Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District No. 66 REQUEST FOR


Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District No. 66 REQUEST FOR
Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District No. 66
Crow, Oregon
Educational Facility Master Plan and
Community Outreach Services
Proposal Date Due: January 30, 2015
Time Due: 2:00 pm, PST
Place Due:
Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District
85955 Territorial Rd.
Eugene, Oregon 97402
Person to Receive Proposals:
Aaron B. Brown, Superintendent
Phone: (541) 935-2100
Fax: (541) 935-6107
Email: [email protected]
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The Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District (the District), Eugene, Oregon, is seeking proposals from qualified
firms to assist the District in developing a vision for an Educational Facility Master Plan and to assist the
District with the potential implementation of School Board proposals for major facility improvement projects.
Proposals will be accepted until 2:00 pm Pacific Time, January 30, 2015.
A copy of this Request for Proposal (RFP) may be obtained from District's web site at
or by contacting Superintendent Aaron B. Brown at [email protected]
The District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the
submittal and evaluation process. This RFP does not obligate the District to pay any costs incurred by
respondents in the preparation and submission of a proposal. Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the
District to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services. The successful vendor must comply with the
District's equal opportunity requirements.
Aaron B. Brown
Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District No. 66
Eugene, Oregon
Publish: January 9, 2015
Daily Journal of Commerce, Portland
Eugene Register Guard
The Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District Board will provide general overall direction of the project. The
District Facility Committee and assigned staff will be directly responsible for project development and
The overall purpose for the successful firm is to assist the District with the development of a
comprehensive community based long-range Educational Facility Master Plan for the District's facilities.
The Master Plan will help serve as a guide for assessing the need and community support for facility
improvements and capital investments including repairs, modernization, upgrades and new construction.
This plan is designed to ensure that future decisions are based upon community input and consensus.
Final design work will not be included in the scope of this RFP.
The District anticipates the work will be performed in two major phases. Phase 1 work will consist of an
assessment of the District’s current facilities, the anticipated level of enrollment, and the identification of the
educational model, or grade configuration that best suits the District’s needs today and for the next twenty-five
(25) years. Phase 2 work will involve assisting the District with a Community Outreach program to present
the information gathered in Phase 1, and to present options that will allow the District to meet the objectives of
the Educational Facility Master Plan.
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The scope of work in Phase 1 shall include:
Provide an assessment of the District’s existing buildings to determine the condition of the structures
and building systems. The District will provide a detailed campus map showing the location of all
structures, utilities, drain fields, roadways, sidewalks, and other physical features. The District shall
also provide the energy audit report completed by the Oregon Department of Energy, and a detailed
inventory of the current condition of each building on campus. The Proposer’s assessment will be
instrumental to the District’s decisions whether to remodel, replace, or do nothing to the existing
2. Review past enrollment records, assess current economic trends, and evaluate the regulatory
environment to produce a forecast of the most likely enrollment trends for the next twenty-five years.
3. Provide recommendations of the two most favored grade configurations, or educational models, based
on the existing District buildings as well as potential future building layouts. The Proposers shall seek
input from the community, as well as District staff, in order to best understand the community's vision
and desired educational service model.
The scope of work in Phase 2 will include:
1. Assist the District with Community Outreach Services to present the two most favored Educational
Facility Master Plan alternatives to the community, along with the basis for each alternative’s selection.
This could include presentations, exhibits, design charrettes, or any other methods considered the
most effective means of communication.
2. Provide the District with preliminary cost estimates for each of the two most favored Educational
Facility Master Plan alternatives.
3. Assist the District with the presentation of the selected Plan to the community.
Proposers are asked to present billing proposal options that may include fees based on hourly charges,
fixed charges, package pricing or combination of options. All deliverables shall be owned by the district or
include all rights for district uses.
The successful Proposer will be required to provide, in their proposal, a list of services or tasks the Proposer
considers necessary to develop the District’s comprehensive, long-range Educational Facility Master Plan.
These tasks or services may include, but are not limited to:
District Visioning
 Work with the School Board, Superintendent, staff and community members to help
articulate the district’s vision for educating our students
Grade configurations
Staffing levels
Educational program offerings
Program cooperation with other community resources
 Facilitator available to facilitate various meetings
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 Provide key staff for community meetings, district meetings, or other meetings as needed
 Projected pupil populations, including enrollment, ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and ethnic
 Generate reports and discuss recommended Phase 1 communications
 Perform on-site district building surveys
Phase 1 Communications Effort - Question Sampling and Process
 Write questions (long and short formats)
 Review all organizational meeting calendars and open event opportunities
 Create calendar spreadsheet for District site visits and event attendance
 Craft media deliverables (web, news, postings, email, etc.)
Data Collection
 Create downloadable format for question responses and monitor feedback
 Summarize in-person feedback
 Collect results into spreadsheet
 Analyze and compile input from the community
Analysis of Results and Adjustments
 Review and identify trends in responses based on community cross section
 Meet and discuss findings
 Identify negative trend groups and adjust messaging and/or communication approach
Phase 2 Communications Effort
 Write Phase 2 questions (long and short formats)
 Create Phase 2 calendar spreadsheet for District site visits and event attendance
 Craft Phase 2 media deliverables (web, news, postings, email, etc.)
 Collect feedback results from Phase 2 questions and presentations into updated
Report Out
 Review and identify trends in responses
 Reconvene facilities committee to discuss findings
 Discuss potential adjustments to plan based on timelines and financial perspectives as
expressed by community
 Develop and present report to administration and school board so the district can make a
Building and Site Design in a form sufficient to support the development of a succeeding RFP.
 Draft and plot site plans that illustrate needed building improvements across the District
 Sketch renderings of new or renovated facilities to give community a visual aid. The
Intellectual property rights in the work product will be owned by the district upon payment for
its use for any purpose, including for use in a succeeding RFP.
Resources to be provided by the District:
Historical enrollment data
Targeted Energy Audit & Energy Efficiency Measure Analysis
Crow and Applegate Campus Map
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The Evaluation Committee w i l l consist of:
1. Member(s) of the Dis tric t Board of Directors.
2. Member(s) of the Community.
3. Representative(s) of the school district.
The Evaluation Committee shall review all documents submitted. It may also, at its discretion, conduct inperson interviews with the Proposers submitting the highest scoring proposal(s). The Crow-ApplegateLorane Board will make the final decision regarding the selection of the firm.
The following scoring will be used to evaluate the proposals (125 points maximum):
Experience working with s c h o o l districts or other agencies.
Relevant Oregon experience with school facility projects.
List of Tasks or Services.
Fee Structure.
Experience and expertise of key consultants.
Experience with local building and environmental conditions.
List of references from previous projects.
Communication skills.
Overall Cohesiveness and responsiveness of proposal
(25 pts)
(20 pts)
(20 pts)
(15 pts)
(10 pts)
(10 pts)
(10 pts)
(10 pts)
( 5 pts)
After consideration of the proposals and interviews and /or recommendation of the Evaluation Committee, the contract award
offer will be made to the Proposer that provides the best overall proposal in the opinion of the Crow-ApplegateLorane Board.
All proposals become the property of the district and will not be returned. If any item is deemed by the Proposer
to be confidential or proprietary and not appropriate for review or release, the Proposer must mark it
"Confidential" or "Proprietary," as appropriate, and highlight each portion or page that may not be released. All
information and materials submitted are subject to the application of Oregon law, including Chapter 192 and ORS
All costs of the proposal process, interview, contract negotiation, and related expenses, are solely the
responsibility of the Proposer.
Award of a contract is subject to the availability of funds at the discretion of the C-A-L School District Board of
After submittal of proposals, the District reserves the right to individually contact Proposers, if necessary, to seek
clarification of proposal elements.
The District reserves the right to waive minor informalities and, in conjunction with seeking clarification, to permit
minor modifications to proposals consistent with the intent of the proposal as originally written.
The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or to modify or cancel this solicitation.
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The District reserves the right to make the award based on its best judgment as to which proposal best meets the
District’s expectations for community outreach services, balancing high standards of quality, innovativeness, and
service, with the best value.
No officer of the District nor any person employed in its service is, or shall be, permitted to share or be part of this
contract or any benefit, which may arise there from. The successful Proposer further agrees to make payment
promptly as due, to all persons supplying labor or material for the implementation of the work provided herein.
The successful Proposer shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the District for or on
account of any labor or material furnished aforesaid.
Any vendor requiring clarification or protesting any provision herein must submit specific questions, comments, or
protest, in writing to Aaron B. Brown, Superintendent, at the same address where proposals are due. The
deadline for submitting such questions, comments, or protest, is January16, 2015. If, in the District's opinion,
additional information or interpretation is necessary, such information will be supplied in the form of an Addenda,
which will be delivered to all agencies, firms, etc., having received this Request for Proposal. Addenda shall have
the same binding effect as though contained in the main body of the Request for Proposals. Oral instructions or
information concerning the specifications or the program given out by staff or agents to prospective Proposers
shall not bind the District. Do not rely on verbal instructions unless confirmed by written addenda. All Proposers
will be notified by fax or email of the “Notice of Proposed Award” by the board. To protest the award decision, a
firm must have submitted a responsive proposal to this solicitation, and must identify how they would be next in
line to receive the award recommendation. Protests must be received within 2 business days after the Notice of
Proposed Award. Protests must be submitted in writing and must be received hand-delivered, by mail, by fax or
e-mail addressed to: Aaron B. Brown, Superintendent, at the address where proposals are due, fax number:
(541) 935-6107, e-mail address: [email protected]. The Superintendent, or designee, will review all award
protests and shall be empowered to render a prompt decision.
The District reserves the right to cancel the award of this contract at any time before execution of the contract by
both parties if cancellation is deemed to be in the District's best interests. In no event shall the District have any
liability for the cancellation of the award. The Proposer assumes the sole responsibility for all expenses
connected with the preparation of this proposal.
Neither the resultant contract nor any of the requirements, rights or privileges demanded by it may be sold,
assigned, contracted or transferred by the Contractor without the express written consent of the District.
The successful Proposer's attention is directed to the provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter
659, prohibiting discrimination in employment.
Within ten (10) business days after receipt of "Notice of Proposal Award," the apparently successful Proposer
shall execute a formal, written contract with the District. The contract for services will be drawn by the Proposer
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in conjunction with the District. All requirements of this RFP will be part of said contract unless mutually
acceptable to both parties.
General Insurance. Proposer, or independent consultant, shall furnish a Certificate of Insurance listing the
District as an additional insured under blanket Errors and Omissions Coverage in the amount not less than
$1,000,000, provided that the formation of said contract shall not be complete and the District shall not be liable
thereon until said contract has been executed by both the successful Proposer and the District and said
Certificate of Insurance, properly executed, has been delivered to and accepted by the District.
Commercial General Liability. Proposer, or independent consultant, shall maintain in force for the duration of
this agreement a Commercial General Liability insurance policy written on an occurrence basis with limits not
less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate.
Automobile Liability. The Proposer, or independent consultant, shall maintain in force for the duration
Automobile (owned, non-owned and hired) Liability insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence
shall be maintained. Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District No. 66, its officials, employees, servants and
agents, will be named as an additional insured as respects to work or services performed under this agreement.
This insurance shall be primary and shall be paid and applied first in its entirety prior to any application of
insurance the District may carry on its own.
Workers' Compensation. The Proposer, or independent consultant, shall provide and maintain workers'
compensation coverage for its employees, officers, agents, or partners, as required by applicable workers'
compensation laws.
Evidence of Coverage
Evidence of the above coverage’s issued by an insurance company of a sufficient industry rating shall be
provided to Aaron B. Brown, Superintendent, by way of a certificate of insurance before any work or services
commence. A 30-day notice of cancellation or material change in coverage clause shall be included. Failure to
maintain the proper insurance shall be grounds for immediate termination of this contract.
Equipment and Material
The Proposer, or independent consultant, shall be responsible for any loss, damage, or destruction of its own
property, equipment, and materials used in conjunction with the work.
The Proposer, or independent consultant, shall require all subcontractors to provide and maintain general
liability, auto liability, professional liability (as applicable), and workers' compensation insurance with coverage's
equivalent to those required of the general contractor in this contract. The Proposer shall require certificates of
insurance from all subcontractors as evidence of coverage.
Exception or Waivers
Any exception or waiver of these requirements shall be subject to review and approval by Aaron B. Brown,
Superintendent, and must be in writing.
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Conformance to Proposal requirements: Proposals must conform to the requirements of the Request for
Proposal. All necessary attachments (bid bond, references, descriptive literature, etc.) must be submitted with
the proposal and in the required format. Proposal prices must be for the unit indicated on the proposal. Failure to
comply with all requirements may result in proposal rejection.
Proposals should contain, but not be limited to, the following considerations:
1. Experience and qualifications of your firm (and those of your local office, if applicable) relative to the
scope for the last five years.
2. List of other school districts or municipalities served by your firm during the last 5 years (by year),
providing the name and phone number of individual contacts at municipalities.
3. Size and experience of staff available to complete the services in a timely manner and a list of key
staff that would be assigned to this project.
4. Your fee schedule, including hourly rates for staff who would be involved in the project.
5. Describe how you would propose to use District Personnel, if at all, to assist you in the project.
6. Submit at least one sample of the work of a similar project you've completed within the last 5 years.
7. A discussion of how your firm will conduct the project, including how you would approach the work
The District will provide a Meeting of the prospective Proposers prior to submission of proposals to give
Proposers a chance to better understand the expectations of the District. Proposers will be provided a tour of the
Crow-Applegate-Lorane campus at this time. Proposers are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting. This will
be the only time that Proposers will be able to meet with the Facility Committee to discuss the expectations in
detail and to take a guided tour.
Delinquent Oregon Taxes: Proposers must certify, under penalty of perjury, that they are not in violation of any
Oregon tax laws. No contract for the purchase of goods and/or services will be awarded to a Proposer who
cannot so certify.
Exceptions: Any deviation from RFQ specifications, terms and conditions may result in proposal rejection.
Signature on Proposal: Proposals must be signed in ink by an authorized representative of the Proposer.
Signature on a proposal certifies that the proposal is made without connection with any person, firm or
corporation making a proposal for the same goods and/or services and is in all respects fair and without collusion
or fraud.
Signature on a proposal also certifies that the Proposer has read and fully understands all proposal
specifications, terms and conditions. No consideration will be given to any claim resulting from proposing
without comprehending all requirements of this Request for Proposal.
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Proposal Modification: Modifications or erasures made before proposal submission must be initialed in ink by
the person signing the proposal. Proposals, once submitted, may be modified in writing before the time and date
set for proposal closing. Any modifications shall be prepared on company letterhead, signed by an authorized
representative, and state that the new document supersedes or modifies the prior proposal. Modification must
be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked "Proposal Modification" and identifying the proposal and
closing date. Proposers may not modify proposals after proposal closing time.
Proposal Withdrawals: Proposals may be withdrawn in writing on company letterhead signed by an authorized
representative and received by the District's Superintendent prior to proposal closing time. Proposals may also
be withdrawn in person before proposal closing time upon presentation of appropriate identification.
Protest of Proposal Specifications: A Proposer who believes proposal specifications are unnecessarily
restrictive or limit competition may submit a protest, in writing, to the Superintendent. To be considered, protests
must be received at least five days before the proposal closing date.
Sealed proposals must be received and time-stamped by the District Office prior to proposal closing time. No
proposal received after proposal closing time will be considered. To assure that your proposal receives priority
treatment, please mark the envelope or package as follows:
Proposal Name:
Proposal Due Date and Time:
Proposal Submitted To:
To the Attention of:
Educational Facility Master Plan and Community Outreach Services
Prior to 2:00 pm, PST, on January 30, 2015
Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District No. 66
85955 Territorial Rd.
Eugene, OR 97402
Aaron B. Brown, Superintendent
The Proposer will submit an original and five (5) print copies and one digital copy of the proposal documentation.
The District shall not be responsible for the proper identification and handling of any proposal not submitted in a
timely manner.
Proposals will be opened at the scheduled opening time the Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District Office.
Proposers may be present; however, award decisions will not be made at the opening.
Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be awarded based upon the evaluation criteria in the Request for Proposal.
Delivery: Significant delays in delivery may be considered in determining award if early delivery is required.
Cash Discount: Cash discounts will not be considered for award purposes unless stated in the proposal
Payment: Proposals which require payment in less than 30 days after receipt of invoice or delivery of services,
whichever is later, may be rejected.
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Proposal Rejection: Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District reserves the right to reject based on the public
interest any and all proposals.
The successful proposer will be notified of the results of the proposal evaluation. The name of the successful
Proposer will be posted on the district’s website at The scores of unsuccessful
proposers will remain confidential, but each proposer may be provided a debrief session at the discretion of the
Superintendent. Due to the nature of this Request for Proposal, no proposal tabulations will be provided.
Awarded proposal files are public records and non-exempt information or material will be available for review, by
appointment only, at the District Office between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
After award, all coordination for services required shall be with Aaron B. Brown, Superintendent. The successful
firm shall designate, in writing, a contact person, and all coordination between the District and the successful firm
shall be the responsibility of the two respective coordinators.
The term of the contract with the selected firm shall be negotiated prior to award of the contract. The contract
shall contain an optional annual renewal clause which may be used by the contractor of the district based upon
its satisfaction with the services performed.
In the event the District exercises its option to renew this contract beyond the initial contract period, the District
may renegotiate prices for each renewal term. The District shall provide written notice of its intent to exercise its
renewal option at least 60 days prior to the anniversary date of the contract.
The District reserves the right to reject any irregularities or informalities in any proposal or to accept or reject any
or all proposals if it is in the public interest to do so. In the event that a contract is not executed within Ten (10)
days after the award has been made, the District may give notice to said firm of the District's intent to award the
contract to the next best proposal, or to call for new proposals. The District will not be responsible for any costs
incurred while submitting proposals. All proposers who respond to this solicitation do so solely at their own
Any property or work to be provided by the Proposer under this contract will remain at the Proposer’s risk until
written acceptance by the District; and the Proposer will replace, at the Proposer's expense, all property or work
damaged or destroyed by any cause whatsoever.
Exceptions: The selected Proposer shall furnish a statement on company letterhead giving a complete
description of all exceptions to the terms, conditions, and specifications. Failure to furnish the statement will
mean that the Proposer agrees to meet all requirements of the terms, conditions, and specifications. The District
may accept or reject proposed exceptions, at the District’s discretion.
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Termination for Convenience: The District may terminate a contract, in whole or in part, whenever the District
determines that such termination is in the best interest of the District, without showing cause, upon giving 30 day
written notice to the contractor. The District shall pay all reasonable costs incurred by the contractor up to the
date of termination. However, in no event shall the contractor be paid an amount which exceeds the price
proposed for the work performed. The contractor shall not be reimbursed for any profits which may have been
anticipated but which have not been earned up to the date of termination.
Termination for Default: If the Proposer has not performed or has unsatisfactorily performed the contract, the
District may terminate the contract for default. Upon termination for default, payment may be withheld at the
discretion of the District. Failure on the part of a Proposer to fulfill the contractual obligations shall be considered
just cause for termination of the contract. The Proposer will be paid for work satisfactorily performed prior to
termination less any excess costs incurred by the District in re-bidding and completing the work.
End of RFP
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