January - Plumpton and East Chiltington News


January - Plumpton and East Chiltington News
Plumpton & East Chiltington
January 2015
ADVERTISEMENTS (Line Adverts £17 per annum)
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R. A. Brooks & Son (Newick)
01825 722895
George Justice (Lewes)
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The Hairdressers (Wivelsfield Green) 01444 471224
Michael Pearce BSc
01273 891791
Mark Watts Drainage
01273 812331
Baby & Toddler Group
British Legion
Care Club
Chailey Commons Society
Cricket Club
Dance Classes for Children
East Chiltington Angling Club
Flower Club
Football Club
Footpath Society
Golf Society
Happy Circle
Haywards Heath Town
Ladies Football Club
Honeybees Preschool
Horticultural Society
Hospice Support Group
Junior Football
Neighbourhood Watch
Oil Buying Group
Pantomime Society
Plumpton Activity Scheme
Plumpton Beavers & Cubs
Plumpton Bowmen
Plumpton Players
Plumpton Short Mat Bowls
Plumpton Tennis Club
Rugby Club
Southdown East Pony Club
Stoolball Club
Village Action Plan
Wildlife & Habitat Group
Women’s Institute
Plumpton & East Chiltington News
The Magazine Committee,
The Rectory, Plumpton Green
Editor & Admin
Reg Lanaway
Ann Chapman
William Coleman
01444 831923
Kelvin Speirs
Carol Grant
01444 243592
Dave Denny
07831 679516
Gill Wells
Ian Earl
Judy Lawrenson
01273 472277
Matthew Rothwell
07708 204613
Anna Mackenzie Dodds
Dorothy Brook
Peter Hickman
Ken Beard
Reg Lanaway
Darryl Bailey
01444 257822
07792 686673
Diane Marks
07929 336065
Duncan Taylor-Jones
Lynn Sinden
Andrew Holdsworth
Jane Midgen
Malcolm Beard
Maria Roche
Marie Leviston
Mike Allen
Rodney Hill
Mike Nichols
Jo Taylor
Reg Stone
Catherine Jackson
Marilyn Nye
Reg Stone
Reg Stone
Penny Acton
890 722
890 722
01825 721328
01444 452295
Devon Print
[email protected]
Inside cover
Funeral Directors
Furniture & Antique Restorers
Registered Osteopath
Sewage Consultant
The Rector writes ….
I would like to wish you all a very happy and
prosperous New Year. I hope you had a wonderful
Christmas and Santa brought you everything for
which you wished! January is always a time to look
forward to things to come and a time to remember
what you did last year. No wonder HMRC has
chosen January as the last date in which you can
submit your tax return on line for 2013-2014!
Having worked in one of its predecessors, HM
Customs & Excise, I know how busy it gets in the
office with people asking all sorts of questions!
There are two stories from the New Testament
which come to mind at this time of year. Firstly,
the calling of Matthew the Tax Collector as a
disciple of Jesus: in this event Jesus calls Matthew
to leave his former way of life and dedicate himself
to serve God in a new way. Secondly, the
exchange between the enemies of Jesus and Jesus
himself over the payment of taxes: here Jesus
confounds his questioners by reminding them that
we must obey our civil authorities by paying our
taxes (render unto Caesar that which belongs to
Caesar) and by giving to God everything that he
requires in loving service. No doubt Jesus’ society
had their own accountants just as we have today
and it certainly pays us to use them so that Caesar
may have exactly what he demands, no more, no
less. After all just like Matthew of old the modern
day HMRC now admits to have over-charged more
than 4 million tax payers over a long period of
time. However the collection of taxes is one thing,
the spending of them is another and that is the
realm of our politicians! Remember May is not so
far off!!
Christmas Carol Extravaganza This was a
great event and was enjoyed by everyone who
attended the Concert. The Police Choir was on
great form and Marion Jenner was excellent as the
Compère. Thanks must also go to Kelvin and Karen
Speirs for running the raffle and to everyone who
donated a raffle prize. It was a wonderful start to
our Christmas celebrations.
Christmas Services Our thanks to Gill Wells for
decorating All Saints for the Carol Concert and
Christmas Services. I hope that everyone enjoyed
all the Services and Carol Singing. Both All Saints
and East Chiltington Parish Church were beautifully
decorated; so many thanks once again to Gill and
to Veronica Harris and her team.
Carol Services around the Village M a n y
thanks to Chris, Paul and Nicole for hosting our
Carol Services around Plumpton. We were made
very welcome and everyone enjoyed themselves.
Parents and Toddlers Service
Wednesday at 2pm in All Saints Church Annex
there will be a special Parents and Toddlers
Service. It will last about half an hour with
refreshments afterwards. Everyone is welcome
and you can bring your own instruments as
Sunday School
Plumpton & East
Chiltington Sunday School will meet on Sunday,
18th January at 10.30am in All Saints Church
Annex. All are most welcome.
Parochial Church Council
There will be a
meeting of the PCC on Monday, 5th January at
7.30pm in All Saints Church. The meeting
begins with worship, followed by the meeting.
Churchyards in 2015
During 2015 the
P.C.C. has asked James Otway to oversee the
upkeep of the Churchyards at East Chiltington.
If you have any comments or have been very
kindly mowing and strimming the Churchyards
please contact James. From Easter 2015 both
St Michael’s and All Saints will be mowed by a
new contractor. However we will be asking you
for contributions towards the cost of mowing
these two churchyards.
Church Choir The Choir meets every
Thursday at 7.30pm in All Saints, Plumpton
Green. We look forward to meeting new
members and further information can be had
from The Rector on 890570. The choir will be
preparing for our Plough Sunday and other
January Services. Please do come and join us.
The Pop-in-Parlour will
open all through the month of January. Please
come and drop into All Saints Church Annex
from 11am onwards for tea/coffee, lite-bites,
home-made soup and friendship. Come and
meet up with friends and make new ones.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: 3-12
February 2015
Only one month to go,
so if you would like to join us on this exciting
adventure to the Holy Land, please let either
the Rector or the Churchwardens know a.s.a.p.
if you would to have a copy of the new tour
programme and booking form. We have a new
departure date and place: Gatwick Airport
which allows us two additional days for visits to
historic places and a reduction in price by £80.
There are one or two places left. Everyone is
very welcome.
From the Registers
Sheila Jean MILNE
9th December
www. plumptonmag.com
December, 2014 Report
Level Crossing. Network Rail has advised that
the level crossing will be closed between 16 and
19 January to enable engineers to change the
track in preparation for replacement of the
crossing gates. However, no indication was given
that a planning application is imminent. Residents
should, however, note the dates of closure to
minimise the likely inconvenience that will occur.
Speeding. A member of the public stated that
the number of motorists who exceed the speed
limit when driving through Plumpton Green
appears to be on the increase. It was pointed out
that our local PCSO had appealed several times
for volunteers to man regular speed checks in the
village with no success. Four volunteers were
recruited from those present at the meeting and
the Parish Council will endeavour to contact
volunteers who had operated the checks for VAP
and liaise with the PCSO to start up checks again.
If anyone else would like to help contact PCSO
Steve Knowles and his details are to be found on
the Police Report page. In the meantime Council
agreed to fund the installation of signs reducing
the speed limit to 40 mph between the Plough
and the existing 30 mph limit at the north of
Plumpton Green and to impose a 40mph limit at
the southern end of Plumpton Lane.
Parking on Pavements. It was also pointed out
that inconsiderate motorists still persist in
breaking the law and endangering the lives of
pedestrians by parking partially on pavements.
Numerous warnings, pleas and requests have
been issued to such people over the years but
they continue to ignore them. Parking partly on
the pavement does not automatically allow two
other cars to pass on the road, but it does force
pedestrians, sometimes with baby buggies, to
step out onto the road and into the path of traffic.
If two cars do attempt to pass alongside one of
these illegal parkers then the motorists concerned
should be aware of a very serious risk of vehicle
damage being caused.
New Bench. Generous residents have offered to
provide a new bench near the Lentridge bends
but sought assurance that the Parish Council
would ensure proper future maintenance. Council
was pleased to give such an assurance.
Planning. Three planning applications were
reviewed. It was announced that an application
has been lodged for a major development at the
western end of Riddens Lane and that this would
be reviewed by the Planning Committee in the
village hall at 7.30 pm on January 5. The
meeting will be open to the public.
Neighbourhood Plan. Progress is firmly
being made in developing the plan to enable
residents to influence the way future
development within Plumpton is conducted. A
number of landowners who consider that their
land is suitable for development have been
invited to present their proposals at a meeting
in Plumpton village hall on January 6. Members
of the public are invited to attend to listen to
what is said. The meeting will run from 6.0 to
10.0 pm. There will be breaks!
Affordable Housing. Council was delighted
to learn that the 14 units in Sun Close have
been allotted to 13 families either living in
Plumpton or with strong local connections and
one unit that was not taken up by others on
the shortlist goes to a family from South
Chailey. Who could ask for more? Comments
have been passed on the colour of the roof
tiles used in the development. Council
understands that they were specified by Lewes
District Council.
Budget. A comprehensive report had been
prepared for the meeting concerning the
budget for 2015-2016 that will affect the
amount the parish levies through Council Tax.
Important factors included outstanding costs
for implementing the Neighbourhood Plan (a
sizeable grant has been obtained), the new
sports pavilion project, administration costs
that have increased but are providing great
benefits and other necessary items. It was felt
that an increase was inevitable, but it should
be contained as much as possible. It was
agreed that the precept should be increased
by 23%, an increase in Council Tax of 29p per
week. Cuts in services etc., provided by District
and County Councils have placed a higher
burden on the Parish in some cases and thus
simply shifted the costs from one body to
Bevernside Pocket Park. Discussions have
taken place between residents of East View
Fields, the Wildlife and Habitat Group and a
representative of the Parish Council. Feedback
is that some residents are opposed to opening
up the area for the enjoyment of the public.
Because of the lateness of the hour the matter
was postponed for discussion at a later date.
Next Meeting. This will take place at 7.45 pm
in the committee room at the village hall on
Tuesday, January 13, 2015. The meeting will
be open to the public.
Parish Clerk. Mrs Sarah Jeffers, 8
Heasewood, Bolnore Village, Haywards Heath,
RH16 4TS. 01444-441302.
Newick & District
Decorative and Fine Art
Plumpton & District
Footpath Society
Plumpton Village Hall.
Tuesday January 13th 2015
Sunday, January 4. Meet at Plumpton village
hall (TQ362 165) at 2.0pm ready for a four mile
walk to Hattons Green and Yokehurst. Ring
01825 723716 for further information.
Wednesday, January 7. Gather at Ditchling
Common Car Park (TQ338 181) at 10.30 am for
a circular walk to include lunch at the Cock
Inn . Call 01273 890450 if you need to know
Saturday, January 18. Make your way to the
car park for the Laughing Fish, Isfield (TQ451
171) for 10.15 am to enjoy a five mile, circular
trek to the east of Isfield via Little Horsted and
over the ESN golf course. Lunch at the
Laughing Fish optional. More details on 01825
Wednesday, January 28. Arrive at Plumpton
village hall from 2.0 pm ready for a talk on the
renovation of Oldlands Mill, Keymer that will be
given by Colin Walford at 2.30 pm.
Sunday, February 1. Assemble at the Sloop
car park, Scaynes Hill (TQ385 244) at 2.0 pm in
readiness for a 3.5 mile circular walk
eastwards. You can find out more on 01273
Lecturer Barry Venning
The Medici family dominated Florence for
generations and Lorenzo de Medici, known as
the Magnificent, sponsored such artists as
Botticelli and Michelangelo.
Charles Saatchi
has been called a modern-day Medici and, had
he been living in Florence in its heyday, he
Michelangelo's statue of David for the price he
paid for Tracey Emin's dirty bed - even allowing
for inflation since 1499!
Like the Medicis, Saatchi exercises tremendous
power in the international contemporary art
market. He can make and break artists'
reputations, and somewhat controversially he
has defined the character and direction of
recent British art.
Our lecturer Barry Vanning is a historian of
British Art and he was the BBC s script
consultant and expert commentator for a 2005
documentary on Turner s Fighting Temeraire.
His interests and his teaching extend from
medieval architecture to contemporary British
art and he is currently an Associate Lecturer
with the Open University.
The 2015 RSPB
Big Garden Bird
takes place on
24-25 January
Inside cover
Parish Council
Come and enjoy what should be a most
interesting lecture.
Visitors are always most
welcome and the cost is £7 on the door with tea
and biscuits afterwards and a chance to talk to
the speaker.
If you require any further
information please ring Marjorie Blunden on
01825 723250.
For details on how to take part, go
to http://www.rspb.org.uk.
And of course Happy New Year to everybody!
Tony Hutson also collates the results
for Plumpton so please copy them to
him at Winkfield, Station Road,
or email [email protected]
or ring 01273 890 341.
Annette Shelford
Plumpton Primary School
January 2015
We hope you all had a very happy Christmas.
The end of the Christmas term was very busy at school with children rehearsing for the
nativity play and carol concert which, we hope many of you were able to attend. Our PPTFA
held a very successful Christmas Fair and we were pleased to see many of you there.
Thank you to all those parents who were able to attend the Reading and Phonics workshop
to find out more about how we teach these key areas of learning in order to help children
at home. We were very pleased to see you.
A huge ‘well done’ to our Choir for their excellent performance at the Village Festive Fair.
The children were pleased to take part and we have had a very good response to their
performance. As you know, music and the arts are an important part of the Plumpton
Primary School ethos and our recent Harvest Festival and last weekend’s performance
shows that this continues to be a core part of the children’s education here.
We have appointed a new Caretaker – Mr Rodriguez joined us in December. We are all
pleased to welcome him to the Plumpton School community. Mr Cornford continues in his
role as Assistant Caretaker and Cleaner at the school and we are very pleased that our site
team is now back to full strength.
Update regarding Headteacher recruitment
The Governing Body have begun the process of securing the permanent leadership of
Plumpton Primary School. The Governors have met with the Local Authority in order to
ensure that they are clear on the legalities which underpin this process. Meetings of the
Governing Body have taken place to work on the details of what is a key focus and to
ensure that they secure the best leadership possible for the school. Please be assured
that we will keep you informed as things develop.
Thank you for your continued support of everyone here at Plumpton Primary School – it is
greatly appreciated.
Plumpton Village Action Plan
Thanks to everyone who contributed a
prize to the raffle – the prizes seem to get
better each year. Funds raised will go to
the Village Action Plan.
And you could also relax over a cup of tea
with a delicious cake served by the
Plumpton Tennis club – raising funds for
the new Tennis Pavilion
Plumpton started the Christmas season in style!
29th November saw shoppers turning out in their
hundreds to take advantage of all the food and
craft delights that were on offer.
There were meats, breads, chutneys, biscuits,
honey and cheeses, with wine to savour, and a
whole host of delicious cakes.
paintings and photographs, greetings cards,
wood craft, bird boxes and so much more!
To begin with Sussex Wildlife Trust entertained
children and helped them make a wooden
reindeer which will be on show all through
December at the Primary School. This was
followed by the Primary School Choir, led by the
new choirmaster, John Sandford, who gave us a
fine rendition of some well-known Christmas
carols. And then came Father Christmas who
spoke to children about their Christmas wishes
in a beautifully decorated grotto - such a
magical sight!
So many people helped to make the event
so special – thank you to every one of you.
But particular thanks must go to Sue
Morgan, Carole Nicholson and Sue
Whittaker who orchestrated a magnificent
After six years at the helm, the organising
team are handing over the baton to the
Plumpton Hospice Support Group. This is
great news as it should mean that this
popular event can continue for many years
to come!
Have a very Happy New Year.
Outside it was dull, damp and dismal but inside Chailey village hall it was warm and welcoming,
bright, busy and buzzing, thanks to all our lovely visitors. We at the painting group take it as a great
compliment that, in spite of the atrocious weather, just as many of you as ever came to enjoy our
exhibition; a big thank you from all of us!
The winner of the favourite painting vote was Katherine Walden's stunning pastel painting of a heavy
horse, 'Gentle Giant'. To see this painting and images of the runners-up visit our web-site
Next year's exhibition will be on November 21st & 22nd; we look forward to seeing you all again
Carlina Oliver (Chairman)
inappropriate in so many respects. However, we
have been advised that the possible threat at
least needs to be taken seriously; precedents
elsewhere suggest that the developers’ argument
that LDC’s housing shortfall could be resolved in
one fell swoop with such a large development
may trump others.
Eton’s College’s
Development Plans for East
East Chiltington Parish Council has just
discovered that the owners of a large area of
land in the northern part of the parish, Eton
College, are promoting major housing
development on this land.
As many residents will be aware, Landowners
were invited to offer possible development sites
as part of Lewes District Council’s (LDC) LDC’s
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment
(SHLAA). The Eton College land in East
Chiltington, which is centred around North
Barnes Farm, was offered, but classified as not
suitable by LDC. It therefore does not currently
form part of LDC’s and South Downs National
Park Authority’s (SDNPA’s) Joint Core Strategy,
which will guide development in the district up
to 2030
The process of ratifying the Core Strategy
allows for representations to be made on behalf
of those who object to elements of it. Eton
College, via its agents Porta Planning, have
lodged such an objection. They state that the
omission of the North Barnes land is unsound,
that the site ‘has the potential to make a
significant contribution to meeting the District
Council’s housing requirements’ and that it
could be a ‘strategic site for major
This representation will be considered,
alongside others, at the formal examination of
the Core Strategy that will take place prior to
its adoption in a series of hearings from 20th30th January at the Amex Stadium, in Brighton.
ECPC is investigating whether there is any
possibility of directly influencing this process.
We believe that Eton College will
unsuccessful because its proposal is
We will keep parishioners informed of any further
developments. If you wish to view the proposed
area, then please visit http://www.lewes.gov.uk/
planning/shlaa.asp and look at the map for
Burgess Hill, Ditchling and Plumpton Green. The
site reference is 11PL.
The text of the
representation to the Core Strategy Examination
can be accessed by going to http://
www.lewes.gov.uk/corestrategy and then clicking
on ‘focused amendments representations’. It is
reference REP/319.
The next Parish Council meeting is at 7pm on
Thursday 22nd January 2015 at Beechwood Hall,
Another successful year for Plumpton Support
Group of St Peter and St James Hospice who
have been working very hard this year
organising events to raise money for this most
worthwhile cause.
With your help in providing prizes or support for
the various events we have raised £9,776.54.
We would like to extend our thanks to you for
your continued support, without which we would
not have had such a successful year.
Our next task is to arrange similar events for
next year and although we appreciate that it is
not always possible to provide support we are
hoping that you will be able to continue to help
Next year we will be taking over the organisation
of the Festive Fair which has previously been run
very successfully by the Village Action Plan team.
Dates for your diary:
Saturday 18 April – Sausage and Mash Quiz
Friday 24 April – Bluebell Walk
Saturday 6 June – Patchwork Material Sale
Saturday 22 August – Jumble Sale
November – Festive Fair
At the time of writing, work on the foundations has commenced. The rain makes this a
challenging part of the project. In fact, with the amount of rain we’ve had, perhaps we should
run a mud wrestling challenge as a fundraiser!!!!
Please take special care on the track as there will be trucks and deliveries. The Parish Council
will reinstate the 5mph sign to remind drivers to go slowly. We also hope to put in a passing bay,
so that there is no necessity for cars to drive on the grass verge on the playing fields. Further
improvements will be made as funds and materials become available.
Do you know someone who would like a tennis club membership? We are offering 15 months
membership for the price of 12 months for new members, if you join in January. Adult
membership January 1 to end of March 2016 for £120 (which works out at £8 per month).
Families can join for £240 (including 2 children). Junior membership is priced at £25 under this
offer. An extra £5 is applicable per individual or family, which includes a key. In addition,
anyone taking up this offer will also get their first coaching lesson free.
We are delighted to report that our Annual Quiz raised over £1200. There was a great
atmosphere and lots of complimentary feedback which is encouraging. A week later and we were
running the kitchen at the Festive Fair for the first time. We thoroughly enjoyed the day and
raised a very welcome £318 for club funds, so we must have done something right. Well done to
Lesley Satchell and Sue Brown who organised our efforts and thanks to club members for all the
delicious cakes.
TENNIS Weather permitting, we’ll be back in action with our annual “Frostbite” tournament on
4h January. The public are welcome to join in and play.
Maria on behalf of PTC.
Contact: Maria Roche 07748 958971/[email protected]
Coaches: Zoard 07424 801007/Sorin 07934 375248
Membership: Tim Gaynor 07779 082629
Bird Watch
were specially protected.
Looking forward have you ever
considered making a list of the birds you
identify during the year? The possibilities are
many. An annual list of all species you see is
an obvious one but a garden list, a Sussex
list or a list of those seen incidentally during
television is quite popular! Whatever you
choose it will improve your identification
skills so good luck.
At the beginning of a new year we
usually look back over what passed
during the old one and what may
expect or hope for in the next. It looks as if
2014 has been a warmer year than average with
heavy rainfall early and late. This effected the
birds’ breeding season favourably and as we
had an early spring, many produced young that
were on the wing a month ahead of those in
2013 when we had had such a cold late season.
This year provided the juvenile birds extra time
to grow strong and increase their survival
possibilities and the adults plenty of the season
left to produce later broods.
The fine autumn with a bumper crop of
berries and fruit ensured that the returning
summer migrants attained good body weights
for their journeys south. The juice of
Blackberries and Elderberries is very rich in
sucrose. This readily turns into fat on the bird
and is a natural energy source that is used as
fuel as they migrate. Many travel hundreds of
miles in one flight. To give an indication of how
a bird’s weight can vary during a year can be
proved by our ringing studies. Before releasing a
bird we measure its wing length and weigh it.
Blackcaps are a species of which I am
particularly fond and handle over a hundred
annually. During the breeding season an adult
will weigh about 17.5 grams whereas in
September when preparing for migration I have
known some to exceed 24 grams.
It is also interesting to look even farther
in the past to compare bird populations then
and now. Looking back fifty years the absence
of birds of prey was of concern and it was
uncommon to see any, even Kestrels, locally in
the 60s and 70s. The use of some particularly
lethal chemicals as seed dressings and sheep
dips had a knock on effect and decimated the
top predators in the countryside. Not only did
they poison the birds but their eggs had very
thin shells that did not hatch. There had always
been a residual population of Sparrow-hawks in
large parks and woods away from the
agricultural areas breeding successfully but as
their young dispersed into the countryside they
quickly succumbed. However, when these
treatments were withdrawn and after a time
they were no longer lethal, there was this
supply of young birds ready to colonise the now
safe countryside. Common now are Sparrowhawks but it was only in 1983 that they came
off the Schedule 1 list of birds whose nests
Our long standing printers have upped
sticks and just moved to Devon However,
they are still able to print this magazine
and get it to us without difficulty. Previously the mag has been printed elsewhere
and there were no problems, so the Magazine Committee is delighted to be able to
leave arrangements more or less as they
have been.
The move to Devon has necessitated
changing Sussex Print Ltd., to Devon Print
Ltd., and the company will be based at
Unit A, Yeo Vale Industrial Estate, Lapfield,
Devon. Email [email protected]
The insertion of flyers into the magazine is
very popular amongst some people and
the arrangement can, happily, continue
but with some modifications to the procedure.
Devon Print will gladly quote to print flyers
and insert them in the magazines before
delivering them to our distributors. However, anyone not wishing to use that service can deliver ready printed items to a
Plumpton address and they can be inserted locally at a cost of £20. All enquiries
for that service should be directed to Reg
Stone 01273 890722 or [email protected]. 850 copies will be required.
We thank Ayman and his team at Sussex
Print for their excellent service over the
past few years and look forward to working with Ayman and his new team at
Devon Print.
Reg Stone (Editor).
Plumpton Police
Incidents recently reported –
On the 12/11/2014 there was an attempted
burglary in Southdowns between 08:30
On the 26/11/2014 a vehicle was stolen
from a property in Station road, not far from
the shop between 21:00 and 23:00.
On the 28/11/2014 a vehicle parked in the
pavilion car park had its rear offside window
smashed. This occurred between 9am and
Scam calls –
This is becoming a major concern due to the
increased number of scam calls at present. More
and more scams are coming to light and people are
falling victim on a very regular basis.
It is important to be able to identify a scam call so
resident are encouraged to remember the following
Nobody who calls you should be asking for
your personal or bank details so please do
not provide them.
There are a number of scam calls from people
claiming to be from the police and asking for
personal details. Please note that the police have
no reason at all to ask for your bank details, if you
have any doubt that the person is a real officer you
can always contact the police on 101 and ask if this
officer is genuine. However if you do this always
use a different phone than the one you got the call
on as the likelihood is the caller is still on the line
and will intercept your call, claiming to be the 101
switchboard. This has happened.
Residents are also reminded about the risks of
internet and postal fraud. If you receive mail
stating you have won money and to claim you
need to send money, do not believe it.
Emails are being sent out saying things like you
have had an accident or you are guilty of an
offence. If they are asking for personal details
please ignore the email. If you have concerns,
contact the police.
If you would like more information on scams,
please contact your local officer.
Burglary –
Burglaries are again a top priority across the
district and we encourage residents to please be
mindful of your home security. Make sure
your home is secure when you leave it and
do your best to keep valuable items out of
sight. Laptops, tablets and other small
electronic items are particular items we have
had reports of being stolen.
Please be mindful about who you see in the
area. If you have concerns about any people
of vehicles in your area then please let us
know. If you can, try and get the index of
any vehicles you intend to report.
Sussex police still offer a free home security
visit to residents. Please contact your local
PCSO for more info.
Cold callers –
We have had further reports of cold callers in
Where as some door to door callers are
genuine, please remain vigilant. Do not grant
them access to your house unless they are
there by appointment and do not provide
them any personal details.
If a door to door caller gets abusive or if you
have any problems with cold callers please
call police.
Op Crackdown
Op Crackdown has been put in place to allow
members of the public to report Anti-social
driving or abandoned vehicles easily without
having to use the switchboard. This method
has proven to be very reliable with a number
of drivers being dealt with accordingly thanks
to the reports made on Op Crackdown.
To make a report on Crackdown simply visit
www.operationcrackdown.org. Each report
will take about 5 minutes.
Local officer contact
To contact your local officer you can email to
[email protected]
Or call
07787685708 or 101 - ext 563018
Please note that if you are reporting an
incident all calls should go through the
police switchboard.
Non emergency 101
Emergency 999
Chailey Commons
The Annual Ladybirds & Honeybees:
w w w . c h a i l e yc o m m o n s . o rg . u k
Curry & Quiz
First of all let me wish you a very Happy New
Teams of 8 (individuals welcome)
Saturday 7 Feb
Our last two outdoor meetings for 2014 were,
firstly, an Archaeology and Local History Walk
when Linda Ball updated us on the findings
from Pound and Romany Ridge, with special
reference to the war time trenches which are
under more intense investigation. Secondly,
we enjoyed an Armistice Day Walk with Ian
Seccombe, who took us from the War
Memorial, at Chailey Green, to sites of war
time history, including the tree carvings
(arborglyphs) at Markstakes Common. These
give a fascinating record of the troops who
were there on the way to the D-Day landings.
Plumpton Village Hall
Big plate of homemade curry
Choice of dessert/cheese & biscuits
Free entry to quiz
Raffle with amazing prizes
Licensed bar only
Tickets only £12.50
A large number of members and friends came
along to the Indoor Meeting to hear the
wonderful talk given by Dr. Nikki Gammans on
‘The Life of the Bumblebee’. It was fascinating
to hear about these marvellous little creatures
and their life style.
Bring your own crocks and cutlery
[email protected]
01273 890589
Our first meeting this year will be our indoor
meeting on Thursday January 15th at
7.30.p.m. in the Chailey Village Hall, by the
Five Bells pub, when we hear from our
volunteer surveyors about their results from
2014 on Pound Common. We will also have a
special item of news, when Rory Galpin will
tell us about his trip to Nepal.
From time to time there are volunteer working
parties on the commons and details of these
will be advised on the website or in the
Newsletter. There is also a regular volunteer
group at Markstakes Common who meet on
Mondays at 9.30.a.m.. Do come along if you
feel that these’ Green Gym’ activities would be
of interest.
Plumpton Short Mat Bowls Club
Plumpton Village Hall
2.0 pm
Refreshments, cakes, Tombola etc.
Please take donations of jumble to
the hall during the morning of the
For further information visit our website –
William Coleman
01444 831098
Plumpton Wildlife &
Habitat Group
back to the tower of All Saints Church, where
we have installed 30 nest chambers. The
recording of swift calls is working well, thanks
to Peter Baxter, but from experience elsewhere
it may be some years before we get swifts
moving in.
Kingfisher - One of the main nesting sites for
kingfishers on the Plumpton Stream was
destroyed when a tree fell on it last winter. We
prepared a few new banks we thought might
be suitable for nesting and created a ‘starter
hole’, but we don’t think any were used this
Nightingale walk - The results of our annual
nightingale walk were people 25: nightingales
0. But nobody seemed very upset and a
number of people said they returned on a later
evening and were well rewarded.
Dormouse – We surveyed two new areas for
dormouse and sadly found no evidence – the
first no show in four years of surveying. We
will continue to survey and monitor suitable
sites locally.
Bats - We are still trying to track down the
summer breeding colony site of 125 pipistrelle
bats that settled at one house near the shop in
late May but suddenly disappeared just as the
birth period was approaching.
Bug Hotel – We were delighted to help
Plumpton School renovate their bug hotel, with
the help of 40 of the children. The kids had a
great time and we collected about 40 different
types of invertebrate, which were put back into
the structure as it was rebuilt. We hope we can
do more activities with the school in the future.
Neighbourhood Plan - We are working with
the Plumpton Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Steering Group to ensure wildlife and their
habitats are represented in the plan’s policies,
which will shape development in the village for
the next 15 years.
2015 – Of interest is the recent designation of
a Brighton & Lewes UNESCO Biosphere
Reserve. A large chunk of Plumpton is included
(that part which is in the South Downs National
Park). This is a significant international
designation. A Partnership of organisations is
currently agreeing priorities, which will
probably concentrate on developing community
interest and involvement in the maintenance
and enhancement of the wildlife of the area.
Annual General Meeting 2014
Our 2014 annual general meeting opened with
a fascinating talk by Iain Parkinson,
Conservation and Woodlands Manager at
Wakehurst Place. Iain talked about his quest to
locate wildflower meadows the length and
breadth of England, the beautiful meadows he
found, the people who have created and
maintain them, and the studies he has led at
Wakehurst Place into the best ways to sow and
harvest these meadows. By hand, it seems, and
with a very big scythe.
Following his talk PW&HG Chair Tony Hutson
summed up the year’s events and
achievements, including:
Meadows – We resurveyed the Plough
meadow and a neighbouring private property
and identified about 60 species of flowering
plant at both. We unfortunately lost the Jubilee
meadow at the Playing Fields but continue to
look for another area to develop. We continue
to maintain the wildflower areas at the station
through the Station Partnership Scheme and
with the support of Southern area manager
Kate Richards and her maintenance team.
Woodland – We surveyed a number of
woodlands this year, mostly for the first time.
These survey results are being compiled with
earlier surveys to create a comprehensive
record. We continue to manage Ferrings Wood
and we also gave advice on and helped plant a
hedge at the playing fields from whips provided
free by the Woodland Trust. We continued our
ancient trees survey, which we hope to
complete next year.
Pocket Park – Plumpton Parish Council
approached us for advice on how to make the
Pocket Park, the strip of wood by the Bevern
Stream between East View Fields and Riddens
Lane, more accessible to parishioners. It is an
interesting site and houses an important
rookery. The Parish Council is consulting with
residents whose property borders on the area
as to how to go proceed.
Toads - Following last year’s mass mortality of
toads on roads around the village, we
successfully worked with the East Sussex
County Council (ESCC) Highways Department
to get some warning signs installed to alert
motorists at key crossing places.
Swifts – We continue to try to entice swifts
Catherine Jackson
along Charleston Bottom. The rain is easing now
and being in the valley gives protection from the
wind. This is a very peaceful valley and in Spring
its flanks are adorned with wild flowers. At the
end of the valley is a crossing point of many
paths. I take one that heads north and winds its
way up onto Lullington Heath, a National Nature
Reserve. There are many paths but not all are
through paths but rather end at a bench or a
dew pond or nowhere in particular. I explore
through the gorse and work my way east to join
another section of the SDW to descend to
Jevington Church, tiptoeing through the tree
routes and the mud.
A Romp Across The Hills
The turn of the year is traditionally a time to
reflect on the past and look forward to the
future. Many will have made New Year
resolutions. That is not something I consciously
do specifically on 1 January but it is around the
end of the year that I make some plans
towards the sporting events I will enter for the
coming year. As these will involve some
running events on rough ground it provides me
with opportunities to explore the paths and
test my running at the same time. The South
Downs provide a wonderful playground for
both all year round and the higher chalk
ground comes into its own when the weather is
wet because it drains. This route is one I
explored on a very wet day but its a beautiful
route in the sun too.
I cross the village and continue on the SDW to
climb Bourne Hill and at a major path crossing
turn right and head onto Willingdon Hill. This
path is taking me back to Friston but now the
rain has stopped and I have a bit more to do.
There is also a local bike race going on around
the Beachy Head circuit and a bit of effort on my
part could get me to see the finish on the final
climb so I head south. My chosen route takes
me across a series of hills in short succession
which maybe why these paths are quiet. The
first path descends on the eastern edge of East
Dean to Ringwood Bottom, then a sharp climb to
cross the A259 where I catch sight of the
cyclists. On and up to Mill Down where it is hard
to distinguish tracks from public paths, I make a
mistake in heading straight to Bramble Bottom
(well named), the proper path goes to New Barn
and then south. I work my way down and along
Wigden’s Bottom to pick up the path to climb
and drop and climb again heading south all the
time. I just make it to the road to see the lead
riders make their final climb to Beachy Head.
My start is in the pretty village of East Dean,
East Sussex. Rain is lashing down and worse is
very imminent in the next hour with a forecast
of slight improvement a little later. I have quite
a few miles to cover so its sensible to explore
the woodland first and get some shelter from
the trees. From the village hall I take the
twittens through the pretty flint cottages onto
the steep path that climbs to Friston Church.
The rate at which the rain drops splash in the
pond indicate the rain is getting heavier so its
not a time to take a restful sit on the bench. I
cross the A259 and follow the footpath down
into Friston Forest. There is a large choice of
paths and tracks so I choose one that stays on
the steep south side where the cover is denser.
On hot days I have used this as a cool shady
path but on this day it was working well to
provide some shelter from the battering rain.
Being on the side of the hill also avoids the
deep puddles collecting in the valley bottom.
My finish is the path west to Belle Tout then
north through Cornish Farm and onto Birling
Farm with the sun now out it all looks green and
beautiful. Back in East Dean, a quick wash under
an outside tap to remove the worst of the mud
and a good lunch at the cafe.
Newick Country Market is held
every Friday from
10am until 11am
6 January
Plumpton Village Hall
6.0 to 10.0 pm.
In Newick Village Hall on the
The market reopens on Friday
9thJanuary when we will have a good
selection of locally grown vegetables,
home baked cakes and savoury items
which are always popular with
customers, as well as eggs, preserves,
Handmade greetings
cards and knitted items, paintings,
animal portraits and plants are also
available. Orders can be taken for any
of the above.
The Plumpton Parish Neighbourhood
Plan Steering Group is inviting the
sponsors of land put forward for
potential development in the parish
to make short presentations about
the land in question at a meeting to
be held on 6 January 2015 from
18.00 to 22.00 in the Village Hall.
Members of the public are invited to
attend and hear for themselves what
the potential development sites offer.
There will be limited opportunity to
ask questions.
Tea and coffee is also available so
come along and meet your friends and
stay for a chat.
The Steering Group has the
responsibility to review and assess
these sites against specific criteria
which identify if a site can contribute
to the future of Plumpton. Such sites
that meet these criteria will be put to
the parish in the final Neighbourhood
Plan; a referendum on which will be
held, hopefully during late 2015, at
which point parishioners will have the
final say.”
It is advisable to come along early as
many items sell out fast.
Village Hall management Committee
Please take a moment to look at
the Parish Council Website at
Plumpton Village Hall
2.0 pm
Refreshmenst, Cakes, Tombola etc.
Please take donations of jumble
to the hall during morning of sale.
The path meets the steps descending into
West Dean, another little village with pretty
dwellings built of local flint. I join the South
Downs Way (SDW) to head north over the
wooded hill to Charleston Manor then turn east
www. plumptonmag.com
I have just started my first year at Loughborough University
reading Geography and Sports Science. At Loughborough we have
charity challenges known as RAG (Raise and Give) challenges. I
have decided to take on two of these challenges, for two different,
but equally fantastic charities.
The first is an Arctic Expedition, DARE (Dog-Sled Arctic Rag Expedition). Essentially I will
be trekking/sledding 250km through the Arctic Circle at temperatures as low as -40°C
starting in Norway and crossing the border into Sweden. This is for Make-A-Wish
Foundation® UK, and I need to raise a minimum of £2650.
The second challenge is a bike ride from London to Paris (L2P). Here I will be cycling
386km in 3 days from London to Pairs. This is for Breast Cancer Campaign, and I need
to raise a minimum of £995. Therefore, in total I need to raise a minimum of £3645.
For more information and to donate please visit my JustGiving pages: https://
I have also made a quick video about the challenges here if you would like to watch
it: https://www.youtube.com/user/OnikkipayneO
Nikki Payne
Sun Close - OPEN
Katie Stenning (nee Harland) far right
receives the keys to her new home in Sun
Close from John England of Hastoe Housing
Cllrs Clare Eastwood, Paul Nicholson and
Sarah Osborne are also pictured.
The keys to the 12 rented homes in the
development were handed over on December
17 and all but one of the lucky tenants were
due to move in on that day.
becoming slippery and dangerous. You can
also use the brush attachment to clean
greenhouse panes with a suitable anti-algae
solution. The same principle applies for decked
or wooden surfaces and there are many good
quality wood preservatives available and some
even have grit in them which makes surfaces
Happy New Year and
welcome to 2015. We may
have some snow this month
and it can cause problems
for some plants. It can damage evergreen
trees and shrubs such as various conifers,
Pieris, Euphorbia and Yew. The best thing to
do is remove the snow from the branches
which will stop them from being weighed
down as they can break and this can change
the shape of the plants, which could
ultimately take years to produce new growth.
Birds find it hard to find food in the snow, so
put some nuts or seeds on a table or top up
your bird feeders.
Clean and repair your garden tools, book the
lawn mower in for a service and check garden
furniture for any rot. When it is warm enough to
brave the elements, treat sheds, fences and
trellis with a suitable wood preservative.
Plants which are at their best in January include
Snowdrops (Galanthus), Helleborus niger
(Christmas Rose), Ilex (Holly), Hamamelis
(Witch Hazel) and Viburnum (various varieties),
(Wintersweet), Jasminum (Winter Jasmine),
Lonicera (Shrubby Honeysuckle) and Garrya
(Silk Tassel Brush).
All fallen leaves on your lawns need to be
removed ASAP as when the leaves start to
decompose, they can rot the grass and this
can lead to dead patches and you may need
to replace areas with new turf. Try and avoid
walking on frosty lawns as it becomes hard
and brittle, thus damaging the stems.
C.G. Garden Design
01273 890131 or 07891621288
[email protected]
Just because its winter and cooler, does not
mean you can stop watering any pots,
containers or winter hanging baskets. They
can still dry out and benefit from a drop of
water when the compost or soil feels dry on
top. Check stakes and ties of newly planted
trees and re-secure if necessary. If you have
clay soil and it is hard in the summer months,
dig down 1 ft and lift soil up and leave clods
on the surface. The frost will penetrate the
clumps and by the spring, it will be easy to
break up.
Care club
The Care Club met for the final time on Sunday, December 14 and enjoyed a superb
Christmas lunch.
The committee reluctantly decided they could
no longer provide the monthly Sunday lunch
as it is not only the cooking and serving that is
involved but the shopping and other preparations.
We are all very grateful for offers of help, but
most of us are still able to look after ourselves
on a daily basis. We will miss the monthly
social contact but Dorothy Brook has extended
a warm welcome to anyone who wishes to join
the Happy Circle which meets on the second
and fourth Thursdays of the month at 2.0 pm
in All Saints’ church Annexe.
The start of the New Year is a good time to
examine existing deciduous trees, shrubs and
climbers. Using sharp secateurs or a pruning
saw, remove dead, damaged, diseased or
unwanted wood. Regular pruning ensures
plants stay healthy and prevents a buildup of
diseases which can kill them and spread to
neighbouring plants.
Patios can now be cleaned with jet wash kits
and there are many available with different
cleaning attachments. These kits are easy to
use and powerful which helps to remove
Plumpton Village Hall
6.0pm to 10.0 pm
Legislation from central government dictates that many more homes must be provided
throughout the UK and the allocation for Plumpton has been decided by Lewes District
Council as being a minimum of 50 over the next 20 years.
A number of local landowners have submitted their land as being suitable for such
Plumpton Parish Council has appointed a Steering Group designed to ensure that local
residents can exert at least some control over how such development is implemented by
formulating a Neighbourhood Plan that will receive official recognition.
The Steering Group has arranged a meeting where landowners or their agents can present their ideas
and justifications for development on their land. This is not a formal consultation, but residents are
invited to attend so that they may hear the arguments and logic put forward. There will be a limited
opportunity for residents to put questions.
The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will then analyse the proposals put forward and the questions
asked to formulate its plan for development within the Parish. Such proposals will later be submitted
to residents in a draft Neighbourhood Plan as consultation with locals is the key to the whole
If you do not listen to proposals you will not be in a position to judge.
Come along and take an active part in the future of YOUR village
The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group is currently circulating a questionnaire to all local residents to
seek their views on the future of Plumpton in the light of development proposals that cannot be
ignored. The Group’s aim is to ensure that growth within the village is properly considered, does not
impose impossible strains on the infrastructure and reflects the desires of residents in shaping the
character of our community.
Please have the questionnaires ready for collection by 19 January
4th January 2015
All Saints
All Saints
All Saints
Holy Communion
Sung Communion
11th January
All Saints
East Chiltington
All Saints
Holy Communion
Sung Communion
18th January
All Saints
All Saints
All Saints
Holy Communion
Sung Communion
25th January
All Saints
East Chiltington
All Saints
Holy Communion
Sung Communion
1st February
All Saints
All Saints
All Saints
Holy Communion
Sung Communion
Daily Service
9am (Tuesday-Friday); 10am (Saturday)In All Saints
Holy Communion
as advertised on Weekly Notice Sheet
Saints Days
11am All Saints
Plumpton & East Chiltington
Sunday School
18th January, 10.30am in Annex
Rector: The Revd. Godfrey Broster
Telephone: 890570
Churchwardens: Jenni Davies, Antonia Price, Cornelius Medvei.
January 2015
Jumble Sale Short Mat Bowls
Club 2pm
Plumpton Neigbouirhood
Plumpton Pantomine
Village Hall Jumble Sale.
Being Made
Sunday 4th January
At The Races Sussex
National Raceday
Monday 12th January
Timeform Raceday 2015
Monday 26th January
January Raceday 2015
New Arrangements
Curry & Quiz Night, 7pm
February 2015 onwards
Village Hall:
Jane Donovan 07747 050903
or 01273 891036
Church Annex:
Rectory 890570
Clare Eastwood 890526
VH = Village Hall
HQ = Scout HQ
StM = St Michael’s ANX = Church Annex
ECC = East Chiltington Church
PAV = Pavilion
Sch = Plumpton School
12th January for February
12th February for March
Copy to Plumpton Green Post Office
or email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01273 890 722 or e-mail: [email protected]