Programme - Doctors Updates


Programme - Doctors Updates
Monday 2nd February 8.00-­‐ 9.30am Chair: ANAESTHESIA / CRITICAL CARE Centauree Main Auditorium Preventing and managing awareness with recall A. Absalom Media & Communication U/S guided regional anaesthesia Difficult airway update Social Media – embracing the opportunities B. Gateley The safe use of social m edia J. Queckett Patient information videos T. Vorster Chair: R. Sneyd Chair: A Kennedy Workshop A. Tredray & F. Sage 4.45-­‐ 6.15pm Edelweiss ANAESTHETIC SATELLITES Workshop Dr. E. O’Sullivan Perioperative Myocardial Infarction Which β -­‐ Blocker is More Protective? P. Houston Bridging antithrombic medication B. Hunt Chardon Bleu M. Seltz Kristensenn Chair : W Harrop-­‐Griffiths What’s new in …..
Anaesthesia E. O’Sullivan Haematology B. Hunt Plastic Surgery C. Milroy Cardiology S. Banerjee Neurology C. Griffiths Radiology R. Illing Dermatology S. Walsh Orthopaedics J. Timperley Urology C. Anderson Infectious Diseases G. Griffin Main Auditorium Do No Harm -­‐ Henry Marsh Chardon Bleu Tuesday 3rd February ANAESTHESIA/ CRITICAL CARE Centauree Main Auditorium 8.00-­‐ 9.30am U/S in airway management M. Seltz Kristensenn Airway Problems in Obstetrics E. O’Sullivan Is oxygen a dangerous drug? R. Sneyd Workshop Workshop U/S guided regional anaesthesia Medico-­‐legal A. Tredray & F. Sage Protocols & Guidance – what happens when you deviate Negligence & willful neglect Duty of Candour J. Adeley Echo in ICU S. Bennett Limitation of care in ITU R. Siegmeth Retrieval medicine in the “Top End” S McNeilly Workshop Workshop Pre-­‐op Assessment Chair: B. Liban 4.45-­‐ 6.15pm Improving outcomes from Chair: J. Down emergency laparotomy N. Quiney Trans-­‐Thoracic E
cho When is Blood the Right Fluid? P. Houston S. Bennett Ketamine – new tricks for an old J. Ball dog? A. Absalom Personal F inance & Pensions M. Martin Edelweiss ANAESTHETIC SATELLITES ICM Satellite Chair : J. Down Radiology for anaesthetists J. Curtis Cardiology for anaesthetists S. Banarjee Setting up a pre-­‐assessment clinic T. Vorster 6.45-­‐ 7.30pm Main Auditorium Healthy Science – what the latest science tell us about standard health advice -­‐ Mike Moseley Chair: J Harrop-­‐
Griffiths 1
Wednesday 4th February 8.00-­‐ 9.30am Chair: S. Bridle 4.45-­‐ 6.15pm Chair: A. Absalom 6.45-­‐ 7.30pm Chair: . G. Collee ANAESTHESIA/ CRITICAL CARE Main Auditorium JOINT SESSION WITH ORTHOPAEDICS & RADIOLOGY Workshop Trauma – the human Factor K. Fong U/S guided regional anaesthesia Imaging in trauma R. Greenhalgh The haemostatic management of major haemorrhage in 2015 B. Hunt Rehabilitation after head injury C. Griffin SHORT PAPERS COMPETITION 1 Muscle response to exercise maintained in sedentary males. S. Waldron 2 ROTEM – in traumatic thoracotomy R. Bird 3. Intro of ERAS for robotic radical cystectomy C. Jones. 4. STOP Bang screening A. Pollard 5. Facial nerve palsy after regional anaesthesia for caesarean section M. Tirca 6. Maternal paradoxical embolism NK Malhan 7. Emergency LSCS following Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis T. Nishantha Chardon Bleu Centauree A. Tredray & F. Sage Vallerian 1 -­‐ Paediatrics Chair P. Brooks Paediatric transplants M Broadhead Paediatric handovers M Thomas Monitoring nociception I Constant Paediatric retrieval : r/o f.b. R. Nandi R. Siegmeth 4.45-­‐ 6.15pm Chair: G. Collee 6.20-­‐ 7.00pm Chair C. Waldmann Chair C . W aldmann Cerebral oximetry with NIRS S. Bennet Impact of age on patient outcomes in ITU R. Rajakulasingam Nursing obs. – helps and hindrances A. Blay Workshop Workshop Airway Satellite Trans-­‐Thoracic Echo S. Bennett J. Ball Personal F inance & Pensions M. Martin AIRELLE Workshop Private practice W. Harrop-­‐Griffiths The use of bougies in intubation I Hodzovic Interventional airway management service F. Dodd Video-­‐laryngoscopes : A comparison O. Davies Main Auditorium An editor’s view of Healthcare -­‐ Fiona Godlee CARE 5 th
ANAESTHESIA/ Centauree CRITICAL CARE Thursday Centauree Main Auditorium February P ain 8.00-­‐ 9.30am Duty of Candour & W ilful neglect Chronic Chair: ICM Satellite ANAESTHETIC SATELLITES Chardon Bleu Diving Medicine C. Dewhurst It could be you S. Bennett So doctor, can I assume your medical practice is as sloppy as you record-­‐
keeping ? J. Adeley Basic MRI anatomy of the lumbar spine M. Mikael Chronic pain procedures A. Headrapson Life begins at 40 m eters – J. Cronin TBA M. Edsell Resuscitation in 2015 J. Ball What did we learn in 2014? R. Sneyd Climate change and Health F. Godlee Workshops on demand: Regional Anaesthesia Workshops or others Main Auditorium Drugs in Sport -­‐ John Cox Emergency Medicine Management of common medical emergencies J. Ball ANAESTHETIC SATELLITES 1
RADIOLOGY ANCOLIE 1 Trauma & Orthopaedics Valerian 1 Plastic Surgery Valerian 2 Dermatology Arielle General Practice Saline Introduction Jane Harrop Griffiths and Adam Jones Microscopic haematuria and common urological dilemmas C Anderson The latest on Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis S Anderson Imaging Chest Trauma Welcome & Introduction S Bridle J Curtis Trauma session Whole body MRI Chair -­‐ D Nathwani application in paediatrics Lisfranc fracture N Talbot P Humphries Periprosthetic fractures Controversial shortcuts in A Toms, P Mitchell Interventional Radiology Insufficiency femoral fractures S Pathak P Cnudde Breast implants -­‐round or anatomical S Hamilton Implant selection in breast augmentation M Timmons Aesthetic tips P Mallucci Introduction: S Walsh The m outh – a dentist’s top tips to dermatologists T Metcalf Aviation Medicine – what I have learned J Marsden 6.45-­‐7.30pm Chair: A Kennedy Anaesthesia E. O’Sullivan Haematology B. Hunt Plastic Surgery C. Milroy Cardiology S. Banerjee Neurology C. Griffiths Radiology R. Illing Dermatology S. Walsh Orthopaedics J. Timperley Urology C. Anderson Infectious Diseases G. Griffin Main Auditorium Do No Harm -­‐ Henry Marsh The Burden of Chronic Venous Insufficiency J Brookes Urology perspectives C Anderson Pain and radiology N Evans Musculoskeletal Update R Houghton Imaging Bariatric Patients R Greenhalgh Ablation – the latest techiques R Illing 6.45-­‐ 7.30pm Chair: J Harrop-­‐Griffiths What’s new in …..
Radiology Trauma & Orthopaedics Plastic Surgery Valerian 1 Valerian 2 Dermatology Valerian 2 General Practice Cement – Is it safe? For J. Timperley Against W. Harrop Griffiths Tranexamic acid – now and in the future B. Hunt VTE – experience with Rivaroxaban J. Gollish Joint Session Lymphovenous microanastomosis in Lymphoedema K Ramsey Surgical m anagement of Hidradenitis suppurativa J Clibbon Medical management of Hidradenitis suppurativa TBA Buruli ulcer update M Warnsborough-­‐Jones Cutaneous oncology – new insights J Shelley Dental problems for GPs T Metcalf and S Shah Childhood eating disorders P Flower Joint pains in children J Axford Minimising aesthetic surgery gestures in the face N Waterhouse Social m edia and plastic surgery B Gateley Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis J Axford Paediatric dermatology update TBA Hip & Knee I Chair A. Hart Hip & Knee II Chair S. Bridle Is surgeon level reporting sensible? : evidence from linkage of retrieval and registry data A. Hart GIRFT J. Timperley Technology Assisted UKR-­‐ accurate implantation improves ANAESTHESIA/ survival D Nathwani Thursday th
CRITICAL CARE 5 VTE what’s new -­‐ latest guidelines discussed B Hunt Diagnostic dilemma in neurology A Kennedy Too much medicine/ over diagnosis F Godlee Chardon ANAESTHETIC SATELLITES Bleu Main February
– what the latest science tell us about standard health advice -­‐ Mike Moseley Main Auditorium Healthy Science Auditorium 8.00-­‐ Duty of Centauree Chronic Retrieval Radiology Trauma & Orthopaedics Plastic Surgery JOINT SESSION WITH ANAESTHETICS (Main Auditorium) TRAUMA UPDATE Dermatology Pre-­‐hospital trauma & triage -­‐ A HEMS perspective J. Robinson Imaging in trauma R. Greenhalgh The haemostatic management of major haemorrhage in 2015 B. Hunt Rehabilitation after head injury C. Griffin The MI epidemic – consequences for the dermatology and contact allergy community B Pees Update on vulval dermatoses G Adams Medico-­‐legal update C Dewhurst Short papers competition: Hip & Knee III GI radiology L. Firmin Image Guided Therapy in Urology L. Dickinson Carotid stenting S. Rice Chair -­‐ P Mitchell Experience with Endo prosthetic replacements for complex hip and knee revisions D Johnstone Measuring performance in joint replacements M Loeffler Surgical decision m aking in post traumatic knee arthroplasty A Toms Congenital hand reconstruction in Cape Town M Van der Velde
Five Years of Wrist Service within plastic surgery department -­‐ St George's Experience S Cerovac The use and applications of
accellular dermal matrix in hand and wrist surgery M James 6.45-­‐ 7.30pm Chair: . G. Collee General Practice Shoulder session with Orthopaedics and Radiology The rheumatologic shoulder J Axford The usual suspects (imaging intervention in the shoulder) S Pathak The Six Minute Shoulder H Colaco Joint session Dermatology of the third age S Walsh Non-­‐melanoma skin cancer T Hogarth Designing the Utopian Dermatology service An open discussion led by A Jones Main Auditorium An editor’s view of Healthcare -­‐ Fiona Godlee Dermatology CARE Radiology Centauree Trauma & Orthopaedics Plastic Surgery Prostate – a technical update Free Papers A Kirkham Judges: A Toms and J Timperley Be careful what you promise at interview! DVT in Jersey C Hare and R Greig Anaesthetic Tips C Nightingale Salvage breast reconstruction after implant failure P Harris Update on anaesthesia for free flap surgery T Vorster Reconstruction after bomb and blast injury D Eviviades Radiologist and Medical education S Rice Medico-­‐legal Update C Dewhurst Update on Cardiac CT M Duncan GI stromal tumours S Read 6.20-­‐ 7.00pm Chair C. Waldmann Updates Session Managing non-­‐communicable disease: an international challenge K Bevan-­‐Mogg Closing session A Jones and J Harrop-­‐Griffiths Update on use of Vismodegib for locally advanced BCC Chair J Timperley A Durani Shoulder arthroplasty – current concepts H Colaco Achilles Tendon Rupture N Talbot Free papers from Registrars Update from the BOA P Mitchell Close and thanks S Bridle Main Auditorium Drugs in Sport -­‐ John Cox Registrars’ Presentation Competition Prognosis in SCC: an update and review of literature R Ashton Update on Non-­‐Melanoma Skin Cancer Management C Henderson General Practice Ethical Case Discussions are good for you .....discuss' J Spicer Doctors' Own Health-­‐-­‐ maintaining your own health, sanity and relationships C C ox 

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