PHYS 222 Worksheet 12 – Kirchhoff's Laws
PHYS 222 Worksheet 12 – Kirchhoff's Laws
PHYS 222 Worksheet 12 – Kirchhoff’s Laws Supplemental Instruction Iowa State University Leader: Course: Instructor: Date: Alek Jerauld PHYS 222 Dr. Paula Herrera-Siklódy 2/12/12 Useful Equations I 0 V 0 Diagrams Related Problems Junction Rule. The algebraic sum of the currents into any junction is zero. Loop Rule. The algebraic sum of the potential difference in any loop must equal zero. 1) Find the following for the circuit (Book 26.21) (Dots on the circuit represent starting points for the loop method) (a) Current in resistor R Using the junction rule at junction (a) : 64 I 0 I 2 A (b) Resistance R Using loop rule on loop (1) : 2R 28 3(6) 0 R 5 (c) Unknown EMF Using loop rule on loop (2) : 6(4) 3(6) 0 42 V (d) If the circuit is broken at point x, what is the current in resistor R? Since the middle branch is broken, we can use the loop rule on loop (1) again, but solving for a new current: 5I ' 28 3I ' 0 I ' 3.5 A 2) Both meters are ideal. Voltmeter reads 16.0 V when switch is open. Find the EMF. What will the ammeter read when the switch is closed? (Book 26.27) By junction rule at junction (a) : 16 0.32 A 50 I1 I 2 0.32 0 I3 Using loop rule on loop (1) : 20I2 30(0.32) 50(0.32) 0 Using loop rule on loop (2) : 75I1 30(0.32) 50(0.32) 0 Now there are three equations with three unknowns. Solve for each variable: I1 0.3413 A I 2 0.6613 A 28.82 V When switch is closed, using loop (3) the ammeter reads: 25 50I3 ' 0 I3 ' 0.50 A 3) All meters are idealized and the batteries have no appreciable internal resistance. (Book 26.29) (a) With the switch open, what is the reading of the voltmeter? Using loop (1) : 25 100I 15 75I 0 I 0.2286 A Vba Vb Va 0.2286(75) 15 2.145 V (b) With the switch closed, what is the reading of the voltmeter? When the switch is close, the middle branch becomes a straight wire (short circuit), meaning the voltage across it is zero. Since the right branch is in parallel with the middle branch, it too has a voltage of zero: V=0V (c) With the switch closed, find the reading of the ammeter. What is the direction of the current? Using the junction rule at junction (a) : I1 I 2 I ' 0 Using loop (2) : 25 100I1 0 Using loop (1) again with a different current in the right branch: 25 100I1 15 75I ' 0 Now there are three equations with three unknowns. Solve for each variable: I1 0.25 A I ' 0.2 A I 2 0.05 A 4) Find the three currents I1, I2, I3 . (Book 26.61) Using loop (1) : 12 1I2 5(I2 I3 ) 0 Using loop (2) : 1I1 9 8 I1 I3 0 Using loop (3) : 10I3 9 1I1 1I2 12 0 Now there are three equations with three unknowns. Solve for each variable: I1 0.848 A I 2 2.14 A I3 0.171 A