conference program - Faculty of Engineering, Computing and
conference program - Faculty of Engineering, Computing and
Thursday 12 February (Morning) 08:15-08:30 Thursday 12 February (Afternoon) Welcome Session 3: Case studies Keynote talk 08:30-09:30 Chair: Earthen construction: a geotechnical engineering perspective Charles Augarde, Durham University R. Hu 13:45-15:00 Session 1: Rammed earth structures—1 Chair: C. Beckett 09:30-10:30 Discrete element modelling of rammed earth walls Q.B. Bui & J.C. Morel Notched mini round determinate panel test to calculate tensile strength and fracture energy of fibre-reinforced CSRE D. Ciancio, C. Beckett, N. Buratti & C. Mazzotti Modular rammed earth masonry block A.J. Dhamen & B.J.F. Muñoz Dynamic behaviour of scaled cement stabilized rammed earth building models K.S. Nanjunda Rao, M. Anitha & B.V. Venkatarama Reddy Morning tea 10:30-11:00 P. Jaquin 11:00-12:30 Session 4: Rammed earth structures—2 Investigation of energy performance of a rammed earth build commercial office building in three different climate zones of Australia M.M. Hasan & K. Dutta Earth building—how does it rate? P. Hickson Rammed earth thermodynamics M. Krayenhoff Thermal performance summary of four rammed earth walls in Canadian cliamtes C. MacDougall, K. Dick, T.J. Khran, T. Wong, S. Cook, M. Allen & G. Leskien On the relevance of neglecting the mass vapour variation for modelling the hygrothermal behaviour of rammed earth L. Soudani, A Fabbri, P.-A. Chabriac, J.-C. Morel, M. Woloszyn & A.-C. Grillet Potential of existing whole-building simulation tools to assess hygrothermal performance of rammed earth construction M. Woloszyn, A.-C. Grillet, L. Soudani, J.-C. Morel & A. Fabbri Lunch 12:15-13:30 Keynote talk 08:30-09:30 Chair: C. Augarde 09:30-10:30 Strengthening mechanisms in CSRE C. Beckett, D. Ciancio, S. Manzi & M. Bignozzi Recycled materials to stabilise rammed earth: Insights and framework J.A.H. Carraro Analytical model for predicting the stress-strain behaviour of CSRE B.V. Venkatarama Reddy, V. Suresh & K.S. Nanjunda Rao Earth construction: Poured earth mix design J.A. Williamson & F.R. Rutz Morning tea 10:30-11:00 Session 6: Unstabilised rammed earth materials The creep of rammed earth material Q.B. Bui & J.-C. Morel A procedure to measure the in-situ hygrothermal behaviour of unstablised rammed earth walls P.A. Chabriac, A. Fabbri, J.-C. Morel & J. Blanc-Gonnet Can we benefit from the microbes present in rammed earth? N.K. Dhami & A. Mukherje The role of clay and sand in the mechanics of soil-based construction materials J.C. Smith and C.E. Augarde Techniques of intervention in monumental rammed earth buildings in Spain in the last decade (2004-2013). 1% Cultural Programme L. Garcia-Soriano, C. Mileto & F.V. López-Manzanares Advanced prefabricated rammed earth structures—mechanical, building physical and environmental properties J. Ruzicka, F. Havlik, J. Richter & K. Stanek Structural behaviour of CSRE column under compression D.D. Tripura & K.D. Singh Specimen slenderness effect on compressive strength of CSRE B.V. Venkatarama Reddy, V. Suresh & K.S. Nanjunda Rao Investigating the lateral capacity of wall top fixings in rammed earth materials L.A. Wolf, C.E. Augarde & P.A. Jaquin Chair: 16:45-17:00 Close 12:00-12:15 Thank you and close 19:00-23:00 Gala Dinner 13:00 Transport from Watershed back to Perth Chair: D. Ciancio 15:30-16:45 J.A.H. Carraro 11:00-12:00 ICREC 2015 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Engineering, Computing and Mathematics Rescuing a sustainable heritage: Prospects for traditional rammed earth housing in China today and tomorrow Rongrong Hu, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology Session 5: Stabilised rammed earth materials Afternoon tea 15:00-15:30 Session 2: Thermal studies Chair: Contemporary soil-cement and rammed earth in South Africa G. Bosman & K. Salzmann-McDonald Who’s afraid of raw earth? Experimental wall in New England and the environmental cost of stabilization J. Dhamen Preparing regulatory challenges and opportunities for small tomedium residential scale stabilised rammed earth buildings in China K.J. Dick &T.J. Khran Rammed earth in a concrete world M. Krayenhoff Rammed earth construction for the Colorado front range region R. Pyatt, C. O’Hara & R. Hu Friday 13 February