RegistRation foRm - AIAA SciTech 2015
RegistRation foRm - AIAA SciTech 2015
PLEASE SELECT CONFERENCE BELOW: q q q q q q 5-9 January 2015 Kissimmee, Florida q AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference q 17th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference q 56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference q 8th Symposium on Space Resource Utilization q 33rd Wind Energy Symposium 23nd AIAA/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference 2nd AIAA Spacecraft Structures Conference 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference AIAA Infotech @ Aerospace AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference Registration form (or register online at All registrants please complete the information below. SCITECH15 2 1 Conference Badge Name First/Given Name M.I. Last/Family Name Job Title/Rank E-mail Address Address Daytime Phone Number State Country/Zip/Postal Code Fax Number (include country code) If you are registering as a student, indicate the following: Degree Type (BS, MS, PhD, etc.)___________________________________________________________ Field of Study (AE, ME, EE, etc.)_________________ Expected Graduation Date___________________ Name of Institution______________________________________________________________________ AIAA Membership: If you are registering at the full conference rate, included with your registration fee is one year of AIAA membership. Sign below, then visit and click on My AIAA to update your contact information. Those paying the group rate do not reserve membership or membership renewal. q Included in your AIAA membership will be periodic communications about AIAA benefits, products, and services. Check here if you prefer not to receive membership information via email. q From time to time, we make member information available to companies whose products or services may be of interest to you. Check here if you prefer not to have your name and address used for non-AIAA mailings. Signature_________________________________________________ Date__________________ q Check here if you are renewing or reinstating your membership. (You must pay full nonmember conference fee.) 4 Return Form To: 1) For fastest, easiest 2) By mail: return completed 3) By fax: send the signed, service, register form with payment to completed form with online at AIAA credit card payment to ATTN: Lynne David703.264.7657 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500 Reston, VA 20191-4344 Registration forms must be received by 22 December 2014 to receive the early-bird rate. Registration forms cannot be processed without full payment. Cancellations must be received in writing no later than 22 December 2014. There is a $100 cancellation fee. Registrants who cancel beyond this date or fail to attend will forfeit the entire fee. For questions, contact Lynne David at 703.264.7503 or [email protected]. Early Standard 23 December 2014–9 January 2015 By 22 December 2014 Member Member Conference Discount Conference Discount Option 1: FULL CONFERENCE with online proceedings q $1270 q $800 q $1270 q $1150 Includes sessions Monday–Friday, One Recognition Lunch (either Tuesday or Thursday), Tuesday reception in the Exhibit Hall, Wednesday lunch in the Exhibit Hall, and single-user access to the online conference proceedings. Option 2: Full-time underGraduate student q $120 q $65 q $120 q $95 Includes sessions and exhibit participation only (excludes food functions and conference proceedings). Option 3: Full-time Graduate or Ph.D. Student q $225 q $170 q $225 q $200 Includes sessions and exhibit participation only (excludes food functions and conference proceedings). Option 4: Full-time retired (Aiaa member only) N/A q $350 N/A q $475 Includes sessions Monday–Friday, Tuesday reception in the Exhibit Hall, Wednesday lunch in the Exhibit Hall. Does not include proceedings. Option 5: Two Day continuing education course (includes full conference registration) q Aircraft and Rotorcraft System Identification q Fundamentals and Applications of Modern Flow Control q Best Practices in Wind Tunnel Testing q $1670 q $1200 q $1670 q $1550 Includes sessions Monday–Friday, One Recognition Lunch (either Tuesday or Thursday), Tuesday reception in the Exhibit Hall, Wednesday lunch in the Exhibit Hall, and single-user access to the online conference proceedings. Option 6: one Day continuing education course q Introduction to Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (Includes full conference registration) q $1470 q $1000 q $1470 q $1350 Includes sessions Monday–Friday, One Recognition Lunch (either Tuesday or Thursday), Tuesday reception in the Exhibit Hall, Wednesday lunch in the Exhibit Hall, and single-user access to the online conference proceedings. Option 7: One day rate: $350 q Monday q Tuesday q Wednesday q Thursday q Friday Includes sessions for that day only. Tickets may be purchased separately. Option 8: Workshop q $260 q $260 q $360 q $360 Includes workshop participation only. Conference registration is not included. 5 q Check here if you need to make special arrangements due to a disability. 6 Form of Payment Attach requirements on a separate sheet of paper. AIAA Member No.______________________________________ q Purchase Order q Travelers Check Extra Tickets Monday Associate Fellows Dinner Tuesday Recognition Lunch Tuesday Reception/Exhibit Hall Wednesday Lunch/Exhibit Hall Thursday Recognition Lunch Online Proceedings q q q q q q $125 No. of tickets_____________ $60 No. of tickets_____________ $80 No. of tickets_____________ $64 No. of tickets_____________ $60 No. of tickets_____________ $220 No. of copies_____________ q American Express q Check q VISA q MasterCard q Wire Transfer q Diners Club Credit Card Number:__________________________________ Expiration Date: _________ Month ________Year Signature:___________________________________________________________________________________ Email address of cardholder for receipt: ________________________________________________________ Total Due: $ ____________________ Register on Our Web Site: Select “Register Now” to access the secure online registration form. Use credit card only. Follow the steps for registration. Please note that photographs and video taken by or on behalf of AIAA of event activities and attendees shall be the property of AIAA. By registering for this event, you consent to the use by AIAA of any photograph or video in which you appear, including for promotional purposes, in print, digital, or other format, without notice or compensation to you. 14-465_Update2 3 —Registration Options— All registrants must provide a valid ID (driver’s license or passport) when they check in. For student registration, valid student ID is also required. Organization Name/Division/Mailstop City Select your registration options below. Payment by check, credit card, or money order—payable to AIAA—must accompany registration. To pay the member rate, your membership must be in good standing.