Two Day Workshop on Research Methodology in Commerce
Two Day Workshop on Research Methodology in Commerce
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, OSMANIAUNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD Organizes UGC sponsored Two day Workshop on Research Methodology in Commerce & Management (27– 28, January 2015) Venue: Main Library Building, ICSSR Hall, ICSSR-SRC, Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad-7., UGC SPONSORED TWO-DAYS WORKSHOP ON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, OSMANIAUNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD. INTRODUCTION AND IMPORTANCE: Research is an essential part of Higher education today. University, an abode of knowledge is expected to conduct genuine and high quality research which has impact on the society. Teaching and Research should be synthesized so as to bring in relevance to the academic activity in the university. Linkages with Industry as well as other Government and Non-Government organizations also have very valuable influence on the research conducted in the Universities. Osmania University places great importance on research. Faculty research, sponsored research, UGC Projects, UGC-SAP as well as Departmental/ Institutional research are important research activities in the Department of Commerce & Management, Osmania University. Ph.D. Programme in Department of Commerce, OU is one such research activity which aims at enhancing, sharpening research skills of present and future researchers in the areas of accounting & finance, marketing, business environment and HR. In order to provide basic understanding about research in specific area, we have introduced relevant courses at the PG level and Ph.D. course work includes a paper on Research methodology. This two days workshop is planned to provide knowledge and skills in techniques of research to Ph.D. scholars in Commerce & Business Management areas and faculty members of University affiliated/constituent colleges in Commerce/Business Management, who are interested in keeping up with new trends in research methodology in their respective discipline. This workshop will be useful to all those who are presently registered Ph.D. Scholars in Commerce/Business Management and pursuing M.Com. / MBA Project report writing work. It also motivates the PG students to plan to pursue research studies in future. Objectives of the workshop: The objective of this workshop is to equip the Research scholars in Commerce & Management to understand the research process and acquire skills in utilizing the tools and techniques of data collection and data analysis for thesis writing. After attending the workshop the participants will be able to: Understand framework for scientific enquiry; Identification of the research problem; Understand and use various statistical tools for data analysis; Understand and use various financial tools for data analysis; Use electronic resources to conduct literature survey; Use of search engines in browsing e-journals; Access to e-resources; Understand and use statistical tools for data analysis; Understand and use financial tools for financial analysis; Understand and use appropriate tools for marketing research; Review various sampling techniques; Understand and use data analysis with SPSS; Select appropriate research method for conducting empirical research Use /develop/select appropriate tools for data collection ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, OSMANIA UNIVERSITY: The Department of Commerce, Osmania University was established in 1945. The Department is offering several streams of commerce courses at both Under-graduate (B.Com.) and Post-graduate (M.Com) levels catering to about 1,50,000 undergraduate and to about 1500 Post-graduate students. The teaching faculty is highly qualified and competent. The department has UGC-SAP program where research projects work is undertaken. The department also runs a refereed journal titled OJIBS. The department has been undertaking research projects financed by UGC, Planning Commission, ICSSR, State Government, Industrial establishments, etc. and encouraging intensive research on topics of contemporary relevance. Who can apply: This workshop is designed for students registered for Ph.D. programme in Commerce/Managementof Osmania University and all other Scholars of other Universities in Telangana State (Kakatiya University, Telangana University, Mahatma Gandhi University, Palamur University, MANUU, HCU, Dr. BR Ambedkar Open University, Telugu University, JNTU, etc. As well as,the M.Com. Project supervisors and Ph.D. Supervisors, who are interested in understanding the concepts and techniques of conducting academic research are invited to attend. HOW TO APPLY – BYREGISTRATION: Interested candidates can submit filled up registration Form with the registration fee, as follows: 1. Research Scholars: Rs. 300/- Cash or DD in favour of Dean, Faculty of Commerce, OU. 2. Foreign scholars: Rs. 600/- Cash or DD in favour of Dean, Faculty of Commerce, OU. 3. Teaching faculty from affiliated colleges: Rs. 500/- cash or DD in favour of Dean, Faculty of Commerce, OU. 4. The candidates have to fill up the Registration form . Please register your self by 24/01/2015. Spot registration will be at the venue. Date,Time & Venue of the Workshop: The Workshop will be conducted on 27-28 January 2015 from 9.00 a.m from to 6.00 p.m. The Workshop will be organized at the Main Library, ICSSR,OU, Hyderabad. Tea & Snacks, Lunch, will be provided at the venue. Accommodation & Travel Allowance: Accommodation will not be provided to the out-station participants. Travel allowance will not be reimbursed to the outstation participants. Resource Persons (27-28 January 2015) 1. Prof. V.V. Haragopal, Professor of Statistics (Rtd.), Osmania University, Hyderabad. 2. Prof. B. Kamaiah, Department of Economics, Hyderabad Central University, Gachibowli. Hyderabad 3. Dr. S. SudershanRao, Former Principal, Arts College, OU (Rtd.), ICSSR Fellow. 4. Prof. K.V. Achalapathi, Director, Directorate of Placements, OU. 5. Prof. S.V. Satyanarayana, Former Dean, Faculty of Commerce, UCCBM,OU. 6. Dr. A. Patrick, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Commerce, UCCBM,OU 7. Dr. J. Vivekanandhan, Asst. Professor, Library Science Department, OU 8. Dr. S. Chakravarthy, Asst. Professor, Library Science Department, OU 9. Mr. Alok Singh, CEO, Impact Education, Secunderabad. 10. Mr. Appala Meesalaya, Instructor of SPSS. Workshop methodology: There will be presentations by each resource person followed with activity assignment. There will be lot of group work. Active participation of all the participants is very essential. Participation Certificate: The participants will be issued a Certificate of participation by the Department on the basis of their registration and attendance. Workshop Organisers: 1. Prof. Akbar Ali Khan, Dean, Faculty of Commerce, O.U. (Director of the workshop) Email: [email protected], 2. Prof. K. Shankaraiah, Head, Department of Commerce, O.U. 3. Prof. G. Laxman, Chairman, BoS in Commerce, O.U. Workshop Convenor: Dr. A. Patrick [email protected] Contact persons: 1. A. Venkataramana (040-27097693) Office of the Head, Department of Commerce, 2. T. Lalitha (040-27096188) Office of the Dean, Faculty of Commerce, Osmania University. E-Mail: [email protected] Cell No. 8897758932 3 A Two Day Workshop on “Research Methodology in Commerce & Management” 27th – 28th January 2015 To ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ From: Professor Mohd. Akbar Ali Khan Director of the workshop & Dean, Faculty of Commerce, Osmania University, Hyderabad – 07 E-Mail: [email protected] Mobile No: 9849457014