winter vacation work class six english u and c


winter vacation work class six english u and c
Class: 6th
Subject: English
Islamic Alta Vista High School
Read story#4, “The flying trunk” from Oxford reading circle (6) and solve the given questions.
Q # 1: Write grammatical status of the given words and use them in sentences.
1) civility
2) descent
3) extravagant
4) fiddlesticks
6) genteel
7) kindle
8) mermaid
9) parlour
11) prophesied 12) prudent
13) scour
14) skim
Q # 2: Write one word for the following.
1) to set something alight
2) the highest register of singing voice
3) formal politics
4) a drawing room; living room
5) somebody who is wasteful or a spendthrift
5) genealogical
10) peasant
15) tinderbox
Q # 3:a) Write synonyms of the following words.
iv. wonderful
vi. strange
b) Write antonyms of the given words.
ii. friend
iv. love
vi. splendid
Q # 4: a) Explain the following.
1) What did the tinderbox mean when he told the saucepan:”Oh do take a breather!?
2) ‘Fiddlesticks!’ replied the saucepan.
3) high descent.
4) fallen on hard times
5) How common they!
b) Make sentences to show the difference between the words.
1) peasant / phesant
2) fate /fete
3) prophesy / prophecy
4) creep / crepe
5) angel / angle
6) gentle / genteel
Class: 6th
Subject: English
Q # 5: Write gender of the following.
1) princess
2) son
3) king
4) father
5) woman
Q # 6: Who said this? Identify the character:
1) “How fortunate”
2) “The king’s daughter lives here”
3) “But you must come on Saturday”
4) “Will you tell us a story”
5) “Yes but with something in to laugh at”
Q # 7: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below.
There was once a wealthy merchant ,so rich that he could pave the whole street with gold. But
he was careful with his money , so he saved the lot! The merchant was also very clever .With
the money he had even more. And so he continued till one day he died, and his son inherited
his vast fortune. The son was not prudent like the father; and went out the town every evening.
He even made kites out of the currency notes, and if these were cut by other kites and floated off
in the wind, he merely laughed.
Q # 1: What was the ability of the merchant?
Q # 2: How much money did he save?
Q # 3: In what ways was the merchant’s son different from his father?
Q # 4: What did the merchant’s son make by the currency notes?
Q # 5: What was his reaction after losing the kites?
Q # 8: Do as directed:
1) The silly fellow soon lost everything.
(change into negative)
2) She consented immediately!
(change into interrogative)
3) I shall bring you no other dowry than a story.
(change into intro-negative)
4) They did not buy new clothes.
(change into affirmative)
5) I have had to endure great hardships.
(change into negative)
6) We grew on green boughs.
(change into present continuous tense)
7) The merchant’s son flew away to the town.
(change into present indefinite tense)
8) We want a merry evening.
(change into future indefinite tense)
9) It was a very splendid affairs.
(change into present tense)
10) Our princess is going to wed a real Turkish angel.
(change into future continuous tense)
Q # 9: Translate into English:
‫۔ نکیل ا پ ےتفہ وک رضور ا و ےگ۔‬4 ‫۔ ایک ا پ ںیمہ اہکین انسو ےگ؟‬3 ‫ ۔ زہشادی ےن وخیش ےس تاایلں اجبںیئ۔‬2 ‫۔ اس یک ا ںیھکن اتسروں یک امدنن ںیکمچ۔‬1
‫۔ اس ےن دلجی ےس وصنمہب انبتا۔‬5
Class: 6th
Subject: English
Q # 10: Rectify the sentences.
1. He were having a marvelous time.
2. She are very beautiful.
3. He told her delightful stories and they impressed him greatly.
4. They was not really strange.
5. I has nothing to pack up in the trunk.
Q # 11: Fill in the blanks by using suitable preposition.
1. He went straight back __________ the word.
2. He sat ________ by her side.
3. The prince was a sleep _________ a sofa.
4. I lived _________ a quiet family.
5. The merchant’s soon puffed ________ his chest.
Q # 12: Change the voice.
1. I gave them another treat.
2. The maid took the matches.
3. He makes kites.
4. The merchant’s son is telling a story.
5. They did not fly kite.
Q # 13: Qualify the given nouns with suitable adjectives.
1. merchant
2. merchant’s son
3. princess
4. king’s daughter
Q # 14: Find out the adverbs from the story and put them in the boxes.
Adverb of time
Q # 15: Punctuate the paragraph.
when the display was over the merchant s son returned in his trunk to the woods
i shall walk back into the town now he said to himself and he hear what they think of
the entertainment
how beautiful it was said one
i saw the angel myself said another
his eyes glittered like the star said a third
he flew in a mantle of fire cried another
the merchant s son puffed out his chest how proud he felt but not for long when
he returned to the woods he found a spark had burnt his trunk to ashes
Class: 6th
Subject: English
Q # 16:a) Make nouns of the given adverbs.
1. immediately ___________
2. beautiful
3. certainly
4. delightfully _________
b) Write grammatical status of the underlined words.
The atmosphere in the kitchen became heated.
How we do sparkle?
The water bucket splashing some water on the floor.
Mine has been a very different fate.
One that is instructive and full of deep learning.