Al Noor Fun Fair CSR Football Tournament 2015
Al Noor Fun Fair CSR Football Tournament 2015
Al Noor Training Centre for Children with Special Needs The Al Noor Annual Family Fun Fair is an annual event which encourages various sector of the community to support the cause of people with Special Needs while having a fun day with family and friends. The Fun Fair will be a place to share ideas, traditions, creativity, local culture and innovation. Our Fun Fair is like a mini-carnival, organized for everybody in the community to enjoy especially for children and families. Over the years, the event has enabled the Centre to raise much needed funds to cover a part of the running cost of the Centre which directly benefitted the students under Al Noor’s care. Dubai is a diverse, multi-cultural city. Our goal is to attract individuals and families from a variety of age groups and ethnic backgrounds. Over the last few years, we have a footfall of approximately 5,000 and we intend to increase this year after year! 1|Page CSR Football Tournament Fun Fair Raffle Game Stalls Kid’s Carnival Magic Shows Food Central Great Bargains Painting Competition Dance Competitions Dubai Drums Dance Shows Medical Check up Holistic Services ( Homeopathy, Angel Card Reading, Palm reading etc,) Animal Rides Performances by Al Noor students 2|Page The event will run for 2 days from 6th March– 7th March 2015 and will have a minimum of 12 teams, 150 players from various companies in the UAE. It is professionally managed by Ahdaaf Sports Club. Established in 2008, Ahdaaf’s mission is to provide Dubai with an exceptional sporting experience. They organize corporate events, leagues, tournaments and youth coaching. It is organized to provide opportunities to the corporate sector to support the cause of people with Special Needs and at the same time promote the Al Noor Indoor Sports Auditorium. This will put the Al Noor Indoor Sports Auditorium (ANISA) on the map as one of Dubai’s sports destinations. At ANISA, we encourage corporate leagues, university teams, and individuals to book their games at our facility. Event details: Date: 6th March 2015- 4:00PM to 10:00PM and 7th March 2015– 4:00PM to 8:00PM Format: Group stages and playoffs between 12 to 16 teams, 5 a side, 12 players per team Stats: Minimum 150 participants, 12 teams Prizes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd = Free play vouchers at Ahdaaf, Medals and Trophy, Sponsors prizes 3|Page An award winning Centre on a path of continual improvement ISO certified professional Training Program Offers Special Education, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Psychological services, Sports and Music To maintain high standards of our professional training programs, the Centre regularly updates its methods and upgrades its resources Has 270 children from 35 different nationalities Offers 45% subsidy on cost of training to every child annually More than 20 % of the families do not pay the full subsidized fee All the above makes fundraising an important ongoing necessity 4|Page Title Sponsorship Support Sponsorship Co-Sponsorship Associate Sponsorship You can also register your team for only AED 1,200!!! 5|Page Promotional Benefits Mention of company name and logo as Tournament Title sponsor in all press advertisements related to the Fun Fair Mention of company name in all media spots Company name and logo on tournament digital flyer to be sent to our database and posted on our Facebook page Company name and logo on the Al Noor official website (Fun Fair section) for a period of 1 year A feature of the event with photos on the Al Noor Facebook page Acknowledgment of sponsorship through a dedicated insert in our Quarterly newsletter Outreach. Inclusion of company name and logo on 100,000 Fun Fair event flyers as Support Sponsor (to be circulated through various newspapers, magazines and outlets in the UAE) Event Venue Benefits 8 banners in ANISA (6ft. X 3ft.) Company name and logo on 50 t-shirts and 50 badges which will be worn by the staff and volunteers. 2 Promotional stands (6ft. x 3ft.) at the venue for flyer/leaflets distribution. 200 complimentary tickets for staff and families to attend the Fun Fair Mention of your company name as Tournament Title Sponsor throughout the event. Register up to four teams for free!! 6|Page Promotional Benefits Mention of company name and logo as Tournament Support sponsor in all press advertisements related to the Fun Fair Company name and logo on tournament digital flyer to be sent to our database and posted on our facebook page A feature of the event with photos on the Al Noor Facebook page Acknowledgment of sponsorship through a dedicated insert in our Quarterly newsletter Outreach. Inclusion of your company name and logo on 100,000 Fun Fair event flyers as Co-Sponsor (to be circulated through various newspapers, magazines and outlets in the UAE) Event Venue Benefits 4 banners in ANISA (6ft. X 3ft.) Company name and logo on 25 t-shirts and 25 badges which will be worn by the staff and volunteers. 1 Promotional stand (6ft. x 3ft.) at the venue for flyer/leaflets distribution. 100 complimentary tickets for staff and families to attend the Fun Fair Register up to three teams for free!! 7|Page Promotional Benefits Mention of company name and logo on the Al Noor official website (Fun Fair section) for a period of 1 year. A Feature of the event with photos on the Al Noor Facebook Page Acknowledgment of sponsorship through a dedicated insert in our Newsletter Outreach. Event Venue Benefits 1 banner at the event (6ft. X 3ft.) 1 roll up banner at the Al Noor Sports Indoor Sports Auditorium (ANISA) Company name and logo on 200 t- shirts which will be worn by the staff and volunteers. 75 complimentary tickets for staff and families to attend Register up to two teams for free!! 8|Page Promotional Benefits Mention of company name and logo on the Al Noor official website (Fun Fair section) for a period of 1 year. A Feature of the event with photos on the Al Noor Facebook Page Acknowledgment of sponsorship through a dedicated insert in our Newsletter Outreach. Event Venue Benefits 1 banner (6ft. X 3ft.) at the Al Noor Sports Indoor Sports Auditorium (ANISA) 50 complimentary tickets for staff and families to attend Register one team for free!! 9|Page Promotional Benefits Mention of company name on the Al Noor official website (Fun Fair section) for a period of 1 year. A Feature of the event with photos on the Al Noor Facebook Page Acknowledgment of sponsorship through a dedicated insert in our Newsletter Outreach. Event Venue Benefits 50 complimentary tickets for staff and families to attend 10 | P a g e Banner (6ft.x3ft.) will be provided by Al Noor. Artwork should be supplied by the Sponsor in EPS or AI format All Confirmations to be received before the 8 of February 2015 Enclosed is a confirmation form which needs to be completed and faxed to 04 3417275 email: [email protected] . Your participation has never been more important - with a continuing income and planned agenda, we can budget for and carry out the important work of the Centre. With your help we can really make a difference. For further details, kindly contact Ms. Asya on 04 3404844 ext. 304, Email: [email protected] 11 | P a g e BOOKING FORM Al Noor Annual Fun Fair CSR Football Tournament 2015 To: Asya Aidarous Mohammad Baalawy Fund Raising Department 04 3404844 ext. 304 [email protected] MAJOR SPONSORSHIP Tournament Title Sponsor : AED 60,000 Tournament Co-Sponsor Tournament Associate Sponsor : AED 10,000 Tournament Support Sponsor : AED 30,000 Team Registration : AED 1,200 Cash Donation : AED 20,000 Amount: _____________________ Contact Information: Name : ________________________ P.O. Box : _________________ Designation : ________________________ Telephone : _________________ Company : ________________________ Fax : _________________ Signature : ________________________ Email : _________________ KINDLY COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SEND VIA FAX TO 04 3417275 OR EMAIL IT TO [email protected] THANKING YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT
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