SESLHD `Clinical Abbreviations List`
SESLHD `Clinical Abbreviations List`
CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST Abbreviation Meaning Date added / archived A AAA AA (A) Abdominal aortic aneurysm Alcoholics Anonymous Assistance a/a A1, A2 AAROM AAV AAL Ab AB ABBI Abd ABG ABI ABPI As above Aortic Valve, 1st sound, 2nd sound Active assisted range of movement (physio) AIDS-associated virus Anterior axillary line Antibody Apex beat Advanced breast biopsy instrumentation Abduction (physio) Arterial blood gases Acquired brain impairment/injury Ankle brachial pressure index ABS A-C ACAT ACBT ACC ACCR ACE ACL ACM ACTH ACS ADC Add ADD ADH ADHD ADL Adm ADR ADT AE AEA AEB AF AFB AFO AFP Agg AGN AH Acute brain syndrome Acromioclavicular (physio) Aged Care Assessment Team Active cycle of breathing technique (physio) Acute care certificate Aged care client record Angiotensin converting enzyme Anterior cruciate ligament (physio) Ambulatory cardiac monitoring Adreno-corticotropic hormone Acute coronary syndrome AIDS dementia complex Adduction (physio) Attention deficit disorder Anti-diuretic hormone Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Activities of daily living Admission / admitted Adverse drug reaction (mental health) Adult diphtheria and tetanus Air entry Above elbow amputation (physio) Atrial ectopic beat Atrial fibrillation Acid fast bacilli Ankle-foot orthosis (physio) Alphafoetoproteins Aggrevating (physio) Acute glomerulonephritis Abdominal hysterectomy SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Added 05/04/2013 Added 19/04/2013 Page 1 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST AHA AHD AHF AI AICD AIDS AIMS AIN AIVR AJ AK AKA Alb. ALA ALD ALL ALP ALS alt. Alt sly AM AMD AMI AML AMO Amp AMP AMRI ANA ANC ANCA ANLL ANS Ant. Anti D A/O AOD AODM A&P AP A-P APC APD APH APO Appt. APTT APR APS ARBD ARC ARDS ARF ARM SESLHD Form F 211 Assisted Han Assessment (physio) Arteriosclerotic/atherosclerotic heart disease Antihaemolytic factor Aortic incompetence Automated implantable cardioverter-defibrillator Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Alberta Infant Motor Scale (physio) Assistant in Nursing Accelerated idioventricular rhythm Ankle jerk Above knee Above knee amputation Albumin Assisted local anaesthetic Alcoholic liver disease Acute lymphoblastic/lymphocytic/lymphatic leukaemia Alkaline phosphatase Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Alternate Alternate side lying (physio) Active movement (physio) Age-related macular degeneration Acute myocardial infarction Acute myeloid leukaemia Attending/admitting medical officer Ampoule Austin Moore prosthesis Anteromedial rotary instability Antinuclear antibody Antenatal clinic Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies Acute non-lymphocytic leukaemia Autonomic nervous system Anterior Rh (D) immunoglobulin Application of (physio) Alcohol and other drugs (mental health) Adult Onset Diabetes Mellitus Anterior and Posterior (repair) Arterial pressure Antero-posterior Activated protein C Automated peritoneal dialysis Ante-partum haemorrhage Acute pulmonary oedema Appointment Activated partial thromboplastin time Abdominoperineal resection Acute Pain Service Alcohol related brain damange (mental health) AIDS Related Complex Adult/acute respiratory distress syndrome Acute renal failure Artificial rupture of membranes Trim T13/ 27744 Page 2 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST AROM ARV AS ASAP ASCVD ASD ASET ASHD ASO Asp. ASVD ATFL ATN ATNR ATOR ATS ATSP Aug. Ausc. AV AVAC AVB AVF AVM AVN AVO AVR AVRT A/W AWOL AWS Ax AXR AZ Active range of movement (physio) AIDS Related Virus Aortic stenosis As soon as possible Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease Atrial septal defect Aged Services in Emergency Team Arteriosclerotic heart disease Arteriosclerotic obliterans Aspirate Arteriosclerotic vascular disease Anterior tibiofibular ligament (physio) Acute tubular necrosis Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (physio) At time of report Antitetanus serum Asked to see patient Augmentation Auscultation (physio) Aortic valve Atrioventricular accessory conduction Atrioventricular block Acute ventricular failure Arteriovenous malformation Atrioventricular necrosis Apprehended violence order (mental health) Aortic valve replacement Atrioventricular re-entrant/reciprocating tachycardia Associated with Absent without leave (mental health) Alcohol withdrawal syndrome Assessment (physio) Abdominal x-ray Ascheim-Zondek (test) B // bars Ba BAD BAER BAL BAWO BBA BBB BBBB BBS BC BCA BCC BCCA BCG b.d. BE BEA Parallel bars Barium Bipolar affective disorder Brainstem auditory evoked response Blood alcohol level Bilateral antrum washout Born before arrival Bundle branch block Bilateral bundle branch block Bronchial breath sounds Blood culture Balloon catheter angioplasty Basal cell carcinoma Bilateral common carotid angiogram Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin Twice a day Barium Enema Below elbow amputation SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Page 3 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST B/F BGL BIBA BIH Bilat BIP BiPAP BJ BK BKA BM BMAT BMB BMH BMI BMR BMT BNO BO B/O BOO BOOP Borg RPE BOS BP BPAD BPD (use with care) BPH BPM BPSD BPTT BS BSA BSL BSO BSS BSLT B/U BUN BVF BW BWt Bx BXO Breast feeding Blood glucose Brought in by ambulance Benign intracranial hypertension Bilateral (physio) Benign intracranial pressure Bilevel positive airway pressure Biceps jerk Below knee Below knee amputation Bone marrow Bone marrow aspiration and trephine Bone marrow biopsy Benign monoclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia Body mass index Basal metabolic rate Bone marrow transplant Bladder neck obstruction Bowels open Baby of Bladder outlet obstruction Bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia Borg rating of perceived exertion (physio) Base of support (physio) Blood pressure Bipolar affective disorder (mental health) Bronchopulmonary dysplasia /C C C1-7 C&C Ca. CABG With Cough (physio) Cervical vertebrae 1-7 Collar and Cuff Carcinoma Coronary artery bypass graft SESLHD Form F 211 Benign prostatic hypertrophy/hyperplasia Beats per minute Behavioural & psychological symptoms of dementia Brachial plexus tension test provocation (physio) Bowel sounds Body surface area Blood stained liquor Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy Black silk sutures Bilateral sequential lung transplantation Blood urea Blood urea nitrogen Bilateral ventricular failure Birth weight Body weight Biopsy Balanitis xerotica obliterans C Trim T13/ 27744 Page 4 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST CACP CAD CADE CADL CAG CAH Ca in Situ Cal. CAL CALD CALD Call. Cap. CAPD Cas. CAT CAVB CAVH CAVHD CBC CBD CBS CBSL CBV CCA CCD CCF CCPD CCS CCT CCU CDCR CDE CDH CDT C/E CE's CEA Ceph CES CF CFA CFS CFT CGD CHB CHD CHC CHD CHF CHI CHL Chol. chr. SESLHD Form F 211 Community Aged Care Package Coronary artery disease Confused and disabled elderly Community activities of daily living Coronary artery graft Chronic active hepatitis Carcinoma in situ Calorie Chronic airway limitation Chronic alcoholic liver disease Culturally and linguistically diverse Callous (podiatry) Capsule Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis Casualty Computerised axial tomography Complete atrioventricular block Continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration Continuous arteriovenous haemodialysis Complete blood count Common bile duct Chronic brain syndrome Capillary blood sugar level Cord blood vessels Common carotid artery Continuous catheter drainage Congestive cardiac failure Continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis Classical caesarean section Continuous/controlled cord traction Coronary care unit Canaliculodacryocystorhinostomy Common bile duct exploration Congenital diaphragmatic hernia Combined diphtheria and tetanus (vaccine) Cystoscopy Cardiac enzymes Carotid endarterectomy Cephalic Cauda equina syndrome (physio) Cystic fibrosis Common femoral artery Chronic fatigue syndrome Complement fixation test Chronic granulomatous disease Complete heart block Congenital heart disease Community Health Centre Congenital heart disease Congestive heart failure Closed head injury Conductive hearing loss Cholesterol Chronic Trim T13/ 27744 Page 5 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST CHx C/I CIA CIBH CIDP Cigs. CIN Circ Obs CIS CK CLBBB CLD CLL CLO CLT cm CM CMC CMG CML CMML CMV CMS CNC CNH CNP CNPB CNPU CNS CNS c/o CO CO2 Co1-3 COAD COB CO/C1 COJ Cont. COPA COPD CoPMI COPUM CPAP CPB/CPBP CPD cPNET CPPD CPR CR CRBBA CRC creps. SESLHD Form F 211 Current history (physio) Contraindicated (physio) Common iliac artery Change in bowel habit Chronic inflammatory demyelination polyradioneuropathy Cigarettes Cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia Circulatory observations (physio) Carcinoma in situ Creatinine kinase Complete left bundle branch block Chronic liver disease Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Campylobacter-like organism Continuous lumbar traction (physio) centimetre Certified midwife Carpometacarpal (physio) Cystometrogram Chronic myeloid leukaemia Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia Cytomegalovirus Clinical Midwife Specialist Clinical nurse consultant Chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica helicis Continuous negative pressure ventilation Continuous negative pressure breathing Cannot pass urine Central nervous system Clinical Nurse Specialist Complains of Cardiac output Carbon dioxide Coxageal segments (physio) Chronic ostructive airways disease Chronic obstructive bronchitis Atlanto-axial joint (physio) Cardio-oesophageal junction Continued Cuffed oropharyngeal airway Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Children of parents with a mental illness (mental health) Congenital obstructing posterior urethral membranes Continuous positive airway pressure Cardiopulmonary bypass Cephalopelvic disproportion Central primitive neuroectodermal tumour Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate (Crystal Deposition Disease) Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation Controlled release (used after a drug name) Complete right bundle branch block Colorectal cancer Crepitations (physio) Trim T13/ 27744 Added 19.4.13 Added 19.4.13 Page 6 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST CREST (syndrome) CRF CRHD CRL CRPS CRRT CRS C/S C&S CSA CSF CSHS CSOM CSU CT CTD CTG CTM CTO CTR CTS CTSP CUP C/US CVA CVC CVD CVL CVP CVS CVVH CVVHD Cx CXR abbreviation for calcinosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasis Chronic renal failure Chronic rheumatic heart disease Crown rump length (ultrasound) Complex regional pain syndrome Continuous renal replacement therapy Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service Caesarean section Culture and sensitivity Central sleep apnoea Cerebrospinal fluid Central sleep hypopnea syndrome Chronic suppurative otitis media Catheter specimen of urine Computerised tomography Carpal tunnel decompression Cardiotocograph Connective tissue massage (physio) Community Treatment Order Carpal tunnel release Carpal tunnel syndrome Called to see patient Chemical use in pregnancy Continuous ultrasound (physio) Cerebrovascular accident Central venous catheter Cerebrovascular disease Central venous line Central venous pressure Cardiovascular system Continuous veno-venous haemofiltration Continuous veno-venous haemodialysis Cervix Chest x-ray D DADL D&A DADHC DAI DAOR DASH DAT DB DB&C DBE DBP D/C Domestic activities of daily living (occ. Therapy) Drug and alcohol (mental health) Dept of Aging, Disability and Home Care (mental health) Diffuse axonal injury Discharged at own risk Disability of arm, shoulder, hand (physio) Dementia of Alzheimer’s type Deep breathing (physio) Deep breathing and coughing (physio) Deep breathing exercises Diastolic blood pressure Discharge D&C DCIS DCR DDx Dilatation and curettage Ductal carcinoma in situ Dacryocystorhinostomy Differential diagnosis SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Updated 19.4.13 Added 05/04/2013 Page 7 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST DD DDD Dec. Derm. DF DHS DI DIC Diff. DIH DIN DIP DISH dist. DITs DIU DJD DKA DLCL DLE DLT DM DML DNA DNS DNW D/O DOA DOB DoCS DOE DOH DON DOPS DORV DPT Dr. DREZ D/S DSA DSCL DSH DST DSTM DTA DTF DTM DTP DT DTs DU DUA DUB DV SESLHD Form F 211 Dangerous drugs Degenerative disc disorder Decreased (physio) Dermatology Dorsiflexion (physio) Dynamic hip screw Diabetes Insipidus Disseminated intravascular coagulation (syndrome) Differential Direct inguinal hernia Ductal intraepithelial neoplasia Distal interphalangeal (physio) Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis Distal Diathermy to inferior turbinates Death in-utero Degenerative joint disease Diabetic ketoacidosis Diffuse large cell lymphoma Disseminated lupus erythematosis Double lumen tube Diabetes mellitus Diffuse, mixed small and large cell lymphoma Did not attend Deviated nasal septum Did not wait Day only Dead on arrival Date of birth Department of Community Services Dyspnoea on exertion Department of Housing Director of Nursing Diffuse obstructive pulmonary syndrome Double outlet right ventricle Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (vaccine) Doctor Dorsal root entry zone Dorsal surface (podiatry) Digital subtraction angiography Diffuse small cleaved-cell lymphoma Deliberate self harm (mental health) Dexamethasone suppression test Deep soft tissue massage (physio) Deep transverse arrest Deep transverse frictions (physio) Deep tissue massage (physio) Diphtheria tetanus pertussis (vaccine) Diversional therapist Delirium tremens Decubitus ulcer Death under anaesthetic Dysfunctional uterine bleeding Domestic violence (mental health) Trim T13/ 27744 Page 8 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST DVA DVD DVT D/W Dx Department of Veterans' Affairs Double-vessel disease Deep venous thrombosis Discussed with Diagnosis E EACH E EAM EAR EBM EBP EBV ECCRTLA ECBD ECCE ECG Echo. EC-IC ECMO E Coli ECSWL ECT ECTR ECV ED EDB EDC EDH EEG EEN EER EF EGD EIL EIS EJV Elev. EMG EMLA (trade name) EMS EN Eng. ENG ENT E/O EOG EOM EOR EPG SESLHD Form F 211 Extended aged care at home (package) Extension (physio) External auditory meatus Expired air resuscitation Expressed breast milk Electric breast pump Epstein-Barr virus Equal, concentric, circular, reacting to light and accommodation Exploration common bile duct Extracapsular cataract extraction Electrocardiogram Echocardiogram Extracranial to intracranial (Vascular Bypass) Extracorporal membrane oxygenation Escherichia coli Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy Electroconvulsive therapy Endoscopic carpal tunnel release External cephalic version Emergency Department Epidural block Estimated date of confinement Extradural haemorrhage Electroencephalogram Endorsed Enrolled Nurse Added 19.4.13 Estimated energy requirements (dietetics) Ejection fraction Esophagogastroduodenoscopy Extension in lying (physio) Extension in standing (physio) External jugular vein Elevation (physio) Electromyogram Eutectic mixture of local anaesthetics-Copyright Astra Pharmaceuticals Elderly Mobility Test (physio) Enrolled nurse Engaged Electronystagmogram Ear, nose and throat Examination of Electro-oculography Extra-ocular movements End of range (physio) Electrophoretogram Trim T13/ 27744 Page 9 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST EPR EPS EPSE ER ERCP ERG ERPC ESC ESCRF ESM ESR ESRD ESRF ESWL ESWT ETCO2 EtOh ETT EUA Ev. EWC Ex Ex's Exp. Ext. Estimated protein requirements (dietetics) Electrophysiological studies Extra-pyramidal side effects (mental health) External rotation (physio) Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Electro-retinography Evacuation of retained products of conception End stage care End stage chronic renal failure Ejection systolic murmur Erythrocyte sedimentation rate End stage renal disease End stage renal failure Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy Endurance Shuttle Walk Test (physio) End tidal carbon dioxide Alcohol Endotracheal tube Examination under anaesthetic Eversion (physio) Electric wheelchair Excision Exercises Expiratory (physio) Extension (physio) F F&A FACH FASF FB FBC FD FDIU FES FESS FET FEV FEV1 FF FFA FFP FFFTs FGM FH/FHx FHR FHS FI Fi O2 FIL FIM FIS SESLHD Form F 211 Foot and ankle (physio) Forceps to after coming head Forearm support frame (physio) Foreign body Full blood count Foetal distress Foetal death in utero Functional electrical stimulation Functional endoscopic sinus surgery Forced expiratory technique (physio) Forced expiratory volume (physio) Forced expiratory volume in one second (physio) Formula feeding Free fatty acids Fresh frozen plasma Fits, faints and funny turns Female genital mutilation Family history Foetal heart rate Foetal heart sounds For investigation Fraction of inspired oxygen Flexion in lying (physio) Functional independence measure (physio) Flexion in standing (physio) Trim T13/ 27744 Page 10 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST FISS FIVD FLCL Flex. FM FMF FML FMO FMS Fn FNA FNAB FNB FO FOB FOOB FPA FPG FRC FROM FS FSCL FSE FSGN FSH FT FTA FTD FTG FTI FTM FTP FTSG FTT F/U FUB FVC FWB 4WF Fx Flexion in step standing (physio) Fixed interval variable dose Follicular large cell lymphoma Flexion (physio) Foetal movement Foetal movements felt Follicular mixed lymphoma Financial management order (mental health) Functional Mobility Scale (physio) Function (physio) Fine needle aspirate Fine needle aspiration biopsy Fine needle biopsy For observation (mental health) Fibreoptic bronchoscopy Fell out of bed Family planning association Fasting plasma glucose Functional residual capacity Full range of motion (physio) Frozen section Follicular small cleaved-cell lymphoma Foetal scalp electrode Focal sclerosing glomerulonephritis Follicle stimulating hormone Full term Failure to attend Full term delivery Full thickness graft Free thyroxine index Fractional test meal Failure to progress Full thickness skin graft Failure to thrive Follow up Functional uterine bleeding Forced vital capacity (physio) Full weight bearing (physio) Four-wheeled frame Fracture G g GA GAMP GANT GB GBPS GBS GCMS GCS GDM GE GFR Gram General anaesthetic General anaesthesia manipulation & plaster Gastrointestinal autonomic nerve tumour Gallbladder Gated blood pool scan Group B Streptococcus Gas chromatography mass spectometry Glasgow coma scale Gestational diabetes mellitus Gastroenteritis Glomerular filtration rate SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Page 11 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST GFSH GH G&H GHPS GI GIB GIDDM Growth factor stimulating hormone Growth hormone Group and hold Gated heart pool scan Gastrointestinal Gastrointestinal bleeding Gestational insulin dependent diabetes mellitus GIFT GIH GIST GIT g/l GM GMFCS GN GNC GORD GP GPI Gr 1 GRF GRH GSH GSW GTNC+D GTNC+F GTT GU GUS GUT GVHD G&XM Gyn. Gamete intrafallopian transfer Gastrointestinal haemorrhage Gastrointestinal stomal tumour Gastrointestinal tract Grams per litre Grand mal (epilepsy) Gross Motor Function Classification Scale (physio) Glomerulonephritis General nursing care (mental health) Gastroesophageal reflux disease General practitioner General paralysis of the insane Grade 1 (etc..) Ground reaction force (physio) Growth releasing hormone Group, screen and hold Gun shot wound General treatment, nails cut and drilled (podiatry) General treatment, nails cut and filed (podiatry) Glucose tolerance test Gastric ulcer Genitourinary system Genitourinary tract Graft versus host disease Group and cross match Gynaecology H Hb H HAD Hall. HASA HASI Haemoglobin Huff (physio) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (physio) Hallux (podiatry) Health and Security Assistant (mental health) Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative (mental health) Hallux adducto valgus (podiatry) Heart block First degree heart block Hand behind back (physio) Hand behind head (physio) Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin Hyperbaric oxygenation Headbox HAV HB 1qHB HBB HBH HBIG HBO H’box SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Change to GDM Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Belinda Lee Page 12 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST HBV H&C HC H/C HCA HCCC HCIS Hct HCV HCVD HD H/D HDL HDT HDU HEHP HEP Hep A, B, C HGH HH HHSH HHT HI HIB HIDA HIE HIFUS Hist. HITS HIV HIVD HK H/K HLC HLSA HLT HMD H/molle HNPCC HNPM HNPU H/O, HO H2O HOCM HONK HPC HPF HPFH HPI HPO HPU HPV HPVD HR SESLHD Form F 211 Hepatitis B Virus Huff and cough (physio) Head circumference Hot/cold (physio) Health Care Agency (mental health) Health Care Complaints Commission (mental health) Health Care Interpreter Service (mental health) Haematrocrit Hepatitis C virus Hypertensive cardiovascular disease Haemodialysis Heloma durum (podiatry) High density lipoprotein Head down tilt (physio) High Dependency Unit High energy high protein (dietetics) Home exercise program (physio) Hepatitis A, B, C etc.. Human growth hormone Hiatus hernia Hand held shower hose (occ therapy) Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia Head injury Haemophilus Influenzae type B Hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid (scan) Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy High intensity focused ultrasound Histology Heparin-induced thrombocytopaenic syndrome Human immunodeficiency virus Herniated intervertebral disc Hyperkeratosis callous (podiatry) Hawkins Kennedy (impingement test) (physio) High level care High ligation stripping avulsion Heart/lung transplant Hyaline membrane disease Heloma molle (podiatry) Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer Has not passed meconium Has not passed urine History of Water Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy Hyperosmolar nonketotic coma History of present condition High power field Hereditary persistence of foetal haemoglobin History of present illness Hypertrophic pulmonary osteopathy Has passed urine Human papilloma virus Hypertensive pulmonary vascular disease Heart rate Trim T13/ 27744 Page 13 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST H-R H/R HRT HS H Sit. HSV Ht H/T HTLV HTN HTO HUS HV HVS HWR Hx Hz HZ HZV Hamilton Russell (traction) Hold relax (physio) Hormone replacement therapy Heart sounds High sitting (physio) Herpes simplex virus Height Hypertension Human T-cell lymphotropic virus Hypertension High tibial osteotomy Haemolytic uraemic syndrome Home visit High vaginal swab Healthy weight range (dietetics) History Hertz Herpes zoster Herpes zoster virus I (I) Independent I ¹³¹ IABCP IABP IADH IASD IBD IBS IC IC¥ ICA ICB ICC ICCE ICCS ICD ICE IC-EC ICF ICP ICS ICU ID I&D IDC IDDM IDM IDS IDW IE IEC Iodine - 131, radioiodine Intra-aortIc balloon counterpulsator Intra-aortic balloon pump Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone Interatrial septal defect Inflammatory bowel disease Irritable bowel syndrome Informed consent (physio) Informed consent obtained (physio) Internal carotid artery Intracerebral bleed Intercostal catheter Intracapsular cataract extraction Intercellular cement substance Intercostal drain Iridocorneal endothelial (syndrome) Intracranial to Extracranial (vascular bypass) Intravascular coagulation-fibrinolysis (syndrome) Intracranial pressure Intercostal space Intensive Care Unit Identification (bands on babies) (obstetrics) Incision and drainage Indwelling catheter Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Infant of diabetic mother Interdigital space (podiatry) Interdigital wedge (podiatry) Inspiratory:expiratory (ratio) (physio) Intraepithelial carcinoma SESLHD Form F 211 Added 05/04/2013 Trim T13/ 27744 Page 14 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST IEPC IF IFT Ig IG IGF IgG IGR IGTN IH IHD IHSS II IJV IM; I/M IMA IMB IMC IMI IMT IMV Inf. inj. INR Insp. Int. Inv. I/O IOC IODM IOL IOP IP IPD IPF IPH IPJ IPMA Immunoelectrophoresis Immunofluorescence Interferential therapy (physio) Immunoglobulin Intragastric Insulin-like growth factor Immunoglobulin G Impaired glucose regulation Ingrown toenail Incisional hernia Ischaemic heart disease Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis Image intensifier Internal jugular vein Intramuscular Internal mammary artery Intermenstrual bleeding Incomplete miscarriage Intramuscular injection Isometric muscle testing (physio) Intermittent mandatory ventilation Inferior Injection International normalised ratio Inspiratory (physio) Internal (physio) Inversion (physio) Insertion of Intraoperative cholangiogram Infant of diabetic mother Induction of labour Intraocular pressure Inpatient Intermittent peritoneal dialysis Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (physio) Intrapartum haemorrhage Interphalangeal joint Interpersonal Prevention and Management of Aggression (mental health) IPPB IPPR IPPV IQ IR IRDS IRMA IRPF IRQ IRV ISADH ISC isq IST ISWT Intermittent positive pressure breathing (physio) Intermittent positive pressure respiration Intermittent positive pressure ventilation (physio) Intelligence quotient Internal rotation (physio) Infant respiratory distress syndrome Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis Inner range quadriceps (physio) Inspiratory reserve volume Inappropriate secretion of anti-diuretic hormone Intermittent self catheterisation Condition unchanged (in status quo) Infraspinatus tendon (physio) Incremental Shuttle Walk Test (physio) SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Page 15 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST I/T I/T C Tx I/T L Tx ITP IUCD IUD IUFD IUGR IUP IV I/V IVC IVD IVDA IVF IVH IVI IVP IVSD IVT IVUS IWT Ix Intermittent (physio) Intermittent cervical traction (physio) Intermittent lumbar traction (physio) Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Intrauterine contraceptive device Intrauterine death Intrauterine foetal death Intrauterine growth retardation Intrauterine pregnancy Intravenous Interview Inferior vena cava Intervertebral disc Intravenous drug abuse In-vitro fertilisation Intraventricular haemorrhage Intravenous injection Intravenous pyelogram Interventricular septal defect Intravenous therapy Intravascular ultrasound Impacted wisdom teeth Investigation J JCA JDM JGOS jj JJ JMO JO JRA Jt. JVP JVPq JVPNR Juvenile chronic arthritis Juvenile diabetes mellitus Joint guarantee of Service (mental health) jaw jerks Jejunostomy (dietetics) Junior medical officer Juvenile onset (mental health) Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis Joint (physio) Jugular venous pressure Jugular venous pressure not raised Jugular venous pressure not raised K kg kj Kl Km KR/KF KR KS KUB K Wire Kilogram knee jerks Kilolitre Kilometre Kiellands rotation/Kiellands forceps Kiellands rotation Kaposi's sarcoma Kidney, ureters, and bladder Kirschner wire L L 1-5 L LA Lumbar vertebrae 1-5 Litre Local anaesthetic SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Page 16 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST LAD LAFG LAHB LAMP Lap. LAPI LAPOP LASIK Lat. LAV LBBB LBD LBE LBP LBW LCA LCCA LCCS LCL LCM LCx LDDD LDL LEEP LF LFA LFH LFTs LGA LGV LH LHF LICS LIF ligs. LIH LIMA Liq. LIQ LL LLB LLETZ LLFG LLL LLPOP LLQ LZ LMA LMB LML LMND LMO LMP L/N SESLHD Form F 211 Left axis deviation Long arm fibreglass (cast) (physio) Left anterior hemiblock Local anaesthesia, manipulation & plaster Laparoscopy Lacey Assessment of Preterm Infants (physio) Long arm plaster of paris (physio) Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis Lateral (physio) Lymphadenopathy-associated virus Left bundle branch block Left border dullness Lateral basal expansion (physio) Low back pain (physio) Low birth weight Left coronary artery Left common carotid artery/angiogram Low cervical caesarean section Lateral collateral ligament (physio) Left costal margin Left circumflex Lumbar degenerative disc disorder Low-Density-Lipoprotein type Loop electrosurgery excision procedure Liver failure Left femoral artery Left femoral hernia Liver function tests Large for gestational age Lymphogranuloma venereum Luteinising hormone Left heart failure Left intercostal space Left iliac fossa Ligaments (physio) Left inguinal hernia Left internal mammary artery Liquid Lower inner quadrant (breast) Lower lobe Lower limb brace Large loop excision transformation zone Long leg fibreglass (cast) (physio) Left lower lobe (lung) Long leg plaster of Paris (physio) Left lower quadrant Lower zone Laryngeal mask airway Left main bronchus Left middle lobe (lung) Lower motor neurone disease Local medical officer Last menstrual period Lymph node Trim T13/ 27744 Page 17 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST LNB LNMP LOA LOC LOL LOP LOQ LOS LOT LOW LP LRQ LRTI LS L/S LSCL LSCP LSCS LSE LSO LSP l/sulcus LSV LTHR LTM LTS LUL LUDT LUQ LUSCS LV LVAD LVD LVEDP LVF LVH LVS LVT lymphs LZ Lymph node biopsy Last normal menstrual period Left occipito-anterior Loss of consciousness Left occipito-lateral Left occipito-posterior Lower outer quadrant (breast) Length of stay Left occipito-transverse Loss of weight Lumbar puncture Lower right quadrant Lower respiratory tract infection Lumbosacral Lecithin/sphingomyelin (ratio) Long subclavian line Left scapuloposterior Low segment caesarean section Left sternal edge Left salpingo-oophorectomy Left sacro posterior Lateral sulcus (podiatry) Left saphenous vein Left total hip replacement Long term memory (mental health) Lateral tarsal strip Left upper lobe (lung) Left undescended testicle Left upper quadrant Lower uterine segment caesarean section Left ventricle Left ventricular assistance device Left ventricular dysfunction Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure Left ventricular failure Left ventricular hypertrophy Low vaginal swab Left ventricular tachycardia Lymphocytes Lower zone (physio) M M M1 M2 MAC MACE MAI MALT mane MAOI MAP MAS SESLHD Form F 211 Metre Mitral valve, first sound Mitral valve, second sound Mycobacterium avium complex Malone antegrade continence enema Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (infection) Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue In the morning Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (mental health) Mean airway pressure Motor assessment scale (physio) Trim T13/ 27744 Page 18 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST MAST Max. MBA MBD MBS MC MCA MCG MCH MCHC MCL MCLS MCP MCS MCV MD MDD MDI MDM MDP MDR-TB MDS ME Mec. Mec liq Meds Med. MED MELAS MEN Meq. METS; Mets MFC MFD Mg mg MGA MGM MGTT MGUS MH MHA MH-BMS MHDAO MHI MHOAT MHRT MHT Mhz MI MID MIMS min. mL SESLHD Form F 211 Military anti-shock trousers Maximum (physio) Motor bike accident Minimal brain dysfunction Modified barium swallow (speech path) Miscarriage Middle cerebral artery Micturating cystogram Mean corpuscular haemoglobin Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration Mid-clavicular line Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome Metacarpophalangeal (physio) Microscopy, culture and sensivity Mean corpuscular volume Muscular dystrophy Major depressive disorder (mental health) Metered dose inhaler Mid-diastolic murmur Manic depressive psychosis Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis Myelodysplastic syndrome Myalgic encephalitis Meconium Meconium liquor Medications Medial (physio) Minimal erythema dose episodes Multiple endocrine neoplasia Milli-equivalents Metastatic Medial femoral condyle Mid forceps delivery Magnesium Milligram Manipulation under general anaesthetic Maternal grandmother Modified glucose tolerance test Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance Mental health (mental health) Mental Health Act (mental health) Mental Health Bed Management System (mental health) Mental health and Drug and Alcohol Office (mental health) Manual hyperinflation (physio) Mental Health Outcome Assessment Tool (mental health) Mental health review tribunal (mental health) Mental health team Megahertz (physio) Myocardial infarction Multi-infarct dementia Monthly index of medical specialities Minimum (physio) Millilitre Trim T13/ 27744 Page 19 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST ML MLB MLD mm MM mmHg MMK mmol MMR MMSE MMT MND MNG MO Mob. MOD mods. MODY MOW m/p MP1 Middle lobe (lung) Monaural loudness balance (hearing test) Masking level difference (hearing test) Millimetre Multiple Myeloma Millimetres of mercury Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz operation millimole Measles-mumps-rubella (vaccine) Mini mental state examination Manual muscle testing (physio) Motor neurone disease Multinodular goitre Medical officer Mobilise (physio) Mature onset diabetes Modifications (occ therapy) Maturity-onset diabetes of the young Meals on wheels Medial plantar (podiatry) Mallampati 1 (a score for mouth opening in anaesthesia, 1-4 grades) MPNST MPS MPV MR MRA MRCP MRI MROP MRP MRSA MS MSA MSE MSL MSLT MSU m/sulcus MTD MTP MUA MULE Multip. MV MVA MVD MVP MVR movt. MW Mx Myco. MZ Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour Myocardial perfusion scan/study Mean platelet volume Mitral regurgitation Magnetic resonance angiography Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography Magnetic resonance imaging Manual removal of placenta Motor relearning programme (occ therapy) Methicillin/Multiple resistant staphylococcus aureus Mitral stenosis Mammary specific antigen Mental state examination (mental health) Meconium stained liquor Multiple sleep latency test Mid stream urine Medial sulcus (podiatry) Muscle tension dysphonia Metatarsophalangeal (physio) (podiatry) Manipulation under anaesthetic Multiple upper limb exerciser Multipara = more than one live birth Mechanical ventilation Motor vehicle accident Mitral valve disease Mitral valve prolapse Mitral valve replacement Movement (physio) Mallory-Weiss (syndrome) Management Mycobacterium Middle/mid zone SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Page 20 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST N N NAD NAFLD NANB NASH NB NBF NBM NBST NCV N/D NE N/E Neb. NEC NESB NETS NFA NFO NFR N/G NGO NGT NGU NH NHL NHT NIBP NICU NIDDM NIHSS NIMV 9-HPT NIPV NJ NK NKA NKDA NLE NMP NMS NMRI NND NOAD Nocte NOF NOH NOK NOLD NOS NP SESLHD Form F 211 Normal No abnormality detected Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Non-A/Non-B (viral hepatitis) Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis Newborn Neville Barnes forceps (low) Nil by mouth Newborn screening test Nerve conduction study Normal delivery Not engaged No effect (physio) Nebuliser/nebulised Necrotising enterocolitis Non English-speaking background NSW newborn & paediatric Emergency Transport Service No fixed address No further orders Not for resuscitation Nasogastric (dietetics) Non-government organisation (mental health) Nasogastric tube Nongonococcal urethritis Nursing home Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Nursing home type Non-invasive blood pressure Neonatal intensive care unit Not insulin dependent diabetes mellitus National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (physio) Non invasive mask ventilation Nine-Hole Peg Test (physio) Non invasive pressure ventilation Nasojejunal (dietetics) Nil known; not known No known allergies No known drug allergies Neonatal lupus erythematosus Normal menstrual period Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging Neonatal death No other abnormality detected At night Neck of femur Neck of humerus Next of kin No osseous lesion detected Not otherwise specified Non productive (physio) Trim T13/ 27744 Page 21 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST NP NPA NPO2 npu NR NRB N/S NS NSAID NSC NSCLC NSMDA NSR NSU NSTEMI NUM NWB Nurse Practitioner Nasopharyngeal airway Nasal prong oxygen Not passed urine Normal range Non rebreather (mask) Normal saline Nuclear sclerosis (cataract) Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Non-sterile cataract Non small cell lung cancer/carcinoma Neurosensory Motor Developmental Assessment (physio) Normal sinus rhythm Non-specific urethritis Non ST elevation myocardial infarction Nurse unit manager Non weight bearing O O2 O: OA O/A OB Obs. OBS O/C OCD OCP O/D O/E OFD OG O/G O&G OGD OHI OH&S Oint OJ OM O/M O/N OP OPC OPD OPG Ophth. O/R; OR ORIF ORQ Ortho. OSA O2 Sats Oxygen Objective (physio) Occipito-anterior (L or R) On admission; on arrival Obstetrics Observations (physio) Organic brain syndrome Onychocryptosis (podiatry) Osteochondritis dissecans Oral contraceptive pill Overdose On examination Orofaciodigital (syndrome) Orogastric (dietetics) Onychogryphosis (podiatry) Obstetrics and Gynaecology Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy Oral hygiene instruction Occupational health and safety Ointment Other joints (physio) Otitis media Onychomycosis (podiatry) Overnight Operation Office of the Protective Commissioner (mental health) Outpatients Department Orthopantomography Ophthalmology Open reduction Open reduction with internal fixation Outer range quadriceps (physio) Orthopaedics Obstructive sleep apnoea Oxygen saturation SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Added 19.4.13 Page 22 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST OSHS OT OTA Outs Obstructive sleep hypopnoea syndrome Occipitotransverse Over toilet aid (occ therapy) Outfractures P P: P1, P2 PA PAC PACE PADL PADP Paed palp. PAMS PAIVMS PAN PAP PAPP-A Pap smear Para pass. pat. PAT PBC pc PC PCA PCB PCK PCL pCO2 PCOD PCP PCT PCTA PCV PD PDA PDMS PDx PE PEARL PECCRLA Plan (physio) Pulmonary valve, first sound or second sound Per axilla Premature atrial contractions Promoting aphasic's communicative effectiveness (speech path) Personal activities of daily living (occ therapy) Program of Aids for Disabled People (occ therapy) Paediatrics Palpitations (physio) Passive accessory movements (physio) Passive accessory intervertebral movements (physio) Polyarteritis nodosa Primary atypical pneumonia Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A Papanicolaou smear test Paraplegic Passive (physio) Patella (physio) Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia Primary biliary cirrhosis Presenting complaint (physio) Packed cells Patient controlled analgesia Postcoital bleeding Polycystic kidney Posterior cruciate ligament (physio) Partial pressure of Carbon Dioxide Polycystic ovary disease Phencyclidine (use/intoxication) Porphyria cutanea tarda Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty Packed cell volume Peritoneal dialysis Patent ductus arteriosus Peabody Developmental Motor Scale (physio) Provisional diagnosis Physical examination Pupils equal and reacting to light Pupils equal, concentric, circular, reacting to light and accommodation PEDI PEEP PEFR PEG PEJ PENS Paediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (physio) Positive end expiratory pressure (physio) Peak expiratory flow rate (physio) Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy Percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulator SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Page 23 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST PEO perc pess PET PF PFCKR PFR PFT PFx PGH PH PHT PI PICA PICC PiCCO PID PIE PIH PIN PIP PITP PIVD PKB PKD PKU PM PMA PMB PMH PMP PMR PMS PMT PN PNB PNC PND PNET PNF PNH PNLA PNS PNX pO2 p/o PO POA PO4 POC POD POH POP POW SESLHD Form F 211 Protective Estates Order (mental health) Percussion (physio) Pessary Pre-eclamptic toxaemia Patellofemoral (physio) Patellofemoral compartment knee replacement Peak flow rate Pulmonary function test Pelvic floor exercises (physio) Pituitary growth hormone Past history Pulmonary hypertension Prothrombin index Posterior inferior cerebral artery Peripherally inserted central catheter Pulse contour cardiac output Pelvic inflammatory disease Pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia Pregnancy induced hypertension Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia Proximal interphalangeal (joint) Powered inferior turbinoplasty Prolapsed intervertebral disc Prone knee bend Polycystic kidney disease Phenylketonuria Post mortem Plantar metatarsal area (podiatry) Post menopausal bleeding Past medical history Plantar metatarsal pad (podiatry) Polymyalgia rheumatica Premenstrual syndrome Premenstrual tension Percussion note Prostate needle biopsy Post natal clinic Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea Primitive neuroectodermal tumour Passive neck flexion (physio) Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria Percutaneous needle lung aspiration Peripheral nervous system Pneumonia Concentration of oxygen in solution Productive of (physio) By mouth, orally Power of attorney Phosphate Products of conception Pouch of Douglas Poor Obstetric History Persistent occipito-posterior Prisoner of War Trim T13/ 27744 Page 24 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST Post. Post op PP P&P PPE PPH PPHN PPIVM PPM PPN pPNET PPROM PPU PR Pre med Pre-op Prep PRFFNB PRIND PRK prn prod. prog. PROM pron. prot. pro tem prox. PRVC PS P/S PSA PSC PSH; PSHx PSP PSV Pt P/T PTA PTB PTC PTCA PTE PTFL PTH PTK PTS PTSD pu PU PUD PUF PUIT PUJ SESLHD Form F 211 Posterior Post operatively Pin prick Pin and plate Personal protective equipment Post partum haemorrhage Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn Passive physiological intervertebral movements (physio) Permanent pacemaker Peripheral parenteral nutrition Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour Preterm premature rupture of membranes Perforated peptic ulcer Per rectum Pre medication Pre operatively Preparation (mental health) Percutaneous radiofrequency facet nerve block Prolonged reversible ischaemic neurological deficit Photorefractive keratectomy Whenever necessary (pro re nata) Productive Prognosis (mental health) Premature rupture of membranes Pronation Protraction for now/in the short term Proximal Pressure regulated volume control Presenting symptoms Plantar surface (podiatry) Prostate-specific antigen Polar senile cataract Past surgical history Progressive supranuclear palsy Pressure support ventilation Patient Physiotherapy Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty Pulmonary tuberculosis Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty Pulmonary thromboemboli Posterior tibiofibular ligament (physio) Parathyroid hormone Phototherapeutic keratectomy Pulled to sitting/pulled to standing (physio) Post traumatic stress disorder Passed urine Peptic ulcer Peptic ulcer disease Pick-up frame (physio) Passed urine in toilet Pelvi-ureteric junction Trim T13/ 27744 Page 25 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST PUO PUPP PU/S PUVA PV PVB PVC PVD PVE PVS PWB Pyrexia of unknown origin Pruritic urticarial plaques of pregnancy Pulsed ultrasound (physio) Psoralen ultraviolet A (therapy) Per vagina Per vagina bleeding Premature ventricular contraction Peripheral vascular disease Per vaginal examination Post-viral syndrome Partial weight-bearing (physio) Q qid quad. quads. QS Four times a day Quadraplegia Quadriceps Quad stick (physio) R RA RAD RAEB RAEB-T RAH RAM RARS RAS RBBB rbc RBC RBD RBG RBGL RC RCA RCB RCC RCCA RCM RCV RDS RDT RDW Re: REIL REIS REM rep. Resp. ret. RF RFA RFH RFIL SESLHD Form F 211 Rheumatoid arthritis Right axis deviation Refractory anaemia with excess blasts Refractory anaemia with excess blasts in transformation Right atrial hypertrophy (on ECG) Rapid alternating movements (neurology) Refractory anaemia with ringed sideroblasts Renal artery stenosis Right bundle branch block Red blood cell Red blood count Right border dullness Random blood glucose Random blood glucose levels Right circumflex Right coronary artery Relaxed controlled breathing Red cell count Right common carotid angiogram/arteriogram Right costal margin Red cell volume Respiratory distress syndrome Routine dialysis therapy Red cell distribution width Regarding (mental health) Repeated extension in lying (physio) Repeated extension in sitting (physio) Rapid eye movement Repeated (physio) Respiratory Retraction (physio) Renal failure Right femoral artery Right femoral hernia Repeated flexion in lying (physio) Trim T13/ 27744 Page 26 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST RFIS RFP RFT RFTs RGP Rh -ve Rh +ve RHD RHF RIB RICS RIF RIH RIMA RIND RIP RJ R-J RK RLF RLIQ RLL RLN RLOQ RLQ RM RML RMO RN R/O ROA ROL ROM ROP ROS rot. ROT RPC RPF Rpt RR RSA RSD RSI RSO RSP RST RSV RSVB RT; R/T; RTx RTA RTB RTHR RTI SESLHD Form F 211 Repeated flexion in standing (physio) Right frontoposterior (obstetrics) Right frontotransverse (obstetrics) Respiratory function tests Retrograde pyelogram Rhesus factor negative Rhesus factor positive Rheumatic heart disease Right heart failure Reportable incident brief Right intercostal space Right iliac fossa Right inguinal hernia Right internal mammary artery Reversible ischaemic neurologic deficit Raised intracranial pressure Radial jerk Robert Jones (bandage) Radial keratotomy Retrolental fibroplasia Right lower inner quadrant (breast) Right lower lid Recurrent laryngeal nerve Right lower outer quadrant (breast) Right lower quadrant (abdomen) Registered midwife Right middle lobe (lung) Resident Medical Officer Registered Nurse Removal of Right occipito anterior (obstetrics) Right occipitolateral (obstetrics) Range of motion (physio) Right occipitoposterior (obstetrics) Removal of sutures Rotation (physio) Right occipitotransverse (obstetrics) Retained products of conception Retroperitoneal fibrosis Repeat Respiratory rate Right sacro-anterior (obstetrics) Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (now CRPS) Repetitive strain injury Right salpingo-oophorectomy Right sacroposterior (obstetrics) Right sacrotransverse (obstetrics) Respiratory syncytial virus Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis Radiotherapy Regular in time and amplitude Return to bed Right total hip replacement Respiratory tract infection Trim T13/ 27744 Page 27 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST RTL RTS RTU RTW RUDAS RUIQ RUL RUO RUOQ RUQ R/V RV RVA RVAD RVF RVH RVP RVT Rx RXT Reacting to light Raised toilet seat (occ therapy) Returned to unit Returned to ward Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale Right upper inner quadrant (breast) Right upper lid Right ureteric orifice Right upper outer quadrant (breast) Right upper quadrant Review Right ventricle Right vertebral angiogram Right ventricular assist device Right ventricular failure Right ventricular hypertrophy Right venous pressure Renal vein thrombosis Treatment Right exotropia S s /s S1-5 S. aureus SAFG SAH SAL SAPOP SaO2 S/B serum (as in s bilirubin) without Sacral vertebrae (1-5) Staphylococcus aureus Short arm fibreglass (cast) (physio) Subarachnoid haemorrhage Sensorineural acuity level (test) Short arm plaster of paris (physio) Oxygen saturation Seen by Stillborn/stillbirth SBA Standby assistance (occ therapy) SBE Subacute bacterial endocarditis SBO Small bowel obstruction SBP Systolic blood pressure SBR Serum bilirubin Strict bed rest S-B test Stanford-Binet test SBT Sharp/blunt test (occ therapy) SCA Sickle cell anaemia scap. Scapula (physio) SCC Squamous cell carcinoma SCH Subconjunctival haemorrhage SCI Subcutaneous injection SCID Severe combined immunodeficiency disease SCI MH-OAT Service Contact Info. Mental Health Outcome & Assessment Tools (MH) SCLC SCN SCTx SDAT SDH SESLHD Form F 211 Small cell lung cancer Special Care Nursery Static cervical traction Senile dementia Alzheimer's type (mental health) Subdural haemorrhage/haematoma Trim T13/ 27744 Page 28 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST SDT S/E SEM sens. SFA SFD SFGA SFL/R SG SGA SGIS Sh. SH; SHx SHL SI SIADH SIDS SIJ SIMV SIRS SISADH SIW SL SLAP SLE SLFG SLN SLPOP SLR SLS SLT SM SMA SMD SMI SMR SMHSOP Speech detection threshold Subjective examination (physio) Systolic ejection murmur Sensation (physio) Superficial femoral artery Small for dates Small for gestational age Side flexion left/right (physio) Specific gravity Small for gestational age Side glide in standing (physio) Shoulder (physio) Social history Sudden hearing loss Stress incontinence Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (secretion) Sudden infant death syndrome Sacro-iliac joint (physio) Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation Systemic inflammatory response syndrome Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone Self inflicted wound Side lying (physio) Superior labrum anterior-posterior lesion Systemic lupus erythematosus Short leg fibreglass (cast) (physio) Superior laryngeal nerve Short leg plaster of Paris (physio) Straight leg raising (physio) Single leg stand (physio) Single lung transplant Student midwife Superior mesenteric artery Senile macular degeneration Sustained maximal inspiration (physio) Submucous resection (nose) Specialist Mental Health Services for Older Persons (mental health) SN Sn SNAP SNM SNRI SNS s/o SO SOA SOB SOBAR SOBOE SOEOB SOL Sol'n SOM Senile nuclear (cataract) Suction (physio) Subacute & non-acute patient Senior Nurse Manager Serotonin/Noradrenalin re-uptake inhibitor (mental health) Sympathetic nervous system Suction out (physio) Salpingo-oophorectomy Swelling of ankles Shortness of breath Shortness of breath at rest Shortness of breath on exertion Sitting over edge of bed (physio) Spontaneous onset of labour Solution (mental health) Secretary otitis media SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Page 29 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST SOOB SP sp SPC Spiro. SPO2 SPPS SPROM SPS Sput. SQ SR SROM s-s SSG SSNHL SSP/SSPE SSRI SSS SST SSV ST Staph. stat STD STEMI STI STM STML STR STS STSG Strep. subcut. subj. subling. Subscap. SUD Sup. Supp. Surg. Sub US Susp. S/V Sit out of bed Speech Pathology Species Suprapubic catheter Spirometry (physio) Saturation of peripheral oxygen Stable plasma protein solution Spontaneous premature rupture of the membranes Single point stick (physio) Sputum (physio) Static quadriceps (physio) Sinus rhythm Spontaneous rupture of membranes Side to side (physio) Split skin graft Sudden sensorineural hearing loss Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitor (mental health) Sick sinus syndrome Supraspinatus tendon (physio) Short saphenous vein Sinus tachycardia Staphylococcus immediately and once only (statim) Sexually transmitted disease ST elevation myocardial infarction Soft tissue injury Short term memory Short term memory loss Soft tissue release (physio) Serology tests for syphilis Split-thickness skin graft Streptococcus Subcutaneous Subjective (physio) Sublingual Subscapularis (tendon) (physio) Sudden unexplained death Supination (physio) Suppository Surgery or surgical Subaquatic ultrasound (physio) Suspension Supervision SVC SVD SVG SVR SVT SW SWISH Sx SXR Superior vena cava Septal ventricular defect Saphenous vein graft Systemic vascular resistance Supraventricular tachycardia Social work NSW Statewide Infant Screening - Hearing Surgery (physio) Skull x-ray SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Added 05/04/2013 Page 30 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST SZ/SCZ Schizophrenia (mental health) T T1-12 Tab. TA TAH TAHBSO Thoracic vertebrae (1-12) Tablet Tendoachilles / technical assistant (physio) Total abdominal hysterectomy Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy TAPVC TB TBA TBC TBI TBLC TBLI TBW TCA TCC TCI TCM T-CLL TCV TD t.d.s TED Temp. TEN TENS TEST TEV TFA TFL TFT T/F TG TGA TGF-b TH THA THBSO THC THR TIA TIBC TIPS TIVA TJ TKA TKR TKVO TLA TLC TLE TLR Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection Tuberculosis (tubercle bacillus) To be arranged To be confirmed (physio) Traumatic brain injury Term birth living child Term birth live infant Tension band wiring Tricyclic antidepressant (mental health) Transitional cell carcinoma To come in Transcutaneous monitoring T-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Talipes calcaneovalgus (physio) Tardive dyskinesia (mental health) Three times a day (ter die sumendum) Thromboembolic deterrent (stockings) Temperature Trainee enrolled nurse Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (physio) Tubal embryo stage transfer Talipes equinovarus (physio) Transfemoral amputation (physio) Tensor fasciae latae (physio) Thyroid function tests Transfer (physio) Triglycerides Transient global amnesia Tumour growth factor - b Total hysterectomy Total hip arthroplasty Total hysterectomy bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy Tetrahydrocannabinol (marijuana) (mental health) Total hip replacement Transient ischaemic attack Total iron binding capacity Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt Total intravenous anaesthesia Triceps jerks Total knee arthroplasty Total knee replacement To keep vein open Translumbar aortogram Tender loving care Temporal lobe epilepsy Tonic labyrinthine reflex (physio) SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Page 31 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST TM TMC TMJ TML TMR TMT TNF TNP TOE TOF TOL TOP TORCH (complex) TOS TOV T/P TPG TPHA TPI TPL TPN TPP TPR TPTL TrA tract. TRAM traps. TRH Ts and As T/S TSH TSI TSS TTA TTE TTN TTP TTVPM TUD TULIP TUNA TUR TURP TV TVH TVR TVT TWB TWOC Tx TZ SESLHD Form F 211 Tympanic membrane Threatened miscarriage Temporomandibular joint Trachea midline Transmyocardial revascularisation Tarsometatarsal (physio) Tumour necrosis factor Transitional Nurse Practitioner Transoesophageal echocardiogram Tracheo-oesophageal fistula Trial of labour Termination of pregnancy Toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex Trial of scar Trial of void Transplant Transpulmonary pressure gradient Treponema pallidum haemagglutination (test) Totally and permanently incapacitated Threatened premature labour Total parenteral nutrition Time, place and person Temperature, pulse and respiration Threatened pre-term labour Transversus abdominis (physio) Traction (physio) Transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous (flap) Trapezius (physio) Thyrotropin-releasing hormone Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy Thoracic spine (physio) Thyroid stimulating hormone Thyroid stimulating immunoglobin Toxic shock syndrome Transtibial amputation (physio) Transthoracic echocardiogram Transient tachypnoea of the newborn Traumatic tension pneumothorax Temporary transvenous pacemaker Transurethral diathermy Transurethral ultrasound-guided laser induced prostatectomy Transurethral needle ablation (of prostate) Transurethral resection Transurethral resection of prostate Tidal volume (physio) Total vaginal hysterectomy Tricuspid valve replacement Transvaginal tension (tape) Touch weight bearing (physio) Trial without catheter Traction (physio) Transformation zone Trim T13/ 27744 Added 19.4.13 Page 32 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST U U/A UA UAP UBT UC U&E UCG UEC U/K UL ULTT ULTT1-3 UMN U/O UPDRS UPP UPPP URI urol. URT URTI US;U/S UTA UTI UTT UULEX UV UVP UVR UWSD UZ Urinalysis Unstable angina Unstable angina pectoris Uterine balloon therapy Ulcerative colitis Urea and electrolytes Urinary chorionic gonadotrophin Urea, electrolytes and creatinine Unknown Upper limb (physio) Upper limb tension test (physio) Upper limb tension test 1-3 (physio) Upper motor neuron Urine output Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (physio) Urethral pressure profile Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty Upper respiratory infection Urology or urological Upper respiratory tract Upper respiratory tract infection Ultrasound Unable to attend (physio) Urinary tract infection Up to toilet (physio) Unsupported upper limb exercise test (physio) Ultra violet Utero vaginal prolapse Ultraviolet radiation Underwater seal drain Upper zone (physio) V VA VAD VAIN VAS VBAC VBI VC VD V&D VDRL VE VE, V/E VEB VEP VF VFT VH VHD Visual acuity Vascular access device Vaginal intra-epithelial neoplasia (grades 1-3) Visual analogue scale (physio) Vaginal birth after Caesarean Vertebrobasilar insufficiency Vital capacity (physio) Venereal disease Vomiting and diarrhoea Venereal disease research laboratory Vacuum extraction Vaginal examination Ventricular ectopic beats Visual evoked potential Ventricular fibrillation Ventilatory function test (physio) Vaginal hysterectomy Valvular heart disease SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Page 33 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST vibs/vibes. VIB VIN (I, II, III) VIPoma VIQ Vit. Viz VLAP VLBW VLDL VMO VP VPB VPC VPS VQ;V/Q;V-Q VR VRE VS VSC VSD VT VTE VUJ VV vWD Vx Vibrations (physio) Voided in bed Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (grades I, II, III) Vasoactive intestinal peptide tumour Verbal intelligence quotient Vitamin namely Visual laser assisted prostatectomy Very low birth weight Very low density lipoproteins Visiting Medical Officer Ventriculoperitoneal Ventricular premature beats Ventricular premature contractions Ventriculo-peritoneal shunt calculate airflow and bloodflow Ventricular rate Vancomycin-resistant enterococci Vital signs Vertebral subluxation complex Ventricular septal defect Ventricular tachycardia Venous thrombo-embolism Vesico-ureteric junction Varicose vein von Willebrand's disease Vertex W WAGR Wilms tumour, aniridia, G-U malformations, mental retardation Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Version 3 (mental health) Weight bearing (physio) Whole blood Weight bearing as tolerated (physio) White blood cell White blood count Whole body radiation Workers' compensation Wheelchair White cell count Watts per centimetre squared (physio) Paediatric functional independence measure (physio) Within normal limits Without Washout Welfare officer (mental health) Wolff-Parkinson-White (Syndrome) Wasserman reaction Weight Will take message Four-wheeled frame (physio) Two-wheeled frame (physio) WAIS-III WB WBAT wbc WBC WBR WC W/C WCC W/cm² Wee-FIM WNL w/o W/O WO WPW WR Wt WTM 4WF 2WF SESLHD Form F 211 Trim T13/ 27744 Page 34 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST X X-match XR XRT Cross match X-ray X-ray therapy Y y/o yr/s Years old Year/Years Z Z-N Ziehl Neelsen (stain) SYMBOLS @ & ↓ ↑ ∆ ♂ ♀ # /60 /7 /12 /52 /24 /40 1º 2º 3º + ++ +++ ++++ (R) (L) < > /C /S :. = º % ? ºF °C ← SESLHD Form F 211 At And Decreased Increased Disease Male Female Fracture Minutes Days Months Weeks Hours Weeks of pregnancy Primary, first degree Secondary, second degree Third degree Slight trace Trace Moderate trace Large trace Absent Right Left Less than Greater than With Without Therefore Equal to No; no history of Percent Doubtful; questionable; query Degrees Fahrenheit Degrees Celsius Transverse left (physio) Trim T13/ 27744 Page 35 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS LIST → ↔ →← / SESLHD Form F 211 Transverse right (physio) Longitudinal movement (physio) Transverse mobs per Trim T13/ 27744 Page 36 of 36 THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENT BECOMES UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED OR DOWNLOADED UNLESS REGISTERED BY LOCAL DOCUMENT CONTROL PROCEDURES INTERNAL ONLY
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