The Corner Bank Sports Bar & Grill Is proud to offer Diamond


The Corner Bank Sports Bar & Grill Is proud to offer Diamond
The Corner Bank Sports Bar & Grill
Is proud to offer
Diamond professional pool tables
to all their patrons
The perfect compliment to any corporate or team
building event.
Amenities to further enhance your function
Pool Pro
- Trick shot exhibition, tournament organization/administration
- Slight of hand magician, card tricks etc.
- Tarot Card Reader, Palm Reader
Handwriting Analyst
- In depth perspective into one’s personality through writing analysis
Casino Rentals
Poker, Blackjack, Roulette (price includes dealers and chips)
$325/ Table
- Hilarious profile sketches to take home
Wine Tasting
- Educate your taste buds with a wine expert
Extra Services
Coat Check (Compulsory with 50 or more attendees)
Valet Parking
Taxi Chits: Arranged with Crown Taxi (please inquire)
Additional amenities with information are also available upon request
If pool is your game
"Team Building on the pool tables"
A few ideas where pool is incorporated to create a team - building environment around
an atmosphere that is competitive and yet friendly.
Poker Pool
- Each pool table will be accompanied with a Poker Pool deck of cards.
- Teams of two players are dealt a hand of five cards from the Poker Pool deck.
- These cards are not to be disclosed to the opposing team.
- The objective of this game is to pocket the balls on the pool table that correspond to
the cards in their hand.
- Players will alternate shots and turns regardless of their success or failure on any
particular shot.
- Each team is required to work very closely together. Communication, strategizing and
execution are the key elements to success.
- For each ball pocketed that corresponds to a card(s) in either team's hands, that
card(s) shall be placed face up on the side of the pool table identifying it to both sides.
This will be in effect regardless of which team pockets a ball as there are four cards for
each ball on the table and in many cases both teams will have the same card(s).
- The first team to pocket all the balls in their hand shall be deemed the winners.
Pool Table Golf
- A scorecard will be allocated to each team prior to commencing the game.
- This discipline can be played over 6 - 9 holes depending on the size of the group and
the allotted time they have to play the game.
- Each pool table represents a hole on the golf course.
- The balls are positioned differently on each pool table with each position representing
the table par that teams will attempt to achieve.
- Very similar to normal golf, this game can be played in groups of two or more with that
group playing as a team.
- To start, the cue ball (white ball) is always placed on the center spot. This is effectively
the tee box.
- The objective of this game is to pocket the balls on the table in the lowest amount of
- Teams will work together and share ideas and advice in an effort to keep the score as
low as possible.
- Each player will learn from the previous player's efforts and total team communication
is a key element to that team's success.
- The team with the lowest cumulative score shall be deemed the winning team.