
CLASS XI (2014-15)
Indian Economic Development (Ch-6)
1. What is meant by economic reforms?
2. When was the new economic policy enforced?
3. What is meant by fiscal deficit?
4. What is disinvestment?
5. What is meant by globalization of economy? State the measures adopted by government to promote globalization.
6. Describe three arguments in favour of NEP.
7. Describe three criticisms of NEP.
8. Explain the need for economic reforms.
9. What is meant by liberalization of economy? Give its main measures
10. Explain the main features of privatization of Indian economy.
11. What is WTO? Describe its role in the context of globalization.
12. State the obvious gains and imperative losses of privatization.
Statistics (Ch-4,5,6)
13. Define a variable.
14. What is meant by frequency?
15. What are the class limits?
16. What is meant by magnitude of a class interval?
17. What is meant by exclusive series and inclusive series??
18. What is an open end series?
19. What is meant by cumulative frequency series?
20. What is meant by mid-values frequency series?
21. What is meant classification of data? State its objectives. Discuss the different methods of classification of data
22. Define the derived table.
23. Make a format of table presenting all its parts. Explain the main parts of table.
24. Explain briefly the main characteristics of a good statistical table.
25. Define tabulation. Explain its merits.
26. Draw a flow chart showing different kinds of tables. Also, explain the various kinds of tables.
27. Define multiple bar diagram, percentage bar diagram, deviation bar diagram, circular or pie diagram, sub –
divided bar diagram and simple bar diagram and give one example each.

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