Partnership Directory
Partnership Directory
Partnership Directory Partnership Directory Excellent organisations seek, develop and maintain relationships with various partners to ensure mutual success. trusting We are striving to create a world where European organisations are recognised as the benchmark for sustainable economic growth. Today, I’m proud to say that already more than 30 000 organisations throughout Europe are implementing the EFQM Excellence Model. Obviously we have a lot to thank our Partners for! Our Partners represent a wide range of organisations: from other not-for-profit foundations to consultancies, from universities and other learning institutions. Yet, we all have one single goal: help others drive improvement to achieve sustainable growth by implementing the EFQM Excellence Model and sharing what works. We also share the same values. Yet there is more. Not only our partners do an outstanding job in promoting the importance of Sustainable Excellence regionally, they all instil a culture of excellence around themselves. I am very proud of the Partnerships EFQM has built up over the years, and I’m happy to present in this Directory the organisations we work with. Marc Amblard, Chief Executive Officer, EFQM Partnership Directory EFQM Shares What Works For the past twenty years we have shared what works between our Members organisations as a way to help them implement their strategies: a mission which is as important as ever. Through our network of Members, comprising private and public organisations of every size and sector, many active around the world, EFQM applies its expertise and extracts outstanding approaches by engaging with executives and front‐line managers. EFQM Members share a common goal; the pursuit of excellence. The EFQM Excellence Model provides a common framework and language that facilitates the effective sharing of information between organisations; transcending sectorial, cultural and maturity barriers. Becoming part of this network with enable you to engage with like-minded individuals, sharing experience and ideas to develop new, innovative and practical solutions to address the real challenges your organisation needs to overcome to become successful. n approach to capture and consolidate innovative ideas of experienced participants and put them to work in the EFQM community and as important as a way of sharing good practice thereby demonstrating a key principle of exce Partnership Directory Our Partners ABU DHABI ................................................................................................................ 8 SKEA Sheikh Khalifa Excellence Award ........................................................................ 8 AUSTRIA ..................................................................................................................... 9 Quality Austria ..................................................................................................................... 9 BELGIUM .................................................................................................................. 10 Bbest.................................................................................................................................... 10 COLOMBIA .............................................................................................................. 11 Fundacion Colombia Excelente ...................................................................................... 11 CZECH REPUBLIC .................................................................................................... 12 Czech Society for Quality ................................................................................................. 12 DENMARK ................................................................................................................ 13 Ahrensberg Excellence Aps............................................................................................. 13 ECUADOR ................................................................................................................ 14 Roadmak Solutions Cia Ltda............................................................................................ 14 CODEFE .............................................................................................................................. 15 EGYPT ...................................................................................................................... 16 Creative Technology ......................................................................................................... 16 ESTONIA .................................................................................................................. 17 Estonian Association for Quality (EAQ) ......................................................................... 17 FINLAND .................................................................................................................. 18 Laatukeskus Excellence Finland ...................................................................................... 18 FRANCE ................................................................................................................... 19 AFNOR Development ...................................................................................................... 19 GERMANY ................................................................................................................ 20 DGQ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Initiative Ludwig-Erhard-Preis e.V. (ILEP) ...................................................................... 21 Excellence Europe GmbH ................................................................................................ 22 Karin Walter Consult ......................................................................................................... 23 QMS ..................................................................................................................................... 24 QPlus Resources ................................................................................................................ 25 Sustainable Excellence Team .......................................................................................... 26 Conceptual Quality ........................................................................................................... 27 IBK Management Solutions GmbH ................................................................................ 28 National Trainers in Germany.......................................................................................... 29 Partnership Directory GREECE .................................................................................................................... 30 Hellenic Management Association ................................................................................. 30 HUNGARY ................................................................................................................ 31 Hungarian Association for Excellence........................................................................... 31 ISRAEL ...................................................................................................................... 32 The Standard Institution of Israel................................................................................... 32 ITALY ........................................................................................................................ 33 DCQ s.r.l. ............................................................................................................................ 33 JORDAN ................................................................................................................... 34 King Abdullah II Centre for Excellence.......................................................................... 34 Jordan Society for Quality ............................................................................................... 35 KAZAKSTHAN .......................................................................................................... 36 Kazakh Organization for Quality and Innovation Management ................................ 36 LATVIA ..................................................................................................................... 37 Latvian Society for Quality ............................................................................................... 37 NORTHERN IRELAND & IRELAND .......................................................................... 38 Centre for Competitiveness ............................................................................................ 38 NETHERLANDS ........................................................................................................ 39 Improve for all .................................................................................................................... 39 Help to Improve................................................................................................................. 40 Stichting INK ...................................................................................................................... 41 PALESTINA ............................................................................................................... 42 ID Management Consultants ........................................................................................... 42 POLAND ................................................................................................................... 43 Umbrella .............................................................................................................................. 43 PORTUGAL............................................................................................................... 44 APQ .................................................................................................................................... 44 Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais .................................................................... 45 Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo ..................................................................... 45 RUSSIA ..................................................................................................................... 46 ROQ ..................................................................................................................................... 46 SAUDI ARABIA ......................................................................................................... 47 Excellence Pioneers-Consultants .................................................................................... 47 Vision Business Services Co. ............................................................................................ 48 SCOTLAND .............................................................................................................. 49 Quality Scotland ................................................................................................................ 49 Partnership Directory SLOVENIA ................................................................................................................ 50 Metrology Institute of republic Slovenia, Ministry for Economic Development and Technology ......................................................................................................................... 50 Slovenian Association for Quality and Excellence ....................................................... 51 SOUTH AFRICA ........................................................................................................ 52 ISO-Q Consulting (Pty) Ltd .............................................................................................. 52 SPAIN ....................................................................................................................... 53 Club Excelencia en Gestión ............................................................................................ 53 National Trainers in Spain ................................................................................................ 54 SWEDEN .................................................................................................................. 55 SIQ ....................................................................................................................................... 55 SWITZERLAND ......................................................................................................... 56 SAQ...................................................................................................................................... 56 ESPRIX ................................................................................................................................. 57 Institute for Total Quality Management (ITQM) .......................................................... 58 TQM Consulting Group Inc. (TQMCG).......................................................................... 58 Sysman ................................................................................................................................ 59 DOQS .................................................................................................................................. 61 National Trainers in Switzerland ..................................................................................... 62 TURKEY .................................................................................................................... 63 Kalder .................................................................................................................................. 63 Seçkin Consultancy and Training Co. Ltd. .................................................................... 64 UKRAINE .................................................................................................................. 65 Ukrainian Association for Quality ................................................................................... 65 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ........................................................................................ 66 Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry .............................................................. 66 Shawqi Sajwani Quality Consultants .............................................................................. 67 SYNA Development .......................................................................................................... 68 Excellence Ship .................................................................................................................. 69 Meirc Training and Consulting ........................................................................................ 70 ESES European Sustainable Excellence Services ......................................................... 71 Partnership Directory UNITED KINGDOM .................................................................................................. 72 BQF ...................................................................................................................................... 72 Andre Haynes..................................................................................................................... 73 Global Excellence Consulting ......................................................................................... 74 Footloose ............................................................................................................................ 75 Services ltd. ........................................................................................................................ 76 TQMI Consultants ............................................................................................................. 77 Partnership Directory ABU DHABI SKEA Sheikh Khalifa Excellence Award Partner Type: Representative Representative: Wigdan Salih Executive: Prof. Hadi Eltigani Address: Al Falah Street- Al Bateen Area P.O Box 110610 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver SKEA BAT J2E Tony Bendell Hadi El Tigani Hani Shaqlusi Maher Al Khatib Shouqi Al Yousuf Wigdan Faroug Khalil Charmaine Roche Mazin Eltayeb Abusin Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +971508114590/+97126651818 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory AUSTRIA Quality Austria Partner Type: Partner Representative: Michaela Reisner and Nicole Mayer Executive: Konrad Scheiber Address: Zelinkagasse 10/3 1010 Vienna Austria Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver Quality Austria BAT Andreas Redling Wolfgang Pölz Franz-Peter Walder Johann Sauermann Bernhard Tousek Nicole Mayer Michael Pierer Michaela Reisner Wolfgang Gliebe Harald Strommer Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +43 127 48747 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory BELGIUM Bbest Partner Type: Representative Representative: Alexis Willems Executive: Ivo Verhaert Address: Leuvensesteenweg 613 1930 – Zaventem Belgium Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver Bbest BAT Jaqcueline van Rijswijk Alexis Willems Mia Goetvinck Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +32 (0) 225 12814 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory COLOMBIA Fundacion Colombia Excelente Partner Type: Representative Representative: Gonzalo Arboleda Palacio Executive: Gonzalo Arboleda Palacio Address: Carrera 5 No 69A – 18 oficina 302 61 Bogota Colombia Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver Fundación Colombia Excelente BAT J2E Gonzalo Arboleda Hernán Moncada Lesama Tatiana Arboleda Bonnett Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +57 1 2173859 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory CZECH REPUBLIC Czech Society for Quality Partner Type: Representative Representative: Petr Koten Executive: Petr Koten Address: Novotného lávka 5 116 68 Prague 1 Czech Republic Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver Czech Society for Quality Petr Koten Jan Hnatek Vladimir Braun Ales Nosek Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +420-221 082269 Website: BAT J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory DENMARK Ahrensberg Excellence Aps Partner Type: Distributor Representative: Allan Ahrensberg Address: Scaeffergaardsvej 3A DK-2820 Gentofte Denmark Licensed to deliver Ahrensberg Excellence App Allan Ahrensberg Karsten Jensen BAT J2E Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +45 292 826 87 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory ECUADOR Roadmak Solutions Cia Ltda Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Ursula el Hage Address: Edificio Samborondon Plaza, oficina 107 Km 3, 5 via a Samborondon Ecuador Licensed to deliver Roadmak Solutions Cia Ltda BAT Ursula El Hage Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +593 4 6012658 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory CODEFE Partner Type: Representative Representative: Carla Villena Address: Ciudadela Bolivariana, MZ CH Solar 1, Guayaquil Ecuador Licensed to deliver CODEFE BAT Ursula El Hage Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (+593-4) 601 2659 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory EGYPT Creative Technology Partner Type: Distributor Representative: Amira Nakhla Executive: Samuel Beshay Address: 15 Abdalla Draz St., Ard Elgolf, Heliopolis 11341 Cairo Egypt Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver: Creative Technology BAT J2E L4E Nashaat Nosshi Khalil Osama Abd El Aty Shendy Maha Mohamed El Kady Samuel Fayez Beshay Nancy Beshay Nakhla Hazem Baraka Amira Beshay Hazem Sharaf El-Din Youssef Al Wattar Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +2 0122 214 0107 or +971 56 772 3832 Website: IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory ESTONIA Estonian Association for Quality (EAQ) Partner Type: Representative Representative: Tiia Tammaru Executive: Tiia Tammaru Address: Mustamäe tee 4 10621 Tallinn Estonia Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +372 56 636 679 (Tiia Tammaru) - +372 5695 6005 (EAQ office manager) Website: – Info: [email protected] Partnership Directory FINLAND Laatukeskus Excellence Finland Partner Type: Partner Representative: Tani Järvinen Executive: Tani Järvinen Address: Keilaranta 12 02150 Espoo Finland Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver Laatukeskus BAT Heikki Niemi Elina Mäkinen Tani Jarvinen Jorma Kajanus Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +358 207 791 470 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory FRANCE AFNOR Development Partner Type: Partner Representative: Patrick Paris Executive: Olivier Peyrat Address: 11 rue Francis de Pressencé F 93571 La Plaine Saint Denis (France) Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver AFNOR BAT Patrick Iribarne Lassaad Gharbi Antoine Bastin Stephane Verdoux Chantal Attal- Vidal Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: + 33 (1) 41 62 80 00 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory GERMANY DGQ Partner Type: Partner Representative: Benedikt Sommerhof Executive: Dr. Wolfgang Kaerkers Address: August Schanz Strasse 21A 60433 Frankfurt Am Main (Germany) Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver DGQ BAT Benedikt Sommerhoff Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 (0)69 9 54 24-0 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Initiative Ludwig-Erhard-Preis e.V. (ILEP) Partner Type: Partner Representative: Dr André Moll Executive: Mr Thomas Kraus Address: Ludwig-Erhard-Strasse 16a 61440 Oberursel (Germany) Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver Ilep BAT André Moll Gabriele Kohler Walter Ludwig Frank Slawik Frauke Christiansen Birgit Otto Hermann Ziegler Jochen Muskalla Martin Holzwarth Norbert Kohlscheen Volker David Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 6171-887688-0 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Excellence Europe GmbH Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Norbert Kaiser Address: Bärenbühlgraben 15a 90451 Nürnberg Germany Licensed to deliver Excellence Europe GmbH BAT Norbert Kaiser Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49-911 6418578 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Karin Walter Consult Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Karin Walter Address: Im Sigmundsgut 8, 69429 Waldbrunn Germany Licensed to deliver Karin Walter Consult BAT Karin Walter Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 (0) 6274 201853 J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory QMS Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Hans Joachim Schneider Address: Dr Pils Strasse 1 92266 - Ensdorf Germany 18 Licensed to deliver QMS BAT J2E Hans Joachim Schneider Christian Forstner Markus Garthoff Léon Bitar Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 96 2491203 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory QPlus Resources Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Stefan Hagmann Address: Ladenburger Strasse 91 D-69120 Heidelberg Germany Licensed to deliver Qplus Resources BAT J2E Stefan Hagmann Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 170 3122170 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Sustainable Excellence Team Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Dr. Susanne Kaldschmidt Address: Veilchengasse 61 84405 - Dorfen Germany 18 Licensed to deliver Sustainable Excellence Team Dr. Susanne Kaldschmidt BAT J2E L4E Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49 8081 954477/ +49 172 5220600 Website: IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Conceptual Quality Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Dr. Detlev Bohle Address: Steinbahn 126 53721 Siegburg Germany Licensed to deliver Conceptual Quality BAT J2E Dr. Detlev Bohle Contact information: E-mail: [email protected]. Phone: +49-176 6422 1982 L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory IBK Management Solutions GmbH Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Carl-Andreas Dalluege Address: Unterriethstrasse 37 65187 Wiesbaden Germany Licensed to deliver IBK BAT Andreas Dalluege Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +49-611 5100417 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory National Trainers in Germany Licenses managed by ILEP Germany Dr. Rolf Gauert Frank D . Rückoldt Prof. Dr. Dirk Sauer Gerhard Thäsler Prof. Dr. Ralf Neuhaus Ursula Reck-Hog Klaus Radermacher Volker David Birgit Behrens-Otto Norbert Kohlscheen Heike Scherenberger Richard Schieferdecker Gabriele Kohler Grudo Großpietsch Gabriele Grala Joachim Rottluff Christine Garbe Frank Slawik Ingo Bergner Eckhard Hunger Heinz-Michael Dickmenn Jochen Muskalla Michael Kahr Hermann Ziegler Dieter Börner Werner Ebert Martin Holzwarth Jürgen Freisl Frank von Pablocki gerhard Thäsler Wiebke Anton Karina Reinert Harald Bontjer Tobias Höltzel Ulrich Shübel Guido Kaufmann Roland Kölsch Claudia Wolke-Riedel Bastian Simmerl Jürgen Stube Daniel Zacher J2E L4E IAT Georg Faber Klaus Roeder Andrea Kaminski Ralf Neuhaus Petra Ohlhauser stephan koehler Wilfried Gross Michael Mezger Oliver Dersch Andreas Dalluege Fredi Barowitsch Karin Ferring Walter Reinert Peer-Christian Schach Hans Jahn Claudia Drege Klaus Schwenkmezger Rolf Gauert Martin Köning Torsten Moch Rüdiger Krüger Edeltraut Vomberg Meike Wilmowicz Heike Mühlbauer Karin Hauser Sabine Richter Reiner Serr Andreas Werner Alfred Zedelmaier Rainer Vieregge Michaela Koch Theo Neuer Constance Seeliger Steven Reres Heike Beilhardt Hanspeter Waldherr Saji Khullar Miriam Aumeier Dirk Baal Markus Baur Uwe Beloch Stephan Fuchs Dietmar Kohler Helena Schurz Gabriele Siegeln Melanie Tanneberger Prof. Dr. Jeremy Llewellyn Beatrice Marti Pinar Mayaoglu Beatrice Aregger Prof. Peter Knodt Philipp Sury Volker David Heinz-Michael Dickmann Martin Holzwarth Robert Jugan-Elias Klaus Radermacher Jochen Muskalla Ralf Neuhaus Partnership Directory GREECE Hellenic Management Association Partner Type: Representative Representative: Victoria Michaelidou Executive: Constantinos Lambrinopoulos Address: 200, Ionias Avenue& 61 lakovaton Str. GR 11144 Athens Greece Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver HMA -Hellenic Management Association BAT Antony Spanos Lena Tzavara Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +30 210 2112000 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory HUNGARY Hungarian Association for Excellence Partner Type: Representative Representative: Mr Kálmán Szabó Executive: Mrs Karolina Sugár Address: Tétényi út 84-86 119 Budapest Hungary Licensed to run C2E and R4E Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +36 1 331-9311 Website: Partnership Directory ISRAEL The Standard Institution of Israel Partner Type: Representative Representative: Mr Isaac Rozenberger Executive: Mr Dany Goldstein Address: 42 Chaim Levanon Street Tel Aviv 69977 Israel Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver Standard Institute of Israel Isaac Rosenberger Yaron Sheleg Beny Sade Mirit Ziman-Shomer Yuval Al Yagor Dov Perl Amir Fleisher Ruth Huberman Jacob Wittenberg Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 050-6222650 Website: BAT J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory ITALY DCQ s.r.l. Partner Type: Representative Managing Director: Umberto Gelati Address: Via Cornalia 19 20124 Milan Italy Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver AICQ BAT J2E L4E Italo Benedini Massimo Tronci Valter Cereda Mario Fiorelli Fulvio Paparo Giovanni Bertorelli Vincenzo Mazzaro Cesare Saccani Franco Brovelli Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +39 02 6671 2484 – Fax: +39 02 6671 2510 Website: IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory JORDAN King Abdullah II Centre for Excellence Partner Type: Representative Representative: Mrs. Yasera Ghosheh Executive: Eng.Haitham Al-Qa’qaa’ Address: King Abdullah II Centre for Excellence Business Park Building # 8 P. O. Box (143584), Amman (11814), Jordan Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver KACE BAT J2E L4E Yasera A. Ghosheh Haitham A. al-Qa'qaa' Widad Qutaishat Mohammad Alqudah Saif Alattar Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (+962 6) 5828693 or (+962 6) 5828643 Website: IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Jordan Society for Quality Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Oussama Hammad Address: 29 Abu Al-Atahiah St. PO Box 941458 Amman 11194 18 Licensed to deliver Jordan Society for Quality BAT J2E Oussama Hammad Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Phone: ++962 6 5851114 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory KAZAKSTHAN Kazakh Organization for Quality and Innovation Management Partner Type: Representative Representative: Dias Murzakhanov Executive: Prof. A. Abdrakhmanov Address: 47 Minbayev street 050008 Almaty Kazaksthan Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver KOQIM BAT J2E Azat Abdrahmanov Oleg Kainazarov Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +8 (727) 275-65-78 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory LATVIA Latvian Society for Quality Partner Type: Representative Representative: Dzintars Putnis Address: Brivibas 155/4 1012 Riga Latvija Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +37129193256 Website: Partnership Directory NORTHERN IRELAND & IRELAND Centre for Competitiveness Partner Type: Representative Representative: George Wilson Executive: Bob Barbour Address: The Innovation Centre NI Science Park Titanic Quarter Queen’s Road BT3 9DT Belfast Ireland Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver Centre for Competitiveness BAT George Wilson Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +44 (0)28 90 737950 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory NETHERLANDS Improve for all Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Jacqueline van Rijswijk Address: Molenheide 32 6027 PZ Soerendonk The Netherlands Licensed to deliver Improve for all BAT J2E Jacqueline van Rijswijk Contact information: E-mail: Jacqueline.van.rijswijk@improve4all Phone: +31 624 613 271 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Help to Improve Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Riëtta Klijn Address: Iekendonksevoort 63 5706 HH Helmond The Netherlands Licensed to deliver Help to Improve BAT J2E Riëtta Klijn Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +31 6 534 18863 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Stichting INK Partner Type: Representative Representative: Ruud Stassen Address: PO Box 2057 3500 GB Utrecht The Netherlands Licensed to deliver INK Ruud Stassen Ronald Stevens Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +31-88 1266888 Website: BAT J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory PALESTINA ID Management Consultants Partner Type: Distributor Representative: Dr. Amjed Ghanim Address: Star building Hitten Street-Near (nearby Ministry of Interior) Al Baloa’ – Bireh West Bank - Palestine Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver IDMC BAT Amjed Ghanim Husam Abo Ali Abdelraheem Nizam Ahmed Murad Al-Qasem Tamer Subhi Al Ghanem Saaeddin Mohammed Ishtaiwi Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 00972 2401820 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory POLAND Umbrella Partner Type: Distributor Representative: Tadeusz Buchacz Slawomir Brzozka Pawel kamecki Address: Ul. Konstancinska 11 02-942 Warsaw Poland Licensed to run C2E and R4E Umbrella BAT J2E Tadeusz Buchacz Slawomir Brzozka Katarzyna Kaczmarczyk Bohdan Turowski Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 00972 2401820 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory PORTUGAL APQ Partner Type: Representative Representative: Carla Cunha Executive: António Ramos Pires Address: Rua Carlos Alves. N3 Polo Tecnologico de Lisboa, N3 (Lt24) 1600-515 Lisboa Portugal Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver APQ BAT Patricia Carvalho Antonio Bento Jose Morais Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 00351 214 996 210 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: José Carlos Sá Executive: João Paulo Vieito Address: Av. Miguel Dantas 4930-678 Valença Portugal Licensed to deliver Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais Jose Oliveira Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 00351 258 809 679 Website: BAT J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory RUSSIA ROQ Partner Type: Representative Representative: Yury Gusakov Executive: Gennady P. Voroin Address: 19, Lenin Sloboda Str., Omega Plaza Russia Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver Russian Organization for Quality Vorobyev Vadim Anatoly Safanov Galeev Evgeni BAT Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 007-495-765-6552 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory SAUDI ARABIA Excellence Pioneers-Consultants Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Dr. Mustafa Alem Address: P.O.Box:3344 – postal code21471 Jeddah – Saudi Arabia Licensed to deliver Excellence Pioneers-Consultants Mustafa Alem BAT J2E L4E IAT Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Phone: +966505600893 - Fax: +966126631249 Website: www.excellencepioneers.BIZ EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Vision Business Services Co. Consulting & Training Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Mr. Waleed Shaaban Address: Prince Mohammed Bin Abdul-Aziz St. P. O. Box 4595. Jeddah. 21412 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Licensed to deliver Vision Business Services Co. BAT Waleed Shaaban Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: o Mobile: +966 560 20 4610 o Tel: +966 12 263 1938 o Ext.: 201 Fax: +966 12 263 1817 Ext.: 555 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory SCOTLAND Quality Scotland Partner Type: Partner Representative: Claire Ford Executive: Dave Bradley Address: 11 Abercromby Place Edinburgh EH3 6LB-UK Scotland Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver Quality Scotland BAT J2E Alaine Sommerville Gordon McCallum Claire Ford Ann Pike Janet Robertson Angela Howarth Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +44 131 5562333 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory SLOVENIA Metrology Institute of republic Slovenia, Ministry for Economic Development and Technology Partner Type: Representative Representative: Franc Stanonik Executive: Dr. Samo Kopač Address: Tkalska ulica 15 3000 Celje Slovenia Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver MIRS Karmen Kern Pipan Uros Guncar Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +386 3 428 0750 Website: BAT J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Slovenian Association for Quality and Excellence Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Mr. Janez Bencina Address: Dimiceva 13 1000 Ljubjana Slovenia Licensed to deliver SZKO Rajko Novak Uros Guncar Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +386 1 5898490 Website: BAT J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory SOUTH AFRICA ISO-Q Consulting (Pty) Ltd Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Kevin Ngoni Pawadyira Executive: Vincent Mulalo Magoda Address: 563 Old Pretoria Road Midrand Business Park Building No.2 Halfway House Midrand, South Africa Licensed to deliver Iso-Q Consulting (Pty) Ltd BAT Goodman Nyagano Kevin Ngoni Pawadyira Reuben Mupudzi Tom Rioga Vera-Lynne Visagie Vincent Magoda Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +27 100100 927 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory SPAIN Club Excelencia en Gestión Partner Type: Primary Partner Representative: Mercedes Hernandez Executive: Juan Liquete Gobeo Address: Avenida de Burgos 19,1 28036 Madrid Spain Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver CEG BAT Rafael Abajo Serafin Cuenca Ignacio Babe Josep Maria Costa Estany Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +34 91 383 62 18 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory National Trainers in Spain Licenses managed by Club Excelencia en Gestión Spain Francisco Corma Canós Marta Catalina Cuadrado Ignacio Monfort Sanchis Jose Luis Llorente rabinal Gustavo Adolfo Amodeo Gonzalez Antonio Snachez Aguado Fernando Castillos Pizarro Juan Torrubiano Galante Rafael Abajo Luz Moreno Sanchez Silvia Bertomeu Ignacio Jesus de la Escosura del Prado Jose Joya Roldan Josep Maria Costa Estany Jose Garrido Vila Carmen Aguado Garcia Roberto Calleja Martin Esperanza Rubio Sara Mateo Garcia Benito Garcia Hernandez José Manuel Ovies Muslera Luis Ordónez Fernández José Luis Casaprima Pradales Marcos Fuentes Cernuda Víctor Fiestras Casillas Nuria Casany Serafin Cuenca Brígida Moucho Ferreira Ignasi Nicolás Alcón Antonio Rivas González Isabel Rubio Gómez Anmaia Salvatierra Quintana Angel San Andrés Mª Begoña Delgado de la Calle Ana Carmen Fernández Mera Pedro Martín Gonzalez Sara Mateo Gracia Pau Negre Nogueras José Luis Picón Jiménez Francisco Javier Vergara Monasterio Juan Carlos Ortíz Ginard José Garrido Vila Rogelio Redondo Simar Luz Moreno Sánchez José Gisbert Jiménez Jesús Emiliano Martín Pozas Patricia Pérez Amores Gema Granado Fueyo Benito Garcia Hernandez Juan Anton Rodriguez Sonia Arias Garcia Juan Carlos Gimeno Gascon Juan Garcia del Valle Olga Castro Garcia J2E L4E IAT Javier San José Barriocanal Antonio Gómez Ortiz José Miguel Carreño Quiñones Oscar González de Diego Dolores Lora-Villar Leonés Antonio Luis Maestre Antoli Ángel Martín Villota Jesús Martínez Llamas José Ignacio Parajó Calvo Alejandro González Cristóbal José Carlos Pérez Pita José Luis Picón Jiménez Francisco Salcedo Arias Joan Ramon Dalmau Santos Antonio Gomez Ortiz Alejandro González Cristóbal Oscar González de Diego José Joya Roldan Dolores Lora-Villar Leonés Antonio Luis Maestre Antoli Ángel Martín Villota Jesús Martinez Llamas José Ignacio Parajó Calvo José Carlos Pérez Pita Alfonso Ramios Quilez Francisco Salcedo Arias Domingo Vaya Lopez Rafael Abajo Merino Carmen Aguado Garcia Gustavo Adolfo Amodeo Gonzalez Juan Antón Rodríguez Sonia Arias Garcia Ignacio Babé Romero Silvia Bertomeu Ignacio José Miguel Carreño Quiñones Ernesto Castelló Alfaro Olga Castro Garcia Marta Catalina Cuadrado Josep María Costa Estany Serafín Cuenca Echevarría Jesús de la Escosura del Prado María Begoña Delgado de la Calle Ana Carmen Fernández Mera Juan García del Valle Fernández-Simal José Garrido Vila José Gisbert Jiménez Antonio Gómez Ortiz Alejandro González Cristóbal Oscar González de Diego Gema Granado Fueyo José Joya Roldan Dolores Lora-Villar Leonés Antonio Luis Maestre Antoli Ángel Martín Villota Jesús Emiliano Martín Pozas Pedro Martín Gonzalez Jesús Martínez Llamas Sara Mateo Gracia Ignacio Monfort Sanchis Luz Moreno Sánchez Pau Negre Nogueras José Ignacio Parajó Calvo José Carlos Pérez Pita Patricia Pérez Amores José Luis Picón Jiménez Alfonso Ramos Quilez Rogelio Redondo Simar Francisco Salcedo Arias Javier San José Barriocanal Antonio Sánchez Aguado Domingo Vaya Lopez Partnership Directory SWEDEN SIQ Partner Type: Representative Representative: Fredrik Lundgren Executive: Jerry Karlsson Address: Fabriksgatan 10 SE-412 50 Göteborg Sweden Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver BAT Fredrik Lundgren Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +46 31 7231700 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory SWITZERLAND SAQ Partner Type: Partner Representative: Siegfried Schmidt Executive: Peter Bieri Address: Stauffacherstrasse 65/42 3014 Bern Switzerland Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver SAQ Heinz Hunn Prof. Dr. Urs Bucher Beat Häfliger Thierry Kieffer Hugo Graf Siegfried Schmidt Raphael Granges Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +41 31 330 99 04 Website: BAT J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory ESPRIX Partner Type: Partner Representative: Felix Horner Executive: Priska Wyser Address: Mettmenstetterstrasse 15 8912 Obfelden Switzerland Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver Esprix BAT Felix Horner Joachim Horner Franz Odermatt Benjamin Spichtig Osman Bayraktar Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +41 44 281 0013 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Institute for Total Quality Management (ITQM) TQM Consulting Group Inc. (TQMCG) Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Dr. Karl J. Koller Address: P.O Box 85 CH-8142 Zurich-Uitikon Switzerland Licensed to deliver ITQM Dr. Karl J. Koller Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +41 44 880 21 21 Website: BAT J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Sysman Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Alain Smadja Address: 3 Rue des Eaux-Vives 1206 Geneva Switzerland Licensed to deliver Sysman BAT J2E L4E Alain Smadja Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +41 (0) 22 700 51 30 /+41 (0) 76 577 62 13 Website: IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Wyser Consult GmbH Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Priska Wyser Address: Lindenmoosstrasse 4 CH-8910 Affoltern am Albis Licensed to deliver Wyser Consult GmbH BAT Felix Horner Benjamin Spichtig Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +41 44 761 95 07 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory DOQS Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Dr. Frank Paris Address: Moulin 26 2022 Bevaix Switzerland Licensed to deliver DOQS BAT J2E L4E IAT Dr. Frank Paris Dr. Maria Paris Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: Frank: ++ 41 7878 10 704 - Maria: ++ 41 7633 45 540 Website: EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory National Trainers in Switzerland Licenses managed by SAQ Switzerland Wolfgang Gliebe Urs Bucher Hugo Graf Muriel Rutishauser Beat Häfliger J2E L4E IAT Partnership Directory TURKEY Kalder Partner Type: Partner Representative: Mr. Alıkçıoğlu Executive: Mr. A. Hamdi Dogan Address: Centrum iş merkezi Aydinevler Sanayi Cad. No: 334854 Küçükyali-Istanbul Turkey Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver Kalder BAT Celal Seckin Zülal Kiziltas Sabri Bülbül Fahri Özok Lütfi Ensari Taner Çavdar Müjgan Kerman Berker Telek Kadir Akbaş Kadir Erkan Berçin Gün Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (216) 518 42 84 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Seçkin Consultancy and Training Co. Ltd. Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Celal Ceçkin Address: Ataköy 11. Kisim Nergis Blok D: 14 34156 Barkirkoy/ Istanbul Turkey Licensed to deliver Seçkin Consultancy and Training Co. Ltd. BAT J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator Celal Seçkin Contact information: E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected] Phone: +90 533 776 00 98/ +90 534 524 94 15 Website: MAT Partnership Directory UKRAINE Ukrainian Association for Quality Partner Type: Representative Representative: Mrs. Angelika Zentseva Executive: Mr. Petro Kalyta Address: Mykilsko- Slobidska Str., 6-D 02002 Kiev Ukraine Licensed to deliver Ukrainian Association for Quality Taras Kalyta BAT Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +380-44 5410532 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry Partner Type: Representative Representative: Ms Nada Al Hajri Executive: Mr. Hussain Al Mahmoudi Address: PO Box 580 Sharjah United Arab Emirates Licensed to deliver Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry BAT J2E L4E Dr. Lway Nackasha Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +971 6 530 2222 / 0097165938703-711 Website: IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Shawqi Sajwani Quality Consultants Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Shawqi Sajwani Address: P.O Box 57328 Dubai - UAE Licensed to deliver Shawqi Sajwani Quality Consultants BAT J2E L4E Shawqi Sajwani Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +971 5 6246456 Website: IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory SYNA Development Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Dr Lway Nackasha Address: Gate 7, Level 3 Hamarain Center PO Box 16739 Dubai Licensed to deliver SYNA Development BAT J2E Dr. Lway Nackasha Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +9714262 6512 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Excellence Ship Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Ali Fadhlani Address: PO Box 6552 Dubai UAE Licensed to deliver Excellence Ship BAT J2E Ali Fadhlani Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +971 506511716 Website: [email protected] L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Meirc Training and Consulting Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Samer K. Taher Address: Suite 205, Al Khaleej Bldg, Karama PO Box 5883 Dubai, UAE Licensed to deliver MEIRC Training & Consulting BAT Mohamed Alsinnawi Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +971 4 4059076 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory ESES European Sustainable Excellence Services An Affiliate of CMI International Group Partner Type: Distributor Representative: Dr. Mohamed Shteawi Executive: Dr. Emad Eldien Hussein Address: 1304, ADCP Tower B Electra St. P.O Box 37463 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates. Licensed to deliver ESES BAT J2E Dr. Emad Eldien Hussein Dr. Mohamed Shteawi Hamzah Al-Tamony Ala' Albqaeen Wael Yahya Zakaria Amjad Nasr Allah Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +97126260670 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory UNITED KINGDOM BQF Partner Type: Primary Partner Representative: Sally Green Executive: Joe Goasdoué Address: 32-34 Great Peter Street London, SW1P2QX United Kingdom Licensed to run C2E and R4E and deliver BQF BAT Mike Gallagher Laurie Bradley Norman Hughes Gail Tutcher Jill Johnston Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 020 7654 5010 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Andre Haynes Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Andre Haynes Address: Quality Squared 36 Penterry Park, Chepstow NP16 5AZ Monmouthshire United Kingdom Licensed to deliver Andre Haynes BAT Andre Haynes Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +44 783 4548 324 J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Global Excellence Consulting Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Mark Webster Address: Hill House, 35 Spring Grove, Loughton IG104QD Essex United Kingdom Licensed to deliver Global Excellence Consulting BAT J2E L4E Mark Webster Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +44 (0) 2085320107 Website: IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Footloose Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Norman Hughes Address: 41 Northampton Road MK43 8PB Bedford United Kingdom Licensed to deliver Footloose BAT J2E Norman Hughes Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +44 7860 360873 Website: L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory Services ltd. Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Mr. Tony Bendell Address: Charnwood House, 17 Caythorpe Road Lowdham NG14 7DZ - NOTTINGHAM Licensed to deliver Services Ltd. BAT Maher Al Khatib Tony Bendell Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +44 115 9669460 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory TQMI Consultants Partner Type: Licensed Trainer Representative: Mr. Laurie Bradley Address: Charter House 63 Main Street Frodsham, Cheshire WA6 7DF Licensed to deliver TQMI Consultants BAT Laurie Bradley Gail Tutcher Contact information: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +44 1928 513171 Website: J2E L4E IAT EAT Validator MAT Partnership Directory EFQM Avenue des Olympiades 2 5th Floor B-1140 Brussels – Belgium Tel: +32 2 775 3511 Fax : +32 2 775 3535 Email : [email protected] ©EFQM 2013