Bahubharya Sewanaya Pilibanda Bouddha Akalpaya
Bahubharya Sewanaya Pilibanda Bouddha Akalpaya
30 10th National Conference on Buddhist Studies Significance of the Noble Eightfold Path for Global Ecological Development Rev. Dilbhadra Maharjan 1 Thought Mother Nature can survive without human, human cannot exist without her. By emphasizing above universal concept, ecologists have been examining many different views regards human collaboration with nature. Due to the rapid economic development, people are disregardedto admit that they are part of the nature. Therefore MotherNature is in a perilous situation due to the unethical human behavior. Among various problematic phenomena of the earth, it identified that the preservation of ecological values are most essential in contemporary world.While religious leaders, environmentalists, and scholars demonstrate their best effort to safeguard the nature,the concept of noble eight fold pathperforman exceptional role to preserve the biosphere. Therefore, the effort of this researched paperis to indicatethe significance of noble eight fold path for global ecological development. To illustrate, initially explanation commence with the early concepts of nature where human was cheerful with less requirements. They considered the nature as the God and adored it. Human lived with Mother Nature and sheprotected them with less nature disasters. Secondly, this researched paper demonstrates the significance of the noble eight fold pathfor global ecological development. Itelaborates the initial ecological concepts andthe proper ways to deal pleasantly with Mother Nature.Thirdly, it pays attentionto the necessities of practicing this path to maintain human behavior with minimum nature disasters. Finally, by explaining ecological solutions from Buddhism, humanwill open their eyes more widely with paying specific attention to Buddhist teachings. It assistances to protect the future upcoming generation in the competitive world with less nature disasters. Keywords: Global ecological development,Mother Nature, environmentalist, nature disasters, 1 B.A. (Hons) (M.A. Reading) Research/Teaching assistant, Department of Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy, Sri Lanka. [email protected] 10th National Conference on Buddhist Studies 31 nyqNd¾hd fiajkh ms<sno fn!oaO wdl,amh wdpd¾h ueof.dv wNh;siai ysñ1 Ndr;Sh iudch ;=< Wiia my;a fNaohlska f;drj nyqNd¾hd fiajkh úúO ia:rhka ksfhdackh lrk mqoa.,hska úiska úúO wruqKq Tiafia l%shdjg k.k ,o nj msgl idys;Hh fj; wjOdkh fhduq lsÍfuka fmkS hhs' fï w;r iajlSh iudc ;;ajh yd wdVH;ajh ksrEmKh lsÍfï l%fudamdhhla f,i we;eïyq nyqNd¾hd fiajkh isÿl< w;r" we;efula mrmqr mj;ajd .ekSfï wruqK msg nyqNd¾hd fiajkhg fhduq jQfha ish m<uq Nd¾hdjf.ka ish m%fõKsh mj;ajd .ekSug o/jka fkd,enqKq neúks' óg wu;rj ish lduql;ajh ksid u mria;%S fiajkfhys kshe,Su;a .Ksldjka fj; hdu;a olakg ,efnhs' m;sín;d" i;S" l=,s;aÓ" l=,md,sld" odfrd" cdhd" l,;a;d" >rKS" Nßhd" mshd" mcdm;S" ÿ;shd" mdomßpdßld wd§ mohkaf.ka ìßo yeÈkajqKq w;r wNspdßld" fjis" .Ksld" k.rfidNskS" rEmQmÔúkS" l=,gd" nkaOlS wd§ mo ìßof.ka msg ldu fiajkhg fhdod.;a wh ye§kaùu ioyd fhdod .;a nj fmfka' hf:dala; wNspdßld wd§ka ish Ôú; meje;au ioyd mr mq/Ihka fiajkh l<;a cdÍ w;spdßKS wd§ kï j,ska yeÈkafjk ia;%Syq úkaokh Wfoid u mrmq/Ihka fj; meñKshdyqh' tfia u ieyeis f,i fuka u m%sh njg m;a lrf.k mria;%Ska wdY%h lsÍu o olakg ,efnkakls' fï w;r iudk Nd¾hdjka fyda m%Odk ìß`og wu;rj fjk;a ìßkaoEjreka m%isoaêfha mj;ajdf.k hdu fyj;a nyqNd¾hd fiajkh ms<sn`o msgld.; lreKq wOHhkh lsÍu wm m¾fhaIKfha uqLH wruqK fjhs' tfia u ìßkaoEjreka úYd, msßila fyda lsysm fofkla mj;ajdf.k hdu yd ta ms<sno nqÿrÿkaf.a woyi úuiSug ,la lsÍu o fuu m¾fhaIKfhka wruqKls' nyqNd¾hd fiajkh Ndr;Sh iudcfha ia:dms;j meje;sh o nqÿrÿkaf.a jvd;a we.hqug md;% jkafka tla ìßola fj; muKla úiSu nj o fuys,d m¾fhaIK ks.ukh f,i bÈßm;a l< yelsh' m%uqL mo ( nyqNd¾hd fiajkh" mrmqreIhka" iudk Nd¾hdjka" m%fõKsh 1 fcHIaG lÓldpd¾h" md,s yd fn!oaO wOHhkdxYh" Y%S chj¾Okmqr úYajúoHd,h