CV - Hide-Fumi Yokoo
CV - Hide-Fumi Yokoo
HIDE-FUMI YOKOO January 2015 International Material Cycles Research Section Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management Research The National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan Contact Information: 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8506, JAPAN E-Mail: yokoo.hidefumi [at] Website: Academic positions: 2014-Present Researcher at the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan 2014-Present Research Associate at the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan 2012-2014 Assistant Professor (a non-tenure track appointment) at the Department of International Studies, The University of Tokyo 2012-2013 Visiting Researcher at the NIES 2011-2012 Research Associate at the NIES 2010-2011 Postdoctoral Fellow at the NIES 2008-2010 Research Fellow at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Education: 2010 Ph. D. Economics, Kyoto University 2007 M.A. Economics, Kyoto University 2005 B. A. Economics, Kyoto University Visiting Experience: 2009 (Dec.) -2010 (Mar.) Tilburg University (visiting researcher) Research interests: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics 1 Hide-Fumi YOKOO 2015 International Trade and the Environment Development and the Environment Teaching interests: Microeconomics Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Publications: Hide-Fumi Yokoo (2014) “International aspects of waste management: The waste haven effect on global reuse,” in Handbook on Waste Management, Thomas C. Kinnaman and Kenji Takeuchi (eds.), Edward Elgar, Ch.8, pp. 216-237. Hide-Fumi Yokoo and Thomas C. Kinnaman (2013) “Global reuse and optimal waste policy,” Environment and Development Economics, 18(5), pp. 595-614. Thomas C. Kinnaman and Hide-Fumi Yokoo (2011) “The environmental consequences of global reuse,” American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 101(3), pp. 71-76. Hide-Fumi Yokoo (2010) “An economic theory of reuse,” Sustainability Science, 5(1), pp. 143-150. Discussion Paper: Hide-Fumi Yokoo (2009) “Heterogeneous Firms, the Porter Hypothesis and Trade,” KSI-Communications DP, 2009-001. Works in progress: “Panel Data Analysis of Paper and Paperboard Demand Focusing on Differences in Use” (with Chihiro Kayo, Seiji Hashimoto, Yuichi Moriguchi and Hiroyasu Oka) “How to promote a job change of dumpsite waste pickers? Evidence from a field experiment in the Philippines” (with Maki Ikuse, Aries Roda D. Romallosa and Masahide Horita) Conference Presentations: 2015 Hayami Conference, Tokyo, Japan. 2014 Annual meeting of the Society for Environmental Economics and Policy 2 Hide-Fumi YOKOO 2015 Studies (SEEPS), Tokyo, Japan. World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Istanbul, Turkey. 2012 Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE) 2nd Annual Summer Conference, Asheville, North Carolina. 2011 Annual meeting of the SEEPS, Nagasaki, Japan. European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) 18th Annual Conference, Pre-Conference on Waste Economics, Rome, Italy. EEPSEA-EAAERE Joint Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam. 2010 ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meeting, Tokyo, Japan. Annual meeting of the SEEPS, Nagoya, Japan. The 1st Congress of EAAERE, Sapporo, Japan. 2009 Semiannual meeting of the Japanese Economic Association (JEA), Tokyo Japan. Annual meeting of the SEEPS, Chiba, Japan. Conference on the Economics of Waste and the Environment, Fukushima, Japan. Semiannual meeting of the JEA, Kyoto, Japan. 2008 The 37th Australian Conference of Economists, Gold Coast, Australia. Semiannual meeting of the JEA, Osaka, Japan. Annual meeting of the SEEPS, Osaka, Japan. 2007 Annual meeting of the SEEPS, Shiga, Japan. Seminar Presentations: 2014 Kobe University, Hiroshima University, The University of Tokyo 2011 Kyoto University 2010 Tilburg University 2009 Kobe University, Kyoto University (twice) Teaching Experiences: 2014 Guest lecturer, “The economics of waste management,” Liberal Arts Program, the University of Tokyo Guest lecturer, “The economics of waste management and international recycling of resources,” jointly provided by Nanjing University and the University of Tokyo 3 Hide-Fumi YOKOO 2015 Spring semester: “Introduction to Statistics and Quantitative Analysis,” MSc International Studies, the University of Tokyo 2013 Guest lecturer, Environmental Resource Management and Technologies major in Solid Waste Management (ERMAT-SWM), jointly provided by College of Agriculture, Resources and Environmental Sciences (CARES), Central Philippine University (CPU) and Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Spring semester: “Introduction to Statistics and Quantitative Analysis,” MSc International Studies, the University of Tokyo 2012 Spring semester: “Field Work and Formation of Hypothesis,” MSc International Studies, the University of Tokyo 2011 Lecturer, Training course on Asian Network for Young Researchers on Sustainable Landfill Management (AN-YRSLM), NIES 2010 Teaching Assistant, Seminar Environmental Economics, MSc Economics, Tilburg University (Prof. Daan van Soest) 2007 Teaching Assistant, Environmental Economics, MSc Economics, Kyoto University (Prof. Kazuhiro Ueta) Professional Activities: Referees for the B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Canadian Journal of Economics, Environment and Development Economics, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Environmental and Resource Economics, Resource and Energy Economics, Economic Record, Sustainability Science, and Waste Management. Grants: 2014-2017 Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), JSPS. 2013-2014 Grant for Environmental Research Projects from the Sumitomo Foundation. A collaborator. PI: Masahide Horita (The University of Tokyo) 2011-2012 Grant for Environmental Research Projects from the Sumitomo Foundation 2010-2012 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS. A collaborator. PI: Kenji Takeuchi (Kobe University) 2009-2010 Excellent Young Researchers Overseas Visit Program, JSPS 2008-2010 Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 2007 Research Grant, 21st COE IAEA, Kyoto University 4 Hide-Fumi YOKOO 2015 References: Kazuhiro Ueta Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, JAPAN [email protected] Thomas C. Kinnaman Department of Economics, Bucknell University 340 St. Catherine St, Lewisburg, PA 17837, USA [email protected] 5 Hide-Fumi YOKOO 2015