elks Nat. Found. (Pg. 7) That’s Entertainment - C&W Dance/Karaoke/Special Events (Pg. 3 & 7) House Com. (Pg. 4) Membership/Retention (Pg.5 & 6) Monthly Event Calendar (Pg. 15) Movie Knight (Pg. 14) PER Assoc (Pg. 2) Public Relations Com. (Pg. 5) Sandwich Night Menus (Pg. 14) Scholarship (Pg. 4) Secretary Notes (Pg. 2) Special Children’s Com. (Pg. 5) Trustees Corner (Pg. 2) 2014- 2015 OFFICERS Veteran’s Field (Pg. 5) EXALTED RULER Cary Crivelli 298 - 5542 Women’s Aux. (Pg. 4) LEADING KNIGHT Phil Tyler 215 - 601– 1440 Ways & Means (Pg. 6) LOYAL KNIGHT Carmen Adonizio 954 - 7439 YAC (Pg. 3) SPECIAL AFFAIRS UPCOMING LODGE & ENTERTAINMENT COM.(Pg. 7) LECTURING KNIGHT Pete DeLucia 529 - 9795 ESQUIRE Heather Cheesman 298 - 7828 CONVENTION NEWS (Pg. 6) CHAPLAIN Edward G. Taddei 724 - 9489 CONVENTION STEAK DINNER (Pg. 9) INNER GUARD Phil Horner 234 - 0631 CONV. STEAK DINNER DATES (Pg. 9) TILER Jim Sharpe 947 - 4560 JERRY BLAVAT (Pg. 10) SUPER BOWL PARTY (Pg. 8) SUPER BOWL BINGO (Pg. 8) SECRETARY Ellen Weckenbrock 298 - 5939 TREASURER Karl Swanson (PER) 332 - 9052 TRUSTEE (5 YEAR) Lou Gamba, PDD 638 - 8966 PER DINNER (Pg. 9) QUARTERMANIA (Pg. 9) TRUSTEE (4 YEAR) W. David Rooney (PER) 610 - 2358 PHAZE BAND (Pg. 8) CHILI COOK-OFF (Pg. 8) TRUSTEE (3 YEAR) C.K. Lippincott 658 - 6063 BLOOD DRIVE (Pg. 10) TRUSTEE (2 YEAR) Bill Johnson 712 - 5955 TRUSTEE (1 YEAR) Tom Pitcherello 462 - 3758 JUSTICE OF SUBORDINATE FORUM Mickey DeSantis (PER) 298 - 9181 THE CHRONICLE Page 2 TRUSTEES’ CORNER SECRETARY’S CORNER Hope all had a Merry Christmas and I wish you all a Happy and Healthy New year. Watch your mail over the next 6 weeks for your 2015 dues notice. Fraternally, Ellen Weckenbrock TRUSTEE FUNDRAISER AC Bus Trip January 17th, 2015 Leave Lodge @ 4pm going to Tropicana See George Grondski 802-8812 Fraternally, Tom Pitcherello, Chairman P.E.R. ASSOCIATION Next Meeting, JANUARY 28, 2015 4th Wednesday of every month. CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE THE KITCHEN is open on Sundays for football, Reminder from the Leading Knight- Members must have their membership card to enter the club. If you do not have it, you must sign the book. A guest may come with a member. That guest must sign the book also. The guest may stay as long as the member is there. But once the member leaves, the guest must leave also. Thank you for your cooperation in the lodge rules. Phil Tyler, Leading Knight CHAPLAIN’S PEW MEMBERS ON SICK LIST LEN ERHLICH, PER, TROY JENKINS, ROBERT O’DWYER, Heavenly Father, we ask that you grant these special people a speedy recovery and a future full of good health. Amen. DEPARTED MEMBERS JOSEPH H. WARREN, ARTHUR WAYNE BENNETT, ROBERT ROAN May Almighty God grant our brothers the rewards of good life and offer comfort and solace to their bereaved families. Amen. PLEASE, if you know of anyone who is sick, hospitalized or has passed away, notify Chaplain Edward Taddei (609) 724– 9489 or [email protected]. It is important to us that we show respect to our Members at all times, most importantly in death. As we no longer call their names on the Roll, let us honor them one last time! Volume 9, Issue 6 Page 3 YOUTH ACTIVITIES On December 21st, we held our YAC Children’s Christmas party at the Lodge and as usual it was well attended by the children and grandchildren (and possibly some great grandchildren). Thanks to Don Wirth and Ellen Weckenbrock and all who helped make this event its usual success. Also, during the month of December, we held the Hoop Shoot contest at Carslake Community Center on the 7th. We had 16 participants which I consider a great turnout since this was put together in about 2 weeks time. As with the Soccer Shoot, thanks go to Valerie Hines for getting these 2 events done. On January 25th our Lodge will have one girl representing us at the State Soccer Shoot in Manasquan. Also in January, on the 10th, each of our Hoop Shoot 1st place winners will participate in the SW District Hoop Shoot Contest at Edgewater Park. We will have 3 boys and 3 girls representing us in each of the 3 age categories. Good luck to both the Soccer and Hoop Shoot participants. Our Student of the month program is beginning and our Lodge (not ENF) scholarship program has begun getting information ready for distribution early this month. As with other committees in the Lodge, we are always looking for new members to come up with new ideas for fundraising and giving back to the youth of our community. We meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM and all are welcome. Fraternally, Lou Gamba, PDD THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT OFFICERS: – Chair Walt Papp Co Chair Sue Crivelli Secretary Patti Dixon Liaison Treasurer Donna Papp Entertainment meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 7:30 PM This Month’s Events th Saturday, January 10 – The Phaze Band in the UBR 8:30-12:30 – no cover for members Saturday, January 24th – Karaoke with Mark and Karen Upcoming Events Saturday, February 14th – DJ Rob Saturday, February 28th – Karaoke with Mark and Karen Wednesday February 25th – Sandwich Night, menu tbd Audio/Video Committee We hope that you have enjoyed the new TV’s during the football season. We were able to show 6 games at once, this was quite an improvement to our Bar. The committee continues to make improvements to our audio and video equipment in the lodge. The Bingo committee recently funded the purchase of an amplifier and wireless mic system to use during our lodge meetings so everyone can hear the committee reports. This system can also be used for various functions in the lodge, anyone wishing to use this system, please see me. Our next goal is to install an outside surveillance system; this will help to control any wrong doings in our parking lot when we rent the hall as well as to ensure the safety of our members and bartenders when leaving the building. Once the committee comes up with a plan we will meet with the trustees for final approval. Anyone wishing to make a donation please see our treasurer Karl Swanson. Our next meeting is Tuesday January 6th at 7:30 pm Respectfully, Chairman Mickey DeSantis, PER THE CHRONICLE Page 4 Women’s Auxiliary Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with good food, and quality time with family and friends. The Auxiliary celebrated at our annual Christmas party, which was organized by Patti. The room was festive, the food was delicious and the company superb. A special Thanks goes out to Cary for stopping by to recognize the Auxiliary’s contributions and to the lodge for the donation of wine. Patti and Rosemary will be cooking for our Pasta dinner sandwich night on January 28th. Please come out and support the auxiliary and enjoy a delicious dinner. Jerry Blavat tickets are on sale NOW. Don’t miss the “Geator with the Heater” on Friday, February 6th and enjoy a night of great oldies and dancing. (See ad in bulletin for more info.) Attention Auxiliary Members Linda D’Amico is leading the 2015-2016 Officer Nomination Committee. If you are interested in running for office please reach out to Linda by January 13th. Nominations will be reviewed in the January meeting with elections held in February. Our next Executive Board Meeting is January 7th and the General Meeting is January 14th. Hope to see you there. Wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy 2015! Donna Papp President Upcoming Events Sandwich Night – Wednesday, January 28th Jerry Blavat 50s Dance – Friday, February 6th Meeting Reminder Board Meetings are the first Wednesday – 7:30pm in the Card Room General Meetings are the second Wednesday - 7:30pm in the Mirror Room If you know of an Auxiliary member who is sick, hospitalized, or has recently passed away, please notify Chaplin Nancy Debnarik. WOMEN’S AUXILIARY OFFICERS 2014 - 2015 PRESIDENT DONNA PAPP 324 - 9501 CHAPLAIN NANCY DEBNARIK 298 - 1421 VICE PRESIDENT CHARLOTTE ELMER 585 - 0146 PARLIAMENTARIAN LINDA D’AMICO 584 - 8803 SECRETARY ROSEMARY BECKER 915 - 6754 TRUSTEE ( 3 YEAR) CAROL ADONIZIO 954 - 7439 TREASURER PATTI DeSANTIS 298 - 9181 TRUSTEE (2 YEAR) DONNA GRONDSKI 890 - 8178 CONDUCTRESS JOANNE JACKMAN 586 - 1620 TRUSTEE (1 YEAR) MARYLOU NOBLE 298 - 3775 SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship Announcements Pending HOUSE COMMITTEE DEN For hall usage contact Tony Dilemme 609-280-1320 Volume 9, Issue 6 SPECIAL CHILDREN’S VENUE Page 5 VETERAN’S FIELD We meet 4th MONDAY of every month, at 7:00 PM The Membership Committee would like to wish all members and their families a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season. We would love to see half of our 870 members bring in a new member, this would certainly help relieve the monetary pressure our lodge is experiencing. Some Elks become inactive and are dropped from the rolls for lack of dues payment. Normal reinstatement cost is $30 plus prorated dues and no back dues is charged. In January and February 2015, the reinstatement cost is $1 plus prorated dues. If you know of any inactive members, please inform them of this option to rejoin in January and February. Thank you Sincerely, The Membership Committee PUBLIC RELATIONS Please forward announcements, flyers, and news ar cles for Lodge upcoming events to a commi ee member or to our email account. Be sure to indicate if the event is open to the public. The sooner we can promote your event, the be er the chances of greater a endance adding to our success. In addi on, forward follow-up commentary indica ng the results of your event and the approximate a endance. Photos must be submi ed in high resolu on for the papers to print them. Danielle Messineo (the newest member of the Public Rela ons commi ee) and myself will work with each commi ee to help promote your events to the community and exhibit our spirit of Elkdom. We are providing wonderful services for the community, let’s be sure our neighbors know about these events. Danielle Messineo can be reached at (908)227-7344and Chuck Betros at (609)890-0955. Public Rela ons email is [email protected]. Fraternally, Chuck Betros HAPPY NEW YEAR From Americanism/ Veterans Committee Thank you for all your support. It is very much appreciated. Fraternally yours, Jim Sharpe Page 6 Audio/Video The committee is looking for an expert in Video Security Systems to help out with the purchase and installation of a Surveillance System for the lodge. Anyone who is interested please call Mickey DeSantis 609 234 2353. Thank you. THE CHRONICLE MEMBERSHIP RETENTION COMMITTEE Chairman George Grondski, PER Co-Chairman Jack Becker, PER Committee Members: Lou Gamba, PDD, Robert Pecht, PER, Ellen Weckenbrock, Heather Cheesman Upcoming Dates for Initiation: March 16, 2014 - Lodge Meeting Fraternally George Grondski, PER WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Chairman-Mickey DeSantis Co-Chair-Sue Crivelli Secretary-Terri Jewell Treasurer-Karl Swanson Cook Book Elks Cookbook Down to the last 40, call and reserve one today!!! Need a gift for Christmas, birthday, shower, anniversary, or need to add a little something to your gift, why not give an Elks Cookbook. Only $15.00, pick up the phone today and call Patti DeSantis 609 298 9181 to place your order. Cookbook is made up of over 140 recipes from Elk members, families and friends. Buy One Today!!! Hurry, only so many left Christmas Tree and Flower Sale Many Thanks to those who purchased Christmas Flowers and/or Christmas trees. Special thanks to Bob Swanson and his committee for handling the flower sale and Patti Dixon and her committee for their long cold hours selling trees. We are in the process of recruiting new members to join our team to help with some new fundraisers, we meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month, our next meeting is January 8th at 7:30 pm From all of us at the WAM committee we would like to wish you a healthy and happy New year! All ways and Means money goes directly to the general fund to help with the lodge’s operating expenses. Thank you, Mickey CONVENTION NEWS First I would like to thank everyone for your continued support at sandwich nights, steak dinners and our raffles. By doing so you not only help keep our cost down for your convention but you also reap the benefits. The winners of our PC/TV raffle were : PC was Al Lobato and the TV was Walt Papp. Again thank you to all who supported the fundraiser. The committee profited roughly $1100. Our next fundraiser will be chances on winning $1,000. Only 300 tickets will be sold. Sales will begin in January. Drawing will be at the next steak dinner. Wishing everyone a happy and safe New Year. Ellen Weckenbrock, Chair THE CHRONICLE Page 7 UPCOMING LODGE EVENTS 2014 JANUARY 10TH PHAZE BAND 18TH CHILI COOK-OFF 24TH PER DINNER FEBRUARY MARCH 1st SUPER BOWL PARTY 1st SUPER BOWL BINGO 6TH JERRY BLAVAT 16TH INTIATION OF NEXT CLASS 14TH WEDDINGS & RENEWALS OF VOWS 20TH CONVENTION STEAK DINNER Elks National Foundation VALENTINE DAY WEDDINGS & RENEWAL OF VOWS WHEN: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH, 2015 WHERE: BORDENTOWN ELKS LODGE, 9 AMBOY ROAD, BORDENTOWN TIME: NOON UNTIL 6:00 P.M. HEATHER CHEESMAN, OFFICIATING Please contact Patti Dixon (609) 273-7641 or [email protected] for scheduling Minimal Donation Contribution of $50.00 Benefiting the Elks National Foundation (payable to the B.P.O.E. 2085) Fraternally, Heather Cheesman, Chairperson ELK OF THE MONTH APRIL 2014 - JIM SHARPE OCTOBER MAY 2014 - DON WIRTH NOVEMBER 2014 - TOM KELLY, PER JUNE 2014 - JOHN JARZYK DECEMBER 2014 - DAN PERRATA JULY 2014 - RUTH ANN HENSLEY JANUARY AUGUST 2014 - GARY WHEELLOCK FEBRUARY 2015 - SEPTEMBER 2014 - MARK GUTTERSON MARCH 2014 - NANCY DEBNARIK 2015 - VALERIE HEINZ 2015 - Page 8 THE CHRONICLE ARE YOU READY FOR SOME CHILI AND FOOTBALL 10TH ANNUAL CHILI COOK OFF SUNDAY, JANUARY, 18, 2015 Lodge Bar AFC/NFC PLAYOFFS Set-up: 12pm Game Time: 1pm Serving @ half-time Judging to Follow SIGN-UP SHEET AT THE BAR, FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT DON WIRTH @ 273 - 7189 The Phaze Band Saturday January 10th 8:30 – 12:30 PM Upper Ballroom No cover charge for members. Non-members $5 at the door. Come out for a night of good music and dancing to the oldies and rock and roll from the 50s and beyond. Bring your Crock Pot with your regular or hot/spicy batch SUPER BOWL SUNDAY AT BORDENTOWN ELKS FEBRUARY 1, 2015 COME EARLY, RESERVE YOUR OWN TABLE DOOR PRIZES - RAFFLES - FOOD (Covered dish sign-up in the bar area) Held in Upper Bar & Upper Ballroom Area SUPER BOWL SUNDAY BINGO FEBRUARY 1, 2015 LOWER BALLROOM DOORS OPEN 12 NOON BINGO STARTS 2PM FOOD PLATTERS/REFRESHMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE Volume 9, Issue 6 QUARTER MANIA! Is coming to the Bordentown Elks Lodge #2085! Gather up your girlfriends and guy friends too and come out for a FUN night!!! MUST BE 21 TO ATTEND! No Exceptions. Saturday Jan 31, 2015 Doors open at 6:00 pm “Mania” starts promptly at 7:00 pm Page 9 NEW YEARS EVE Watch the ball drop on the big screen in the LOWER BALL ROOM hors d'oeuvres: Dinner: Desert: 3 hour open bar Dance to the sounds of The Left Edge Band cost is $ 65.00 per person Reserve your tables or bar stools by calling Rozanne at 609-571-2261 ( Please note if we do not get the number of tables, than we will have to have it upstairs with a DJ) $4.00 admission includes one (1) paddle Additional paddles can be purchased for $1.00 each Don’t forget your Quarters. Fabulous products provided by the following vendors (subject to change). Auction items vary in price from $10 - $100! Some are worth even more! Bids are $0.25 - $1.00 per paddle PartyLite Candles Tupperware A2Z Sweet Treats Origami Owl Thirty One Bags Pure Romance Avon And more....... (Vendors are subject to change) An explanation of how the auction works will be provided before bidding begins. For more information please contact Valerie at 609-238-0987 or [email protected]. PER DINNER JANUARY 24, 2014 CONVENTION SAVE THE DATES Cocktail @ 6:00 pm. plus extended open bar. Surf and Turf Dinner @ 7:00 pm Menu: Hors d' oeuvres during cocktail hour Chopped Anti Pasta Salad Filet Mignon and Stuffed Flounder Potato and Vegetable Lemon Cake For Desert Cost: $15.00 per person. Please pay soon. As in the past, we will comp our widow's of PER's and Exalted Ruler Cary and his wife Sue. Dress: Business Casual, Jackets optional. Any questions, call Bob or myself. Dan Steak dinners: Friday, February 20, 2015 Friday, May 8, 2015 Thank You for attending our first Steak Dinner of the season on November 21st. Next Steak Dinner Friday February 20, 2015. Volume 9, Issue 6 It’s that time again… Jerry Blavat 50s Dance Friday February 6th Doors open at 6:30 Music and dancing from 7pm until midnight Tickets are $20 Please see Patti DeSantis for tickets or call 298-9181 BORDENTOWN ELKS AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Lower Ballroom MONDAY, January 26, 2015 2 PM to 7PM Note: A) You can give blood every 56 days; B) Bring a driver's license, or other approved form of identification; and C) Drink plenty of fluids before your appointment. Make your appointment on the Elks Red Cross Blood Drive site: www.redcrossblood.org Sponsor Code: 022560 Page 10 Volume 9, Issue 6 Page 11 Community Bulletin Board ADVERTISE HERE ADVERTISE HERE Page 12 Volume 9, Issue 6 ADVERTISE HERE Page 13 Volume 9, Issue 6 Page 14 SANDWICH NIGHT MENUS - 6pm - 8pm January 7, 2015 - Stuffed Cabbage, salad, dessert- Vet. Com. January 14, 2015 - Pork Roll or Cheesesteak, FF, dessert - House Committee January 21, 2015 - Meatball Parm or egg salad, potato wedges, coleslaw, dessert - Conv. Com. January 28, 2105 - Pasta Dinner - Women’s Aux. 2014 – 2015 Committees Americanism Jim Sharpe 947-4560 Investigation Mickey DeSantis PER. 298-8181 Auditing Bar Bingo Mickey DeSantis, P.E.R. Joe Fox Herb Fues, PER 298-8181 298-5550 298-6583 Lapsation Lodge Activities Membership George Grondski, PER Robert Lenhardt, PVP George Grondski PER 638-8966 379-6268 890-8178 Blood Drive Dave Rooney PER 610-2358 Memorial Service Herb Fues P.E.R. 298-6583 Bulletin Business Practices Camera Club Can Do Tony Gulotta P.E.R. Mickey DeSantis, P.E.R. George Haluska 888-3561 298-8181 462-1442 610-6923 National Foundation Parade Float Parliamentarian Heather Cheesman Bob McVicker P.D.D. John Jarzyk Danny Sholes PDD 298-7828 586-6454 893-7955 424-3654 Charities Ellen Weckenbrock 298-5939 PER Association Robert Pecht, P.E.R. 298-1824 Community Welfare Dave Rooney, PER 610-2358 Public Relations Chuck Betros 890-0955 Convention Ellen Weckenbrock Quoits League George Grondski PER 802-8812 Danny Sholes P.D.D. Mickey DeSantis P.E.R. 424-3654 298-9181 298-5939 Credentials Bob McVicker P.D.D. 586-6454 Ritual Coaches Drug Awareness Tony Gulotta P.E.R. 888-3561 Safety Trustees 298-2085 Entertainment Walt Papp 324-9501 Scholarship Heather Cheesman 291-7828 298-2760 Shuffleboard Mickey Desantis, PER 298-8181 724-9489 FAX Machine Flag Retirement Jim Sharpe 947-4560 Sickness and Distress Ed Taddei Government Relations Antonia Farrell 585-2214 Soccer Shoot George Smoot Golf Activities Tony Dilemme 280-1320 Special Children’s Com. Andy Bush 585-5792 Gourmet – Ladies Jane Rooney 649-2014 Special Youth/Charities CK Lippincott 298-4967 Gourmet – Men Michael Weckenbrock 712-4753 Trustees Tom Pitcherello 298-7385 Handicapped Bowling Sue Giancola 324-9010 Veterans’ Services Jim Sharpe 947-4560 Hoop Shoot Dave Wriggins P.E.R. 694-2763 Ways & Means Mickey DeSantis, PER 298-9181 Bill Johnson 712-5955 House Governing Body Phil Tyler Indoctrination Danny Sholes P.D.D Instant Raffle Donald Swanson, PER 215-610-1440 424-3654 298-0595 Wheelchairs & Equipment Women’s Auxiliary Youth Activities Donna Papp 324-9501 Dave Wriggins P.E.R. 694-2763 January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri Sat 2 3 9 10 C&W 7:30 PM 4 11 5 6 LODGE Mtg. 8pm BINGO 7:15 PM 12 13 CHILI COOK-OFF SETUP 12 PM 18 25 7 8 SANDWICH NIGHT 6PM 14 BINGO 7:15 PM C&W 7:30 PM 15 SANDWICH NIGHT 6PM 20 22 LODGE Mtg. 8pm BINGO 7:15 PM SANDWICH MEN’S NIGHT 6PM GOURMET 6pm C&W 7:30 PM 27 29 28 BINGO 7:15 PM SANDWICH WOMEN’S NIGHT 6PM GOURMET 6pm 16 17 23 24 KARAOKE C&W 7:30 PM 19 26 21 The Phaze Band in the UBR 8:3012:30 with Mark and Karen 9PM PER DINNER 6PM 30 31 C&W 7:30 PM LODGE /COMMITTEE MEETINGS LODGE MEETINGS - 1ST & 3RD MONDAYS 8PM HOUSE COM - 4TH MONDAY 7:30PM TRUSTEES 2ND MONDAY 7:30PM MEN’S GOURMET - 3RD TUESDAY 6PM WOM. AUX. E-BOARD - 1ST WEDNESDAY 7:30PM WOM. AUX. GEN. MTG. - 2ND WEDNESAY 7:30PM VETERAN COM. - 3RD WEDNESDAY 7:15 PM MEMBERSHIP RET. COM. - 2ND THURSDAY 7:30 PM AUDIO/VIDEO COM. - 2ND TUESDAY 7:30 PM SHUFFLEBOARD—1ST & 3RD MONDAYS POST MTG. ENTERTAINMENT COM. - 2ND MONDAY 7:30PM SCC - 4TH MONDAY 7:00 PM WOM. GOURMET - 4TH TUESDAY 6PM Y.A.C. - 1ST WEDNESDAY 7:30 PM PER ASSN - 4TH WEDNESDAY 7:30 PM WAM - 2ND THURSDAY 7:30 PM CONVENTION COM. 1ST THURSDAY 7:30 PM Standard Mail BORDENTOWN ELKS LODGE U.S. POSTAGE 11 AMBOY ROAD PAID BORDENTOWN, NJ 08505 Permit No. 622 Trenton, NJ NEXT BULLETIN INFO: NO LATER THAN 15TH OF EVERY MONTH Editors: Tony and Cathy Gulotta PHONE: 609-888-3561 E-mail: [email protected]