Conference agenda


Conference agenda
International Conference on Climate Change Innovation and Resilience for Sustainable Livelihood, 12-14 January 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal
12 January 2015
Registration and Opening Ceremony
Location: Megha Malhar Hall
9:30 Registration
10:45 Opening Ceremony
Session A1: Policy/Climate
Session chair: Prof. Dr. Madan Koirala
Rapporteur: Ila Pant
Location: Megha Hall
[Invited paper] Feasibility of 2oC world: Key findings from the IPCC-AR5
11:15 11:30 Mitigation Report.
Shobhakar Dhakal - School of Environment, Resources and
Development- Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Adapting to climate change and variability through integrated planning
for community and ecosystem resilience.
11:30 11:45
Sunil Kumar Regmi, Man Bahadur Biswokarma, Pratima Shrestha, Judy
Oglethorpe - CARE Nepal
Hi Tea
Session B1: Climate
Session chair: Dr. Rishi R. Sharma
Rapporteur: Binod Parajuli
Location: Malhar Hall
[Invited paper] Simulations of Future Drought Conditions in Central Asia
(CORDEX Region 8) Using RegCM 4.3.5.
M. Levent Kurnaz, Tugba Ozturk, Mustafa Tufan Turp, Murat Turkes - Bogazici
Effect of rainfall and severe floods on rice production in Bangladesh.
Jun Matsumoto, Haruhisa Asada - Department of Geography, Tokyo
Metropolitan University
Participatory Community Assessment for Priority Problem Diagnosis in
Variations in climate indicators for Nepal.
Bajura District , Nepal: What matters Most- Poverty or Climate
11:45 12:00
Soni M. Pradhanang, Nir Krakauer, Ram Chandra Karki - Department of
Geoscienes, University of Rhode Island Kingston, USA
Layne Coppock, Nirmala Pandey - Helen Keller International, Nepal
Co-design and Co-production in Sustainability Research of Future Earth Geospatial Model Tool for Climate Data Retrieval.
12:00 12:15 in Asia.
K Venkata Reddy, Sri Lakshmi Sesha Vani Jayanthi, Kotrike Tharani, P Naga
Ailikun - Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Sowjanya - National Institute of Technology, Warangal
Past summer temperature reconstruction and treeline dynamics with climate
Lessons Learned: The USAID Livestock Innovation Lab in Nepal and
change at Nepal Himalaya
12:15 12:30 Africa.
Narayan Prasad Gaire, Madan Koirala, Dinesh Raj Bhuju - Nepal Academy of
Richard Bowen - Colorado State University, USA
Science and Technology (NAST), Nepal
Effect of climate change on food security and adaptive measures in
Climate Change and its Impact on Food and Livelihood Security in Himalaya:
12:30 12:45 Nepalese context.
Responses and Adaptation.
Mina Nath Paudel - Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), Nepal Prakash C. Tiwari, Bhagwati Joshi - Kumaon University, India
Lunch Break
Session A2: Water Resources
Session chair: Jagat K. Bhusal
Rapporteur: Mohan Chand
Location: Megha Hall
[Invited paper] Climate change impacts on water resources and
13:30 13:45 selected water use sectors: Case studies from Asia.
Sangam Shrestha - Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Projections of surface mass balance change in the Himalayan
mountain glaciers at the end of the 21st century.
13:45 14:00
Sarah Shannon, Richard Betts, Tony Payne, and Andy Wiltshire University of Exeter, UK
Session B2: Agriculture and Livestock
Session chair: Prof. Dr. Richard Bowen
Rapporteur: Ishwara Dhungana
Location: Malhar Hall
Landuse and climate change impacts on wetland paddy ecosystems in the
West Coast of Peninsular India.
K.G. Sreeja, C.G. Madhusoodhanan, T.I Eldho - Dept of Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, India
Climate resilience animal feed technologies and their replication possibility in
farmer’s field.
Netra P. Osti, M. Husneid Azad, Bimala Shah, Chet. R. Upreti - National
Animal Science Research Institute (NASRI), Nepal
Soil Water Potential Control of the Relationship between Moisture and
Global pattern of moraine-dammed glacial lake outburst floods.
Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in a Corn-Soybean Field.
14:00 14:15 Harrison Stephan - Christian Huggel, Jeffrey S Kargel, Liam Reinhardt,
Dinesh Panday, Nsalambi V. Nkongolo - Dept of Agriculture and
Andy Witshire, Richard Betts - UK.
Environmental Sciences Lincoln University
Assessment of land cover change due to flooding alongside Jhelum and Assessment of the Prevalence of Vector Borne Hemoprotozoans in Different
Chenab rivers.
Agro-Climatic Zones of Gandaki River Basin.
14:15 14:30
Bushra Khalid, Hira Ishtiaq, Nageen Fatima - COMSATS Institute of
Saluna Pokhrel, Hari Bahadur Rana, Dr. Chandra Dhakal, Nirajan Bhattarai Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Nepal
Assessment of Future Water Availability in Hunza River Originating
Conservation Water bodies to Promote Better Agriculture & Water Resources
from Highly Glacierised Karakorum Mountains using SWAT
Management-Perspective of Bangladesh.
14:30 14:45 Hydrological Model.
Zaber Ahmed, Md. Rafiqul Islam, Monowar Hossain Ronee, Borhanuddin
Qurat ul Ain Ahmad, Ghazanfar Ali, Arshad M. Khan - Global Change
Aronno - Save the River Movement, Bangladesh
Impact Studies Center (GCISC), Pakistan
Tea Break
Session A3: Agriculture and Livestock
Session chair: Prof. Dr. Nabaraj Devkota
Rapporteur: Sushmita Poudel
Location: Megha Hall
Land Ownership, Farm Productivity, and Food Security in Nepal.
Ram N. Acharya - New Mexico State University
Session B3: Gender and Livelihood
Session chair: Prof. Dr. Tom Hammett
Rapporteur: Aditya
Location: Malhar Hall
Creating opportunities for women's empowerment and resilient families in
the context of growing male migration.
Suman Gupta - Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development
Climate Change Impacts on Livestock in Gandaki River Basin of Nepal.
Gendered local irrigation institutions: implications for access to water in the
Mohan Prasad Sharma, Nir Y. Krakauer, Punya Prasad Regmi, Tarendra
15:15 15:30
context of changing water availability.
Lakhankar, Ajay K Jha, Chandra Kant Dhakal- Agriculture and Forestry
Smrittee Kala Panta - University of Florida, USA
University, Nepal
Soil gene transfer - A new approach of climate change adaptation.
Roshan Babu Ojha, Deepa Devkota - Purbanchal University, Nepal
Analysing the potential of ecosystem service management to alleviate
poverty in the upper Mustang region, Nepal.
Jagat K. Bhusal, Keshav P. Sharma, Deepak Paudel Santos Regmi, Praju
Gurung, Zed Zulkafli, Timos Karpouzoglou, Wouter Buytaert, David M.
Hannah - SOHAM - Nepal
Changing prospect of Shifting Cultivation Systems in the context of
socio-economic and environmental change in Nepal.
15:45 16:00
Keshab Thapa - Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and
Development (LI-BIRD)
Empowering women on the chars: increasing resilience to disasters and
building sustainable livelihoods.
Matthew Pritchard, Arifur Rahman, Md. Mahbub Alam - Bangladesh
Farmers' Preferences for Climate-Smart Interventions in Agriculture.
Nagendra Bastakoti, Snehalata Sainjoo, Sona Shakya, Punya Prasad
16:00 16:15
Regmi, Arun Khatri-Chhetri - Practical Action Consulting- South Asia
Region, Nepal
Household Level Adaptation Practices to Climate Change in Rural Areas of
Madhav Giri, Maurizio Tiepolo, Sudeep Hada - University of Politecnico Di
Torino, Italy
Poster/Exhibition Session (Tea break)
Reception and Dinner
Location: Megha Malhar Hall
International Conference on Climate Change Innovation and Resilience for Sustainable Livelihood, 12-14 January 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal
13 January 2015
Plenary: Cross-Disciplinary Presenatations
Chair: Prof. Suresh Raj Chalise
Rapporteur: Ram Chandra Karki
Location: Megha Malhar Hall
A systemic perspective for building resilience.
Ajay Dixit - ISET Nepal
Securing the Future of Water, Energy and Food: Can solutions for the currently stressed countries provide the direction for ensuring global water
9:30 sustainability and food security in the 21st century?
Naresh Devineni - City University of New York
The value of a river basin approach in climate adaptation
Judy Oglethorpe - World Wildlife Fund Nepal
The Role of Insurance and Risk Spreading in Climate Change Innovation and Resilience
Mark Pauly - The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Session A4: Climate (Crosscutting)
Session chair: Dr. Tarendra Lakhankar
Rapporteur: Binod Parajuli
Location: Megha Hall
Climate change, Implications for Hydrologic Extremes, and What can
we do about it?
10:30 10:45
Thomas Hopson - National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR),
Climate change impacts on coastal urban road networks: A
methodological approach.
10:45 11:00
B. K. Bhavathrathan, C. G. Madhusoodhanan, Gopal R. Patil, T. I.
Eldho - Indian Institute of Technology, India
Climate change impacts on water resources and community
adaptation: The case of Jhiku Khola watershed in Nepal.
11:00 11:15
Narendra Raj Khanal, Prem Sagar Chapagain - Central Department of
Geography, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tea Break
Gender and Livestock Workshop
Location: Malhar Hall
Gender and Livestock Workshop
Gender and Livestock Workshop
Production of chemical commodities from carbon dioxide in a
bioelectrochemical system to reduce carbon dioxide and climate
11:15 11:30 change.
Nabin Aryal, Pier-Luc Tremblay, Leifeng Chen, Daniel Höglund, Tian
Zhang - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Impact of Climate change on Hydrological Regime and its
Consequences for Future Energy Production in Dudh Koshi Basin,
11:30 11:45 Nepal.
Jaya Ram Pudashine, Mukand S. Babel, Sangam Shrestha, Akiyuki
KawasakiAsian - Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand
Tea break
Session A5: Water Resources
Session chair: Er. Mahendra B. Gurung
Rapporteur: Binay Sah
Location: Megha Hall
Leadership Workshop
Location: Malhar Hall
Satellite-based monitoring of snow cover at NOAA: Application to
12:15 Himalayan - Tibetan region.
Peter Romanov, NOAA-CREST - City University of New York, USA
Using real-time data for development of flood outlook in the Narayani
12:15 12:30 Mandira Singh Shrestha, Pradeep Dangol, Guna Nidhi Paudyal,
Shahriar Wahid, Gautam Rajkarnikar - International Centre of
Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Nepal
Evaluation of physically based distributed hydrological models in snowfed river basins of Hindu Kush Himalayan Region.
12:30 12:45
Pallav Kumar Shrestha, Sangam Shrestha - Asian Institute of
Technology (AIT), Thailand
Sustained hydropower potential in the Hindu Kush Himalaya river
basins due to increasing glacier melt and precipitation.
12:45 13:00 A.F. Lutz, Arun Bhakta Shrestha, W.W. Immerzeel, M.F.P. Bierkens International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD),
Leadership Workshop
Presented by Shift Leadership
Presented by Shift Leadership
Climate Change Impact Assessment in a Mountainous Hydrologic
Regime in Nepal using Regional Climate Model Predictions.
13:00 13:15 Dhiraj Raj Gyawali, Dibesh Shrestha, Laxmi Prasad Devkota, Divas
Bahadur Basnyat - Nepal Development Research Institute (NDRI),
Lunch Break
Session A6: Climate/Health and Crosscutting
Session chair: Dr. Dinesh Raj Bhuju
Rapporteur: Nirmala Poudel
Location: Megha Hall
Trends in maximum temperature and thunderstorms, their correlation
and impacts on the livelihood of Bangladesh.
14:00 14:15
Samarendra Karmakar, Dewan Abdul Quadir - Bangladesh Centre for
Advanced Studies, Bangladesh
Spatial and Temporal Variation of Drought in Far and Mid Western
Region of Nepal: Time Series Analysis 1982-2012.
14:15 14:30
Hemu Kharel Kafle - Nepal Academy of Science and Technology
(NAST), Nepal
Early Effects of Climate Change on Public Health in the Hindu-Kush
Himalayan Region- a Case Study of Vector-borne Diseases.
14:30 14:45
Meghnath Dhimal, Ishan Gautam, Bodo Ahrens, Ulrich Kuch - Nepal
Health Research Council (NHRC), Government of Nepal
Leadership Workshop
Location: Malhar Hall
Leadership Workshop
Presented by Shift Leadership
Gender differentiated health impacts of environmental and climate
15:00 change in Nepal.
Mandira Lamichhane Dhimal - Goethe University, Germany
Building capacity to meet climate change and resilient livelihood
challenges: education and training are the missing link.
15:00 15:15
Tom Hammett, Mike Rechlin, Future Generations Graduate School,
Panel Discussions: Incentives to Deliver Climate Smart Natural Resource Management: Identifying Missing Links
Moderator: Soni M. Pradhanang
15:15 16:15 Panelists: Nir Krakauer, Sunil Regmi, A.L. (Tom) Hammett, Bronwyn Llewellyn
Rapporteurs: Mohan Chand, Aditya
Location: Megha Malhar Hall
Poster/Exhibiton Session, Tea
International Conference on Climate Change Innovation and Resilience for Sustainable Livelihood, 12-14 January 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal
14 January 2015
Plenary: Cross-Disciplinary Presenatations
Chair: Dr. Ailikun
Rapporteur: Binod Parajuli
Location: Megha Malhar Hall
Food-Energy-Water Nexus, Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Livelihood
Ajay K Jha - Institute for Global Agriculture & Technology Transfer (IGATT), College of Agricultural Sciences, Colorado State University
Reflecting on ‘Human Choice and Climate Change’
Dipak Gyawali - Academician, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)
Segmentation analysis in Climate Asia, and its role in supporting the adaptation of vulnerable communities through meeting their communications
Pam Vallance - BBC Media Action
Water Resource Management challenges in the 21st Century
Balazs M. Fekete - CUNY Environmental CrossRoads Initiative and CUNY-CREST Institute, City University of New York
Tea Break
Session A7: Climate and Water Resources
Session B5: Forestry and Ecosystem Services
Session chair: Dr. Balazs M. Fekete
Session chair: Prof. Dr. PK. Jha
Rapporteur: Shanti Kadel
Rapporteur: Sharmila Karmacharya
Location: Megha Hall
Location: Malhar Hall
Potential of Agroforestry Species to Climate Change Mitigation through
Quantitative estimation of orographic precipitation over the Himalayas
Carbon Sequestration.
10:30 10:45 by using a dense network of rain gauges and TRMM/PR.
M.A. Hanif, M.S. Bari, Md. Abiar Rahman , Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science
Akiyo Yatagai - Solar-Terrestrial Research Institute, Nagoya University
and Technology University, Bangladesh
Past evolution of Himalayan glaciers: a regional climate model study.
Pankaj Kumar, Sven Kotlarski, Christopher Moseley, Kevin Sieck,
10:45 11:00
Holger Frey, Markus Stoffel, Daniela Jacob - Climate Service Center,
Climate-change Impacts on Nepal’s Biodiversity and Forest Ecosystems.
Gokarna Jung Thapa, Eric Wikramanayake, Shant Raj Jnawali , Ramesh
Adhikari - WWF Nepal
Climate regime of Asian glaciers revealed by GAMDAM Glacier
11:00 11:15
Koji Fujita, Akiko Sakai - Graduate School of Environmental Studies,
Nagoya University, Japan
Tree species plus geophysical survey as indicators of ground water in
AgroClimatic Zone 5, Karnataka, India.
Rinku Verma, Jagadeeshwara K, Shivappa, Jayanti T, A.N.S. Gowda Department of Farm Forestry & Environmental Science, India
Precipitation Climatology over the Gandaki river basin in Nepal.
11:15 11:30 Jeeban Panthi, Piyush Dahal, Ramchandra Karki - The Small Earth
Enhancing ecosystem services through sediment retention in Phewa Lake of
Western Nepal.
Keshav Prasad Khanal, Sunil Kumar Regmi - WWF Nepal /Hariyo Ban Program
Variability, trends and teleconnections of stream flows with large scale
climate signals in the Omo-Ghibe River Basin, Ethiopia.
Analysis of Water Productivity in Indrawati sub basin, Nepal.
11:30 11:45
Mekonnen Adnwew Degefu, Woldeamlak Bewket - Addis Ababa
Bhawani S. Dongol, Ugan Manandhar, Binod Shakya - WWF Nepal, Nepal
University, Ethiopia
Tea Break
Session A8: Policy
Session chair: Dr. Thomas Hopson
Rapporteur: Abha Acharya
Location: Megha Hall
A Public Private Partnership Approach to Facilitating Private Sector
12:00 12:15 Investment for Climate Change Adaptation in Nepal.
Luke A. Colavito, Madan Pariyar - iDE Nepal
Opportunities and Challenges of Promoting Climate Change
Adaptation at the Local Level: Case Study of Community Adaptation
12:15 12:30 Planning in Nepal.
Bimal Raj Regmi, Cassandra Star, Sushma Bhattarai - Flinders
University, Australia
Mismatch between social and ecological resilience: Case of community
forestry and adaptation.
12:30 12:45
Prativa Sapkota, Rodney Keenan, Hemant R. Ojha - University of
Melbourne, Australia
Session B6: Climate
Session chair: Dr. Mandira Singh Shrestha
Rapporteur: Mohan Chand
Location: Malhar Hall
Remote sensing for precipitation estimation in Nepal.
Nir Y. Krakauer, City College of New York, USA
Analyses of Temperature and Precipitation Extreme Indices in Gandaki River
Basin, Nepal.
Nicky Shree Shrestha, Piyush Dahal - Kathmandu University, Nepal
Alteration in snowmelt driven flow regime in climate change scenario.
Anita Khadka, Rijan Bhakta Kayastha, Laxmi Prashad Devkota - Nepal
Development Research Institute (NDRI), Nepal
Ultra-high resolution real-time weather predictions for the Himalayas, using
National Livestock Policy in Nepal: Needs and Opportunities.
12:45 13:00
MetGIS technologies.
Upendra B. Pradhananga, Arhan Sthapit - Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Gerald Spreitzhofer, Stefan Sperka - MetGIS GmbH, Austria
Characteristics of Summer Precipitation Around the Western Ghats, and the
Into the Paucity of Anxious Isolation: Time-Space Appropriation and
Myanmar West Coast.
13:00 13:15 the Liberalization of Suffering.
Dibas Shrestha, Kenji Nakamura - Nepal Academy of Science and Technology,
Gregory Pierce - Lund University Lund, Sweden
Lunch Break
13:15 14:00
Panel Discussions: Future Directions to Meet Climate Change Challenges
Location: Megha Malhar Hall
Moderators: Dr. Madan Lall Shrestha, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Nepal, and Dr. Ajay Jha, Colorado State University, USA
Richard Bowen, Colorado State University, USA
Judy Oglethorpe, World Wildlife Fund Nepal
Representatives from DoLS/DHM
Representative from USAID Nepal
Representative from Govt/funding agencies
Rapporteurs: Mani Bhusan, Binay Sah
Award and Closing Ceremony

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