Aromascience Enrolment Brochure


Aromascience Enrolment Brochure
Welcome to Aromaflex Academy
We warmly greet you and invite you to take a good look at this enrolment brochure
outlining the Aromascience Correspondence Course.
Aromaflex Academy has provided high quality tertiary education in the Nelson –
Marlborough region for almost 20 years. An Internationally recognised & NZQA Private
Training Establishment, Aromaflex Academy is a tertiary education provider renowned for
its innovative applied & vocational Natural Health Courses. We pride ourselves on the
quality of staff, our courses and campus, but most of all on the success of our graduates.
At Aromaflex Academy we offer great facilities, small class sizes, personal attention from
staff, a specialised range of Natural Therapy Courses and high standards of achievement.
Aromaflex Academy is a registered Private Training Establishment by the NZ Qualifications
Authority under the provision of the Education Act 1989 and its subsequent amendments.
“The course is approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority under the
provisions of the Education Act 1989, and Aromaflex Academy is accredited to teach it.”
Aromaflex Academy is registered/approved with the following bodies to teach the
Certificate in Aromascience correspondence course:
The International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists
The International Therapy Examinations Council (ITEC)
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)
Tertiary Education Commission (TEC)
The New Zealand Register of Holistic Aromatherapists
The Academy complies with the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International
How To Contact Us:
To contact Aromaflex Academy staff, telephone: (03) 545 6218. The Academy staff will be
able to help you with any questions that you have about the enrolment process, and for
any support services that you may need.
To contact us by email please either: visit the website at
and send your query through the website “contact us” page, or send an email directly to
[email protected]
We check and answer our emails daily, so if you are out of the area and do not wish to
make a toll call, please feel free to email us and we will then contact you either by phone
or email.
Who May Apply For The Certificate In Aromascience?
a) If you have reached the age of 18 (standard set by the International Federation of
Professional Aromatherapists in the United Kingdom).
b) TOEIC Level 750 English or IELTS level 6, (English level requirement for International
c) Anyone interested in studying a Science course in Essential Oils.
This Qualification Is Suitable For:
Any adult returnee with a genuine interest to learn, returning to education with a
desire to work as an Aromatologist.
Qualified Massage therapists, Reflexologists, Physiotherapists or Osteopaths who
wish to add Aromatology knowledge/qualification to their Practice.
Aspire to use Essential Oils to promote health and well being, suitable for people
who work in Health Food Shops or Chemists
For people who wish to make and sell Aromatherapy cosmetics or products
For Nurses, Beauticians, Doctors or other health professionals
Those who wish to become Aromatherapists but are unable to undertake study in
Aims and Objectives:
Our objective is to provide a world first class qualification in Aromatology (the study of
The Aromascience Certificate is an advanced way of learning by
correspondence about Aromatic medicine and its use within your own professional
practice/and or home.
The aim of the Certificate in Aromascience course is for students/practitioners to gain a
comprehensive understanding of Essential Oils and how they can be administered safely
and gaining an International qualification that you can add to your resume.
We believe that the Certificate in Aromascience offered by Aromaflex Academy is of a high
standard, meeting requirements Nationally & Internationally set by NZROHA, IFPA, ITEC and
NZQA. Our Academy is the first in New Zealand to be able to offer such a local course
which is registered on the NZQA framework & ITEC.
The Certificate in Aromascience is 770 hours of study, which is full time study over 39
weeks, (1 Year-20 hours per week)
Note: It is advisable that the Introductory Aromatherapy workshop is taken within the 39
weeks of study. The course is primarily distance learning; however students are
recommended to have at least one visit to Aromaflex Academy during the time of their
study or produce evidence of attending an NZQA (or equivalent) to an Introduction to
Aromatherapy course. 1 day Workshops in the Wellington Aromaflex store in Cuba Street
are now available to Aromascience students.
Broad Objectives for The Aromascience Syllabus:
 To develop an understanding of the origins and development of aromatherapy
 To explore and develop an understanding of the science and issues around the
production and composition of essential oils and related products, in order to safely
 To explore and develop methods of application of essential oils and related products
 To develop in-depth knowledge of essential oils, essences, resinoids, and carrier oils
 To explore and develop the practice of blending for individual clients
 To develop an understanding of professional ethics and business requirements of the
practice of aromatherapy within and outside of NZ
 To develop an awareness of current research into aromatherapy and associated
products used in its practice and evaluate its usefulness in professional practice, ie
Aromatherapy and pregnancy etc.
Contents of The Course:
The course is made up of these four components:
1. Introduction to Aromatherapy & Stage 1 Aromascience
3. Stage 2 Aromascience
4. Stage 3 Aromascience
5. Stage 4 Aromascience
Each stage includes Chemistry, Essential Oil Science and Pathology.
Introduction to Aromatherapy & Aromascience Stage 1:
Pure Essential Oils: Covering 30 different varieties (including Introductory Stage)
Carrier Base Oils: Identifying 10 different varieties “
Essential oil therapeutic cross reference charts
The Art of Blending: Recipes and Case Studies, dilutions
Chemistry – Photosynthesis & Plant Families
Pathology: Olfaction, The Respiratory system, Essential Oil Absorption,
Aromatherapy and the Muscular system, Aromatherapy and the Skin
The History of Aromatherapy
Methods of Production, Safety & Purity
Aromascience workbook and case study work on yourself
Aromascience Stage 2:
Pure Essential Oils: Covering 20 varieties
Carrier Base Oils : Identifying 5 different varieties
Essential oil therapeutic cross reference charts
The Art of Blending: Dilutions, application methods
Chemistry of essential oils – Functional Groups
Pathology: Aromatherapy for the Menstrual Cycle, Menopause & Thyroid Gland
Aromatherapy and Pregnancy
Aromascience workbook and case study work on yourself
Aromascience Stage 3:
Pure Essential Oils: Covering 20 varieties
Carrier Base Oils: Identifying 5 varieties
Essential oil therapeutic cross reference charts
Aromatherapy and Pregnancy Part 2
The Art of blending – Essential oil Compresses
Chemistry – Components within essential oils and their properties
Pathology – The Circulatory, Lymphatic, Immune and Urinary systems.
Special Topics- Depression, Post Natal Aromatherapy
Aromascience workbook and case study work on others/family
Aromascience Stage 4:
Pure Essential Oils: Covering 20 different varieties
Carrier Base oils: Identifying 5 different varieties
The Art of blending – Skincare – Making aromatherapy skincare products.
Pathology – Digestive system, Shingles, Chicken Pox
Chemistry review
Business management, Ethics of Business, Professional ethics and Memberships
Research papers – Choose a Topic
AromaScience workbook and case study work on others/family
There is student access to the website where you can access the Aromatherapy
powerpoint class presentations through your log-on number allocated on enrolment.
To Gain This Qualification You Must Be Committed To:
Allow time for a 770 hour Aromascience course, hence having good time management
You will need to have successfully completed all 4 workbooks and case study work .
Being highly motivated to learn.
Course Completion Requirements Are:
Students are expected to have completed all 4 Stages and have met all criteria on their
workbooks, the special assignment, and case study work completed.
To meet learning objectives students are assessed in the following ways:
The theory will be assessed by assignment work
A 3 hour written internal examination on Aromascience
Complete Aromascience case studies for each stage of the course which will total
110 hours
The Aromaflex Academy Examination Is As Follows:
A pass in all aspects of the Aromascience assessments, (4 in total)
A 3 hour written exam
Examinations are held at Aromaflex Academy, in Nelson.
If you cannot get to Nelson for any reason, you are able to sit your exam under the
guidance of another NZQA Private Training Establishment, NZQA School, University or
Justice of the Peace.
You may do this in your own town, or a place near you, or anywhere in the world, as
long as Aromaflex Academy is notified in writing.
What Qualification Do I Obtain:
1. An NZQA Level 4 Local Approved Certificate in Aromascience, (soon to be
upgraded to a: NZ Certificate in Aromascience, level 5, in 2015).
You will be able to call yourself an Aromatologist or Aromascience Therapist, (someone
who specialises in theory and application of Essential Oils use in Aromatherapy).
Cost of Tuition for Certificate in Aromascience
Description: Certificate in Aromascience
Student Fee
Administration Fee
Aromascience Stage 1
Workshop to Aromatherapy either Nelson or
$ 850.00
(essential oil & carrier oil kits for Intro &
Stage 1)
Aromascience Stage 2
(including essential oil & carrier oil kit)
Aromascience Stage 3
(including essential oil & carrier oil kit)
Aromascience Stage 4
(including essential oil & carrier oil kit &
NZQA exam fee)
Total Certificate of Aromascience Fees:
Note: With each stage of study, you will be given an essential and carrier oil kit, to the
value of over $1100.00. This way you can study, smell and work with the oils at the same
time, giving greater depth and knowledge to your studies. This is crucial when it comes
to doing the case study work and learning to understand the essential oils and carrier oils
more effectively.
Students Will Be Accepted Onto The Course Who Have The Following:
1. Completed the Enrolment forms and provided documentation in support
2. Paid their full course fees
3. Completed their signed contracts to study at Aromaflex Academy with Public Trust
Student Loans:
Student Loans are administered by Study Link. Contact them directly on 0800 88 99 00
or to apply for a student loan.
Recommended Books to Use For Study With Your Course Notes
Course Related Costs
Essential Oils in Colour by Rosemary Caddy
ITEC Aromatherapy Book
Dates for the Introduction to Aromatherapy Course:
Start Date
End Date
No. of
Day(s) of the Week
20th Jan 15
20th Jan
Tuesday in
9.00am. - 5.00 pm
27th Jan 15
2nd Mar
27th Jan
Tuesday in Nelson
9.00am. - 5.00 pm
3rd Mar 2015
Monday & Tuesday
9.00am. - 4.00 pm
10th March
10th March
Tuesday in Welly
9.00am – 5.00pm
1st Aug
2nd Aug
Saturday & Sunday
9.00am. - 4.00 pm
19th Oct
19th Oct
Monday in Nelson
9.00am – 5.00pm
27th Oct
27th Oct
Tuesday in Welly
9.00am. - 5.00 pm
You return the application form on the back of the enrolment brochure with all
your details.
Aromaflex Academy sends you out an enrolment form and a written interview form.
You fill in all the forms, get certified photocopied identification of your Birth
Certificate, Passport, or Certificate of Citizenship and send back to the Academy
Aromaflex Academy will inform you of your acceptance on the course.
Then you will arrange payment of fees, through study link, cheque, cash, eftpos, visa
or internet transfer- Bank Details: Westpac 03 0703 0706923 000
When all documentation has been processed, and fees been paid, you will receive
your course materials. Please note, this may take up to two or three weeks.
Note: Aromaflex Academy places the tuition fee into a Public Trust account until the
8th day of tuition.
Student Fee Protection:
Aromaflex Academy participates with the Public Trust to ensure protection of students’
fees as appropriate. This means that International students who are overseas at the time
of enrolment will need to arrange telegraphic transfer with Aromaflex Academy, so that
the fees are paid directly into the Public Trust account. This ensures that the fees are
protected. This system will also protect the fees of National students, by incorporating
the direct payment of the fees, whether student loan or Training Incentive allowance, into
the Public Trust Account.
Each student’s fees are held separately within the Public Trust system based in
Refund Policy
If a student withdraws from the course, this must be done in writing, and full refund will
be given or, as exceeds $500 or 10 percent of the amount of that payment or of the sum
of those payments, whichever is the lesser. (As per Withdrawal of Course)
Withdrawal From The Course:
If you are contemplating withdrawing from your course you are required to discuss this
with the Principal. If you decide to withdraw we require this in writing and you
will be required to complete a withdrawal form. All Academy property must be returned
upon withdrawal, and this includes course materials if the student withdraws within the
first 8 days.
a) Students are entitled to withdraw from a course at any time within seven days after
the first start date of the course and;
b) Aromaflex pays fees into a Public Trust account approved by the New Zealand
Qualifications Authority for the purpose out of that payment or those payments, to be
held in trust to be available for refund to the student an amount equal to so much of
that payment or the sum of those payments as exceeds the lower of the following
i) 10 percent of that payment or the sum of those payments
ii) $500.00
c) If, and only if, satisfied that the student withdrew from the course within 7 days after
the first day of the course for which attendance of students at the establishment was
required, the Academy shall pay the amount held to the student;
d) Student loan refunds will be repaid back to Study Link appropriately. The first day of
study begins on the day of payment of the course fee. Full Refund details can be found
in your handbook given on the first day of your course.
Library & Textbooks:
Aromaflex will not lend out books to students unless they use them on the premises.
However, most public libraries have a wide variety of Aromatherapy text books. The New
Zealand Register of Holistic Aromatherapists also has an excellent library of Aromatherapy
books. There is small joining fee to be a student member and a surcharge to cover the
postage of the books. Visit
Some textbooks can be purchased from Aromaflex Academy.
Privacy Act:
The Privacy Act introduced in 1993 controls how our Academy collects, uses, discloses
and gives access to personal information. The result of this is that the Academy Staff are
unable to provide information on individual students, their whereabouts and addresses.
Please note that selected categories of the information you provide (name, address, date
of birth, ethnicity and academic details) may be disclosed to specific organisations
governing the Academy e.g. New Zealand Qualifications Authority, IFPA and the Ministry
of Education that are dealing with the same administration, academic or research issues.
Recognition Of Prior Learning (RPL):
Students are able to apply for recognition of prior learning/experience in the some of the
stages of Aromascience, under the following circumstances:
If a student studies an Aromatherapy course elsewhere but did not complete the
course, (special conditions apply)
If a student studied a course that was shorter in duration and needed to make up
more hours (ie: there are many Level 4 NZQA courses, but the hours can vary greatly)
RPL may be given for an NZQA Introduction to Aromatherapy course
To get recognition of prior learning confirmed, please send full details of your prior
learning and/or a copy of your learning outcomes received from the Academy of study.
Applications must be completed prior to commencement of the course.
The fee is $50.00 which must come with the application.
RPL forms are to cross credit a qualification you may towards the qualification that you
study here, please request this form if you wish to apply for RPL.
» NZ Diploma in Aromatherapy
» NZ Diploma in Reflexology
» ITEC Diploma in Holistic Massage
» Certificate in Anatomy & Physiology
» Introductory to Aromatherapy
» Introductory to Reflexology
» ITEC Diploma in Indian Head Massage
» ITEC Diploma in On Site Massage
» ITEC Certificate in Complementary and Alternative Therapies