Notification Allotment of Government Bonded Services( Winter
Notification Allotment of Government Bonded Services( Winter
No. DMER/Notification No1/Bonded/Suer-Speciality Degree/Allotment/Process/8-A, Dated : 27 January,2015 NOTIFICATION Allotment of Government Bonded Services (Super Speciality degree holder) th As per the Government Resolution No. WPM 1011/CR 352/11/Edu-2, dated 4 April 2012 the Central Committees have been constituted. Central Process for allotting bonded services Super pecialty candidates (D.M./M.Ch.) who passed in Winter-2014 MUHS Examination will be conducted as per the schedule given below. The bonded candidates should apply in the format given below to Diretorate of Medical Education & Research,Mumbai by Email upto Friday dated 30/01/2015. The Concerned should note available vacant posts under following heads : A) Super-Speciality Medical Officers in Brihanmumbai Municiapl Corporatation, Government Medical Colleges & Hospitals. Information related to Allotment of Government Bonded Services - Central Selection Process A) General Instructions: 1) The Number of vacant posts is displayed on DMER website"" 2) List of bonded candidate who are eligiable to apply for allotment of bond service is attached with this notification. 3) Allotment of posts to bonded candidate will be done strictly on merit basis as per the marks obtainted in D.M./M.Ch.exam in MUHSand preference given by the candidate 4) If any candidate does not apply for bond service in this Central Counselling Process then, the committee will issue recommondation letter for allottment of bonded service at any place in the State of Maharashtra. 5) Candidates should fill all relevent information and give 10 preferences (choice) for place of allotment of bonded service and send their apllication form to email: [email protected]. 6) The recomondation letter will be send to the candidates on the postal address as well as will be send by email. 7 ) The candidates shall get appointment letter from the concerned Dean or offfice of Duputy Director Cirles DHS/ NMMC after repairing showing recomondation letter. B) The candidate must submit attested photo copy of requisite documents to repective Dean or the office of the Deputy Director of allotted region or Commisioner, NMMC Navi Mumbai at time of getting appointment letter as per the list given below: a) b) c) d) e) SSC Passing Certificate / valid passport (as proof of age). First, Second and Third MBBS (part-I & Part-II ) mark-sheets. Attempt certificate of all MBBS examinations. DM/M.Ch. Mark list. Permanent/ Provisional Registration certificate of Maharashtra Medical Council or other State Medical Councils in India / MCI. f) Original letter of D.M./M.Ch. admission. g) Bonafied letter of College (DM/M.Ch.). Note : The candidates who are unable to produce the original copy of certificates should submit the letter issued by the institute stating that original certificates are retained by the concerned office. C) Rule of TIE-BREAKER : Selection of candidate for the vacant post shall be as per the procedure of preparation of merit list as given below. First Level:- The Candidate having Highest Marks in D.M. / M.Ch. In MUHs Examination. If tie persists then, Second Level:- The Candidate having Highest Mark in M.D./M.S. if tie persists then - Third Level:- The Candidate having Highest Mark in final MBBS in MUHS Examanation. If tie persists then, Fourth Level:- The candidates having Highest Mark in 2nd MBBS in MUHS Examination. If tie persists then, Fifth level :- The candidates having Highest Mark in 1st MBBS in MUHS Examination. If tie persists then, Sixth The Older candidate will be preferred. :- sd/- Director Medical Education and Research,Mumbai APPLICATION FORM (TO BE FILLED BY CANDIDATES AND EMAIL TO [email protected] ) 1 Serial Number DMER list : 2 Name of Applicant : 3 Date of Birth : 4 Address (Permanant) : 5 Mobile No. : 6 Email id : 7 MUHS PRN No. : 8 Name of D.M./M.Ch. College : 9 (MD/M.S) Name of PG College 10 MD/MS Subject : : 11 Marks : 12 MMC Registration No : III rd MBBS (Part I+II) : IInd MBBS : Ist MBBS : a) Permanant : b) Provisional 13 Preference (Choice) : Sr.No 1 District : Taluka Place of posting 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I delcare that above information is correct to the best of my knowledge Signature of candidate