Embedded system design using MSP430 Launchpad


Embedded system design using MSP430 Launchpad
(Estd. u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956)
Vellore – 632 014, Tamil Nadu, India
Two Day Workshop on
“Embedded system design using MSP430 Launchpad”
23rd– 24thJanuary 2015
Organized by
TIFAC-CORE in Automotive Infotronics
(Sponsored by TIFAC, Department of Science &Technology, Govt. of India)
Dr. K. Ganesan, Director, TIFAC-CORE &Sr. Professor, SITE
Ms. T. Revathi, Sr. Technician, TIFAC-CORE
Mr. A.P.Baranidharan, Sr. Technician, TIFAC-CORE
TIFAC-CORE in Automotive Infotronics @VIT
 The Centre is conducting need based training programs on cutting edge technologies
for students, faculties and industry participants.
 Offering consultancy services for the industries and carrying out research works
through the research grants received from funding agencies.
 The Centre has so far conducted 210 Training programs.
 The Centre has completed nearly 20 consultancy projects with many leading
Automotive and Telecom companies.
 The Centre has filed 16 patents.
 An ultra-low-power microcontroller consists of several devices featuring different sets
of peripherals targeted for various applications. Typical applications include low-cost
sensor systems that capture signals and process it for transmission to a host system.
Topics Covered
Program intends to cover the basics of microcontrollers, wired interfaces, protocol
types and its implementation issues with real time exposure.
Theory Sessions
Introduction to Embedded
Hands on and Demo
LED and Switches interfacing
LCD Interfacing and programming
MSP430 Architecture Overview
Light Sensor data acquisition
Introduction to IAR Embedded
Analog keypad Interfacing
Serial Printer interfacing with
General Input Output
Transmitter and Receiver modes of
Data Acquisition module
Operation in serial communication
Analog Sensors Interfacing with
Signal Conditioning Techniques
Introduction to
Communication protocols
Timer modes Exploration
UART Concepts (SCI)
Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI)
Device access through Short
Message Service (SMS)
Music Tone generation
Speed control of DC Motor
Shift register interfacing with
microcontroller using SPI
Target Participants:
 Students – UG / PG of any discipline
 Faculty & Research Scholars
 Industry participants
Registration fees:
 Rs. 1750 per delegate from Institute (Student)
 Rs. 2750 per delegate from Institute (Faculty & Research Scholars)
 Rs. 4000 per delegate from Industry
Registration charges include Handouts, lunch & local hospitality. The number
of participants is limited to THIRTY based on first come first serve.
Payment through DD, to be drawn in favor of “TIFAC CORE–VIT
University”, Payable at Vellore.
Registration confirmation through mail / phone is compulsory before
arriving VIT.
Technology Tower
7th Floor, Room no.: 701 (For Registration)
VIT University,Vellore.
Starting Session
: 23rd January 2015 9.30 hrs.
Closing Session
: 24th January 2015 17.00 hrs.
Last Date for Registration:
20thJanuary 2015
For online registration, Click here
Format for Registration confirmation
Two Day Workshop on
“Embedded system design using MSP430 Launchpad”
Name: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Gender: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Designation: Student /Research Scholar / Faculty
Branch & Year (Student): ----------------------------------------------------------Other Working Professionals: -----------------------------------------------------Organization/College: --------------------------------------------------------------Address: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phone: -----------------------------Mobile-------------------------------------------Fax: ---------------------------------E-mail: -----------------------------------------DD No: -----------------------------Date of DD: ------------------------------------Bank: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of the Participant
Please complete and mail or fax us above form before 20thJanuary 2015.
For Registration Contact:
For Technical Queries Contact:
The Secretary,
Mr. A. P. Baranidharan
Ms. T.Revathi
TT701, VIT University,
Vellore-632 014
0416 - 2202383
E-mail to: [email protected]/ cc to: [email protected], [email protected]
Send the DD by Post / Courier to the following address:
The Secretary / The Director,
TIFAC-CORE in Automotive Infotronics,
TT701, Technology Tower,
VIT University, Vellore-632 014