2015 Create-An-Ad Contest Registration Form
2015 Create-An-Ad Contest Registration Form
2015 Create-An-Ad Contest Registration Form Classroom Times is a newspaper written and illustrated by students to showcase their writing and creative skills. It will be published as a supplement to the Cape Cod Times on Monday, March 16, 2015. g The content of Classroom Times is the result of a Create-an-Ad* contest and a Writing & Photo Contest for students. Top students win cash prizes & their work will be seen by more than 100,000 readers of the Cape Cod Times! 1st place winner and their parents will be invited to the Cape Cod Times for a recognition breakfast on Saturday, March 21, 2015. Create-An-Ad prizes in 4 categories*. *See Separate sheet for Writing & Photo contest. Important Deadlines: Friday, Jan. 9, 2015. To register for the Create-An-Ad contest Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2015. To submit completed ads for the Create-An-Ad contest Monday, Jan. 26, 2015. Deadline to submit writing and photography entries Create-an-Ad Contest Rules 1. Contestants Contestantsmust mustfirst firstsign signup uptotoreceive receiveananadadassignment. assignment.That Thatdeadline deadline is Jan. Students is Jan. 9, 13. 2015. Studentsmay maysubmit submitthe thecoupon couponbelow belowtotosign signup, up,ororteachers may submit coupon to enrolltotheir You may or faxorthe teachers maythe submit the coupon enrollclasses. their classes. Youmail, may e-mail mail, e-mail faxcoupon. the coupon. 2. Assignments will be mailed to students between Jan. 19 and Jan. 30, 2015. Completed assignments will be due back at the Times by Feb. 24, 2015. 3. It is critical that you follow through with your commitment if you register to create-an-ad. Advertisers make a financial commitment to support this publication and we’re all depending on you. 4. Each entry must be CLEARLY marked with student’s NAME, AGE, GRADE, SCHOOL, HOME ADDRESS and phone number, and TEACHER’S NAME. 5. All ads must include the name, address and telephone number of the business. (Be sure to contact the advertiser before you create the ad to confirm that the info is accurate.) 6. Ads will be judged on design, copy, neatness, originality and adherence to advertiser’s instructions. 7. Ads with fictitious prices and descriptive copy will be ruled ineligible. There are three grade-level categories for create-an-ad (4–6; 7–8; 9–12). All students who enter the contest by sending in the coupon (via mail, e-mail or fax) will be assigned an advertisement to design. The Cape Cod Times will geographically match advertisers with students as closely as possible, based on the volume of ads and student designers. Students in grades 9-12 can choose to submit their ad in either pen and ink or high-resolution black and white laser print out. The Cape Cod Times will award a first, second and third place winner in each of the above categories. 2015 Create-An-Ad Contest Registration Coupon Attention teachers: If your class as a whole will not be participating in the contest, please invite individual students to enter on their own. Coupon must be received by Jan. 9, 2015. Teacher’s Name: School: Student’s Name Tel: Age: Mail entries to: Classroom Times/Educational Services 508-862-1219, Fax: 508-778-0330 Cape Cod Times, 319 Main St., Hyannis, MA 02601 [email protected] CC-SPAD1204080445 Teacher's Email: Number of Participating Students: Moreinformation, information, forms be available at www.capecodonline.com/classroomtimes More forms andand tips tips will will be available after Dec. 1 at www.capecodonline.com/classroomtimes