This Week's Bulletin - the Houston Central SDA Church
This Week's Bulletin - the Houston Central SDA Church
HOUSTON CENTRAL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 9 4 25 W .S AM H OUST ON P ARKWAY N ORTH HOUSTON, TEXAS 77064 TEL: 281.890.1002 WE B SITE : H OUST ON CE NTRAL SDA .ORG EMAIL: [email protected] Sabbath School Divine Worship 9:15am – 10:45 December 27, 2014 11:00am Song Service Opening Song # Opening Prayer Scripture Reading Lesson Study Offering Closing Remark / Prayer Prelude Lorcel Cordero, Pianist Chorister Jeremiah 31:3 9:50 – 10:40 Announcements Welcome Introit #495 The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you (Jeremiah 31:3, NKJV). Memory Text: Sue Sigarroa Elder David Ricafrente Elder David Ricafrente “Near to the Heart of God” Congregation Please Stand Call to Worship Invocation/4t h Commandment Elder David Ricafrente Opening Hymn #152 ANNOUNCEMENTS JANUARY SERMON SERIES The Ten Commandments - Living an Abundant Life January 3, 2015 – Modern Day God’s 1st Commandment Pastor Rodriguez Scripture Reading: Luke 18:18-25 January 10, 2015 Week of Prayer – 2nd Commandment Elder David Ricafrente Scripture Reading: This is the message of Christmas: We are never alone Bulletin Information Submit your info via email to email to [email protected] by each Tuesday 5:00 p.m. First Reading: Incoming: Karen & Stredwick Watson from Petersburg SDA, Petersburg, VA Outgoing: Michele & Guadalupe Martinez to Robertson Spanish SDA, Houston, TX; and Sipho Nkosi to Sharon Chapel SDA, Lake Charles, LA January 17, 2015 Week of Prayer – 3rd Commandment Elder James Senduk Scripture Reading: January 24, 2015 Worship Matters - 4th Commandment Pastor Rodriguez Scripture Reading: Isaiah 65:22,23 – 5th Commandment Pastor Rojas Scripture Reading: January 31, 2015 Reminder: Agape feast Wednesday, December 31, 2014. The Elder's Week of prayer will begin on Wednesday, January 7, 2015 and end of Sabbath January 17, 2015 Board meeting and Officers training on Sunday, January 18, 2015 Tell Me The Story of Jesus Congregation Please Sit Down TODAY AT HOUSTON CENTRAL: Prayer Ministry Awards Between Sabbath School and Divine Service Intercessory Prayer Svc After Divine Service Reminder that 3 A.B.N. will be at our church on January 24, 2015 Leslie Castillo Children’s Story Special Music Health Nugget Krysten Barnes Elder Josh Ince/Prithi Ince Pastoral Prayer Pastor Angel Rodriguez “As We Come to You in Prayer” Congregation Kneels and Sings Stewardship Emphasis & Offering Biblical Testimony Personal Testimony Family Center Update Elisha, The Widow, and the Oil TBD Pastor Jose Rojas James Senduk Video Clip Doxology #670 “We Give Thee But Thine Own” Congregation Please Stand Special Music Krysten Barnes Scripture Reading John 19:28-30 The Spoken Word The End is Only the Beginning Closing Hymn #159 Lupita Johnson Pastor Angel Rodriguez The Old Rugged Cross Congregation Please Stand Benediction Pastor Angel Rodriguez Postlude Lorcel Cordero, Pianist Elder – December Elder – January Elder David Ricafrente Elder Paul Bartholomew Deacons Today: Gerald Young, Everton Barnes, Daniel Greene, Charley Evans, Gilbert Ongori, Felix Leus Deaconesses: Chinyere Nzeadibe, Lupita Johnson, Hortense Deacon, Shelly Johnson, Margaret MacDonald, Nnalu Nwagwuchu Ushers: James Castillo, Akil St. Rose, Andrew Senduk, Leah Otieno RN On Duty: Robin Beal / Mura Gittens REMINDER In respect to God and as a courtesy to the speaker and others in the congregation, please turn off your cell phones and other audible electronics while in the sanctuary. Thank you Sunset Tonight – 5:29 pm Next Friday – 5:33 pm