CCBD 2015 Call for Proposals Formatting Your Submission
CCBD 2015 Call for Proposals Formatting Your Submission
CCBD 2015 Call for Proposals CCBD 2015 Call for Proposals is Now Open December 15, 2014 The call for proposals for the 2015 Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD) International Conference is now open! Please review the important information below for details on conference strands, presentation format/options, deadlines, registration, and housing/accommodations. After you review the relevant information please use the following link to complete your submission HERE. The deadline for proposal submission is Monday, February 13, 2015. We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta, GA, September 24 – 25, 2015! If you have questions, please contact CCBD Event Planner, Rene Thomas ([email protected]) Please remember that if accepted, your acceptance of the proposal indicates that all presenters will register for the conference. Important Dates December 15, 2014 February 13, 2015 Late March 2015 Mid June 2015 Call for proposals opens Deadline for receipt of presentations Notification of selection Online publication of CCBD draft agenda and presentation times Deadline for housing and registration of all presenters July 15, 2015 Deadline for CCBD conference online registration September 11, 2015 *If you do not receive notification by email at that time please contact Rene Thomas ([email protected]) Your proposal will be peer reviewed. Proposals will be selected based on 1) quality and relevance of submission, 2) “fit” with the strand and conference goals. Strands will be balanced to reflect a diverse array of presenters. To be reviewed you should submit your presentation in the format below. Formatting Your Submission Before submitting your presentation online, please review the following guidelines: • Title: Enter the FULL TITLE of your abstract EXACTLY as it appears in your proposal. This will be used for printing in the final program and on the website schedule. The title of your presentation should be no more than 15 words. Please capitalize the first letter of each word and do not put a period at the end of the title. Your title should be as descriptive as possible; it should give attendees a good idea about your topic. • Abstract: Can be cut pasted into the submission site from a Word document - limit 450 words • Learner Objectives: Can be cut pasted into the submission site from a Word document - limit 100 words • Summary: Please provide a 50-word summary. It will be included in the Conference Program Application and the CCBD website. • In addition, you will be asked for the following information: - Provide affiliation and contact information for all presenters. - Agree to be photographed and videotaped by CCBD - Denote whether or not the session is appropriate for BCBA CEUs (only appropriate if one or more presenters is a BCBA-D). Presentation Types The CCBD Conference Committee will be accepting submissions online for oral presentations and posters. Please indicate during the submission process whether your presentation is a practical application or research presentation. • Oral presentations are 60 minutes in length and will occur at various times during the conference on September 24th and 25th. You may present one topic the entire time or may choose to have multiple topics and presenters within your presentation. For example, you might have 3 presenters and a discussion all focused around a topic area (e.g., academic interventions for individuals diagnosed with or at-risk for EBD). Oral presenters WILL BE supplied with AV equipment in all presentation rooms (i.e., a projector, screen, and microphone/speakers as needed given room size). Any additional materials (i.e., computers, clickers, or projector connectors – toggles/dongles) must be provided by the presenter or arranged with the conference center at their own cost. • Posters will be presented in conjunction with the strand there are associated with, Thursday, September 25th from 4:30-5:30pm. Each presentation is provided with a table. A 36" x 48" presentation board on which to display a summary of the presentation will be furnished by CCBD. Poster presenters are not supplied with any audiovisual equipment or electrical access. Those requiring audiovisual equipment are responsible for their own equipment or working with the hotel AV staff at their own cost. Additionally, electrical access can be obtained by the presenter directly through the hotel at their own cost. Please note that any presenter of multiple poster sessions is required to have a representative to station each of the posters submitted. One presenter will not be allowed to cover multiple posters, as participants want to discuss each of the posters with a presenter. Presentation Topics During the submission process you will be asked to select the strand or strands that best represent your submission. Mental Health This strand will focus on current trends and issues for and how best to support students with significant mental health needs. Juvenile Justice This strand will focus on how students with and at-risk for EBD are served in alternative education, residential, and juvenile justice settings. Multi-Tier Systems of Supports (MTSS) This strand will showcase steps for implementation and research on MTSS, including response-to-intervention (RTI) and positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) in schools settings. Common Core Across the Content Areas This strand will address academic interventions for students with EBD, including implementing Common Core State Standards and Science Technology Engineering and Math initiatives. Autism This strand will focus on current trends and issues for and how best to support students with autism spectrum disorder. Behavior Management Strategies This strand will focus on how to support the behavior of all students using evidence-based practices for improving student behavior. Law, Policy, and Advocacy This strand will focus on legal issues for students with EBD and the ethical implications for serving and advocating for this population. Research This strand will highlight the work of our topic-area strand leaders to allow them to showcase their current work in the field of EBD. This strand is by invitation only. Mentorship This new strand will feature double sessions for discussion and networking targeting the needs of PK-12 practitioners, graduate students, and early-mid career higher education professionals. This strand is by invitation only. The CCBD Conference Committee reserves the right to allocate your presentation to either oral presentation or poster session and to vary the chosen strand, depending on the number and type of submissions received.