one day hands on arduino workshop
one day hands on arduino workshop
Workshop Contents Getting Started with Arduino Introduction to Arduino Platform & Software GPIO Interfacing ADC & Sensor Interfacing Serial Communication Arduino with LabVIEW & Matlab Arduino in Industrial Applications Build your own Arduino Project Participants Students/Faculty of Engineering Colleges/ Practicing Engineers. A maximum of 40 participants are permissible. Registration fee per delegate PSG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Delegates from Industries: Rs.2000/- (inclusive of service tax @ 12.36%*) COIMBATORE – 641 004 Faculty of Engineering Colleges : Rs. 1500/(inclusive of service tax @ 12.36%*) ONE DAY HANDS ON ARDUINO WORKSHOP Students of Engineering Colleges : Rs. 1200/(inclusive of service tax @ 12.36%*) *Tax is charged as per government norms Registration fee includes course material, lunch and refreshments. (The participants are requested to make their own arrangements for accommodation) FOR BEGINNERS February 07th, 2015 Registration Fill the registration form (available with this brochure) and email the same to [email protected] on or before rd 23 January, 2015. Selected candidates will be intimated via email. The participants are advised to take DD only after receiving the confirmation mail. Send the filled up registration form (available with this brochure) along with DD drawn in favor of “PSGCNCE” payable at Coimbatore to the below mailing address. Students are also requested to produce a bona fide certificate in this regard. Mailing Address G.Pradeepa Assistant Professor Dept. of Biomedical Engineering PSG College of Technology Coimbatore – 641 004 CONVENOR Dr. C.Lakshmi Deepika Associate Professor & Head (i/c) Department of Biomedical Engineering Organized by COORDINATOR G.Pradeepa Assistant Professor Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, PSG College of Technology. Mobile: 9944123135 Email Id: [email protected] DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING PSG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY COIMBATORE - 4 About the College PSG College of Technology, an ISO 9001:2000 certified institution is one of the foremost institutions established by the PSG & Sons’ charities Trust (1926). Started in 1951, it has been recognized worldwide for quality engineering education. The College has been granted autonomy status since the year 1978. The college is located in the same campus as PSG Industrial Institute facilitating students to get real time exposure to industrial practice. PSG College of Technology won the diamond award for overall best industry - linked engineering institutes category on 08th Nov, 2012, in first-ever survey of industry linked engineering institutes undertaken jointly by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII). Department Of Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering Department was established in the year 2006. It offers an Under Graduate programme in Biomedical Engineering and a Post Graduate programme in Nanotechnology. The Mission of the Biomedical Engineering Department is to provide the student an in depth knowledge in the area of Electronics and Biomedical Engineering as well as professional skills necessary to face the challenges of the future and enable them to find innovative applications of technology for reaching the goal of health for all in our Country. About the Workshop Arduino refers to an open-source electronics platform or board and the software used to program it. Arduino is designed to make electronics more accessible to artists, designers, hobbyists and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Arduino can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of switches or sensors, and controlling a variety of lights, motors, and other physical outputs. Arduino projects can be stand-alone, or they can communicate with software running on the computer (e.g. Flash, Processing, MaxMSP.) PSG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY COIMBATORE – 641 004 ONE DAY HANDS ON ARDUINO WORKSHOP FOR BEGINNERS February 07th, 2015 Application Form Name: ……………………............................................. Date of Birth & Age: ………………………….................. Department.:………………………….…………................. Organization: …………………………...………................. Address for Communication: ................................ ................ ................ ................ ............................ ................ ................ ................ ............................ ................ ................ ................ ............................ Mobile No. :…...…….……………………….. ................ Email id : ……………………...………….................. A Demand Draft* is enclosed for Rs………………… DD No.:…………………………. Dated:……………………… The workshop is suitable for beginners to create applications in embedded platform. This workshop with hands on training in Arduino hardware, software sensor interfacing. The participants will be able to interface Arduino with LabVIEW, Matlab and develop their own industrial applications. *(Drawn in favour of “PSGCNCE" payable at Coimbatore) Declaration: The information given is true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations governing the workshop. If selected, I shall attend the workshop for entire duration. Place : Date : Signature of the applicant