List of Books by Title - Garden City Public Schools
List of Books by Title - Garden City Public Schools
Book/Quiz Title Author Last Name Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Bones and the Birthday Mystery David A. Adler The Fairy's Return Gail Carson Levine The Red Kayak Cummings, Priscilla Theodore Boone: The Abduction John Grisham "C" is for Clown Stan and Jan Berenstain "Smile," Says Little Crocodile Jane Belk Moncure (A to Z Mysteries) Mayflower Treasure Hunt Ron Roy 10 Fat Turkeys Johnston, Tony 10 Little Rubber Ducks Carle, Eric 10 Minutes Till Bedtime Rathmann, Peggy 1000 Facts about the Earth Moira Butterfield 100th Day Worries Margery Cuyler 101 Dalmatians: Proud to Be a Pup (Disney Storytime Treasures Library) Kidd, Ronald 101 Dalmations Justine Korman 101 Ways to Bug Your Friends and Enemies Lee Wardlaw 101 Ways To Bug Your Parents Wardlaw, Lee 101 Ways to Bug Your Teacher Lee Wardlaw 10th Good Thing About Barney, The Viorst, Judith; Blegvad, Erik 123 Zoo Mystery, The Pearson, Susan 13 Little Blue Envelopes Maureen Johnson 13th Floor, The: A Ghost Story Fleischman, Sid & Peter Sid 14 Cows for America Deedy, Carmen Agra 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East Nye, Naomi Shihab 1984 Orwell, George 20,000 Baseball cards under the sea Jon Buller and Susan Schade 2000 Year Old Man Goes to School Brooks, Mel, Carl Reiner 213 Valentines Cohen, Barbara; Clay, Wil 26 Fairmount Avenue Tomie dePaola 329th Friend, The Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 38 Weeks Till Summer Kerby, Mona 4 Pups and a Worm Seltzer, Eric 43 Old Cemetery Road: Over My Dead Body Kate Klise 4B Goes Wild Gilson, Jamie; Edwards, Linda S. 50 American Heroes Every Kid Should Meet Denenberg, Dennis; Roscoe, Lorraine 50 Below Zero Robert Munsch 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, The 92 Queens Road A Bad Kitty Christmas A Balanced Diet A Balloon for Isabel Dr. Seuss Case, Dianne Nick Bruel Catherine Veitch Deborah Underwood Reading Level 6 2 4 6 5 0 1 Fiction/NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 2 2 1 4 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 1 1 Fiction Fiction 5 5 3 -1 3 5 5 3.7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 5 8 2 3 3 4 3 4 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 5 Fiction Fiction 6 2 NonFiction Fiction 3 5 3 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction A Bear Named Trouble A Bedtime For Bear A Big Guy Took My Ball A Bird about to Sing A Bug, a Bear and a Boy A Cars Christmas A Cheese-Colored Camper A Chef A Chet Gecko Mystery: The Mystery of Mr. Nice A Chocolate Moose for Dinner A Christmas Tale A Coalition of Lions A Cold Winter's Good Knight A Color Clown Comes to Town A color of his own A comfy, Cozy Thanksgiving A Cool Kid Like Me! A Crazy Day at the Critter Cafe A Crooked Kind of Perfect A Day with a Doctor A Day with Firefighters A Day with Paramedics A Day's Work A Deadly Obsession A Diamond in the Desert A Dinosaur Named Sue: The Find of the Century A Dog Called Kitty A Dog Needs a Bone A Dog's Life: An Autobiograph of a Stray A Dog's Way Home A Dollar for Penny A Dozen Ducklings Lost & Found: A Counting Story A Dragon in a Wagon A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo A Fairy Frost A Fairyland Costume Ball A Fish Out of Water A Fly Went By A Friend's Tale A Friendship for Today A Frog in the Bog A Frog Prince A Ghost In The Family A Ghost Named Fred A Ghost Tale for Christmas Time A Gift from Papa Diego Bauer, Marion Dane Bonny Becker Mo Willems Montenegro, Laura McPhail, David Melissa Lagonegro Geronimo Stilton Florian, Douglas 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Bruce Hale Gwynne, Fred Geronimo Stilton Wein, Elizabeth E. Shelley Moore Thomas Jane Belk Moncure Leo Lionni Kiki Thorpe Wilhelm, Hans Barbara Odanaka Linda Urban Jan Kottke Jan Kottke Jan Kottke Eve Bunting Anne Schraff Kathryn Fitzmaurice 3 4 2 8 2 1 0 1 1.5 1 5 1 1 1 3 4 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fay Robinson Bill Wallace Audrey Wood 4 4.2 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Ann M. Martin Bobbie Pyron Julie Glass 4 4 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 4.1 0 4 2 0 4 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Ziefert, Harriet Jane Belk Moncure Geronimo Stilton Tennant Redbank Daisy Meadows Palmer, Helen Mike McClintock Daniel Kirk McKissack, Pat Wilson, Karma Alix Berenzy Betty Ren Wright Nathaniel Benchley Mary Pope Osborne Benjamin Alire Saenz A Girl Named Helen Keller A Good Day A good king is hard to find A Good Night for Ghosts A Good Night Walk A Great Day for pup A Green, Green Garden A Hat for Minerva Louise A Hole Is to Dig A House for Hermit Crab A House for Little Red A House of Tailors A Is For Salad A Jigsaw Jones Mystery, The Case Of the Snowboarding Superstar A Katie Kazoo Christmas A Little Pigeon Toad A Long Walk to Water A Midsummer Night's Dork A Monster is Coming! A New Barker in the House A New Coat for Anna A Parade for Sam A Perfect Place: Joshua's Oregon Trail Diary A Perfect Time for Pandas A Picnic in the Woods A Picture Book of Benjamin Franklin A Pinky is a Baby Mouse and Other Baby Animal Names A Place Called Kindergarten A Plump and Perky Turkey A Pocket Full of Kisses A Pocketful of Pets A Poem of Her Own: Voices of American Women Yesterday and Today A Polar Bear Can Swim A Quiet Place A Season for Goodbye A Season of Gifts A Series of Unfortunate Events: The End, Book #13 A Shelter in Our Car A Short History of Nearly Everything A Sick Day for Amos McGee A Snowy Surprise A Special Kind of Love A Stick is an Excellent Thing A Surprise for Mom! Lundell, Margo Kevin Henkes Catherine Hapka Mary Pope Osborne Elisha Cooper Bonnie worth Mercer Mayer Stoeke, Janet Morgan Ruth Krauss Eric Carle Margaret Hillert Reilly Giff, Patricia Lester, Mike James Preller Nancy Krulik Gwynne, Fred Linda Sue Park Carol Gorman David L. Harrison de Paola, Tomie Ziefert, Harriet Labatt, Mary 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 6 2 2 5 5 4 3 0 1.5 3 1.4 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Patricia Hermes Mary Pope Osborne Walt Disney David A. Adler 3 3 1 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Non Fiction Ryan, Pam Munoz Jessica Harper Teresa Bateman Penn, Audrey Jane Belk Moncure 2 0 2 0 1 Non Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Clinton ,Catherine Harriet Ziefert Wood, Douglas Lurlene McDaniel Richard Peck 5 0 0 5 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lemony Snicket Monica Gunning Bryson, Bill Philip C. Stead Hest, Amy Stephen Michael King Marilyn Singer Grosset & Dunlap 6 4 8 3 0 1 3 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction A Swim through the Sea A T. Rex Named Sue: Sue Hendrickson's Huge Discovery A Tale Dark and Grimm A Tangle of Knots A Time to Die A to Z Mysteries The Unwilling Umpire A to Z Mysteries The Vampire's Vacation A Tree for All Seasons A Very Brave Witch A Very Marley Christmas A Very Merry Christmas A Visitor for Bear A Walk in the Rainforest A Walk to Remember Pratt-Serafini, Kristin Joy 1 Fiction Natalie Lunis Adam Gidwitz Lisa Graff Lurlene McDaniel 5 4 6 7 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Roy, Ron 3 Fiction Ron Roy Robin Bernard Alison McGhee John Grogan Geronimo Stilton Bonny Becker Pratt-Serafini, Kristin Joy Nicholas Sparks Clements, Andrew Clements; Selznick, Brian Kevin Henkes Jane Belk Moncure Deborah Scott Cannon Emily Sollinger Jackson, Dave; Jackson, Neta Barker, Clive 3 1 0 0 3 0 2 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction A Week in the Woods A Weekend with Wendell A Wish- For Dinosaur A.D.D. or X Y Z Aang's Destiny Abandoned on the Wild Frontier Abarat Abby Carnelia's One and Only Magical Power David Pogue ABC I Like Me! Nancy Carlson ABC Letters in the Library Bonnie Farmer Abduction Newth, Mette Abduction Peg Kehret Abe Lincoln at Last - Magic Tree House #47 Mary Pope Osborne Abe Lincoln Crosses a Creek: A Tall, Thin Tale (Introducing His Forgotten Frontier Friend) Deborah Hopkinson and John Kendrix Abe Lincoln Goes to Washington, 18371865 Harness, Cheryl Abe Lincoln's Hat Brenner, Martha Abel's Island Steig, William Abhorsen Nix, Garth Abigail Takes the Wheel Avi Abiyoyo Seeger, Pete Abner & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Dan Gutman Abominable Snowman of Pasadena, The Stine, R. L. 5 2 1 2 2 6 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 0 1 9 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 Fiction 3 Fiction 4 3 4 6 4 3 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 Fiction 4 Fiction About Arachnids: A Guide for Children Sill, Cathryn About Clouds McGrath, Thomas About David Pfeffer, Susan B. 0 2 5 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Abracadabra Kid: A Writer's Life, The Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln (Fact Tracker) Absent Author, The Absolutely Normal Chaos Absolutely True Story . . . How I Visited Yellowstone Park with the Terrible Rupes Abuela Abuela's Weave Accident, The Ace: The Very Important Pig Acorn People, The Acorn Quest, The Acquainted With the Night Across America on an Emigrant Train Across America, I Love You Across Five Aprils Across the Blue Pacific: A World War II Story Across the Grain Across the Wide Dark Sea: The Mayflower Journey Actual Size Adaline Falling Star Adam And Eve And Pinch-Me Adam of the Road Addie Across the Prairie Addie Meets Max Addie's Forever Friend Addie's Long Summer Addition Annie Addy Learns a Lesson Addy Saves the Day Addys Little Brother Addy's Surprise Adelita Adem's Cross Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein, The Adventures of Captain Underpants: An Epic Novel, The Fleischman, Sid Kolpas, Norman; Nichols, Eleanor Mary Pope Osborn Roy, Ron Creech, Sharon 6 5 3 3 4 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Roberts, Willo D Dorros, Arthur; Kleven, Elisa Castaneda, Omar S.; Sanchez, Enrique O. Strasser, Todd King-Smith, Dick; Hemmant, Lynette Jones, Ron Yolen, Jane; Natti, Susanna Hotze, Sollace Murphy, Jim; Davidson, Richard M. Christine Loomis Hunt, Irene 5 2 2 7 6 4 2 7 7 4 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Adventures of Hershel of Ostropol, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of King Midas, The Adventures of Laura & Jack, The Adventures of Odysseus Adventures of Penrose: The Mathematical Cat, The Kimmel, Eric A. Twain, Mark Twain, Mark; Vogel, Malvina Banks, Lynne Reid Graef, Renee; Wilder, Laura Ingalls Malone, Peter 7 7 4 6 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Pappas, Theoni 4 Fiction Borden, Louise Ferris, Jean 5.2 5 Fiction Fiction Van Leeuwen, Jean Jenkins, Steve Osborne, Mary Pope Johnston, Julie Gray, Elizabeth J. Lawlor, Laurie Joan Robins Lawlor, Laurie; Cogancherry, Helen Lawlor, Laurie Gisler, David Porter, Connie Rose Porter, Connie Rose Porter, Connie Rose Porter, Connie Rose de Paola, Tomie Mead, Alice Hurwitz, Johanna 1 2 7 5 4 5 2 4 3 0 4 4 4 5 1.5 5 5 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Pilkey, Dav 4.5 Fiction Adventures of Ratman, The Adventures of Sugar and Junior, The Weiss, Ellen; Friedman, Mel; Zimmer, Dirk Medearis, Angela Pilkey, Dav; Beard, George; Hutchins, Adventures of Super Diaper Baby, The Harold Adventures of Taxi Dog, The Barracca, Debra Adventures of the Greek Heroes McLean, Mollie; Wilseman, Anne Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Twain, Mark Adventures of Ulysses, The Evslin, Bernard Advise and Consent Drury, Allen Aesop's Fables Sneed, Brad Aesop's Fables Illustrated by Walt Sturrock Aesop's Fables Aesop African Animals: Cheetahs Deborah Nuzzolo African Animals: Giraffes Catherine Ipcizade After Columbus: The Horse's Return to America Herman J. Viola After Fifth Grade, the World! Mills, Glaudia After Pa Was Shot Alter, Judy; Shaw, Charles After the Dancing Days Rostkowski, Margaret I. After the Goat Man Byars, Betsy C. After the Rain Mazer, Norma F. After the Spill : The Exxon Valdez Disaster, Then & Now Markle, Sandra After the Storm Brooke, Lauren After the War Matas, Carol Afternoon of the Elves Lisle, Janet T. Afternoon on the Amazon Osborne, Mary Pope Again, Josefina! Tripp, Valerie Agatha's Feather Bed Deedy, Carmen A.; Seeley, Laura L. Aggie's Home Nixon, Joan Lowery Agnes the Sheep Taylor, William Agony of Alice, The Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Ahoy There, Little Polar Bear De Beer, Hans Ahyoka and the Talking Leaves Roop, Peter; Roop, Connie; Miyake, Yoshi Aida Price, Leontyne Air is All Around You Branley, Franklyn M. Airman Eoin Colfer Ajeemah and His Son Berry, James R. Akiak: A Tale from the Iditarod Blake, Robert J. Akiane: Her Life, Her Art, Her Poetry Akiane Kramarik and Foreli Kramarik Al Capone Does My Shirts Gennifer Choldenko Al Capone Shines My Shoes Gennifer Choldenko Aladdin: Wishful Thinking (Disney's Storytime Treasures Library) Marsoli, Lisa Ann Alamo Cat, The Teague, Wells; Kerr, Rita Alan and Naomi Levoy, Myron Alan Mendelshon, The Boy From Mars Pinkwater, Daniel M Alanna: The First Adventure Pierce, Tamora 3 2 Fiction Fiction 3 2 4 7 6 10 1 5 2 1 1 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 4 3 6 3 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 5 6 5 3 4 3 5 5 6 3 4 6 1 5 4 2 5 4 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 5 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 7 Fiction Fiction Alaskan Adventure, The Albert Geronimo Albert II: The 1st Monkey In Space Albertina Anda Arriba: Albertina Goes Up Albert's Bad Word Albert's Toothache Alcatraz Aldo Applesauce Aldo Ice Cream Aldo Peanut Butter Alex Fitzgerald, TV Star Alex Fitzgerald's Cure for Night Alex Mack Close Encounters Alex Rodriguez Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good day Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday Alexander, Who's Not (Do you hear me? I mean it!) Going to Move Alfie Gives a Hand Alfred Summer, The Ali Baba Bernstein, Lost & Found Alice Alice & Greta: A Tale of Two Witches Alice Alone Alice and Her Fabulous Teeth Alice and the Birthday Giant Alice in Lace Alice in Rapture, Sort of Alice In-Between Alice Ramsey's Grand Adventure Alice Rose and Sam Alice the Brave Alice The Fairy Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Alicia's Best Friends Alicia's Tutu Alida's Song Alien Alert Alien for Rent Alien Invasions Alien Secrets Aliens Ate My Homework Dixon, Franklin Templeton, Lee Joeming Dunn Nancy Maria Grande Tabor Wood, Audrey Williams, Barbara; Chorao, Kay George, Linda Hurwitz,Johanna; Wallner, John Hurwitz,Johanna; Wallner, John De Groat, Diane; Hurwitz, Johanna Krull, Kathleen Krull, Kathleen Weiss, David Cody; Weiss, Bobbi J. G. Jeffrey Zuehlke 4 4 3 Fiction NonFiction Fiction 2 1.7 2.7 5 4 4 3 2 4 4 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Viorst, Judith; Cruz, Ray 3 Fiction Judith Viorst 2 Fiction Judith Viorst Lionni, Leo 2 1 Fiction Fiction Viorst, Judith; Cruz, Ray 2 Fiction Viorst, Judith Hughes, Shirley Slepian, Jan Hurwitz, Johanna Flanigan, Sara Moore, Cyd; Simmons, Steven J. Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Maconie, Robin Green, John F. Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Brown, Don Lasky, Kathryn Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds David Shannon Carroll, Lewis; Hague, Michael Jahn-Clough, Lisa Olasky, Susan Paulsen, Gary Korman, Susan Duffey, Betsy Kendall, Benjamin Klause, Annette C. Coville, Bruce; Coville, Katherine 2 1 5 3 10 2 8 1 2 5 6 5 2 6 5 1 5.7 0 2 6 4 2 3 5 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Aliens Don't Wear Braces Aliens for Breakfast Aliens for Dinner Aliens in Underpants Save the World Aliens on Vacation Alison Walks the Wire Alison Who Went Away All About Alligators All About Bats All about Magnifying Glasses All About Owls All About Sam All About Stacy All Alone After School All Alone in the Universe All American Girl All around Me, I See All Around the Town All Because of a Cup of Coffee All but Alice All by Myself All Creatures Great and Small All for Pie Pie for All Dadey, Debbie Etra, Jonathan Spinner, Stephanie Claire Freedman Clete Smith Sinykin, Sheri C.; Picart, Gabriel Velde, Vivian Vande Arnosky, Jim Jennifer Jacobson Berger, Melvin Arnosky, Jim Lowry, Lois Giff, Patricia R. Stanek, Muriel Perkins, Lynne Rae Meg Cabot Steinberg, Laya Clark, Mary Higgins Geronimo Stilton Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Mayer, Mercer Herriot, James David Martin 2 4 3 2 5 3 5 2 1 2 3 3 2 2 5 9 1 9 3 5 2 8 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction All Growed up!: Next Stop... the Future All I See All in One Hour All Joseph Wanted All Joseph Wanted All Kinds of Children All New Jonah Twist, The All Night Near The Water All Pigs Are Beautiful All stations! distress! : April 15, 1912, the day the Titanic sank All That Glitters All the Colors of the Earth All the Colors of the Earth All the Days of Her Life All the Lovely Bad Ones All the Mamas: A true love story for Mothers... All the Money in the World All the Pretty Horses All Those Secrets of the World Allegiant Allergic To My Family Allie's Basketball Dream Alligator Baby Alligator Wedding West, Cathy Rylant, Cynthia Stevens Crummel, Susan Radin, Ruth Y.; Ray, Deborah K. Radin, Ruth Yaffe Simon, Norma Honeycutt, Natalie Arnosky, Jim King-Smith, Dick; Jeram, Anita 1 3 0 5 4 1 2 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Brown, Don Ferris, Jean Shiela Hamanaka Hamanaka, Sheila Lurlene McDaniel Mary Downing Hahn 5.4 6 1 2 7 5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Shough, Carol Gandee Brittain, Bill Susan Jeffers Yolen, Jane Veronica Roth Murrow, Liza K. Barber, Barbara E.; Ligasan, Darryl Munsch, Robert; Martchenko, Michael Nancy Jewell 4 4 0 3 12 4 1 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Alligators Allison All's Fair in Love, War, and High School Ally the Dolphin Fairy Almost famous Almost Forever Aloha, Baby-Sitters! Aloha, Kanani Aloha, Salty! Alone In His Teacher's House Along Came A Dog Along the Santa Fe Trail Along the Tracks Alphabet City Alphabet City Ballet Alphabet of Angels Alphathoughts: Alphabet Poems from A to Z Altogether, One at a Time Altoona Baboona Alvin Ailey, Vol. 1 Lauber, Patricia Say, Allen Rallison, Janette Daisy Meadows Getz, David Testa, Maria Martin, Ann M. Lisa Yee Rand, Ted; Rand, Gloria Sachar, Louis De Jong, Meindert Russell, Marion Bergman, Tamar; Swirsky, Michael Johnson, Stephen T. Tamar, Erika Willard, Nancy Hopkins, Lee Bennett Haley, Gail E.; Konigsburg, E. L. Bynum, Janie Pinkney, Andrea Davis Alvin and the Chipmunks ChipWrecked The Junior Novel Alvin Fernald, Master of a Thousand Disguises Christelow, Eileen; Hicks, Clifford Chesworth, Michael D.; Harding, William Alvin's Famous No Horse H. Always Gramma Nelson, Vaunda M.; Uhler, Kimanne Always in Trouble Corinne Demas Always My Dad Wyeth, Sharon D. Always My Grandpa: A Story for Children About Alzheimer's Disease Linda Scacco Always Room for One More Leodhas, Sorche Nic Always Room For One More Leodhas, S. Amahl and the Night Visitors Menotti, Gian-Carlo; Lemieux, Michele Amanda Pig, Schoolgirl Schweninger, Ann; Van Leeuwen, Jean Amazing Adventures of Soupy Boy!, The Burnard, Damon Amazing Anthony Ant Philpot, Lorna; Philpot, Graham Amazing Apples Jeff Bauer Amazing Bone, The Steig, William Amazing Faces: Poems Bennett Hopkins Amazing Gorillas! (I Can Read Series) Thomson, Sarah L. Amazing Grace Hoffman, Mary Amazing Gracie Cannon, A. E. Amazing Gracie: A Dog's Tale Dye, Dan; Beckloff, Mark Amazing Pop-up Grammar Book, The Petty, Kate; Maizels, Jennie Amazing Space Facts Moche, Dinah L. Amazing True Stories Wulffson, Don L. 3 1 NonFiction NonFiction 8 2 4 4 4 3 1 2.2 4 4 6 1 4 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction 2 5 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 5 Fiction 2 3.8 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 1 2 3 1 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 3 1 1 3 2.9 2 3 6 6 3 2 5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Amazing Valvano and the Mystery of the Hooded... Amazing Whales! Amazon Alphabet Amber Brown Goes Fourth Amber Brown is Feeling Blue Amber Brown Is Green With Envy Amber Brown is Not a Crayon Amber Brown Sees Red Amber Brown Wants Extra Credit Amber Cat Amber on the Mountain Ambushed in Jaguar Swamp Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride Amelia Bedelia Amelia Bedelia & the Baby Amelia Bedelia & the Surprise Shower Amelia Bedelia & the Surprise Shower Amelia Bedelia 4 Mayor Amelia Bedelia and the Cat Amelia Bedelia Bookworm Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping Amelia Bedelia Helps Out Amelia Bedelia Hits the Trail Amelia Bedelia Makes a Friend Amelia Bedelia Sleeps Over Amelia Bedelia Under Construction Amelia Bedelia, Rocket Scientist? Amelia Bedelia's Family Album Amelia Bedelia's Masterpiece Amelia Earhart Amelia Earhart Amelia Hits the Road Amelia Writes Again Amelia's Notebook Amelia's Road America Votes: How Our President is Elected American Alligator, The American Born Chinese American Tall Tales Amigo Amish Home Amistad: A Long Road to Freedom Among Friends Among the Barons (Shadow Children Series) Among the Betrayed Among the Brave Among the Dolls Robinson, Mary Thomson, Sarah L. Jordan, Tanis; Jordan, Martin Danziger, Paula Danziger, Paula Danziger, Paula Danziger, Paula Ross, Tony; Danziger, Paula Danziger, Paula Piazza, Gail; McKay, Hilary Johnston, Tony Jackson, Dave Ryan, Pam Munoz; Selznick, Brian Parish, Peggy; Siebel, Fritz Parish, Peggy Parish, Peggy; Thomas, Barbara Siebel Parish, Peggy Parish, Herman S. Herman Parish Herman Parish Parish, Peggy Parish, Peggy Herman Parish Herman Parish Herman Parish Herman Parish Herman Parish Sweat, Lynn; Parish, Peggy Herman Parish D'Adamo, Anthony; Parlin, John Sabin, Francene; Milone, Karen Moss, Marissa Moss, Marissa Moss, Marissa Sanchez, Enrique O.; Altman, Linda J. 4 2 0 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 0 1 2 1 2 0 3 5 2 2 3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Granfield, Linda Patent, Dorothy H.; Munoz, William Gene Luen Yang McCurdy, Michael; Osborne, Mary P. Baylor, Byrd Bial, Raymond Myers, Walter Dean Cooney, Caroline B. 7 5 7 4 2 4 7 7 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Haddix, Margaret Peterson Haddix, Margaret Peterson Margaret Peterson Haddix Hyman, Trina S.; Sleator, William 6 6 7 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Among the Hidden Among the Impostors Amos & Abraham Amos & the Alien Amos and Boris Amos Fortune, Free Man Amos Gets Famous Amusement Park Mystery, The Amy Dunn Quits School Amy's Promise Amy's Secret Sister An Amish Christmas An Extraordinary Egg An Octopus is Amazing Anakin in Action Ananse's Feast Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock Anansi and the Talking Melon Anansi Finds A Fool Anansi Goes Fishing Anansi the Spider: A Tale From the Ashanti Anasazi Welcome, An Anasazi, The Anastasia Again Anastasia at This Address Anastasia at Your Service Anastasia Has the Answers Anastasia Krupnik Anastasia On Her Own Anastasia, Absolutely Anastasia, Ask Your Analyst Anastasia's Album Anastasia's Chosen Career Ancient Cliff Dwellers of Mesa Verde, The Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Ancient One, The And I Mean It, Stanley And Now Miguel And Sometimes Why And Still the Turtle Watched And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street Andrew's Loose Tooth Androcles & the Lion Andy & His Yellow Frisbee Margaret Peterson Haddix Haddix, Margaret Peterson Bellafiore, Sharyn; Myers, Steve Paulsen, Gary Steig, William Yates, Elizabeth Paulsen, Gary Warner, Gertrude C. Shreve, Susan; Cart, Chris Thurman, Bernice Suzanne, Jamie Richard Ammon Lionni, Leo Patricia Lauber Simon Beecroft Mollel, Tololwa Kimmel, Eric A. Kimmel, Eric A.; Stevens, Janet Waldman, Bryna; Aardema, Verna Kimmel, Eric A.; Stevens, Janet 5 6 3 4 3 5 6 4 3 6 4 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 2.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction McDermott, Gerald Matthews, Kay; Belknap, Barbara Petersen, David Lowry, Lois Lowry, Lois Lowry, Lois Lowry, Lois Lowry, Lois Lowry, Lois Lowry, Lois Lowry, Lois Tanaka, Shelley; Brewster, Hugh Lowry, Lois 3 5 2 4 6.1 4 6 4 4.4 5 4 5 5 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Arnold, Caroline; Hewett, Richard Nicholson, Robert Crosher, Judith Barron, T. A. Bonsall, Crosby N. Krumgold, Joseph; Charlot, Jean Farrell, Mame MacGill-Callahan, Sheila 6 4 5 6 1 5 8 2 Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fritz, Jean 4 Fiction Seuss, Dr. Munsch, Robert Nolan, Dennis Thompson, Mary 2 1 4 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Andy and the Lion Andy Finds a Way Andy Shane and the Pumpkin Trick Andy Shane and the Very Bossy Dolores Starbuckle Andy's Wild Animal Adventure Angel Angel Child, Dragon Child Angel in Charge Angel Just Like Me, An Angel of Mercy Angel Pig & the Hidden Christmas Angel Spreads Her Wings Angela & Diabola Angela & the King-Size Crusade Angela and the Broken Heart Angela's Airplane Angela's Top-Secret Computer Club Angelina and Alice Angelina and Henry Angelina and the Princess Angelina and the Royal Wedding Angelina at the Fair Angelina at the Palace Angelina Ballerina Angelina on Stage Angelina's Baby Sister Angelina's Christmas Angelina's Silly Little Sister Angelo Angels Don't Know Karate Angel's Gate Angels in the Dust Angel's Mother's Baby Angel's Mother's Boyfriend Angel's Mother's Wedding Angels of the Swamp Angkat: The Cambodian Cinderella Daugherty, James Stuart, Jesse H.; Herndon, Jerry A. Jennifer Richard Jacobson 1.8 4 0 Fiction NonFiction Fiction 2 2 4 4 5 2 7 2 3 5 5 5.2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 6 2.2 5 3 4 7 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Animal Boogie, The Animal Fact, Animal Fable Animal Farm Animal Music Animal Superpowers Animals Asleep Animals in Flight Jennifer Richard Jacobson Scheidl, Gerda M.; Durr, Gisela Short, Mary Ann Surat, Michele M. Delton, Judy; Morrill, Leslie Hoffman, Mary; Van Wright, Cornelius Lurlene McDaniel McPhail, David; Waldron, Jan Delton, Judy; Weber, Jill Banks, Lynne Reid Smith, Susan Robinson, Nancy K. Munsch, Robert Keller, Holly Holabird, Katharine Katharine Holabird Holabird, Katharine; Craig, Helen Katharine Holabird Katharine Holabird Katharine Holabird Holabird, Katharine Holabird, Katherine Katharine Holabird Holabird, Katharine Katarine Holabird Macaulay, David Dadey, Debbie; Jones, Marcia Thornton Crew, Gary Essley, Roger; Raven, Margot Delton, Judy Delton, Judy Delton, Judy Whittaker, Dorothy Jewell R. Coburn Blackstone, Stella; Harter, Debbie (Illustrator) Simon, Seymour; De Groat, Diane Orwell, George Ziefert, Harriet; Saaf, Donald (Illustrator) Christopher Hernandez Collard, Sneed B. Jenkins, Steve Animals in Winter Animals on the Job Bancroft, Henrietta; Van Gelder, Richard G. Krulik, Nancy E. 1 2 8 1 2 2 2 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 2 NonFiction Fiction Animals Should Definitely Not Act like People Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing Animals: Black and White Animorphs Warning Animorphs: The Next Passage Animorphs: The Underground Animorphs: The Visitor Animporphs The Invasion Ankle Grabber, The Anna All Year Round Anna Banana and Me Anna Is Still Here Anna Karenina Anna of Byzantium Anna, Grandpa and the Big storm Annabelle's Big Move Anne Frank and Me Anne Frank: A Hidden Life Anne Frank: Beyond the Diary Barrett, Judi Barrett, Judi Phyllis Limbacher Tildes Applegate, K. A. Applegate, K.A. Applegate,Katherine K.A. Applegate K.A Applegate Kemp, Moira; Impey, Rose Hahn, Mary Downing; de Groat, Diane Blegvad, Lenore; Blegvad, Erik Vos, Ida; Edelstein, Terese; Smidt, Inez Tolstoy, Leo; Kent, Leonard J. Barrett, Tracy Stevens, Carla Golembe, Carla Bennett, Cherie Pressler, Mirjam Van Der Rol, Ruud 2 Fiction 2 2 5 5 3.9 5 4 2 4 2 4.9 11 7 3 1 8 6 6.4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl Anne of Avonlea Anne of Green Gables Anne of Ingleside Anne of the Island Anne of Windy Poplars Annes House of Dreams Annie & the Old One Annie and Cousin Precious Frank, Anne Montgomery, L. M. Montgomery, Lucy Maud Montgomery, L. M. Montgomery, Lucy Maud; Graham, Mark Montgomery, L. M. Montgomery, L. M. Miles, Miska Chorao, Kay 7 7 7 6 6 5 6 3 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Annie and Snowball and the Cozy Nest Annie and Snowball and the dress-up birtday Annie and Snowball and the Pink Surprise Annie and Snowball and the Prettiest House Annie and Snowball and the Shining Star Annie and Snowball and the Teacup Club Annie and the Wild Animals Annie Bananie Annie Bananie & the People's Court Annie Bananie : Best Friends to the End Annie Bananie Moves to Barry Avenue Annie Henry & the Redcoats Annie Henry & the Secret Mission Rylant, Cynthia 1 Fiction Cynthia Rylant 3 Fiction Cynthia Rylant 2 Fiction Rylant, Cynthia 2 Fiction Cynthia Rylant 2 Fiction Cynthia Rylant Brett, Jan Komaiko, Leah; Carter, Abby Komaiko, Leah; Carter, Abby 2 1 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Komaiko, Leah Komaiko, Leah Olasky, Susan Olasky, Susan 2 2 5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Annie Oakley Annie's Gifts Annie's Promise Annie's Shabbat Anno's Aesop Anno's Counting Book Anno's Journey Anno's Mysterious Multiplying Jar Annushka's Voyage Anpao: An American Indian Odyssey Ant Bully Ant Cities Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Slave Anthony the Perfect Monster Antigone Antony and Cleopatra Ants Ants (science scoops) Any Which Wall Anything to Win Apes Find Shapes Apollo 13: The Junior Novelization Appelemando's Dreams Apple and The Arrow, The Apple Farmer Annie Apple Is My Sign Apple Picking Time Apple Pie Fourth of July Apple-Picking Day Apple-Picking Day (Clifford's Puppy Days) Apples, How They Grow Appolonia's Valentine Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, The Apprenticeship of Lucas Whitaker, The April & the Dragon Lady April Fool ! April Fools' Day from the Black Lagoon April Morning Araminta Spookie My Haunted House Araminta's Paint Box Arctic Explorer: The Story of Matthew Henson Arctic Fives Arrive Arctic Lights, Arctic Nights Arctic Son Wukovits, John Angela Medearis Levitin, Sonia Lamstein, Sarah M. Mitsumasa Anno Anno, Mitsumasa Anno, Mitsumasa Anno, Mitsumasa; Anno, Masaichiro Tarbescu, Edith; Dabcovich, Lydia (Illustrator) Highwater, Jamake Nickle, John Dorros, Arthur 4 1 5.2 2 5 1 0 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 3 7 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Hamilton, Virginia De Cesare, Angelo Braun, Richard E. Shakespeare, William; Walter, J. H. Melissa Stewart The Editors of TIME for KIDS with Brenda Lasevoli Laurel Snyder Miklowitz, Gloria D. Jane Belk Moncure Lovell, Jim; Kluger, Jeffrey Polacco, Patricia Buff,Conrad; Buff, Mary Monica Wellington Riskind, Mary Ray, Deborah K.; Slawson, Michele B. Wong, Janet S. Brooke, Samantha 7.1 2 9.4 9 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2.39 4 6 1 5 1 4 1 6 1 3 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Brooke, Samantha McMillan, Bruce Milhous, Katherine Richler, Mordecai 1 1 3 8 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction DeFelice, Cynthia C. Namioka, Lensey Karen Gray Ruelle 4 7 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Mike Thaler Fast, Howard Angie Sage Ackerman, Karen; Lewin, Betsy 2 8 3 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Ferris, Jeri Pinczes, Elinor Miller, Debbie S. Minor, Wendell; George, Jean C. 6.8 1 3 3 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Arctic Stories Are All the Giants Dead? Are Trees Alive? Are You In the House Alone? Are You My Mother? Are You Ready To Play Outside? Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret Arf! Beg! Catch! Dogs from A to Z Argo, You Lucky Dog Arkadians, The Arly Arm of the Starfish, The Armadillo Ray Armadillo Rodeo Armies of Ants Armor Army of Terror Arnie the Doughnut Arnold of the Ducks Around and About into Space Around One Cactus: Owls, Bats and Leaping Rats Around the Oak Around the World in Eighty Days Krykorka, Vladyana; Kusugak, Michael Norton, Mary Miller, Debbie, S. Peck, Richard Eastman, P. D.; Vallier, Jean Willems, Mo Judy Blume Horenstein, Henry Smith, Maggie Alexander, Lloyd Peck, Robert Newton L'Engle, Madeleine Beifuss, John; Turley, Peggy Brett, Jan Retan, Walter Yue, Charlotte and David Whitman, John Keller, Laurie Gerstein, Mordicai Ganeri, Anita Arrow to the Sun: A Pueblo Indian Tale Art Dog Art Lesson, The Art Lesson, The Art of Keeping Cool, The Art of the Far North: Inuit Sculpture, Drawing, and Printmaking Art Teacher From The Black Lagoon Artemis Fowl Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception (Book 4) Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code Arthur Accused! Arthur and the Big Blow-up Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest Arthur and the Double Dare Arthur and the Goalie Ghost Arthur and the No-Brainer Arthur and the Perfect Brother Arthur and the Race to Read Arthur and the School Pet (Step into Reading Series) Arthur and the True Francine McDermott, Gerald Hurd, Thacher De Paola, Tomie De Paola, Tomie Taylor Lisle, Janet Fredericks, Anthony D. Muller, Gerda Verne, Jules 3 5 0 6 1.5 1.3 4 0 2 5 4 8 3 2 2.4 6 5 2 2.8 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 3 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction 2.6 2.5 2 2 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Finley, Carol Mike Thaler Colfer, Eoin 7 2 6 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Eoin Colfer Colfer, Eoin Eoin Colfer Colfer, Eoin Brown, Marc T. Brown, Marc Tolon Brown, Marc Marc Brown Marc Brown Marc Brown Stephen Krensky Steven Krensky 5 7 6 6 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Brown, Marc Brown, Marc 1 2 Fiction Fiction Arthur Babysits Arthur Breaks the Bank Arthur For the Very First Time Arthur Goes to Camp Arthur Helps Out Arthur in a Pickle Arthur Makes the Team Arthur Meets the President Arthur Tricks the Tooth Fairy Arthur Writes A Story Arthur, It's Only Rock 'n' Roll Arthur’s Really Helpful Word Book Arthur's Birthday Arthur's April Fool Arthur's Baby Arthur's Birthday Arthur's Camp-Out Arthur's Chicken Pox Arthur's Christmas Arthur's Classroom Fib Arthur's Computer Disaster Arthur's Eyes Arthur's Family Vacation Arthur's Fire Drill Arthur's First Sleepover Arthur's Funny Money Arthur's Great Big Valentine Arthur's Halloween Arthur's Halloween Arthur's Halloween Costume Arthur's Homework Arthurs Honey Bear Arthur's Jelly Beans Arthur's Loose Tooth Arthur's Mystery Babysitter Arthur's Mystery Envelope Arthur's New Puppy Arthur's Nose Arthur's Pen Pal Arthur's Perfect Christmas Arthur's Pet Business Arthur's Reading Race Brown, Marc Marc Brown MacLachlin, Patricia Brown, Marc Marc Brown Brown, Marc Stephen Krensky Brown, Marc T. Marc Brown Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Marc Brown Marc Brown Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Hoban, Lillian Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Marc Brown Brown, Marc Marc Brown Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Lillian Hoban Hoban, Lillian Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Lillian Hoban Brown, Marc Hoban, Lillian Brown, Marc Hoban, Lillian Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Brown, Marc T. Brown, Marc T. Lillian Hoban Brown, Marc Brown, Marc T. Brown, Marc T. 3 1 5 2 1 2.1 3 3.2 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 0 2 2 2.4 0 2.2 1.9 2 2 2 2 0 2 1 1 3 2.6 0 2 3 1 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Arthur's Really Helpful Bedtime Stories Arthur's Spookiest Halloween Arthur's Teacher Moves In Arthur's Teacher Trouble Arthur's Thanksgiving Arthur's Tooth ARTHUR'S TREE HOUSE Brown, Marc Tolon Brown, Marc Tolon Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Brown, Marc T. Brown, Marc T. MARC BROWN 1 1 2 2 2.5 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Arthur's TV Trouble Arthur's Underwear Arthur's Valentine Artist In Overalls: The Life of Grant Wood Aruna's Journeys As Long As There Are Mountains As You Like It Ashanti To Zulu: African Traditions Asher & the Capmakers: A Hanukkah Story Ashleigh's Diary Ashleigh's Dream Ashleigh's Farewell Ask Me Something Easy Ask Mr. Bear Asteroid Strike At Daddy's on Saturdays At Her Majesty's Request: An African Princess in Victorian England At Risk At the beach At the Beach with Dad At the Crossroads Athlete vs. Mathlete Athletic Shorts: Six Short Stories Atlantis: the Missing Continent Attaboy, Sam! Attack of the 50-Ft. Cupid Attack of the Bandit Cats Attack of the Mutant Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon Attack of the Slime Monster Aunt Chip and the Great Triple Creek Dam Affair Aunt Eater Loves a Mystery Aunt Eater's Mystery Christmas Aunt Eater's Mystery Vacation Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later) Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Sky Aunt Isabel Tells a Good One Aunt Morbelia and the Screaming Skulls Aunt Nancy and Cousin Lazybones Aunt Nancy and Old Man Trouble Austere Academy, The Author: A True Story Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman Brown, Marc T. Brown, Marc Brown, Marc T. 2 2 2.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Duggleby, John Sreenivasan, Jyotsna Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie Shakespeare, William; Gilchrist, Trevor Musgrove, Margaret 5.5 2 5 9 5.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Kimmel, Eric A.; Hillenbrand, Will Campbell, Joanna Campbell, Joanna Campbell, Joanna Honeycutt, Natalie Flack, Marjorie M Johnstone Girard, Linda W.; Levine, Abby 2 5 5 5 5.7 2.7 4 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Myers, Walter Dean Hoffman, Alice Lee, Huy-Voun Gina and Mercer Mayer Isadora, Rachel W.C. Mack Crutcher, Chris McMullen, David De Groat, Diane; Lowry, Lois Jim Benton Geronimo Stilton Stine, R. L. Golden Books Staff Baker, Carin G. 6 8.7 2 2 2.3 4 7.1 5 5.3 3 3 4.5 2 3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Polacco, Patricia Cushman, Doug Cushman, Doug Cushman, Doug 4.5 1 1 2.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 Fiction Ringgold, Faith Duke, Kate 4.7 2 Fiction Fiction Joan Carris Root, Phyllis; Parkins, David Root, Phyllis; Parkins, David Snicket, Lemony Lester, Helen Gaines, Ernest J. 5 3.5 3.5 6 1.9 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald Autumn Across America (Seasons Across America) Autumn Story Autumn Street Autumnblings Avalanche Awake and Dreaming Away is a Strange Place To Be Away Went the Farmer's Hat Awfully short for the fourth grade A-Z Calendar Mysteries January Joker B is for Betsy B Is for Betsy Baa-Choo ! Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave Babbitt Babe & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Babe Didrikson Zaharias: The Making of a Champion Babe Ruth Ballet School Babe Ruth Saves Baseball! Babe, The Gallant Pig Babies in Reptarland Babies in Toyland Babies on the Go Baboon Babushka: An Old Russian Folktale Babushka's Doll Baby Baby Animal Zoo Baby Animals: Little Golden Book Baby Beluga BABY DANCED THE POLKA Baby Farm Animals Baby Island Baby Penguin Babyface Babymouse Queen of the World! Babymouse: Beach Babe Babymouse: Mad Scientist Baby's First Laugh Baby-Sitters Club #22 Jessi Ramsey, Pet-Sitter Baby-Sitters Club #47 Mallory on Strike Baby-Sitters Club Mystery #1 Stacey and the Missing Ring Baby-Sitters Club Mystery #2 Beware, Dawn! Baby-sitting is a Dangerous Job Simon, Seymour Barklem, Jill Lowry, Lois Florian, Douglas Arthur Roth Pearson, Kit Hoover, H. M. jane Belk Moncure Woodruff, Elvira Ron Roy Carolyn Haywood Haywood, Carolyn Weeks Mayer, Marianna Lewis, Sinclair Dan Gutman Freedman, Russell Shortt, Tim Frank Murphy King-Smith, Dick; Rayner, Mary Gold, Becky Willson, Sarah Ashman, Linda Banks, Kate; Hallensleben, Georg Mikolaycak, Charles Polacco, Patricia MacLachlan, Patricia Martin, Ann M.; Tang, Charles Garth Williams Wolff, Ashley KAREN BEAUMONT Garth Williams Brink, Carol Ryrie Aubrey Lang Mazer, Norma F. Jennifer L Holm Jennifer L. Holm and Matt Holm Jennifer L. Holm and Matthew Holm Thomas, Peter 3 2.8 5 5 4 5.8 6.1 1 4 2 3 3.9 1 4 9 4 5 3 1 5.8 1 2 0 2 3.6 1 5.4 4 1 1 0 1 5 3 6.1 2 1 1 0 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Martin, Ann M 4 Fiction Martin, Ann M 4 Fiction Martin, Ann M 4 Fiction 4 5.7 Fiction Fiction Martin, Ann M Roberts, Willo D. Back Home Back Of Beyond Back to Before Back to School for Rotten Ralph Back to School with Betsy Back To School, Splat Back to the Ice Age Back to the Wild Back Yard Angel Backhoes Backward Bird Dog Backyard Bear Magorian, Michelle Watkins, James Slepian, Jan JACK GANTOS Haywood, Carolyn Rob Scotton Scott Nickel Patent, Dorothy H. Delton, Judy; Morrill, Leslie Ray McClellan Wallace, Bill Murphy, Jim; Greene, Jeffrey Sterman, Betsy; Sterman, Samuel; Wenzel, David Ryden, Hope; Rand, Ted Daniel Pinkwater Backyard Dragon Backyard Rescue Bad Bear Detectives Bad Bears and a Bunny: An Irving and Muktuk Story Pinkwater , Daniel Bad Bears in the Big City: An Irving & Muktuk Story Pinkwater, Daniel Bad Beginning, The Snicket, Lemony Bad Case of Stripes, A Shannon, David Bad Dog, Marley! Grogan, John Bad dreams of a good girl, The Shreve, Susan; Cart, Chris Bad Girls in Love Voigt, Cynthia Bad Kitty Nick Bruel Bad Kitty for President Nick Bruel Bad Kitty Gets a Bath Nick Bruel Bad Kitty Meets the Baby Nick Bruel Bad Kitty vs Uncle Murray: The Uproar At The Front Door Nick Bruel Bad Kitty: School Daze Bruel, Nick Bad, Bad Bunny Trouble Wilhelm, Hans Badger's Fancy Meal Keiko Kasza Bailey School Kids - Reindeer DO Wear Striped Underwear Marcia Thornton Jones & Debbie Dadey Bake Sale Sara Varon Baker's Dozen: a colonial American tale, The Forest, Heather Balancing Girl, The Rabe, Berniece Balarama, a Royal Elephant Ted and Betsy Lewin Bald Bandit, The Roy, Ron Bald Eagles Dudley, Karen Ballad of Belle Dorcas, The Pinkney, Brian; Hooks, William H. Ballad Of The Pirate Queens, The Yolen, Jane Ballet Class Mystery, The Leppard, Shannon M. Ballet Shoes Streatfield, Noel Ballet Surprise Waricha, Jean Balloons over Broadway: The True Story of the Puppeteer of Macy's Parade Melissa Sweet 2.7 0 5.5 2 3.9 0 2 3 2.7 1 4 4.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 5.2 3 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 2 6 2 1 3 7 1 4 3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 3 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 2 Fiction Fiction 2 2.9 5.9 3 7 5.1 4 1 4 3 5 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Ballymara Flood, The Baloney (Henry P.) Balto and the Great Race Bambi Bambi: Walt Disney Bamboo Flute, The Bamboozled Ba-Nam Band of Angels: a Story Inspired by the Jubilee Singers Bandit's moon Bang! Boom! Roar! A Busy Crew of Dinosaurs Banner in the Sky Bantam of the Opera Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope Barbie a Fashion Fairytale Barbie as The Island Princess Barbie Mariposa Barbie My Fabulous Friends Barbie School Days Barbie, Love is in the Air Barbie: A Pet Vet Bard of Avon: The Story of William Shakespeare Baree, the Story of a Wolf-Dog Barefoot Book of Heroic Children, The Barefoot Escape on the Underground Railroad Barefoot Fisherman, The Bargain for Frances, A Bark, George Barking Ghost: Goosebumps Series, The Barkis Barkley Barn Barn Storm Barn, The Barney & Baby Bop : A Tent Too Full Barnum's Bones: How Barnum Brown Discovered the Most Famous Dinosaur in the World Barnyard Song Barnyard Tracks Barry Sanders: Rocket Running Back Barry, The Bravest St. Bernard Bartholomew and the Oobleck Bartholomew Fair Baseball and Butterflies Booth, George; Stuart, Chad Scieszka, Jon; Smith, Lane Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody Salten, Felix Disney, Walt Disher, Garry Legge, David Lee, Jeanne M. Hopkinson, Deborah; Colon, Raul Smith, Joseph A.; Fleischman, Sid 2 3 3 6.9 0 4 2 3.7 1 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Nate Evans Ullman, James R. Auch, Mary J. 1 6 3.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Grimes, Nikki mary ma-kong Daisy Alberto Christy Webster Mary Man-Kong Apple Jordan Apple Jordan Mary Man-Kong 3 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Stanley, Jane Curwood, James O. Hazell, Rebecca; Cann, Helen (Illustrator) 5 3 5 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Cole, Henry; Edwards, Pamela D. Amdahl, Paul Hoban, Russell Feiffer, Jules 4.8 5 1 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Stine, R. L. Newberry, Clare Syd Hoff Atwell, Debby Charles and Debra Ghigna Avi White, Stephen 4.5 3 1 2.8 0 5.8 1 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Tracey E. Fern Greene, Rhonda Gower Duffy, Deborah Dee Kavanagh, Jack Lynn, Hall Seuss, Dr. Stolz, Mary Williams, Karen L. 4 1 1 4 1.8 2.5 6.3 4.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Baseball Ballerina Baseball Camp on the Planet of the Eyeballs Baseball Fever Baseball Flyhawk Baseball Great Baseball in April & Other Stories Baseball Pals Baseball Saved Us Baseball Super Stars Baseball Turnaround basement of the undead Basil & Maggie Basket Basket Moon Bat 6 Batboy Bathtime for Biscuit Bathwater Gang, The Batman Strikes! Duty Calls Batman: The Mad Hatter Bats BATS - A New True Book Bats: The Amazing Upside-downers Battle Books: Arnhem Battle Books: Hastings Battle for the Castle, The Battlefield Ghost Battlefields & Burial Grounds Battling the Commander (Left Behindthe Kids-Book 15) Batty Riddles Batwings and the Curtain of Night Bayard Rustin: Behind the Scenes of the Civil Rights Movement Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days Be Careful What You Wish For Be Careful What You Wish For... Be Ever Hopeful, Hannalee Be Good to Eddie Lee Be Quiet, Pooh! Bea and Mr. Jones Beach Bunny Beach for the Birds, A Beaks! Beans Baker, Number Five Beans Baker's Best Shot Beans on the Roof Beany and Scamp Cristaldi, Kathryn 3 Fiction Schade, Susan Hurwitz, Johanna; Cruz, Ray Christopher, Matt Tim Green Soto, Gary Matt Christopher Mochizuki, Ken; Lee, Dom Gowdey, David; Whitehead, Sam Matt Christopher Strange, Jason Elise Primavera Lyon, George E.; Szilagyi, Mary Ray, Mary Lyn Wolff, Virginia Euwer Krych, Duane; Cebulash, Mel Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Spinelli, Jerry Bill Matheny Brian Augustyn Silverstein, Virginia B., et al Gray, Susan H Perry, Phyllis J. Gary Smailes Gary Smailes Winthrop, Elizabeth Cuyler, Margery Echo-Hawk, Roger C.; Echo-Hawk, Walter R. 2 3.6 4 5 4 2 4.1 4 4 4 3 2.4 2 6 3.7 1 3 2 2 3.5 5 4.5 4 5 4.6 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 9.2 NonFiction Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Hall, Katy Davol, Marguerite W.; Grandpre, Mary 6 2 3.8 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Haskins, James Manes, Stephen Barnes, Megan Stine, R. L. Beatty, Patricia Virginia Fleming Gaines, Isabel Schwartz, Amy Beeler, Selby B. McMillan, Bruce Collard, Sneed B. Richard Torrey Richard Torrey Rosales, Melodye; Byars, Betsy C. Bassett, Jeni C.; Bassett, Lisa 7 4.5 4 4 6.5 3 2 2.9 1 3 0 3 3 2.8 2.3 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Beany Wakes Up for Christmas Bear Bear About Town Bear Ate My Pear, A Bear Called Paddington, A Bear Cub Disaster Bear Day Bear Detectives : The Case of the Missing Pumpkin Bear Detectives, The Bear Feels Scared Bear Feels Sick Bear Hugs Bear in a Square Bear on a Bike Bear on the Bed Bear Play Bear Says Thanks Bear Snores On Bear Stays Up For Christmas Bear Story: A Rhyme from A's to Zzzz's Bear Wants More Beardance Beardream Bearobics Bears Bear's Bargain Bear's Busy Family Bears Christmas Bears' Christmas, The Bear's House, The Bears in the Night Bear's New Friend Bears on Hemlock Mountain, The Bears On Wheels Bear's Toothache, The Bears' Vacation Bearsie Bear and the Surprise Sleepover Party Bearsie Bear and the Surprise Sleepover Party Bearstone Bearymore Beast & the Halloween Horror Beast from the East, The Beast in Ms. Rooney's Room, The Beast of Monsieur Racine, The Bassett, Jeni C.; Bassett, Lisa Schoenherr, John Stella Blackstone Debbie Harter (Illustrator) Salisbury, Kent Fortnum, Peggy; Bond, Michael Roddy, Lee Rylant, Cynthia 2.3 1 Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Wilson, Karma Wilson, Karma Alyssa Satin Capucilli Blackstone, Stella; Harter, Debbie Blackstone, Stella; Harter, Debbie Miller, Ruth Ford, Miela Karma Wilson Karma Wilson Karma Wilson 2 3.6 1 1.8 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Martin, Joy Karma Wilson Hobbs, Will Kastner, Jill; Hobbs, Will Parker, Vic Krauss, Ruth Asch, Frank Blackstone, Stella; Harter, Debbie Moret, Brigitte F. Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Sachs, Marilyn Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Karma Wilson Dalgliesh, Alice Berenstain, Stan and Jan McPhail, David Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 1 2 6.1 1 2 0 3.3 0 2 2 3.5 1 2 3 1 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 Fiction 1 4.8 3.1 2 5 3.9 2.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Waber, Bernard Waber, Bernard Hobbs, Will Freeman, Don Giff, Patricia Reilly Stine, R. L. Giff, Patricia Reilly; Blanche, Sims Ungerer, Tomi 0 1 3 5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Beast Quest: Nanook the Snow Monster Adam Blade Beastie McHargue, George Beastly Feast Goldstone, Bruce Beasty Story Kellogg, Steven Beat the Story Drum, Pum, Pum Ashley, Bryan Beat the Turtle Drum Greene, Constance C. Beatrix Potter Wallner, Alexandra Beats Me, Claude Nixon, Joan L.; Pearson, Tracey C. Beautiful Blackbird Bryan, Ashley Beautiful Christmas Tree, The Zolotow, Charlotte; Nascimbene, Yan Beautiful Feast for a Big King Cat Archambault, John Beautiful Pearl, A Whitelaw, Nancy Beautiful Warrior: the Legend of the Nun's Kung Fu McCully, Emily Arnold Beauty Wallace, Bill Beauty and the Beast Daniels, Patricia Beauty in the Least Myers, Bill Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty & the Beast McKinley, Robin Bebe Goes Shopping Elya, Susan Middleton Bebop Express Panahi, H. L. Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo Stone, Rosetta Because of Anya Margaret Peterson Haddix because of mr terrupt Rob Buyea Because of Winn-Dixie DiCamillo, Kate Beck and the Great Berry Battle Laura Driscoll Becoming Felix Wilson, Nancy H. Becoming Naomi Leon Pam Munoz Ryan Becoming Naomi León Pam Munoz Ryan Bedtime for Frances Hoban, Russell; Williams, Garth 3 7.5 2 1 4.5 5.2 3.1 4.3 1 1 1 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 2 4.5 2 4 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 8 1 1 0 0 4 4 4 6 4 0 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Bee & the Dream: A Japanese Tale, The Long, Jan F.; Ono, Kaoru Bee My Valentine! Cohen, Miriam Beef Stew Brenner, Barbara The Editors of TIME For KIDSwith Bees (Science Scoops) Elizabeth Winchester Beethoven Lives Upstairs Nichol, Barbara; Cameron, Scott Beetle Mcgrady Eats Bugs! McDonald, Megan Beetles, Lightly Toasted Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Beezus and Ramona Cleary, Beverly; Darling, Louis Before the Picnic Hyashi, Akiko Beggar Queen, The Alexander, Lloyd Beggar's Ride Kress, Nancy Begin at the Beginning: A Little Artist Learns about Life Schwartz, Amy Begonia for Miss Applebaum, A Zindel, Paul Behind Barbed Wire Davis, Daniel S. Behind Rebel Lines: The Incredible Story of Emma Edmonds, Civil War Spy Reit, Seymour V. 2 2.8 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction 1.97 3.9 2 5.2 4.8 2 6.9 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 2 7.1 7.2 Fiction Fiction NonFiction 4.5 NonFiction Behind the Attic Wall Behind the Bedroom Wall Behind the Couch Behind the Mask: The Life of Queen Elizabeth I Bein' with You This Way Being Bad for the Baby-Sitter Being Me Being of Two Minds Bel-Air Bambi and the Mall Rats Belching Hill Bella Arabella Bella Gets Her Skates On Belle Of The Ball Belle Prater's Boy Belle Teal Belle the Birthday Fairy Bellmaker, The Belly Up Ben and Me Bendigo Shafter Beneath the Ghost Moon Benedict Arnold American Hero and Traitor Benito Cereno Benjamin Franklin, A Man Of Many Talents Benjamin Franklinstein lives! Benjamin Franklinstein Lives! Benjamin Pratt and The Keeper's of the School: We the Children Benny and the No-Good Teacher Benny Says "Achoo!" Benny Uncovers A Mystery Ben's Dream Ben's Trumpet Bently and Egg Beowolf Berenstain Bear Scouts & the Stinky Milk Mystery Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Coughing Catfish, The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Humongous Pumpkin, The Berenstain Bear Scouts and the Magic Crystal Caper, The Berenstain Bears & the Bad Dream, The Berenstain Bears & the Bully, The Cassedy, Sylvia Williams, Laura E.; Goldstein, A. Nancy Gerstein, Mordicai 6 4.7 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Thomas, Jane R. Nikola-Lisa, W.; Bryant, Michael Tulloch, Richard Julie Broski Service, Pamela F. Peck, Richard Hamilton, Morse; Rogers, Forest Fosburgh, Liza; Stock, Catherine Whybrow, Ian Ruth Benjamen White, Ruth Martin, Ann M. Daisy Meadows Jacques, Brian; Curless, Allan Stuart Gibbs Green, Phyllis; Troy, Anne L'Amour, Louis Yolen, Jane; Molk, Laurel 5 1 2.5 0 6.5 5.5 3.5 5 2 0 7 6 4 6 5 7.3 8.9 3.5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Michael Burgan Melville, Herman The Editors of TIME For KIDS with Katheryn Hoffman Satterfield Matthew McElligott Larry David Taxbury and Matthew McElligott 4 9 Fiction Fiction 2 4 Fiction Fiction 4 Fiction Andrew Clements Wilson, Janet; Zach, Cheryl Farrah McDoogle Gertrude C. Warner Van Allsburg, Chris Isadora, Rachel Joyce, William Chaucer, Geoffrey Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan; Berenstain, Michael 4 4.5 1 2 3.5 2 3 9.4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 5 Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 1 Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 2 Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 2 2 Fiction Fiction Berenstain Bears and Baby Makes Five Berenstain Bears and the Big Date Berenstain Bears and the Big Road Race, The Berenstain Bears and the Ghost of the Forest, The Berenstain Bears and the Great Ant Attack Berenstain Bears and the Homework Hassle, The Berenstain Bears and the In-Crowd, The Berenstain Bears and the Prize Pumpkin Berenstain Bears and the Real Easter Eggs Berenstain Bears and the School Scandal Sheet, The Berenstain Bears and the Sitter Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree, The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble with Friends Berenstain Bears and the Week at Grandma's, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much TV, The Berenstain Bears Are A Family, The Berenstain Bears' Dollars and Sense Berenstain Bears Don't Pollute (Anymore) Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies Berenstain Bears Go Back to School Berenstain Bears Go Out for the Team, The Berenstain Bears Go to School Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 0 2 Fiction Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 2 Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 2 Fiction Berenstain, Stan, Jan Berenstain 2 Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 3 Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 3 NonFiction Berenstain, Jan and Stan 1 NonFiction Berenstain, Stan & Jan 1 Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Stan & Jan Berenstain 4 0 Fiction Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 1 Fiction Berenstain, Stan , Jan Berenstain 1 Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 1 Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 2 Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Berenstain, Stan 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 2 1 Fiction Fiction 1 1 2 2 1 1.5 1 1 1 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers Berenstain, Stan and Jan Berenstain Berenstain Bears Lend a Helping Hand Berenstain, Stan Berenstain Bears Meet Santa Bear, The Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Berenstain Bears' Moving Day Berenstain, Stan Berenstain Bears' New Baby, The Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Berenstain Bear's New Neighbors, The Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Berenstain Bears' New Pup Berenstain, Stan Berenstain Bears on the Moon, The Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Berenstain Bears' Seashore Treasure Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears Slumber Party Stan and Jan Berenstain Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat, The Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Berenstain Bears' Trouble With Money, The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist, The Berenstain Bears: No Girls Allowed, The Berenstain's A Book Berenstains' B Book, The Berlioz The Bear Bermuda Triangle Bermuda Triangle, The Bernal & Florinda Bernard on His Own Berries Goodman Best Bad Thing, The Best Book Ever! Best Book of Bugs, The Best Bug Parade, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The Best Christmas Present of All Best dad In the sea Best Enemies Best Enemies Forever Best Fight, The Best Friends B-E-S-T Friends Best friends (Real Kids Readers) Best Friends Club Best Friends for Frances Best Friends in Fairyland Best Little Girl in the World, The Best Mistake Ever! : A Step Two Book Best of All Best Of The Best Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan 2.7 2.9 Fiction Fiction Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Jan and Stan Berenstain Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Brett, Jan Donkin, Andrew Collins, Jim Rayevsky, Robert; Kimmel, Eric A. Hoff, Syd Neville, Emily C. Uchida, Yoshiko Herman, Gail Llewellyn, Claire Murphy, Stuart J. Robinson, Barbara; Brown, Judith G. Jennings, Linda Amy Tyler Leverich, Kathleen; Lamb, Susan C. Leverich, Kathleen; Lorraine, Walter Schlieper, Anne; Schwark, Mary B. Roberta Edwards Giff, Patricia R. Marcia Leonard Marzollo, Jean Hoban, Russell Daizy Meadows Levenkron, Steven Scarry, Richard Lucado, Max Tim Green Choi, Sook-Nyul; Hu, Ying-Hwa; Van Wright, Cornelius; Meddaugh, Susan Robinson, Barbara Himler, Ronald; Baylor, Byrd Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 3 0 1 3.9 4 5.3 4 2.1 4.8 6 2 2.8 2 5.1 2 1 2 2 3 2 2.3 1 2.9 2 2 8 2 3 5 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Non Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 2 3 3 2.9 3.7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 4 1 7.3 6 1 3.9 0 7 4 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Best Older Sister, The Best Place, The Best School Year Ever, The Best Town in the World, The Best Valentine In The World, The Best Way to Play, The: Little Bill Books for Beginning Readers Cosby, Bill; Honeywood, Varnette P. Best Worst Day Graves, Bonnie B. Betsy Beansprout Adventure Guide Amber Elmore Betsy Brown: A Novel Shange, Ntozake Betsy in Spite of Herself Lovelace, Maud Hart; Neville, Vera Betsy Ross Wallner, Alexandra Betsy-Tacy Lenski, Lois; Lovelace, Maud H. Betty Bunny Loves Chocolate Cake Michael B. Kaplan Between a Rock & a Hard Place Carter, Alden R. Between Earth & Sky Bruchac, Joseph; Locker, Thomas Between the Dragon and the Eagle Beward the Ravens Aunt Morbelia Beware of Boys Beware of Kissing Lizard Lips Beware the Fish Beware the Mare Beware, Dawn! Bewitching of Alison Allbright, The Beyond Dreams Beyond Glory Beyond The Burning Time Beyond the Chocolate War Beyond The Dragon Portal Beyond the Grave Beyond the Mango Tree Beyond the Ridge Beyond the Western Sea: The Escape from Home BFG, The Bicycle Bear Rides Again Bicycle Man, The Bicycle Mystery Big Al Big and Little Big Annie of Calumet: A True Story of the Industrial Revolution Big Bad Bruce Big Bad Wolf Big Balloon Race, The Big Bazoohley, The Big Bear to the Rescue Big Bike Race, The Big Black Bear Big Block of Chocolate, The Big Boy Big Brother Mike Big Brother, Little Sister Big Brown Bear Big Bug Ball, The Big Bugs Big Bunny and the Easter Egg Big Cats of the World Big Chickens Big Dipper, The Big Dog... Little Dog Big Egg Big Enough/Bastante Grande Big Fisherman, The Big Heart A Valentine's Day tale Mical Schneider Joan Carris Blundell, Tony Shalant, Phyllis Korman, Gordon Haas, Jessie; Haas, Martha Martin, Ann M. Davidson, Alan Reynolds, Marilyn; Manriquez, Laura Schraff, Anne; Newell, Carol Lasky, Kathryn Cormier, Robert Melissa Glenn Haber Jude Watson Zemser, Amy Goble, Paul 6 5 2 4.5 6 3.8 5 5 6.1 4 9 7 6 4 6 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Avi Dahl, Roald; Blake, Quentin Muntean, Michaela Say, Allen Warner, Gertrude C. Clements, Andrew Jenkins, Steve 8 5 0 3.8 3.4 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Stanley, Jerry Peet, Bill Masurel, Claire Coerr, Eleanor; Croll, Carolyn Carey, Peter; Ali, Abira Richard J. Margolis Bledsoe, Lucy J. Yee, Wong Herbert Redhead, Janet S.; Dale, Christine Mollel, Tololwa M. Yaccarino, Dan Thomson, Ian; Clementson, John (Illustrator) McPhail, David Lillegard, Dee Seymour Simon Kroll, Steven; Stevens, Janet Creative Edge Leslie Helakoski Branley, Franklyn M.; Coxe, Molly P. D. Eastman Molly Coxe Dumas Lachtman Ofelia Douglas, Lloyd C. Joan Holub 5.7 2 0 2 4.7 2 3.2 1 1.9 2 2 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 0 0 3 2.5 2 2 2.5 0 0 3 9 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Big Idea, The Big Jake Big Machines Big Max Big Max and the Mystery of the Missing Giraffe (I Can Read Book Series) Big Mile Race Big Nate and Friends Big Nate From the Top Big Nate-The Boy with the Biggest Head in the World Big Old Bones : A Dinosaur Tale Big Pig and Little Pig Big Pig on a Dig Big Pumpkin Big Red Big Red Apple Big Red Sled Big Rock, The Big Sarah's Little Boots Big Seed, The Big Snow, The Big Squirrel & the Little Rhinoceros, The Big Stink, The Big Storm, The Big Tom Big Tree, The Big Turkey Escape, The Big Wave, The Big Wide-Mouthed Frog Big Wind Coming! Big Wolf & Little Wolf Bigger Biggest Bear Biggest Boy Biggest Frog in Australia, The Biggest House In the World, The Biggest Klutz in Fifth Grade, The Biggest Pumpkin Ever, The Biggest Snowball Ever Biggest, Best Snowman Biggest, Strongest, Fastest Bigmama's Bill Bill & Pete Go down the Nile Bill and Pete Bill and Pete to the Rescue Bill And Pete To The Rescue Schecter, Ellen; Dorsey, Bob Sargent, Dave Melanie Davis Jones Lopshire, Robert; Platt, Kin 3 2 0 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Platt, Kin Kessler, Leonard Lincoln Peirce Lincoln Peirce 2 2 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lincoln Peirce Carrick, Carol McPhail, David Tyler, Jenny Silverman, Erica; Schindler, S. D. Kjelgaard, Jim; Kuhn, Bob Tony Johnston Gerver, Jane E. Hiscock, Bruce Bourgeois, Paulette Howard, Ellen Hader, Elmer; Hader, Berta De Beer, Hans; Damjan, Mischa; Hort, Lenny Chevat, Richie Hiscock, Bruce Jean Ure Hiscock, Bruce Waricha, Jean Buck, Pearl S. Larranaga, Ana M. Lucas, Cedric; English, Karen Denslow, Sharon P. Calvert, Patricia Ward, Lynd Henkes, Kevin Roth, Susan Lionni, Leo MacDonald, Patricia; Wallace, Bill Bassett, Jeni C.; Kroll, Steven Rogan, John Cuyler, Margery Jenkins, Steve Crews, Donald Reaver, Chap De Paola, Tomie De Paola, Tomie dePaola, Tomie De Paola, Tomie 4 2 0 1 1 5.4 0 0 3 1 0 2.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 4 4 5 3 3 4.3 1 2 1 5.2 2 1 0 2 5.5 1 1 2 2 3.3 6.5 3 2.9 1 2.2 NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Bill Peet Bill Pickett: Rodeo Ridin' Cowboy Billy Billy & the Big New School Billy and Blaze Peet, Bill Pinkney, Brian; Pinkney, Andrea D. Brooks, Bruce Anholt, Laurence Anderson, C. W. Sargent, Dave; Sargent, Pat L.; Sapaugh, Billy Beaver Blaine Billy Budd Melville, Herman Billy the Ghost and Me Greer, Gery; Ruddick, Bob; Roth, Roger Bimmi Finds a Cat Ransome, James E.; Stewart, Elisabeth J. Bingleman's Midway Moser, Barry; Ackerman, Karen Bingo Brown & the Language of Love Byars, Betsy C. Bingo Brown, Gypsy Lover Byars, Betsy C. Bingo Brown's Guide to Romance Byars, Betsy C. Bingo, The Best Dog in the World Catherine Siracusa Binky Rules Steven Krensky and Marc Brown Binya's Blue Umbrella Bond, Ruskin; Rosenberry, Vera Bionic Bunny Show, The Brown, Laurene K.; Brown, Marc T. Birchbark House, The Edrich, Louise Bird Watch Lewin, Ted; Yolen, Jane Ziefert, Harriet Donald Dreifuss Birdhouse for Rent (Illustrator) Birdie's Lighthouse Hopkinson, Deborah; Root, Kimberly B. Birds Kevin Henkes Birds' Christmas Carol, The Wiggin, Kate Douglas Birdsong Wood, Audrey; Florczak, Robert Birdy and the ghosties Walsh, Jill Paton Birthday Basket for Tia Mora, Pat; Lang, Cecily (Illustrator) Birthday for Frances Hoban, Russell Birthday Party Mystery, The Markham, Marion M.; Estrada, Pau Birthday Party, The Sendak, Maurice; Krauss, Ruth Birthday Present, The Glyman, Caroline A.; Biser, Dee Birthday Surprises Johanna Hurwitz Reeves, Faye Couch; Mets, Marilyn Birthday Wish Mystery (Illustrator) Birthday Zoo Deborah Lee Rose Biscuit Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit and the Baby Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit and the Bunny Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit and the Little Pup Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit Finds a Friend Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit Goes to School Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit Goes to the Park Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit In The Garden Alyssa Satin Capucilli Biscuit Loves Father's Day Alyssa Satin Capucilli Biscuit Loves Mother's Day Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit Meets the Neighbors Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit Takes a Walk Alyssa Satin Capucilli and Pat Schories Biscuit Visits the Big City Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 5 2.9 6.3 1 4 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 4 9 2.5 3.8 3 3 1 4.6 0 2 4 1 4 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 1 4.8 0 5 4 3 1 1 3 1 2 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Biscuit Visits the Pumpkin Patch Satin Capucilli, Alyssa Biscuit Wants to Play Alyssa Satin Capucilli Biscuit wants to play Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit Wins a Prize Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit's Big Friend Alyssa Satin Capucilli Biscuit's Birthday Alyssa Satin Capucilli Biscuit's Day at the Beach Alyssa Satin Capucilli Biscuit's Day at the Farm Alyssa Satin Capucilli Biscuit's First Beach Day Alyssa Satin Capucilli Biscuit's Fourth of July Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit's Graduation Day Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuits New Trick Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuit's Picnic Alyssa Satin Capucilli Bittle MacLachlan,Patricia; MacLachlan, Emily Bizarre Bugs Wechsler, Doug Black Americans: A History In Their Own Words, The Meltzer, Milton Black and White Macaulay, David Black Arrow, The Stevenson, Robert Louis Black Beauty Sewell, Anna; Kemp-Welch, Lucy Black Cat Myers, Christopher Black Cauldron, The Alexander, Lloyd Black Cowboy Wild Horses: A True Story Lester, Julius Black Diamond: The Story of the Negro McKissack, Patricia C.; McKissack, Baseball Leagues Fredrick Black Elk's Vision: A Lakota Story S.D. Nelson Black Hawk, Frontier Warrior Oppenheim, Joanne F. Black Horses for the King McCaffrey, Anne Black Out! Ginjer L. Clarke Black Pearl, The O'Dell, Scott Black Snowman, The Mendez, Phil; Byard, Carole Black Stallion and Flame, The Farley, Walter Black Stallion Challenged Farley, Walter Black Stallion, The Farley, Walter; Ward, Keith Black Star, Bright Dawn O'Dell, Scott Black Unicorn Lee, Tanith; Cooper, Heather Black Women of the Old West Katz, William L. Black, White, Just Right! Davol, Marguerite W. Blackberries in the Dark Allen, Thomas B.; Jukes, Mavis Blackout John Rocco Blackwater Eve Bunting Blackwater Swamp Wallace, Bill Blair's Nightmare Snyder, Zilpha K. Blast from the Past; Disney's Dream Deutsch,Stacia and Rhody Cohon Blast From the Past; Lincoln's Legacy, Vol. 1 Deutsch, Stacia Deutsch, and Rhody Cohon Blast Off To Earth A Look at Geography Leedy, Loreen Blaze and the Forest Fire Anderson, C.W. 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 8.5 4 9 7.4 1 5.9 3 5 4.9 5 6.2 1 5.2 3.5 4.6 4.6 6.5 6.8 7.5 6 0 4 1 5 4.8 7 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 Fiction 3 4 Fiction Fiction Blaze and the Gray Spotted Pony Blaze and The Indian Cave Blaze and the Lost Quarry Blaze and the Mountain Lion Blaze and Thunderbolt Blaze Finds the Trail Blaze Shows the Way Bleak House Bless the Beasts & Children Blitz Baby Blitzcat Blizzard of the Blue Moon Blizzards Blood and Chocolate Blood on the River: James Town 1607 Bloomability Blossom and Boo Blow Me a Kiss, Miss Lilly Blowing Bubbles with the Enemy Blubber Blue Bay Mystery Blue Goes To School Blue Heron Blue Hill Meadows Blue Moose 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 8.5 6.5 4 8 3 6 7.5 4.8 5 1 2 5.4 4.8 3.2 1 5.8 4 5.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Blue Skin of the Sea: A Novel in Stories Salisbury, Graham Blue Star Rapture Bennett, James W. Blue Sword McKinley, Robin Blue Train, Green Train Tommy Stubbs Blue Willow Gates, Doris Blueberries for Sal McCloskey, Robert 5 7 6 0 5.3 3.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Bluebonnet at the Marshall Train Depot Blue-Eyed Daisey, A Blues Best Rainy Day Blues Big Treasure Hunt Blues Clues Holiday Bob Books: I Can Ride! Bobbin Girl, The Bobby Baseball Bodies From the Bog Body Check Body Detectives: A Book About the Five Senses Casad, Mary Brooke Rylant, Cynthia Reber, Deborah Santomero, Angela C. Santomero, Angela C. Lynn Maslen Kertell McCully, Emily Arnold Tiegreen, Alan; Smith, Robert Kimmel James M. Deem Matt Christopher 2 4 1 1 1 1 3 4.9 4 4 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gelman, Rita Golden Dadey, Debbie; Gurney, John S.; Jones, Marcia Thornton Cooper, Susan Cooper, Susan Francis, Dick 5 Fiction 3 3 6.9 9.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Bogeymen Don't Play Football Boggart and The Monster, The Boggart, The Bolt Anderson, C.W. C.W. Anderson Anderson, C.W. Anderson, C.W. Anderson, C.W. Anderson, C.W. Anderson, C.W. Dickens, Charles; Sitwell, Osbert Swarthout, Glendon Theresa Tomlinson Westall, Robert Mary Pope Osborne Otfinoski, Steven Klause, Annette C. Carbone, Elisa Creech, Sharon Apperly, Dawn Carlstrom, Nancy W. Jackson, Alison Blume, Judy Warner, Gertrude C. Santomero, Angela C. Avi Rylant, Cynthia Pinkwater, Daniel M. Bomb, The Bone Dance Bone Detectives, The: How Forensic Anthropologists Solve Crimes & Uncover Mysteries of the Dead Bone One: Out from Boneville Bone Two: The Great Cow Race Bone Vol. 9: Crown of Horns Bone Wars, The Bones and the Big Yellow Mystery Bones and the Clown Mix-up Mystery Bones and the Cupcake Mystery Bones and the Dog Gone Mystery Bones: Our Skeletal System Bonjour Lonnie Bony-Legs Boo Hoo Bird Boo! Booford Summer, The Book About Christopher Columbus, A Book About Your Skeleton, A Book Chase Book of Hugs Book of Merlyn, The Book of Reasons, A Book of the Banshee, The Book of Three, The Book! Book! Book! Booker T. Washington Bookshop Dog Bookstore Cat Boom Town Boonesville Bombers, The Bootmaker & the Elves, The Boots & His Brothers: A Tale from Norway Bootsie Barker Bites Born Free, a Lioness of Two Worlds Borning Room, The Borreguita and the Coyote: A Tale from Ayutla, Mexico Borrowed Children Borrowed Feathers and other Fables Borrowed Hanukkah Latkes, The Borrowers Afield, The Borrowers Afloat, The Borrowers Aloft, The Borrowers Avenged, The Taylor, Theodore Brooks, Martha 5.8 7 Fiction Fiction Jackson, Donna M.; Fellenbaum, Charlie Jeff Smith Jeffrey Smith Jeff Smith Lasky, Kathryn David A. Adler David A. Adler David Adler Adler, David A. Simon, Seymour Ringgold, Faith Cole, Joanna; Zimmer, Dirk Jeremy Tankard McNaughton, Colin Glass, Andrew; Smith, Susan M. West, Delno C Gross, Ruth Belov Woodson, Jacqueline Ross, Dave White, T. H. Vernon, John Fine, Anne Alexander, Lloyd Deborah Bruss Gleiter, Jan Rylant, Cynthia Wheeler, Cindy Levitin, Sonia Cat Bowman Smith (Illustrator) Herzig, Alison C Lowell, Susan; Curry, Tom 8.8 4 4 5 8 2 0 2 2 5 4.8 1 1 0 4.6 2 2.4 5 1 9 8 5 5.5 1 2.3 2.9 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 3 4.5 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Kimmel, Eric A.; Root, Kimberly B. Bottner, Barbara; Rathman, Peggy Adamson, Joy Fleischman, Paul 4.8 2.6 8 5.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 7 Fiction Fiction 3 2.9 6 6 6 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Aardema, Verna Lyon, George E. Illustrated by Freire Wright & Michael Foreman Cote, Nancy; Glaser, Linda Norton, Mary Norton, Mary Norton, Mary Norton, Mary Borrowers, The Bossyboots Norton, Mary; Hague, Michael Cox, David Boston Coffee Party, The Bottle Houses: The Creative World of Grandma Prisbrey Bounce, Tigger, Bounce Bound for Oregon Boundless Grace Bow wow meow meow: It's rhyming cats and dogs Box Box Can Be Many Things, A Box Seat Dream, The: A Baseball Story Boxcar Children #1, The Boxes for Katie Boy and Bot Boy and the Ghost, The Boy Becomes a Man at Wounded Knee Boy from over There Boy in the Doghouse, A Boy in the Moon, The Boy of Tache, A Boy of the Three-Year Nap Boy on a Black Horse Boy Soup Boy Who Ate Around Boy Who Ate Dog Biscuits, The Boy Who Cried Wolf!, The Boy Who Drank Too Much, The Boy Who Gave His Lunch Away : John 6:1-15 Boy Who Held Back the Sea, The Boy Who Loved Alligators, The Boy Who Loved to Draw, The Boy Who Reversed Himself, The Boy Who Sailed with Columbus, The Boy Who Saved the Town, The Boy Who Swallowed a Rainbow, The Boy Who Swallowed Snakes, The Boy Who Was Followed Home, The Boy with a Sling : 1 Samuel 16:1 - 18:5 Boy with Dinosaur Hands: Nine Tales of the Real and Unreal, The Boy: Tales of Childhood Boyfriend Game, The Boyfriend Mix-Up, The Boyfriend Wars, The 5.9 2 Fiction Fiction McCully, Emily Arnold; Rappaport, Doreen 3 Fiction Melissa Eskridge Isabel Gaines Van Leeuwen, Jean Hoffman, Mary; Binch, Caroline 2 1 4 4 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Florian, Douglas Albee, Edward Billin-Frye, Paige; Rau, Dana M. 2 1 2 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Bosworth, Richard Warner, Gertrude C Candace Fleming Ame Dyckman San Souci, Robert D. Wood, Ted Bergman, Tamar Duffey, Betsy Koertge, Ronald Blades, Ann Say, Allen; Snyder, Dianne Springer, Nancy Lesynski, Loris Drescher, Henrik Apple, Margot; Sachs, Betsy Chalk, Gary; Schecter, Ellen Greene, Shep 5 2 4 0 3.5 5 4 4.4 6.7 1 3 5 1 2 3 2 4.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hill, Dave Locker, Thomas Kennedy, Barbara Brenner, Barbara; Dunrea, Olivier Sleator, William Foreman, Michael Seabrooke, Brenda; Burns, Howard M. Romain, Trevor Tseng, Jean; Tseng, Mou-Sien; Yep, Laurence Kellogg, Steven; Mahy, Margaret 2 6.5 4.8 5 6 1 4 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 2.7 Fiction Fiction Warren, Mary P. Carusone, Al; Clayton, Elaine (Illustrator) Dahl, Roald Pascal, Francine Applegate, Katherine Quin-Harkin, Janet 2 4 6.4 3 1 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Boys Against Girls Boys from St. Petri, The Boys Start the War Boy's War, A Boy's War, The: Confederate and Union Soldiers Talk About the Civil War Boys We Love Bracelet, The Brad & Butter Bradley and the Billboard Brain Brain Freeze! Brain Spiders, The Brand New Kid, The Brand-new Pencils, Brand-new Books Brand-new School, Brave New Ruby Brave As a Bunny Can Be Brave As a Mountain Lion Brave Bear & the Ghosts Brave Ben Brave Emily (American Girl) Brave Irene Brave Jack Brave Little Monster Brave Mary Brave New World Brave Norman: A True Story Brave: Big Bear, Little Bear Bravest Cat Bravest Dog Ever, The: The True Story of Balto Braving the Frozen Frontier: Women Working in Antarctica Bravo Minski Bravo Tanya Bread and Jam For Frances Bread Sister of Sinking Creek, The Bread Winner, The Breadwinner: An Afghan Child in a War Torn Land, The Break with Charity: A Story about the Salem Witch Trials, A Breaker Breakfast of Enemies Breaking Free Breaking Ground, Breaking Silence, The Story of New York Breaking Out Breaking Stalin's nose Suzanne, Jamie Reuter, Bjarne Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Davis, Paxton 0 8 5.2 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Murphy, Jim Lane, Jeanette Uchida, Yoshiko; Yardley, Joanna Hughes, Dean Farrell, Mame Justin McCory Martin J. E. Bright Whitman, John Couric, Katie de Groat, Diane Derrick Barnes Julian, Alison Coalson, Glo; Scott, Ann H. Reasoner, Charles; Dominic, Gloria Roger Hall Valerie Tripp Steig, William Dave and Julie Saunders Ken Baker Larry Dane Brimner Huxley, Aldous Andrew Clements Amerikaner, Susan Laura Driscoll 5 5 4 2 5 1 0 3 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 4 3 1 1 0 7.5 2 0 2 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Cook, Donald; Standiford, Natalie 2.7 NonFiction Johnson, Rebecca L. Egielski, Richard; Yorinks, Arthur Gauch, Patricia L.; Ichikawa, Satomi Hoban, Russell; Hoban, Lillian Moore, Robin Whitmore, Arvella 5 2 2.9 2.1 4 5.2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Ellis, Deborah 7 Fiction Rinaldi, Ann Denton, Kit Suzanne, Jamie Brooke, Lauren 6 7.2 5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hansen, Joyce DeClements, Barthe Eugene Yelchin 6 6.2 4 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Breathless Bret Hart Brian Piccolo Briana's Gift Brianna, Jamaica, and the Dance of Spring Brian's Hunt Brian's Return Brian's Winter Briar Rose Briar's Book Bridge of San Luis Rey, The Bridge to Terabithia Bridges of Summer, The Bridget's Beret Bridle Path Bright Days, Stupid Nights Bright Freedom's Song Bright Lights Bright Yellow Flower Brighty of the Grand Canyon Bringing Nettie Back Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain Brisingr Broccoli Tapes Broken Anchor, The Broken Blade, The Broken Bridge, The Brontorina Bronx Masquerade Bronx Masquerade Bronze Bow, The Brooke & Her Rock Star Mom Brooklyn Doesn't Rhyme Brother Billy Bronto's Bygone Blues Band Brother Eagle, Sister Sky Brother Wolf Brothers in Hope Brothers Karamazov, The Brothers of the Heart Brown Bear : Giant of the Mountains Brown Bear, Brown Bear , What Do You See? Brown Sunshine of Sawdust Valley Bruce Coville's Book of Monsters: Tales to Give You the Creeps Bub or The Very Best Thing Lurlene McDaniel Jacqueline Mudge Morris, Jeannie Lurlene McDaniel 8 5 8 9 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Havill, Juanita; O'Brien, Anne Sibley Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Yolen, Jane; Windling, Terri Pierce, Tamora Wilder, Thornton Diamond, Donna; Paterson, Katherine Seabrooke, Brenda Tom Lichtenheld Bryant, Bonnie Mazer, Norma F.; Mazer, Harry Houston, Gloria McLendon Rogers, Jacqueline; Ferguson , Duchess of York, Sarah Judith Hoffman Corwin Henry, Marguerite Wilson, Nancy H. Aardema, Verna Christopher Paolini Slepian, Jan Keene, Carolyn M.; Frame, Paul; Durbin, William Pullman, Philip James Howe Grimes, Nikki Grimes, Nikki Speare, Elizabeth G. Pascal, Francine Blos, Joan W.; Birling, Paul 2 5 6 5 7 7 8 5.5 6.5 2 4 5.8 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 1 6.3 5.6 3.4 9 4 4 5 9 2 8 6 6.5 4 4.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction O'Brien, John; Birchman, David F. Jeffers, Susan Hicks, Edward; Chagall, Marc; Johnstone, Mildred T. Williams, Mary Dostoyevsky, Fyodor; Van Der Eng, Jan; Meijer, Jan M. Blos, Joan W.; Holman, Felice Tracqui, Valerie 3.2 4 Fiction Fiction 3.5 3 Fiction NonFiction 9 5 2 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Carle, Eric Henry, Marguerite 0 4 Fiction Fiction Coville, Bruce Babbitt, Natalie 5 2 Fiction Fiction Bubba and Trixie Bubble Bubble Bubble Gum Science Bubble Trouble Buck Stops Here, The Buck-Buck the Chicken Bud, Not Buddy Buddies Buddy Badger Buddy Loses a Tooth Buddy Love Now on Video Buddy to the Rescue Buddy, the First Seeing Eye Dog Buddy's Playdate Buffalo Before Breakfast Buffalo Gal Buffalo in the Mall, The Buffalo Nickel, The Buffalo Thunder Buffalo Woman Buford the Little Bighorn Bug Boy Bug Out! Bug Scientists, The Bugs That Go Bump in the Night Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Building Blocks Built for Speed: The Extraordinary, Enigmatic Cheetah Bull Fighter Bull Run Bulldozers Bully for You, Teddy Roosevelt Bully Trouble Bumps in the Night Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies Bunkhouse Journal Bunnicula : A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale of Mystery Bunnicula: Hot Fudge Bunnicula: Howie Monroe and the Doghouse of Doom Bunnicula: It Came From Beneath the Bed Bunnicula: Rabbit-cadabra! Bunnicula: Scared Silly Campbell, Lisa Mayer, Mercer Young, Robert Packard, Mary Provensen, Alice Ehrlich, Amy Curtis, Christopher Paul Park, Barbara Sargent, Dave; Sargent, Pat L.; Sapaugh, Blaine The Jim Henson Company Cooper, Ilene Lynn Maslen Kertell Moore, Eva The Jim Henson Company Osborne, Mary Pope Wallace, Bill Griffis, Molly L.; Doner, Kim Morrison, Taylor Dodson, Bert; Wittmann, Patricia Goble, Paul Bill Peet Sonenklar, Carol Ginger Clarke Jackson, Donna Carter, David A. Dussling, Jennifer Bob Barner Voigt, Cynthia 1 2 4 1.1 5 1 4 5 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 0 5 1 3 1 2 5.5 2 3 2.2 4 3 3.4 0 5 1 2 2 6.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Non Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Thompson, Sharon Elaine Hutchens, Paul Fleischman, Paul; Frampton, David M.T. Martin Wimmer, Mike; Fritz, Jean Cole, Joanna Marshall, James; Allard, Harry Bassett, Jeni C.; Mathews, Louise Hamm, Diane J. Howe, James Howe, Deborah; Howe, James; Daniel, Alan James Howe 7 4 7 1 6.8 2 2 2 7 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4.9 2 Fiction Fiction James Howe 3.5 Fiction James Howe James Howe James Howe 3 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Bunnicula: The Fright Before Christmas Bunnicula: The Vampire Bunny Bunny Cakes Bunny Mail Bunny Money Bunny Party Bunny Race! Bunny Trouble Bunny Who Found Easter, The Bunny's Noisy Book Bunyans, The Burger! Buried in Ice Buried Onions Buried Treasure, The Burning Questions of Bingo Brown, The Burnt Stick, The Burnt Toast on Davenport Street Burp! The Most Interesting Book You'll Ever Read About Eating Burton & the Giggle Machine Bus Ride Bus Station Mystery Bushbaby James Howe James Howe Wells, Rosemary Rosemary Wells Wells, Rosemary; Axler, Rachel (Editor) Rosemary Wells Grace Maccarone Wilhelm, Hans Zolotow, Charlotte; Craig, Helen Brown, Margaret Wise Shannon, David; Wood, Audrey Burnard, Damon Beattie, Owen; Geiger, John Soto, Gary Adimora-Ezeigbo, Akachi 2 2 1 0 0 1 1 2 2.5 0 2.9 3 6 7 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Byars, Betsy C. Sofilas, Mark; Hill, Anthony Egan, Tim 5.3 4 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Swanson, Diane; Cowles, Rose Haas, Dorothy; Bobak, Cathy Miller, William Warner, Gertrude C. Kennaway, Adrienne 7.4 5 2 2 3.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Busted! (Left Behind-the Kids-Book 7) Buster and the Great Swamp Buster Baxter, Cat Saver Buster Catches a Wave Buster Hunts for Dinosaurs Buster: The Very Shy Dog Buster's Dino Dilemma Busy Bea Busy Bear Busy Buzzy Bee Busy Toes Busybody Nora But Excuse Me That is My Book But Names Will Never Hurt Me Butter Battle Book, The Buttercup, the Clumsy Cow Butterfly Alphabet Butterfly Express Butterfly House Butterfly Hunt Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Marc Brown Marc Brown Marc Brown Brown, Marc Bechtold, Lisze Krensky, Stephen; Brown, Marc Poydar, Nancy Christianne C. Jones Wallace, Karen Bowie, C.W. Hurwitz, Johanna Child, Lauren Waber, Bernard Seuss, Dr. Julia Moffatt Sandved, Kjell B. Jane Belk Moncure Bunting, Eve Yoshi 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2.3 1.5 0 5 1 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Butterfly Lion Butterfly Meadow: Dazzle's First Day Morpurgo, Michael; Birmingham, Christian Olivia Moss 7 2 Fiction Fiction Buttermilk Button Soup Buttons for General Washington Buzby Buzby to the Rescue Buzz Buzz Boy and Fly Guy Buzz said the bee Buzzy the Bumblebee By the Dawn's Early Light: The Story of the Star-Spangled Banner By the Great Horn Spoon By the Hanukkah light By the Shores of Silver Lake C Is for Coyote Cabbages & Kings Cabin 102 Cabin Faced West, The Caboose Mystery Caboose Who Got Loose, The Cactus Hotel Caddie Woodlawn Cage, The Cages Caillou Dresses Up Caillou Goes Birdwatching Caillou Rides a Bike Caillou Rides On A Plane Caillou The Hiding Place Caillou walks his Dog Caine Mutiny, The Caitlyn's Big Idea Calamity Jane Caleb and Kate Caleb's Choice Caleb's Friend Caleb's Story Calendar Mysteries: April Adventure Calendar Mysteries: May Magic Calico Bush Calico Captive California Blue California Girls! Call It Courage Call Me Ahnighito Call Me Francis Tucket Call Me Gretzky! Call Me Ruth Cosgrove, Stephen; James, Robin Orgel, Doris; Estrada, Pau Roop, Peter; Roop, Connie; Hanson, Peter E. Himmelman, John; Hoban, Julia Himmelman, John; Hoban, Julia Wong, Janet S. Tedd Arnold wendy lewison Brennan-Nelson, Denise Kroll, Steven Fleischman, Sid; Von Schmidt, Eric Oberman, Sheldon; Waldman, Neil Wilder, Laura Ingalls; Williams, Garth Helman, Andrea Wyeth, Jamie; Seabrook, Elizabeth Garland, Sherry Fritz, Jean; Rojanovsky, Feodor Warner, Gertrude C. Peet, Bill Guiberson, Brenda Hyman, Trina S.; Brink, Carol R. Sender, Ruth M. Kehret, Peg Francine Allen Francine Allen Nicole Nadeau Roger Harvey Marion Johnson Roger Harvey Wouk, Herman Skurzynski, Gloria Jones, Jean R.; Mueller, Ellen C.; Kilpatrick, Bob Steig, William Wisler, G. Clifton Nones, Eric J. MacLachlan, Patricia Ron Roy Ron Roy Field, Rachel Speare, Elizabeth George Klass, David Martin, Ann M. Sperry, Armstrong Conrad, Pam; Egielski, Richard Paulsen, Gary Oconnor, Jim Sachs, Marilyn 2 2 Fiction Fiction 3 2 2 1 0 1 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 5 1 5.5 2 2 5.1 4.5 4.2 1 1 5.3 5.5 5.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 2.9 4.8 2.9 5 2 2 6.8 7 5.9 5 5.8 1 6 5 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Call of the Wild, The London, Jack Callender Papers, The Voigt, Cynthia Callie & Zora Burris, Barbara; Halstead, Wendy Calling All Creeps Stine, R.L. Calling All Creeps! Stine, R. L. Calling All Planets Verney, Sarah Calling Doctor Amelia Bedelia Herman Parish Calling on Dragons Wrede, Patricia C. Calvin Coconut - Dog Heaven Graham Salisbury Calvin Coconut : trouble magnet Salisbury, Graham Calvin Coconut The Zippy Fix Graham Salisbury Calvin Coconut Zoo Breath Graham Salisbury Cam Jansen & the Catnapping Mystery Adler, David A.; Natti, Susanna Cam Jansen & the Mystery at the Haunted House Adler, David A. Cam Jansen & the Mystery of the Television Dog Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the Chocolate Fudge Mystery Adler, David Cam Jansen and the First Day of School Mystery David A. Adler Cam Jansen and the Ghostly Mystery Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the Green School Mystery David A. Adler Cam Jansen and the Lost Tooth David A. Adler Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Haunted House Adler, David A.; Natti, Susanna Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Monkey House Adler, David A.; Natti, Susanna Cam Jansen and the Mystery of Flight 54 Adler, David Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Babe Ruth Baseball Adler, David A.; Natti, Susanna Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Carnival Prize Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Circus Clown Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Dinosaur Bones Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Gold Coins Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Monster Movie Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Scary Snake Adler, David A.; Matti, Susanna Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen Corn Popper Adler, David A. Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds Adler, David A.; Natti, Susanna Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Television Dog Adler, David A.; Natti, Susanna 8.1 7.1 4 3.3 2 3 2 7 3 3.3 3 3 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 Fiction 4 Fiction 4 Fiction 3 3 Fiction Fiction 2 2 Fiction Fiction 4 Fiction 2.1 Fiction 4 Fiction 4 Fiction 4 Fiction 3.5 Fiction 4 Fiction 4 Fiction 3 Fiction 2 Fiction 4 Fiction 4 Fiction 4 Fiction Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the U. F. O. Cam Jansen and the Mystery Writer Mystery Cam Jansen and the Triceratops Pops Mystery Cam Jansen and the Triceratops Pops Mystery Cam Jansen and the Valentine Baby Mystery Cam Jansen: and the Snowy Day Mystery Cam Jansen: The School Play Mystery Cameron and me Camilla Camp Ghost-Away Camp Knock Knock Mystery, The Camp Saddlebrook Camp Sink or Swim Camping Day! Camping Out Camp-Out Mystery Can Do, Jenny Archer Can I Be Good? Can it Rain Cats and Dogs? (Questions and Answers about Weather) Can of Worms Can Read About Wolves Can You Catch Josephine? Can You Count Ten Toes?: Count to 10 in 10 Different Languages Can You Do This, Old Badger? Can you keep a secret Can You Make a Piggy Giggle Can You Move Like an Elephant? Can You See Her? Can You Sue Your Parents for Malpractice? Can You Survive Storm Chasing?: An Interactive Survival Adventure Canada Geese Quilt, The Canary Caper, The Canary Prince, The Canary Who Sailed with Columbus, The Candida Candidate for Murder, A Candlelight for Rebecca Candy Corn Contest, The Adler, David A. 4 Fiction David Adler 2 Fiction Adler, David A. 2 Fiction Adler, David A. 3 Fiction David A. Adler 2 Fiction David A. Alder David A. Adler Harris, Dorothy J.; Mets, Marilyn L'Engle, Madeleine Delton, Judy Duffey, Betsy Campbell, Joanna Davis, Gibbs Patricia Lakin Amery, Heather Warner, Gertrude C. Conford, Ellen; Palmisciano, Diane Rand, Ted; Taylor, Livingston; Taylor, Maggie 2 3 1 7.2 1.8 1 5 2 1 1 4 3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 Fiction Melvin and Gilda Berger Mackel, Kathy Janet Palazzo-Craig Poulin, Stephane 5 4 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lezlie Evans Denis Roche (Illustrator) Eve Bunting Johnson, Meredith; Petersen, P. J. Ashman, Linda Judy Hindley Cormier, Pauline 1 0 2 1 0 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Danziger, Paula 5.1 NonFiction Elizabeth Raum Bowman, Leslie; Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie Roy, Ron Nones, Eric J. Roberts, Melissa; Anderson, Sharon; Wiggs, Susan Shaw, George Bernard; Nelson, Raymond S. Orenstein, Frank Jacqueline Dembar Greene Giff, Patricia R. 4 4.7 3 6.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 NonFiction 9 7.5 4 3 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Cannibals of Sunset Drive, The Canning Season Cannonball River Tales, The Canoe Days Canoe Trip Mystery, The Can't Sit Still Can't You Make Them Behave, King George? Can't You Sleep Little Bear Can't You Sleep, Little Bear? Carlsruh, Dan K. Carlson, Margaret Rounds, David; Berenzy, Alix Paulsen, Gary; Paulsen, Ruth W. Warner, Gertrude C. Lotz, Karen E. Fritz, Jean Martin Waddell Martin Waddell Chaucer, Geoffrey; McCaughrean, Geraldine Paulsen, Gary Canterbury Tales, The Canyons Capital Mysteries #1: Who Cloned the President? Roy, Ron Capital Mysteries #2: Kidnapped at the Capital Roy, Ron Capital Mysteries #4: A Spy in the White House Roy, Ron Capital Mysteries #5: Who Broke Lincoln's Thumb? Roy, Ron Capital Mysteries #6: Fireworks at the FBI Roy, Ron Caps for Sale: A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business Slobodkina, Esphyr Caps in The Air Ruth Benjamen Captain Abdul's Little Treasure Colin McNaughton Captain Abdul's Pirate School McNaughton, Colin Captain Arsenio: Inventions and (Mis)adventures in Flight Bernasconi , Pablo Captain Cat Hoff, Syd Captain Grey Avi Captain Jonathan Sails the Sea Lanning, Rosemary; Slawski, Wolfgang Captain Snap and the Children of Vinegar Lane Schotter, Roni; Sewall, Marcia Captain Underpants & the Attack of the Talking Toilets Pilkey, Dav Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, Part 1 Pilkey, Dav Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, Part 2 Pilkey, Dav Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space Pilkey, Dav Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants Pilkey, Dav Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People Dav Pilkey Captain Underpants and the Radioactive Robo-Boxer Dav Pilkey 5.3 4 4 2.9 6 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 2 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction 9 7 Fiction Fiction 3 Fiction 3 Fiction 3 Fiction 3 Fiction 3 Fiction 2 0 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 2 6.9 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2.9 Fiction 4.7 Fiction 3 Fiction 3 Fiction 3 Fiction 3 Fiction 3 Fiction 3 Fiction Captain Underpants and the terrifying return of Tippy tinkle trousers Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman Dave Pilkey 3 Fiction Pilkey, Dav Kipling, Rudyard; Fago, John N.; Bercasio, E. Keene, Carolyn O'Dell, Scott Kate Messner Peet, Bill Paulsen, Gary Daisy Meadows Schulte, Elaine L. McKay, Lawrence; Ligasan, Darryl 3 Fiction 6.9 4 8 4 2 6.3 4 4 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 8.9 Fiction NonFiction 5 4 2 1 4 5 6 4 4.5 1 2 6.4 0 1 5 5.1 1 1 7 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Captains Courageous Captive Witness Captive, The Capture the Flag Capyboppy Car, The Cara the Camp Fairy Cara's Beach Party Disaster Caravan Care Bears: Good Luck Bear's Special Day Sonia Sander Caretaker, The Pinter, Harold Golden, Harry; Wershba, Joseph; Niven, Carl Sandburg Penelope Carl Sandburg: Adventures of a Poet Sandburg, Carl & Niven, Penelope Carlos and the Squash Plant Jan Romero Stevens and Jeanne Stevens Carmine: A Little More Red Sweet, Melissa Carnival Ballard, Robin Carnival at Candlelight Pope Osborne, Mary Carnivorous Carnival Snicket, Lemony Caroline Zucker Helps Out Ramsey, Marcy D.; Bradford, Jan Carousel Cummings, Pat Carp for Kimiko Kroll, Virginia L. Carp in the Bathtub, The Cohen, Barbara; Halpern, Joan Carrie's War Bawden, Nina Carrot Seed Krauss, Ruth Carrot Soup John Segal Carrots & Miggle Mayhar, Ardath Carry On, Mr. Bowditch Latham, Jean L.; Cosgrave, John O. Cars Roadwork Melissa Lagonegro Cars: Racing Rivals Evan Shine Carver: A Life in Poems Nelson, Marilyn Case for Jenny Archer, A Conford, Ellen Conford, Ellen; Palmisciano, Diane Case for Jenny Archer, A (Illustrator) Case of Hermie the Missing Hamster, The Preller, James Case of the Ancient Astronauts, The Gallagher, I. J. Case of the Baker Street Irregular, The Newman, Robert Case of the Cat's Meow Bonsall, Crosby Case of the Climbing Cat, The Rylant, Cynthia Case of the Cool-Itch Kid Giff, Patricia R. Case of the crooked candles Pidgeon, Jean; Cann, Jonathan V. Case of the Elevator Duck Berends, Polly B. Case of the Fixed Election, The Singer, Marilyn; Williams, Richard Case of the Funny Money Man, The Alexander, William; Ewers, Joe 3 2 5.1 5 3 1 5 1 4.4 5 6 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Case of the Goblin Pearls, The Case of the Great Sled Race Case of the Gumball Bandits, The Case of the Halloween Ghost Case of the Hunch Back Hairdresser Case of the Measled Cowboy Case of the Missing Cat Case of the Missing Movie Case of the Mummified Pigs, The Case of the Mysterious Dognapper & Other Stories, The Case of the Nervous Newsboy, The Case of the One-Eyed Killer Stud Horse Case of the Purloined Compass, The Case of the Puzzling Possum Case of the Rising Stars, The Case of the Runaway Dog Case of the Safecracker's Secret, The Case of the Scaredy Cats, The Case of the Watching Boy, The Casey Jones's Fireman : The Story of Sim Webb Casey's New Hat Cassandra's Angel Cassie Binegar Cassie Bowen Takes Witch Lessons Cast Two Shadows: The American Revolution in the South Castle in the Air Castle in the Attic, The Castle Mystery, The Castle of Llyr, The Castle Under Attack Cat and a Dog, A Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House Cat and Mouse in the Snow Cat Ate My Gymsuit, The Cat Burglar, The Cat in the Hat Comes Back, The Cat in the Hat, The Cat Running Cat Sat on the Mat, The Cat the Cat Who is That? Cat Up a Tree Cat Who Escaped Steerage, The Cat Who Went to Heaven, The Cat Who Wished to Be A Man, The Yep, Laurence Preller, James William Alexander Dave Henderson (Illustrator) Erickson, John R. Carole Marsh Erickson, John R. Erickson, John R. Della Rowland Sam Viviano (Illustrator) Dewey, Jennifer O.; Quinlan, Susan E. Masters, M.; Delagran, Louise; Grooms, Kathe Hildick, E. W.; Weil, Lisi 4 2 Fiction Fiction 2 4 5 4 5 3 7 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction 6 5 Fiction Fiction Erickson, John R. Taylor, Mark; Booth, Graham Rylant, Cynthia Greenberg, Anne Preller, James Keene, Carolyn Bonsall, Crosby N. Newman, Robert 5 3.9 1 4 3 4 3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Farmer, Nancy Gardella, Tricia Otto, Gina; Joost, Trudy MacLachlan, Patricia Hines, Anna G.; Owens, Gail 2 2 2 3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 5 5 3 5 2 0 3 1 5.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 1.2 1 4.8 1 1 2 4 6.6 5.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Ann Rinaldi Jones, Diana W. Winthrop, Elizabeth Warner, Gertrude Chandler Alexander, Lloyd Nicola Baxter Masurel, Claire; Kolar, Bob Geronimo Stilton Bogacki, Tomek Danziger, Paula Krailing, Tessa; Lewis, Jan; Eastwood, John Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Snyder, Zilpha K. Cameron, Alice; Jones, Carol (Illustrator) Mo Willems Hassett, John and Ann Mayerson, E.W. Coatsworth, Elizabeth Alexander, Lloyd Catch Me If You Can! Catch Me, Catch Me! Catch That Hat! Catch That Pass! Catcher in the Rye Catcher with a Glass Arm Catching the Fire: Philip Simmons, Blacksmith Caterpillar's Wish Caterpiller and the Polliwog, The Catherine, Called Birdy Catkin Cats Cats Add Up Cats Are Like That Cats' Burglar Cat's Cradle Cat's Eye Cat's Quizzer, The Cat's Witch and the Lost Birthday Cattail Moon Catundra Catwings Caught in the Act Caught! Cave Boy Cave Race Cave, The Caveman Do Drive School Buses Cavern of The Fear (Shadowlands) Caves and Caverns Cay, The Cecil's Story Celebrating the Powwow Celebrations Celery Stalks at Midnight Cendrillon: A Cajun Cinderella Cendrillon: Caribbean Cinderella Center Stage: An Anthology of TwentyOne Contemporary Black-American Plays Centerburg Tales Centerfield Ballhawk Century Farm Certain Small Shepherd, A Cezanne Pinto, A Memoir Chain of Fire Bernard Most Rev. W. Awdry Clark, Emma C. Christopher, Matt Salinger, JD Christopher, Matt 1 1.2 2.8 4 8 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lyons, Mary E.; Garcia, Mannie Murphy, Mary Kent, Jack Cushman, Karen Barber, Antonia; Lynch, P. J. (Illustrator) Leen, Nina Dianne Ochiltree, Marcy Dunn-Ramsey, and Marilyn Burns Weston, Martha Parish, Peggy Vonnegut, Kurt Atwood, Margaret Seuss, Dr. May, Kara Thesman, Jean Cosgrove, Stephen; James, Robin; Manoni, Mary H. Le Guin, Ursula K.; Schindler, S. D. Nixon, Joan L. Roberts, Willo D. Cathy East Dubowski and Mark Dubowski Ace Landers Karr, Kathleen Marcia Thornton Jones and Debbie Dadey Rodda, Emily Gibbons, Gail Taylor, Theodore Lyon, George E.; Catalanotto, Peter Kalman, Bobbie Livingston, Myra C Howe, James Collins, Sheila H.; Soper, Patrick San Souci, Robert 3.8 1 2 7 3 1.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 3 2 2 10 9 2 1 4.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 4.5 5.8 6.9 1 1 5.6 2 5 2.5 7 1.9 3 2.9 4.8 3.7 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Richards, Sandra L.; Ostrow, Eileen J. McCloskey, Robert Christopher, Matt; Beier, Ellen Peterson, Cris Caudill, Rebecca; Du Bois, William P.; Caudill, Gertrude Mary Stolz Velasquez, Eric; Naidoo, Beverley 6.5 6.5 4.9 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2.7 3 6.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Chair for My Mother, A Chalk Box Kid, The Chalk Doll, The Chameleons Are Cool Champ Hobarth Champion, The Champion's Spirit Chancy & the Grand Rascal Change the Locks Changes for Addy : A Winter Story Changes for Addy: A Winter Story Changes for Felicity: A Winter Story Changes for Josefina : A Winter Story Changes for Kirsten: A Winter Story Changes for Molly Changes for Rebecca (American Girl) Williams, Vera B. Bulla, Clyde R.; Allen, Thomas B. Pomerantz, Charlotte Jenkins, Martin Strommen, Judith B. Kubler, Annie Campbell, Joanna Fleischman, Sid; Von Schmidt, Eric French, Simon Porter, Connie Rose Porter, Connie; Brown, Bradford Tripp, Valerie; Andreasen, Dan Tripp, Valerie Graef, Renee; Shaw, Janet B. Tripp, Valerie; Backes, Nick Jacqueline Greene Tripp, Valerie; Thieme, Jeanne; Grace, Changes for Samantha: A Winter Story Robert; Niles, Nancy Chang's Paper Pony Coerr, Eleanor, Ray, Deborah Chanticleer and the Fox Chaucer, Geoffrey; Cooney, Barbara Charles A. Lindbergh Giblin, James Scott Charley Skedaddle Beatty, Patricia Charley the Mouse Finds Christmas Carley, Wayne Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dahl, Roald Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Dahl, Roald Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors Nimmo, Jenny Charlie Bone and the Hidden King Nimmo, Jenny Charlie Bone and the Invisible Boy Nimmo, Jenny Charlie Bone and the Time Twister Jenny Nimmo Charlie Brown Christmas Schulz, Charles M. Malzeke-McDonald, Karen; Richards, Charlie Dog Two & Mustard Jackie Charlie Needs a Cloak De Paola, Tomie Charlie Pippin Boyd, Candy D. Charlie Small 1: Gorilla City Charlie Small Charlie Small: Charlie in the Underworld Charlie Small Charlie The Caterpillar DeLuise, Dom; Santoro, Christopher Charlie's House Bulla, Clyde R.; Flavin, Teresa Charlotte Lunn, Janet; Deines, Brian Charlotte & Leo Vesco, Anne-Marie Charlotte Cheetham: Master of Disaster Charlotte Forten: A Black Teacher in the Civil War Charlotte the Sunflower Fairy Charlotte's Rose Charlotte's Web Charms for the Easy Life Chasing Dad 3.8 2 2.9 1 5.1 2 6 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 2 3 6 6.3 2 6 5.4 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 1.5 5.3 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 4.5 5.2 3 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Holmes, Barbara W.; Himmelman, John 4 Fiction Burchard, Peter Daisy Meadows Cannon, A. E. White, E. B.; Williams, Garth Gibbons, Kaye Adam Beechen 4 4 6 5 7 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Chasing Redbird Chasing the Falconers Chasing Vermeer Chato and the Party Animals Chato's Kitchen Cheaper By the Dozen Cheater, Cheater Checkers Checking on the Moon Cheetah : Fast As Lightning Chelsey & the Green-Haired Kid Chemo Kid, The Cherries and Cherry Pits Chessmen of Doom, The Chester Chester's Way Chevrolet Saturdays Chewy Louie Chibi: A True Story from Japan Chicago and the Cat CHICAGO AND THE CAT: THE CAMPING TRIP Chicago Blues Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Chicken Feathers Chicken Licken Chicken Little Chicken Said, "Cluck!" Chicken Sisters Chicken Soup for Little Souls Reader Chicken Soup for Little Souls- The New Kid and the Cookie Thief Chicken Soup for Little Souls: A Dog of My Own Chicken Soup for the Kid's Soul Chicken Soup with Rice Chicken Sunday Chickens Chickens Aren't the Only Ones Chief Joseph, Leader of Destiny Child Called It: One Child's Courage to Survive, A Child of the Owl Child of the Warsaw Ghetto Children of Christmas: Stories for the Season Creech, Sharon Gordan Korman Blue Balliett Soto, Gary Gary Soto Gilbreth, Frank B.; Carey, Ernestine G. Levy, Elizabeth Marsden, John Davis, Jenny Dupont, Philippe Gorman, Carol Lipsyte, Robert Williams, Vera B. Bellairs, John Syd Hoff Henkes, Kevin Boyd, Candy Dawson Schneider, Howie Brenner, Barbara; Otani, June; Takaya, Julia Koontz, Robin M. 5.7 3 5.5 0 3 7 4.5 7 6.6 3 6 5.3 2.9 4 1 3 3 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 1.5 Fiction Fiction ROBIN MICHAL KOONTZ Deaver, Julie R. Ehlert, Lois; Archambault, John; Martin, Bill Joy Cowley Bishop, Gavin Kellogg, Steven Judyann Ackerman Grant Numeroff, Laura Joffe Lisa Mccourt 3 5.7 Fiction Fiction 2 4 1.5 2.4 1 1 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction McCourt, Lisa Hansen, Mark Victor Jack Canfield Katya Krenina (Illustrator) Canfield, Jack; Hansen, Mark Victor Sendak, Maurice Polacco, Patricia Bobby Lynn Maslen Heller, Ruth Jassem, Kate 2 Fiction 2 4 2.5 4.8 1 1 5 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Pelzer, Dave Yep, Laurence Adler, David A.; Ritz, Karen 6 6 4 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Rylant, Cynthia; Schindler, S. D. 6 Fiction 6.5 Fiction Children of the Dust Bowl: The True Story of the School at Weedpatch Camp Stanley, Jerry Children of the Fire Children of the River Children of the Wild West Children of the Wind and Water Children of Topaz: The Story of a Japanese-American Internment Camp Based on a Classroom Diary, The Child's Calendar, A Child's Christmas in Wales, A Child's Garden of Verses, A Child's Glacier Bay, A Chilly Charlie Chimp and Zee Chin Chiang and the Dragons Dance China Garden, The Chincoteague Pony, The Chinese New Year's dragon Chingis Khan Chippewa, The Chippy Goes To The Dentist Chippy's Favorite Toys Chita's Christmas Tree Chloe in the know Chocolate Fever Chocolate Rabbit Chocolate Sundae Mystery, The Chocolate Touch, The Chocolate-Covered Ants Chocolatina Chomp Chomp! : A Book about Sharks Choosing Sides Chosen, The Christina Katerina & the Time She Quit the Family Christina's Ghost Christmas Angel, The Christmas Blizzard Christmas Box, The Christmas Candle Christmas Carol, A Christmas City Christmas Coat, The Christmas Cricket Christmas Doll Christmas in Camelot Christmas in the Big Woods Christmas Killer, The Christmas Knight, The Robinet, Harriette G. Crew, Linda Freedman, Russell Krensky, Stephen 6.1 5.6 4 4.5 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Tunnell, Michael O.; Chilcoat, George W. Updike, John; Hyman, Trina Schart Thomas, Dylan; Ardizzone, Edward Stevenson, Robert Louis; Provensen, Alice; Provensen, Martin Corral, Kimberly and Roy Dana Meachen Rau Anholt, Laurence Wallace, Ian Berry, Liz Wilcox, Charlotte Sing, Rachel Demi, Hitz Green, Jacqueline D. Carruth, Jane Carruth, Jane Cooper, Floyd; Howard, Elizabeth F. Caseley, Judith Smith, Robert K.; Fiammenghi, Gioia Claret, Maria Warner, Gertrude C.; Tang, Charles Catling, Patrick S.; Apple, Margot Manes, Stephen Kraft, Erik Carl Hiaasen Berger, Melvin Cooper, Ilene Potok, Chaim 6.1 3 5.1 NonFiction Fiction NonFiction 4.8 2 0 2.3 3 7 3 2 6.3 5 2 2 2.4 2 4.8 2 3 4.5 3.9 2 5 2 6 9.5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Gauch, Patricia L.; Primavera, Elise Wright, Betty R. Bell, Anthea; Vainio, Pirkko Ketteman, Helen Evans, Richard Paul Evans, Richard Paul Dickens, Charles Garland, Michael Bulla, Clyde R.; Wickstrom, Sylvie Eve Bunting Doty, Linda Osborne, Mary Pope Wilder, Laura Ingalls Windsor, Patricia DiSalvo-Ryan, DyAnne; Curry, Jane L. 2.9 5.2 3.5 2 5 3 6 2 1 1 5 3 2 6.1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Christmas Magic Christmas Mice! Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey, The Christmas Snowman Christmas Spurs, The Christmas Story, The Christmas Surprise Christmas Tapestry Christmas with Ida Early Christmas with Morris and Boris Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus Famous Explorer Michael Garland Bethany Roberts Christopher Robin Leads an Expedition Christy Chrysanthemum CHUGGA-CHUGGA CHOO-CHOO Church Mouse, The Cinder Cinder Edna Cinderella Cinderella Bigfoot Cinderella Penguin Cinderella's Rat Cinderellis and the Glass Hill Cindy's Glory Cindy's Heartbreak Cindy's Honor Cindy's Runaway Colt Cinnamon's Day Out: a Gerbil Adventure Circle of Doom Circle of Fire Circle of Gold Circle of Quiet, A Circuit, The Circus Family Dog Circus in the Woods, The Cirqu Du Freak: The Vampire Prince Cirque de Ole Cirque du freak :The Vampire Prince Cirque du freak :The vampire’s assistant Cirque Du Freak A Living Nightmare Cirque Du Freak Allies of the Night Cirque Du Freak Tunnels of Blood Cirque Du Freak Vampire Mountain Cirque Du Freak: Hunters of the Dusk Wojciechowski, Susan; Lynch, P. J. Angelilli, Chris Wallace, Bill Werner, Jane Cummings, Cynthia H.; Clark, Danna Polacco, Patricia Burch, Robert Wiseman, Bernard Krensky, Stephen Mary Ddson Wade 1 1 2.5 1 5 2 2 4 3 2.8 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 Fiction A. A. Milne Marshall, Catherine Henkes, Kevin Lewis, Kevin Oakley, Graham Marissa Meyer O'Malley, Kevin; Jackson, Ellen Innocenti, Roberto; Perrault, Charles Thaler, Mike Perlman, Janet Meddaugh, Susan Gail Carson Levine Campbell, Joanna Campbell, Joanna Campbell, Joanna Campbell, Joanna 0 8.8 2.8 0 7 7 3.2 2.9 3 2 2 4 5 5 5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Roth, Susan Kennemore, Tim Harker, Herbert Boyd, Candy D. L'Engle, Madeleine Jimenez, Francisco Clements, Andrew Littlefield, Bill Darren Shan Judy Schachner Shan, Darren 1 5 6 3.5 8 6 2 6 6 2 6 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Shan, Darren Shan, Darren Shan, Darren Shan, Darren Darran Shan Darren Shan 6 6 6 6 5 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Cirque du Freak: Lake of Souls Cirque Du Freak: Trials of Death Citizen of the Galaxy City Birds City Dog City Dog Country Frog City Fun City Green City in the Clouds City in the Winter City Kid's Field Guide, The City Mouse & Country Mouse & Two More Tales From Aesop City of Ashes City Of Bones City of Fallen Angels City of Glass City of Gold and Lead, The City of Heavenly Fire City of Joy, The City of Lost Souls City of the Gods Citymaze!: A Collection of Amazing City Mazes Civil War on Sunday Claire & Emma Clambake Clams All Year Clan of the Cave Bear, The Clan of the Shape-Changers Clancy the Courageous Cow Clara and the Bookwagon Clara Ann Cookie Clara Barton & Her Victory over Fear Clara Barton: Angel of the Battlefield Clara Caterpillar Clara Schumann Clara's Dancing Feet Clarence and the Great Surprise Clarice Bean Guess Who's Babysitting Clarice Bean, That's Me Class Clown Class Picture Day Class President Class Trip to the Cave of Doom Classroom at the End of the Hall Claudia Claudia and Crazy Peaches Claudia and Mean Janine Claudia and Middle School Darren Shan Darren Shan Heinlein, Robert A. MacLeod, Heather Kuskin, Karla Willems, Mo Margaret Hillert DiSalvo-Ryan, DyAnne Abbott, Tony; Jessell, Tim Schick, Eleanor Maurer, Richard 5 6 7.2 1 1 1 0 1 3 2 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Wallner, John & Marian Parry Cassandra Clare Cassandra Clare Cassandra Clare Cassandra Clare Christopher, John Cassandra Clare Lapierre, Dominique Cassandra Clare Arnold, Caroline 1 9 9 9 9 6.2 12 9 9 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Madgwick, Wendy; Courtney, Don Osborne, Mary Pope Peter, Diana; Findlay, Jeremy Peters, Russell M.; Madama, John Cocca-Leffler, Maryann Auel, Jean M. Levy, Robert Hume, Lachie Levinson, Nancy S.; Croll, Carolyn Ziefert, Harriet; Bolam, Emily (Illustrator) Quackenbush, Robert Bains, Rae; Meyer, Jean (Illustrator) Edwards, Pamela Duncan; Cole, Henry Litzmann, Berthold Carey, Joanna; Ricardson, Jean Adams, Jean Ekman Child, Lauren Child, Lauren Hurwitz, Johanna; Hamanaka, Sheila Andrea Buckless Hurwitz, Johanna; Hamanaka, Sheila McMullan, K.H. Evans, Doug Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. 4 2 0 4 2.8 9 4.8 2 1 0 2 4 0 6 0 1 3 2 4.6 0 4.1 4 4 5 5 5 5 NonFiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Claudia and the Bad Joke Martin, Ann M. 5 Fiction Claudia and the Clue in the Photograph Claudia and the First Thanksgiving Claudia and the Genius of Elm Street Claudia and the Great Search Claudia and the Lighthouse Ghost Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. 5 5 5 5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Claudia and the Mystery at the Museum Martin, Ann M. 5 Fiction Claudia and the Mystery in the Painting Claudia and the New Girl Claudia and the Perfect Boy Claudia and the Recipe for Danger Claudia and the Sad Good-Bye Claudia and the Terrible Truth Claudia and the World's Cutest Baby Claudia Kishi, Live from WSTO! Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Claudia Kishi, Middle School Drop Out Claudia's Friend Clay Boy Clean house Clean Your Room, Harvey Moon! Clementine Clementine and the Family Meeting Clementine Friend of the Week Clementine's Letter Cleo and the Coyote Cleveland Lee's Beale Street Band Clever Jack Takes the Cake Clever Raccoons Clever Tom and the Leprechaun Cleversticks Click Clack Moo : Cows That Type CLICK, CLACK, QUACKITYQUACK Client, The Clifford and the Big Bad Cold Clifford and the Big Leaf Pile Clifford and the Big Parade Clifford and the Big Storm Clifford and the Grouchy Neighbors Clifford and the Halloween Parade Clifford and the Missing Beach Ball Clifford at the Circus Clifford Counts Bubbles Clifford Counts to 1, 2, 3 Clifford Digs a Dinosaur Clifford for President Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Ginsburg, Mirra; Smith, Joseph A. Abolafia, Yossi; Haas, Jessie Cummings, Pat Sara Pennypacker Sara Pennypacker Sara Pennypacker Sara Pennypacker Levy, Elizabeth; Bryer, Diana Flowers, Arthur; Rich, Anna Candance Fleming Nelson, Kristin Shute, Linda Ashley, Bernard Cronin, Doreen 6 5 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 3.3 1 0 2 1 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction DOREEN CRONIN Grisham, John Bracken, Carolyn Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Fry, Sonali Acton Figueroa 0 10.6 2 2 1 2.1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Clifford Gets a Job Clifford Gets a Job Clifford Goes to Dog School Clifford Goes to Hollywood Clifford Goes to Hollywood clifford goes to the doctor Clifford Loves Me! Clifford Phonics Fun Pack 1 Clifford Saves the Whales Clifford Takes a Trip Clifford the Big Red Dog Clifford the Big Red Dog Valentine Surprise Clifford the Big Red Dog: The Big Itch Clifford the Big Red Dog: The Big White Ghost Clifford the Big Red Dog: The Showand-Tell Surprise Clifford the Firehouse Dog Clifford the Small Red Puppy Clifford the Small Red Puppy Clifford, We Love You Clifford: Camping Out Clifford: Christmas Wishes Clifford's Bathtime Clifford's Bedtime Clifford's Big Red Easter Clifford's Birthday Party Clifford's Birthday Party Clifford's Busy Week Clifford's Christmas Clifford's Class Trip Clifford's Family Clifford's Family Clifford's First Autumn clifford's first christmas Clifford's First Halloween Clifford's First Snow Day Clifford's First Valentine's Day Clifford's First Valentine's Day Clifford's Good Deeds Clifford's Halloween Clifford's Happy Easter Clifford's Happy Easter Clifford's Happy Mother's Day Clifford's Kitten Clifford's Loose Tooth Clifford's Manners Clifford's Pals Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman norman bridwell Feldman, Thea Francie Alexander Josephine Page Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman 1.5 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1.4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Quinlan B. Lee Alison Inches 1 1.3 Fiction Fiction Herman, Gail 2 Fiction Teddy Margulies Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Lisa Marsoli Herman, Gail Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Parent, Nancy Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Norman Bridwell Bridwell, Norman Norman Bridwell Bridwell, Norman Norman Bridwell Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Clifford's Really Big Movie: The Star of the Show Clifford's Riddles Clifford's Sports Day Clifford's Thanksgiving Visit Clifford's Valentines Clifford's Valentine's Day Climb or Die Climbing Kansas Mountains Cloak for the Dreamer, A Clock, The Clockwork Close Encounters Close To Famous Closed for the Season Cloud Book, The Clouds of Terror Cloudy Day Sunny Day Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Clover Clover's Secret Clown of God, The Clue at the Zoo, The Clue in Code, A Clue in the Crossword Cipher, The Clue in the Crumbling Wall, The Clue in the Diary, The Clue in the Embers Clue in the Jewel Box, The Clue in the Old Album Clue in the Old Stagecoach Clue of the Black Keys Clue of the Broken Blade Clue of the Broken Locket Clue of the Dancing Puppet Clue of the Hissing Serpent, The Clue of the Leaning Chimney Clue of the Screeching Owl Clue of the Tapping Heels, The Clue of the Velvet Mask, The Clue of the Whistling Bagpipes Clue on the Silver Screen, The Clue That Flew Away, The Clueless McGee Coach Amos Coach Hyatt is a Riot Coaching Ms. Parker Coast to Coast Coast to Coast with Alice Coaster Dena Neusner Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Bridwell, Norman Norman Bridwell Norman Bridwell Myers, Edward Shannon, George Friedman, Aileen; Howard, Kim Collier, James Lincoln Pullman, Philip Tinker, Melvin Joan Bauer Mary Downing Hahn De Paola, Tomie Welch, Catherine A.; Johnson, Laurie K. Crews, Donald Barrett, Judith; Barrett, Ron Sanders, Dori Christine M. Winn De Paola, Tomie Giff, Patricia R. Glasser, Judith; Singer, Marilyn Keene, Carolyn Keene, Carolyn Keene, Carolyn Dixon, Franklin W. Keene, Carolyn Keene, Carolyn Keene, Carolyn Keene, Carolyn Dixon, Franklin W. Keene, Carolyn Keene, Carolyn Dixon, Franklin W. Keene, Carolyn Dixon, Franklin W. Keene, Carolyn Keene, Carolyn Keene, Carolyn Keene, Carolyn M.; Greenberg, Anne; Hope, Laura L.; Tsui, George Mack, Jeff Paulsen, Gary Dan Gutman O'Connor, Jane; Heymsfeld, Carla Byars, Betsy C. Hyatt, Patricia R. Duffey, Betsy 2 1 2 2 1 2 6 1 2 6.9 6 4.5 5 6 2 2 0 3.2 5 2 3.5 2 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 6 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 3 4.6 5 5 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Coat of Many Colors Cobble Street Cousins : In Aunt Lucys Kitchen Cobble Street Cousins Book 4 : Some Good News Cock-A-Moo-Moo Coco Can't Wait Coco Grimes Cocoa Commotion Cocoa ice Code Coffin on a Case Coiled Viper (Secrets of Droon #19) Cold and Hot Winter, The Cold Fire Cold Little Duck, Duck, Duck Cold People, The (Spooksville #5) Cold Sassy Tree Cold Shoulder Road Cold Sweat Colin Powell Four -Star General Colin Powell: Military Leader Collidescope Colliding with Chris Color of His Own Color Zoo Colors Colors of Us Come A Stranger Come A Tide Come Along, Daisy! Come and Have Fun Come Away Home Come Back, Amelia Bedelia Come Morning Come on over to Barney's House Come Sing, Jimmy Jo Come Sit Speak Come to School, Dear Dragon Come to the Fair Come to the Ocean's Edge: A Nature Cycle Book Comeback Dog, The Comeback! : Four True Stories Comet's Nine Lives Comets: The Great Safe Blag Comfort Coming Fury, The Coming Home Sutton, Judith; Parton, Dolly 2 Fiction Rylant, Cynthia 3 Fiction Rylant, Cynthia Dallas-Conte, Juliet Gomi, Taro Stolz, Mary Peterson, Melissa Meade, Holly; Appelbaum, Diana Kathy Reichs Bunting, Eve Abbott, Tony Hurwitz, Johanna Pierce, Tamora Peters, Lisa Westberg Pike, Christopher Burns, Olive Ann Aiken, Joan Dixon, Franklin W.; Greenberg, Anne Landau, Elaine King, Coretta Scott; Huggins, Nathan I.; Brown, Warren Chetwin, Grace Harder, Dan Lionni, Leo Ehlert, Lois Yenawine, Philip Katz, Karen Voigt, Cynthia Lyon, George E.; Gammell, Stephen Simmons, Jane Edith Hurd Smith, Alison; Haeffele, Deborah Parish, Peggy; Tripp, Wallace Guccione, Leslie D. Lyrick Publishing Paterson, Katherine Simon, Charnan Hillert, Margaret Lunn, Janet 3 0 1 4.2 3 3 8 5.1 3 5.4 5 0 5 9 5 5 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 8.3 6.7 2 1 0 5 1 7 2 1 1 3 2.7 4.3 1 4.9 1 0 2 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Pringle, Laurence Thomas, Jane R. O'Connor, Jim Brett, Jan Jean Ure Dean, Carolee Catton, Bruce Brooke, Lauren 0 4.7 3 2.8 2 8 9 5 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Commander Toad & the Big Black Hole Commander Toad & the Dis-Asteroid Commander Toad & the Intergalactic Spy Commander Toad & the Intergalactic Spy Commander Toad & the Space Pirates Commander Toad and the Planet of the Grapes Commander Toad and the Voyage Home Commander Toad in Space Companions of the Night Competition Fever Complete Tales of Uncle Remus, The Compost Critters Computer Nut, The Computers: A Magic Mouse Guide Concrete Mixers Condor's Egg Yolen, Jane Yolen, Jane 2 2 Fiction Fiction Yolen, Jane 3 Fiction Yolen, Jane Yolen, Jane; Degen, Bruce 2 2 Fiction Fiction Yolen, Jane; Degen, Bruce 2.9 Fiction Yolen, Jane Yolen, Jane Vande Velde, Vivian Charbonnet, Gabrielle Harris, Joel Chandler Lavies, Bianca Byars, Guy; Byars, Betsy C. Chris Ward-Johnson Ray McClellan London, Jonathan; Chaffee, James; Mesta, Robert 2 2.8 6.5 4 5 4 5.4 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 0 NonFiction 2 Fiction 7 6.7 Fiction Fiction 5 4 7.1 0 6 1.5 1.5 4 0 4 3 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 4 4 3.9 2 5 3.2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Cone Kong: The Scary Ice Cream Giant Pinkwater, Daniel Manus Maguire, Gregory; Sanderson, Bill Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister (Illustrator) Confess-O-Rama Koertge, Ronald Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Twain, Mark Conquista! Clyde Robert Bulla and Michael Syson Contender, The Lipsyte, Robert Cook-a-Doodle-Doo Stevens, Janet Cookcamp Paulsen, Gary Cookie Count: A Tasty Pop-Up Sabuda, Robert Cookies and Crutches Delton, Judy Cooking up Trouble Perdita Finn Cooking with the Cat Bonnie Worth Cool As Ice Matt Christopher Cool Melons-Turn to Frogs Gollub, Matthew Cool Penguins Bauer, Jeff Copper Angel of Piper's Mill & How She Saved Her Town, The Goldberg, Grace; Cunningham, Linda Copper Canyon Conspiracy Keene, Carolyn M. Copper-Toed Boots De Angeli, Marguerite Coral Reef: A City That Never Sleeps Cerullo, Mary M.; Rotman, Jeffrey L. Coral Reefs Jason Chin Coraline Gaiman, Neil Corduroy Freeman, Don Corduroy Don Freeman Corduroy Goes to School (Lift-the-Flap Book) Don Freeman 0 Fiction Corduroy's Best Halloween Ever Corduroy's Easter Party CORDUROY'S HALLOWEEN Cork and Fuzz Corn - On and Off the Cob Corn is Maize: The Gift of the Indians Cornelius Cornelius & the Dog Star Cory Coleman, Grade 2 Cosmo Zooms Cottonmouths Count Down to Clean Up Count of Monte Cristo, The Countdown Countdown to Kindergarten Counterfeit Tackle Counting Crocodiles Counting on Frank Country Angel Christmas Country Artist : A Story about Beatrix Potter Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes, The Courage Courage at Indian Deep Courage of Sarah Noble Courage Seed, The Courage The Monkey Courageous Canine Court of the Stone Children, The Courtney Courtyard Cat Cousin Ruth's Tooth Cousin War, The Cousins Covenant, The Covered Bridge Coverup Cow Buzzed, The Cow in the House, The Cow Is Mooing Anyhow, The Cow That Went Oink Cowardly Clyde Cowboy & Octopus Cowboy and the Black-Eyed Pea, The Cowboy Baby Cowboy Bob's Critters Visit Texas Heroes Don Freeman Freeman, Don B.G. HENNESSY Chaconas, Dori Allan Fowler Aliki Lionni, Leo Williams, Ray; Spyropulos, Diana Brimner, Larry Dane; Ritz, Karen Howard, Arthur Barger, Sherie; Johnson, Linda Wallace, Nancy E. Dumas, Alexandre Mikaelsen, Ben; Brown, Dan Alison McGhee Christopher, Matt Hillenbrand, Will; Sierra, Judy Clement, Rod dePaola, Tomie Collins, David R. Heyward, Du Bose; Flack, Marjorie; Hack, Marjorie Waber, Bernard Thomas, Jane R. Weisgard, Leonard; Dalgliesh, Alice Finney, Pat; Richardson, Jean Jordan, Mark Kelly Milner Halls Cameron, Eleanor Burningham, John Adler, C. S. MacDonald,Amy Pascal, Francine Hamilton, Virginia McGorray, Judy; Meyers, Del; McGorray, David Doyle, Brian Bennett, Jay Zimmerman, Andrea G.; Meisel, Paul; Clemesha, David Ziefert, Harriet; Bolam, Emily Zimmer, Dirk; Geringer, Laura Most, Bernard Peet, Bill Lane Smith Johnston, Tony; Ludwig, Warren Heap, Sue Von Rosenberg, Marjorie 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 3 1 3 0 9.5 6 0 5 1 4 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Non Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 NonFiction 3 2 6 4.4 4 2 3 6 1 5 2 5 5.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 9.9 5 9 NonFiction Fiction Fiction 1.3 1.5 1 1 3 2 3 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 Fiction Cowboy Country Cowboy Dreams Cowboy Night Before Christmas Cowboys Cowboys: Roundup on An American Ranch Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Partners Cows Can't Fly Coyote & the Firestick Coyote Dreams Coyote in Love with a Star Coyote Makes Man Coyote Steals the Blanket Coyote: A Trickster Tale from the American Southwest Cracker Jackson Crackerjack Halfback Crackers Crack-of-Dawn Walkers, The Cranberry Christmas Cranberry Easter Cranberry Valentine Crane Wife, The Cranes Crash Crazy Christmas Angel Mystery, The Crazy Horse Crazy Lady Crazy Weekend Creak! Said the Bed Creation, The Creativity Creature Comforts: People and Their Security Objects Creatures of Mystery Creek Indians, The Creepy Carrots Creepy Computer Mystery, The Cricket & the Crackerbox Kid Cricket in Times Square, The Cricketology Crickle-Crack Crictor Crime and Punishment Crime in the Kennel Crime in the Queen's Court Crime of Two Cities, A Crime Wave! Scott, Ann Herbert Khalsa, Dayal K. Rice, James marie and Douglas Gorsline 3 2 1 2 NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Ancona, George; Anderson, Joan Silverman, Erica Milgrim, David Hillenbrand, Will; Goldin, Barbara D. Susan Nunes De Montano, Marty K. Sage, Jim Stevens, Janet 3.7 1 1 2 0 2 2 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction McDermott, Gerald Byars, Betsy C. Matt Christopher Therese De Angelis Hest, Amy Devlin, Wende Devlin, Wende Devlin, Wende Bodkin, Odds M.T. Martin Spinelli, Jerry Lewis, Beverly St. George, Judith S. Schnurr, Constance B. Soto, Gary Phyllis Root Ransome, James E.; Johnson, James Weldon Steptoe, John L.; Lewis, Earl B. 2 5.5 3 4 2.8 2 2 1 2.7 1 5 4 5 4.9 5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4.5 1 Fiction Fiction O'Halloran, Barbara Collopy Fortman, Jan Scordato, Ellen Aaron Reynolds Levy, Elizabeth; Brunkus, Denise Ferguson, Alane Selden, George Ross, Michael E.; Grogan, Brian; Erickson, Darren Cosgrove, Stephen; James, Robin Ungerer, Tomi Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Dixon, Franklin W. Keene, Carolyn M. Leeden, Ivy D.; Frazier, Kermit Billy Wrecks 3 5 5 0 2 3 6.2 NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 2 2 10.9 3 4 4 0 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Crinkleroot's Guide to Knowing Animal Habitats Crinkleroot's Guide to Walking in Wild Places Crippled Lamb Crispin: The Cross of Lead Crisscross Shadow Critter Sitters Critters of the night: To catch a little fish Crocodile : Terror of the River Crooked Apple Tree, The Crooked Banister, The Crookjaw Cross My Heart and Hope To Spy Cross-Country Cat Crossing Jordan Crow Boy Crown of Midnight Crucible, The Crumbling castle Crush Crush: Stories Cry Uncle! Crystal Drop Crystal Palace, The Cuckoo Child, The Cuckoo Clock of Doom, The Cumbayah Cupcake Cupcake Surprise Cupid Doesn't Flip Hamburgers Curious Catwalk Curious George Curious George - Dinosaur Discovery Curious George & the Dinosaur Curious George and the Bunny Curious George and the Dump Truck Curious George and the Firefighters Curious George and the Hot Air Balloon Curious George and the Pizza Curious George and the Puppies Curious George at the Beach Curious George at the Fire Station Curious George At the Fire Station Curious George at the Railroad Station Curious George Cleans Up Curious George Colors Eggs Arnosky, Jim Arnosky, Jim Lucado, Max Avi Dixon, Franklin W. Smith, Cat B.; Hiser, Constance Mayer, Mercer Laird, Lisa Houghton, Eric; Gold, Caroline (Illustrator) Keene, Carolyn M.; Dolwick, Bill Cohen, Caron L. Ally Carter Calhoun, Mary Fogelin, Adrian Yashima, Taro Sarah J. Maas Bloom, Harold; Miller, Arthur Craig, Helen; Hayes, Sarah Gary Paulsen Conford, Ellen Auch, Mary J. Hughes, Monica Anawalt, Paula King-Smith, Dick; Bowman, Leslie Stine, R. L. Cooper, Floyd Charise Harper Lynn Maslen Kertell Dadey, Debbie Gravdahl, John Rey, H. A. Margret & H.A. Rey's Rey, Margret Rey, H. A. Margret & H.A. Rey Rey, H. A. Rey, Margret Rey, Margret Rey, Margret Rey, Margret; Shalleck, Allan J. Rey, Margret Rey, Margret Rey's Stephen Krensky H. A. Rey 4 Non Fiction 3 2 7 5 4.9 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 2 1 4 2 7 2 7 2.9 11 9 3 5 7 6 5 3 5.7 4.5 2 2 0 4 2 2.4 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Curious George Dinosaur Tracks Curious George Feeds the Animals Curious George Flies a Kite Curious George Gets a Medal Curious George Goes Camping Curious George Goes to a Chocolate Factory Curious George Goes to a Costume Party Curious George Goes to a Movie Curious George Goes to a Movie Curious George Goes to School Curious George Goes to the Aquarium Curious George Goes to the Aquarium Curious George Goes to the Beach Curious George Goes to the Dentist Curious George Goes to the Hospital Curious George Goes to the Zoo Curious George in the Snow Curious George Learns the Alphabet Curious George Learns the Alphabet Curious George Makes Pancakes Curious George Plants a Seed Curious George Plays Baseball Curious George Rides a Bike Curious George Tadpole Trouble Curious George Takes A Job Curious George Takes a Trip Curious George the Dog Show Curious George Visits a Toy Store Curious George Visits the Library Curious George Visits the Zoo Curious George Walks the Pets Curious George: The Boat Show Curious George:Goes to an Ice Cream Shop Curious George's 1 to 10 and Back Again Curious George's Dream Curious George's Neighborhood Curious George's Opposites Curse of Camp Cold Lake Curse of the Blue Figurine, The Julie Tibbott Rey, H.A. Rey, H. A.; Rey, Margaret Rey, H. A. Rey, H. A.; Rey, Margret Curse of the Calico Cat, The Curse of the Cobweb Queen, The Curse of the Egyptian Mummy, The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb, The Curse of the Ruins Curse of the Squirrel, The Weiss, Ellen; Friedman, Mel; Zimmer, Dirk Hayes, Geoffrey Hutchins, Pat; Hutchins, Laurence Stine, R. L. Paulsen, Gary Zimmer, Dirk; Yep, Laurence Rey, Margret 0 1 2.1 2 2.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 Fiction Rey, Margret Rey, Margret; Rey, H. A. Rey, Margret Rey, Margret Rey, H. A. Rey, Margret; Rey, H. A. Margret & H. A. Rey Rey, H. A. Rey, Margret Rey, H. A. Rey, H. A. Rey, Margret; Rey, H. A. Rey, H. A. Rey, H. A. H. A. Ray Rey, Margret Rey, H. A. H. A. Rey Rey, H. A. PBS Kids Monical Perez Rey, H.A.; Rey, Margaret Rey, H. A. Rey, Margret Rey, Margret; Shalleck, Allan J. O'Sullivan, Kate 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 1 1 2 1 1.5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Rey, Margret; Shalleck, Allan J. 2 Fiction Rey, H. A.; Rey, Margret (Illustrator) Rey, H. A. Rey, H. A. Rey, H. A. Stine, R. L. Gorey, Edward; Bellairs, John 1 1 1 1 5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 2 5.3 4 5 2.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Curveball Custard Surprise Custer: The Story of a Horse Custodian from the Black Lagoon, The Cut from the Same Cloth Cute Is a Four Letter Word Cyberstorm Cybil War, The Cyclops Cyclops Doesn't Roller Skate D. W. Flips D. W. Rides Again D. W. the Picky Eater D.W. All Wet D.W. Flips! D.W. The Picky Eater D.W., Go To Your Room! D.W.'s Guide to Perfect Manners D.W.'s Library Card D.W.'s Lost Blankie D.W.'s Perfect Present Dad & Me Daily Life in a Plains Indian Village Daisey Miller Daisy Dawson and the Secret Pond Daisy is a Mommy Daisy-Head Mayzie Daja's Book Dakota Dugout Dakota Spring Dalmatian in the Daisies Dan and Dan Dance at Grandpa's Dance of the Sacred Circle Dance with Dora Dance with Rosie Dancing Carl Dancing Dinos Go to School Dancing Matilda Dancing on the Edge Dancing Teepees:Poems of American Indian Youth Dancing with the Indians Dandelion Dandelion Wine Dandelions Danger Along the Ohio Danger At the Fair Danger Guys Rich Wallace Bernard Lodge King, Deborah Thaler, Mike; Lee, Jared Pinkney, Brian; San Souci, Robert Pevsner, Stella Skurzynski, Gloria Owens, Gail; Byars, Betsy C. Leonard Everett Fisher Dadey, Debbie Brown, Marc T. Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Tolon Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Marc Brown Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Brown, Marc Catalanotto, Peter Michael, Terry James, Henry Steve Voake Weiss, Ellen; Friedman, Mel; Shap, Sandra; Taggart, S. M. Seuss, Dr. Pierce, Tamora Himler, Ronald; Turner, Ann Himler, Ronald; Love, D. Anne Ben Baglio Leonard, Marcia Graef, Renee; Wilder, Laura Ingalls Rodanas, Kristina Quinlan B. Lee Giff, Patricia R.; Durrell, Julie Paulsen, Gary Sally Lucas Hager, Sarah Nolan, Han 4 1 3.8 2 5 6 5 4.2 5 3 2 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 2 1.5 2 5 10 3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 1 1 7 2.9 4 4 1 2 3 0 2 5.1 1 1 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gammell, Stephen; Sneve, Virginia H. Medearis, Angela Shelf Freeman, Don Bradbury, Ray Bunting, Eve; Shed, Greg Willis, Patricia Kehret, Peg Abbott, Tony 3 3 3.6 7.8 3.1 6 3.8 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Danger Guys Blast Off Danger Guys Hit the Beach Danger Guys on Ice Danger in Quicksand Swamp Danger in the Desert Danger on Midnight River Danger Zone Danger, Dolphins, and Ginger Beer Danger: Twins At Work Dangerous Dinos Dangerous Promise Dangerous Skies Daniel Boone Daniel Boone : Young Hunter & Tracker Daniel Boone: Pioneer Trailblazer Daniel in the Lions' Den : Daniel 6 Daniel in the Lions Den and Three Men Who Walked in Fire Danielle the Daisy Fairy Daniel's Duck Daniel's Pet Daniel's Story Danny and the Dinosaur Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp Danny and the Easter Egg Danny Champion of the World Danny the Dragon Danny's Mystery Valentine Daphne Eloise Slater, who's tall for her age Daphne's Book DAR and the Spear-Thrower Daring Rescue of Marlon the Swimming Pig Daring to Be Abigail Dark Card, The Dark Corner, The (Spooksville #7) Dark Fire Dark is Rising, The Dark Secret of Weatherend, The Dark Stairs, The Darkening Skies (Left Behind-the KidsBook 18) Darkness Before Dawn Darth Paper Strikes Back Dash Dateline Troy Daughter of Liberty Abbott, Tony Abbott, Tony Abbott, Tony Wallace, Bill Fields, Terri Paulsen, Gary Klass, David Vigor, John Pascal, Francine; Ramsey, Marcy Sarah Creese Nixon, Joan Lowery Staples, Suzanne Fisher Brown, John M. 3 3 3 4 6 5 7 3.7 2.9 2 5 5.9 7.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Stevenson, Augusta Hargrove, Jim Latourette, Jane 5 6 2 NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Scheck, Joann Daisy Meadows Bulla, Clyde Robert Ada, Alma Flor Matas, Carol Hoff, Syd Hoff, Syd Kunhardt, Edith Dahl, Roald Russell Punter Kunhardt, Edith 2 3 2 0 5 2.3 2.3 2.2 3 2 2.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Coalson, Glo; Willner-Pardo, Gina Mary Downing Hahn Cowley, Marjorie 1 5 4.8 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Owens, Gail; Saunders, Susan Vail, Rachel Ehrlich, Amy Pike, Christopher Chris D'Lacey Cooper, Susan Bellairs, John Byars, Betsy C. 3.8 5.6 9.2 5 6 7 6 4.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 8 4 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Draper, Sharon Mills Tom Angleberger Mills, Elizabeth Frankfeldt, Gwen; Morrow, Glenn; Fleischman, Paul Quackenbush, Robert 5.2 4 NonFiction Fiction Daughter of the Mountains d'Aulaires' Norse Gods and Giants David Gets In Trouble David Goes to School David's Little Indian Davy Crockett Saves the World Dawn of Fear Dawn Rider Day at Seagull Beach Day at the Fair Day for Vincent Chin and Me, A Day Gogo Went to Vote Day I Had to Play With My Sister, The Day in the Life of a Teacher Day It Rained Forever, The: A Story of the Johnstown Flood Rankin, Louise d'Aulaires, Edgar P. Shannon, David Shannon, David Brown, Margaret Wise; Charlip, Remy Schanzer, Rosalyn Gill, Margery; Cooper, Susan L. Hudson, Jan Wallace, Karen Hall, Patty Banks, Jacqueline Turner Sisulu, Elinor Batezat Bonsall, Crosby; Bonsall, Peter Bowman-Kruhm, Mary 4 6 2 1 1.4 4 4 6 1 2 4 1 1 3 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Gross, Virginia T. Noble, Trinka Hakes; Kellogg, Steven (Illustrator) Peck, Robert Newton Heide, Florence Parry Osborne, Mary Pope Oliviero, Jamie McPhail, David Howe, James; Hoban, Lillian Hentoff, Nat Joyce, William Butcher, Nancy McMillan, Bruce Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Jean Ure Riggs, John R. Hahn, Mary Downing Yee, Paul Oppel, Kenneth Weiner, Eric Roy, Ron Pike, Christopher Nixon, Joan L. Wrede, Patricia C. Powell, Randy 5.1 NonFiction 2 5 2 2 2 1 2.5 7 2 4 1 2 2 2.1 5 3 6.5 6 7 4 3 5 8 7.3 6.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5.5 Fiction 5 Fiction 7 Fiction Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash, The Day No Pigs Would Die, A Day of Ahmed's Secret Day of the Dragon King Day Sun Was Stolen Day the Sheep Showed Up, The Day the Teachers Went Bananas, The Day They Came to Arrest the Book Day with Wilbur Robinson Daycamp Nightmare Days of the Ducklings Days with Frog & Toad Days with Frog & Toad Days With Frog and Toad Dazzling Danny Dead Letter Dead Man in Indian Creek, The Dead Man's Gold: And Other Stories Dead Water Zone Deadline Deadly Dungeon, The Deadly Past, The (Spooksville #11) Deadly Promise, A Dealing With Dragons Dean Duffy Dear America - The Winter of the Red Snow Gregory, Kristiana Dear America , A Light in the Storm: The Civil War Diary of Amelia Martin Hesse, Karen Dear America, I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly: The Diary of Patsy, a Freed Girl Hansen, Joyce Dear America: A Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple, Mayflower, 1620 Dear America: A Picture of Freedom: The Diary of Clotee, a Slave Girl, Belmont Plantation, 1859 Dear America: Across the Wide and Lonesome Prairie: The Oregon Trail Diary of Hattie Campbell, 1847 Dear America:A Line in the Sand: The Alamo Diary of Lucinda Lawrence, Gonzales, Texas, 1836 Dear Annie Dear Austin: Letters from the Underground Railroad Dear Dumb Diary : Let's Pretend this Never Happened Dear Dumb Diary: My Pants are Haunted Dear Dumb Diary: Am I the Princess or the Frog Dear Dumb Diary: Never Do Anything, Ever Dear Dumb Diary: Nobody's Perfect. I'm as Close as it Gets Dear Dumb Diary: You Can Bet on That Dear Hot Dog: Poems About Everyday Stuff Dear Juno Dear Levi Dear Levi: Letters from the Overland Trail Dear Lovely Heart, I Am Desperate Dear Mr. Henshaw Dear Napolean, I Know You're Dead But... Dear Nobody Dear Peter Rabbit Dear Rebecca, Winter is Here Dear Willie Rudd Death Be Not Proud Death Grip Death of a Salesman Death of Ivan Ilyich, The Death of the Iron Horse Death Strike (Left Behind-the KidsBook 8) Death Trap Death Walk Deathwatch Lasky, Kathryn 6 Fiction McKissack, Pat 5 Fiction Gregory, Kristiana 5 Fiction Garland, Sherry DeClements, Barthe; Plecas, Jennifer 5 1 Fiction Fiction Woodruff, Elvira 5 Fiction Benton, Jim 8 Fiction Benton, Jim 7 Fiction Jim Benton 8 Fiction Jim Benton 7 Fiction Jim Benton 5 Fiction Jim Benton 5 Fiction Mordicai Gerstein Soyung Pak Peck, Beth; Woodruff, Elvira 2 0 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Woodruff, Elvira; Peck, Beth Conford, Ellen Cleary, Beverly Woodruff, Elvira; Woodruff, Noah; Woodruff, Jess Doherty, Berlie Ada, Alma F. 4.9 4 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction 5.4 9 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction George, Jean Craighead; Krupinski, Loretta Fiore, Peter; Gray, Libba M. Gunther, John J. Bennett, Jay Miller, Arthur Tolstoy, Leo; Beresford, Michael Goble, Paul 1.9 2.7 8.2 9 10 9 7 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 6 5 9 6 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Thompson, Sharon E. Morey, Walt; Spillman, Fredrika White, Robb December December Secrets December Stillness Deenie Deep and Dark and Dangerous (Ghost story) Deep Dream of the Rain Forest Deep Sea Explorer Deep Summer Deep Trouble Deer Defenders Defenders of the Universe Deliverers of their country Delivering Justice Demon In My View Dennis the Menace A Master Menace! Dennis the Menace-A Mission to Menace Desert Giant: The World of the Saguaro Cactus Desert is Theirs, The Deserts DeShawn Days Destined Detective Donut and the wild goose chase Detective Valentine Detectives in Togas Detour for Emmy Devil in Vienna Devil's Arithmetic, The Devil's Bridge Devil's Race Devil's Storybook, The Dexter the tough Diamond Princess Saves the Day Diane Goode's book of scary stories and songs Diary of a Spider Diary of a Wimpy Kid Diary of a wimpy kid : dog days Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hard Luck Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Greg Heffley's Journal Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth Diary of a Wimpy kid:Cabin Fever Bunting, Eve; Diaz, David Giff, Patricia R.; Sims, Blanche Hahn, Mary D. Blume, Judy 2 3.5 7.2 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Mary Downing Hahn Bosse, Malcolm Archbold, Rick Bristow, Gwen Stine, R. L. Melvin and Gilda Berger McGovern, Ann Brown, Jane C.; Kelleher, D. V. Zwerger, Lisbeth; Nesbit, Edith Haskins, Jim Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia Rachel Elliot 10 5 6 9 4 1 5 4.5 3 4 8 2 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Rachel Elliot 2 Fiction Bash, Barbara Parnall, Peter; Baylor, Byrd Barber, Nicola Medina, Tony Aprilynne Pike 5 3 2 2 9 NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Whatley, Bruce; Smith, Rosie Wood, Audrey Winterfeld, Henry Reynolds, Marilyn Orgel, Doris Yolen, Jane DeFelice, Cynthia C. Avi Babbitt, Natalie Haddix, Margaret Peterson Malcolm, Jahnna N. 2 3.7 5 8.2 5 6.7 6.3 5.4 6 4.2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gondosch, Linda Doreen Cronin Kinney, Jeff Jeff Kinney Kinney, Jeff 3 2 6 5.2 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Kinney, Jeff Kinney, Jeff Jeff Kinney 5 6.1 5.4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Jeff Kinney Jeff Kinney Jeff Kinney 5 5.5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Diary of a Wombat Diary of a Worm Diary of a Worm Dicey's Song Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? Did you carry the flag today, Charley? Dido and Pa Diego Diego and Mami to the Rescue Diego Rivera: His World and Ours Diego's Halloween Party Different Dragons Digging up Dinosaurs Digging up Tyrannosaurus Rex Dim Sum for Everyone! Dinah for President Dinah in Love Dingoes at Dinnertime Dingoes at Dinnertime Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack Dinner at the Panda Palace Dinofours I'm the Winner Dinofours It's Class Trip Day Dinofours It's Fire Drill Day Dinofours It's Halloween Dinofours Let Me Play Dinofours, I'm Having a Bad Day! Dinofours, It's Beach Day! Dinorella A Prehistoric Fairy Tale Dinosaur Beach Dinosaur Bob Dinosaur Bob and His Adventures with the Family... Dinosaur Bones Dinosaur Dinners Dinosaur Disaster Geronimo Stilton Dinosaur Disaster Geronimo Stilton The Journey Through Time Dinosaur Garden Dinosaur Hunt Dinosaur Mountain Dinosaur Mystery, The Dinosaur Roar! Dinosaur Time Dinosaurs Alive! Dinosaurs Are Different Dinosaurs Before Dark Jackie French Cronin, Doreen Doreen Cronin Voigt, Cynthia 2 2 2 5.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Seuss, Dr. Caudill, Rebecca; Grossman, Nancy Aiken, Joan Winter, Jeanette; Winter, Jonah; Prince, Amy Romay, Alexis Duncan Tonatiuh Lindner, Brooke Little, Jean Brandenberg, Aliki Lessem, Don; Horner, Jack Grace Lin Mills, Claudia Mills, Claudia Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Kerr, M. E. 2 4.1 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction 2.9 2.2 4 1 5.2 3.5 5 1 4.5 6.1 2 2 5.7 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Calmenson, Stephanie; Westcott, Nadine B. Metzger, Steven Metzger, Steven Metzger, Steven Metzger, Steven Metzger, Steve Metzger, Steve Metzger, Steven Cole, Pamela Duncan Edwards Henry Donnelly, Liza Joyce, William 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Joyce, William Aliki Taylor, Barbara Geronimo Stilton 2.9 2 2 1 Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Elisabetta Dami Donnelly, Liza David Castrow Arnold, Caroline Warner, Gertrude C. Strickland, Henri Lobel, Arnold; Parish, Peggy Ritthaler, Shelly Aliki Mary Pope Osborne 2 1 1 2 4.3 0.5 2 3.5 2.8 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Dinosaurs' Christmas Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide for Changing Families Donnelly, Liza 1 Fiction Brown, Marc; Brown, Laurene Krasny 3 NonFiction Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins, The Dinosaurs! : Strange & Wonderful Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs Dinosnores Dirt Bike Racer Dirt on my Shirt Dirty Larry Dirty Little Boy, The Disappearing Donuts Disappearing Friend Mystery Disappearing Island Disappearing Lake: Nature's Magic in Denali National Park Disaster in Room 101 Discover Sharks Discovering Jupiter : The Amazing Collision in Space Discovering My World: Bears Discovering My World: Raccoons Discovering the Iceman: An I Was There Book Discovery Kids: Ocean World Disney Faries: Dulcie's Taste of Magic Kerley, Barbara; Selznick, Brian Pringle, Laurence Barton, Bryon DiPucchio, Kelly Christopher, Matt; Bomzer, Barry Jeff Foxworthy Hamsa, Bobbie Brown, Margaret Wise; Kolar, Bob Herman, Gail Warner, Gertrude C. Demas, Corinne 3 2 1 1 5 1 0 2 2 3 2 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Miller, Debbie S.; Van Zyle, Jon Mooser, Stephen Robert Frederick 3 3 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Berger, Melvin Melvin and Gilda Berger Melvin and Gilda Berger 4 1 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction 5.5 2 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Tanaka, Shelley; McGaw, Laurre Sally Morgan Gail Herman Andrea Posner-Sanchez and Francesc Disney Princess: A Pony for a Princess Mateu Disney.Pixar Wall.E Laura Driscoll Disney: Chicken Little Elizabeth Phillips Disney's Winnie the Pooh: The Merry Christmas Mystery Birney, Betty Disney's: Please Don't Feed the Tiger Lily! Tennant Redbank Disney's: The Jungle Book Little Golden Book Distant Fires Anderson, Scott Dither Farm Hite, Sid Dive Right In Matt Christopher Dive Through the Wave Towne, Mary Dive!: My Adventures Undersea in the Deep Frontier Earle, Sylvia A. Divergent series: Divergent Veronica Roth Divergent series: Insurgent Veronica Roth Diving Dolphin Wallace, Karen Divorce Express, The Danziger, Paula Dixie Storms Hall, Barbara DK Revealed: Ancient Egypt Crisp, Peter Do Bananas Chew Gum? Gilson, Jamie Do Donkeys Dance? Walsh, Melanie Do Monkeys Tweet? Walsh, Melanie 1 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 Fiction 3 1 6 5 4 4.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 9 9 2 4.5 7.1 5 4.6 0 0 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Do Pigs Have Stripes? Do Pirates Take Baths? Do Princesses Have Best Friends Forever? Do Princesses Really Kiss Frogs? Do Princesses Scrape Their Knees? Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots? Do Unto Otters: A Book about Manners Do You Have My Quack? Do You Know Me? Do You Know the Monkey Man? Walsh, Melanie Tucker, Kathy; Levine, Abby; Westcott, Nadine B. Carmela Lavigna Coyle Carmela Lavigna Coyle Carmela Lavigna Coyle Carmela Lavigna Coyle Laurie Keller Falulkner, Kevin; Heffernan; Rob Farmer, Nancy; Jackson, Shelley Dori Hillestad Butler Collins, Beverly; Carrick, Donald Doctor Change (Illustrator) Doctor De Soto Steig, William Doctor De Soto Goes To Africa William Steig Doctor Faustus Marlowe, Christopher Doctor Moledinky's Castle Hausman, Gerald Dodsworth in New York Tim Egan Dodsworth in Rome Tim Egan Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too? Carle, Eric Does This School Have Capital Punishment? Hentoff, Nat Doesn't Fall Off His Horse Stroud, Virginia A. Dog and Bear: Two Friends - Three Stories Laura Vaccaro Seeger Dog Breath Dav Pilkey Dog Crazy Feldman, Eve B.; Nones, Eric J. Dog for a Day Gackenbach, Dick Dog Heroes Magic Tree House Mary Pope Osborne Dog in the Dungeon (Animal Ark Hauntings Series #3) Baglio, Ben M. Dog Loves books Louise Yates Dog Named Sam, A Boland, Janice Dog on Barkham Street, A Shortall, Leonard; Stolz, Mary Dog on third base Hill, Susan; Barrett, Angela Dog that Called the Pitch Christpher, Matt Dog Wants To Play Christine McDonnell Dog Who Cried Wolf, The Coffelt, Nancy Dog Who Had Kittens, The Stevens, Janet; Robertus, Polly M. Doggone Dogs! Beaumont, Karen Doggone...Third Grade McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy Dog's ABC Dodd, Emma DOG'S COLORFUL DAY EMMA DODD Dogs Don't Tell Jokes Sachar, Louis Dogs Don't Wear Sneakers Numeroff, laura Dogs on Duty Dorothy Patent Dogsong Paulsen, Gary dogzilla dav pilkey Doll in the Garden: A Ghost Story, The Hahn, Mary D. 2 NonFiction 2.9 Fiction 0 0 0 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 0 4 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 2 2 9.2 6 2 2 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 4 Fiction Fiction 1.4 3 5.6 1 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 2 2 4.9 3 3 0 1.9 1.9 1.7 3.3 2 0 5.1 1 3 5.8 3 4.7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Dollhouse Murders, The Doll's House, A Dolphin : Prince of the Waves Dolphin Adventure Dolphin Named Bob Dolphin Treasure Dolphins Dolphins at Day Break Dolphin's First Day: The Story of a Bottlenose Dolphin Dolphins! Dominic Dominic's Discovery Donkey's Dreadful Day Donovan's Word Jar Don't be afraid, Amanda Don't Call Me Beanhead! Dont Cut My Hair Don't Eat the Teacher Don't Feed the Boy Don't Fidget a Feather Don't Forget the Bacon Don't Forget to Come Back! Don't Give Up, Josephine! Dont Go to Sleep! Dont Judge a Girl by Her Cover Don't Know Much about Thomas Jefferson Don't Laugh, Joe Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late! Don't Look Behind You Don't Push The Button Don't Split the Pole Don't Take Your Snake for A Stroll Don't Talk to Strangers, Pooh! Don't Tell Anyone Don't Wake up Mama! : Another Five Little Monkeys Story Don't You Dare Read This Mrs. Dunphrey Don't You Know There's a War On? Don't You Know There's a War On? Dooby Dooby Moo Doom Star Doomstone, The Door bell rang, The Door in the Lake Door in the Wall, The Door Into Summer, The Wright, Betty R. Ibsen, Henrik LeBloas, Renee Grover, Wayne George, Twig C. Grover, Wayne; Fowler, Jim Bokoske, Sharon; Davidson, Margaret Osborne, Mary Pope 3.9 8.3 2 4 3 3 2 2 Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner Margaret Davidson Steig, William Gervase Phinn Hale, Irina Hanna, Cheryl; DeGross, Monalisa Moore, Lilian; McCord, Kathleen G. Wojciechowski, Susan Wilhelm Ward, Nick Irene Latham Erica Silverman Pat Hutchkinson Robie H. Harris Wilhelm, Hans Stine, R. L. Ally Carter 1 3 6.5 4 2.8 3.6 2 2 1 0 4 1 0 2 1.5 5 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Davis, Kenneth C. Kasza, Keiko Willems, Mo Mo Willems Erskine, Margaret Bill Cotter Tate, Eleanora E. Ireland, Karin Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Peg Kehret 5 1 2 0 6.8 2 4 0 2 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Christelow, Eileen Haddix, Margaret P. Avi Stevenson, James Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin Abbott, Tony; Mulkey, Kim (Illustrator) Zindel, Paul Hutchins, Pat Butts, Nancy De Angeli, Marguerite; De Angeli, Ted Heinlein, Robert A. 2 5 5 1 1 3 6 2 4 6.5 9.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Do-Over Vail, Rachel Dora Climbs Star Mountain Inches, Alison Dora Loves Boots Alison Inches Dora Saves the Enchanted Forest Sheila Sweeny Higginson Dora the Explorer: At the Carnival Leslie Valdes DORA THE EXPLORER: BIG SISTER DORA! ALISON INCHES Dora the Explorer: Dora's Chilly Day Kiki Thorpe Dora the Explorer: Good Night, Dora! Christine Ricci Dora the Explorer: Show Me Your Smile! Christine Ricci DORA THE EXPLORER: SUPER BABIES! ALISON INCHES Dora's Backpack Willson, Sarah Dora's Backpack Willson, Sarah Dora's Book of Manners Christine Ricci Dora's Box Ann-Jeanette Campbell Dora's Chilly Day Thorpe, Kiki Dora's Christmas Parade (Dora the Explorer Series) Valdes, Leslie Dora's Costume Party! Ricci, Christine Dora's Easter Basket (Dora the Explorer Series) Willson, Sarah Dora's Fairytale Adventure Ricci, Christine Dora's Magic Watering Can Rao, Lisa Dora's Opposites Beinstein, Phoebe Dora's Perfect Pumpkin (Dora the Explorer) Larsen, Kirsten Dora's Picnic (Ready-to-Read Series) Ricci, Christine Dora's Sleepover Lara Bergen Dora's Thanksgiving (Dora the Explorer Series) Willson, Sarah Dork Diaries 3 Rachel Renee Russell DORK diaries: Tales from a Not-SoFabulous Life Rachel Renee Russell DORK Diaries: Tales from a Not-SoGraceful Ice Princess Rachel Renee Russell DORK diaries: Tales from a Not-SoPopular Party Girl Rachel Renee Russell Dork Diaries: Tales From a Not-SoSmart Miss Know-It-All Rachel Renee Russell DORK diaries: Tales from a Not-SoTalented Pop Star Rachel Renee Russell Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz Baum, Frank; Neill, John Dot & Jabber and the Great Acorn Mystery Ellen Stoll Walsh Dot the Fire Dog Lisa Desimini Double Fake Rich Wallace Double Fudge Blume, Judy Double Identity Peterson Haddix, Margaret Double Jinx Mystery, The Keene, Carolyn 6 1 2 3 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 Fiction 1 1 1 2 3 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 1 Fiction Fiction 1 1 1.5 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1.5 0 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 4 Fiction Fiction 5 Fiction 5 Fiction 5 Fiction 5 Fiction 5 5 Fiction Fiction 1 1 4 5 5 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Double Trouble Squared: A Starbuck Family Adventure Doug's Hoop Nightmare Doug's Vampire Caper Dove Isabeau Dovey Coe Down and Out Down Under Down at the Docks Down By the Bay Down Comes the Rain Down on the Farm Down the Road Down, down, down : a journey to the bottom of the sea Downriver Dozen Silk Diapers, A Dr. Brad Has Gone Mad! Dr. Carbles is Losing His Marbles! Dr. Dredd's Wagon of Wonders Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Dr. Jekyll, orthodontist Dr. Pompo's nose Dr. Seuss's ABC Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book Dr. White Dracula Doesn't Drink Lemonade Dracula is a Pain in the Neck Dracula Steps Out Dracula's Tomb Drag racing Drag Racing Dragon Dragon and the Unicorn, The Dragon in My Backpack Dragon in the Family, A Dragon Kite, The Dragon of the Red Dawn Dragon Rider Dragonflight Dragonfly secret Dragonfly's Tale Dragonling, The Dragonquest Dragons Dragons Are Singing Tonight, The Dragon's Blood Dragon's Breath Dragons Don't Cook Pizza Dragon's Fat Cat Lasky, Kathryn Kassirer, Sue Krulik, Nancy Yolen, Jane; Nolan, Dennis Dowell, Frances O'Roark Geronimo Stilton Rev Awdry Robin Oz Franklyn Branley Lascaro, Rita Lewis, E. B.; Schertle, Alice 7.5 3 3 4.6 6 2 0 1 2 0 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jenkins, Steve Hobbs, William Kajpust, Melissa; Tomova, Veselina Dan Gutman Dan Gutman Glass, Andrew; Brittain, Bill Redondo, Nestor; Stevenson, Robert Louis; Platt, Kin Greenburg, Dan Saxton Freymann Seuss, Dr. Dr. Seuss Goodall, Jane Dadey, Debbie Levy, Elizabeth; Gerstein, Mordicai Ratnett, Michael McNaughton, Colin Smith, Jay H. Smith, Jay H. Bergsma, Jody Cherry, Lynne Woodruff, Elvira Mitchell, Judith; Koller, Jackie F. Hague, Michael; Luenn, Nancy Mary Pope Osborne Funke, Cornelia McCaffrey, Anne Gold, Carolyn J. Rodanas, Kristina Koller, Jackie French McCaffrey, Anne Lucille Recht Penner Prelutsky, Jack; Sis, Peter Yolen, Jane Baker, E. D. Debbie Dadey and Marcia Thornton Jones Pilkey, Dav 6 5 4.5 3 3 6.4 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 10.5 2 2 1 3.3 1 4 4.5 2 3 3 3 2 4.4 2 2 3.9 2 4.9 8 3 2 3 9 4 2.9 7.3 3 3 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Dragon's Gate Dragons in our Midst 01 – Raising Dragons Dragons Love Tacos Dragon's Merry Christmas Dragon's Milk Dragons of Blueland, The Dragonsong Dragonwings Drag-Strip Racer Drama Dream Eater, The Dream Snow Dreamer, The Dreaming of America An Ellis Island Story Dreamkeepers, The Dreamplace Dreams Dreams to Grow On Dress-Up Drew and the Homeboy Question Drinking Gourd, The Drip Drop, Water's Journey Drip, Drop Drita, My Homegirl Drive-By Driver's Ed Drizzle Drummer Boy at Bull Run Drummer Boy: Marching to the Civil War Drummer Hoff Drummers of Jericho Drylongso Duck & Goose Duck & Goose Duck Dunks Duck for President Duck on a Bike Duck Skates Duckling Days Ducks Don't Wear Socks Ducks Go Vroom Ducks in a Row Dudley : The Little Terrier That Could Dudley Finds His Home Duff the giant killer Duffy and the Devil Yep, Laurence 6.3 Fiction Davis, Bryan Adam Rubin Pilkey, Dav Fletcher, Susan Gannett, Ruth S.; Gannett, Ruth C. McCaffrey, Anne; Lydecker, Laura Yep, Laurence Christopher, Matt Raina Telgemeir Goode, Diane; Garrison, Christian Carle, Eric Rylant, Cynthia; Moser, Barry 5.4 2 3.5 7.4 2 7.3 5.5 5 5 3 3 4.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Eve Bunting Brodien-Jones, Chris Lyon, George E.; Catalanotto, Peter Keats, Ezra Jack Deriso, Christine Hurley Marcia Leonard Armstrong, Robb Brenner, Fred; Monjo, F. N. Stwertka, Eve and Albert Sarah Weeks Lombard, Jenny Ewing, Lynne Cooney, Carolyn B. Kathleen Van Cleve Morris, Gilbert 4 5.8 3 2.1 1 1 3.7 3.4 5 1 4 5.4 7 4 6 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Turner, Ann Emberley, Barbara; Emberley, Ed E. Meyer, Carolyn Virginia Hamilton Tad Hills Tad Hills Berry, Lynne Cronin, Doreen Shannon, David Berry, Lynne Wallace, Karen John Nedwidek Kohuth, Jane Lori Haskins Houran Green-Armytage, Stephen Craig, W. C. LaFave, Kim; Wilson, Budge Zemach, Margot; Zemach, Harve 3 3 5.1 4 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 1.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Duke Ellington: The Piano Prince and His Orchestra Dumb Bunnies Go to the Zoo, The Dumb Bunnies, The Dump Trucks Dumpling Soup Pinkney, Andrea Davis; Pinkney, J. Brian (Illustrator) Pilkey, Dave; Denim, Sue Pilkey, Dav; Denim, Sue Ray McClellan Rattigan, Jama K.; Hsu-Flanders, Lillian Julie Edwards, Emma Hamilton, Tony Dumpy to the Rescue Walton, Cassandra Boyd Duncan & Dolores Barbara Samuels Duncan the Dancing Duck Hoff, Bernard Dunk Under Pressure Rich Wallace Turner, Ann Warren; Barrett, Robert Dust for Dinner (Illustrator) Dying to Meet You Klise, Kate Dynamite Dinah Mills, Claudia E is for Elisa Hurwitz, Johanna; Hoban, Lillian Each Little Bird That Sings Deborah Wiles Each Peach Pear Plum Ahlberg, Janet Eager Helen Fox Eager Beavers: The Berenstain Bears Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Eagle & the River, The Craighead, Charles; Mangelsen, Tom Moser, Barry; Hausman, Gerald; Moser, Eagle Boy: a traditional Navajo legend Cara Eagle Dreams McFarlane, Sheryl; Lightburn, Ron Eagle Song Bruchac, Joseph Ear, the Eye, and the Arm, The Farmer, Nancy Earliest Americans, The Zallinger, Jean D.; Sattler, Helen R. Early American Christmas, An De Paola, Tomie Earrings Viorst, Judith; Malone, Nola L. Earth and Me - Our Family Tree Lewis, J. Patrick Earth and Us—Continuous: Earth's Past and Future Lewis, J. Patrick Earth and You - a Closer View J. Patrick Lewis Earth giant, The Burgess, Melvin Earth Movers M.T. Martin Earth to Matthew Danziger, Paula Earthquake In The Early Morning Osborne, Mary Pope Earthquake in the Third Grade Myers, Laurie Earthquake Terror Kehret, Peg Earthquake! (Left Behind-the KidsBook 12) Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Earthquakes Branley, Franklyn Mansfield Earthshine: A Novel Nelson, Theresa Easter Gibbons, Gail Easter Bugs Carter, David Easter Bunny, The Mathieu, Agnes; Wolf, Winfried Easter Egg Artists, The Adams, Adrienne Easter Island Arnold, Caroline Easter Mice! Cushman , Doug Easter Surprise Barkan, Joanne 3 3 1.5 1 4 1 2 1 4 NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 4.4 5.5 2 4 2.5 8 2 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 4.2 3 5 6 4 2 3 1 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 1 5 1 5.7 2 3 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 3 5 3 1 2.6 2.9 6 1 1.7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Eat Up, Gemma Eating the Alphabet Echohawk Eddie and Gardenia Eddie and the Fire Engine Eddie Gets Ready for School Eddie's Green Thumb Edgar Allan Poe's the Cask of Amontillado Edith Herself Edna's Tale Education of Little Tree, The Edwina: the dinosaur who didn't know she was extinct Eek! There's a Mouse in the House Eenie, Meanie, Murphy, No! Eeyore Finds Friends Egad Alligator! Eggbert, the Slightly Cracked Egg Egg-Drop Blues Eggs Hayes, Sarah Ehlert, Lois Durrant, Lynda Haywood, Carolyn Haywood, Carolyn Milgrim, David Haywood, Carolyn 0 0 6 4 3.5 1 3.5 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Cutts, David; Poe, Edgar Allen Howard, Ellen; Hinter, Ronald Bechtold, Lisze Carter, Forrest; Strickland, Rennard 4 5.5 1 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Willems, Mo Wong Herbert Yee McKenna, Colleen O. Gaines, Isabel Ziefert, Harriet Ross, Tom Banks, Jacqueline Turner Jerry Spinelli 1 1 4.9 2 0 2 5 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 2 6.6 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5.3 4 0 5.2 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 2 3 7 3 9 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 7 2 NonFiction Fiction 8 8 2 6 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 5 1 NonFiction Fiction Eggs for Everyone! (Dora the Explorer) Driscoll, Laura Eggs Mark the Spot Auch, Mary J. Egypt Game, The Snyder, Zilpha K. Egyptian Cinderella Heller, Ruth; Climo, Shirley Eight Hands Round: A Patchwork Alphabet Paul, Ann W.; Winter, Jeanette Eight Keys Suzanne LaFleur Eight Silly Monkeys Steve Haskamp Eighty-Eight Steps to September Marino, Jan Einstein Anderson Simon, Seymour El Nino: Stormy Weather for People and Wildlife Arnold, Caroline Elaine & the Flying Frog Chang, Heidi Elbert's Bad Word Wood, Audrey; Wood, Don Eldest Paolini, Christopher Eleanor Shura, Mary Eleanor & Park Rainbow Rowell Eleanore Won't Share Julie Gassman Eleanor's Story : An American Girl in Hitler's Germany Garner, Eleanor Ramrath Election Day Murphy, Patricia J. Election of 1960 and the Administration of John F. Kennedy Schlesinger, Arthur Meier Elections Majure, Janet Elephant : Peaceful Giant Denis-Huot, Christine Elephant Run Smith, Roland Elephant Woman : Cynthia Moss Explores the World of Elephants Pringle, Laurence Elephants Sydnie Meltzer Kleinhenz Elephants Cannot Dance! Elephants Swim Eleven Willems, Mo Riley, Linda Capus Patricia Reilly Giff 1.2 1 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Eleventh Hour: A Curious Mystery, The Elijah's Angel Elinda Who Danced in the Sky: An Estonia Folktale Elisa in the Middle Eliza and the Dragonfly Eliza's Dog Ella Enchanted Ella Fitzgerald Ella of All-Of-A-Kind Family Ella Sarah Gets Dressed Ella Sets The Stage Ella the Rose Fairy Ella: A Baby Elephant's Story Ellen Anders On Her Own Ellen Tebbits Ellis Island Ellis Island Christmas, An EllRay Jakes Is Not a Chicken Elmer Elmer & the Dragon Elmer and Wilbur Elmer Takes Off Eloise Eloise and the Big Parade Eloise and the Dinosaurs Eloise and the Snowman Eloise and the Very Secret Room Eloise at Christmastime Eloise at the Ball Game Eloise at the Wedding Eloise Breaks Some Eggs Eloise Decorates For Christmas Eloise Has a Lesson Eloise in Hollywood Eloise In Paris Eloise Skates! Eloise Throws a Party Eloise visits the Zoo Eloise's Mother's Day Surprise Eloise's New Bonnet Eloise's Pirate Adventure Eloise's Summer Vacation Elsewhere Elves and the Shoemaker, The Email: A Magic Mouse Guide Base, Graeme Rosen, Michael J.; Robinson, Aminah B. 2.9 5.6 Fiction Fiction Moroney, Lynn Hurwitz, Johanna; Hoban, Lillian Rinehart, Susie Caldwell Hearne, Betsy G.; Thurston, Erica Levine, Gail Carson Pinkney, Andrea Davis Taylor, Sydney; John, Helen Chodos-Irvine, Margaret D'Amico, Carmela and Steve Daisy Meadows Duey, Kathleen Hirsch, Karen Cleary, Beverly; Darling, Louis Stein, R. Conrad Nolan, Dennis; Leighton, Maxinne R. Sally Warner David McKee Gannett, Ruth S. McKee, David McKee, David Thompson, Kay Kay Thompson Lisa McClatchy Kay Thompson Thompson, Kay Thompson, Kay Lisa McClatchy Thompson, Kay Kay Thompson Lisa McClatchy Margaret McNamara Kay Thompson Hilary Knight Lisa McClatchy Thompson, Kay Lisa McClatchy Kay Thompson Kay Thompson Kay Thompson Lisa McClatchy Gabrielle Zevin Turkle, Brinton; Littledale, Freya Chris Ward-johnson 4 4 1 3 4.2 4 5 3 1 4 1.5 4.6 3 4 2 4 2 4 2.4 1 5.4 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Emerald City of Oz, The Emeraldalicious Emergency Quarterback Emily & the Enchanted Frog Emily Climbs Emily in Love Emily Just in Time Emily of New Moon Emily's Birthday Emily's Fortune Emilys Quest Emily's Runaway Imagination Emma Emma and the Silk Train Emma Dilemma Emma's Magic Winter Emma's Rug Emmett's Snowball Emperor Mage Emperor of Nihon-Ja, the Emperor Penguin's New Clothes, The Emperor Pickletine Rides the Bus Emperors Egg, The Emperor's New Clothes Emperor's New Clothes, The Empire of the Sun Empty Envelope, The Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon Enchanted Tapestry, The Enchanted Wood, The Encounter Encyclopedia Brown & the Case of the Disgusting Sneakers Encyclopedia Brown and the case of Pablos nose Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Secret Pitch Encyclopedia Brown Carries On Encyclopedia Brown Finds The Clues Encyclopedia Brown Gets His Man Encyclopedia Brown Keeps The Peace Encyclopedia Brown Lends A Hand Encyclopedia Brown Saves The Day Encyclopedia Brown Sets The Pace Encyclopedia Brown Shows The Way Encyclopedia Brown Solves Them All Encyclopedia Brown Takes the Cake! : A Cook & Case Book Encyclopedia Brown Takes The Case Baum, Frank; Neill, John Victoria Kann Rich Wallace Griffith, Helen V.; Lamb, Susan C. Montgomery, L. M. Goldman-Rubin, Susan Slepian, Jan Montgomery, L.M. Else Holmelund Minarik Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Montgomery, L. M. Cleary, Beverly Kesselman, Wendy Ann Lawson, Julie; Mombourquette, Paul Kristine O'Connell George Jean Little Say, Allen Guevara, Susan; Miller, Ned Pierce, Tamora John Flanagan Perlman, Janet Tom Angleberger Jenkins, Martin Andersen, Hans Christian Disney, Walt Ballard, J. G. Roy, Ron 5 2 4 1 7 7 1 7 1 3 6 4 4 3.8 1 2 4.8 1 7 6 2 4 2 2 2 9 3.7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Montgomery, Sy San Souci, Robert D.; Gal, Laszlo Sanderson, Ruth Yolen, Jane; Shannon, David A. 5 3 6.9 3.7 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gail Owens, Donald J. Sobol 4 Fiction Gail Owens, Donald J. Sobol 4 Fiction Sobol, Donald J. Ohlsson, Ib; Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Ohlsson, Ib; Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. 3 4.5 3.2 3.1 4 3 4.5 3.1 3 3.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. 6.4 4.2 Fiction Fiction Encyclopedia Brown Tracks Them Down Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective Encyclopedia Brown: Case of the Disgusting Encyclopedia Brown: Case of the Mysterious Encyclopedia Brown: Case of the Treasure Hunt Encyclopedia Brown: The Case of the Dead Eagle Encyclopedia Brown: The Case Of The Midnight... Encyclopedia Brown's Book of the Wacky Outdoors Encyclopedia Brown's Book of Wacky Animals Encyclopedia Brown's Book of Wacky Spies Encyclopedia Brown's Book of Wacky Sports Endangered Ender's Game Ender's Game (Ender Series #1) Endless Steppe, The Enemy of the People, An Enemy Pie Engelbert Joins the Circus Enormous Carrot Enormous Crocodile, The Enormous Egg, The Enormous Snore, The Eragon Erandi's Braids Ereth's Birthday Ernie Dances to the Didgeridoo Ernie Gets Lost Ernst Ersatz Elevator, The Escape From Egypt Escape From Fire Mountain Escape From Memory Escape from Slavery Escape of the Plant That Ate Dirty Socks, The Escaping the Giant Wave Esio Trot Eskimo Boy Esperanza Rising Eternal Spring of Mr. Ito, The Ethan Frome Sobol, Donald J. Sobol, Donald J. 5 4 Fiction Fiction Friedland, J.; Kessler, R.; Searl, Duncan 4.4 Fiction Friedland, J.; Kessler, R.; Searl, Duncan 3.6 Fiction Friedland, J.; Kessler, R.; Searl, Duncan 3.7 Fiction Sobol, Donald J. 3.6 Fiction Friedland, J.; Kessler, R.; Searl, Duncan 5 Fiction Sobol, Donald J.; Enik, Ted 7 NonFiction Sobol, Donald J.; Enik, Ted 7 Fiction Sobol, Donald J.; Enik, Ted 7 Fiction Sobol, Donald J.; Enik, Ted Schrefer, Eliot Card, Orson Scott Card, Orson Scott Hautzig, Esther Ibsen, Henrik Derek Munson Tom Paxton Steven Kellogg (Illustrator) Vagin, Vladimir Vasilevich Dahl, Roald; Blake, Quentin Butterworth, Oliver; Darling, Louis Hawkes, Kevin; Miller, M. L. Paolini, Christopher Madrigal, Antonio H. Avi Lester, Alison Alexander, Liza Turpin, Ian Snicket, Lemony Levitin, Sonia Paulsen, Gary Haddix, Margaret Peterson Chelsea House Publishers Staff 7 5 10 8 6 8 3 1 1 5.6 5.7 2.9 8 2 4.7 1 2 2.9 6 6.2 3.2 8 5.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction McArthur, Nancy Peg Kehret Dahl, Roald Kendall, Russell Ryan, Pam Muñoz Garrigue, Sheila Wharton, Edith 7 5 3 1 7 6.9 9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Eugenio Even More Parts Even Stephen Even Steven and Odd Todd Ever After High: The Storybook of Legends Ever After High: The Unfairest of Them All Ever clever Elisa Everest: The Contest Everett Anderson's Goodbye Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining (Amazing Days of Abby Hayes) Every Living Thing Everybody Needs a Rock Everything on a Waffle Evil under the Sea: A Miss Mallard Mystery Examination, The Executioner's Daughter, The Exercise Exiles, The Exodus Experiments with Electricity Experiments with Heat Experiments With Magnets Exploits of Don Quixote Exploring Great Inventions (Eyes on Adventure) Exploring the Titanic Extra Credit Extra Yarn Extraordinary Life: The Story of a Monarch Butterfly, An Extreme Babymouse Extremely Weird Bats Eye of the Great Bear Eye of the Storm Eye of the World, The Eyes of Prey Eyes of the Dragon Eyes on America Famous Presidents Eyes on America Great Events Eyes on Nature- Penguins Eyewitness Science: Chemistry Eyewitness Science: Energy Fa Mulan: The Story of a Woman Warrior Fablehaven Cockenpot, Marianne Arnold, Tedd Hurwitz, Johanna Cristaldi, Katheryn 3 2 5.5 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Shannon Hale 6 Fiction Shannon Hale Hurwitz, Johanna; Hoban, Lillian Gordon Korman Clifton, Lucille 5 2 4 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Anne Mazer Cynthia Rylant Parnall, Peter; Baylor, Byrd Horvath, Polly 5 4 2.9 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Quackenbush, Robert Bosse, Malcolm Williams, Laura E. Sharon Gordon McKeating, Eileen; McKay, Hilary Uris, Leon Challand, Helen J. Oleksy, Walter Challand, Helen J. Ardizzone, Edward; Reeves, James 3.8 7.4 6 1 6 9 4.5 2.5 2.5 6.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Koslow, Philip Ballard, Robert D. Clements, Andrew Mac Barnett 4 6.7 5.3 2 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Pringle, Laurence; Marstall, Bob Jennifer L. Holm Lovett, Sarah Wallace, Bill Kate Messner Jordan, Robert Sandford, John Young, Ed; Leaf, Margaret Koslow, Philip Christopher, Tracy Resnick, Jane P. Newmark, Ann Challone, Jack; Streeter, Clive 5 2 5 4 5 9 9.7 3.9 5 5 3 4 4 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction San Souci, Robert D. Mull, Brandon Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague Brandon Mull 4 4 Fiction Fiction 5 Fiction Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star Fables Fables Fables Aesop Never Wrote Fabulous Firework Family, The Fabulous Flying Fandinis, The Fabumouse School Adventure, A Face Off Face on the Milk Carton, The Face to Face faceless friend Facing the Future (Left Behind-the Kids-Book 4) Facts & Fictions of Minna Pratt, The Facts and Fun About the Presidents Fade Far Away Fahrenheit 451 Fair Weather Fairy Rebel, The Faith & the Electric Dogs Faith The Cow Faith, Hope, and Chicken Feathers Faithful Elephants Faithful Friend Faithful Friend, A fake cape caper Falcon's Feathers, The Fall Festival, The Fall of Freddie the Leaf: A Story of Life for All Ages, The Falling for Rapunzel Falling Up False Face Families Family Apart, A Family Called Bronte, A Family Dinner Family for sale Family of Strangers Family Pictures: Cuadros De Familia Family Pose Family Tree Family Under the Bridge, The Family Vacation Famous Athletes (Eyes on America) Fancy Feet Fancy Nancy Fancy Nancy and the Boy from Paris Brandon Mull Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Kraus, Robert Flora, James Slyder, Ingrid Stilton, Geronimo Christopher, Matt Cooney, Caroline B. Marion Dane Bauer Strange, Jason 4 4.5 5 4 4.9 2 2 4 6.9 6 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim MacLachlan, Patricia Sullivan, George Francess Lantz Bradbury, Ray Peck, Richard Banks, Lynne Reid Patrick Jennings Susan Hoover Wyman, Andrea Lewin, Ted; Tsuchiya, Yukio; Dykes, Tomoko T. San Souci, Robert D. Davis, Cathy Trine, Greg Roy, Ron Mayer, Mercer 6 4 5 8 10 5 4.3 3 2 4.8 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 2 5.3 4 3 1 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Buscaglia, Leo Wilcox, Leah Silverstein, Shel Katz, Welwyn W. Jenness, Aylette Nixon, Joan L. Guzzetti, Paula Cutler, Jane Clifford, Eth Pfeffer, Susan B. Garza, Carmen Lomas Hughes, Dean Ayres, Katherine Carlson, Natalie S. Fiona Lock Goodman, Michael Giff, Patricia R. O'Connor, Jane Jane O'Connor 1 1 3.5 7.2 5 7.4 3.8 5.5 3 6.8 4.1 5.8 4.6 4.7 0 5 1.8 2 0 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fancy Nancy and the Delectable Cupcakes Fancy Nancy and the Late, Late, LATE Night Fancy Nancy and the Mean Girl Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy Fancy Nancy and the Sensational Babysitter Fancy Nancy and the Too-Loose Tooth Fancy Nancy at the Museum Fancy Nancy Bonjour, Butterfly Fancy Nancy Every Day is Earth Day Fancy Nancy Explorer Extraordinaire! Fancy Nancy Ooh La La! It's Beauty Day Fancy Nancy Poet Extraordinaire! Fancy Nancy Sees Stars Fancy Nancy Splendiferous Christmas Fancy Nancy Tea Parties Fancy Nancy The 100th Day of School Fancy Nancy The Dazzling Book Report Fancy Nancy Too Many Tutus Fancy Nancy: Aspiring Artist Fancy Nancy: Fancy Day in Room 1-A Jane O'Connor 2 Fiction Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor O'Connor, Jane 2 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 2 1.7 0 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor 4 3 1 2 2 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jane O"Coonor Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor 1 1 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 0 2 1 0 1 3 0 2.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor O'Connor, Jane Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser Fancy Nancy: Hair Dos and Hair Don'ts Fancy Nancy: My Family History Fancy Nancy: Pajama Day Fancy Nancy: Spectacular Spectacles Fancy Nancy: Splendid Speller Fancy Nancy: The Show Must Go On Fangbone! Third-Grade Barbarian Fanny's Dream Fantastic Drawings of Danielle, The Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor O'Connor, Jane Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor Jane O'Connor Bex, Michael Buehner, Mark; Buehner, Caralyn McClintock, Barbara Fantastic Four : Meet the Fantastic Four Fantastic Four; The Dawn of Doctor Doom Fantastic Frogs Fantastic Mr. Fox Fantastic Voyage, The Far North Faraway Drums Farewell to Manzanar Monique Z. Stephens Katschke, Judy Fay Robinson and Jean Cassels Dahl, Roald; Chaffin, Donald Asimov, Isaac Hobbs, Will Cooper, Floyd Houston, Jeanne W. Houston, Jeanna Wakatsuki; Houston, Farewell to Manzanar James D. Farm Summer 1942, The Hall, Donald; Moser, Barry Farmer Boy Wilder, Laura Ingalls; Williams, Garth Farmer Brown Goes Round and Round Sloat, Teri Farmyard Tales: From Far and Wide Cooling, Wendy; Moran, Rosslyn 4 2 3.3 9 7 2 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 5 6.5 4.3 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Farthest Away Mountain, The Fast Company Fast Food! Gulp! Gulp! Fat Albert: Gonna Have a Good Time! Fat Albert: Hey, Hey, Hey! Fat Camp Commandos Fat Camp Commandos Go West Fat Chance, Claude Fat Fanny, Beanpole Bertha, and the Boys Fat men from space Father and Son Father Figure: a novel Father Sun, Mother Moon Father's Day Father's Rubber Shoes Favorite Greek Myths Favorite Greek Myths Fear Fear Place, The Feast for 10 Feast for Ten Feathers Feet in the Gym Felicity Learns a Lesson: A School Story Felicity Saves the Day: A Summer Story Felicitys Dancing Shoes Felicitys New Sister Felicitys Surprise : A Christmas Story Felita FELL Fellowship of the Ring, The Fenwick's Suit Ferret Ferret in the Bedroom, Lizards in the Fridge Fever 1793 Fiddler of the Northern Lights, The Fidgety Fish Fielder's Choice Fields of Fire Banks, Lynne Reid Rich Wallace Waber, Bernard Cosby, William H. Cosby, William H. Pinkwater, Daniel M. Pinkwater, Daniel M. Nixon, Joan L.; Pearson, Tracey C. 4.5 4 0 2 2 6 6 3.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Porte, Barbara A Pinkwater, Daniel Manus Lauture, Denize Peck, Richard Hassett, John and Ann Rockwell, Anne F. Heo, Yumi Blaisdell, Bob Mary Pope Osborne Micheal Grant Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Cathryn Falwell Falwell, Cathryn Jacqueline Woodson Daniels , Teri; Foster, Travis Tripp, Valerie; Andreasen, Dan; Skeen, Keith; Rosayles, Melodye Benson 5 4 1 5.9 1 1 2.8 7 5 12 5 1 1 5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5.5 Fiction Tripp, Valerie; Andreasen, Dan Tripp, Valerie; Andreasen, Dan Tripp, Valerie Tripp, Valerie Mohr, Nicholasa Kerr, M. E. Tolkien, J. R. R. Small, David Duden, Jane 5.2 4 4 4 5 9 7.5 1 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Wallace, Bill Anderson, Laurie Bowman, Leslie; Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie Ruth Galloway Norman, Rick Webb, J. 4.7 6 3.9 2 4 9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fields of Fury: The American Civil War Fifth grade fever Fifth grade! Here comes trouble Fifty Cents and a Dream Fig Pudding Fight for Life: Maggie Vet Volunteer McPherson, James M. Granger, Michele McKenna, Colleen O. Asim, Jabari Howard, Arthur; Fletcher, Ralph J. Anderson, Laurie Halse 7.5 3 4 2 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fighting Ground, The Figment, Your Dog, Speaking Figure in the Shadows, The Finally Find the Constellations Finders Keepers for Franklin Finding Buck McHenry Finding Nemo Finding Providence (I Can Read Chapter Book Series) Finding the Green Stone Finding the Titanic Finding Walter Fine White Dust, A Finishing Becca: A Story about Peggy Shippen & Benedict Arnold Fira and The Full Moon Fire and Snow: Tale of the Alaskan Gold Rush Fire at the Triangle Factory Fire Bug Connection, The Fire Fighters Fire from Heaven (Left Behind-the Kids-Book 16) Fire in the Forest Fire in the Heart Fire in the Sky Fire Raiser! Fire Star Fire! Fire! Fire! Fuego! Brave Bomberos! Fire, Bed and Bone Firefighter Ted Fireflies Firegirl Firegold Firehouse Sal Fireman Small Fire-Raiser, The Fires of Merlin Fireworks, Picnics, and Flags First Day Jitters First Day of School First Day of School (Dora the Explorer) First Day, Hooray! First Flight: The Story of Tom Tate and the Wright Brothers First Four Years Avi Hawkins, Laura Mayer, Mercer; Bellairs, John Wendy Mass Rey, H.A. Paulette Bourgeois Slote, Alfred Victoria Saxon 5.4 4 4.6 4 4 2 5.1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Avi; Watling, James (Illustrator) Walker, A.; Deeter, Catherine Ballard, Robert Duane Turner, Ann Rylant, Cynthia 3 2 4 3 5 NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Rinaldi, Ann Gail Herman 9 2 Fiction Fiction J. Gunderson Young, Mary O.; Littlefield, Holly George, Jean Craighead Royston, Angela 3 2 5 2 Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Samantha Brooke Murrow, Liza K. Ransom, Candice F. Philip Wooderson Chris D'Lacey Gail Gibbons Elya, Susan Middleton Henrietta Branford Bryan Leister (Illustrator) Andrea Beaty Tagore, Rabindranath Tony Abbott Daniels, J. R. Larry Dane Brimner Yee, Wong Gee, Maurice Barron, T. A. Giblin, James Cross Danneberg, Julie Mayer, Mercer 6 0 8 3 5 6 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 7 1 2.8 6 8 0 1 7 6 3 1 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Aguirre, Jorge Nancy Poydar 1 1 Fiction Fiction Bolognese, Don; Shea, George Wilder, Laura Ingalls 3 4 Fiction Fiction First Grade Can Wait First Grade Elves First Strawberries: A Cherokee Story, The First Test: Protector of the Small Fish & Bones Fish Face Fish Wish Fishing Bears Fishing Derby, The Five Bad Boys, Billy Que, & the Dustdobbin Five Brave Explorers Five Funny Frights Five Green and Speckled Frogs Five Little Bats Flying in the Night Five Little Ladybugs Five Little Monkeys Go Shopping Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed Five Little Monkeys Play Hide-andSeek Five Little Monkeys Reading in Bed Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree Five Little Monkeys with Nothing to Do Five Little Peppers and How They Grew Five Little Piggies Five Minutes' Peace Five sisters, The Five Smooth Stones: Hope's Revolutionary War Diary Five True Horse Stories Flamboyan Flan de Coco Flap Your Wings Flashy fantastic Rain Forest Frogs Flat Stanley Flat Stanley and the firehouse Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures 1: The Mount Rushmore Calamity Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures 2: The Great Egyptian Grave Robbery Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures 4: The Intrepid Canadian Expedition Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures: The African Safari Discovery Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures: The Flying Chinese Wonders Tucker, Kathleen; Wright-Frierson, Virginia; Aseltine, Lorraine Ryder, Joanne Bruchac, Joseph Pierce, Tamora Prather, Ray Giff, Patricia Reilly Elliot Kreloff Berman, Ruth Real, Rory Patron, Susan; Shenon, Mike Hudson, Wade Judith Bauer Stamper Basaluzzo, Constanza Metzger, Steve Melanie Gerth Christelow, Eileen 2.7 1 Fiction Fiction 3 7 6 2 0 1 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 3 2 1 1 0 2.4 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Christelow, Eileen 0 Fiction Eileen Christelow Eileen Christelow Christelow, Eileen 1 0 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Christelow, Eileen 1 NonFiction Sidney, Margaret; Sharp, W. Martin, David Jill Murphy Mahy, Margaret 5.4 1 0 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gregory, Kristiana Davidson, Margaret Adoff, Arnold Tierra, Maria Isabel P.D. Eastman Patent, Dorothy H.; Jubb, Kenddhl J. Brown, Jeff Lori Haskins Houran 6 3 2 0 0 3.5 3 2 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Jeff Brown 3 Fiction Jeff Brown 2 Fiction Jeff Brown 2 Fiction Josh Greenhut 0 Fiction Jeff Brown 3 Fiction Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures: The US Capital Commotion Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures:The US Capital Commotion Flatfoot Fox and the Case of the Bashful Beaver Flatfoot Fox and the Case of the Missing Eye Flatfoot Fox and the Case of the Missing Schoolhouse Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions Fledgling, The Flick a Switch: How Electricity Gets to Your Home Flicka: A Friend for Katy Flicker Flash Flickering Torch Mystery Flight Flight #116 is Down Flight 29 Down: Static Flight of Angels, A Flight of the Dragon Kyn Flight of the Genie (Secrets of Droon Series #21) Flip and Flop Flip-Flop Girl Flipped Flood Fish Flora's Very Windy Day Florence Fiasco Flossie and the Fox Flour Babies Flowers For Algernon Fluffy's 100 Day of School Fluffy's 100th Day At School Fluffy's Lucky Day Flunking of Joshua T. Bates, The Flush Flute's Journey Jeff Brown 5 Fiction Jeff Brown 2 Fiction Clifford, Eth; Lies, Brian 2.8 Fiction Clifford, Eth; Lies, Brian 3.8 Fiction 3 Fiction Abbott, Edwin Langton, Jane 6 5.8 Fiction Fiction Seuling, Barbara Jennifer Frantz and Catherine Hapka Graham, Joan Bransfield Dixon, Franklin W. Burleigh, Robert Cooney, Caroline B. Walter Sorrells and D.J. MacHale Trease, Geoffrey Fletcher, Susan 3 2 2 5 5.4 6.7 5 6 6.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 0 3.5 8 2 2 4 3 3.5 7 1 1 2 3.2 4 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 4.3 2.9 1.8 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Clifford, Eth Abbott, Tony Apperley, Dawn Paterson, Katherine Van Craanen, Wendelin Eversole, Robyn Harbert Jeanne Birdsall W.A. Sorrells McKissack, Patricia C.; Isadora, Rachel Fine, Anne Keyes, Daniel Kate McMullan Kate McMullan McMullan, Kate Shreve, Susan Hiaasen, Carl Cherry, Lynne Himler, Ronald; Giblin, James C.; Bunting, Fly Away Home Eve Fly By Night Lambert, Stephen; Crebbin, June Fly Guy Meets Fly Girl! Arnold, Tedd Fly Guy vs. the Fly Swatter Tedd Arnold Borden, Louise; Kroeger, Mary Kay; Fly High! The Story of Bessie Coleman Flavin, Teresa Fly High, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd Fly Trap (Eek! Stories to Make You Shriek) Anastasio, Dina 5 1 NonFiction Fiction 2 Fiction Fly, Bessie, Fly Flying Ace: The Story of Amelia Earhart Flying Blind Flying chickens of Paradise lane Flying Firefighters Flying Solo Flying Start Science : Action Flying the Dragon Foal in the Fog Fog Magic Follow Me Mittens Follow the Drinking Gourd Follow the Leader: Rainbow Fish and Friends Follow the Moon Follow the Star Follow Those Feet! (Ready-to-Read Series #2) Follow Water From Brook to Ocean Fool of the World and the Flying Ship, The Fools Gold Foot Book, The Football Friends football fright Footprints and Shadows Footprints in the Sand Footsteps on the Stairs For Biddle's Sake For Freedom For the Love of Soccer For You, Hank For Your Eyes Only Forbidden City Force Out Forest Bright, Forest Night Forest of the Pygmies Forest Slump: The Case of the Pilfered Pine Needles Forestwife, The Forever Amber Brown Forever King, The Forgotten Heroes Fortress Of The Treasure Queen Fortune Tellers, The Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule Joseph, Lynn 3 NonFiction Angela Bull Peretti, Frank E. Horrocks, Anita Hines, Anna G.; Hines, Gary Ralph Fletcher Taylor, Kim Natalie Dias Lorenzi Ben M. Baglio Julia L. Sauer schaefer Jeanette Winter 4 7 4 2 4 4 4 4 5 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Forty-Acre Swindle, The Fossil Detective Jackson, Dave; Jackson, Neta; Gavitt, Anne Pope, Joyce; Forsey, Chris Donovan, Gail Weeks, Sarah; Duranceau, Suzanne Elmer, Robert Ricci, Christine Dorros, Arthur 1 1.4 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 3 Fiction NonFiction Denise, Christopher Hapka, Cathy Seuss, Dr. Jean, Dan, and Dave Marzollo gail herman Dodd, Anne W. Benjamin, Cynthia Adler, C. S. Gail Carson Levine Michele Snyder Pele Kimble, Bo Rocklin, Joanne Bell, William Tim Green Ward, Jennifer Allende, Isabel 4.9 3 0 2 2 2.4 1 5 4 1 1 9 4 9 5 1 7.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lloyd, Emily Tomlinson, Theresa Danziger, Paula Murphy, Warren; Cochran, Molly Cox, Clinton Abbott, Tony Alexander, Lloyd Harriette Gillem Robinet 3 4.8 3 7 8 3 6.5 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 3 Fiction NonFiction Fossil Fish Found Alive: Discovering the Coelacanth Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain, The Four Gallant Sisters, The Four Good Friends, The Four Mice Deep in the Jungle Four Perfect Pebbles: a Holocaust Story Four Valentines in a Rainstorm Fourth Floor Twins & the Fish Snitch Mystery, The Fourth grade four, The Fourth Grade Loser Fourth Grade Rats Fourth grade wizards Fourth of July on the Plains, A Fourth-Grade Fuss Foward Pass Fox : Playful Prowler Fox and His Friends Fox at School Fox Eyes Fox In A Trap Fox in Socks Fox on a Box Fox Song Fox Steals Home, The Foxman, The Fox's Dream Fragments of Isabella: A Memoir of Auschwitz Fraidy Cats Framed Francie Francine the Superstar Francis the Earthquake Dog Francis, the Poor Man of Assisi Frank and Ernest Frank and Ernest Play Ball Frankenstein Frankenstein Doesn't Slam Hockey Pucks Frankenstein Moved In on the Fourth Floor Frankie Stein Franklin and Harriet franklin and the bubble gum Franklin and the Hero Sally M. Walker 5 Fiction Alexander, Lloyd Kimmel, Eric A.; Yuditskaya, Tatyana Watts, Bernadette; Curle, Jock Geronimo Stilton 4.4 3.9 3.5 3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Perl, Lila; Lazan, Marian B. Felicia Bond 6.2 1 NonFiction Fiction Adler, David A.; Trivas, Irene Levinson, Marilynn Kahaner, Ellen Spinelli, Jerry Declements, Barthe Van Leeuwen, Jean Johanna Hurwitz Dygard, Thomas J Havard, Christian Edward Marshall Edward Marshall Williams, Garth; Brown, Margaret Wise Thomas, Jane R.; Howell, Troy Dr. Seuss Cox, Phil Roxbee Bruchac, Joseph; Morin, Paul Christopher, Matt; Johnson, Larry Paulsen, Gary KeizaburoÌ, Tejima 1 2 4 4.3 4 3 4 6 3 2 2 3.5 4.2 2.6 1 2.2 4.9 6 2 Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 2 5 7 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Leitner, Isabella; Leitner, Irving A. Krensky, Stephen Gordon Korman English, Karen Marc Brown Enderle, Judith R.; Tessler, Stephanie G.; Scudder, Brooke Lindsay, Gordon Day, Alexandra Day, Alexandra Cruz, Nardo; Heller, Rudolf; Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft 2 3.8 2.9 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 10 Fiction Dadey, Debbie 3 Fiction Levy, Elizabeth Lola M. Schaefer Bourgeois, Paulette; Clark, Brenda jennings, sharon Bourgeois, Paulette 2 2 2 2 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Franklin and the Magic Show Franklin and the Thunderstorm Franklin and the Tin Flute Franklin and the Tooth Fairy Franklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Fibs Franklin Goes to School Franklin Goes to the Hospital Franklin Has a Sleepover Franklin Has The Hiccups Franklin in the Dark Franklin in the Dark Franklin Is Bossy Franklin is Lost Franklin Is Lost Franklin is Messy Franklin Makes A Deal Franklin Rides a Bike Franklin Runs Away Franklin Says I Love You Franklin Snoops Franklin Wants a Pet Franklin's Bad Day Franklin's Birthday Party Franklin's Blanket Franklin's Christmas Gift Franklin's Class Trip Franklin's Halloween Franklin's Halloween Franklin's Neighborhood Franklin's New Friend Franklin's Pumpkin Franklin's Reading Club Franklin's Secret Club FRANKLIN'S SOAPBOX DERBY Franklin's Surprise Franklin's Thanksgiving Franklin's Valentines Frankly, Frannie: Doggy Day Care Franny B. Kranny, There's a Bird in Your Hair! Franny K Stein: Mad Scientist: The Invisible Fran Franny K. Stein, Mad Scientist: Lunch Walks Among Us Frantastic Voyage Freak the Mighty Freaky Fast Frankie Joe Freaky Friday Freckle Juice Jennings, Sharon Peggy Bourgeois Sharon Jennings Paulette Bourgeois Freedman, Russell Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette; Clark, Brenda Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Sharon Jennings Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette; Clark, Brenda Bourgeois, Paulette Paulette Bourgeois Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Jennings, Sharon Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Paulette Bourgeois / Brenda Clark Jennings, Sharon Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Paulette Bourgeois Bourgeois, Paulette Jennings, Sharon Jennings, Sharon Bourgeois, Paulette SHARON JENNINGS Sharon Jennings Paulette Bourgeois Bourgeois, Paulette AJ Stern 1 2 1 0 5 1 2.5 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lerner, Harriet; Goldhor, Susan 2 Fiction Benton, Jim 4 Fiction 2 3 5 3 5 2.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jim Benton Jim Benton Philbrick, Rodman Lutricia Clifton Rodgers, Mary Blume, Judy; Lisker, Sonia O. Freckles Sneaks Out Fred In Charge Freddi Fish a Whale of a Tale! Freddy Goes To Florida Freddy the Detective Frederick Frederick Douglass: The Black Lion Fredrich Free Baseball Free Fall Freedom Crossing Freedom Songs Freedom Summer Freedom Train Freedom's Gifts A Juneteenth Story Freight Train Friday Night Lights Friend for Minerva Louise, A Friend Indeed, A Friendly Foes (How Government Works): A Look at Political Parties Friendly Persuasion, The Friends on Ice Friends, The Friendship, The Frightful's Mountain Frindle Fritz and the Beautiful Horses Frog & Toad All Year Frog & Toad Are Friends Frog & Toad Are Friends Frog & Toad Together Frog and Toad All Year Frog and Toad Are Friends Frog and Toad Together Frog Goes To Dinner Frog on a Log Frog Prince Continued, The Frog Princess, The Frog Went A-Courtin Froggy Bakes a Cake Froggy Eats Out Froggy Gets Dressed Froggy Goes To Camp Froggy Goes to School Froggy Goes to the Doctor Froggy Learns to Swim Froggy Plays in the Band Froggy Plays Soccer Froggy Plays T-Ball coco Leslie McGuire Lyrick Publishing Brooks, Walter R. Brooks, Walter R. Lionni, Leo McKissack, Fredrick; McKissack, Patricia Richter, Hans P. Sue Corbett Sweeney, Joyce Clark, Margaret Goff Moore, Yvette Wiles, Deborah Sterling, Dorothy Wesley, Valerie Crews, Donald Bissinger, H. G. Stoeke, Janet Morgan Short, Mary Ann 1 2 1 4 4 2.8 5.5 6 5 7 3 5.4 2 4.8 3 0.5 7 1 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Landau, Elaine West, Jessamyn Whalen, Sharla S. Hirano, Cathy; Yumoto, Kazumi Taylor, Mildred D. Jean Craighead George Clements, Andrew Brett, Jan Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Mayer, Mercer Cox, Phil Roxbee Johnson, Steve; Scieszka, Jon Clark, Emma C.; Cecil, Laura Langstaff, John M. London, Jonathan London, Jonathan London, Jonathan Jonathan London London, Jonathan London, Jonathan London, Jonathan Jonathan London London, Jonathan London, Jonathan 5 9 4 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.4 2.3 2 1 2.9 3 1 1 0 0 2 1 1.5 1 1 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Froggy Rides a Bike Froggy's Baby Sister Froggy's Best Christmas Froggy's day with dad Froggy's First Kiss Froggy's Halloween Froggy's Sleepover Frogs Frog's Lunch Jonathan London London, Jonathan London, Jonathan Jonathan London London, Jonathan London, Jonathan Jonathan London Gibbons, Gail Dee Lillegard 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Frogs, Toads, Lizards, and Salamanders From Acorn to Oak Tree From Caterpillar to Butterfly From Head to Toe From Lava to Life: The Universe Tells Our Earth Story From Map to Museum: Uncovering Mysteries of the Past From Milk to Ice Cream From Sea to Shining Sea From Slave Ship to Freedom Road From Tadpole to Frog From Tadpole to Frog (Let's-Read-andFind-Out Science) From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil Frankweiler From the Notebooks of Melanin Sun Frontier Home Frostborn Frosty the Snow Man Frosty's New Friends Frozen Fire Frozen Noses Frozen Stiff Frozen Summer Fudge Fudge-A-Mania Full of Energy Full Steam Ahead Fun With Mrs. Thumb Funny Frank Funny Little Woman, The Furry News : How to Make a Newspaper Fury of Motion: Poems for Boys Gabby Growing Up Gadget war, The Gaffer Samson's Luck Galax-Arena: a novel Galimoto Wright, Joan R. Jan Kottke Heiligman, Deborah Carle, Eric 3 1 1 0 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Morgan, Jennifer 3 Fiction Pope, Joyce; Forsey, Chris Stacy Taus-Bolstad Cohn, Amy L. Lester, Julius Jan Kottke 5 1 4 6 1 NonFiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Wendy Pfeffer 2 Fiction Konigsburg, E.L. Woodson, Jacqueline Bial, Raymond Lou Anders Annie North Bedford Cowdrey, Richard Houston, James A. Carr, Jan Shahan, Sherry Auch, Mary Jane Harness, Cheryl; Graeber, Charlotte T. Blume, Judy Hewitt, Sally Maxwell, Dorothy B. Jan Mark Dick King-Smith Lent, Blair; Mosel, Arlene 6 5.3 5 5 1 1.5 5.6 0 5 6 4.6 3 2 5.7 0 5 2.2 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Leedy, Loreen Ghigna, Charles Hest, Amy Wilson, Janet; Duffey, Betsy Walsh, Jill Paton Rubinstein, Gillian Stock, Catherine; Williams, Karen L. 2 6 2 2 4.7 6 2.5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Game Game On Game Plan Gammage Cup, The Gang of Fire Garage sale fever Garbage Creek and other stories Garbage Juice for Breakfast Garden For A Groundhog, A Garden of Abdul Gasazi, The Garden of Angels Garden of Happiness, The Gardener, The Garfield and Space Cat Gargoyles Don't Drive School Buses Gary and Ray Gathering Blue Gathering of Days: A New England Girl's Journal, 1830-32, A Gathering the Sun: An Alphabet in Spanish and English Gator Girls, The Gator Girls, The Gay-Neck the Story of a Pigeon Gemma the Gymnastics Fairy Genies Don't Ride Bicycles Gentle Ben Gentlehands Geocache Surprise Geoffrey Groundhog Predicts the Weather George George and Martha George and Martha Encore George and Martha One Fine Day George and Martha Rise and Shine George shrinks George the Drummer Boy George Washington : A Picture Book Biography George Washington's Breakfast George Washington's Socks George Washington's Spy George's Marvelous Medicine Georgia Music Georgia O'Keeffe Georgie and the Robbers Gerald McBoing Boing Walter Dean Myers Susan Amerikaner Dygard, Thomas J. Blegvad, Erik; Kendall, Carol; Garcia, Manuel Jonny Zucker Myers, Laurie Valgardson, W. D. Patricia Reilly Giff Balian, Lorna Van Allsburg, Chris; Robards, Jason Lurlene McDaniel Tamar, Erika; Lambase, Barbara Small, David; Stewart, Sarah Leslie McGuire Dadey, Debbie Sarah Adams Lowry, Lois 7 2 2 3 2 3 2.4 6 3.5 2 1 3 0 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Blos, Joan 6.9 Fiction Ada, Alma Flor Collins, Beverly; Munsinger, Lynn; Cole, Joanna Munsinger, Lynn; Calmenson, Stephanie; Cole, Joanna Artzybasheff, Boris; Mukerji, Dhan G. Daisy Meadows Dadey, Debbie Morey, Walt Kerr, M. E. Jake Maddox Koscielniak, Bruce Stern, Maggie Marshall, James Marshall, James James Marshall James Marshall Joyce, William Bolognese, Don; Benchley, Nathaniel Giblin, James Cross Fritz, Jean Woodruff, Elvira Elivira Woodruff Dahl, Roald; Blake, Quentin Griffith, Helen V. Turner, Robyn M. Bright, Robert Seuss, Dr. 5 1 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 NonFiction 2 Fiction 1 5.5 2 3 6.8 5.4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 3 4 3 5.5 6 1 2 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Geraldine's Big Snow German Shepherds Germs Make Me Sick Germs Make Me Sick! Germs! Germs! Germs! Keller, Holly Stuart A. Kallen Berger, Melvin Berger, Melvin Katz, Bobbi 2.3 2 1 1.8 1.5 Fiction Non Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Geronimo and the Gold Medal Mystery Geronimo Stilton #1: The Discovery of America Geronimo Stilton #2: The Secret of the Sphinx Geronimo Stilton #3: The Coliseum Con Geronimo Stilton Field Trip to Niagara Falls Geronimo Stilton The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid Geronimo Stilton, Secret Agent Geronimo's Valentine Gertrude, The Bulldog Detective Get Lost! (Katie Kazoo Switcheroo) Get on out of here, Philip Hall Get Out of My Face Get Ready for Second Grade, Amber Brown! Get Real : Ghoul Reporter Digs Up Zombies! Get Real : Girl Reporter Sinks School! Get Real : Girl Reporter Snags Crush! Get Set! Swim! Get the picture, Jenny Archer? Get Up, Rick! GET WELL, SANTA! Getting Something on Maggie Marmelstein Ghetto Cowboy Ghost Ghost Behind Me Ghost Belonged to Me Ghost Buddy #1: Zero to Hero Ghost Cadet, The Ghost Children, The Ghost Class Ghost comes calling Ghost dog Ghost Dog of Stoney Ridge Ghost Dog Secrets Ghost Drum, The Ghost Eye Ghost From Beneath the Sea, The Ghost Girl Geronimo Stilton 3 Fiction Stilton, Geronimo 2 Fiction Stilton, Geronimo 2 Fiction Stilton, Geronimo 2 Fiction Geronimo Stilton 3 Fiction Geronimo Stilton Stilton, Geronimo Geronimo Stilton Christelow, Eileen Nancy Krulik Greene, Bette Masterton, David S. 3 3 3 2.5 3 5.2 6.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Danziger, Paula 1.5 Fiction Ellerbee, Linda Ellerbee, Linda Ellerbee, Linda Atkins, Jeannine; Lee, Hector V. Conford, Ellen F. Isabel Campoy Sykes, Julia 4 4 4 2.9 3 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman.; Shecter, Ben Greg Neri Anthony, Piers Bunting, Eve Peck, Richard Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver Alphin, Elaine M. Bunting, Eve Marcia T. Jones; Debbie Dadey Wright, Betty R. Basso, Bill; Leroe, Ellen Roddy, Lee Peg Kehret Price, Susan Bauer, Marion Dane Brittain, Bill; Chessare, Michele Hayden, Torey L. 4 4 9.1 6.8 5 4 5 6 2 3 2 5 4 6 2 4.6 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Ghost in My Closet, The Ghost in Room 11 Ghost in Tent 19, The Ghost in the attic, A Ghost in the Capitol Ghost in the House, A Ghost in the Tokaido Inn, The Ghost Inside the Monitor Ghost Knight Ghost Next Door Ghost of Fossil Glen, The Ghost of Lizard Light, The Ghost of Lost Island Ghost of Nicholas Greebe Ghost of Nicholas Greebe, The Ghost of Popcorn Hill Ghost of the Grand Canyon Ghost Ship Mystery, The Ghost Story Ghost Town at Sundown Ghost Train Ghost Witch Ghost Writer - Shivers Ghostopolis Ghosts Ghosts Beneath Our Feet Ghosts Don't Eat Potato Chips Ghosts Don't Get Goose Bumps Ghosts Don't Ride Wild Horses Ghosts of Mercy Manor, The Ghosts of Stony Clove, The Ghosts! Ghostly Tales From Folklore Ghouls Don't Scoop Ice Cream Giant Carrot, The Giant Children Giant Pandas: Gifts from China Giants Beware! Giants Don't Go Snowboarding Giants in the Earth: A Saga of the Prairie Giants in the Land Giant's Toe, The Gideon's People Gift for Mama, A Gift From the Lonely Doll, A Gift Giver, The Gift Horse: A Lakota Story Gift of Magic, A Gift of the Girl Who Couldn't Hear Gift of the Magi Dubowski, Cathy E. Wright, Betty R.; Rogers, Jacqueline O'Connor, Jim Supraner, Robyn Bodie, Idella F. Wright, Betty R. Hoobler, Dorothy Thomas Anderson, Margaret J. Cornelia Funke Stine, R. L. DeFelice, Cynthia Woodruff, Elvira; Clayton, Elaine Murrow, Liza K. Johnston, Tony; Schindler, S. D. Johnston, Tony; Schindler, S. D. Wright, Betty Ren Marsh, Carole Warner, Gertrude C.; Tang, Charles Kleinbaum, N.H. Osborne, Mary Pope Yee, Paul; Chan, Harvey Wright, Betty R. Spenser, Doug TenNapel Maynard, Christopher Betty Ren Wright Dadey, Debbie Woodruff, Elvira Debbie Dadey and Marcia Thornton Jones Wright, Betty R. Charbonneau, Eileen Schwarts, Alvin Dadey, Debbie Peck, Jan; Root, Barry Bagert, Brod Allan Fowler Jorge Aguirre Dadey, Debbie and Marcia T. Jones 3 2 2.6 3 2 5.8 7 5 5 4 4 4 5.5 1 2.5 4 4 4.1 4 2 1 4.1 4.4 6 5 4 2 3.8 4 5 6 1 4 0 2 1 3 3.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Rolvaag, Ole E. McCurdy, Michael; Appelbaum, Diana Cole, Brock Meyer, Carolyn Hautzig, Esther Wright, Dare Hansen, Joyce S. D. Nelson Stewart, Arvis; Duncan, Lois Shreve, Susan R. Henry, O. 10 5 1 5 4 2 5 3 7 6 6 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gift of the Nile Gigantic Turnip, The Giggle Giggle Quack Giggler Treatment, The Gigi: God's Little Princess Reasoner, Charles; Mike, Jan M. Tolstoy, Alexei; Sharkey, Niamh Doreen Cronin Doyle, Roddy Walsh, Sheila 4 1 2 3.5 1.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gila Monsters Meet You at the Airport Gilbert and Sullivan Set Me Free Gilbert, the Surfer Dude Gildaen, The Heroic Adventures of a Most Unusual Rabbit Ginger Brown: too many houses Ginger Finds a Home Ginger Pye Ginger the Stray Kitten Gingerbread Baby Gingerbread Boy, The Gingerbread Doll, The Gingerbread Man, The Giraffe : A Living Tower Giraffe and the Pelly and Me, The Giraffes Can't Dance Girl Called Al, A Girl from Yamhill: A Memoir, A Girl Named Disaster, A Girl Reporter Stuck in Jam! Girl Who Could Fly, The Girl Who Cried Monster, The Girl Who Dreamed Only Geese: And Other Tales of the Far North, The Girl who knew it all, The Girl Who Knew It All, The Girl Who Loved Coyotes : Stories of the Southwest Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, The Girl Who Wanted a Song Girl Who Wore Snakes, The Girl With the Silver Eyes, The Girlhearts Girls Don't Have Cooties (Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo) Girls Get Even Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood Girls Think of Everything Give Me Bach My Schubert Give Us A Great Big Smile, Rosy Cole Giver, The Giving Tree, The Gladiator Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman; Barton, Byron Karr, Kathleen Diane deGroat 3 4.9 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Buchwald, Emilie Wyeth, Sharon D. Voake, Charlotte Estes, Eleanor Holly Webb Brett, Jan Egielski, Richard Tews, Susan Jones, Carol Denis-Huot, Christine Dahl, Roald; Blake, Quentin Andreae, Giles; Parker-Ress, Guy Barton, Byron; Greene, Constance C. Cleary, Beverly Farmer, Nancy Ellerbee, Linda Hooks, William H.; De Kiefte, Kees Stine, R. L.; Stine, Megan Dillon, Leo D.; Dillon, Diane; Norman, Howard Giff, Patricia Reilly Giff, Patricia R.; Morrill, Leslie 5 2 0 5.8 2 3 0 4.6 1 2 3.9 0 4.1 7 6 5 3 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 2 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Wood, Nancy Goble, Paul Sanfield, Steve Ransome, James E.; Johnson, Angela Roberts, Willo D. Mazer, Norma Fox 3 2.8 3 2.5 5.9 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Nancy Krulik Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 3 5.2 Fiction Fiction Brashares, Ann Thimmesh, Catherine Cleary, Brian; Dupre, Rick Greenwald, Sheila Lowry, Lois Silverstein, Shel Watkins, Richard 8 5 4 4 8 2.9 6 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Gladys Goes Out to Lunch Glass Menagerie Glass Slipper for Rosie Glass slipper for Rosie, A Glasses for D.W. Glinda of Oz Glory Be Glory Girl, The Go Away Big Green Monster Go Away Monsters, Lickety Split! Go Away, Dog Go Away, Spot Go Dog Go Go Eat Worms! Go fish Go Fish Go Home!: The True Story of James the Cat Go to Sleep, Dear Dragon Go, Go, Go! Goal! Goat in a Boat Goat in the Rug, The Goats, The God Bless the Gargoyles Goddess Interrupted Goddess of Yesterday Goddesses: A World of Myth and Magic Godzilla Ate My Homework Gogol's coat Goin' Someplace Special Going Fishing Going Home Going on a Plane Going on a Whale Watch Going to School Going to the Dentist Going to the Dentist Going to the Doctor Going To The Moon Gold Cadillac, The Gold Dust Letters, The Gold Medal Swim Golden Compass, The Golden Days, The Golden Goblet, The Golden Goose Anderson, Derek Williams, Tennessee Durrell, Julie; Giff, Patricia Reilly Durrell, Julie; Giff, Patricia Reilly Brown, Marc Baum, Frank; Neill, John Augusta Scattergood Byars, Betsy C. Ed Emberley Chambliss, Maxie; Cooney, Nancy E. Nodset, Joan L. Grosset & Dunlap P. D. Eastman Stine, R. L. Stolz, Mary; Cummings, Pat Stolz, Mary; Cummings, Pat 1 10 2 3 2 7 4 6.2 0 3.5 0 0 0 4 2 4.1 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Meggs, Libby Phillips Margaret Hillert Melissa Lagonegro Mina Javaherbin Sally Grindley Blood, Charles L.; Link, Martin; Parker, Nancy Winslow Cole, Brock Pilkey, Dav Aimee Carter Cooney, Caroline B. 1 0 1 1.7 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 7 2 7 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Muten, Burleigh Marcia Thornton Jones Fagan, Cary; Ricci, Regolo McKissack, Pat McMillan, Bruce Bunting, Eve; Diaz, David Civardi, Anne McMillan, Bruce Civardi, Anne Civardi, Anne Helen Frost Civardi, Anne Muirden, James; Code, Nigel Hays, Michael; Taylor, Mildred D. Lisle, Janet T. Jake Maddox Pullman, Philip Radley, Gail McGraw, Eloise J. Brothers Grimm 5 2 2 2 2 5.8 1 3 1 1 1 1 2.9 4.2 4.9 2 7 5.5 6 1 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Golden Hoard: Myths and Legends of the World, The Golden Wasp, The Goldie the sunshine fairy Goldilicious Goldilocks and the Three Bears Goldilocks and the Three Bears Golem Golem Golly Sisters Go West, The Gone Gone A-Whaling Gone Fishing Gone-Away Lake Gonna Sing My Head Off Good As New Good Boy, Fergus! Good Call: Reflections on Faith, Family, and Fowl Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia Good Earth, The Good Families Don't Good Friday : Matthew 32:1-27,61 Good Hunting, Blue Sky Good Job, Little Bear Good Master, The Good Morning, Gorillas Good Night , Gorilla Good Night, Baby Bear Good Night, D.W. Good Night, Good Knight Good Night, Gorilla Good Night, Mr. Tom Good Queen Bess: The Story of Queen Elizabeth I of England Good Samaritan Good Scent from a Strange Mountain: Stories, A Good Times on Grandfather Mountain Good Work, Amelia Bedelia Good Work, Amelia Bedelia Good-Bye and Keep Cold Good-Bye Billy Radish Good-bye, 382 Shin Dang Dong Good-Bye, My Wishing Star Good-bye, Sammy Goodbye, Vietnam Good-For-Something Dragon, The McCaughrean, Geraldine; Willey, Bee Abbott, Tony; Jessell, Tim Daisy meadows Victoria Kann Marshall, James Caralyn Buchner and Mark Buchner Singer, Isaac Bashevis Wisniewski, David Truesdell, Sue; Byars, Betsy C. Michael Grant Murphy, Jim Long, Earlene Enright, Elizabeth 5.9 3 3 3 2 3 3 4.5 2 12 6 1 6 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 2 0 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Robertson, Jase Herman Parish Buck, Pearl S. Munsch, Robert Ulmer, Louise Parish, Peggy Waddell, Martin Seredy, Kate Osborne, Mary Pope Rathmann, Peggy Frank Asch Brown, Marc Thomas, Shelley Moore Rathmann, Peggy Magorian, Michelle 6 2 6.9 1 2 2 1 5 2 0 2 1.9 0 0 5.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Stanley, Diane; Vennema, Peter Kramer, Janice 4.8 2 NonFiction NonFiction Butler, Robert Olen Martin, Jacqueline B.; Gaber, Susan Parish, Peggy; Sweat, Lynn Parish, Peggy Davis, Jenny Skurzynski, Gloria Park, Frances ; Park, Ginger Grove, Vicki Owens, Gail; Murrow, Liza K. Whelan, Gloria Enderle, Judith R.; Tessler, Stephanie G.; Gray, Les 7 2.9 2 2 7 5.3 4 5.5 3.6 5.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Krull, Kathleen; Garns, Allen; Guthrie, Arlo Campbell, Jeff Shannon, David 2 Fiction Goodnight Moon Goodnight Opus Goody New Shoes Goof Who Invented Homework: And Other School Poems, The Gooney Bird Greene Goose Goose Chase Goose on the Loose Goose That Almost Got Cooked, The Goosebumps # 15: Ghost Beach Goosebumps Horrorland Revenge Of The Liiving Dummy Goosebumps: Beware, The Snowman Goosebumps: Monster Blood III Goosebumps: The Blob That Ate Everyone Goose's Gold, The Gopher up Your Sleeve Gorilla Gorilla Walk Gorillas Gorillas: Gentle Giants of the Forest Gossamer Gossamer Gossie Gossie & Gertie Gossip from the Girls' Room Grab Hands and Run Grace the Glitter Fairy Grace the Pirate Graduation Party Grady the Great Grams, Her Boyfriend, My Family and Me Grand Canyon Grand Escape, The Grandaddy & Janetta Grandaddy's Place Grandaddy's Stars Grandfather and I Grandfather Tales Grandfather Tang's Story Grandfather Twilight Grandfather's Day Grandfather's Journey Grandma Essie's Covered Wagon Grandma, Grandpa, And Me Grandmama's Joy Brown, Margaret Wise Breathed, Berkeley Ziefert, Harriet 0 2 1.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Brunkus, Denise; Dakos, Kalli Lowry, Lois; Thomas, Middy Bang, Molly Kindl, Patrice Cox, Phil Roxbee Simont, Marc R.L. Stine 3 3 2 6 1 1 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction R.L Stine R. L. Stine R. L. Stine 3 3 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction R. L. Stine Roy, Ron Johnston, Tony Browne, Anthony Lewin, Ted; Lewin, Betsy Frost, Helen Milton, Joyce Lois Lowry Lowry, Lois Olivier Dunrea Olivier Dunrea Rose Cooper Temple, Frances Daisy Meadows Lasky, Kathryn Victoria Kosara Strommen, Judith B. 6 3 2 2 4 1 2 5 5 0 0 5 5.1 2 3 2 5.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Derby, Pat Mell, Jan Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Griffith, Helen V. Griffith, Helen V.; Stevenson, James Griffith, Helen V.; Stevenson, James Buckley, Helen E.; Ormerod, Jan Chase, Richard Tompert, Ann; Parker, Robert A. Berger, Barbara McKay, Robert; Tomey, Ingrid Say, Allen Williams, David; Sadowski, Wiktor Mercer Mayer Greenfield, Eloise 6.2 6 5 3 2.9 2.9 0 5.4 4 1 3 4 1 0 3 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Grandmas at the Lake: (I Can Read Book Series) Grandma's Records Grandmother Bryant's Pocket Grandmother for the Orphelines, A Grandmother's Pigeon Grandpa Jake & the Grand Christmas Grandpa Loves Grandpa's Amazing Computer Grandpa's Face Grandpa's Mountain Grandpa's Song Grandpa's Teeth Gran-Gran's Best Trick Granny the Pag Granny Torrelli Makes Soup Gran's Bees Granville Jones, Commando Grasshopper on the Road Grasshopper Summer Gratefully Yours graveyard plot Gray Boy Great Ancestor Hunt, The Great Art Adventure, The Great Big Especially Beautiful Easter Egg, The Great Black Heroes: Five Brilliant Scientists (Hello Reader! Science Series) Great Black Heroes: Five Notable Inventors Great brain is back Great Brain, The Great Day for Up Great Dragon Rescue, The Great eggspectations of Lila Fenwick Great Expectations Great Eye, The Great Fire, The Great Fuzz Frenzy, The Great Gilly Hopkins, The Great Gracie Chase: Stop That Dog!, The Great Grandfather's House Great Grandpa's in the litter box Great Green Notebook of Katie Roberts, The Great Ice Battle, The Great Kapok Tree, The McCully, Emily Arnold Velasquez, Eric Martin, Jacqueline B.; Mathers, Petra Carlson, Natalie S.; White, David Erdrich, Louise; LaMarche, Jim Ames, Mildred Dotlich, Rebecca Kai Kai Scheffler, Ursel; Lanning, Rosemary; Scholte Van Mast, Ruth Greenfield, Eloise; Cooper, Floyd Reeder, Carolyn Johnston, Tony Clement, Rod Holden, L. Dwight Bawden, Nina Creech, Sharon Thompson, Mary; Peterson, Donna Honeycutt, Natalie Lobel, Arnold Turner, Ann Buchanan, Jane Strange, Jason Arnosky, Jim Perl, Lila Knox, Bob 2 1 2.9 3.5 3.5 6 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 4 4.5 2 0 2 6.4 3 3 4 2 5 5 3 6.8 3 2.7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Stevenson, James 2.9 Fiction Jones, Lynda Hudson, Wade Fitzgerald, John Fitzgerald, John D.; Mayer, Mercer Dr. Seuss Robertson, M.P. McMullan, Kate H. Dickens, Charles Shalant, Phyllis Murphy, Jim Janet Stevens; Susan Stevens Crummel Paterson, Katherine 4 NonFiction 2 8 4.8 0 2 6 7.1 4 4.9 1.9 5.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Rylant, Cynthia; Teague, Mark Godden, Rumer; Littlewood, Valerie Greenburg, Dan 1 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Hest, Amy Abbott, Tony; Jessell, Tim Cherry, Lynne 6 3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Great Little Madison, The Great Miracle Happened There: A Chanukah Story, A Great Mosquito, Bull and Coffin Caper Great Pig Escape, The Great Pumpkin Switch, The Great Pyramid of Cheops, The Great Quillow, The Great Ringtail Garbage Caper, The Great Science Fair Disaster, The Great Shaking: An Account of the Earthquakes of 1811 & 1812, The Great Snake Escape, The Great Snakes Great Summer Camp Catastrophe Great Toilet Paper Caper Great Train Robbery, The Great Trash Bash, The Great Turkey Walk, The Great Valentine's Day Balloon Race, The Great Wall, The Great Whale of Kansas, The Greater Goode, A Greatest Treasure Greedy Greeny Greedy Python, The Greek Gods and Goddesses Greek Gods, The Greek Myths Greek Myths Part I Green Book, The Green Eggs and Ham Green Frogs: a Korean folktale, The Green Wilma Green Wilma: Frog in Space Greetings, Sun Gregor the Overlander Gregory Cool Fritz, Jean 8.1 Fiction Kuskin, Karla; Parker, Robert A. Lamb, Nancy; Remkiewicz, Frank Christelow, Eileen Lewin, Ted; McDonald, Megan Thomsen, Steve Kellogg, Steven; Thurber, James Chartier, Normand; Foote, Timothy Godfrey, Martyn 2.9 4 1 2.8 5 2 2 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Carson, Jo; Parker, Robert A. Coxe, Molly Fay Robinson De Groat, Diane; Van Leeuwen, Jean Hogg, Gary Crichton, Michael Leedy, Loreen Karr, Kathleen 2.4 1.5 0 6.2 5 9.8 3 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Adams, Adrienne Wilson, Dick; Zewen, Luo; Drege, J. P. Jennings, Richard, W. Ferris, Amy Schor Demi Rubel, Nicole; Gantos, Jack Carle, Eric; Buckley, Richard McCaughrean, Geraldine Bernard Evslin, Dorothy Evslin, & Ned Hoopes Geraldine McCaughrean Jacqueline Morley Kohler, Arthur M. Seuss, Dr. Heo, Yumi Arnold, Tedd Arnold, Tedd Gershator, Phillis; Gershator, David Suzanne Collins Binch, Caroline Aruego, Jose; Dewey, Ariane; Sharmat, Mitchell Freeman, Don Selsam, Millicent Ellis Levine, Abby Cooper, Susan 4 4 5 5 1 2.9 1.9 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 7 7 3 1 2.6 2 1.5 1 5 3.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3.1 1 3 1 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 4.8 3.5 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Gregory, the Terrible Eater Gregory's Shadow Greg's Microscope Gretchen Groundhog, It's Your Day! Grey King, The Grey Lady & the Strawberry Snatcher, The Bang, Molly Greyling Yolen, Jane Grizzly Bear Family Book, The Colligan-Taylor, Karen; Hoshino, Michio Grizzly Sisters Grizzwold Grooming of Alice Groovy Girls: Sleepover Surprise/A Twin-sational Birthday Grouchy Ladybug, The Groundhog Gets a Say Groundhog's Horse Grover Cleveland Grover Sleeps Over Growing Up Chicana/o Growing Up Feet Growing up in Ancient Egypt Growing Up In Coal Country Growl! A Book About Bears Gruffalo, The Grump Grumpalump Grumpy Bunny Joins The Team Grumpy Bunny's Field Trip Grumpy Bunny's Snowy Day Grumpy Cat Guardian of the Hills Guardians of Ga'Hoole: The Capture Guardians of Ga'Hoole: The Rescue Guess How Much I Love You Guess Who My Favorite Person Is Guess Who's Coming, Jesse Bear Guest, The Guide Dog Mystery, The Guinea Dog Guinea pigs don't talk Gullible's Troubles Gulliver's Travels Gullywasher, The Gunniwolf, The Guns for General Washington Gus and Buster Work Things Out Gus and Button Gutenberg's Gift Guts : Our Digestive System Guyku: A Year of Haiku for Boys Guys from Space Gym Teacher from the Black Lagoon Gypsy Rizka Hachiko Waits Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog Bellows, Cathy Syd Hoff Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 1.7 1 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Robin Epstein Carle, Eric Pamela Swallow Rockwood, Joyce Venezia, Mike Winthrop, Elizabeth Lopez, Tiffany Ana Cleary, Beverly; DiSalvo-Ryan, DyAnne Ferguson, Sheila Bartoletti, Susan C. Berger, Melvin Donaldson, Julia; Scheffler, Axel (Illustrator) Janet S. Wong Hayes, Sarah Korman, Justine Korman-Fontes, Justine Korman-Fontes, Justine Britta Teckentrup Strauss, Victoria Lasky, Kathryn Kathryn Lasky Jeram, Anita; McBratney, Sam Baylor, Byrd; Parker, Robert A. Carlstrom, Nancy Marshall, James Warner, Gertrude C. Patrick Jennings Taylor, Cheryl; Myers, Laurie Shannon, Margaret Swift, Jonathan; Rogers, Pat Rossi, Joyce Wiesner, William; Harper, Wilhelmina Reit, Semour Bronin, Andrew; Szekeres, Cyndy Freymann, Saxton Willard, Nancy Simon, Seymour Bob Raczka Pinkwater, Daniel M. Thaler, Mike Alexander, Lloyd Leslea Newman 3 1 3 4 2 0 7 2.3 3 7.3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 0 1 2 1 1 1 2 6 4.8 5 1.5 2 1 1 3.4 3 3 2.5 7.5 1 2.9 4 1 1.5 3 3 2 2.5 1 6 5 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Turner, Pamela S. 3 Fiction Hail To Mail Hailstones and Halibut Bones Hair-Pulling Bear Dog Hairy Ape, The Half A World Away Half Magic Half Moon Investigations Half Upon a Time Halfback Attack Halfback Tough Halfway Hank Halloween House, The Halloween Mice! Halloween Parade, Vol. 0 Halloween Tree, The Hamburger Heaven Hamilton Hamlet Hamster in a Handbasket Hamster Magic Hana's Suitcase Hands Handtalk School Hang a Thousand Trees with Ribbons: The Story of Phillis Wheatley Hangman's Beautiful Daughter, The Hank the Cowdog, No. 3: It's a Dog's Life Hannah Radunsky, Vladimir; Pevear, Richard; Marshak, Samuel O'Neill, Mary Roddy, Lee O'Neill, Eugene Gleeson, Libbry Eager, Edward; Bodecker, N. M. Eoin Colfer James Riley Matt Christopher Dygard, Thomas J. Fallon, Joe Silverman, Erica; Agee, Jon Roberts, Bethany Martin, Ann M.; Tang, Charles Bradbury, Ray; Mugnaini, Joseph Yee, Wong Herbert Peck, Robert Newton Shakespeare, William; Douglass, Scott Baglio, Ben M. Lynne Jonell Levine, Karen Ehlert, Lois Ancona, George; Miller, Mary B. 2.9 4 6 9 1 4.4 5 6 3 6.3 2 1 1 2 6 2 1 10 3 4 5 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Rinaldi, Ann McCrumb, Sharyn 6 10 Fiction NonFiction Erickson, John R. Whelan, Gloria; Bowman, Lealie Diamond, Donna; Fogelman, Phyllis J.; Van Leeuwen, Jean Lesser, Rika; Zelinsky, Paul O. Grimm, Brothers Lola M. Schaefer Thaler, Mike Stevenson, Laura C. Stevenson, James; Quindlen, Anna McCutcheon, John Seuss, Dr. 4.1 4.1 Fiction Fiction 3 4 1 1 2 6.6 3 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Hannah of Fairfield Hansel & Gretel Hansel and Gretel Hanukkah Hanzel & Pretzel Happily After All Happily Ever After Happy Adoption Day! Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthday to You, You Belong in a Zoo De Groat, Diane Happy Birthday, Addy! : A Springtime Story Porter, Connie Rose Happy Birthday, Bad Kitty Bruel, Nick Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur Syd Hoff Happy Birthday, Dear Dragon Margaret Hillert Happy Birthday, Felicity!: A Springtime Story Tripp, Valerie; Andreasen, Dan 0 Fiction 4 3 Fiction Fiction 1 0 Fiction Fiction 4 Fiction Happy Birthday, Josefina! : A Springtime Story Happy Birthday, Kirsten! : A Springtime Story Happy Birthday, Kit! Happy Birthday, Little Witch Happy Birthday, Mallory! Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King Happy Birthday, Mole & Troll Happy Birthday, Molly! : A Springtime Story Happy Birthday, Moon Happy Birthday, Samantha! : A Springtime Story Happy Day, The Happy Easter, dear Dragon Happy Halloween, Biscuit! HAPPY HALLOWEEN, LITTLE CRITTER Happy Haunting, Amelia Bedelia Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day, Mami! (Dora the Explorer Series) Happy New Year, Pooh! Happy Pig Day! Happy Prince, The Happy Thanksgiving, Biscuit! Happy Valentine's Day Mouse Happy, Happy, Happy Harald and the Great Stag Hard Times Hard Times on the Prairie Hard To Be Six Hare and the Tortoise, The Harlan Coben: Shelter Harlem Harmonica Night Harold and the Purple Crayon Harold's Trip to the Sky Harriet Spies Again Harriet the Spy Harriet Tubman Harriet Tubman: Antislavery Activist Harriet Tubman: A Woman of Courage (TFK Biographies Series) Harriet, You'll Drive Me Wild! Harris & Me: A Summer Remembered Harry & the Terrible Whatzit Harry and the Lady Next Door Harry and Willy and Carrothead Harry by the Sea Tripp, Valerie 4 Fiction Shaw, Janet B. Valerie Tripp Deborah Hautzig Laurie Friedman Marzollo, Jean Tony Johnston 4 4 1 3 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Tripp, Valerie Asch, Frank 4 2 Fiction Fiction Tripp, Valerie Simont, Marc; Krauss, Ruth Hillert, Margaret Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 4 1 1.4 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction MERCER MAYER Herman Parish Chartier, Normand; Hautzig, Deborah 1 1 2.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Valdes, Leslie Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Willems, Mo Wilde, Oscar; Riswold, Gilbert Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Laura Numeroff Phil Robertson Carrick, Donald Dickens, Charles Wilder, Laura Ingalls Adoff, Arnold; Hanna, Cheryl Ward, Helen Harlan Coben Myers, Walter Dean Helldorfer, M.C. Johnson, Crockett Johnson, Crockett Ericson, Helen Fitzhugh, Louise Sabin, Francene Taylor, M.W. 0 2 1 3.5 0 1 9 2 9 4 4.3 0 8 4 3 2.3 1 5 5 5.9 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Editors of TIME for Kids Mem Fox Paulsen, Gary Gackenbach, Dick Zion, Gene Caseley, Judith Zion, Gene 3 2 5 2 2 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Harry in Trouble Harry Kitten and Tucker Mouse Harry on the Rocks Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Harry Potter the tales of the beedle the bard Harry the Dirty Dog Harry the Poisonous Centipede Harry Truman Harry's Hats Harry's Mad Harry's Pony Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez Harvey Potter's Balloon Farm Harvey's Hideout Harvey's Horrible Snake Disaster Harvey's Marvelous Monkey Mystery Harvey's mystifying raccoon mix up Hat so Simple Hatchet Hate That Cat HATTIE AND THE FOX Hattie and the Wild Waves: A Story From Brooklyn Haunted Barn, The Haunted Cabin Mystery, The Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve Haunted Hotel, The Haunted House Haunted House, Haunted Mouse Haunted Igloo, The Haunted Island Haunted Kids Haunted Mask II, The Haunted Mask, The Haunting of Grade Three Haunting of Holroyd Hill, The Have You Seen Chester? Have You Seen Hyacinth Macaw? Haveli Porte, Barbara Ann Williams, Garth; Selden, George Meddaugh, Susan 1 3.1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Rowling, J. K. Rowling, J K Rowling, J. K. Rowling, J. K. 6 5 6 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Rowling, J. K. 7 Fiction Rowling, J. K. Rowling, J. K. 6 6 Fiction Fiction J.K. Rowling Zion, Gene; Graham, Margaret B. Banks, Lynne Reid; Ross, Tony Joseph, Paul Ann Tompert King-Smith, Dick Porte, Barbara Ann 8 3.1 4 4 1 5.2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Krull, Kathleen Nolen, Jerdine Hoban, Russell Clifford, Eth Clifford, Eth Clifford, Eth Smath, Jerry Paulsen, Gary Sharon Creech MEM FOX 5 2 0 4.7 3.5 5 2 6 3 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Cooney, Barbara Garrett, Sandra G.; Williams, Philip C. Warner, Gertrude C. Mary Pope Osborn Roy, Ron Hutchens, Paul Judy Cox Turner, Bonnie Joan Lowery Nixon Nash, Bruce; Zullo, Allen Stine, R. L. Stine, R. L. Maccarone, Grace Seabrooke, Brenda Murray, Andrew Giff, Patricia R.; Kramer, Anthony Staples, Suzanne F. 3 2.5 3.1 3.6 3 5 2 5 4 5 4 4.5 3 4.8 1 4.7 6.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Having Our Say:The Delany Sisters' First 100 years Hawk Bandits of Tarkoom, The Hawk, I'm Your Brother Hayley the Rain Fairy Hayloft, The Haymeadow, The Haystack He Bear, She Bear Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes Headless Cupid, The Headless Ghost, The Headless horseman, The Heads or Tails : Stories from the Sixth Grade Healing of Texas Jake, The Heart of a Champion Heart of the Arctic Heart to Heart Heartbeat Heat Heat Wave Heat Wave at Mud Flat Heather at the Barre Heaven Heavy Artillery : I Was Junior Seau Heckedy Peg Hector's Haunted House Hedda Gabler Hedgie Loves to Read Hedgie's Surprise Heidi Heir of Fire Heist Society Helen Keller Helen Keller: Crusader for the Blind and Deaf Helen Keller's Teacher Helga High-Up Hello Kitty's Princess Party Hello Mrs. Piggle Wiggle Hello! Hello! A Look Inside the Telephone Hello, Biscuit! Hello, Harvest Moon Hello, My Name Is Scrambled Eggs Hello, Two-Wheeler! Hello...This Is My Father Speaking Delany, Sarah L.; Delany, A. Elizabeth; Hearth, Amy H. Abbott, Tony, Jessell, Tim Parnall, Peter; Baylor, Byrd Daisy Meadows Peters, Lisa W. Paulsen, Gary Arthur Geisert Stan and Jan Berenstain Wohnoutka, Mike Snyder, Zilpha K. Angel, Dan; Stine, R. L.; Ellis, Carol; Brown, Billy Cook, Donald; Irving, Washington; Standiford, Natalie Gantos, Jack Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Deuker, Carl Howland, Deborah Lurlene McDaniel Sharon Creech Lupica, Mike Eileen Spinelli Stevenson, James Sinykin, Sheri C. Johnson, Angela Korman, Gordon Wood, Audrey; Wood, Don Bantam Books, Inc. (Editor) Kundrat, Theodore V.; Ibsen, Henrik Jan Brett Jan Brett Spyri, Johanna Sarah J. Maas Ally Carter Margaret Davidson Graff, Stewart; Alfano, Wayne; Graff, Polly Anne Davidson, Margaret Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman; Neuhaus, David Kris Hirschmann MacDonald, Betty Eve & Albert Stwerka Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Fletcher, Ralph Wallner, John; Gilson, Jamie Mason, Jane Sharmat, Mitchell 7 3 3 2 3 6.9 1 0 0 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 Fiction 2 Fiction 6 5 5.5 2 7 4 5 2.9 2 3 6 4 2.9 5 9 0 1 7.6 11 7 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 4 NonFiction NonFiction 2.8 1 3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction 5 1 0 3 2 7 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hello...Wrong Number Help! I'm a Prisoner In the Library Help! I'm Trapped in My Teacher's Body Help! I'm Trapped In Santa's Body Help! I'm Trapped in the President's Body Hen Lake Henny Penny Henry & Mudge & the Long Weekend Henry & Mudge : The First Book of Their Adventures Henry & the Buccaneer Bunnies Henry and Beezus Henry and Mudge Henry and Mudge and a Very Merry Christmas Henry and Mudge and Annie's Good Move Henry and Mudge and Annie's Perfect Pet Henry and Mudge and Mrs. Hopper's House Henry and Mudge and the Bedtime Thumps Henry And Mudge And The Best Day Of All Henry and Mudge and the Big Sleepover Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat Henry and Mudge and the Long Weekend Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers Henry and Mudge and the Snowman Plan Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night Henry and Mudge and the Tall Tree House Henry and Mudge and the Wild Goose Chase Henry and Mudge and the Wild Wind Sachs, Marilyn Clifford, Eth 7 3.1 Fiction Fiction Strasser, Todd Todd Strasser 4 5 Fiction Fiction Strasser, Todd Auch, Mary J. Galdone, Paul Rylant, Cynthia 5 4.6 0 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Rylant, Cynthia Crimi, Carolyn Cleary, Beverly; Darling, Louis Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie 2 2 5.7 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Rylant, Cynthia 2 Fiction Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie 2 NonFiction Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie 2 Fiction Rylant, Cynthia 2 Fiction Rylant, Cynthia 2 Fiction Rylant, Cynthia 2 Fiction Cynthia Rylant 2 Fiction Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie 2 Fiction Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie 2 Fiction Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie Rylant, Cynthia 2 2 NonFiction Fiction Rylant, Cynthia 2 Fiction Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie 1 2 Fiction Fiction Henry and Mudge Get the Cold Shivers Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble Henry and Mudge in the Family Trees Henry and Mudge in the Family Trees Henry and Mudge in the Green Time Henry and Mudge in the Green Time Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie 2 2 2 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon Henry and Mudge: And the Funny Lunch Henry and Mudge: The First Book Henry and Ribsy Henry and the Bully Henry and the Clubhouse Henry and the Dragon Henry and the Paper Route Henry Builds a Cabin Henry Explores the Mountain Henry Hikes to Fitchburg Henry Hikes to Fitchburg Henry Huggins Henry Reed, Inc. Henry Reed's Baby Sitting Service Henry the Fifth Henry's Baby Henry's Freedom Box: A True Story from the Underground Railroad Hen's Pens Her Blue Straw Hat Her Monster Her Seven Brothers Her Stories: African American Folktales, Fairy Tales & True Tales Herb, The Vegetarian Dragon Herbert the Lion Herbie Jones Herbie Jones & the Monster Ball Herbie Jones and the Class Gift Herbie Jones and the dark attic Herbie Jones and the Second Grade Slippers Hercules Hercules & Other Greek Myths Hercules Doesn't Pull Teeth Hercules, Hero of the Night Sky Here and Then Here at the Scenic-Vu Motel Here Come the Aliens Here Comes McBroom Here Comes Tardy Toad Here Lies Linc Here Lies the Librarian Here We Go Round Here's To You, Rachel Robinson Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie 2 2 Fiction Fiction Rylant, Cynthia; Stevenson, Sucie 2 Fiction Rylant, Cynthia Cynthia Rylant Cleary, Beverly Nancy Carlson Cleary, Beverly; Darling, Louis Christelow, Eileen Cleary, Beverly; Darling, Louis Johnson, D. B. Taylor, Mark Johnson, D. B. Johnson, D. B. Cleary, Beverly; Darling, Louis Robertson, Keith Robertson, Keith Brennan, Anthony Hoffman, Mary; Winter, Susan 2 2 5.1 1 5.6 2.7 3 1 3.5 3 2 4.9 5.5 5.5 11 4.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Ellen Levine Cox, Phil Roxbee Adler, C. S. Collignon, Jeff Goble, Paul Hamilton, Virginia; Dillon, Leo D.; Dillon, Diane Bass, Jules; Harter, Debbie (Illustrator) Newberry, Clare Williams, Richard; Kline, Suzy Williams, Richard; Kline, Suzy Kline, Suzy; Williams, Richard Kline, Suzy 3 1 5 9 3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 3.7 2 2 4.2 4 4.4 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Suzy Kline Robert Burleigh and Raul Colon Gave, Marc Dadey, Debbie Moore, Robin Lyon, George E. Wyss, Thelma H. McNaughton, Colin Sid Fleischman Brook, Bonnie; Kraus, Robert Delia Ray Richard Peck McGill, Alice; Evans, Shane Blume, Judy 1 5 4 3 4 5.5 6.1 1 3 1.8 5 6 5 7 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hero and the Crown, The Hero of Lesser Causes Hero Over Here Heroes Heroes & Monsters of Greek Myth Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins Hershey's Kisses Addition Book Hester Bidgood: Investigatrix of Evil Deeds Hey Al! Hey Irma! It's Mother's Day Hey New Kid Hey! Get off Our Train Hey, Little Ant Hi Fly Guy Hi, Clouds Hi, Pizza Man! Hiawatha's Bear Hunt Hiccups for elephant Hidden Children, The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet, The Hidden Worlds Hide & Peep Hide & Seek Hide and Seek Hide and Seek (sequel to Capture the Flag) Hide and Sneak Hideout Hideout, The Hiding Place, The Hiding to Survive High Hopes for Addy High King, The High Rise Glorious Skittle Skat Roarious Sky Pie Angel Food Cake High Tide in Hawaii Hill of Fire Hippo and Rabbit in Three Short Tales Hippopotamus : River Horse His Enemy, His Friend Hit and Run Hit away kid Hitty, Her First Hundred Years Hoang Anh Hob and the peddler Hobbit, The McKinley, Robin Johnston, Julie Dodson, Bert; Kudlinski, Kathleen V. Mochizuki, Ken Bernard Evslin, Dorothy Evslin, & Ned Hoopes Kimmel, Eric A.; Hyman, Trina S. Pallotta, Jerry 6.9 5 3.9 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6.5 3.2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Hildick, E. W. Egielski, Richard; Yorinks, Arthur Ziefert, Harriet Thompson, Ellen; Duffey, Betsy Burningham, John Phillip and Hannah Hoose Tedd Arnold Carol Greene Walter, Virginia Walt Disney Preller Greenfeld, Howard 6.4 2 1 3 2 2 1 0 1 1 2 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Abbott, Tony; Merrell, David Kramer, Stephen Herman, Gail Brenda Shannon Yee Vos, Ida; Edelstein, Terese; Smidt, Inez 3 5 2 0 5.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Kate Messner Michael Kusugak Gordon Korman Bunting, Eve Ten Boom, Corrie Rosenberg, Maxine B. Porter, Connie Rose Alexander, Lloyd 5 2 8 5.7 6 7 4 8.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Willard, Nancy; Watson, Jesse Osborne, Mary Pope Lewis, Thomas P. Jeff Mack Denis-Huot, Christine Tunis, John R Lurlene McDaniel Christopher, Matt; Ulrich, George Field, Rachel; Lathrop, Dorothy P. Hoyt-Goldsmith, Diane; Migdale, Lawrence Mayne, William Tolkien, J. R. R. 2 3 2 0 3 5 8 4 6.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 6 7.5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Hoboken chicken emergency, The Hockey Hero Hockey machine Hog and Dog Hog-Eye Hogula: Dread Pig of Night Hold Fast to Dreams Hold the Flag High Holding onto Sunday Hole in the Dike, A Holes Hollow Tree, The Holly the Christmas Fairy Hollywood Hound Home Is Where Your Family Is Home of the Brave Pinkwater, Daniel M.; Pinkwater, Jill Marzollo, Jean Christopher, Matt Diane Wright Landolf Meddaugh, Susan Gralley, Jean Pinkney, Andrea Davis Clinton, Catherine Hays, Michael; Galbraith, Kathryn O. Carle, Eric; Green, Norma Sachar, Louis Lunn, Janet Daisy Meadows Sharmat, Majorie Weinman Kavanagh, Katie; Fitzhugh, Greg Say, Allen 2 0 4 0 2 3 5.2 2 1 2.6 5.5 7 4 1.5 2.5 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Home on the Bayou: A Cowboy's Story Home on the Range: Ranch-Style Riddles Home Place Home Run: The Story of Babe Ruth Home to Medicine Mountain Homecoming Homeless Homeless: Sunita Homer Price Homer The Library Cat Homesick Homesick, My Own Story Hometown Homework Hassles Honey Bees Honey Bees and Honey Honey Honey Lion! Honey in a Hive Honey, I Love Honeybee Mystery Honkers Honky Tonk Heroes and Hillbilly Angels Honus & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Hoodwinked Hook, Line and Sinker Hoop Hotshot Hoops Hooray for Fly Guy! Hooray for Grandparent's Day Hooray for Me! Karas, G. Brian Burns, Diane; Burke, Susan S.; Burns, Andy Pinkney, Jerry; Dragonwagon, Crescent Burleigh, Robert Santiago, Chiori Voigt, Cynthia Anderson, Laurie Halse Laurie Halse Anderson McCloskey, Robert Reeve Lindbergh Vanderhaeghe, Guy Fritz, Jean Qualey, Marsha Klein, Abby Brown, Ron Lola M. Schaefer Jan Brett Rockwell, Anne Greenfield, Eloise Warner, Gertrude C. Yolen, Jane; Baker, Leslie 2.5 Fiction 3 5 2 2 6.3 4 4 7.3 1 8 5.5 7 2 1.9 1 1 2 2 4 2.8 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Holly George-Warren Dan Gutman Howard, Arthur Guarente, G. P. Jake Maddox Myers, Walter Dean Tedd Arnold Carlson, Nancy Charlip, Remy and Lilian Moore 3 Fiction 4 1 7 2 5.9 0 2 1.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hooray for Reading Day! Hooray for the Golly Sisters Hoot Hoot and Holler Hoover's Bride Hooway for Wodney Wat Hop on Pop Hop, Skip, Run Hope Was Here Hoppy Easter Hoppy Long Legs Horace Horrible Harry & the Ant Invasion Horrible Harry & the Christmas Surprise Horrible Harry & the Drop of Doom Horrible Harry & the Green Slime Cuyler, Margery Truesdell, Sue; Byars, Betsy C. Hiaasen, Carl Brown, Alan Small, David Lester, Helen Seuss, Dr. Marcia Leonard Joan Bauer Hermes, Patricia Carter, Katharine J Keller, Holly Kline, Suzy 2 2.5 6 3 4 3 1 1 6 2 1.7 0 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Kline, Suzy Kline, Suzy Remkiewicz, Frank; Kline, Suzy 3.5 3 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Horrible Harry & the Kickball Wedding horrible harry and the dragon war Horrible Harry and the dungeon Horrible Harry and the holidaze Horrible Harry and the June Box Horrible Harry and the Locked Closet Horrible Harry and The Mud Gremlins Horrible Harry and the Purple People Horrible Harry and The Purple People Horrible Harry and the Triple Revenge Horrible Harry at Halloween Horrible Harry Goes to Sea Horrible Harry Goes to the Moon Horrible Harry in Room 2B horrible harry on the ropes Horrible Harry Takes the Cake Horrible Harry: Moves Up To Third Grade Horrible Harry's Secret Horrible Spookhouse, The Horrid Henry Wakes the Dead Horrid Henry's Stinkbomb Horrid Henry's Underpants Horror at Camp Jellyjam, The Horror at the Haunted House Horse and His Boy, The Horse Called Wonder, A Horse Hooves and Chicken Feet: Mexican Folktales Kline, Suzy suzy kline Kline, Suzy Suzy Kline Suzy Kline Suzy Kline Suzy Kline Remkiewicz, Frank; Kline, Suzy Suzy Kline Kline, Suzy Suzy Kline Suzy Kline Suzy Kline Kine, Suzy; Remkiewicz, Frank suzy kline Suzy Kline 2 2 3 4 3 3 3 4 2.9 3 3 3 3 4 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Suzy Kline Kline, Suzy Eriksson, Eva; Stridh, Kicki Francesca Simon and Tony Ross Francesca Simon Francesca Simon Stine, R. L. Peg Kehret Lewis, C. S.; Baynes, Pauline Campbell, Joanna 3 3 3.2 3 3 3 4 5 4.5 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 Fiction 4 3 Fiction Fiction Horses Horses in the Fog Philip, Neil Patenet, Dorothy Hinshaw; Munoz, Williams Ruepp, Krista Horses, Horses, Horses Allan Fowler Horton Hatches the Egg Seuss, Dr. Horton Hears a Who! Seuss, Dr. Hospital Caper, The Leppard, Shannon M. Hostage to War: A True Story Wassilijewa, Tatjana Hostage, The Taylor, Theodore Hostile Hospital, The Snicket, Lemony Hot and Cold Summer, The Hurwitz, Johanna Hot Diggity Dog: The History of the Hot Dog Adrienne Sylver Hot Dog Molly Coxe Hot Iron: The Adventures of a Civil War Powder Boy Michael Burgen Hot Rod Hamster cynthia lord Hot Shot Matt Christopher Hotel Animal Du Quette, Keith Hothead Cal Ripken Jr. Hotter Than A Hot Dog! Calmenson, Stephanie; Savadier, Elivia Houdini Box, The Selznick, Brian Hound of the Baskervilles Doyle, Arthur Conan Houndsley and Catina James Howe Houndsley and Catina and the Quiet Time James Howe Houndsley and Catina Plink and Plunk James Howe Hour of the Olympics Osborne, Mary Pope House for Hermit Crab, A Carle, Eric House in the Sky: A Bahamian Folktale, The San Souci, Robert House is a House for Me, A Fraser, Betty; Hoberman, Mary A. House Mouse Senate Mouse Barnes, Peter W. & Cheryl Shaw House of Dies Drear, The Hamilton, Virginia; Keith, Eros House of the Scorpion Farmer, Nancy House of the Seven Gables Hawthorne, Nathaniel House of the Sixty Fathers, The Sendak, Maurice; DeJong, Meindert House of Wings, The Schwartz, Daniel; Byars, Betsy C. House on East Eighty-Eighth Street Waber, Bernard House on Maple Street, The Pryor, Bonnie; Peck, Beth House with a Clock in Its Walls Bellairs, John Houseboat Mystery Warner, Gertrude C. How A Book Is Made Aliki How Animals Saved the People: Animal Tales from the South Reneaux, J.J.; Ransome, James Blackstone, Stella; Beaton, Clare How Big is a Pig? (Illustrator) How Big Were the Dinosaurs? Most, Bernard How Come the Best Clues Are Always in the Garbage Bailey, Linda How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Rooms? Yolen, Jane How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? Yolen, Jane How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? Yolen, Jane 1 2.5 3.8 3 8 5.5 6 4 4 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 1 3 1 4 3 5.3 8 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 2 2 3.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 2.9 2 6 8 9 5 4 3 3 4 5 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 2 Fiction 0 0 Fiction NonFiction 5 Fiction 0 0 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction How Do I Love You? How Do You Hug a Porcupine? How Do You Know It's Spring How Do You Loose The Ninth Grade Blues How Droofus the Dragon Lost His Head Hallinan, P. K. Laurie Isop Fowler, Allan 1 0 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction DeClements, Barthe 5.9 Fiction Peet, Bill 4.9 Fiction How Georgie Radbourn Saved Baseball How Groundhog's Garden Grew How I Became a Pirate How I Changed My Life How I Found the Strong How I learned to fly How I Saved Hanukkah How I Spent My Summer Vacation How I Survived Being a Girl How It Feels to Be Adopted How it Feels to Fight for Your Life How It Feels To Live With A Physical Disability How Kittens Grow How Leo Learned to Be King How Many Days to America?: A Thanksgiving Story How Many Kisses Do You Want Tonight? How Many Spots Does a Leopard Have?: And Other Tales How Many Stars in the Sky? How Many Teeth? How Many Trucks Can a Tow Truck Tow? How Many Ways Can You Cut a Pie How Much Is a Million How Much is that Guinea Pig in the Window? How My Parents Learned to Eat How Not to Babysit Your Brother How Now, Brown Cow How Oliver Olson Changed the World How Pizza Came to Queens How Rocket Learned to Read How Santa Got His Job How Santa Lost His Job How Scary! How Smudge Came How Snake Got His Hiss: An Original Tale How Spider Saved Halloween How Spider Saved Thanksgiving Shannon, David A. Cherry, Lynne Melinda Long Strasser, Todd McMullan, Margaret R.L. Stine Koss, Amy Goldman Teague, Mark Van Draanen, Wendelin Krementz, Jill Krementz, Jill 2 2 2 6 7 4 3 2.5 5 7 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction 4 0 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Krementz, Jill Millicent E. Selsam Pfister, Marcus Bunting, Eve 3.5 Fiction Bajaj, Varsha 2 Fiction Lester, Julius Hort, Lenny; Ransome, James Kelley, True; Showers, Paul 4.9 0 1.7 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Charlotte Pomerantz Jane Belk Moncure Schwartz, David M.; Kellogg, Stephen 1 1 2 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Rocklin, Joanne Say, Allen; Friedman, Ina R. Cathy Hapka Schertle, Alice; Schaffer, Amanda Claudia Mills Khalsa, Dayal K. Tad Hills Krensky, Stephen Stephen Krensky Lodge, Bernard Lightburn, Ron; Gregory, Nan 2 3 3 1 4 4 2 1 1 0 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Davol, Marguerite W. Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert 2 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction How Spider Saved the Baseball Game How Spider Stopped The Litter Bugs How the Camel got his Hump (Just So Story) How the Chipmunk Got His Stripes How the Grinch Stole Christmas How the Rhinoceros got his Skin (Just So Story) How the Whale Got His Throat (Just So Story) How Things Are Made: Milk to Ice Cream HOW TO BABYSIT A GRANDPA How to Be A Pirate How to be Cool in the Third Grade How to Betray a Dragon's Hero How to Catch an Elephant How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse (Book 4 of How to Train Your Dragon) How To Eat Fried Worms How to Handle a Bully How to Lose All Your Friends How to Make A Mummy Talk How to Make an Apple Pie & See The World How to Make Slime How to Seize a Dragon's Jewel How to Steal a Dragon's Sword How to Survive Third Grade How to Train Your Dragon How To Train Your Dragon: A Hero's Guide to Deadly Dragons (Book 6) How to Train Your Dragon: How to Break a Dragon's Heart How to Train Your Dragon: How to Ride a Dragon's Storm How to Train Your Dragon: How to Speak Dragonese How to Twist a Dragon's Tale : the Heroic Misadventures of Hiccup the Viking How We Crossed the West How Will I Get To School This Year? Howard and the Sitter Surprise Howard Carter: Searching for King Tut Howling on the Playground How's the Weather HUG Hugger to the Rescue Huggly Gets Dressed Huggly Goes to School Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Kipling, Rudyard; Raglin, Tim Bruchac, Joseph & James Bruchac Seuss, Dr. Kipling, Rudyard Kipling, Rudyard; Langley, Jonathan Inez Snyder JEAN REAGAN Cowell, Cressida Wilson, Janet; Duffey, Betsy Cressida Cowell Schwartz, Amy Cressida Cowell Rockwell, Thomas Nancy Wilcox Richards Nancy Carlson Kelley, True; Deem, James M. 1 1 Fiction Fiction 3.5 2 3.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 Fiction 3.5 Fiction 1 3 4 3 5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 4 4.6 3 0 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Priceman, Marjorie Lori Shores Cressida Cowell Cressida Cowell Lawlor, Laurie; Zarins, Joyce A. Cressida Cowell 1 2 5 3 2 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Cressida Cowell 4 Fiction Cressida Cowell 3 Fiction Cressida Cowell 4 Fiction Cressida Cowell 4 Fiction Cressida Cowell Shanzer, Rosalyn Jerry Pallotta Meisel, Paul; Paton, Priscilla Ford, Barbara; Hamlin, Janet Herman, Gail Berger, Melvin and Gilda JEZ ALBOROUGH Patent, Dorothy H.; Munoz, William Arnold, Tedd Arnold, Ted 5 5 1 2.8 5 2 2 0 2 1 2 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Huggly Takes a Bath Huggly's Big Mess Huggly's Christmas Huggly's Halloween Huggly's Pizza Huggly's Snow Day Huggly's Thanksgiving Parade Huggly's Valentine Hugh Glass, Mountain Man Human Comedy, The Humbug Rabbit Hummingbird King : A Guatemalan Legend Humphrey's Bear Humpty Dumpty Egg-splodes Hunchback of Notre-Dame, The Hunches in Bunches Hundred and One Dalmatians Hundred dresses, The Hundred Dresses, The Arnold, Tedd Arnold, Tedd Tedd Arnold Arnold, Ted Arnold, Tedd Tedd Arnold Arnold, Ted Tedd Arnold McClung, Robert M. Saroyan, William; Freeman, Don M. Balian, Lorna 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 7 8 2.7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Palacios, Argentina Jan Wahl O'Malley, Kevin Hugo, Victor Seuss, Dr. Smith, Dodie Slobodkin, Louis; Estes, Eleanor Estes, Eleanor; Slobodkin, Louis 4 1 3 11 1 6.1 1 2.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hundred Penny Box, The Hundred-Penny Box, The Hungry Bunny Tales Hungry Donkey, The Hungry Thing Returns, The Hungry Thing, The Hungry, Hungry Sharks Hunky Dory Found It Hunny, Funny, Sunny Day Hunter's Best Friend at School Hunter's Moon Hunting for Hidden Gold Hunting Grandma's treasures Hunwick's Egg Hurray for Ali Baba Bernstein Hurricane Hurricane Hurricane City Hurricane Harry Hurricane Mystery, The Hurricane, The Hurricanes! Hurry Home Candy Hurry Up Houdini Hurry up, Franklin Hurry, Santa! HUSH Hush Little Baby Hush! A Thai Lullaby Mathis, Sharon; Dillon, Leo; Dillon, Diane; Mathis, Sharon Bell Rosemary Wells Amery, Heather Slepian, Jan Slepian, Jan Cole, Joanna Evans, Katie; Stoeke, Janet Morgan Braybrooks, Ann Elliott, Laura Malone John Townsend Dixon, Franklin W. Willner-Pardo, Gina Mem Fox Owens, Gail; Hurwitz, Johanna Owens, Gail; McNulty, Faith Wiesner, David Warhola, James; Weeks, Sarah Caseley, Judith Warner, Gertrude C. Cocozza, Chris; Watson, J. B. Hopping, Lorraine Sendak, Maurice; DeJong, Meindert Mary Pope Osborne Bourgeois, Paulette Sykes, Julie Woodson, Jacqueline Long, Sylvia Minfong Ho 2.4 2 2 1 2 1 2.3 1 0 1 6 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 3.4 3.3 4 4 5 3 1 2 5 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction I Already Know I Love You Crystal, Billy I Am a Leaf Jean Marzollo I Am Fire Jean Marzollo I Am Going to Save a Panda! Grosset & Dunlap I Am Going! Willems, Mo I Am Invited to a Party! Willems, Mo I Am Lavina Cumming Lowell, Susan; Mirocha, Paul I Am Mordred Springer, Nancy I Am Morgan Le Fay: A Tale from Camelot Springer, Nancy I Am Not a Dinosaur Mary Packard I Am Not Going to Get up Today! Seuss, Dr. I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed Child, Lauren I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go To Bed Child, Lauren I Am Number Four Pittacus Lore I Am Planet Earth Jean Marzollo I Am Regina Keehn, Sally I am Rosa Parks Parks, Rosa I Am Rosemarie Moskin, Marietta I Am Star: Child of the Holocaust Auerbacher, Inge I Am The Cheese Cormier, Robert I Am The Dog Daniel Pinkwater I Am Water Jean Marzollo I Am Wings: Poems About Love Baker, Joe; Fletcher, Ralph I Broke My Trunk! Mo Willems I can bowl Linda Johns I can do anything that's everything all on my own Lauren Child I can hear the sun Polacco, Patricia I Can Help! Hans Wilhelm I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today, and Other Stories Seuss, Dr. I Can Read with My Eyes Shut! Seuss, Dr. I Can Save the Earth: A Kid's Handbook for Keeping Earth Healthy & Green Neuhaus, David; Holmes, Anita I Can't Said the Ant Cameron, Polly I Choose You! Scholastic, Inc. Staff I Did It, I'm Sorry Buehner, Caralyn & Buehner, Mark I Don't Want to Go Back to School Russo, Marisabina I Dream of Trains Johnson, Angela I Fly Rockwell, Anne I Funny: A Middle School Story James Patterson I Got a D in Salami (Hank Zipzer Series #2) Winkler, Henry I Had a Hippopotamus Lee, Hector I Had Seen Castles Rylant, Cynthia I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew Seuss, Dr. 1 1 0 0 1 1.2 6.1 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 8 0 1 Fiction Fiction NonFiction 1 Fiction 2 11 0 5.3 4 8 6 6 1 0 8.5 0 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 1 3 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 2.2 Fiction Fiction 2 1.8 3 2 1 2 2.7 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 1 7.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 Fiction I Hadn't Meant To Tell You This I Hate Bedtime! I Hate Camping I Hate Company I Hate My Best Friend I Hate My Bow I Hate Rules! (Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo) I Hate to Go to Bed I Have an Olive Tree I Heard The Owl Call My Name I Just Forgot I Kissed the Baby! I Knew You Could I Know An Old Lady I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie I Know What You Did Last Summer I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings I Like a Snack on an Iceberg I Like Bugs I Like it Here at School I Like Myself! I Like the Way You Are I Live in Brooklyn I Live in Your Basement I Lost My Grandfather's Brain I Lost My Tooth I Love Christmas I Love My New Toy I Love Saturdays y Domingos I Love Snow! I Love to Cuddle I LOVE YOU, DADDY I Love You, Dear Dragon I Love You, Grumpy Bunny I Love You, Little One I Met A Dinosaur I need a snake I Need an Easter Egg I Need My Monster I Need You, Dear Dragon I Never Knew Your Name I Pledge Allegiance I Pledge Allegiance Woodson, Jacqueline Wilhelm, Hans Petersen, P. J.; Remkiewicz, Frank; James, Betsy Petersen, P. J.; James, Betsy Rosner, Ruth Hans Wilhelm 8 0 Fiction Fiction 3 4 3 0 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Nancy Krulik Davis, Katie Bunting, Eve Craven, Margaret Mayer, Mercer Murphy, Mary Craig Dorfman Brian Karas 3 1 3 8 2 0 1 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gulbis, Stephen 1 Fiction Jackson, Alison Duncan, Lois Angelou, Maya Arno, Iris Hiskey Margaret Wise Brown Prelutsky, Jack Beaumont, Karen Bunting, Eve; O'Brien, John (Illustrator) Takabayashi, Mari Stine, R. L. Bruce Coville Hans Wilhelm Hans Wilhelm Willems, Mo Ada, Alma Flor Hans Wilhelm 1 7 8 0 0 4 1 1 1 5 5 0 1 1 3 1 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Non Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 1 1 0 1 2.8 1 2 0 0 2.9 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Norac, Carl; Dubois, Claude K. (Illustrator) JILLIAN HARKER Hillert, Margaret Korman, Justine Tafuri, Nancy Wahl, Jan; Sheban, Chris Mathers, Petra; Jonell, Lynne Ziefert, Harriet Amanda Noll Hillert, Margaret Garland, Sherry Swanson, June Bill Martin Jr. and Michael Sampson I See a Kookaburra!: Discovering Animal Habitats around the World I See the Rhythm I Spy a Freight Train: Transportation in Art I Spy Fly Guy! I Stink! I Sure Am Glad to See You, Blackboard Bear I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005 I Survived The Sinking of the Titanic, 1912 I Survived: The Attacks of September 11, 2001 I Survived: The Battle Of Gettysburg, 1863 I Survived: The Bombing Of Pearl Harbor, 1941 I Survived: The Japanese Tsunami, 2011 I Survived: The Nazi Invasion, 1944 I Survived: The San Francisco Earthquake, 1906 I Survived: The Shark Attacks Of 1916 I Survived: The Destruction Of Pompeii, A.D. 79 I Took My Frog to the Library I Walk at Night I Walk at Night I Wanna Iguana I Want a Pony I Want Answers and a Parachute I Want to Be a Cowboy I Want to Be a Teacher I Want To Be An Astronaut I Want to be Much More Bigger Like You I Want Your Moo I Was a Sixth Grade Alien I Was a Third Grade Science Project I Was Born About 10,000 Years Ago I Was So Mad I was Walking Down the Road I Will Surprise My Friends I Wish I Were A Butterfly I Wish I Were An Alien I Wish My Brother Was a Dog I Wish That I Had Duck Feet I Wished for a Unicorn I Won't Share! I, Amber Brown Jenkins, Steve Igus, Toyomi; Wood, Michele Micklethwait, Lucy Arnold, Tedd McMullen, Kate & Jim McMullen 2 3 Fiction NonFiction 1 1.7 1.8 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Alexander, Martha Lauren Tarshis 2 3 Fiction Fiction Lauren Tarshis 3 Fiction Lauren Tarshis 2 Fiction Lauren Tarshis 2 Fiction Lauren Tarshis 2 Fiction Lauren Tarshis Lauren Tarshis 2 2 Fiction Fiction Lauren Tarshis Lauren Tarshis 2 2 Fiction Fiction Lauren Tarshis Kimmel, Eric A. Duncan, Lois Duncan, Lois Kaufman Orloff, Karen Betancourt, Jeanne Petersen, P. J.; DiVito, Anna Liebeman, Dan Dan Liebman Barton, Byron 2 1.5 1 1.5 1.5 3 3.2 1 1 1.6 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Carol Noble M. Weiner & J. Neimark Bruce Coville Auch, Mary J.; Auch, Herm Steven Kellogg Mercer Mayer Barchas, Sarah E. Mo Willems Young, Ed; Howe, James Vivian French and Lisa Williams Meisel, Paul; Shields, Carol D. LeSieg, Theo Robert Heidbreder Wilhelm, Hans Danziger, Paula 1 1 5 2 3 0 1.5 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction I, Crocodile I, Jaun de Pareja I, Rebekah, Take You the Lawrences Ibis Ice Ice Age 2: The Meltdown Geyser Blast Ice- Cream Cows and Mitten Sheep Ice Cream Larry Ice Cream Treats: The Inside Scoop Ice Horse, The Ice Magic Ice Story Iceberg Hermit, The Icefire Iceman Icky Bug Alphabet Book id tell you i love you but then id have to kill you Ida B.: And Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World Ida Early Comes Over the Mountain Iduna and the Magic Apples If a Bus Could Talk : The Story of Rosa Parks If All The Animals Came Inside If Anything Ever Goes Wrong At the Zoo If Dogs Ruled the World If I Asked You, Would You Stay? If I Forget, You Remember If I Ran The Circus If I Ran the Zoo If I Should Die Before I Wake If It Hadn't Been for Yoon Jun If Not For the Cat If Only I Had a Green Nose If The Dinosaurs Came Back If the Shoe Fits If the Witness Lied If the World Were a Village: A Book about the World's People If This Is Love, I'll Take Spaghetti If Wishes Were Horses A Kona Story If You Come Softly If You Didn't Have Me If You Give a Cat a Cupcake If You Give A Dog a Donut If you give a moose a muffin Marcellino, Fred Trevino, Elizabeth Borton de First, Julia John Himmelman Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Ellie O'Ryan Jane Belk Moncure Pinkwater, Daniel M. Fleisher, Paul; Saunders, David O. Locker, Thomas; Christiansen, Candace Christopher, Matt; Goto, Byron Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody Roth, Arthur Chris D'Lacey Lynch, Chris Pallotta, Jerry Ally Carter Katherine Hannigan Burch, Robert Mayer, Marianna Ringgold, Faith Eric Pinder 2 6 5 3 5.5 1 1 1 4 1 5 5 6.3 6 4.7 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 7 Fiction 5 6.1 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 1 NonFiction Fiction Dyer, Jane; Hendrick, Mary J. McNulty, Faith Bunting, Eve Williams, Carol Lynch Seuss, Dr. Dr. Seuss Lurlene McDaniel Lee, Marie G. Jack Prelutsky Lucado, Max Most, Bernard Gary Soto Caroline B. Cooney 1.8 3 7 6 3.9 3.8 8 5 2 2 2 3 9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Smith, David J. Conford, Ellen sibley miller Woodson, Jacqueline Blecher, Lone T.; Blecher, George; Eriksson, Eva; Nilsson, Ulf Numeroff, Laura Joffe Laura Numeroff Numeroff, Laura 3 5.2 3 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4.5 2.5 0 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction If You Give A Mouse A Cookie If You Give a Pig a Pancake If You Give a Pig a Party If You Grew up with George Washington If You Lived at the Time of the American Revolution If You Lived At The Time Of The Civil War If You Lived at theTime of the San Francisco Earthquake If You Lived In Colonial Times If you lived with the Indians of the Northwest Coast If You Lived with the Iroquois If You Made A Million Bond, Felicia; Numeroff, Laura J. Bond, Felicia; Numeroff, Laura J. Numeroff, Laura If You Sailed on the Mayflower in 1620 If You Take a Mouse to School If You Take a Mouse to the Movies If You Want to See a Caribou If You Were A Writer If You Were My Bunny If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution If You'll Be My Valentine If You're Angry and You Know It! If You're Not From the Prairie If You're Reading This, it's Too Late Iggie's House Igor Movie Novelization Iktomi and the Berries: a Plains Indian story Iktomi and the Ducks: a Plains Indian story Ill Be Seeing You I'll Be Seeing You I'll Meet You At The Cucumbers I'll See You When the Moon is Full I'll Teach My Dog 100 Words Illusions Illustrated World of Oceans, The Illustrated World of Space, The I'm a Big Brother I'm a Manatee I'm a Pig I'm a Seed I'm Bored I'm Dirty! I'm Gonna Like Me I'm in Charge of Celebrations 1 2.8 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Gross, Ruth Belov 3 NonFiction Moore, Kay 3 NonFiction Kay Moore 4 Fiction Levine, Ellen McGovern, Ann 5 3.5 Fiction NonFiction Anne Kamma Levine, Ellen Kellogg, Steven; Schwartz, David M. 5 4 5 Fiction NonFiction NonFiction McGovern, Ann Numeroff, Laura Numeroff, Laura Joffe Root, Phyllis Nixon, Joan L. McMullan, Kate H. 3 2 3 1 3 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Levy, Elizabeth Rylant, Cynthia Kaiser, Cecily Bouchard, David Pseudonymous Bosch Blume, Judy Hapka, Catherine 3 1 0 4 6 3.8 5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Goble, Paul 2.9 Fiction Goble, Paul McDaniel, Lurlene Clark, Mary Higgins Moore, Lilian; Wooding, Sharon Fowler, Susi Gregg Michael Frith Aprilynne Pike Wells, Susan Nicolson, Iain Cole, Joanna Lithgow, John Weeks, Sarah Marzollo. Jean Michael Ian Black McMullan, Kate & Jim Jamie Lee Curtis & Laura Cornell Parnall, Peter; Baylor, Byrd 2.9 8 9 3.5 1 0 9 3 6 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction I'm New Here I'm Nobody, Who Are You? I'm Not A Supermouse! I'm Not Scared! I'm Not Who You Think I Am I'm So Embarrassed! I'm Somebody Too I'm Sorry I'm Still Here in the Bathtub I'm Too Fond of My Fur! Imaginary Animals: Poetry & Art for Young People Imagine That Immigrants Imogene's Antlers Imogene's Last Stand Imp That Ate My Homework Importance of Being Ernest & Related Writings, The In A Circle Long Ago In a Creepy, Creepy Place In A Dark, Dark Room In a Scared Manner I Live In Business with Mallory In Camera and Other Stories In Coal Country In Country In Daddy's Arms I am Tall In for Winter, Out for Spring In Good Hands In My Enemy's House In My Family (En Mi Familia) In My Place In One Tidepool In Plain Sight In Search of the Grand Canyon: Down the Colorado with John Wesley Powell In Shadowland In the Deep, Dark Forest In The Eye of the Cat: Japanese Poetry In the Face of Danger In the Forests of the Night In the Hand of the Goddess In the Heart of the Quake In the Hollow of Your Hand: Slave Lullabies In The Ice Caves of Krog (Secrets of Droon Series #20) In the Night Kitchen Howlett, Bud Anderson, Mary Geronimo Stilton Hans Wilhelm Peg Kehret Munsch, Robert N. Gehret, Jeanne Mayer, Mercer and Gina Katz, Alan Stilton, Geronimo 2 6 3 1 5 2.5 3.1 2 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Sullivan, Charles Raimondo, Joyce Sandler, Martin W.; Billington, James Small, David Candace Fleming Yep, Laurence 3.7 5 4 2.8 2.6 4 Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Wilde, Oscar Van, Laan Nancy Root, Kimberly B.; Gorog, Judith Zimmer, Dirk; Schwartz, Alvin Philip, Neil Laurie Friedman Westall, Robert Hendershot, Judith; Foster, Frances; Rosenthal, Eileen Mason, Bobbie Ann Steptoe, Javaka Adoff, Arnold Swinburne, Stephen Matas, Carol Garza, Carmen L. Hunter-Gault, Charlayne Fredericks, Anthony D. Hurst, Carol Otis 9 3.9 2 2.3 5.4 3 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 4.2 7 3 2 3 4.5 3.5 10 1 5 Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fraser, Mary A. Anno, Mitsumasa Humphrey, Paul Demi, Hitz Nixon, Joan L. Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia Pierce, Tamora Levithan, David 3 3.9 2 3 7.3 8 7 5 Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction McGill, Alice 1 Fiction Abbott, Tony Sendak, Maurice 3 0 Fiction Fiction In the Park In the Small Small Pond In the Small, Small Night IN THE SMALL, SMALL POND In The Stone Circle In the Tall Tall Grass In the Time of Drums In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson In-Between Days, The Inch Boy, The Inch By Inch Inchworm and a Half Incident at Hawk's Hill Incredible Edible Science: The Amazing Things That Happen When You Cook Incredible Journey of Lewis and Clark, The Incredible Journey, The INCREDIBLE NED Indian Bunny Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison Indian in the Cupboard Indoor Science Infield Hit Ingenious Mr. Peale, The Inherit the Wind Inheritance Ink Drinker Inkheart Inkheart Inkspell Insect Metamorphosis Insect Metamorphosis: From Egg to Adult Insectlopedia Inside a House that is Haunted Inside My Feet: The Story of a Giant Inside Out and Back Again Inside Outside Upside Down Inside the Walls of Troy Inside Your Busy Body Inside-Outside Book of Libraries Interrupting Chicken Into the Air: The Story of the Wright Brothers' First Flight Into the Candlelit Room and Other Strange Tales Into the Firestorm Dorling Kindersley Fleming, Denise Kurtz, Jane DENISE FLEMING Elizabeth Cody Kimmel Fleming, Denise Siegelson, Kim L. Simont, Marc; Lord, Bette Bao Bunting, Eve; Pertzoff, Alexander Morimoto, Junko Lionni, Leo Elinor J. Pinczes Randall Enos (Illustrator) Eckert, Allan W.; Schoenherr, John Brunelle, Lynn; Seelig, Tina L. 0 1 2 0 6 1 3 3.8 4 8 1.5 1 7.5 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 NonFiction Blumberg, Rhoda R. Burnford, Sheila Every; Burger, Carl MAYNARD, BILL Bornstein, Ruth 6.7 6 2 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lenski, Lois Banks, Lynne Reid Ganeri, Anita Dygard, Thomas J. Wilson, Janet Lawrence, Jerome Christopher Paolini Sanvoisin, Eric Funke, Cornelia Funke, Cornelia Funke, Cornelias Goor, Ron 6 6 6 5.7 6 9 9 4 7 6 6 3 Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Goor, Ron; Goor, Nancy Florian, Douglas Satin Capucilli, Alyssa Himler, Ronald; Kennedy, Richard Thanhha Lai Stan and Jan Berenstain McLaren, Clemence Demuth, Patricia Munro, Roxie; Cummins, Julie David Ezra Stein 2 3 2 4.5 5 0 6.4 3 2.9 2 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Burleigh, Robert 4 Fiction McKean, Thomas Deborah Hopkinson 8 4 Fiction Fiction Into the Land of the Lost Into The Land of the Unicorns Into the Mummy's Tomb Into the Sea Into the Storm (Left Behind-the KidsBook 11) Into the Twister of Terror Invasion From Below the Earth Inventions Invincible Summer Invisible Intruder, The Invisible Island, The Invisible Lissa Invisible Stanley Invisible Thread, The Invitation to the Game Ira Says Goodbye Ira Sleeps Over Iris and Walter Irish Cinderlad, The Ironman Irving and Muktuk Is He a Girl? Is It Heavy? Is It Shiny? Is That Robot Really My Doctor? Is That You, Winter? Is There Room on the Feather Bed? Is This a House for Hermit Crab? Is Your Mama a Llama? Isabella : A Wish for Miguel, Peru, 1820 Isabella's Bed Isabelle Isabel's House of Butterflies Ishi, Last of His Tribe Island Baby Island Book One: Shipwreck Island Boy Island Far From Home, An Island Like You, An Island of Skog, The Island of the Blue Dolphins Island on Bird Street, The Island, The Island-below-the-Star, The It Came from Beneath the Sink! It Could Always Be Worse It Could Still Be Water Abbott, Tony Coville, Bruce Reeves, Nicholas Guiberson, Brenda Z.; Berenzy, Alix 3 4.8 5 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Stine, R. L. Philip Curtis Wyatt, Valerie Ferris, Jean Keene, Carolyn Roy, Ron Honeycutt, Natalie Brown, Jeff Uchida, Yoshiko Hughes, Monica Waber, Bernard Waber, Bernard Guest, Elissa Haden Krupinski, Loretta; Climo, Shirley Crutcher, Chris Pinkwater, Daniel Manus; Pinkwater, Jill (Illustrator) Sachar, Louis Bryant-Mole, Karen Bryant-Mole, Karen Rebecca Grambo Gammell, Stephen Westcott, Nadine B.; Moore Gray, Libba Megan McDonald Guarino, Deborah 6 5 4 3 8.5 4 3 3 2 6.8 5 3.5 2.5 0 3 5.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Newman, Shirlee P. Lester, Alison Laurence Yep Tony Johnston Kroeber, Theodora Keller, Holly Gordon Korman Cooney, Barbara Donahue, John Cofer, Judith Kellogg, Steven Lewin, Ted; O'Dell, Scott Orlev, Uri Paulsen, Gary Rumford, James Stine, R. L. Zemach, Margot Fowler, Allan 4 2 4 0 5 5 4 3.9 4 6 3 5.5 7 5.7 4.8 4 2.4 1 0 2 2 2 5 2 0 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Non Fiction It Goes eeeeeeeeeeeee! It Is the Wind It Takes a Village Itchy Richard Itchy, Itchy Chicken Pox It's a Good Game, Dear Dragon It's a Hummingbird's Life It's April Fool's Day! It's Christmas It's Christmas, David! It's George It's Groundhog Day It's Halloween, Dear Dragon It's Halloween, You 'Fraidy Mouse! It's Like This, Cat It's Music to My Ears (Amazing Days of Abby Hayes) It's My Birthday, Too It's Not Easy Being a Bunny It's Not Easy Being Big It's Not My Fault It's Not the End of the World It's OK to Be Different It's Okay to be Different It's Pumpkin Time! It's Sharing Day! It's Thanksgiving It's Thanksgiving! It's the Best Day Ever, Dad! It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown It's Too Windy! It's Winter, Dear Dragon Iva Dunnit and the Big Wind Ivanhoe Ivy and Bean break the fossil record Ivy and Bean are Bound to be Bad Ivy and Bean Doomed to Dance Ivy and Bean Make The Rules Ivy and Bean No News Is Good News Ivy and Bean, Book 1 Ivy and Bean: Take Care of The Babysitter Ivy and Bean: Take the Case Ivy and Bean: What's The Big Idea Ivy Bean and the Ghost that Had to Go Izzy, Willy-Nilly Izzy's Ukulele Adventure J. K. Rowling : The Wizard Behind Harry Potter De Groat, Diane; Gilson, Jamie Wolff, Ferida Cowen-Fletcher, Jane De Groat, Diane; Gilson, Jamie Maccarone, Grace Hillert, Margaret Kelly, Irene Steven Kroll Jack Prelutsky Shannon, David Cohen, Miriam Kroll, Steven Margaret Hillert Geronimo Stilton Neville, Emily C.; Weiss, Emil 3 1 3 4.2 1 0 3 1 2 1 2.5 4.4 0 3 6.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Anne Mazer Jonell, Lynne; Mathers, Petra Marilyn Sadler St. Pierre, Stephanie Brandenberg, Franz Blume, Judy Teal, Joyce Todd Parr Halpern, Shari; Hall, Zoe Larsen, Kirsten Jack Prelutsky Metzger, Steve Shields, Brooke Charles M. Schulz Wilhelm, Hans Hillert, Margaret Purdy, Carol Farr, Naunerle C.; Taloac, Gerry; Scott, Sir Walter Annie Barrows Annie Barrows Annie Barrows Annie Barrows Annie Barrows Annie Barrows 5 0 0 1 2 5 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 3.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Non Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Annie Barrows Annie Barrows Annie Barrows Annie Barrows Voigt, Cynthia Molly Cules 3 3 3 3 7.2 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Shapiro, Marc 5 NonFiction J.B. Wigglebottom and the Parade of Pets Jabuti the Tortoise: A Trickster Tale from the Amazon Rain Forest Jack Jack and the Beanstalk Jack and the Leprechaun Jack Gets a Clue The Case of the Beagle Burglar Jack Russell: Dog Den Mystery Jack Russell: The Lying Postman Jack Russell: The Phantom Mudder Jack Takes the Cake Jackal Woman: Exploring the World of Jackals Jacket I Wear in the Snow, The Jackie & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Jackie Robinson Jackie Robinson: Strong Inside and Out (TFK Biographies Series) Jack's Tales Jackson Jones and the Puddle of Thorns Jacob Have I Loved Jacob's Collection Jacob's Rescue Jade Green: A Ghost Story Jafta Jaguar Jaguar Jaguar's Jewel, The Jaguarundi Jake Jake and Lily Jake Drake Bully Buster Jake Johnson : The Story of a Mule Jake Ransom and the Skull King's Shadow Jakers! Time for Bed Jalapeno Bagels Jamaica and the Substitute Teacher Jamaica Tag-Along Jamaica's Blue Marker Jamberry Jamela's Dress James and the Giant Peach James Goes Buzz, Buzz James, King of England Jamie and the Mystery Quilt Sathre, Vivian 4 Fiction 2 7.3 5.1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Nancy Krulik Darrel and Sally Odgers Darrel and Sally Odgers Darrel and Sally Odgers McGee, Marni 2 2 2 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Pringle, Laurence; Moehlman, Patricia D. Neitzel, Shirley; Cohr, Amy; Parker, Nancy Winslow 4 Fiction 1.9 Fiction McDermott, Gerald Homes, A. M. Kellogg, Steven Robertson, Ivan T. Dan Gutman Coombs, Karen M. 4 6 Fiction NonFiction Editiors of TIME for Kids, Of Time Editors Chase, Richard 3 5.4 Fiction Fiction Rosales, Melodye; Quattlebaum, Mary Paterson, Katherine Dugan, Karen; Mundt, Brian Drucker, Malka Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Lewin, Hugh; Kopper, Lisa Cowcher, Helen Smith, Roland Roy, Ron Hamilton, Virginia; Cooper, Floyd Aurey Couloumbis Jerry Spinelli Andrew Clements Seymour, Tres 3.1 5.8 3 4.1 7 2 2.9 6 3 2 5 5 3 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction James Rollins Laura Driscoll Casilla, Robert; Wing, Natasha Havill, Juanita Havill, Juanita; O'Brien, Anne S. Havill, Juanita; O'Brien, Anne S. Degen, Bruce Daly, Niki Dahl, Roald; Smith, Lane (Illustrator) Rev. W. Awdry Johnny Zucker and Barrie Appleby Vicki Berger Erwin 5.1 0 2 0 2.1 0 1 1 4 1.2 5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jamie O'Rourke and the Big Potato Jane Eyre Janet's Thingamajigs Janey's Girl Jangles: A Big Fish Story Jar of Dreams, A Jasmine & Rex Jasmine: The Missing Coin Jason Bodger and the Priory Ghost Jayhawker Jazmin's Notebook Jazper Jazz Jazz Kid, The Jeffrey Strangeways Jelly Belly Jenius Jennie's Hat Jennifer Murdley's Toad Jennifer the Jerk Is Missing Jennifer, Too Jennifer,Hecate,Macbeth,William McKinley, and Me Jenny Archer to the Rescue: What Happens When You Want to Be a Hero But Can't Find a Willing... Jenny Archer, Author Jeoffry's Halloween Jeremy Bender vs. the Cupcake Cadets Jeremy Lin Rising Star Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher Jeremy Visick Jericho's Journey Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? : Chunky Board Book Jesse Owens Jessi and the Jewel Thieves Jessica Jim & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Jim Dandy Jim Ugly Jimmy Dabble Jimmy Lee Did It Jimmy Neutron :Jimmy on Ice Jimmy Neutron: Goddard, Come Home! Jimmy Neutron: Jimmy Strikes Out Jimmy Neutron: No More Mr. Smart Guy De Paola, Tomie Bronte, Charlotte Cleary, Beverly; DiSalvo-Ryan, DyAnne Gayle Friesen David Shannon Uchida, Yoshiko Unzner-Fischer, Christa; Lanning, Rosemary; Hanel, Wolfram Disney Kemp, Gene; Turney, Elaine M. Beatty, Patricia Grimes, Nikki Egielski, Richard Morrison, Toni Collier, James L. Murphy, Jill Jones, Bob; Smith, Robert K. King-Smith, Dick Keats, Ezra Jack Coville, Bruce; Lippincott, Gary A. Gorman, Carol Smith-Moore, J. J.; Havill, Juanita 5 9 2 8 3 5.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 3 6 6.2 7 1 9.7 6 3 5 2.6 2.3 5.9 4 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Konigsburg, E. L. 4.9 Fiction Conford, Ellen; Palmisciano, Diane Conford, Ellen; Palmisciano, Diane Bailey, Mary Bryant Eric Luper James Buckley, Jr. Coville, Bruce; Lippincott, Gary A. (Illustrator) Wiseman, David Wisler, G. Clifton 3 2 2 5 4 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5.9 7 5.4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Carlstrom, Nancy W. Rennert, Richard Scott Martin, Ann M. Henkes, Kevin Dan Gutman Faust, Irvin Fleischman, Sid; Smith, Joseph A. Vischer, Fran Cummings, Pat Adam Beechen 1 6.4 5.3 2.9 4 4.3 5.8 3 2.8 2 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Ruth Koeppel Kelli Chipponeri 2 2 Fiction Fiction Adam Beechen 2 Fiction Jimmy Neutron: The Time Pincher Jimmy's Boa Bounces Back Jingle Bells, Homework Smells Jingle Dancer Jinxed! Jip: His Story Jiro's Pearl Jo and the Bandit Joan of Arc Joe on the Go Joe's Toe Joey Pigza Loses Control Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key John and the Fiddler John F. Kennedy American Visionary John F. Kennedy: The Making of a Leader (Biographies for Kids Series) John Henry John Henry John Muir: My Life with Nature John Muir: Man Of The Wild Places John Riley's Daughter Johnny Appleseed Johnny Lion's Book (I Can Read Book Series) Johnny Lion's Rubber Boots Johnny Long Legs Johnny Tremain Johnny's in the Basement Join Hands! Join In Joining the Boston Tea Party Jolly Mon Jolly Old Santa Claus Jonathan and His Mommy Jo's Story Josefina Learns a Lesson : A School Story Josefina Saves the Day: A Summer Story Josefina Story Quilt, The Josefinas Surprise : A Christmas Story Joseph & His Coat of Many Colors Joseph Had a Little Overcoat Josh Gibson Joshua T. Bates Takes Charge Josie's troubles Journal of Joshua Loper: A Black Cowboy Journey Ruth Koeppel Noble, Trinka Hakes Diane de Groat Smith, Cynthia Leitich Kurtis Scaletta Paterson, Katherine Powers, Daniel T. Roberts, Willo D. Poole, Josephine Peggy Perry Anderson Bobby Lynn Maslen Gantos, Jack Gantos, Jack Sewall, Marcia; Foley, Patricia Nathan Olson 2 2 1 3 2 5.5 3.5 6.7 4 1 1 5 5 2.2 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Editors of Time for Kids Morse, John T.; Thayer, William R. Lester, Julius Cornell, Joseph Bharat Greene, Carol; Dobson, Steven Matthews, Kezi Kellogg, Steven 3 4.5 3 4 3 7 4 Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Hurd, Edith Thacher Edith Hurd Matt Christopher Forbes, Esther Sachar, Louis Pat Mora Gallo, Donald R Stanley, Diane Buffett, Jimmy Hinke, George Smalls, Irene Susan Pfeffer 1 0 4 5.5 5 0 6 4 3 1 1 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Tripp, Valerie Tripp, Valerie; Tibbles, Jean-Paul; McAliley, Susan Coerr, Eleanor; Degen, Bruce Tripp, Valerie Kassirer, Sue Taback, Simms Brashler, William Andreasen, Dan; Shreve, Susan Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds; Matheis, Shelley 4 Fiction 4 2 4 1 1 4.9 3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Myers, Walter Dean MacLachlan, Patricia 5 4.5 Fiction Fiction Journey Back, The Journey from Peppermint Street Journey Home, The Journey of the Sparrows Journey Outside Journey to America Journey To Freedom Journey to Jo'burg: A South African Story Journey to the Center of the Earth Journey to the Volcano Palace Journey to Topaz Journey's Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Coral Reefs Journeys Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Jim Henson, the Puppet Man Journeys Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Margret and Hans Rey Journeys Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: The Beach Joy the Summer Vacation Fairy Jubilee Journey Judgement Day (Left Behind-the KidsBook 14) Judy Moody Around the World in 8 1/2 Days Judy Moody Declares Independence Judy Moody Gets Famous Judy Moody Goes to College Judy Moody Predicts the Future Judy Moody Saves the World Judy Moody was in a mood. Not a good mood. A bad mood. Judy Moody, M.D. The Doctor Is In Judy Moody: Girl Detective Judy Scuppernong Julian, Dream Doctor Julian, Secret Agent Julian's Glorious Summer Julie Julie of the Wolves Julie's Wolf Pack Juliet Fisher and the Foolproof Plan Julius Julius Julius Caesar Julius, the Baby of the World Jumanji Jumping Into Nothing Jumping the Nail Juna's Journey Reiss, Johanna De Jong, Meindert Robinson, Charles; Uchida, Yoshiko Buss, Fran L. Steele, Mary Q. Levitin, Sonia; Robinson, Charles Dima, Nicholas 6 5.5 6.1 6.3 4.5 5 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Naidoo, Beverley; Velasquez, Eric Verne, Jules; Calaguian, Val Abbott, Tony; Merrell, David Carrick, Donald; Uchida, Yoshiko 5.5 4.5 3 6.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Erin Spencer 1 Fiction Spencer Thomas 1 Fiction Carl Desmond 1 Fiction Rosa Alvarez Daisy Meadows Meyer, Carolyn 1 4 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim 6 Fiction Megan McDonald Magan McDonald McDonald, Megan; Reynolds, Peter Megan McDonald Megan McDonald McDonald, Megan 4 2 3 3 4 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 2 4 4 2.9 2.5 4.1 4.8 5.6 5.8 5.3 1.9 2 10.5 1.9 4 4 7 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Megan McDonald Megan McDonald Megan McDonald Seabrooke, Brenda Strugnell, Ann; Cameron, Ann Cameron, Ann Cameron, Ann; Leder, Dora George, Jean Craighead; Minor, Wendell George, Jean Craighead; Schoenherr, John George, Jean Craighead; Minor, Wendell Honeycutt, Natalie Hoff, Syd Angela Johnson Shakespeare, William Henkes, Kevin Van Allsburg, Chris Willmer-Pardo, Gina Bunting, Eve Kherdian, David 29-Jun-99 Wiesner, David Kidd, Nina Mead, Alice Kipling, Rudyard; Detmold, Maurice; Detmold, Edward; Kipling, John L.; Drake, Jungle Book, The William H. Jungle, The Sinclair, Upton Junie B. First Grader at Last! Park, Barbara Junie B. Jones - Aloha Ha Ha Park, Barbara Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business Park, Barbara Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth Park, Barbara; Brunkus, Denise Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying Park, Barbara Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's BDay Park, Barbara; Brunkus, Denise Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentine Park, Barbara; Brunkus, Denise Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus Park, Barbara Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake Park, Barbara; Brunkus, Denise Junie B. Jones Has A Monster Under Her Bed Park, Barbara; Brunkus, Denise Junie B. Jones Has a Peep In Her Pocket Park, Barbara; Brunkus, Denise Junie B. Jones is (Almost) a Flower Girl Park, Barbara Junie B. Jones is a Beauty Shop Guy Park, Barbara; Brunkus, Denise Junie B. Jones Is a Graduation Girl Park, Barbara Junie B. Jones Is a Party Animal Park, Barbara Junie B. Jones is Captain Field Day Barbara Park Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook Park, Barbara Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook Park, Barbara; Brunkus, Denise Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren Park, Barbara; Brunkus, Denise 4 3.9 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 8 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 2 Fiction Fiction 3 Fiction 2 Fiction 2 Fiction 3 Fiction 2 NonFiction 2 Fiction 2 Fiction 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 2 Fiction Park, Barbara Park, Barbara 2 2 Fiction Fiction Park, Barbara Park, Barbara Park, Barbara Park, Barbara 2 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Park, Barbara Park, Barbara 2.5 2 Fiction Fiction 2 4 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction June Mountain Secret Junebug and the Reverend Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy Junie B. Jones: One-Man Band Junie B., First Grader: Boo...and I MEAN It! Junie B., First Grader: Boss of Lunch Junie B., First Grader: Cheater Pants Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny Junie B., First Grader: Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! (P.S. So Does May) Junie B., First Grader: Shipwrecked Junie B., First Grader: Toothless Wonder Junior Kroll Junior Thunder Lord, The Junk, Sweet Junk Park, Barbara Betty Paraskevas Yep, Laurence Wigand, Molly Junkyard Dog, The Jurassic Park Just a Bully Just A Day At The Pond Just a Daydream Just A Dream Just a Few Words, Mr. Lincoln: The Story of the Gettysburg Address Just a Little Bit Just A Little Ham Just A Little Luck Just a Little Sick Just A Little Too Little Just a Mess Just a New Neighbor Just a Piggy Bank Just A School Project Just a second: A Different Way to Look at Time Just A Secret Just a Snowy Vacation Just A Thunderstorm Just a Toy Just Another Ordinary Day Just as Long as We're Together Just Being Audrey Just Big Enough Just Call Me Stupid Just Critters Who Care Just Dog Just Ella Just Ella: book 1 Just for You Just For You Just Go to Bed Just Going to the Dentist Just Grandma & Me Just Grandpa and Me Just Helping My Dad Just in Time Just in Time for Christmas JUST KEEP SWIMMING Just like Dad! Just Like Floss Just Like Martin Just Like You Just Lost! Just Me Just Me and My Babysitter Just Me and My Cousin Tamar, Erika Crichton, Michael Mayer, Gina Mercer Mayer Mayer, Mercer Van Allsburg, Chris 4 7.3 0 0 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fritz, Jean Munsinger, Lynn; Tompert, Ann Carris, Joan D. Mercer Mayer Mercer Mayer Mercer Mayer Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Gina Mayer, Mercer Mercer Mayer 2 0 4.1 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Steve Jenkins Mayer, Gina Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Mercer Clement, Rod Blume, Judy Margaret Cardillo Mercer Mayer Birdseye, Tom mercer mayer Oram, Hiawyn Margaret Peterson Haddix Maragret Peterson Haddix Mayer, Mercer Mercer Mayer Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Mercer Mercer Mayer McKenna, Terry; Cave, Kathryn Borden, Louise MELISSA LAGONEGRO Mayer, Gina Kim Lewis Davis, Ossie Fearnley, Jan Mayer, Gina Ets, Marie H. Mercer Mayer Mayer, Mercer 4 2 2 2 0 0 5.5 4 2 4.9 1 0 7 6 2 2 2 2 2 1.5 0 1 2 0 2 1 5.6 0 2 1.8 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Just Me and My Dad Just Me and My Little Brother Just Me and My Mom Just Me and My Puppy Just Me in the Tub Just My Friend and Me Just Not Invited JUST ONE MORE PET Just One Tear Just Plain Cat Just Plain Fancy Just Saving My Money Just Shopping with Mom Just So Stories Just Teenie Just You and Me Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World Justin Case School, Drool and Other Daily Disasters Justin Morgan Had A Horse K is for Kissing a Cool Kangaroo Ka-ha-si and the Loon Karate Class Mystery, The Karen Kepplewhite Is the World's Best Kisser Karen's Bully Karen's Kittycat Club Karen's Roller Skates Karen's Witch Kat Kong Kate Culhane: A Ghost Story Kate Heads West Kate Shelley and the Midnight Express Kate Shelly: Bound for Legend Kate Skates Katie and the Dream-Eater Katie John Katie Kazoo Switcheroo: A Whirlwind Vacation Katie Kazoo Switcheroo: Anyone But Me Katie Kazoo Switcheroo: Holly's Jolly Christmas Katie Kazoo Switcheroo: Karate Katie Katie Kazoo Switcheroo: Out to lunch Katie Kazoo Switcheroo: Who's Afraid of Fourth Grade? Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo: Drat! You Copycat! Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo: Love Stinks! Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Mercer Mercer Mayer Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Gina Mayer, Mercer Mayer, Gina MERCER MAYER Mahon, K. L. Robinson, Nancy K. Polacco, Patricia Mercer Mayer Mayer, Mercer Kipling, Rudyard; Ambrus, Victor G. Meddaugh, Susan McBratney, Sam; Bates, Ivan (Illustrator) 2 2 0 1 2 0 0 2 5 4 2 1 0 4.6 1 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Stock, Catherine; Walter, Mildred P. 5.2 Fiction Rachel Vail Henry, Marguerite Giles Andreae and Guy Parker-Rees Terri Cohlene Levy, Elizabeth; Brunkus, Denise 5 5.3 2 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Bunting, Eve Martin, Ann M. Martin, Ann M. Ann M. Martin Ann M. Martin Dav Pilkey Hague, Michael Brisson, Pat; Brown, Rick Wetterer, Margaret K San Souci, Robert D.; Ginsburg, Max Jane O'Connor Wildsmith, Brian; Takamoto, Hisako Calhoun, Mary 5 2 2.6 3 3 3 7 2.8 3 3.4 1 3.5 4.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Nancy Krulik 4 Fiction Nancy Krulik 3 Fiction Nancy Krulik Nancy Krulik Nancey Krulik 4 4 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Nancy Krulik 3 Fiction Nancy Krulik Nancy Krulik 3 3 Fiction Fiction Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo: Oh, Baby! Nancy Krulik Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo: Quiet on the Set! Nancy Krulik Katie Kittenheart Miriam E. Mason Katie Loves the Kittens John Himmelman Katie Woo: Boss of the World Manushkin, Fran Katie Woo: The Big Lie Manushkin, Fran Katy and the Big Snow Burton, Virginia L. Katy Duck Makes a Friend Alyssa Satin Capucilli Katy No-Pocket Payne, Emmy; Rey, H.A. Keena Ford and the Field Trip Mix-up Melissa Thomson Keena Ford and the Second-Grade MixUp Melissa Thomson Keena Ford and the Secret Journal MixUp Melissa Thomon Keep A Lid On It Pandora Kate McMullan Keep Ms. Sugarman in the Fourth Grade Levy, Elizabeth; Henderson, Dave Keep the Lights Burning Abbie Roop, Peter Keeping Quilt, The Polacco, Patricia Keeping Room, The Myers, Anna Keeping Safe the Stars Sheila O'Connor Kenji Moto the Hermit Romanoff, Alan Kenny & the Dragon Tony Diterlizzi Kenny and the Little Kickers Marzollo, Claudio Kermit the Hermit Peet, Bill Kestrel, The Alexander, Lloyd Kevin and His Dad Smalls, Irene Kevin Corbett eats flies Hermes, Patricia; Newsom, Carol Key to the playhouse, The York, Carol B.; Speirs, John Key to the Treasure Peggy Parish Kiana's Iditarod Gill, Shelley R. Kick, Pass, and Run Leonard Kessler Kid in the Red Jacket, The Park, Barbara; Rosenthal, Eileen Kid Who Became President Gutman, Dan Kid Who Ran for President Gutman, Dan Kidbits Blackbirch Press Staff Kidnapped Stevenson, Robert Louis; Vogel, Malvina Kidnapped at Birth? Sachar, Louis Kidnapped King, The Roy, Ron Browning, Jeannine B.; Mast, Tricia; Kids At Work Thibodeaux, Liz Kids at Work: Lewis Hine & the Crusade Against Child Labor Hine, Lewis; Freedman, Russell Kids of Polk Street School #6: Valentine Star, The Giff, Patricia Reilly Killer Angels, The Shaara, Michael Killing Mr. Griffin Duncan, Lois Kilmeny of the Orchard Montgomery, L. M. Kim/Kimi Irwin, Hadley Kindergarten Kids Calmenson, Stephanie 3 Fiction 3 2 2 1 0 2.9 1 2 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 2 6 Fiction Fiction 4.3 2.5 2 6 4 3 5 1 3 7.5 1 3 3 3 4 1 3.5 5 4 5 7.1 2.4 3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 Fiction 5 Fiction 2 9.9 5 7 6 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Kindgom Keepers: Disney at Dawn Kindred Souls King Arthur King Bidgoods in the Bathtub King Bidgood's In the Bathtub King Crow King Kendrick's Splinter King Lear King of Skittledeedoo, The King of the Wind Kingdom Keepers: Disney at Dawn Kingdom Keepers: Dark Passage Kingdom Keepers: Disney after Dark Kingdom Keepers: Disney in Shadow Kingdom Keepers: Power Play Kingdom Keepers: Power Play Kingdom Keepers: Shell Game Kingdom Keepers: Shell Game Kingfisher Book of the Ancient World: From the Ice Age to the Fall of Rome, The King's Equal, The King's Shadow, The King's Stilts, The Kinship Kipper's Snowy Day Kira-Kira Kirby Kelvin and the Not Laughing Lessons Kirsten & the New Girl Kirsten Learns a Lesson: A School Story Kirsten on the Trail Kirsten Saves the Day : A Summer Story Kirstens Surprise : A Christmas Story Kirsten's Surprise: A Christmas Story Kiss For Little Bear, A Kiss Good Night Kiss It Better Kiss The Cow! Kiss the Frog Kissing Coyotes Kit and Kat Kit Learns a Lesson : A School Story Kitchen Science Kite Runner, The Kites Sail High Kit's Surprise: 1934 a Christmas Story Kit's Wilderness Ridley Pearson Patricia MacLachlan Stephen Krensky Wood, Audrey Wood, Audrey Armstrong, Jennifer; Rohmann, Eric Derby, Sally; Gore, Leonid Shakespeare, William Rust, Patricia; Chan, San Wei (Illustrator) Henry, Marguerite Ridley Pearson Ridley Pearson Ridley Pearson Ridley Pearson Ridley Pearson Ridley Pearson Ridley Pearson Ridley Pearson 6 3 2 2 -1 3 2 11 1 6.5 6 8 4 7 6 7 7 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Martell, Hazel M.; Bahn, Paul Paterson, Katherine; Vagin, Vladimir Alder, Elizabeth Seuss, Dr. Krisher, Trudy B. Inkpen, Mick Kadohata, Cynthia 5 4 5 3 6.5 0 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Ivon, Cecil Shaw, Janet Beeler 3 4 Fiction Fiction Shaw, Janet Shaw, Janet Beeler 5 4 Fiction Fiction Shaw, Janet B. Graef, Renee Shaw, Janet Beeler; Graef, Renee Sendak, Maurice; Minarik, Else H. Hest, Amy Oram, Hiawyn Root, Phyllis Melissa Lagonegro Coyotes, Kissing De Paola, Tomie Tripp, Valerie Maynard, Chris Hosseini, Khaled Heller, Ruth Tripp, Valerie; Rane, Walter Almond, David 4 4 4 2.3 1 0 2 0 3 1 4 5 5.2 2 4 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Kitten in the Cold Kitten Red, Yellow, Blue Kitten's Year Baglio, Ben M. Catalanotto, Peter Day, Nancy Raines 4 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Kitty Princess and the Newspaper Dress Carlow, Emma Klunky Monkey, New Kid in Class Brook, Bonnie; Kraus, Robert Knee-Knock Rise Babbitt, Natalie Knight at Dawn Osborne, Mary Pope Knights Don't Teach Piano Dadey, Debbie Knights of Silversnow, The Abbott, Tony Knights of the Kitchen Table Scieszka, Jon Knock at the Door, A Sonderling, Eric; Ackison, Wendy W. Knots in My Yo-Yo String: The Autobiography of a Kid Spinelli, Jerry Knots on a Counting Rope Martin, Bill Jr. Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale Mo Willems Koala Lou Fox, Mem 1 1.8 5.6 3 3 3 2.5 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 1 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Kofi and His Magic Koko's Kitten Kon-Tiki Korean Cinderella Korow: a Baby Chimpanzee's Story Kotuku Koya Delaney and the Good Girl Blues Kristy's Great Idea Kylie Jean Blueberry Queen Kylie Jean Cupcake Queen Kylie Jean Dancing Queen Kylie Jean Drama Queen Kylie Jean Football Queen Kylie Jean Party Queen Kylie Jean Pirate Queen Kylie Jean Rodeo Queen Kylie Jean Singing Queen Kylie Jean Spelling Queen La Mariposa Lady Knight: Protector of the Small Lady with the Alligator Purse Lady with the Ship on her Head, The Courtney-Clarke, Margaret; Angelou, Maya Patterson, Francine; Cohn, Ronald H. Heyerdahl, Thor Climo, Shirley Duey, Kathleen Savage, Deborah Greenfield, Eloise Martin, Ann M. Marci Peschke Marci Peschke Marci Peschke Marci Peschke Marci Peschke Marci Peschke Marci Peschke Marci Peschke Marci Peschke Marci Peschke Jimenez, Francisco Pierce, Tamora Westcott, Nadine B. Lattimore, Deborah N. 4 4.6 5 3.8 2 6 5.5 3.6 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 7 1 5.5 Lake of Tears (Deltora Quest Series #2) Land I Lost: Adventures of a Boy in Vietnam, The Land of Hope Land, The Landry News, The Lassie Come Home Last Battle, The Last Dog on Earth Emily Rodda Huynh, Quang N. Nixon, Joan Lowery Taylor, Mildred D. Clements, Andrew Knight, E. Lewis, C. S. Ehrenhaft, Daniel NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 5 Fiction 4.7 7 8 4 5.8 5 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Last of the Mohicans, The Last Princess, The Last Safe Place on Earth, The Last Silk Dress, The Last Wolf of Ireland, The Latch-Key Dog, The Late for School Later Gator Laugh with the Moon Laura Charlotte Cooper, James Fenimore Stanley, Diane; Stanley, Fay Peck, Richard Rinaldi, Ann Malterre, Elona Auch, Mary J.; Smith, Cat B. Reiss, Mike Yep, Laurence; Valasquez, Eric Shana Burg Cooper, Floyd; Galbraith, Kathryn O. Laura Ingalls Wilder : An Authors Story Laura Ingalls Wilder : Growing up in the Little House Laura Numeroff's 10-Step Guide to Living with Your Monster Laura's Ma Laura's Pa Lauren the Puppy Fairy Lawless Lawn Boy Lead Us to Freedom, Harriet Tubman! LEAF SEASON CLIFFORD'S PUPPY DAYS Leah's Pony Learning By Heart Leaves in October, The Leaves! Leaves! Leaves! Leaving and Other Stories, The Leaving Home Leaving Morning Lebron James Left for Dead: A Young Man's Search for Justice for the USS Indianapolis Leftover kid, The Legend Hunters! (Backyardigans) Legend of Bluebonnet, The Legend of Red Horse Cavern Legend of Sleepy Hollow Legend of the Candy Cane : The Inspirational Story of Our Favorite Christmas Candy Legend of the Indian Paintbrush Legend of the lost legend Legend of the Milky Way Legend of the Teddy Bear Legend of the White Raccoon Lego City Adventures: Fire Truck to the Rescue! Lego City: 3,2,1 Liftoff! 7 6.9 4.8 8.1 4 4.9 2 3.8 4 2.5 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Glasscock, Sarah 3 NonFiction Giff, Patricia Reilly 5 NonFiction Numeroff, Laura Joffe Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Daisy Meadows Jeffrey Salane Gary Paulsen Peter and Connie Roop 3 4 4 2 5 4 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction QUINLAN B. LEE Friedrich, Elizabeth Young, Ronder T. Ackerman, Karen Nancy Elizabeth Wallace Wilson, Budge Collard III, Sneed B. Johnson, Angela John Walters 1 2 4.5 5.3 3 7 3 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Nelson, Pete Stanbridge, Joanne Ricci, Christine De Paola, Tommy Paulsen, Gary Irving, Washington; San Souci, Daniel; San Souci, Robert D. 7 4 1.5 2.1 5 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4.5 Fiction Walburg, Lori de Paola, Tomie R.L. Stine Lee, Jeanne Murphy, Frank Roddy, Lee 2 2 4 2 2 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Sander, Sonia Sonia Sander 0 0 Fiction Fiction Lego City: All Aboard! Lego City: Build this City Lego City: Calling All Cars! Lego City: Save this Christmas Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography Lentil Leo and Emily's Zoo Leo the Late Bloomer Leo The Magnificat Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo, the Terrible Monster Leonardo's Hand Leon's Story Leopard's Drum : An Asante Tale from West Africa Leprechaun in Late Winter Leprechauns Don't Play Basketball Leprechauns Don't Play Fetch Leprechauns Never Lie Leroy and the Old Man Les Miserables Let it Fall Let Me Off This Spaceship Let Me Tell You How I Died Let the Circle Be Unbroken Let’s Clean Up Let's Be Enemies Let's Clean Up! Let's Count it Out, Jesse Bear Let's Dream, Martin Luther King, Jr.! Let's Drive, Henry Ford! Let's Exercise Let's Find Out About Money Lets Get Invisible! Let's Go for a Drive Let's Go 'Noles! Let's Go Rock Collecting Let's Go to the Aquarium Let's Go, Dear Dragon Let's Go, Froggy! Let's Look at Animal Teeth Let's Make Rabbits Sander, Sonia Scholastic Sonia Sander Rebecca L McCarthy 1 1 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Snicket, Lemony McCloskey, Robert Abolafia, Yossi; Brandenberg, Franz Bruce Degen McCully, Emily Arnold; Martin, Ann M. Stanley, Diane Mo Willems Downing, Wick Tillage, Leon Walter; Roth, Susan L. 6.5 3 2.9 0 2.8 4 2 6 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Souhami, Jessica Pope Osborne, Mary Dadey, Debbie Debbie Dadey and Marcia Thornton Jones Balian, Lorna Butterworth, William E. Hugo, Victor Maryann Cocca-Leffler Greer, Gery; Ruddick, Bob; Sims, Blanche L. Smith, Sinclair Taylor, Mildred D. Anderson , Peggy Perry Sendak, Maurice; Udry, Janice M. Anderson, Peggy Perry Nancy White Carlstrom Peter and Connie Roop Peter and Connie Roop Elizabeth Vogel Swann, David; Barabas, Kathy Stine, R. L. Willems, Mo Aimee Aryal Gans, Roma Cate Foley Hillert, Margaret London, Jonathan; Remkiewicz, Frank Wendy Perkins Leo Lionni 2 3 3 3 3.9 7 9.7 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4.4 7 7.3 0 2.9 1 1 5 4 1 2.4 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 NonFiction 0 NonFiction 6 NonFiction Let's Read Biography: Antonia Novello Houghton Mifflin Let's Read Biography: Christa McAuliffe Houghton Mifflin Let's Read Biography: Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the World Houghton Mifflin Let's Read Biography: George Washington Let's Read Biography: Maria Martinez Let's Read Biography: Martin Luther King, Jr. Let's Read Biography: Mary McLeod Bethune Let's Read Biography: Squanto Let's Read Biography: Thomas Edison Let's Split Logs, Abraham Lincoln Let's Talk about Race Letter to Amy, A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt Letter, the Witch,and the Ring, The Letters from a Slave Girl: The Story of Harriet Jacobs Letters From Rifka Letters to Judy: What Your Kids Wish They Could Tell You Letting Go of Lisa Letting Swift River Go Liang & the Magic Paintbrush Liar, Liar Liar, liar pants on fire Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! Liars Libby Bloom Libby of High Hopes Libby on Wednesday Librarian Who Measured the Earth, The Library Dragon, The Library Gingerbread Man, The Library Lil Library Lion Library, The Life and Death of Crazy Horse, The Life and Times of the Apple, The Life and Times of the Honeybee, The Life in the Dust Bowl Life in the Ocean, The Story of Oceanographer Sylvia Earle Life in the Rain Forest Life of Pi Life on a Pig Farm Life with Animals, Jane Goodall, A Lifecycles Tadpole to Frog Life's A Funny Proposition, Horatio Lift Off! : An Astronaut's Dream Lift Off!: An Astronaut's Dream Light Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin 6 6 NonFiction NonFiction Houghton Mifflin 6 NonFiction Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin Peter and Connie Roop Lester, Julius Keats, Ezra Jack De Young, C. Coco Bellairs, John 3 6 6 3 3 2 4 4 Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lyons, Mary E. Hesse, Karen 7 5.1 NonFiction Fiction Blume, Judy Lurlene McDaniel Yolen, Jane Demi Gary Paulsen Korman, Gordon Hoban, Lillian; Cohen, Miriam Petersen, P. J. Masters, Susan R.; Szpura, Beata Elise Primavera Snyder, Zilpha K. 5.2 8 1 2 5 2 1 5.1 3 4 7.3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lasky, Kathryn; Hawkes, Kevin Deedy, Carmen A.; White, Michael P. Enderle, Dotti Suzanne Williams Michelle Knudsen Stewart, Sarah; Small, David (Illustrator) Freedman, Russell; Bull, Amos B. Micucci, Charles Micucci, Charles Isaacs, Sally Senzell 5 2 2 1 0 0 7.2 3 3 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction Claire A. Nivola Christine Caputo Martel, Yann Wolfman, Judy Ferber, Elizabeth Camilla de la Bedoyere Polikoff, Barbara G. Mullane, R. Mike Mullane, R. Mike; Wimmer, Mike Micheal Grant 3 4 8 3 6 1 5.5 3 5 12 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Light in the Forest, The Light on Hogback Hill, The Lighthouse Children, The Lighthouse Mermaid, The Lighthouses Lighting a Lamp: A Diwali Story Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie Lila Bloom Lila on the Landing Lilies of the Field, The Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse Lily and Miss Liberty Lily and the Runaway Baby Lily and the Wooden Bowl Lily Cupboard, The Lily's Crossing Lily's Garden Lily's Pesky Plant Lima Bean Monster, The Limu The Blue Turtle Lincoln and His Boys Lincoln: A Photobiography Line Drive To Short Chappell, Warren; Richter, Conrad DeFelice, Cynthia Hoff, Syd Schmidt, Karen L.; Karr, Kathleen Guiberson, Brenda Z. Jonny Zucker Julie Sternberg Alexander Stadler Alexander, Sue; Eagle, Ellen Barrett, William E.; Silverman, Burt Henkes, Kevin Stevens, Carla Truesdell, Sue; Shreve, Susan Schroeder, Alan Himler, Ronald; Oppenheim, Shulamith L. Giff, Patricia Reilly Deborah Ray Larsen, Kirsten Yaccarino, Dan; McCauley, Adam Kimo Armitage Rosemary Wells Freedman, Russell Matt Christopher Sandin, Joan; Anderson, Lena; Bjork, Christina Linnea in Monet's Garden Lion Dancer : Ernie Wan's Chinese New Year Waters, Kate Lion King: Just Can't Wait to Be King, The Charbonnet, Gabrielle Lion King: Morning at Pride Rock, The Lion to Guard Us, A Lion Who Wanted to Love Lion, King of the Beasts Slater, Teddy Bulla, Clyde R. Andreae, Giles Denis-Huot, Christine Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, The Lewis, C. S. Lion: Killer King of the Plains Spilsbury, Louise Peguero, Leone; Peguero, Adrian; Peguero, Lionel & Amelia Gerard Lioness Rampant Pierce, Tamora Lions at Lunchtime Osborne, Mary Pope Lirael: Daughter of the Clayr Nix, Garth Lisa, Bright and Dark Neufeld, John Listen Buddy Lester, Helen Listen to the Desert Mora, Pat; Mora, Francisco X. (Illustrator) Listening for Lions Whelan, Gloria Listening For the Crack of Dawn Davis, Donald D. Littel Pieces of the West Wind Goode, Diane; Garrison, Christian Little Band, The Sage, James; Narahashi, Keiko Minarik, Else Holmelund; Sendak, Maurice Little Bear (Illustrator) 7.6 6 1.8 2 4 1 3 4 2 5.9 2.9 3.9 4.6 1.8 3.8 4.5 4 4 2 1 4 7 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 Fiction 2 Fiction 3 Fiction 1 3.9 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 5.9 3 NonFiction Fiction 2 7 2 8 7 2.4 1 5 7 4.2 2.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 1 Fiction Little Bear Marches in the Saint Patrick's Day Parade Janice, Mariana Little Bear Sleeping Tony Johnston Little Bears Christmas Landa, Norbert Little Bear's Christmas Janice, Little Bear's Friend Else Holmelund Minarik Little Bears New Friend Pepin, Muriel Little Bear's New Year's Party Janice Little Bear's Visit Sendak, Maurice; Minarik, Else H. Little Beaver and the Echo MacDonald, Amy Little Black Truck, The Gray, Libba Moore; Sayles, Elizabeth Little Blue & Little Yellow Lionni, Leo Little Blue Truck Alice Schertle Little Boat That Almost Sank : Matthew 14:22-23, Mark 6:45-51 Warren, Mary P. Little Brown Bear Won't Take a Nap! Dyer, Jane Little Bunny's Sleepless Night Roth, Carol; Gorbachev, Valeri Little By Little Amber Stewart Little Chick's Big Day Mary DeBall Kwitz Little Cloud Eric Carle Little Critter: Good For Me and You Mayer, Mercer Little Critter: Just a Snowman Mayer, Mercer Little Critter's The Picnic Mercer Mayer Little Critter's The Trip Mayer, Mercer Little Dog and Duncan George, Kristine O'Connell Piper, Watty; Walz, Richard; Moseley, Little Engine That Could, The Keith Little Engine That Could, The Piper, Watty Little Excitement, A Harshman, Marc; Rand, Ted Little Fingerling Hughes, Monica Little Firefly : An Algonquian Legend Cohlene, Terri Little Fish That Got Away Cook, Bernadine Little Girl in a Red Dress with Cat and Nicholson, Nicholas B.; von Buhler, Dog Cynthia Little Gorilla Ruth Bornstein LITTLE GREEN KEITH BAKER Little House Burton, Virginia L. Little House Chapter Book, School Days Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House in the Big Woods Williams, Garth; Wilder, Laura Ingalls Little House on Rocky Ridge MacBride, Roger L.; Gilleece, David Little House on the Prairie Wilder, Laura Ingalls Little House, The Burton, Virginia L. Little Island MacDonald, Golden Little League: Play Ball Matt Christopher Little Lefty Christopher, Matt Little Loon and Papa Toni Buzzeo Little Lord Fauntleroy Frances Hodgson Burnett Little Lost Fox Cub, on the Trail of Little Fox Routiaux, Claudine; Espinassous, Louis 2 1 2 2.7 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 0 3.6 1 5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3.6 2 0 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 2 4.2 4.5 4 4.2 1 4 4 1 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3.5 Fiction Little Magic, A Little Match Girl, The Little Men Little Mermaid - Sebastian's Story, The Little Minister, The Little Miss Giggles Little Miss Helpful Little Miss Naughty LITTLE MISS SPIDER Little Monster Little Mouse Has an Adventure Little Mouse's Big Valentine Little Nino's Pizzeria Little Oh Little Owl Lost Little Parsley Little Pea Little Penguin, The Little Penguin's Tale Little Pet Werewolf Little Pierre: A Cajun Story from Louisiana Little Pink Pig Little Pink Pup Little Polar Bear and the Big Balloon Little Polar Bear, Take Me Home! Little Prince, The Little Princess, A LITTLE QUACK Little Quack's New Friend Little Rabbit Who Wanted Red Wings Little Rabbit's Easter Surprise Little Rabbit's Loose Tooth Little Raccoon Who Could Little Red Ant and the Great Big Crumb, The Little Red Caboose Heisel, Sharon E. Andersen, Hans Christian; Isadora, Rachel Louisa May Alcott Colby, J. Tate, Elizabeth; Barrie, James Roger Hargreaves Roger Hargreaves Roger Hargreaves DAVID KIRK Pascale Constantin Lavis, Steve Hurd, Thacher Barbour, Karen LaMarche, Jim; Melmed, Laura K. Chris Haughton Giannini, Enzo Rosenthal, Amy Krouse Wood, Audrey Wood, Audrey Stone, Tom B. San Souci,, Robert D. Hutchins, Pat Johanna Kerby de Beer, Hans De Beer, Hans Saint-Exupery, Antoine de; Woods, Katherine Burnett, Frances Hodgson LAUREN THOMPSON Thompson, Lauren Bailey, Carolyn S. Compton, Joanne; Compton, Kenn De Groat, Diane; Bate, Lucy Poskanzer, Susan Cornell Dlimo, Shirley Potter, Marian Grimm, Jacob W.; Grimm, Wilhelm K.; Zwerger, Lisbeth Kenneth Spengler Galdone, Paul Hyman, Trina S. Little Red Cap Little Red Hen Gets Help Little Red Hen, The Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood (5 Minute Goodnight Stories) Lisa Harkrader Little Red Riding Hood (Puffin Easy-toRead Level 1) Harriet Ziefert Little Riders, The Spier, Peter; Shemin, Margaretha Little Ships Borden, Louise Little Star Herman, Gail 6 3 6 2 9.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2.3 1 3.8 1.5 2 3.5 4 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 2 1 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6.9 5.5 0 0 2 1.7 3.2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 0 Fiction Fiction 3.7 2 3.2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 2 5.5 6 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Little Star (Dora the Explorer) Little Swan Little Things Little Too-Tall Little Town on the Prairie Little Tricker the Squirrel Meets Big Double Bear Little Wizard, The Little Wolf's Book of Badness Little Women Littlejim's Gift Littles Go Exploring, The Littles Go to School, The Littles Take A Trip, The Littles to the Rescue Littlest Angel Littlest Pumpkin, The Lives of the Musicians Lives of the Writers Liz Looks for a Home (The Magic School Bus) Liz takes Flight (The Magic School Bus) Lizard Music Lizzie Logan Gets Married Lizzie Logan, Second Banana Lizzie McGuire: Broken Hearts Llama in the Family, A Llama Llama and the bully goat Llama Llama Holiday Drama llama llama home with mama Llama Llama Mad at Mama Llama Llama Misses Mama Llama Llama Red Pajama Llama Llama Time To Share Local News Loch Locked in the Library Locked In Time Locomotion Log Cabin Home : Pioneers in the Wilderness Lollopy Lombardo's Law Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China Lone Sentinel, The Lone Wolf Lonely Only Dog, The Sarah Willson Geras, Adele Sewall, Marcia; Laurin, Anne Jane Belk Moncure Wilder, Laura Ingalls 2 1 3.8 1 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Kesey, Ken Bergsma, Jody Whybrow, Ian Alcott, Louisa May; Edwards, Gunvor; Gliberry, Lysbeth Allen, Thomas B.; Houston, Gloria Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John; Clark, Roberta C. Peterson, John Tazewell, Charles Herman, R. A. Krull, Kathleen Krull, Kathleen 4.5 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction 7.9 2 3.1 2.7 2.4 3 1 2 5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Cole, Joanna 1.5 Fiction West, Tracy Pinkwater, Daniel M. Spinelli, Eileen Spinelli, Eileen Thorpe, Kiki Hurwitz, Johanna Anna Dewdney Dewdney, Anna Anna Dewdney Anna Dewdney Dewdney, Anna Dewdney, Anna Anna Dewdney Soto, Gary Zindel, Paul Krensky, Stephen; Brown, Marc Duncan, Lois Jacqueline Woodson 2 5 4 5 5 3.5 2 0 0 1 1.6 2 2 5 5.4 3 7.4 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Chambers, Catherine E. Joyce Dunbar Wittlinger, Ellen 6 3 5.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Young, Ed Dereske, Jo Franklin, Kristine L. Brodkin, Adele M. 3.1 7 4.5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lonely Veronica Lonely, Only Mouse, The Lonesome Boy Long Hard Journey: The Story of the Pullman Porter, A Long Road to Gettysburg, The Long road, The Long Shot For Paul Long Spikes Long Way From Chicago: A Novel in Series, A Long Winter, The Long, Long Letter Long-Arm Quarterback Look Before You Leap (Amazing Days of Abby Hayes) Look For the Lorax Look out for the Big Bad Fish! Look Out For Turtles! Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come! Look Out, Earth-Below! Look Out, Washington, D. C.! : The Polk Street Kids on Tour Look to the North Look to the North: A Wolf Pup Diary Look Who's Playing First Base Look-Alike Animals Looking at Lincoln Looking Back Looking Down Looking for a Moose Looking for Alaska Looking for Daniela Looking for Jaguar: And Other Rain Forest Poems Loop The Loop Loose Tooth Loot: How to Steal a Fortune Lord Jim Lord of the Flies Loretta P. Sweeny, Where Are You? Loser Losers, Incorporated Lost Lost Lost and Found Lost and Found: Clements Lost at Sea Lost At Sea Lost Farm, The Duvoisin, Roger Smith, Wendy Bontemps, Arna; Topolski, Feliks 4 2.9 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction McKissack, Patricia; McKissack, Frederick Murphy, Jim Garay, Luis Matt Christopher Arnosky, Jim 8 6.5 1 4 5.7 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Peck, Richard Williams, Garth; Wilder, Laura Ingalls Spurr, Elizabeth Matt Christopher 6 4.4 2 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Anne Mazer Rabe, Tish Cain, Sheridan Berger, Melvin; Lloyd, Megan Nancy Carlson Herman, Gail 5.5 0 1 3 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Giff, Patricia Reilly George, Jean Craighead; Washburn, Lucia George, Jean Craighead; Washburn, Lucia Christopher, Matt Robin Bernard Maira Kalman Lowry, Lois Jenkins, Steve Phyllis Root John Green Kroll, Steven 5 2 2.2 4.5 1 3 4 2 0 7 3 Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Katz, Susan Stevenson, James; Dugan, Barbara Kroll, Steven; Tusa, Tricia Jude Watson Conrad, Joseph; Hope, Christopher Golding, William; Forster, E. M. Giff, Patricia R.; Kramer, Anthony Spinelli, Jerry Mills, Claudia Johnson, Paul B.; Lewis, Celeste David McPhail Teague, Mark Andrew Clements Pfister, Marcus Neale, Jonathan Robinson, Charles; Curry, Jane L. 3 2.5 2.8 5 9.9 8 5.4 5 4.1 2.2 1 2 5 1 5 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lost Horizon Lost in Cyberspace Lost in the River of Grass Lost in the Storm Lost Lake, The Lost Magic Lost on a Mountain in Maine Lost Princess of Oz, The Lost Tooth Club, The Lost Toys, The Lost Treasure of The Emerald Eye #1 Lost Years of Merlin, The Lost! Lostman's River Lot of Otters, A Lottery Rose, The Lotus seed, The Lotus Seed, The Lou Gehrig: The Luckiest Man Alive Loudmouth George and the Sixth Grade Bully Louie Louie's Search Louis Braille: The Boy Who Invented Books for the Blind Louise the Big Cheese Louise the Lily Fairy Louise the one and only Love & Kisses, Eloise Love as Strong as Ginger Love At First Beep Love at First Bleep Love Song for a Baby Love That Dog Love Thy Neighbor: The Tory Diary of Prudence Emerson (Dear America Series) Love You Forever Love You Forever Love You, Soldier Love, Aubrey Love, from the Fifth-Grade Celebrity Love, Ruby Lavender Love, Splat Loving Someone Else Lucille (I Can Read Book Series) Lucinda's Secret (Spiderwick Chronicles Series #3) Luckiest Girl, The Hilton, James Peck, Richard Ginny Rorby Holly Webb Say, Allen Amoss, Berthe Fendler, Donn Baum, Frank; Neill, John R. Johnson, Arden Hale, Irina Geronimo Stilton Barron, T. A. Trimble, Patti DeFelice, Cynthia Berger, Barbara H. Hunt, Irene Kiuchi, Tatsuro; Garland, Sherry Garland, Sherry; Kiuchi, Tatsuro Adler, David A.; Widener, Terry 7 6 6 5 4 4.6 5 5 2 2.4 2 5 0 5.4 1 6 1 1 3.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Carlson, Nancy Murray, Steven T.; Lindgren, Barbro; Lindenbaum, Pija Keats, Ezra Jack 2 Fiction 2.9 2.9 Fiction Fiction Davidson, Margaret Elise Primavera Daisy Meadows Alley, R. W.; Koehler-Pentacoff, Elizabeth Marc Cheshire Look, Lenore Apple Jordan Apple Jordan Bauer, Marion Dane Creech, Sharon; Steig, William 3 2 4 1 1 3 1 1.6 1 5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Turner, Ann Munsch, Robert; McGraw, Sheila Munsch, Robert Hest, Amy Suzanne LaFleur Patricia Reilly Giff Wiles, Deborah Rob Scotton Conford, Ellen Lobel, Arnold 6 1 2 4.9 4 4 4.2 1 6.7 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 7 Fiction Fiction Black, Holly; DiTerlizzi, Tony Cleary, Beverly Lucky Bear Lucky Boy Lucky Charms and Birthday Wishes Lucky Dog Days Lucky Lottery, The Lucky Song Lucky Stone, The Lucky's Big Week Lucy Maud and the cavendish cat Luka's Quilt Luke Goes to Bat Lulu's Hat Lunch Lady and the Author Visit Vendetta Lunch Lady and the Cyborg Substitute Lunch Money Lunch Money and Other Poems About School Lunch Walks Among Us Lunch with Aunt Augusta Lunchtime for a Purple Snake Lyddie Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile Joan Phillips Boase, Susan De Groat, Diane; McDonnell, Christine Delton, Judy Roy, Ron Williams, Vera B. Payson, Dale; Clifton, Lucille Weinberger, Kimberly Wilson, Janet; Manuel, Lynn Guback, Georgia Isadora, Rachel Meddaugh, Susan Meisel, Paul; Shields, Carol D. Benton, Jim Clark, Emma C. Ziefert, Harriet Paterson, Katherine Waber, Bernard 3.2 3.3 3.7 2 6.5 2.8 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction M and M and the Haunted House Game M.C. Higgins the Great M.V. Sexton Speaking Ma Dear's Aprons mac and cheese Macbeth MacDonald Hall Goes Hollywood Mad Dog of Lobo Mountain Made by God: Cats, dogs, hamsters and horses Madeline Madeline Madeline and her Dog Madeline and the Gypsies Madeline in London Madeline Says Merci Madeline's Christmas Madeline's Rescue Mae Jemison Maestro, The Magic & Mischief: Tales from Cornwall Magic Beans, The Magic Circle, The Magic Fan, The Magic Finger, The Ross, Pat Hamilton, Virginia Newton, Suzanne Cooper, Floyd; McKissack, Patricia C. Sarah weeks Shakespeare, William; Foakes, R. A. Gordan Korman Roddy, Lee 2 6.2 7 4.8 1 11 6 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Zonderkidz Bemelmans, Ludwig Bemelmans, Ludwig John Bemelmans Marciano Bemelmans, Ludwig Bemelmans, Ludwig John Bemeknans Marciano Bemelmans, Ludwig Bemelmans, Ludwig Ransom, Candice F. Wynne-Jones, Tim 1 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2.9 4 6.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Climo, Shirley Hillert, Margaret; Pekarsky, Mel Napoli, Donna J. Baker, Keith Dahl, Roald 4 1 4.8 1.5 2.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jarrett J. Krosoczka Jarrett J. Krosoczka Andrew Clements 1 2 3.6 2 3 0 4.1 2 1 1 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 2 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Magic of Oz, The Magic of the Glits, The Magic School Bus at the Waterworks, The Magic School Bus Blows Its Top: A Book About Volcanoes, The Magic School Bus Chapter Book Penguin Puzzle Magic School Bus Explores the Senses Magic School Bus Gets All Dried up: Book about Deserts Magic School Bus Gets Baked In A Cake: A Book About Kitchen Chemistry Magic School Bus Gets Eaten: A Book about Food Chains Magic School Bus Goes Upstream: A Book About Salmon Migration Magic School Bus Going Batty: A Book about Bats, The Magic School Bus Hops Home : A Book about Animal Habitats Magic School Bus in the Haunted Museum : A Book about Sound Magic School Bus In the Time of the Dinosaurs Magic School Bus Inside a Hurricane, The Magic School Bus inside Ralphie: A Book about Germs Baum, Frank; Neill, John Adler, C. S. Magic School Bus Inside the Earth, The Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body Magic School Bus Makes a Rainbow : A Book about Color Magic School Bus Meets the Rot Squad: A Book about Decomposition Magic School Bus On the Ocean Floor Magic School Bus Shows and Tells: A Book About Archaeology Magic School Bus The Giant Germ Magic School Bus Ups and Downs: A Book about Floating and Sinking Magic School Bus: Butterfly Battle Magic School Bus: Electric Storm Magic School Bus: Insect Invaders Magic School Bus: Lost in the Solar System, The Magic School Bus: Gets Ants in its Pants, The Magic School Bus: Looking for Liz Magic School Bus: Space Explorers Cole, Joanna; Degen, Bruce 3.5 Cole, Joanna; Degen, Bruce 3 Fiction Scholastic, Inc. Staff 2 NonFiction Cole, Joanna Cole, Joanna; Degen, Bruce 2 3.9 Fiction NonFiction Cole, Joanna Capeci, Anne 2 4.7 Fiction Fiction Cole, Joanna White, Nancy Capeci, Anne Capeci, Anne 2 4.5 4.4 4.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Cole, Joanna; Degen, Bruce 3.9 Fiction Beech, Linda Ward Cole, Joanna Moore, Eva 2.2 2 4.2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Cole, Joanna; Degen, Bruce 5 4 3.9 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Cole, Joanna 2 Fiction Judith Bauer Stamper Cole, Joanna 3 3 Fiction Fiction Cole , Joanna 2 Fiction Cole, Joanna 2 Fiction Relf, Patricia 2 Fiction Cole, Joanna 3 Fiction Cole, Joanna 3.5 Fiction Relf, Patricia 2 NonFiction Beech, Linda 2 NonFiction Cole, Joanna; Degen, Bruce 3 NonFiction Cole, Joanna; Degen, Bruce 3.9 NonFiction Nadler, Beth 2 Fiction NonFiction Magic School Bus: The Great Shark Escape Magic School Bus: Twister Trouble Magic School Bus: Voyage to the Volcano Magic Steps Magic Tree House #39 Dark Day in the Deep Sea Magic Tree House #40 Eve of the Emperor Penguin Magic Tree House #46 Dogs in the Dead of Night Magic Tree House Carnival at Candlelight Magic Tree House Fact Tracker #10: Ancient Greece and the Olympics Magic Tree House Thanksgiving on Thursday Magic Tree House: Dinosaurs Before Dark Magical Animals Magician and McTree, The Magician's Apprentice, The Magician's Nephew, The Magnificent Mummy Maker, The Magyk (Septimus Heap Series #1) Maisie Maisy Bakes a Cake Maitland's Kid Maizon at Blue Hill Major League Trouble Make A Wish Molly Make Four Million Dollars By Next Thursday Make it Work! Electricity: The Hands On Approach to Science Make Way For Ducklings Makeup Mess Making Friends Making Friends with Frankenstein: A Book of Monstrous Poems & Pictures Making Room For Katherine Malcolm at Midnight Malcolm's Runaway Soap Mallory Goes Green Mallory On Board Malu's Wolf Mama Always Comes Home Mama Dont Allow Mama Don't Allow Mama Is a Miner Joanna Cole Ann Schreiber 4 3 Fiction Fiction Judith Stamper Pierce, Tamora 4 7 Fiction Fiction Mary Pope Osborne 2 Fiction Mary Pope Osborne 3 Fiction Mary Pope Osborne 3 Fiction Mary Pope Osborne Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce 3 Fiction 3 Fiction Mary Pope Osborne 2 Fiction Mary Pope Osborne Carol Watson Coombs, Patricia Rosen, Sidney Lewis, C. S. Woodruff, Elvira Sage, Angie Dabcovich, Lydia; Schertle, Alice Lucy Cousins Anne Schraff Woodson, Jacqueline O'Neil, Laura Cohen, Barbara; Jones, Jan N. 2 2 3.8 6 4.5 4.4 6 3.9 1 7 5 3 3.4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Manes, Stephen 3.1 Fiction Baker, Wendy; Haslam, Andrew McCloskey, Robert Munsch, Robert; Martchenko, Michael Mahy, Margaret 6 3.1 2 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction McNaughton, Colin Mulford, Philippa G. W.H. Beck Bogart, JoEllen Laurie Friedman Laurie Friedman Craig, Ruth Wilson, Karma Hurd, Thacher Hurd, Thacher; Hurd, Edith Thacher; Catalanotto, Peter; Lyon, George E. 3 6.3 4 0 3 3 4.8 0 2 1 2 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Mama Talks Too Much Mama, Do You Love Me? Man From the Other Side, The Man In the Ceiling, The Man of the Family Man on the Moon (A Day in the Life of Bob) Man Who Could Call Down Owls, The Man Who Counted: A Collection of Mathematical Adventures, The Man Who Loved Clowns, The Man Who Vanished Man Who Was Poe, The Mandela : From the Life of the South African Statesman Mandy Man-Eating Tigers of Sundarbans, The Mangaboom Mangrove Wilderness Manhunt Maniac Magee Many Moons Many Moons Many Thousand Gone: African Americans from Slavery to Freedom Many Troubles of Andy Russell, The Many Waters MapHead Mapmaker's Daughter, The Mapping the World Mare for Young Wolf Maria Tallchief : America's Prima Ballerina Mariah Delany's Author of the Month Club Mariah Keeps Cool Mariel of Redwall Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match Mark McGwire : Home Run King Mark Twain & the Queens of the Mississippi Marley and The Runaway Pumpkin Marley: A Dog Like No Other Marlfox Maroo of the Winter Caves Marrying Malcolm Murgatroyd Mars Mars A New True Book Marshmallow Kisses Marta's Magnets Martha and Skits Marisabino, Russo Lavallee, Barbara; Joosse, Barbara M. Halkin, Hillel; Orlev, Uri Feiffer, Jules Karr, Kathleen 1 2.9 6.9 5.2 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 3 Fiction Fiction Tahan, Malba Wood, June R. Keyishian, Amy Avi 7 9.5 0 7.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Cooper, Floyd Brown, Judith G.; Edwards, Julie Montgomery, Sy Lobel, Anita; Pomerantz, Charlotte Lavies, Bianca Kate Messner Spinelli, Jerry Thurber, James; Simont, Marc Thurber, James 4 4 4 4.8 3 6 5.4 2 2 NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hamilton, Virginia Adler, David A.; Hillenbrand, Will L'Engle, Madeleine Howarth, Lesley Helldorfer, M. C.; Hunt, Jonathan Johnson, Sylvia A. Shefelman, Tom 6.4 4 5.4 6 3 7 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 3 NonFiction Greenwald, Sheila Walter, Mildred P. Jacques, Brian; Chalk, Gary Monica Brown Savage, Jeff 5.1 4 7 2 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Harness, Cheryl John Grogan John Grogan Jacques, Brian Turnbull, Ann Farrell, Mame Simon, Seymour Brimner, Larry Dane Brennan, Linda Crotta; Takabayaski, Mari Pfeffer, Wendy Meddaugh, Susan 4 0 4 6 6 4.2 2.9 5 0 1 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Bartman, Simon Bunting, Eve; Mikolaycak, Charles Tallchief, Maria Martha Blah, Blah Martha Camps Out Martha Graham Martha Says It With Flowers Martha Speaks Martha Speaks Pool Party Martha Speaks Thief of Hearts Martha Walks the Dog Martha's New School Martian Chronicles, The Martians Don't Take Temperatures Martin Luther King: Peaceful Warrior Martin MacGregor's Snowman Martin the Warrior Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Marty Mcguire Marvelous Land of Oz, The Marvelous Marvin and the wolfman mystery Marven of the Great North Woods Marvin & the Meanest Girl Marvin K. Mooney, Will You Please Go Now Marvin Redpost A Magic Crystal? Marvin Redpost Kidnapped at Birth? Marvin Redpost: Is He a Girl? Marvin's Best Christmas Present Ever Mary Ann Mary Had a Little Ham Mary Had a Little Lamb Mary Malloy & the Baby Who Wouldn't Sleep Mary Margaret's Tree Mary Marony and the Chocolate Surprise Mary Marony hides out Mary Marony, Mummy Girl Mary of Mile 18 Mary Poppins Mary Wolf Mary Wore Her Red Dress and Henry Wore His Green Sneakers Masai and I Mask of Maliban, The Masks Master Puppeteer, The Matchlock Gun, The Matchlock Gun, The Mater and the Ghost Light Meddaugh, Susan Susan Meddaugh Freedman, Russell Susan Meddaugh Meddaugh, Susan Susan Meddaugh Susan Meddaugh Meddaugh, Susan Steel, Danielle Bradbury, Ray Dadey, Debbie Clayton, Ed Cook, Lisa Broadie Brian Jacques 2.9 0 6 1 2 1 0 4 2 8 4 5.1 2 5 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 3 3 5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Pryor, Bonnie; Sweet, Melissa Lasky, Kathryn; Hawkes, Kevin Kline, Suzy 7 4.8 4 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Seuss, Dr. Louis Sachar Louis Sachar Louis Sachar Paterson, Katherine; Brown, Jane C. James, Betsy Palatini, Margie McMillan, Bruce; Hale, Sarah Josephbuell 0 3 2 3 1 2.9 1 0.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Daly, Niki Drawson, Blair 3.8 2.8 Fiction Fiction Sims, Blanche; Kline, Suzy Kline, Suzy Sims, Blanche; Kline, Suzy Blades, Ann P. L. Travers Grant, Cynthia D. 2.8 1 1 1 5 6 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Peek, Merle Kroll, Virginia L. Abbott, Tony; Jessell, Tim Hatrick, Gloria Paterson, Katherine; Wells, Haru Edmonds, Walter D. Edmonds, Walter D. Andrea Posner-Sanchez 0 2.9 3 6.2 7.6 5.7 4 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Rappaport, Doreen; Collier, Bryan Kate Messner Baum, Frank; Neill, John Mater's Birthday Surprise Math Curse Math in the Backyard Math Wiz, The Matilda Bone Matildia Matthew Jackson Meets the Wall Mattimeo Max Max & Mo Let's Make a Snowman! Max & Ruby: Beach Day Max & Ruby's Christmas Tree Max And Ruby's First Greek Myth Pandora's Box Max Cleans Up Max Found Two Sticks Max Malone makes a million Max Malone, superstar Max Spaniel: Best in Show Max Spaniel: Funny Lunch Max the Mighty Max's ABC Max's Chocolate Chicken Max's Dragon Shirt Max's Halloween May I Bring A Friend May I Please Have a Cookie? Maya & Miguel: Papi Joins the Band Maybelle Goes to Tea Maybelle the Cable Car Mayfield Crossing Maze of Bones (39 clues Series) Maze of the Beast (Deltora Quests Series #6) Maze, The McBroom Tells the Truth McBroom's Ghost McDuff and the Baby McDuff Moves In McElligot's Pool McGillycuddy Could! McKenna (American Girl) McKenna, Ready to Fly! McMummy Me and My Shadow Me and Neesie Me First Me on the Map Me Too! Me Two Melissa Lagonegro Smith, Lane; Scieszka, Jon William Amato Wilson, Janet; Duffey, Betsy Cushman, Karen Ronald Dahl Giff, Patricia R. Jacques, Brian Graham, Bob Patricia Lakin Grosset & Dunlap Rosemary Wells 1 2.7 1 3 6 5 3.5 6.5 0 1 0 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Wells, Rosemary Rosemary Wells Pinkney, Brian Smith, Cat B.; Herman, Charlotte Smith, Cat B.; Herman, Charlotte Catrow, David Catrow, David Rodman Philbrick Rosemary Wells Wells, Rosemary Rosemary Wells Wells, Rosemary De Reginers, Beatrice Schenk Jennifer E. Morris Tracey West Katie Speck Burton, Virginia Nelson, Vaunda M.; Jenkins, Leonard Rick Riordan 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 7 0 2 2 0 3.4 0 2 3 0 5.1 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Emila Rodda Hobbs, Will Fleischman, Sid; Lorraine, Walter H. Sid Fleischman Rosemary Wells Wells, Rosemary; Jeffers, Susan Seuss, Dr. Edwards, Pamela Duncun Mary Casanova Mary Casanova Byars, Betsy C. Smith, Beth Greenfield, Eloise Lester, Helen Joan Sweeney Mayer, Mercer Ryan, Mary C. 5 7 3 3 1 1 3.7 0 3 4 6 2.5 2 1.6 0 2 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Me, Mop & the Moondance Kid Myers, Walter Dean; Pate, Rodney 3 Fiction Me, My Goat, and My Sister's Wedding Pevsner, Stella Me...Jane Patrick McDonnell 5 3 Fiction Fiction Mean Chicks, Cliques, and Dirty Tricks Mean Margaret Mean Soup Meanest Thing to Say, The Measle and the Dragodon Meet Addy : An American Girl Meet Cecile: An American Girl Meet Danitra Brown 7 3 1 2 6 4 3 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 4 4 Fiction NonFiction Fiction 4 4.1 4 3 3 1 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 5 4 5.1 2 1 0 2 1 2 4 5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4.5 2 6.6 4 1 4 9 1 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 4 7 NonFiction NonFiction Karres, Erika V. Shearin Agee, Jon; Seidler, Tor Everitt, Betsy Cosby, Bill Ian Ogilvy Porter, Connie Rose Denise Lewis Patrick Grimes, Nikki Meet Diego! (Dora the Explorer Series) Valdes, Leslie Meet Felicity : An American Girl Tripp, Valerie Meet Josefina : An American Girl Tripp, Valerie Tripp, Valerie; Tibbles, Jean-Paul; Meet Josefina: An American Girl McAliley, Susan Meet Kirsten: An American Girl Shaw, Janet B.; Lackner, Paul Meet Kit: An American Girl: 1934 Tripp, Valerie; Rane, Walter Meet M & M Ross, Pat Meet Marie-Grace: American Girl Sarah Masters Buckley Meet Martha Susan Meddaugh Meet Martin Luther King, Jr. DeKay, James T. Meet Molly: An American Girl Tripp, Valerie; Skeen, Keith; Graef, Renee Meet My Grandmother : Shes A Supreme Court Justice McElroy, Lisa Tucker Meet Rebecca: An American Girl Jacqueline Greene Meet the Austins L'Engle, Madeleine Meet the Autobots Jennifer Frantz Meet the Decepticons Jennifer Frantz Meet the Dragons Catherine Hapka Meet the Heroes (LEGO Hero Factory) Shari Last Meet the Lalaloopsy Girls Samantha Brooke Meet the Thunderbirds Tripathi, Namrata Meet the Wards on the Oregon Trail John J. Loeper, James Watling Meet the Weirds Kaye Umansky Meg Mackintosh and the Case of the Curious Whale.. Landon, Lucinda Megamind: I am Megamind Sierra Harimann Megan's Island Roberts, Willo Davis Melleron's Monsters Douglas Hill Mel's Diner Moss, Marissa Melted Coins Dixon, Franklin W. Member of the Wedding McCullers, Carson Memoirs of a Hamster Devin Scillian Memorial Day Mir Tamim Ansary Memories of Anne Frank: Reflections of a Childhood Friend Gold, Alison L. Memory Jensen, Laura Mennyms, The Meow said the Cow Mercy Watson Fights Crime Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig Mercy Watson: Princess in Disguise Mercy Watson: Something Wonky This Way Comes Merlin Effect, The Mermaid Summer, The Mermaids Don't Run Track Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia Merry Christmas, Eloise! Merry Christmas, Geronimo! Merry Christmas, Grumpy Bunny Merry Christmas, Mom & Dad Merry Christmas, Mouse! Merry Christmas, Old Armadillo Merry Christmas, Ollie! Merry Christmas, Splat Merry Christmas, Stinky Face Waugh, Sylvia Emma Dodd DiCamillo, Kate Kate DiCamillo Kate DiCamillo Katie DiCamillo 5 3 2 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 7 6.7 4 2 1 2 1 1 0 3 0 0 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Merry Christmas, What's Your Name Messenger Messy Mark Metamorphosis Meteor Method, The Metropolitan Cow Mexican Independence Day & Cinco de Mayo MacMillan, Dianne M. Mia and the Big Sister Ballet Robin Farley Mice and Beans Muñoz Ryan, Pam Michael Vey: Rise of the Elgen Evans, Richard Paul Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25 Richard Paul Evans Michelangelo Venizia, Mike Mick Harte Was Here Park, Barbara Mickey & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Dan Gutman Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey's Easter Hunt Sheila Sweeny Higginson 2 6 0 10 1 8 2.7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 1 0 6 7 5 4.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Microscope How to Use It and Enjoy It Middle Moffat, The Middle of Somewhere: A Story of South Africa, The Middle Passages Middle School Blues Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life Middle School: Get Me Out of Here Stwerka, Eve and Albert Slobodkin, Louis; Estes, Eleanor 6 4.5 NonFiction Fiction Gordon, Sheila Brathwaite, Kamau Kassem, Lou 5.8 10 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 6 Fiction Fiction Kate Dicamillo Barron, T. A. Hunter, Mollie Debbie Dadey and Marcia T. Jones Parish, Peggy; Sweat, Lynn Marc Cheshire Geronimo Stilton Korman-Fontes, Justine Mayer, Mercer Numeroff, Laura Catalano, Dominic; Brimner, Larry D. Olivier Dunrea Rob Scotton McCourt, Lisa Maccarone, Grace; Karas, G. Brian; Chardiet, Bernice Lowry, Lois Sharon Peters Kafka, Franz Polacco, Patricia Walker, Paul R. Egan, Tim James Patterson James Patterson and Chris Tebbetts 4 Fiction 1 Fiction Middle School: How I Survived Bullies, Broccoli, and Snake Hill Middle School: My Brother is a Big, Fat Liar Midnight Chess Game, The Midnight for Charlie Bone Midnight Fox, The Midnight Horse, The Midnight is a Place Midnight Magic Midnight on the Moon Midwifes Apprentice Midwife's Apprentice, The Mightier Than the Sword: World Folktales for Strong Boys Mighty Machines Mighty Mount Kilimanjaro Mike and the Magic Cookies Mike Fink Mike Mulligan & His Steam Shovel Mike Mulligan & His Steam Shovel : 60th Anniversary Edition Mike's Mystery Mildred and Sam and Their Babies (I Can Read Book Series) Mile From Ellington Station, A Million Dollar Putt Million Fish . . . More or Less, A Million-Dollar Throw Millions Millions Of Cats Millions to Measure Milly, Molly and the Runaway Bean Milton the Early Riser Mim, Gym, and June Mind Trap, The MIND YOUR MANNERS AT PARTIES Mine, All Mine (A Book About Pronouns) Minerva Louise Minerva Louise and the Red Truck Minerva Louise at School Minerva Louise at the Fair Ming Lo Moves the Mountain Minnie Minnie And Moo And The Haunted Sweater James Patterson and Chris Tebbetts 6 Fiction James Patterson and Lisa Papademetriou Ecke, Wolfgang; Rettich, Rolf Jenny Nimmo Grifalconi, Ann; Byars, Betsy C. Fleischman, Sid Aiken, Joan Avi Osborne, Mary Pope Cushman, Karen Cushman, Karen 5 6.4 5.5 5.3 4 7 7 2 5 6.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Yolen, Jane Sarah Creese Stilton, Geronimo Buller, Jon Carol Beach York Burton, Virginia L. 3 1 2 2.3 3 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Burton, Virginia Lee Warner, Gertrude C. 2 2.3 Fiction Fiction Collicott, Sharleen Egan, Tim Dan Gutman McKissack, Patricia; Schutzer, Dena Mike Lupica Boyce, Frank Cottrell Gag, Wanda Schwartz, David M. Pittar, Gill Robert Kraus Roche, Denis Wesler, G. Clifton 2 1 4 2 5 5 3.1 3 1.5 1 2 7.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 1 1 1 1 1 3.4 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Denys, Cazet 3 Fiction Minnie and Moo and the Musk of Zorro Denys Cazet 3 Fiction ARIANNA CANDELL Ruth Heller Janet Morgan Stoeke Stoeke, Janet Morgan Stoeke, Janet Morgan Stoeke, Janet Morgan Lobel, Arnold Salway, Lance; Schmidt, Annie M. Minnie and Moo and the Thanksgiving Tree Minnie and Moo Go Dancing Minnie and Moo Go to the Moon Minnie and Moo Meet Frankenswine Minnie and Moo Save the Earth Minnie and Moo The Night Before Christmas Minnie And Moo Wanted Dead Or Alive Minnie and Moo, The Night of the Living Bed Minnie and Moo: The Case of the Missing Jelly Donut Minstrel & the Dragon Pup Minstrel in the Tower, The Minty:A Story of Young Harriet Tubman Miracle on 49th Street Miracle Worker, The Miracle's Boys Miracles on Maple Hill Miranda and Starlight Mirandy and Brother Wind Mirette on the High Wire Miriam's Well Mirror Mirror: A Book of Reversible Verse Mischling, Second Degree Miserable Mill, The Mish Mash and the Big Fat Problem Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten Miss Bridie Chose a Shovel Miss Child Has Gone Wild! Miss Daisy is Crazy Miss Flora McFlimsey's Birthday Miss Flora McFlimsey's May Day Miss Hickory Miss Holly Is Too Jolly! Miss Kitty Mystery Miss Lazar Is Bizarre! Miss Maggie Miss Mary is Scary! Miss Nelson Has a Field Day Miss Nelson Is Back Miss Nelson Is Missing Denys Cazet Caset, Denys Denys Cazet Cazet, Denys Cazet, Denys 2 1 2 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Denys Cazet 1 Fiction Denys Cazet 3 Fiction Denys Cazet 3 Fiction Denys Cazet Sutcliff, Rosemary Skurzynski, Gloria; Heller, Julek 1 3 2.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Pinkney, Jerry; Schroeder, Alan Mike Lupica Gibson, William Woodson, Jacqueline 4.2 5 8 7 NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Krush, Beth; Krush, Joe; Sorensen, Virginia Hill, Janet Muirhead Pinkney, Jerry; McKissack, Patricia C. McCully, Emily Arnold Bach, Exum 6.9 5 2 2 6.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Marilyn Singer Koehn, Ilse Snicket, Lemony Cone, Molly 4.1 6.6 6 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 Fiction Joseph Slate Slate, Joseph; Wolff, Ashley Connor, Leslie Dan Gutman Gutman, Dan Mariana, Mariana, Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin Dan Gutman Leppard, Shannon M. Dan Gutman Rylant, Cynthia; DiGrazia, Thomas Dan Gutman Allard, Harry; Marshall, James (Illustrator) Marshall, James; Allard, Harry Marshall, James; Allard, Harry 0 1 4 3 3.2 3.2 5.2 3 3 3 4.7 3 1 3.5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Miss Rumphius Miss Small Is Off The Wall Miss Spider's New Car Miss Spider's Tea Party Miss Spider's Wedding Miss Suki Is Kooky! Missing Gator of Gumbo Limbo : An Ecological Mystery Missing May Missing Mitten Mystery, The Missing Molly Missing Mummy, The Mission Impossible Mission M.I.A. Mississippi Bridge Mister Seahorse Misty Gordon and the Mystery of the Ghost Pirates Misty of Chincoteague Mitchell Is Moving Mitten, The Mittens Mittens Mixed-Up Magic Mixed-Up Pups Moby Dick Moccasin Trail Mockingbird Song, The Moffats, The Mole and Shrew Are Two Molly and the Movie Star Molly Bannaky Molly By Any Other Name Molly Learns a Lesson: A School Story Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism Molly Saves the Day: A Summer Story Molly Takes Flight Molly's in a Mess Molly's Pilgrim Mollys Surprise : A Christmas Story Monday with a Mad Genius Monday's Troll Money Hungry Money Troubles Money, Money, Honey Bunny! Monkey Island Ransom Riggs Cooney, Barbara Don Gutman Kirk, David Kirk, David Kirk, David; White, Antoinette Dan Gutman 10 3 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction George, Jean Craighead Rylant, Cynthia Kellogg, Steven Jahn-Clough, Lisa Roy, Ron Goobie, Beth Pollock, J. C. Taylor, Mildred D.; Ginsburg, Max Carle, Eric 5 7 1 1 3 8 9.9 4 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Kim Kennedy Henry, Marguerite Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Tresselt, Alvin; Mills, Yaroslava Newberry, Clare Lola M. Schaefer Herman, Gail Ed Masessa Melville, Herman McGraw, Eloise J. Amoss, Berthe Slobodkin, Louis; Estes, Eleanor Koller, Jackie French Tripp, Valerie; Backes, Nick McGill, Alice Okimoto, Jean D. 5 5.5 2 1 2.6 1 2 1 8.6 5 5.5 5.4 3 4 3 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Tripp, Valerie; Backes, Nick 4.3 Fiction Byng, Georgia Valerie Tripp Tripp, Valerie Kline, Suzy Cohen, Barbara; Deraney, Michael J. Tripp, Valerie Pope Osborne, Mary Prelutsky, Jack; Sis, Peter Flake, Sharon G. Cosby, Bill Marilyn Sadler Fox, Paula 5 4 4 3 2.5 4 3 2.9 8 2 0 6.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Monkey See, Monkey Do Monkey See, Monkey Do Monkey Trouble Monkey with a Tool Belt Monster at the End of This Book, The Monster Blood Monster Blood II Monster Halloween Party (The Backyardigans) Monster in the Maze Monster Math Monster Trucks Monsters Don't Scuba Dive Monsters Next Door Monsters of Marble Avenue Monster's Ring, The Monsters University Monsters vs. Aliens Ginormica's Big Battle Monty Monument, The Moo Who? Moo, Baa, La La La! Moon and I, The Moon In Your Lunch Box, A Moon Jumpers, The Moon over Manifest Moon Over Tennessee Moon Quilt, The Moon Robber, The Moon Scroll, The Moon Window Moonbow of Mr. B. Bones, The Moongame Moonlight Man, The Moonlight on the Magic Flute Moonlit Journey, The Moonstone Castle Mystery Moonwalk Adventure, The Mooove over! Moorchild, The Moose Tales Mooseltoe More Adventures of the Great Brain More Adventures of the Plant That Ate Dirty Socks More Alex and the Cat More Bunny Trouble MORE PARTS More Spaghetti, I Say! Marc Gave Regan, Dana Gertrude Chandler Warner Chris Monroe Stone, Jon Stine, R. L.; Winfrey, Elizabeth Stine, R. L. 0 0 2 0 2 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Driscoll, Laura Spinner, Stephanie Maccarone, Grace Koons, James Dadey, Debbie Jones, Marcia Thornton Gondosch, Linda Coville, Bruce; Coville, Katherine Irene Trimble 1 2 1 3.9 3 3 2 5 3 Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gail Herman Stevenson, James Paulsen, Gary Margie Palatini Boynton, Sandra Byars, Betsy C. Ohlsson, Ib; Spooner, Michael Sendak, Maurice; Udry, Janice M. Clare Vanderpool Crist-Evans, Craig Warner, Sunny Morrissey, Dean; Krensky, Stephen Abbott, Tony; Jessell, Tim Curry, Jane L. Lewis, J. Patrick Asch, Frank Fox, Paula Mary Pope Osborne O'Donnell, Peter Keene, Carolyn Frisky, Margaret Beil, Karen Magnuson McGraw, Eloise Van Laan, Nancy; Rusch, Amy (Illustrator) Palatini, Margie Fitzgerald, John D. 2 1 5 1 0 4 4.5 2.5 5 7 2 3 3 5.9 3 2.9 5.9 4 3.5 4 4 1 6 1 0 4.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction McArthur, Nancy Carrick, Donald; Griffith, Helen V. Wilhelm, Hans TEDD ARNOLD Gelman, Rita G 7 2.9 2 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction More Spice Than Sugar More Stories Julian Tells More Tales of Amanda Pig More Tales of Oliver Pig More Than Anything Else More, More, More, Said the Baby Morgy Makes His Move Moriah's Pond Morning Chair, The Morning Girl Morris and Boris at the Circus Morris Goes to School Morris Has a Cold Morris is a Cowboy Morris the Moose Mortimer Mortimer Mooner Moshi Moshi Moss Gown Mossflower Morriso, Lillian (Compiler); Boyajian, Ann (Illustrator) Strugnell, Ann; Cameron, Ann Van Leeuwen, Jean Van Leeuwen, Jean Soentpiet, Chris K.; Bradby, Marie Williams, Vera B. Lewis, Maggie; Chesworth, Michael Smothers, Ethel F. Joose, Barbara M. Dorris, Michael Bernard Wiseman Wiseman, Bernard Bernard Wiseman Wiseman, Bernard Wiseman, Bernard Munsch, Robert Edwards, Frank B Miyake, Yoshi; London, Jonathan Carrick, Donald; Hooks, William H. Jacques, Brian; Chalk, Gary 4 2.5 2 2 2.6 0.5 3 5.8 2 5.2 1 1 2 1 0 0 2 4.6 3.5 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Most Wonderful Doll in the World, The McGinley, Phyllis 2.4 Fiction Most Wonderful Egg In The World, The Mother Jones Labor Leader Mother Please Don't Die Mother's Day Mice, The Mothman's Shadow Heine, Helme Connie Colwell Miller Lurlene McDaniel Bunting, Eve Strange, Jason 3.5 4 6 3 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Mountain Bike Hero Mountain Dance Mountain Top Mystery Mountain Wedding Mountains of Tibet, The Mourning Song Mouse & Mole and the All-Weather Train Ride Mouse and the Motorcycle, The Mouse in the House Mouse Mess Mouse Moves House Mouse Paint Mouse Rap, The Mouse Soup Mouse Soup Mouse Tales Mouse Told His Mother Mouse TV Mouse Who Ate Bananas, The Jake Maddox and Thomas Kingsley Troupe Locker, Thomas Warner, Gertrude C. Rand, Ted; Gibbons, Faye Gerstein, Mordicai Lurlene McDaniel 3 3 3.8 2.7 4.3 7 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Doug Cushman Cleary, Beverly Hassett, Ann Riley, Linnea Asplind Cox, Phil Roxbee Walsh, Ellen Stoll Myers, Walter Dean Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Roberts, Bethany Novak, Matt Faulkner, Keith; Tyger, Rory 2 5.6 2 0 1 0 5.2 2 2 2 1 2 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Mousekin's Lost Woodland Mousekin's Special Day Mouse's First Christmas Mouse's Hide-and-Seek Words Move Over, Rover! Moves Make the Man, The Moving Days Mozart Season, The Mozart Tonight Mr Gumpy's Motor Car Mr. Badge and Mrs. Fox #1: The Meeting Miller, Edna Jane Belk Moncure Thompson, Lauren Heling, Kathryn Beaumont, Karen Brooks, Bruce Ruddell, Robert B. Wolff, Virginia E. Downing, Julie Burningham, John Mr. Badger and Mrs. Fox #2: A Hubbub Mr. Bear's Vacation Mr. Betts and Mr. Potts Mr. Blewitt's Nose Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? Mr. Burke is Berserk Mr. Chatterbox Mr. Docker Is off His Rocker Mr. Doodle Had a Poodle Mr. Frumble's Coffee Shop Disaster Mr. Granite is from Another Planet Mr. Griggs' Work Mr. Happy Mr. Harrison is Embarrassin! Mr. Klutz Is Nuts! Mr. Lincoln's Drummer Mr. Lincoln's Way Mr. Men: A Christmas Carol Mr. Monkey's Classroom Mr. Muddle Mr. Popper's Penguins Mr. Popper's Penguins Mr. Putter & Tabby Catch the Cold Mr. Putter & Tabby Feed the Fish Mr. Putter & Tabby Fly the Plane Mr. Putter & Tabby Fly the Plane Mr. Putter & Tabby Stir the Soup Mr. Putter and Tabby Bake the Cake Mr. Putter and Tabby Make a Wish Mr. Putter and Tabby Paint the Porch Mr. Putter and Tabby Pick the Pears Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea Mr. Putter and Tabby Row the Boat Mr. Putter and Tabby Take the Train Mr. Putter and Tabby Toot the Horn Mr. Putter and Tabby Walk the Dog Mr. Putter and Tabby Write the Book Brigitte Luciani Gliori, Debi Hull, Rod; Davies, Jo (Illustrator) Taylor, Alastair Seuss, Dr. Dan Gutman Roger Hargreaves Dan Gutman Jane Belk Moncure Richard Scarry Dan Gutman Rylant, Cynthia; Downing, Julie Roger Hargreaves Dan Gutman Dan Gutman Wisler, G. Clifton Polacco, Patricia Roger Hargreave and Adam Hargreave Oh, Jiwon Roger Hargreaves Atwater, Richard Atwater, Richard and Florence Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia; Howard, Arthur Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Cynthia Rylant Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Brigitte Luciani 2 1 1 0 0.5 7.4 3.9 5 3 2 4 4 0 2 1 1 3 0 3 1 1 3 3.3 0 3 3 5.1 3.2 1 1 0 6.3 4.5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present Mr. Rude Mr. Santizo's Tasty Treats Mr. Semolina-Semolinus Mr. Snow Mr. Tucket Mrs. Brices Mice Mrs. Brown Went to Town Mrs. Claus Doesn't Climb Telephone Poles Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh Mrs. Jafee Is Daffy Mrs. Jeepers in Outer Space Mrs. Kormel is Not Normal! Mrs. Mack Mrs. McMurphy's Pumpkin Mrs. Mike Mrs. Patty is Batty Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle Mrs. Roopy Is Loopy! Mrs. Toggle's Zipper Mrs. Watson Wants Your Teeth Mrs. Wishy Washy Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Christmas Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Farm Ms. Beard is Weird Ms. Coco Is Loco! Ms. Hannah is Bananas! Ms. LaGrange Is Strange! Ms. Leakey is Freaky! Ms. Turtle the Babysitter (I Can Read Book Series) Much Bigger Than Martin Mud Mud Pie Annie Mud Pony, The Mud! Mudshark Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale Muffie Mouse and the Busy Birthday Muggie Maggie Mule Eggs Mummies Mummies Mummies Mummies and Their Mysteries Mummies in the Morning Mummies Made in Egypt Zolotow, Charlotte Roger Hargreaves Flanagan, Alice Manna, Anthony L.; Mitakidou, Christodoula Roger Hargreaves Paulsen, Gary Hoff, Syd Yee, Wong Herbert 3 0 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction 3.5 0 6 1 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Debbie Dadey O'Brien, Robert C.; Bernstein, Zena Dan Gutman Dadey, Debbie Dan Gutman Polacco, Patricia Rick Walton Freedman, Nancy; Freedman, Benedict Dan Gutman Knight, Hilary; MacDonald, Betty B. Dan Gutman Pulver, Robin Alison McGhee Cowley, Joy Joy Cowley Joy Cowley Dan Gutman Dan Gutman Dan Gutman Gutman, Dan Dan Gutman 3 5.8 3 3 3 4 1 8 3 4.5 3 0 2 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gorbachev, Valeri Kellogg, Steven Ray, Mary Lyn Buchanan, Sue and Shafer, Dana Cohen, Caron L. Simon, Charnan Paulsen, Gary 1 3.6 1 2 1 1 6.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Kohen, Clarita; Steptoe, John L. Joan Nixon Cleary, Beverly; Life, Kay DeFelice, Cynthia; Shenon, Mike Hussain, Iqbal Kunhardt, Edith Milton, Joyce Wilcox, Charlotte Osborne, Mary Pope; Sal Murdocca, Aliki 3.9 0 5.1 3 3.5 4 3 4.2 3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Mummies Unwrapped! Mummy, the Will and the Crypt, The MUNCHA! MUNCHA! MUNCHA! Murder for Her Majesty, A Murphy Meets the Treadmill Mush the Dog from Space Music for Alice Music from a Place Called Half Moon Music of Summer, The Music of the Dolphins Mutiny on the Bounty My America: Our Strange new Land My America: Westward to Home MY ARTIC 1,2,3 My Beak, Your Beak My Big Lie My Brother Ant My Brother Charlie My Brother Martin: A Sister Remembers Growing Up with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. My Brother Sam is Dead My Brother, My Sister and I My Brother's Keeper: Virginia's Civil War Diary, Vol. 1 My Buddy My Cowboy Boots My Crayons Talk My Dad, the Coach (Soccer Dad Series #2) My Daddy Was a Soldier: A World War Two Story My Daniel My Day with Anka My dentist My Dog and the Knock Knock Mystery My Dog Does My Homework! My Dog, Buddy My Fair Godmother My Father's Dragon My First Book About Space My Five Senses My Friend Rabbit My Full Moon is Square My Grandmothers Journey My Grandmother's Stories My Great-Aunt Arizona My Hairiest Adventure Weinberger, Kimberly A. Gorey, Edward; Bellairs, John CANDACE FLEMING Hilgartner, Beth Ziefert, Harriet Emily Bolam (Illustrator) Pinkwater, Daniel M. Say, Allen Oughton, Jerrie Guy, Rosa Hesse, Karen Wyeth, N. C.; Nordhoff, Charles; Hall, James N. Hermes, Patricia Patricia Hermes MICHAEL ARVAARLUK KUSUGAK Walsh, Melanie Cosby, Bill Simont, Marc; Byars, Betsy C. Holly Robinson Peete 1.5 6 2 7.3 0 2.8 2 4.8 6 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 9.5 3.2 3 1 0 2 3 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Christine King Farris Collier, James L.; Collier, Christopher Watkins, Yoko K 5 5.8 6 Non Fiction Fiction Fiction Osborne, Mary Pope, & Will Osborne Rand, Ted; Osofsky, Audrey Crystal Bowman Hubbrd, Patricia 6 3.5 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hapka, Catherine 1 Fiction Ray, Deborah K. Conrad, Pam Nelson, Nan F. Rockwell, Harlow 2 6.1 3 2.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Adler, David A.; Winborn, Marsha Silverstein, Shel David Milgrim Janette Rallison Gannett, Ruth S. Moche, Dinah Miller, Margaret Rohmann, Eric Pinczes, Elinor Cech, John Geras, Adele; Jordan, Jael Lamb, Susan C.; Houston, Gloria Short, Michael; Stine, R. L.; Umansky, Diane 2.5 2 0 8 5 2 1 0 2 3 3 3.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 4.5 Fiction My Hands My Heart Is on the Ground: The Diary of Nannie Little Rose, a Sioux Girl My House, Mi Casa My Life as a Book My Life as a Fifth Grade Comedian My Life in Dog Years My Life of Crime My Life with the Wave: Based on the Story by Octavio Paz My Little Pony: The Big Balloon Race My Little Sister Ate One Hare My Lone Star Summer My Loose Tooth My Lucky Day My Messy Room My Mom Hates Me in January My Monster Mama Loves Me So My Mother Got Married and Other Disasters My Mother's House,My Father's House My Name is Alice, A My Name Is Amelia My Name is Brain Brian My Name is Maria Isabel My Name Is Not Angelica My Name is Not Gussie My Name is Not Isabella My Name Is Seepeetza My Name is Stilton, Geronimo Stilton #19 My Nasty Backpack: A Totally Gross Flap Book My New Boy My Nose, Your Nose My Picture Book of the Planets My Place In Space My Prairie Year My Prarie Christmas My Puffer Train My Puppy Is Born My Robot Buddy My Rotten Life My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother My Rows and Piles of Coins My School Trip My School's A Zoo! My Secret Boyfriend Aliki 1 Fiction Rinaldi, Ann Rebecca, Emberly Janet Tashjian Levy, Elizabeth Paulsen, Gary Jennings, Richard Paz, Octavio; Buehner, Mark; Cowan, Catherine Frantz, Jennifer Hawkes, Kevin; Grossman, Bill Love, D. Anne Stephen Krensky Kasza, Keiko Packard, Mary Delton, Judy; Faulkner, John Leuck, Laura 7 1 5 3 6 5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 2 1 2 7.3 1 1.5 1 2.9 1 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Park, Barbara 4.8 Fiction Trivas, Irene; Christiansen, C. B. Bayer, Jane; Kellogg, Steven Sobol, Donald J. Betancourt, Jeanne Ada, Alma F.; Cerro, Ana M.; Thompson, K. Dyble O'Dell, Scott Machlin, Mikki Jennifer Fosberry Sterling, Shirley 2.8 0 4 5.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3.1 5.1 4 1 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 1.5 0 0 3.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 4 4.2 0 2 4.9 3 4 4 1 3 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Stilton, Geronimo Nolan, Allia Zobel Joan Phillips Walsh, Melanie Krulik, Nancy E. Harvey, Roland; Hirst, Robin; Hirst, Sally; Levine, Joe Harvey, Brett Ray, Deborah K.; Harvey, Brett Mary Murphy Miller, Margaret; Cole, Joanna Slote, Alfred Lubar, David Polacco, Patricia Millol, Tololowa Lynn Maslen Kertell Smith, Stu Lurlene McDaniel My Secret Bully My Shoelaces are Hard to Tie! My Side of the Mountain My Sister Annie My Sister, My Science Report My Spring Robin My Stories by Hildy Calpurnia Rose My Teacher Fried My Brains My Teacher Glows in the Dark My Teacher Is An Alien MY TEACHER IS THE TOOTH FAIRY! My Teacher Sleeps in School My Tooth is About to Fall Out My Trip to Alpha I My Trip to the Zoo My Visit To the Dinosaurs My War with Goggle Eyes My Wartime Summers Mysterious Island, The Mysterious Mr. Ross, The Mysterious Tadpole, The Mysterious Tales of Japan Mystery at Disney World Mystery at Lake Placid Mystery At Snowflake Inn, The Mystery At The Dog Show, The Mystery at the Fair, The Mystery at the Kentucky Derby Mystery at the Washington Monument Mystery Behind The Wall Mystery Bookstore, The Mystery Cruise, The Mystery Cruise, The Mystery Hideout, The Mystery In The Cave Mystery in the Computer Game Mystery In The Sand Mystery In The Snow, The Mystery in the Whispering Woods Mystery in Washington, D.C., The Mystery of Blackbeard the Pirate Mystery of Crocodile Island Mystery of Drear House, The Mystery of Pony Hollow Mystery of Stonehenge, The Mystery of the 99 Steps, The Mystery of the Ancient Maya, The Mystery of the Boston Marathon Mystery of the Dancing Angels, The Trudy Ludwig Karla Roberson George, Jean Craighead Dodds, Bill; Hurt, Judith Bechard, Margaret E. Rockwell, Anne Gottlieb, Dale Coville, Bruce Bruce Coville Coville, Bruce 5 1 6.7 3.4 4.5 1 5.5 5 4 4.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction SMITH, MARY Weiss, Leatie Maccarone, Grace Alfred Slote, Harold Berson Mayer, Mercer Aliki Fine, Anne Cutler, Jane Abbott, Tony; Merrell, David Alcock, Vivien Kellogg, Steven Martin, Rafe; Kiuchi, Tatsuro Marsh, Carole MacGregor, Roy Warner, Gertrude C. Warner, Gertrude C. Warner, Gertrude C. Marsh, Carole Ron Roy Gertrude C. Warner Warner, Gertrude C.; Tang, Charles Warner, Gertrude C.; Tang, Charles Warner, Gertrude Follett, Ken; Marchesi, Stephen Warner, Gertrude C.; Tang, Charles Warner, Gertrude C. Gertrude C. Warner Warner, Gertrude C. Cathy Hapka Warner, Gertrude C. Marsh, Carole Keene, Carolyn Hamilton, Virginia Hall, Lynn Lyon, Nancy Keene, Carolyn Meyer, Carolyn; Gallenkamp, Charles Carole Marsh Murphy, Elspeth C. 2 2 1 5 0 2.9 4 6.2 3 6 4.8 6 4.4 5 3 3.8 3.4 4.3 3 2 3.6 3.3 3 5.3 3.9 4 2 3.3 3 4 5 4 5.1 3 5.5 4 7 5 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Mystery of the Fire Dragon Mystery of the Glowing Eye Mystery of the Hard Luck Rodeo, The Mystery Of The Hidden Beach, The Mystery Of the Hidden Painting, The Mystery Of The Lost Mine, The Mystery of the Lost Village, The Mystery of the Missing Cat, The Mystery of the Missing Dog, The Mystery of the Mixed-Up Zoo, The Mystery of the Pirate's Treasure, The Mystery of the Plant That Ate Dirty Socks, The Mystery of the Sand Castle Mystery of the several sevens Mystery of the Singing Ghost, The Mystery of the Singing Ghost, The Mystery Of The Stolen Boxcar, The Mystery of the Tooth Gremlin Mystery of the Wild Ponies Mystery on Mackinac Island Mystery on October Road Mystery On Stage, The Mystery on the Docks Mystery On The Train, The Mystery Ranch Mystery Tour N. C. Wyeth's Pilgrims Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs Nana's Birthday Party Nana's Hog Nancy Clancy, Super Sleuth Nanny Goat's Boat Nanu, Penguin Chick Nanuq: a Baby Polar Bear's Story Napping House, The Narrow Escapes of Davy Crockett, The Nasty Stinky Sneakers Nate the Great Nate the Great and Me: The Case of the Fleeing Fang Nate the Great and the Big Sniff Nate The Great And The Boring Beach Bag Nate The Great And The Crunchy Christmas Nate The Great And The Fishy Prize Keene, Carolyn Keene, Carolyn Rosales, Melodye; Saunders, Susan Warner, Gertrude C. Warner, Gertrude C.; Tang, Charles Warner, Gertrude C. Warner, Gertrude C. Warner, Gertrude C. Levy, Elizabeth; Brunkus, Denise Warner, Gertrude C. Yancey, Louise; Bodie, Idella F. 4 4 3 3.3 3.1 3.2 3 3 2 3.2 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction McArthur, Nancy Murphy, Elspeth C. Warhola, James; Brittain, Bill Warner, Gertrude C.; Tang, Charles Warner, Gertrude Warner, Gertrude C.; Tang, Charles Graves, Bonnie Warner, Gertrude C. Anna W. Hale Herzig, Alison C. Warner, Gertrude C. Hurd, Thacher Warner, Gertrude C. Warner, Gertrude Chandler Ahlberg, Allan San Souci, Robert D. Willems, Mo De Paola, Tomie Hest, Amy; Schwartz, Amy Larry Dane Brimner Jane O'Connor jane Belk Moncure Radcliffe, Theresa Duey, Kathleen Wood, Audrey; Wood, Don Dewey, Ariane Bunting, Eve Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 4.5 3 2 3.4 3 3.2 2 4 5 4.5 2.8 1 3.2 4 2.3 5 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2.1 1 3 3.8 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2 2 Fiction Fiction Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2 Fiction Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2 2 Fiction Fiction Nate the Great and the Halloween Hunt Margorie Weinman Sharmat 2 Fiction Nate the Great and the Hungry Book Club Nate The Great And The Lost List Nate The Great And The Missing Key Nate the Great and the Monster Mess Sharmat, Marjorie Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine Nate the Great and the Musical Note Nate the Great and the Phony Clue Nate the Great and the Pillowcase Nate the Great and the Snowy Trail Nate the Great and the Sticky Case Nate the Great and the Stolen Base Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Nate the Great and the Tardy Tortoise Nate the Great Goes Down in the Dumps Nate the Great Goes Undercover Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman; Simont, Marc 2 Fiction Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2 2 Fiction Fiction Nate the Great San Francisco Detective Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden Nate the Great Saves the King of Sweden Nate the Great Stalks Stupidweed Nathaniel Talking Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2 Fiction Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 2 Fiction Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Greenfield, Eloise; Gilchrist, Jan S. Mathews, Judith; Robinson, Fay; Natchev, Alexi Bagnold, Enid; Lewin, Ted Malamud, Bernard Aylesworth, Jim 2 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction 2.4 5.2 9 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fredericks, Anthony D. Dana, Barbara Lee, Marie Cutler, Bruce Pinkwater, Daniel M. Edwards, Pat Anna Dewdney 1 7.1 7.2 9 3 6.8 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Nathaniel Willy, Scared Silly National Velvet Natural, The Naughty Little Monkeys Near One Cattail: Turtles, Logs, and Leaping Frogs Necessary Parties Necessary Roughness Nectar in a Sieve Ned Feldman, Space Pirate Nelda Nelly Gnu and Daddy Too NERDS: National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society (Book #1) Never Talk to Strangers Neverending Story, The New Baby New Bear at School, The New Creatures, The New Fear: (Fear Street: Fear Street Sagas Series #1) New One New Potty Michael Buckley Joyce, Irma Manheim, Ralph; Ende, Michael; Quadflieg, Roswitha Mayer, Mercer Weston, Carrie Gerstein, Mordicai Stine, R. L. Banks, Jacqueline T. Mayer, Mercer 4 2 Fiction NonFiction 5 2 2 4.4 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 8 5 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction New Shoes for Sylvia New Tricks I Can Do New York and New York: The Big Apple from A-Z New York Minute: The Novelization New York Minute: The Secret of Jane's Success (Prequel) New York Minute: There's Something about Roxy (Sequel) New York's Bravest Newf Newt Next Spring An Oriole Niagara Falls, Or Does It? (Hank Zipzer Series #1) Nibble, Nibble, Jenny Archer Nice New Neighbors Nice Try, Tooth Fairy Nickommoh!: A Narragansett Thanksgiving Celebration Nicky Upstairs and Down Nicola and the Viscount Nicolae High (Left Behind-the KidsBook 5) Night Night Before Christmas : A Classic Illustrated Edition Night Cat Night Crossing, The Night Cry Night Driving Night Frights: Thirteen Scary Stories Night I Followed the Dog Night Iguana Left Home, The Night in Terror Tower, A Night is for Hunting, The Night Journey, The Night Noises and other Mole and Troll Stories Night of Fear Night of the Full Moon Night Of The Living Dummy Night of the Living Dummy II Night of the Ninjas Night of the Slime Creature Night Owl & the Rooster : A Haitian Legend Night Spies Night Swimmers, The Night Terrors Hurwitz, Johanna Robert Lopshire 2.2 0 Fiction Fiction Melmed, Laura Krauss Willard, Eliza 2 6 Fiction Fiction Adams, Kylie 6 Fiction Oaks, Madison Osborne, Mary Pope Killilea, Marie Novak, Matt Whelan, Gloria 6 1 5.5 1.5 2.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Winkler, Henry , Oliver, Lin Conford, Ellen; Palmisciano, Diane Brandenberg, Franz Olson, Mary V. 4 3 2.9 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Koller, Jackie French Ziefert, Harriet Cabot, Meg 3 0 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Wiesel, Elie; Podwal, Mark; Mauriac, Francois; Rodway, Stella 6 Fiction 9 Fiction Moore, Clement Clarke Beames, Margaret Ackerman, Karen; Sayles, Elizabeth Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Coy, John Stamper, Judith Bauer Laden, Nina McDonald, Megan Stine, R. L. Marsden, John Hyman, Trina S.; Lasky, Kathryn 2 2 4.3 5.4 2.8 4 3 0 4.5 6 5.7 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Tony Johnston Peg Kehret Whelan, Gloria Stine, R. L. Stine, R. L.; Ellis, Carol; Drew, Rick Osborne, Mary Pope Eyen, Jennifer 2 5 3.8 4 4.5 3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Reasoner, Charles Kacer, Kathy Howell, Troy; Byars, Betsy C. Murphy, Jim 3 5 5.3 5.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Night the Bells Rang, The Night the Heads Came, The Night the Whole Class Slept Over, The Night to Remember, A Night Twisters Night Visitors Night Watchman, The Night White Deer Died, The Night Worker Nightjohn Nightmare Nightmare Hour Nightmare Mountain Nights of the Pufflings Nighty-Nightmare Nile River Nim and the War Effort Nim's Island Nina, Nina Star Ballerina Nine Animals and the Well Nine for California Ninjago Challenge of Samukai Ninjago: The Golden Weapons Ninth Nugget, The Ninth Ward No Arm in Left Field No Bean Sprouts, Please! No Boys Allowed No Copycats Allowed! No Dragons For Tea No Dragons for Tea : Fire Safety for Kids (And Dragons) No Effect No Fighting, No Biting No Flying in the House No Jumping on the Bed No Kisses Please No Mail for Mitchell No Moon, No Milk No More Dead Dogs No More Nice No More TV, Sleepy Cat No Nap No One Noticed Ralph No Place Like Home No Place to Be; Voices of Homeless Children No Promises in the Wind No Room for Francie Bowman, Leslie; Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie Sleator, William Pevsner, Stella Lord, W. i. ruckman Young, Ed Bernhard, James Paulsen, Gary Banks. Kate; Hallensleben, Georg (Illustrator) Paulsen, Gary Roberts, Willo D. Stine, R.L. Peg Kehret McMillan, Bruce Howe, James Meister, Cari Lee, Milly Wendy Orr O'Connor, Jane Rumford, James Levitin, Sonia; Smith, Cat B. greg farshtey Tracey West Roy, Ron Jewell Parker Rhodes Christopher, Matt Hiser, Constance; Ewing, Carolyn S. Levinson, Marilyn Graves, Bonnie; Carter, Abby Pendziwol, Jean E. 4.2 5 5.5 7 3 3.2 5 6.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 0 3.8 6 4 5 2.7 5 3 5.5 5 1 3 2 2 1 3 4 4.5 4 4 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Pendziwol, Jean Hayes, Daniel Sendak, Maurice; Minarik, Else H. Brock, Betty Arnold, Tedd WIlhelm, Hans Catherine Siracusa Babcock, Chris Gordon Korman Smith, Cat B.; MacDonald, Amy Elliot Kreloff Bunting, Eve Bonnie Bishop Taylor, Donna 1 7.3 2.9 4 4.4 2 1 1 4 3 0 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Coles, Robert; Berck, Judith Hunt, Irene MacDonald, Maryann 6.9 7 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction No Roses for Harry! No Talking! No, David! Noah & God's Promises : Genesis 6-8 Noah's Ark: a story from the Bible Nobody Else Can Walk It For You Nobody's Family is Going to Change Nobody's Son Noelle of the Nutcracker Noisy Nora Noonday Friends, The Nora and Mrs. Mind-Your-OwnBusiness Nora: Maybe A Ghost Story Nora's Ark Nora's Castle Norby and the Queen's Necklace North to Freedom Nory Ryan's Song Nosey Mrs. Rat Not Norman: A Goldfish Story Not Now! Said the Cow Not so normal Norman Notes from a Liar and her Dog Nothin' But Net Nothing But the Truth Nothing but the Truth : A Documentary Novel Nothing But Trouble, Trouble, Trouble Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street Nothing like a Puffin Nothing to Fear Nothing's Fair in the 5th Grade Not-Just-Anybody Family, The Not-So Perfect Rosie Now Everybody Really Hates Me Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Now I Will Never Leave the Dinner Table Now Let Me Fly Now One Foot, Now the Other Nubians, The Number The Stars Nursery Crimes Nutcracker Ballet, The Nutmeg and Barley: A Budding Friendship Nutty the movie star Oats and Wild Apples Gene Zion Andrew Clements David Shannon Truitt, Gloria A. Hayward, Linda Petersen, P. J. Fitzhugh, Louise Stewart, Sean Brett, Jan; Jane, Pamela Wells, Rosemary Glanzman, Louis S.; Stolz, Mary 2 4 0 2 2 6.5 6 7 2 2.8 5.7 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Johanna Hurwitz Greene, Constance C. Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie Ichikawa, Satomi Asimov, Isaac; Asimov, Janet Kingsland, L. W.; Holm, Anne S. Patricia Reilly Giff Allen, Jeffery Bennett, Kelly Joanne Oppenheim Mathews, Judith; Smith, Cat B.; Stowe, Cynthia Choldenko, Gennifer Matt Christopher Young, Marguerite 2 4.9 3 3.7 4.2 7 5 3 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 6 4 6.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Avi Hermes, Patricia Roni Schotter Sue Soltis Grove, Karen; Koller, Jackie F. DeClements, Barthe Byars, Betsy C. Giff, Patricia R. Martin, Jane R.; Chast, Roz; Marx, Patricia Lurlene McDaniel 8 3.8 3 2 6.3 5 5 3.9 2.8 7 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jane Read Martin Johnson, Delores De Paola, Tomie Bianchi, Robert S. Lowry, Lois Geisert, Arthur Vagin, Vladimir 3 3.8 2.5 5 4.9 1 3 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Janie Bynum Hughes, Dean Asch, Frank 2 3 1.7 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Occasional Cow, An Ocean Apart, a World Away, An Ocean Tomb Octopus Oddly Enough Oddrey Ode To Humpty Dumpty O'Diddy Odin's Family: myths of the Vikings Odysseus and the Cyclops Odyssey, The Oedipus Rex Of Courage Undaunted Of Nightingales That Weep Off and Running Off the Map Officer Buckle and Gloria Officer Buckle and Gloria Officer Spence Makes No Sense Ogbo: Sharing Life In An African Village Oh Bother! : Someones Fibbing Oh Boy, Amelia Oh Boy, Boston! Oh My Gosh, Mrs. McNosh! Oh No! Where Are My Pants? and Other Disasters Oh No, George! Oh No, Gotta Go! Oh Say Can You Seed? Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone? Oh, Bother! : Someone's Grumpy Oh, Brother Oh, Cats! Oh, David! Oh, My, Pumpkin Pie! Oh, Say Can You Say? Oh, the Places You'll Go Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! Oil Spill Oil Spill Okomi Climbs a Tree Okomi Wakes up Early Old Black Fly Old Dog, The Old Hat, New Hat Old Henry Old Ladies Who Liked Cats, The Horvath, Polly Namioka, Lensey Anthony Masters Cazet, Denys Coville, Bruce Dave Whamond Ziefert, Harriet; Chwast, Seymour (Illustrator) Truesdell, Sue; Stevenson, Jocelyn Philip, Neil; Foa, Maryclare Hutton, Warwick Palmer, George H. Dawe, R. D. Daugherty, James Paterson, Katherine Soto, Gary; Velasquez, Eric Roop, Peter; Roop, Connie; Tanner, Tim Rathmann, Peggy Rathmann, Peggy Dan Gutman 2 2.5 6.1 4 8 9.5 6.5 7.1 5.3 5 2 2 3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Onyefulu, Ifeoma Birney, Betty Moss, Marissa Giff, Patricia Reilly Sarah Weeks 2.9 2 3 4 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hopkins, Lee Bennett Chris Haughton Susan Middleton Elya Bonnie Worth Iza Trapani Birney, Betty Egielski, Richard; Yorinks, Arthur Nola Buck Shannon, David Ghigna, Charles Dr. Seuss Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Lampton, Christopher Berger, Melvin; Mirocha, Paul Dorman, Helen Dorman, Helen Gammell, Stephen; Aylesworth, Jim Zolotow, Charlotte Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan Gammell, Stephen; Blos, Joan W. Greene, Carol; Krupinski, Loretta 4 7 2 2 8 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 0 0 1.5 1 3.2 1 5 1 0 0 1.1 1 1 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Old MacDonald Had a Farm Old Man and His Door, The Old Man and the Bear, The Old Man and the Sea, The Old Motel Mystery, The Old Mother Hubbard Old Mother Hubbard and Her Wonderful Dog Old Mother West Wind Old People, Frogs, and Albert Old Tom's Holiday Old Turtle's Baseball Stories Old Woman and Her Pig, The Old Woman Who Named Things Old Woman Who Named Things Old Yeller Olden Days Locket Olive, the Other Reindeer Oliver Oliver Twist Oliver's Must-Do List Olivia Olivia and the Missing Toy Olivia and the Rain Dance Olivia and the Snow Day Olivia Forms a Band Olivia Goes Camping Olivia Saves the Circus Olivia the Orchid Fairy Ollie's New Tricks Omar on Ice On Beyond Zebra! On Board the Titanic Jones, Carol Soto, Gary; Cepeda, Joe Lanning, Rosemary; Corderoc'h, JeanPierre; Hanel, Wolfram Hemingway, Ernest Warner, Gertrude C. Jane Cabrera Marshall, James Burgess, Thornton W. Wilson, Nancy H Leigh Hobbs Kessler, Leonard Kimmel, Eric A.; Carmi, Giora Rylant, Cynthia; Brown, Kathryn Rylant, Cynthia Gipson, Fred Chamberlain, Penny Seibold, J. Otto Syd Hoff Dickens, Charles Taylor Brown, Susan Falconer, Ian Falconer, Ian Maggie Testa Farrah McDoogle Ian Falconer Alex Harvey Falconer, Ian Daisy Meadows True Kelley Kovalski, Maryann Dr Seuss Tanaka, Shelley; Marschall, Ken Wolff, Ferida; Avendano, Dolores; On Halloween Night Kozielski, Dolores On Market Street Lobel, Arnold On Monday When It Rained Kachenmeister, Cherryl On Mother's Lap Scott, Ann Herbert On My Honor Bauer, Marion Dane On the Banks of Plum Creek Wilder, Laura Ingalls On the Banks of Plum Creek Wilder, Laura Ingalls On The Beach Shute, Nevil On the Court with - Hakeem Olajuwon Christopher, Matt On The Day You Were Born Frasier, Debra On The Devil's Court Deuker, Carl On the Far Side of the Mountain George, Jean Craighead On the Go with Mr. and Mrs. Green Keith Baker On the Hill Jahn-Clough, Lisa On the Long Trail Home Stewart, Elisabeth J. 0 2.8 Fiction Fiction 3 7.2 3.2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 4 3 2 1.6 3 2 2 5.4 5 2 1 9 1.5 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 4 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 1 1 0 5.3 5 4 9.1 3 3 7.3 5.8 2 2 5 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction On The Night You Were Born On The Pampas On the Road to Mr. Mineo's On the Run (Left Behind-the KidsBook 10) On the way to the pond On to Oregon On Top of Concord Hill Once A Mouse Once A Wolf Once and Future King, The Once on this Island Once Upon A Dark November Once Upon The End Once When I was Scared One Bird One Child One Cow Coughs: A Counting Book for the Sick and One Dark and Scary Night One Dark Night One Day at HorrorLand One Day in the Desert Nancy Tillman Brusca, Maria Cristina Barbara O'Connor 0 3 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Angela shelf medearis Morrow, Honore Wilkes, Maria D. Brown, Marcia Swinburne, Stephen R.; Brandenburg, Jim (Photographer) White, T. H. Gloria Whelan York, Carol B. James Riley Rand, Ted; Pittman, Helena C. Mori, Kyoko Hayden, Torey L. 6 2 7 4 2.7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 9 3 7 8 4 7.8 7 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Loomis, Christine; Dypold, Pat Cosby, Bill Hutchins, Hazel; Hartung, Susan Kathleen Stine, R. L. George, Jean Craighead 1 2 1 4.5 5.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 8.8 5 5.3 6.4 3.4 4 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1.1 Fiction 5 Fiction 4 NonFiction 5 7 NonFiction Fiction One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovich Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr One Day in the Prairie George, Jean Craighead One Dog Day Lewis, J. Patrick; Ramsey, Marcy One Fat Summer Lipsyte, Robert One Fine Day Hogrogian, Nonny One Fine Day: A Radio Play Steenwyk, Elizabeth Van One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Seuss, Dr. One Ghost Too Many: a Sarah Capshaw mystery Kelly, Kathleen M.; Stevenson, Drew One Giant Leap : The Story of Neil Armstrong Brown, Don One Good Apple: Growing Our Food for the Sake of the Earth Paladino, Catherine One Good Turn Deserves Another Kimmel, Eric A. One Grain of Rice: A Mathematical Folktale Demi One Halloween Night Teague, Mark One Happy Classroom Charnan Simon One Hundred Hungry Ants Pinczes, Elinor J.; MacKain, Bonnie One Hundred Monkeys Cutler, Daniel One Hungry Cat Rocklin, Joanne One Hungry Monster : A Counting Book in Rhyme O'Keefe, Susan H. One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo, The Aitken, Amy; Blume, Judy 2.8 1 0 4.5 2.6 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 1.8 Fiction One is a Feast for Mouse One is a Snail Ten is a Crab One Leaf Rides the Wind: Counting in a Japanese Garden One Little, Two Little, Three Little Pilgrims One Mitten One More River One Morning in Maine One of Each One of the Third Grade Thonkers One of Three One Potato One Puppy, Three Tales One Rainy Night One Small Blue Bead One Smile One Tiny Turtle One Tricky Monkey Up on Top One TV blasting and a pig outdoors One Very Best Valentine's Day One Watermelon Seed One Who Came Back, The One-Eyed Cat One-Eyed Giant Onion John Onion Sundaes: A Houdini Club Magic Mystery Onions Tears Only Emma Only Good Spy Young Only One Woof Only The Good Spy Young Only the Names Remain : The Cherokees & the Trail of Tears Onlyhouse Oops, Clifford! Ooze Slingers from Outer Space Open House for Butterflies Opening Night Operation Yes Oprah Winfrey : A Voice for the People Or Give Me Death: A Novel of Patrick Henry's Family Orange Outlaw, The Orcas Around Me Ord Eats a Pizza! Ordinary Jack Ordinary People Judy Cox April Sayre 3 0 Fiction Fiction Mannis, Celeste Davidson 0 Fiction Hennessy, B. G. George, Kristine O'Connell Banks, Lynne Reid McCloskey, Robert Priceman, Marjorie; Hoberman, Mary A. Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds; Kessell, Walter Gaffney (Illustrator) Johnson, Angela; Soman, David Sue Porter Salmansohn, Karen Krudop, Walter L.; Gove, Doris Himler, Ronald; Baylor, Byrd McKinley, Cindy Davies, Nicola Jane Belk Moncure Tucker, Kathy; Morrill, Leslie; Kisor, Henry; Abbott, Deborah Blos, Joan W. Lottridge, Celia Barker Mazzio, Joann Fox, Paula Anne Rockwell Shimin, Symeon; Krumgold, Joseph 1 2 6 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 1.2 1 5 3 4.1 1 0 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 2.6 0 6 5.7 5 5.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Adler, David A.; Malone, Heather H. Kidd, Diana Sally Warner Ally Carter James Herriot Ally Carter 1 3.4 4 7 5 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Bealer, Alex W. Toten, Teresa Bridwell, Norman Blake A. Hoena Ruth Krauss Isadora, Rachel Sara Lewis Holmes Brooks, Philip 5 6 2 2 0 2.6 6 7 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Rinaldi, Ann Roy, Ron Bowman, Leslie W.; Page, Debra Irene Trimble Cresswell, Helen Guest, Judith; Gilsenan, Nancy P. 8 3 3 0 7.5 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Oregon's Journey Oren Bell Original Freddy Ackerman, The Orp Orphan Boy, The Orphan Journey Home Orphan of Ellis Island Orphan Seal, The Orphan Train Rider: One Boy's True Story Orphan Train Rider: One Boy's True Story, The Oscar and the Very Hungry Dragon Oscar Otter Oscar's Half Birthday Osceola, Seminole Warrior Othello: a Novel Other Bells for Us to Ring Other shepards, The Other Side of Dark, The Other Side of Truth, The Other Way Around, The Others See Us Otherwise Known As Sheila the Great Otis and the Tornado Otis Spofford Otis: tractor Ottie and the Star Our Friend Sam Our Gracie Aunt Our Granny Our New Puppy Our Sixth-Grade Sugar Babies Our Time on the River Our Town Our World: Volcanoes and Earthquakes Out Of Control Out of Darkness Out of Many Waters Out Of Nowhere Out of Sight, Out of Time Out of the Blue Out of the Dark Out Of The Dark Out of the Dust Out of Time Outdoor Adventures Outrageously Alice Outside my Window (Disney Tangled Series) Rascal, Louis Joos Burgess, Barbara H. Irwin, Hadley Kline, Suzy Mollel, Tololwa; Morin, Paul (Illustrator) Ketchum., Liza Woodruff, Elvira Hodgkins, Fran Warren, Andrea Warren, Andrea Ute Krause Benchley, Nathaniel; Lobel, Arnold Bob Graham Oppenheim, Joanne F. Shakespeare, William; Lester, Julius Cormier, Robert; Ray, Deborah K. Griffin, Adele Nixon, Joan L. Naidoo, Beverley Verdon, Frank P. Sleator, William Blume, Judy Loren Long Beverly Cleary Loren Long Laura Jean Allen Mayer, Mercer Jacqueline Woodson Wild, Margaret; Vivas, Julie Harper, Isabelle Bunting, Eve Brown, Don Wilder, Thornton Booth, Basil Mazer, Norma F. Freedman, Russell Greene, Jacqueline D. Sebestyen, Ouida Ally Carter Ellis, Sarah Katz, Welwyn W. Betty Ren Wright Hesse, Karen Schulman, Helen Lynn Maslen Kertell Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Melissa Lagonegro 3.5 5.5 5 3 4 6 5 2 5 4 3 2 4 5 6 5 5 5.4 7 6 7 4 2 4 0 1 1 1 2.9 1.5 5.2 7 8 6 6.8 5 6.5 5.3 7 5 5 5 5 5.2 1 7.5 1 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Outside the Window Outsiders, The Over and Under the Snow Over in the Garden Over in the Meadow Over in the Ocean: In a Coral Reef Over on the Island Over Sea, Under Stone Over the Top of the World Owen Owen & Mzee: The Language of Friendship Owen & Mzee: The True Story of a Remarkable Friendship Owen Foote, Second Grade Strongman Owl at Home OWL BABIES Owl Babies Fly Owl Moon Owls in the Family Owl-Scatterer, The Ox-Bow Incident, The Oxboy, The Ox-Cart Man Ozma of Oz Ozzie on his own P.J. Funnybunny Camps Out Pacific Crossing Paddington At Large Paddington at Work Paddington Bear Paddington Bear and the Busy Bee Carnival Paddington Goes To Town Paddington Helps Out Paddington On Top Paddington Takes The Test Paddington Takes To TV Page by Paige Page: Protector of the Small Pain and the Great One Painted Fan, The Painting Dreams Painting the Wind Painting the Wind: A Story of Vincent van Gogh Pajamas Anytime Pal and Sal Pamela's First Musical Pancakes, Pancakes! Smucker, Anna E. Hinton, S. E.; Sergel, Christopher Kate Messner Ward, Jennifer Langstaff, John M.; Rojankovsky, Feodor Berkes, Marianne Yuko Green Gill, Margery; Cooper, Susan Bowermaster, Jon; Steger, Will Henkes, Kevin 2 5 1 1 2.8 0 1 6.9 5 1.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Isabella Hatkoff Isabella and Craig Hatkoff and Dr. Paula Kahumbu De Rosa, Dee; Greene, Stephanie Lobel, Arnold WADDELL, MARTIN Palazzo-Craig, Janet Yolen, Jane Mowat, Farley Norman, Howard Clark, Walter Mazer, Anne Hall, Donald Baum, Frank; Neill, John Hurwitz, Johanna; McKeating, Eileen Marilyn Sadler Soto, Gary Bond, Michael Bond, Michael Bond, Michael 3 Fiction 5 2 2 1 1 2 3 3.9 7 6 3 5 2 0 5 4 3 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Bond, Michael Bond, Michael Bond, Michael Bond, Michael Bond, Michael Bond, Michael Laura Lee Gulledge Pierce, Tamora Blume, Judy Singer, Marilyn; Ma, Wenhai Lyons, Mary E. MacLachlan, Patricia 1 3 3 3 4 3 7 7 1.3 4 5 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Hawkes, Kevin; Dionetti, Michelle V. Marsha Hayles R. A. Herman Wasserstein, Wendy Eric Carle 4.8 1 1 2 0 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See? Martin, Bill Jr. Panda Puzzle, The Roy, Ron Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Pandas and Other Endangered Species Boyce Panther Glade Cavanagh, Helen Papa Gatto: An Italian Fairy Tale Sanderson, Ruth Paper Bag Princess, The Munsch, Robert Paper Bird Behn, Robin Paper Boats Tagore, Rabindranath; Bochak, Grayce Paper Crane, The Bang, Molly Paper Princess, The Kleven, Elisa Paperboy, The Pilkey, Dav Paradise Goodman, Joan Elizabeth Paradise Called Texas Shefelman, Janice J. Parent's Night Fright Levy, Elizabeth; Brunkus, Denise Park Bench, The Takeshita, Fumiko Park's Quest Paterson, Katherine Partners Smith, Cat B.; Waggoner, Karen Parts Arnold, Tedd Party on ice Trivas, Irene; Hest, Amy Party's Over Cooney, Caroline B. Parvana's Journey Ellis, Deborah 2 4.8 2.6 2 3.4 1 3 3.5 1 8 5 3 1 6.6 4 -1 2 8 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Passage to Freedom: the Sugihara Story Passager: The Young Merlin Trilogy Past Forgiving Patch's London Adventure Patchwork Girl of Oz, The Patchwork Quilt, The Patricks Dinosaurs Patrick's Dinosaurs Patrick's Dinosaurs on the Internet Patrick's Tree House 3.9 5 5.2 2 5 3.5 2 1 1 3.7 NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 3.7 3.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction 2.5 NonFiction 3.9 3 NonFiction Fiction 4 2.9 5 1 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3.8 Fiction Mochizuki, Ken; Lee, Dom Yolen, Jane Miklowitz, Gloria D. Dodie Smith Baum, Frank Flournoy, Valerie; Pinkey, Jerry Carrick, Carol Carrick, Carol Milgrim, David Kroll, Steven; Wilson, Roberta Patrol: An American Soldier in Vietnam Myers, Walter Dean Paul Kuskin, Karla; Avery, Milton Paul Bunyan Kellogg, Steven Thompson, Kathleen; Gleiter, Jan; Paul Revere Balistreri, Francis Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth; Parker, Paul Revere's Ride Nancy Winslow Paws Off, Cheddarface! Stilton, Geronimo Balgassi, Haemi; Soentpiet, Chris K. Peacebound Trains (Illustrator) Peach Boy Hooks, William H. Peak Smith, Roland Peanut and pearl's picnic adventure Rebecca Kai Dotlich Pearl and Wagner: One Funny Day Kate McMullan Pearl Harbor is Burning: A Story of World War II Kudlinski, Kathleen V. 0 3 Fiction Fiction Pearl, The Peas Pecos Bill Pedal Power Pedro's Burro Pedro's Journal Pedro's Journal Pee Wee Scouts # 19: Piles of Pets Pee Wee Scouts #29: Pee Wee Pool Party Pee wee scouts book 18 lights, action, land-ho!! Peeling the Onion Pegasus Steinbeck, John Nicholas Heller Kellogg, Steven Delton, Judy Alyssa Satin Capucilli Conrad, Pam Conrad, Pam Delton, Judy 4 2 3 3.8 1 6.1 4 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Delton, Judy 3 Fiction Judy Delton Orr, Wendy Marianna Mayer 3 5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Pele King of Soccer (El Rey del Fútbol) Pelle's New Suit Penalty shot Pendragon Series, Book 1: The Merchant of Death Pendragon: Black Water #5 Pendragon: The Lost City of Faar (Book 2) Pendragon: The Never War #3 Pendragon: The Quillan Games #7 Pendragon: The Reality Bug #4 Pendragon: The Rivers of Zadaa Penguin : A Funny Bird Penguin Chick Penguin Pete and Pat Penguin Post Penguin Who Wanted to be Different: A Christmas Wish, The Penguin Year, A Penguins Penguins at Home : Gentoos of Antarctica Penguin's Skating Party Penguins! Pennies for Elephants Penny Penny a Look, A Penny and Pup Pennywhistle Tree, The Pepper's Purple Heart: A Veteran's Day Story Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief Perfect Perfect Father's Day, A Perfect Pumpkins Monica Brown Beskow, Elsa; Woodburn, Marion L. Christopher, Matt 1 3.7 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 5 Fiction Fiction D.J. MacHale D.J. MacHale D.J. MacHale D.J. MacHale D.J. MacHale D.J. MacHale D.J. MacHale Fontanel, Beatrice Betty Tatham Pfister, Marcus Gliori, Debi 5 5 5 5 5 2 3.4 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction O'Neill, Maria Bonners, Susan Zoehfeld 2 2.5 2 Fiction NonFiction Non Fiction McMillan, Bruce Dana Regan Schreiber, Anne Lita Judge Jane E. Gerver Zemach, Margot; Zemach, Harve Jennings, Linda Smith, Doris B.; Bowman, Leslie 4 2 2 3 2 3.6 1 5.9 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Heather French Henry 2 Fiction Rick Riordan Joanna Kenrick Meddaugh, Susan; Bunting, Eve Jeff Bauer 0 5 3 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Perfect Scoundrels Perfect the Pig Perfectly Martha Perilous Gard, The Perilous Gold, The Perilous Road, The Perimeter, Area, and Volume: A Monster Book of Dimensions Periwinkle at the Full Moon Ball Persephone Persephone and the Pomegranate: A Myth from Greece Persephone the Phony (Goddess Girls) Perseus and Medusa Pet Show! Pet Vet Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes Pete the Cat: Rocking in my School Shoes Peter and the Starcatchers Peter and the Wolf Peter Pan Peter Rabbit Peter's Chair Peter's Chair Pete's a Pizza Petey Petite Rouge: A Cajun Red Riding Hood Petunia Petunia Beware! Petunia I Love You Phantom of the Auditorium Phantom Stallion Free Again Phantom Stallion Red Feather Filly Phantom Stallion Untamed Phantom Tollbooth, The Phantom Victory Phantoms In The Fog Philip Hall Likes Me, I Reckon Maybe Phineas and Ferb My Funny Valentine Phineas and Ferb: It's About Time! Phineas and Ferb: Just Squidding Phineas and Ferb: Nothing but Trouble Phineas and Ferb: Perry Speaks! Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story About Brain Science Phoebe the Spy Phoenix Rising Phonics Comics: Clara the Klutz Ally Carter Jeschke, Susan Meddaugh, Susan Pope, Elizabeth Marie Wibberley, Leonard Galdone, Paul; Steele, William O. 7 2.9 2 6 5.2 5.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction David A. Adler Huriet, Genevieve Warwick Hutton 4 5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Kris Waldherr Holub & Williams Naden, C. J. Keats, Ezra Jack Marcia Leonard Litwin, Eric 5 4 5 2 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction James Dean Dave Barry & Ridley Pearson Dewhirst, Carin J. M. Barrie Potter, Beatrix Keats, Ezra Jack Ezra Jack Keats Steig, William Mikaelsen, Ben 1 5 3 0 1 2 2 2.2 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Mike Artell Duvoisin, Roger Duvoisin, Roger Duvoisin, Roger Stine, R. L. Terri Farley Terri Farley Terri Farley Juster, Norton Service, Pamela F. Anthony Masters Greene, Bette Jon Colton Barry John Green Disney John Green Leigh Stephens 2 3.6 3.5 2 4 7 7 7 5.4 5.3 1 5.2 2 2 2 2 3 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fleischman, John Griffin, Judith B. Hesse, Karen Wendy Wax 6 4 5.2 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Phonics Comics: Pony Tales Pick a Pet Pick of the Litter Picking Apples Picking Apples and Pumpkins Pickle Song Pickle Things Pickle: The (Formerly) Anonymous Prank Club of Fountain Point Middle School Picture Book of Abraham Lincoln Picture Book of Christopher Columbus Picture Book of Florence Nightingale, A Picture Book of Frederick Douglass Picture Book of George Washington, A Picture Book of Harriet Tubman, A Picture Book of Helen Keller Picture Book of Jesse Owens, A Picture Book of Martin Luther King, Jr., A Picture Book of Rosa Parks, A Picture Book of Simon Bolivar, The Picture This Century An Introduction to Twentieth-Century Art Pictures of Hollis Woods Pie Pierre Pie's in the Oven Pig Is in the Pantry, the Cat Is on the Shelf, The Pig Man's Legacy, The Pig on the Titanic: A True Story Pig Picnic Pig Who Ran a Red Light Pigeon Wants a Puppy, The PIGGIES Piggins Piggy Pie Po Piggybook Pigman and Me, The Pigman, The Pigs Pigs Ahoy Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore! Pigs From 1 to 10 Pigs In The House Pigsty Pikachu's Vacation Nora Gaydos Diane Namm Auch, Mary J. Margaret McNamara Hutchings, Amy and Richard DeClements, Barthe Brown, Marc Tolon 0 1 5.5 1 2 4.4 1.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Kim Baker David A. Adler Adler, David A. Adler, David A.; Wallner, John; Wallner, Alexandra Adler, David A. Adler, David Adler, David A.; Byrd, Samuel Adler, David A. Adler, David A. 5 3 3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction 4.9 2 2 3 2 2.7 NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction Adler, David Adler, David Adler, David A.; Casilla, Robert 3 3 4.5 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Woolf, Felicity Giff, Patricia Reilly Sarah Weeks Sendak, Maurice Birney, Betty G.; Ray, Deborah K. (Illustrator) 5 5 7 2.8 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Mozelle, Shirley Zindel, Paul Crew, Gary Patricia Hubbell Johnson, Paul B. Willems, Mo AUDREY WOOD Yolen, Jane; Dyer, Jane Wood, Audrey and Don Browne, Anthony Zindel, Paul Zindel, Paul Munsch, Robert McPhail, David McPhail, David Geisert, Arthur Kroll, Steven Teague, Mark Golden Books 0 6 2 0 1 1 0 3.5 1 2.7 6.7 7 1 1 1 1 1 2.9 3 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Pike River Phantom, The Pilgrim Village Mystery, The Pilgrims: Nonfiction Companion to Thanksgiving on Thursday Pilot and Huxley Pinatas and Paper Flowers Pinballs, The Pink & Say Pink and Say Pink Ballerina, The (Gigi, God's Little Princess) Pink Motel, The Pink Paper Swans Pinkalicious Pinkalicious and the Pink Drink Pinkalicious: Pink Around the Rink Pinkalicious: Pink of Hearts Pinkalicious: Pinkie Promise Pinkalicious: School Rules! Pinkalicious: The Princess of Pink Slumber Party Pinkerton Behave! Pinky & Rex Pinky & Rex & the Spelling Bee Pinky and Rex Pinky and Rex & the New Neighbors Pinky and Rex and the Bully Pinky and Rex and the Double Dad Weekend Wright, Betty R. Warner, Gertrude C.; Tang, Charles Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce Dan McGuiness Perl, Lila Byars, Betsy C. Polacco, Patricia Polacco, Patricia Pinky and Rex and the Perfect Pumpkin Pinky and Rex and the Spelling Bee Pinky and Rex Get Married Pinky and Rex Go To Camp Pinky Is a Baby Mouse, A Pinocchio Pinocchio and the Whale Pioneer Cat Pioneer Sampler, A Pioneer Sisters Pioneering Ocean Depths Pip Squeak Piper Reed Navy Brat Piper Reed: Navy Brat Pippa the Poppy Fairy Howe, James; Sweet, Melissa Howe, James Howe, James James Howe Ryan, Pam Munoz Disney, Walt Walt Disney William H Hooks Greenwood, Barbara Wilder, Laura Ingalls Markle, Sandra Sarah Weeks Kimberly Willis Holt Kimberly Willis Holt Daisy Meadows Lindgren, Astrid; Lamborn, Florence; Glanzman, Louis S. Pippi Longstocking Pippi Longstocking's After-Christmas Party Pippin Eats Out Walsh, Sheila Greenwald, Sheila; Brink, Carol R. Kroll, Virginia L.; Clouse, Nancy L. Kann, Victoria Victoria Kahn Victoria Kann Victoria Kann Victoria Kann Victoria Kann Victoria Kann Kellogg, Steven Howe, James Howe, James Howe, James Howe, James Howe, James Howe, James Astrid Lindgren Adams, Phylliss; Hartson, Eleanore; Taylor, Mark 6.8 3.9 Fiction Fiction 3 2 3 4.9 5 2.3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 6 3 2 0 1 1 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 2.8 2 2 3 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 Fiction 3.8 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 5 3 5 1 3 3 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Non Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2.8 Fiction 3 Fiction 2 Fiction Pippin Goes to Work Pirate uncle, The Pirates : poems Pirates Ahoy! Pirates Don't Change Diapers Pirates Don't Take Baths Pirates of Bedford Street, The Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End: Saving Jack Sparrow Pirates Past Noon Pirate's Treasure, The Pish and Posh Pixie Hollow Paint Day Pizza for Breakfast Pizza for Sam Pizza Mystery, The Pizza the Size of the Sun, The Place Called Freedom, A Place for Ben, A Place for Grace Place of Lions Place to Belong, A Place To Call Home, A Places in Time: A New Atlas of American History Plague Plague Years Plague Years, The Plague, The Planet of Junior Brown, The Planet Tad Plant That Ate Dirty Socks Goes Hollywood, The Plant That Ate Dirty Socks Goes Up in Space, The Plant That Ate Dirty Socks, The Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia Play Rhymes Play With Me Play, Louis, Play!: The True Story of a Boy and His Horn Playground Problem Please Don't Ask Me to Love You Please Don't Die Please Let it Snow Please Try to Remember the First of Octember! Please, Baby, Please Please, Mr. Crocodile Adams, Phylliss, Hartson, Eleanore, and Taylor, Mark Mahy, Margaret Harrison, David. Wilhelm, Hans Long, Melinda John Segal Isadora, Rachel 2 3 6.6 1 2 1 2.6 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Sutherland, T. T. Osborne, Mary Pope Garrett, Sandra G.; Williams, Philip C. Bottner, Barbara Tennant Redbank Kovalski, Maryann Labatt, Mary Warner, Gertrude C.; Tang, Charles Prelutsky, Jack; Stevenson, James Sanders, Scott Russell Titherington, Jeanne Okimoto, Jean D. Campbell, Eric Nixon, Joan L. Koller, Jackie F. Elspeth Leacock Susan Buckley Randy Jones (Illustrator) Michael Grant Austin, Richard Austin, Richard Ure, Jean Hamilton, Virginia; Pinkney, Jerry Tim Carvell 1.5 2 2 2 2 1 2 3.7 3 2 2.8 5 6 7.3 5.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 12 6.8 7.8 5.4 5.5 5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction McArthur, Nancy 4.5 Fiction McArthur, Nancy McArthur, Nancy Parish, Peggy Brown, Marc Ets, Marie H. Muriel Harris Weinstein and Frank Morrison McNamara, Margaret Anne Schraff Lurlene McDaniel Ziefert, Harriet 4.5 5.5 2 2 2.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 4 2 7 7 1.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Dr. Seuss & Theodore Lesieg Lee, Spike Strickland, Tessa (Compiler); Moran, Rosslyn (Illustrator) 1.5 0 Fiction Fiction 3 Fiction Pleasing the Ghost Plenty of Penguins Plum Plunked Pocahontas Pocket Change Pocket For Corduroy, A Pocketful of Cricket, A Poetrees Poetry for All Seasons Polar Bear, Master of the Ice Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? Polar Bear: Killer King of the Arctic Polar Bears Past Bedtime Polar Express, The Polar Mammals Polar, The Titanic Bear Polka- Dot Puppy Schuett, Stacey; Creech, Sharon Sonia W. Black Mitton, Tony Michael Northrop Gleiter, Jan Jensen, Kathryn Freeman, Don Ness, Evaline; Caudill, Rebecca Douglas Florian Demi, et al. Tracqui, Valerie Carle, Eric Bill, Jr. Martin Spilsbury, Louise Osborne, Mary Pope Van Allsburg, Chris Larry Dane Brimner Spedden, Daisy C. S.; McGaw, Laurie Jane Belk Moncure Polka- Dot Puppy: Little Golden Books Jane Belk Moncure Brown, Calef; Pinkwater, Daniel Manus Polkabats and Octopus Slacks (Narrator) Pollyanna Porter, Eleanor H. Pompeii...Buried Alive! Kunhardt, Edith Pond Morrison, Gordon Ponies at the Point (Animal Ark #10) Baglio, Ben Pony Crazy Catherine Hapka Pony Mysteries Penny and Pepper Jeanne Betancourt Pony Scouts: At the Show Catherine Hapka Pony Scouts: Really Riding! Catherine Hapka Pony Trouble Gasque, Dale Poochie -Poo Helen Stephens Pooh Goes Visiting A. A. Milne Pooh Plays Doctor Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Pooh Welcomes Winter Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Pooh's Bad Dream Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Pooh's Best Friend Isabel Gaines Pooh's Cleanup Disney Classic Pooh Pooh's Fall Harvest Gaines, Isabel Pooh's First Day of School Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Pooh's Friendly Hums Walt Disney Pooh's Graduation Isabel Gaines Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin Walt Disney Pooh's Hero Party Gaines, Isabel Poohs Jingle Bells Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Pooh's Neighborhood Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. 3 1 3 3 2.5 6 3.3 3.4 1 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction 0 Fiction 0 3 2 1 2 3.5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 Fiction 1 6 2 2 4 1 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 2 2 1 0 1 2 1 3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 2 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Poohs Scavenger Hunt Pooh's School Day Pooh's Sticky Situation Poor Puppy and Bad Kitty Popcorn Book, The Popcorn Days and Buttermilk Nights Poppleton Poppleton & Friends Poppleton Everyday Poppleton Forever Poppleton in Fall Poppy Poppy and Rye Porcupine Named Fluffy, A Portly McSwine Po's Crash Course Possibles Possum and the Peepers Possum Come A-Knockin' Possum's Harvest Moon Postcards from Camp: A Postal Story Postcards from Pluto: A Tour of the Solar System Posy Bates, Again! Potato Kid, The Potato Man, The Potch & Polly Poultrygeist Power Pitcher Powerful Polar Bears Powerless Powwow Prairie Boy's Winter, A Prairie Evers Prairie School Prairie Songs Prairie Summer Prairie Town Prairie Whispers Prehistoric Animals Prehistoric Pinkerton Premlata & the Festival of Lights President George Washington President that Pardoned a Turkey, The Presidential Elections Presidential Elections and Other Cool Facts President's Cabinet And How It Grew, The President's Lady, The Gaines, Isabel Lauren Cecil Walt Disney Nick Bruel De Paola, Tomie Paulsen, Gary Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Avi; Floca, Brian (Illustrator) AVI Lester, Helen Marshall, James Hapka Nelson, Vaunda M. Hunter, Anne Van Laan, Nancy Hunter, Anne Simms Taback 2 1 1 2 3.3 6 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 1 2 5.5 0 3 2.8 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Leedy, Loreen Cresswell, Helen; Aldous, Kate Corcoran, Barbara Lewin, Ted; McDonald, Megan William Steig Auch, Mary Jane Matt Christopher Bennett, Elizabeth Matthew Cody Ancona, George Kurelek, William Ellen Airgood Lenski, Lois Conrad, Pam; Zudeck, Darryl S. Geisert, Bonnie Geisert, Arthur Arrington, Frances Cohen, Daniel Kellogg, Steven Godden, Rumer; Andrew, Ian David a Adler Zullo, Allan Henry, Christopher 3.9 5.1 5.8 4 4 2 2 1 5 3.9 2 4 4.5 5.4 4 2 6 4 3 2 2 5 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Sobel, Syl 6 Fiction Parker, Nancy W. Stone, Irving 4 9 NonFiction Fiction Press Here Pressure play Preston's Goal Pretties Pretzel Pride and Prejudice Prince and the Pauper, The Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia Prince of the Pond: Otherwise Known as De Fawg Pin, The Prince William Princess and the Frog, The Princess And The Pea, The Princess Ashley Princess Bride: S Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure, The Princess Diaries, The Princess in Love Princess in the Spotlight Princess of the Press: The Story of Ida B. Wells-Barnett Princess Penelope's Parrot Princess Prunella And The Purple Peanut Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep Princesses Are Not Perfect Principal's New Clothes, The Priscilla Twice Private Notebook of Katie Roberts, Age 11, The Private War of Lillian Adams, The Professor's House, The Profiles In Courage Project UltraSwan Prometheus and the Story of Fire Promise Promise Is a Promise Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver, A Prudy's Problem and How She Solved It Ptolemy's Gate Puddle Puddle Pail, The Pueblo Boy Puff, The Magic Dragon Pulling My Leg Pumpkin Book Pumpkin Hill Pumpkin Town! Herve Tullet Christopher, Matt McNaughton, Colin Scott Westerfield Rey, Margret Austen, Jane; Conrad, Peter Twain, Mark Lewis, C. S. 0 3 2 7 2 12 5.9 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Napoli, Donna J.; Schachner, Judith B. Rand, Ted; Rand, Gloria Isadora, Rachel Andersen, Hans Christian; Gackenbach, Dick Peck, Richard 4.9 3 3.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 6 Fiction Fiction Goldman, William Cabot, Meg Cabot, Meg Cabot, Meg 8 7 7 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Medearis, Angela Lester, Helen 2 2 Fiction Fiction Atwood, Margaret; Kovalski, Maryann Gail Carson Levine Kate Lum Calmenson, Stephanie Caseley, Judith 3.8 4 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hest, Amy; Lamut, Sonja Corcoran, Barbara Cather, Willa Kennedy, John F. Osborn, Elinor Richardson, I. M. Westall, Robert Munsch, Robert Konigsburg, E. L. 3.3 6 6 10 5 5 7 2 6.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Armstrong-Ellis, Carey Jonathan Stroud McPhail, David Kleven, Elisa Keegan, Marcia Peter Yarrow Downing, Julie; Carson, Jo Gibbons, Gail Spurr, Elizabeth McKy, Katie 3.2 5.5 1 1 5 0 2.2 4 1 1.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Punctuation Takes a Vacation Punished PUP AND HOUND CATCH A THIEF PUP AND HOUND HATCH AN EGG Pup and Hound in Trouble Puppies in the Snow Puppy Last, The Puppy Love Clifford's Puppy Days Puppy Mudge Finds a Friend Puppy Mudge Has a Snack Puppy Mudge Loves His Blanket Puppy Mudge Takes a Bath Puppy Mudge Wants to Play Puppy Sister Pulver, Robin David Lubar SUSAN HOOD SUSAN HOOD Susan Hood Simcox, Helen E. Asch, Frank Marsoli, Lisa Ann Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Cynthia Rylant Hinton, S. E.; Rogers, Jacqueline Puppy Takes a Bath (Dora the Explorer) Ricci, Christine Puppy Who Went to School Herman, Gail Purple Heart, The Talbert, Marc Purple, Green and Yellow Munsch, Robert Purplicious Kann, Victoria & Elizabeth Kann Pushcart War, The Merrill, Jean; Solbert, Ronni Put Me in the Zoo Robert Lopshire Put Your Eyes Up Here: And Other School Poems Dakos, Kalli Putt-Putt Lost in Time Sagebrush Education Resources Putt-Putt the Great Pet Chase Arnold, J. Puzzle Maps U.S.A. Clouse, Nancy L. Pygmalion Shaw, George Bernard Brightling, Geoff; Hayman, Peter; Putnam, Pyramid James Pyramid Macaulay, David Q is for Duck Elting, Mary; Kent, Jack; Folsom, Michael Quake! A Novel Cottonwood, Joe Queen Nadine, Vol. 1 Kovalski, Maryann Queen of Hearts Engelbreit, Mary Queen With Bees In Her Hair, The Harness, Cheryl Queenie Peavy Burch, Robert Quest for the Queen Abbott, Tony, Jessell, Tim Question of Trust, A Bauer, Marion Dane Quicksand Pony, The Lester, Alison Quicksand Question, The Roy, Ron Bill Maynard Frank Remkiewicz Quiet, Wyatt! (Illustrator) Quilt Story, The Johnston, Tony; De Paola, Tomie Quincy Jones Horricks, Raymond Qwerty Stevens Back In Time: The Edison Mystery Dan Gutman Rabbit Hill Lawson, Robert Rabbit Makes a Monkey of Lion Aardema, Verna Rabbits & Raindrops Arnosky, Jim 2 4 1 1 1 1 1.7 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1.5 1 6.2 0 2 6.7 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 1 1 3 10 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction 4 5 1.9 5.2 1 0 3.7 6.7 3 5.5 7 3 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 2 5.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 5.4 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Rabbits' Habits Rabble Starkey Race to Doobesh (The Secrets of Droon Series #24) Racetrack robbery Rachel Chance Rachel's Journal Racing the Sun Racso and the Rats of NIMH Radiance Descending Radio Fifth Grade Rafi and Rosi: Carnival! Rag and Bone Shop Rag and Bone Shop, The Rag Coat, The Ragweed Railway Ghosts and Highway Horrors Railway Series:Thomas and the School Trip Rain Rain Catchers, The Rain Forest Babies Rain Player Rain Rain Rivers Rain School Rain Song Rain! Rain! Rainbow Fish Rainbow Fish to the Rescue! RAINBOW MAGIC BELLA THE BUNNY FAIRY Rainbow Magic Series: Amber the Orange Fairy Rainbow Magic Series: Fern the Green Fairy Rainbow Magic Series: Ruby the Red Fairy Rainbow Magic Series: Saffron the Yellow Fairy Rainbow Magic: Pia the Penguin Fairy Rainbow of My Own Rainbow Pony, The Rainbow Valley Raisel's Riddle Raisin in the Sun, A Raising Dragons Ralph J. Bunche: Peacemaker Ralph S. Mouse Ramona and Her Father Ramona and Her Mother Ramona and Her Mother Jane Belk Moncure Lowry, Lois 1 5.3 Fiction Fiction Abbott, Tony Basso, Bill; Leroe, Ellen Thesman, Jean Marissa Moss Pitts, Paul Lubin, Leonard; Conly, Jane L. Fox, Paula Gordon Korman Lulu Delacre Cormier, Robert Cormier, Robert Mills, Lauren Avi Cohen, Daniel 3 2 6.9 5 5 5.5 5 5 2 7 7 4.9 4.4 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Rev. W. Awdry Marion Dane Bauer Thesman, Jean Darling, Kathy Wisniewski, David Shulevitz, Uri James Rumford Evans, Lezlie; Jabar, Cynthia Green, Carol Pfister, Marcus Pfister, Marcus 1 0 5 3 5 2.5 1 0 0 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction DAISY MEADOWS 1 Fiction Daisy Meadows 2 Fiction Daisy Meadows 2 Fiction Daisy Meadows 2 Fiction Daisy Meadows Daisy Meadows Freeman, Don Crompton, Anne E. Montgomery, L. M. Silverman, Erica Hansberry, Lorraine Primavera, Elise; Nolen, Jerdine McKissack, Fredrick; McKissack, Patricia Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly; Tiegreen, Alan Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly 2 2 1 4.8 6 0 9.2 1 4 5 5.4 5.3 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Ramona Forever Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Ramona the Brave Ramona the Pest Ramona's World Randall's Wall Random House Book of ghost stories Ranger's Apprentice Book One:The Ruins of Gorlan Rani in the Mermaid Lagoon Raptors Rapunzel Rare Beasts (Edgar & Ellen # 1) Rare Treasure: Mary Anning and Her Remarkable Discoveries Rascal Rat Rats on the Range Rats on the Roof Rattlesnake Dance: True Tales, Mysteries & Rattlesnake Ceremonies Raven Raven's Gift, The Ravens Pass Bites Ravens Pass Cheaters Ravens Pass Curses for Sale Ravens Pass New in Town Ravens Pass No Place Like Home Ravens Pass The Lost Island Ravens Pass The Sleeper Ravens Pass Witch Mayor Ray & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Reach for the Stars (Amazing Days of Abby Hayes) Reach for Tomorrow Reaching Dustin Reaching for the Moon Read for Me Mama Read With Me : Thanksgiving Cats Ready Freddy The Reading Race Ready Freddy, Going Batty Ready or Not, Here Comes Scout! Ready, Freddy Don't Sit on My Lunch! Ready, Freddy The One Hundredth Day of School! Ready, Freddy! Yikes! Bikes! Ready, Set, Podrace Ready, Set, Snow! (Ready, Freddy!) Real Hole Really No Big Deal Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly; Tiegreen, Alan Cleary, Beverly; Darling, Louis Cleary, Beverly Fenner, Carol Hill, Susan; Barrett, Angela 3 5.3 3.8 5 4 6.4 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction John Flanagan Lisa Papademetriou McCourt, Lisa Grimm, Brothers Ogden, Charles 5 3 1 2.1 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Brown, Don North, Sterling Cheripko, Jan Marshall, James Marshall, James 2 7 8 3.7 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Dewey, Jennifer Grant, Charles Dupre, Kelly Steve Brezenoff Steve Brezenoff Steve Brezenoff Steve Brezenoff Steven Brezenoff Steve Brezenoff Steve Brezenoff Steve Brezenoff Dan Gutman 1 2.6 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 4 NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Anne Mazer Lurlene McDaniel Grove, Vicki Aldrin, Buzz McElrath-Eslick, Lori; Rahaman, Vashanti Marzollo, Jean Abby Klein Abby Klein Jill Abramson and Jane O'Conner Abby Klein 5 7 5 3 2.8 2 2 3 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Abby Klein Abby Klein Simon Beecroft Klein, Abby Cleary, Beverly Bechard, Margaret E. 2 2 2 2 -1 5.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Reasons for Seasons, The Rebecca Rebecca and Ana (American Girl) Rebecca and the Movies (American Girl) Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Rebecca of the Brick House Rebecca Returns to Sunnybrook Rebecca to the Rescue (American Girl) Rebel Rebels Against Slavery: American Slave Revolts Rebels of the Heavenly Kingdom Rechenka's Eggs Red Badge of Courage, The Red Ballon, The Red Cap Red Dancing Shoes Red Dog Red Flower Goes West Red Fox And The Baby Bunnies Red Fox Dances Red Heart Tattoo Red Heels, The Red Midnight Red Pizzas for a Blue Count Red Pony, The Red Pyramid Red Ranger Came Calling Red Ribbon Rosie Red Rose Box Red Sails to Capri Red Sky at Morning Red Wolf Country Red Wolf, The Red-Dirt Jessie Red-Eyed Tree Frog Red-Hot Hightops Redwall Re-elect Nutty Regarding the Fountain : A Tale in Letters, of Liars & Leaks Regular Flood of Mishap, A Relative Strangers Reluctantly Alice Remainder of One, A Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen, The Remarkable Reindeer Rembrandt Rembrandt's Hat Gibbons, Gail Du Maurier, Daphne Jacqueline Greene 2.9 9.7 4 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Jacqueline Greene Boddy, Joe; Wiggin, Kate D.; Wiggin, Eric Wiggin, Eric Wiggin, Eric Jacqueline Greene Baillie, Allan McKissack, Fredrick; McKissack, Patricia C. Paterson, Katherine Polacco, Patricia Crane, Stephen Lamorisse, Albert Wisler, G. Clifton Ransome, James E.; Patrick, Denise L. Wallace, Bill Turner, Ann Baron, Alan Baron, Alan Lurlene McDaniel Kelley, Gary; San Souci, Robert Mikaelsen, Ben Geronimo Stilton Steinbeck, John Rick Riordan Breathed, Berke Sims, Blanche; Marzollo, Jean Brenda Woods Ann Weil Wyman, Andrea London, Jonathan Shannon, Margaret Myers, Anna Cowley, Joy; Bishop, Nic (Illustrator) Matt Christopher Jacques, Brian; Chalk, Gary Hughes, Dean 4 9 7 7 4 3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 7.9 5 4 7 4.2 6.8 3 5 2 1.7 1.5 8 4.2 5 3 4 4.5 5 2.5 7 2 5.6 2.8 2 3.9 3 4 7 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Klise, Kate Birdseye, Tom; Loyd, Megan Ferris, Jean Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Pinczes, Elinor; MacKain, Bonnie Alexander, Lloyd Jeff Bauer Venezia, Mike Blackaby, Susan 5 2.6 7 5 2 5.7 1 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Remember Me To Harold Square Remember My Name Remembering Mog Remembering the Good Times Rent a Third Grader Report to the Principal's Office Reptile Room, The Rescuers, The Return of the Homerun Kid Return of the King, The Return of the Mummy Return of the Native, The Return of the Plant That Ate Dirty Socks, The Return to Bitter Creek Return to Howliday Inn Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes Revenge of the Small Small Revolutionary War on Wednesday Reward for Josefina Rhinos for Lunch and Elephants for Supper Rhymin' Simon and the Mystery of the Fat Cat Ribbons Ribsy Rice Without Rain Rich Mitch Richard III Richest Kids in Town, The Rick Is Sick Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs the Jurassic Jackrabbits from Jupiter, Vol. 5 Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot Vs. Stupid Stinkbugs From Saturn Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot Vs. the Mecha-Monkeys from Mars Riddle of Penncroft Farm, The Ride 'EM Rodeo! Ride, Fly Guy, Ride! Rifle, The Rifles for Watie Right Number of Elephants, The Righteous Revenge of Artemis Bonner, The Riki's Birdhouse Danziger, Paula Banks, Sarah Harrell Rodowsky, Colby Peck, Richard Hiller, B. B. Spinelli, Jerry Snicket, Lemony Sharp, Margery Christopher, Matt Tolkien, J.R.R. Stine, R. L.; Hughes, Francine; Lazer, Charles Hardy, Thomas 4.9 4.7 7 5.7 4.5 4 6 4 5 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4.5 10 Fiction Fiction McArthur, Nancy Smith, Doris B. Howe, James Stine, R. L.; Margulies, Teddy S. Little, Jean Osborne, Mary Pope Tripp, Valerie 7 5.8 5 4 1 2 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 Fiction 3 6 4 7.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 10.3 3.3 0 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Pilkey, Dav 3 Fiction Pilkey, Dav 3 Fiction Pilkey, Dav Jensen, Dorothea Gomez, Rebecca Tedd Arnold Paulsen, Gary Keith, Harold Sheppard, Jeff; Bond, Felicia 3 6.5 3 2 7 7.1 2.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Myers, Walter Dean Monica Wellington 5.6 1 Fiction Fiction Mollel, Tololwa Apablasa, Bill Yep, Laurence Cleary, Beverly Ho, Minfong Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman; Lustig, Loretta Shakespeare, William Kehret, Peg McPhail, David Dav Pilkey Rikki-tikki-tavi Riley Mack and the Other Known Troublemakers Riley Mack Stirs Up More Trouble Rilla of Ingleside Ring of Endless Light, A Rinkitink in Oz Rip Van Winkle and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow Ripley Believe It or Not! Special Edition Ripper Rip-Roaring Russell Rip's Secret Spot Riptide Rise of Major Religions, The River River Ran Wild, A River Rats River Through the Ages River, The River, The Road from Home: The Story of an Armenian Girl, The Road Race (Stone Arch Readers) Road to Memphis, The Road to Oz, The Roanoke: The Lost Colony Robe, The Robert the Rose Horse Roberto & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Robin and the Little Hoods Robin Hood Robin's Country Robinson Crusoe Robobots Robot Zot! Robots Among Us: The Challenges and Promises of Robotics Rockheads Rockin' reptiles Rocking Horse Christmas Rocks, Minerals and Fossils Rodeo Ron and His Milkshake Cows Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Roll Over Roller Coaster Rudyard Kipling (adapted by Pinkney, Jerry ) 4.4 Fiction Chris Grabenstein Chris Grabenstein Montgomery, L. M. L'Engle, Madeleine Baum, Frank; Neill, John 5 6 6 5.5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Irving, Washington; Boughton, George H. 4.4 NonFiction Packard, Mary; Franson, Leanne Stefan Petrucha Hurwitz, Johanna; Hoban, Lillian Butler, Kristi T. Weller, Frances W.; Blake, Robert J. Makhlouf, Georgia; Moeller, Walter O.; Welply, Michael Atwell, Debby Cherry, Lynne Stevermer, Caroline Steele, Philip Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary 7 9 2.6 0 4 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 1 5.5 6.4 4 6 8 NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Kherdian, David Melinda Melton Crow Fogelman, Phyllis J.; Taylor, Mildred D. Baum, Frank; Neill, John Coleman, Brooke Douglas, Lloyd C. Heilbroner, Joan 7.5 0 6.9 5 6.1 9 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Dan Gutman Robert Bresloff Creswick, Paul Furlong, Monica Defoe, Daniel Novak, Matt Jon Scieszka 4 4 3 5.8 10 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 0 Fiction Fiction Baker, Christopher W. Ziefert, Harriet Munsinger, Lynn; Calmenson, Stephanie; Cole, Joanna Osborne, Mary Pope Lye, Ken Rowan Clifford Taylor, Mildred D. Peek, Merle Marla Frazee 1 2 6 1 6.9 0 0 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Roller Hockey Radicals Christopher, Matt Roller Skates Sawyer, Ruth Rollo and Tweedy and the Ghost at Dougal Castle Laura Jean Allen Roly-Poly Spider, The Arnold, Tedd; Sardegna, Jill Roman Numerals I to MM Geisert, Arthur Romeitte and Julio Draper, Sharon Romeo & Juliet - Together (& Alive!) at Last Avi Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare, William Ronald Morgan Goes to Bat Giff, Patricia Reilly Room for Ripley Murphy, Stuart J. ROOM ON THE BROOM JULIA DONALDSON Room One: A Mystery Or Two Andrew Clements Rooster's Gift, The Conrad, Pam; Beddows, Eric Rooster's Off to See the World Carle, Eric Root Cellar, The Lunn, Janet Rosa Parks : Fight for Freedom Brandt, Keith Rosa Parks: My Story Haskins, Jim; Parks, Rosa Rosalie, My Rosalie: The Tale of a Duckling Mitchard, Jacquelyn Roscoe Riley Rules # 1 Never Glue Your Friends to Chairs Katherine Applegate Roscoe Riley Rules #4 Never Swim in Applesauce Katherine Applegate Rose Blanche Innocenti, Roberto Rose Daughter McKinley, Robin Rose Red and the Bear Prince Andreasen, Dan Rosemary's Witch Turner, Ann 4 6 Fiction Fiction 0 2 1 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 9 1 3 2 4 1 2 6 5 6.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction 3 Fiction 2 Fiction 3 3.1 9 4 6.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Stoppard, Tom 11 NonFiction Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink Rosie and Michael Rosie ODonnell Rosie's Walk Rosy Cole:She Walks in Beauty Rotten Ralph Helps Out Rotten Ralph's Halloween Howl Rotten Ralph's Rotten Christmas Rotten School: Night of the Creepy Things Rotten School: The Good, the Bad and the Very Slimy Rotten Teeth Rough-Face Girl, The Roverandom Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal Rowan and the Zebak Rowan of Rin Roxaboxen 1 3.4 5 1.5 3.2 1 1 4 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction de Groat, Diane Viorst, Judith; Tomei, Lorna Krohn, Katherine E. Hutchins, Pat Greenwald, Sheila Jack Gantos and Nicole Rubel Gantos, Jack Rubel, Nicole; Gantos, Jack R.L. Stine R. L. Stine Simms, Laura Martin, Rafe; Shannon, David Tolkien, J.R. Emily Rodda Emily Rodda Emily Rodda Cooney, Barbara; McLerran, Alice 3 Fiction 3 2 5.5 6 5 5.1 3 4.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Ruby Ruby and the Booker Boys - The Slumber Party Payback Ruby and the Booker Boys - Trivia Queen, 3rd Grade Supreme Ruby Bakes a Cake Ruby Holler Ruby in the Smoke, The Ruby Paints a Picture Ruby Princess Sees a Ghost Ruby the Copycat Ruby's Beauty Shop Rude Giants Rude Rowdy Rumors Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Rufferella Rumble Fish Rumble in the Jungle Rumors from the Boys' Room: A Blogtastic! Novel Rump: The True Story of Rumpelstiltskin Rumpelstiltskin Rumpelstiltskin (BIG BOOK) Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter Run For The Hills, Geronimo! Run, Billy, Run Runaway Bunny Runaway ponies! Runaway Racehorse, The Runaway Ralph Runaway Reptar Runaway Twin Runner, The Running for Office: A Look at Political Campaigns Running for Public Office Running Out of Time Runs With Horses Runt Rupunzel Rush Hour Russell and Elisa Russell Rides Again Russell Sprouts Russell the Sheep Ruth and the Green Book Ruth Law Thrills a Nation Ryan White: My Own Story S. O. R. Losers Michael Emberley 3 Fiction Derrick Barnes 3 Fiction 3 1 5 7 1 2 2 0 2 3.1 2 3 7 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 Fiction Derrick Barnes Hill, Susan Creech, Sharon Pullman, Philip Hill, Susan Malcolm, Jahnna N. Rathmann, Peggy Rosemary Wells Wood, Audrey Levy, Elizabeth; Ulrich, George Kristen L. Depken Gill-Brown, Vanessa; Stanley, Mandy Hinton, S. E. Teckentrup, Britta Rose Cooper Liesl Shurtliff Zelinsky, Paul O. Parkes, Brenda Stanley, Diane Geronimo Stilton Christopher, Matt Brown, Margaret Wise Catherine Hapka Roy, Ron Cleary, Beverly Schoberle, Cecile Peg Kehret Voigt, Cynthia 5 3.2 1 4 3 5 2 2 3 5.7 1 5 6 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Donovan, Sandra De Capua, Sarah E. Haddix, Margaret Peterson Burks, Brian Marion Dane Bauer Monica Hughes Loomis, Christine Johanna Hurwitz Hurwitz, Johanna Johanna Hurwitz Scotton, Rob Calvin A. Ramsey Brown, Don White, Ryan Avi 5 4 5.1 6 4 2 2 3 2 2 1 4 2 6 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Sable Sabotaged Sabriel Sacajawea Sad Night, The Sadako Sadako and the 1000 Paper Cranes Safari Safari Journal Saffy's Angel Saguaro Moon Saige Saige Paints the Sky Saint George & the Dragon: A Golden Legend Saint Maybe Saladin: Noble Prince of Islam Salamandastron: A Tale from Redwall Salamander Rain Salamander Room, The Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Crockett Salt in His Shoes: Michael Jordan in Pursuit of a Dream Sam and the Bag Sam and the Firefly Sam and the Moon Queen Sam and the Tigers Sam Gets Lost Sam Sheep Can't Sleep Sam the Minuteman Sam, Bangs and Moonshine Samantha Learns a Lesson: A School Story Samantha Saves the Day : A Summer Story Samantha Saves the Wedding Samantha the Snob Samantha the Swimming Fairy Samanthas Surprise : A Christmas Story Samanthas Winter Party Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief Sammy Sosa: He's the Man Sammy the Seal Sammy, Dog Detective Sam's First Halloween Sam's Snowy Day Samuel Eaton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Boy Hesse, Karen Margaret Peterson Haddix Nix, Garth Bruchac, Joseph Mathews, Sally Coerr, Eleanor Coerr, Eleanor Bateman, Robert and Archbold, Rick Talbott, Hudson Hilary McKay Pratt-Serafini, Kristin Joy Jessie Haas Jessie Haas 3.5 6 6 8 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hodges, Margaret Tyler, Anne Stanley, Diane Jacques, Brian Pratt-Serafini, Kristin Joy Mazer, Anne 3.7 10 5 7 3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Kellogg, Steven 2 Fiction Jordan, Deloris Jeffries, Alison P.D. Eastman Herzig, Alison C.; Mali, Jane L. Pinkney, Jerry; Lester, Julius Labatt, Mary Cox, Phil Roxbee Benchley, Nathaniel Ness, Evaline Thieme, Jeanne; Adler, Susan S.; Niles, Nancy; Lusk, Nancy N 3 0 0 4 2.8 2 1 2 3.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4.2 Fiction Tripp, Valerie Tripp, Valerie; Andreasen, Dan Cristaldi, Kathryn Daisy Meadows 4 4 1.9 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Schur, Maxine R. Tripp, Valerie Van Draanen, Wendelin Driscoll, Laura Syd Hoff Bare, Colleen Stanley Labatt, Mary Labatt, Mary 5 4 5 4 1.8 1 1 1.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction Kate Waters Samuel's Choice Samurai Shortstop Samurai's Garden, The Sandra Day O'Connor Sandry's Book Santa Claus doesn't mop floors Santa Comes to Little House Santa is coming to Texas Santa Paws Santa S.O.S Santa's Book of Names Santa's Crash Bang Christmas Santa's Favorite Story Santa's Toy Shop Sapphire Princess Meets a Monster Sara Kate saves the world Sarah Bishop Sarah Morton's Day : A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl Sarah Winnemucca: Paiute Native American Indian Stories Sarah, Plain and Tall Sarah's Unicorn Sasquatch Sassy Gracie Satch & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Satchel Paige: The Best Arm in Baseball Saturday Sancocho Saturnalia Savage Sam Save Halloween! Save The White Whale! Saves the Thanksgiving Day Parade! (The Little Engine That Could) Saving Damaris Saving Grace Saving Jessica Saving Lilly Saving Shiloh Saving Strawberry Farm Saving Sweetness Saving Zasha Savvy Say "AHHH!" Dora goes to the Doctor Say "Cheese" Say Cheese and Die! Mathews, Judith; Watling, James; Berleth, Richard Gratz, Alan Tsukiyama, Gail Henry, Christopher Pierce, Tamora Debbie Dadey Wilder, Laura Ingalls Steve Smallman Nicholas Edwards Linda Ford McPhail, David De Paola, Tomie; Kroll, Steven Aoki, Hisako Al Dempster Malcolm, Jahnna N. Pfeffer, Susan O'Dell, Scott Waters, Kate Morrow, Mary F. MacLachlan, Patricia Coville, Bruce Smith, Roland Sage, James; Pratt, Pierre Dan Gutman 5.2 7 9 7.3 7 3 2 1 4 3 -1 3 2 1 2 2 6.8 2 6 3.9 2 5 0 4 Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction McKissack, Fredrick; McKissack, Patricia Torres, Leyla Fleischman, Paul Gipson, Fred Tolan, Stephanie S. Geronimo Stilton 3.7 2 5.1 3.8 5.2 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Piper, Watty Leonard, Laura Cummings, Priscilla Lurlene McDaniel Peg Kehret Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Hopkinson, Deborah Stanley, Diane; Karas, G. Brian Randi Barrow Ingrid Law Phoebe Beinstein McCombs, Barbara L.; Brannan, Linda Stine, R. L. 2 5 5 7 4 5 2 2.9 5 6 2 2.8 4.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Say Cheese! (Dora the Explorer Series) Ricci, Christine 0 Fiction Say Goodnight Gracie Say Hello to the Hit Man Say It, Sign It Scapegoat: The Story of a Goat Named Oat and a Chewed-Up Coat Scarebird, The Scarecrow Scarecrow of Oz, The Scarecrow's Hat, The Scarecrow's New Clothes: A Silly Thriller with Peggy the Pig, The Scared Stiff Scaredy Cat Scaredy Mouse Scaredy-Cat Fish Scaredy-Cat, Splat Scarlet Letter, The Scarlet Monster Lives Here Scarlet Pimpernel, The Scarum Fair Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones Scary, Scary Halloween Scat, Cat! Scavenger Boy Schernoff Discoveries School School Day Adventure School Days According to Humphrey School For Pompey Walker, A School Mouse and The Hamster, The School Mouse, The School Skeleton, The School Spirit Schoolhouse Mystery Schooling Around: Pencil of Doom! Schoolyard Mystery, The Science Fiction Science Fact Science Sight Word Readers: Bones Science Sight Word Readers: Heart Science Verse Science Vocabulary Readers: Fantastic Bats Science Vocabulary Readers: Incredible Owls Scooby Doo - Bowling Boogeyman Scooby Doo - Zombie's Treasure Scooby Doo and the Case of the Bigfoot Beast Scooby Doo and the Case of the Creepy Camp Deaver, Julie R. Bennett, Jay Elaine Epstein 6.8 6.4 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Dean Hale Sis, Peter; Fleischman, Sid Rylant, Cynthia; Stringer, Lauren Baum, Frank; Neill, John Brown, Ken 2 2 3.8 5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Thiesing, Lisa Roberts, Willo D. Joan Rankin Alan MacDonald Pfister, Marcus Rob Scotton Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Martin, John S. Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Orczy, Emmuska Jessica Swaim 2 6.5 1 2 1 0 11.5 2.9 8 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gammell, Stephen; Schwartz, Alvin Eve Bunting Alyssa Satin Capucilli Theresa Tomlinson Paulsen, Gary McCully, Emily Arnold Hall, Patricia Betty G. Birney Rosen, Michael J.; Robinson, Aminah B. Harris, Dorothy J.; Clifford, Judy King-Smith, Dick; Fisher, Cynthia Roy, Ron Hurwitz, Johanna; Dugan, Karen M. Warner, Gertrude C. Andy Griffiths Levy, Elizabeth; Brunkus, Denise Issac Asimov Megan Duhamel Justin McCory Martin Scieszka, Jon 3.5 1 0 4 3.9 0 1 4 3.8 4.5 3.6 3 5.5 3.1 5 2 5.5 1 1 3.7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Justin McCory Martin 1 Fiction Justin McCory Martin James Gelsey James Gelsey 1 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Tracey West 2 Fiction McCann, Jesse 3 Fiction Scooby Doo and the Case of the Glowing Alien Scooby Doo and the Case of the Haunted Hound Scooby Doo and the Case of the Leaping Lion Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase Scooby Doo and the Fairground Phantom Scooby Doo and the Snow Monster Mystery Scooby Doo the Race Car Monster Scooby Doo! and the Frankenstein Monster Scooby Doo, The Case of Dr Jenkins and Mr. Hyde Scooby Doo: Big Foot Mystery Scooby Doo: Case of the Angry Alligator Scooby Doo: Case of the Headless Henry Scooby Doo: Case of the Lost Lumberjack Scooby Doo: Mummies at the Mall Scooby Doo: The Case of the Television Monster Scooby Doo: The Freaky Oil Fiend Scooby Doo: The Mummy's Curse Scooby Doo: The Sea Monster Scare Scooby Doo: The Vampire's Revenge Scooby-Doo and the Samurai Ghost Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island Scooby-Doo! and the Carnival Creeper Scooby-Doo! and the Farmyard Fright Scooby-Doo! and the Groovy Ghost Scooby-Doo! and the Haunted Castle Scooby-Doo! and the Haunted Halloween Mask Gelsey, James 3 Fiction Erwin, Vicki 3.3 Fiction 3 3 Fiction Fiction Gelsey, James 1.5 Fiction James Gelsey Gail Herman 2 2 Fiction Fiction James Gelsey 2 Fiction Gelsey, James Nagler, Michelle H. 3 2 Fiction Fiction James Gelsey 2 Fiction Jenny Markas 2 Fiction McCann, Jesse Gail Herman 2 2 Fiction Fiction Gail Herman James Gelsey Jesse Leon McCann Gail Herman James Gelsey Jesse Leon McCann Herman, Gail James Gelsey James Gelsey James Gelsey James Gelsey 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jesse Leon McCann 3 Fiction Scooby-Doo! and the Masked Magician James Gelsey Scooby-Doo! and the Vicious Viking James Gelsey 2 2 Fiction Fiction Scooby-Doo! and the Weird Water Park ScoobyDoo! The Mixed-Up Museum Scooby-Doo! The Mixed-Up Museum Scooby-Doo! Valentine's Day Dognapping Scooby-Doo!: The Big Bad Blizzard Scooter McCann, Jesse Leon; Del Sur, Duendes Gail Herman Gail Herman 3 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction 1.2 2 4.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Score One for the Sloths Scorpia Lester, Helen; Munsinger, Lynn (Illustrator) Horowitz, Anothony 1 5 Fiction Fiction Marcas, Jenny Jesse Leon McCann Herman, Gail Gail Herman Williams, Vera B. Scottie Pippen Scrambled Eggs Super! Scratches and Scrapes Screech! A Book About Bats Screwtape Letters, The Scruffy Scumble Sea Legs Sea Turtles Sea Wolf Seal : Furry Swimmer Seal Island School Seal Mother, The Seal Surfer Sealed With A Kiss Search , The (Left Behind-the KidsBook 9) Search for Delicious, The Search for Grissi, The Search for the Dragon Ship (Secrets of Droon Series #18) Search for the Shadowman Searching For Candlestick Park Searching for Dragons Season of Comebacks Seasons of the Sandstorms Second Chance (Left Behind-the KidsBook 2) Second Grade Rules, Amber Brown Secondhand star Seconds Away Second-String Center Secret Agent Splat Secret Agents Four Secret City, U.S.A. Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Age, The Secret Funeral of Slim Jim the Snake Secret Garden, The Secret Language of the SB, The Secret Life of the Underwear Champ Secret Moose, The Secret of Mirror Bay, The Secret of Sanctuary Island, The Secret of Sarah Revere, The Secret of the Andes Secret of the eagle feathers, The Secret of the floating phantom Secret of the Forgotten City, The Gutman, Bill Dr. Suess Linn, Margo Melvin Berger Lewis, C. S. Parish, Peggy Ingrid Law Shearer, Alex Gibbons, Gail London, Jack Soler, Joelle Bartlett, Susan Gerstein, Mordicai Foreman, Michael Melissa Lagonegro 5.9 0 1 2.9 10 2 5 5 3.5 8.1 2 4 4.4 2 0 NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Babbitt, Natalie Shura, Mary 6 6.9 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Abbott, Tony Nixon, Joan L. Peg Kehret Wrede, Patricia C. Mackel, Kathy Pope Osborne, Mary 3 7 5 6.5 4 4.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Paula Danziger Christelow, Eileen; MacDonald, Maryann Harlan Coben Rich Wallace Rob Scotton Shortall, Leonard; Sobol, Donald J. Holman, Felice Townsend, Sue Woodruff, Elvira Burnett, Frances Hodgson; Burnett, Constance B. Scarboro, Elizabeth Miles, Betty Rogers, Jean; Fowler, Jim Keene, Carolyn Monson, A. M. Rinaldi, Ann Clark, Ann N. Brown, Craig McFarland; McKinley, Maura E. Lehr, Norma Keene, Carolyn 6 2 2 8 4 0 3.8 7.3 6 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6.5 5.6 4 4 4 4.5 7 5.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 1 3 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Secret of the Indian, The Secret of the Old Clock Secret of the Pink Pokemon Secret of the Plant That Ate Dirty Socks, The Secret of the Ruby Ring, The Secret of the Shopping Mall Secret Path, The (Spooksville #1) Secret Place Secret Sacrament Secret School, The Secret Valentine Secret Weapon Secrets Secrets of a Civil War Submarine: Solving the Mysteries of the H.L. Hunley Secrets of Animal Flight, The Secrets Of Droon Special Edition #3: Voyagers Of The Silver Sand : Voyagers Of The Silver Sand See How They Grow: Butterfly See How They Grow: Penguins See Santa Nap See You Around, Sam See You In Second Grade Seed Is a Promise Seedfolks Seeker of Knowledge Sees Behind Trees Seize the Day Seizure Selena the Sleepover Fairy Selfish Giant Send No Blessings Sentries Separate Peace, A Serena Katz Sesame Street Just the Way You Are Seven Blind Mice Seven Chinese Brothers, The Seven Kisses in a Row Seven Loaves of Bread Seven Scary Monsters Seven Songs of Merlin Seven Spiders Spinning Seven strange and ghostly tales Seven Treasure Hunts, The Seventeen Against the Dealer Seventh-Grade Weirdo Banks, Lynne Reid Keene, Carolyn West, Tracey 6 4 3.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction McArthur, Nancy MacGrory, Yvonne Peck, Richard Pike, Christopher Stevenson, L. W. Jordan, Sherryl Avi Smath, Jerry Christopher, Matt Helen Orme 7 4 7.3 5 2.8 6 4 2 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Sally M. Walker Bishop, Nick 7 2.9 Fiction NonFiction Abbott, Tony Mary Ling Mary Ling Milgrim, David Lowry, Lois Cohen, Miriam Merrill, Claire Pedersen, Judy; Fleischman, Paul Rumford, James Dorris, Michael; Benson, Linda Cooper, W. Norman Kathy Reichs Daisy Meadows Wilde, Oscar Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Paulsen, Gary Knowles, John Charlotte Pomerantz Kara McMahon Young, Ed Tseng, Jean; Mahy, Margaret MacLachlan, Patricia; Marella, Maria P. Wolff, Ferida; Keller, Katie Lundgren, Mary Beth Barron, T. A. Macaulay, David Jacques, Brian; Ray, David Byars, Betsy C. Voigt, Cynthia Wardlaw, Lee 2 0 0 0 4 2.5 2 5 4 3.9 9.6 8 3 3 7.2 5 9 4 1 1.9 4 5.4 2.2 1 6 3 5 3 8 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Sew What, Betsy Ross? Seymour & Opal Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind Shades of Gray Shades of Simon Gray Shadow Shadow Shadow Boxer Shadow Brothers, The Shadow Children, The Shadow of a Bull Shadow of a Flying Bird: A Folktale from the Kurdistan Jews, The Shadow of the Wall Shadow Over Loch Ness Shadow Play Shadowgate (Dragons of Deltora) Shadowland (The Mediator Series #1) Shadowmaker Shadowmaker, The Shadows in the Glasshouse Shadows in the Water: A Starbuck Family Adventure Shadrach Shadrach's Crossing: a novel Shake Dem Halloween Bones Shake, Rattle and Roll Shake,Rattle & Role Shaker Boy Shakespeare Bats Clean-Up Shakespeare Stealer Shakespeare's Secret Shaman's Apprentice, The Shane Shannon Lucid: Space Ambassador Shannon the Ocean Fairy Shape Space Shape-changer Shapes and Colors Share of Freedom, A Sharing Susan Shark : Silent Hunter Shark Beneath the Reef Shark in school Shark in the Park Shark Vs Train Sharks Sharks! (TFK Science Scoops Series) She Died Too Young Peter and Connie Roop Jussek, Nicole Staples, Suzanne F. Reeder, Carolyn McDonald, Joyce Cendrars, Blaise; Brown, Marcia Judy Waite Lynch, Chris Cannon, A. E. Schnur, Steven Wojciechowska, Maia 3 4 7 5.5 7 1.4 4 5.2 5.5 5.9 5.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gerstein, Mordicai Laird, Christa Steele, Jason Beddows, Eric; Fleischman, Paul Rodda, Emily Cabot, Meg Nixon, Joan L. Tomes, Margot; Hansen, Ron Megan McDonald 2.9 8.9 5 2.9 5 7 8 4.6 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lasky, Kathryn De Jong, Meindert Avi Nikola-Lisa, W. Potter, Keith R. Holly George -Warren Ray, Mary L.; Winter, Jeanette Koertge, Ron Blackwood, Gary Elise Broach Cherry, Lynne Schaefer, Jack Bredeson, Carmen Daisy Meadows Cathryn Falwell Brittain, Bill Brainy Baby Wood, June R. Bunting, Eve Le Bloas, Renee George, Jean Craighead Giff, Patricia Reilly Cox, Phil Roxbee Chris Barton Cerullo, Mary M.; Rotman, Jeffrey L. (Photographer) Editors of Time For Kids Lurlene McDaniel 5 4.8 6 2 1 3 4.1 7 5 6 3 5 6 4 0 5.5 0 6.4 4.8 2 7 3 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 3 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction She Stoops to Conquer Sheep Blast off Sheep in a Jeep Sheep In A Shop Sheep on a Ship Sheep Out To Eat Sheep Take a Hike Sheep Trick or Treat Sheila Rae, the Brave Shelf Life Shelter Dogs, Amazing Stories of Adopted Strays Sherwood Ring, The Goldsmith, Oliver; Balderston, Katherine G. Shaw, Nancy Apple, Margot; Shaw, Nancy Apple, Margot; Shaw, Nancy Apple, Margot; Shaw, Nancy Apple, Margot; Shaw, Nancy Apple, Margot; Shaw, Nancy Shaw, Nancy Henkes, Kevin Gary Paulson Kehret, Peg Pope, Elizabeth Marie She's Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head Catrow, David; Lasky, Kathryn Shh! We're Writing the Constitution De Paola, Tomie; Fritz, Jean Shiloh Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Shiloh Season Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Shining Season, A Buchanan, William Shipwreck on the Pirate Islands Geronimo Stilton Shipwreck Saturday Cosby, Bill Shipwreck Search: Discovery of the H.L. Hunley Sally M. Walker Shipwrecked! The True Adventures of a Japanese Boy Blumberg, Rhoda Shock Wave Abbott, Tony Shocker on Shock Street, A Stine, R. L. Shoebag James, Mary Shoeless Joe Kinsella, W. P. Shoeless Joe & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Dan Gutman Shoes From Grandpa Fox, Mem Shoeshine Girl Bulla, Clyde R.; Grant, Leigh Shoo, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd Shooting Star : Annie Oakley, the Legend Dadey, Debbie Shortcut Macaulay, David Shortest Kid in the World Bliss, Corinne D. Shota & the Star Quilt Bateson-Hill, Margaret Should I Share My Ice Cream ? Willems Show and Tell (Little Critter First Readers) Mayer, Mercer Show Me the Evidence Ferguson, Alane Showdown at the Aracade Mayer, Mercer Showdown, The (Left Behind-the KidsBook 13) Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Showoff Gordon Korman Shrinking of Treehorn, The Heide, Florence P. Shuteyes, The James, Mary Sidewalk Story Mathis, Sharon Bell 11 1 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 6 Fiction Fiction 3 4.7 5 5 10 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 7 5 4 4.9 9 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 1 2.2 1.7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 3 2 3 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 0 6.5 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 5 2.4 5.2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Sideways Stories from Wayside School Sidney Won't Swim Siesta Sign of the Beaver, The Sign of the Chrysanthemum, The Sign on Rosies Door, The Sign Painter's Dream, The Silas Marner Silent Spring Silent Storm Silly Sally Silly Street: selected poems Silly Tillys Thanksgiving Dinner Silly Tilly's Valentine Silly Willy Silver Silver Chair, The Silver Cow : A Welsh Tale Silver Days Silverlicious Silverwing Simon and Molly Plus Hester Simply Alice Sing a Song of Mother Goose Sing a Song of People Sing Down the Moon Singing Man, The Singing Sensation Single Shard, A Singularity Sir Cumference and the off-the-charts dessert Sir Cumference and the Off-the-Charts Desserts Sir Cumference and the Viking's Map Sir Cumference: And the First Round Table Sir Fartsalot Hunts the Booger Sister Yessa's Story Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Sisters Sisters's Wish, A sitting bull Sitti's Secrets Siwiti: A Whale's Story Six Hogs on a Scooter Six Months Later Six Months to Live Six New Students Six-Dinner Sid Sachar, Louis Schhuurmans, Hilde Guy, Ginger Foglesong Speare, Elizabeth George Paterson, Katherine; Landa, Peter Sendak, Maurice Roth, Roger Eliot, George Carson, Rachel L. Garland, Sherry Wood, Audrey Jeff Foxworthy Hoban, Lillian Hoban, Lillian Cocca-Leffler, Maryann Mazer, Norma F. Lewis, C. S.; Baynes, Pauline Cooper, Susan Levitin, Sonia Victoria Kann Oppel, Kenneth Jahn-Clough, Lisa Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Reid, Barbara Lenski, Lois O'Dell, Scott Medearis, Angela Geronimo Stilton Park, Linda Sue Sleator, William 4.9 0 1 5.3 5 3.2 4.3 10.5 9 5.2 0 1 1 2 1 7.6 4.5 2 4.8 0 5 0 8 2 0 5.3 4 3 5 5.7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Cindy Neuschwander 2 Fiction Cindy Neuschwander Cindy Neuschwander 2 4 Fiction Fiction 2 7 4.9 8 4 2 1 2.9 8 2 10 7 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Neuschwander, Cindy; Geehan, Wayne Bolger, Kevin Greenfield, Karen R.; Ewart, Claire Brashares, Ann Raina Telgemeier Jacobs, Kate Lucille Recht Penner Nye, Naomi S. Morton, Robin; Morton, Alexandra Spinelli, Eileen Natalie D. Richards McDaniel, Lurlene Brandenburg, Franz Moore, Inga Sixteen and Dying Sixth Grade Can Really Kill You, The Sixth-Grade Sleepover Skate Park Challenge Skateboard Power Skateboard tough Skateboard Tough Skates of Uncle Richard, The Skating with Friends (Clifford's Puppy Days) Skeeter Skeleton Hiccups Skeleton Inside You, The Skeleton Man Skin Skinnybones Skippyjon Jones Skippyjon Jones and the Big Bones Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble Skippyjon Jones in the Doghouse Skippyjon Jones Lost in Spice Skull of Truth, The Sky Dogs Sky is Falling, The Sky Phantom, The Skylark Sky's the Limit, The Skywater Slake's Limbo Slam Slam Dunk Slam Dunk Saturday Slam Dunk Shoes Slap Your Sides Slave Ship Sleep Tight, Ginger Kitten Sleeping Beauty Sleeping Dragon, The Sleeping Giant of Goll, The Sleeping Ugly Sleepover Squad; Girls Against Boys Sleepy Boy Sleepy Cadillac: A Bedtime Drive Sleepy Dog Sleepy Hollow Sleepover (A To Z Mystery Series) Slime Time Sluggers Small Green Snake Small Pig Lurlene McDaniel DeClements, Barthe Bunting, Eve Jake Maddox Jonny Zucker Christopher, Matt Christopher, Matt Forberg, Ati; Fenner, Carol 7 4 5.1 4 1 3 5 5.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fisch, Sarah Smith, K. Margery Cuyler Bolognese, Don; Balestrino, Philip Joseph Bruchac Casey Lasko Park, Barbara Judy Schachner Judy Schachner Schachner, Judy Judy Schachner Judy Schachner Coville, Bruce; Lippincott, Gary A. Yolen, Jane Pearson, Kit Keene, Carolyn MacLachlan, Patricia Thimmesh, Catherine; Sweet, Melissa Popham, Melinda W. Holman, Felice Shiner, Lewis Matt Christopher Marzollo, Jean Jake Maddox and Bob Temple M.E. Kerr Calin, Harold Geras, Adele; Walters, Katherine Disney, Walt Rosenberg, Joel Abbott, Tony; Jessell, Tim Yolen, Jane P.J. Denton Polly Kanevsky Thurd, hacher Harriet Ziefert 1 7.3 0 2.7 4 1 4.1 3.3 3 3.8 3.8 3.5 6.6 2 6 4 4 5 8.5 7 5 4 3.1 3 8 7.2 1 1.5 6.8 3 2 3 1 1 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Ron Roy Haynes, Betsy Holway, John B. Gray, Libba Moore; Meade, Holly Lobel, Arnold 2 2.9 7.1 0 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio Small Wolf Smallest Snowman, The (Clifford's Puppy Days) Smallpox Strikes! Smart Girl's Guide to Boys: Surviving Crushes, Staying True to Yourself, and Other Love Stuff, A Smash Trash Smasher Smelly Locker: Silly Dilly School Songs Smelly Socks Smile Smile If You're Human Smiley Shark Smokey, the Cow Horse Smoky Night Smudge Smuggler's Island Snack Attack Mystery, The Snails Spell Snake Scientist, The Snake-A-Phobia Snakes & Other Reptiles Snakes (science scoops) Snake-Stone, The Snap!: A Book about Alligators and Crocodiles Snapshots from the Wedding Sneakers, the Seaside Cat Snip Snap!: What's That? Sniper Snot Stew Snow Snow Snow Snow Angel Snow Bear, The Snow Dance Snow Day Snow Day Snow Dog, The (Clifford the Big Red Dog) Snow is Falling Snow Lambs, The Snow Monsters do Drink Hot Chocolate Snow Ponies Kehret, Peg Sandin, Joan; Benchley, Nathaniel 6 2.2 Fiction Fiction Fisch, Sarah Norma Jean Lutz 1 4 Fiction Fiction Holyoke, Nancy; Timmons, Bonnie Laura Driscoll Dick King-Smith 7 0 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Katz, Alan Munsch, Robert N. Raina Telgemeier Layton, Neal Ruth Galloway James, Will Bunting, Eve and Diaz, David Newberry, Clare Avi Levy, Elizabeth; Brunkus, Denise Ryder, Joan Montgomery, Sy; Bishop, Nic (Photography) Grace Norwich Elting, Mary Editors of TIME For KIDSwith Lisa Jo Rudy Doherty, Berlie 2.25 5 Fiction Fiction Berger, Melvin Soto, Gary; Garcia, Stephanie Brown, Margaret Wise Bergman, Mara Taylor, Theodore Wallace, Bill; McCue, Lisa Wallace, Nancy E. Shulevitz, Uri P.D. Eastman Marzollo, Jean; Rogers, Jacqueline Moss, Miriam Evans, Lezlie Fain, Moira Joosse, Barbara 2 2 1 1 7 4.1 2.7 2 0 1 1 1 2.1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Marsoli, Lisa Ann Branley, Franklyn M.; Keller, Holly Gliori, Debi 1.5 2.5 2.4 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Marcia Thornton Jones Cotten, Cynthia; Cockcroft, Jason 4 1 4 0 0 6.6 2 2 5.5 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 5 4 5 NonFiction Fiction NonFiction 2 2 Fiction Fiction Snow Queen, The Snow treasure Snow Walker, The Snow White: What a Surprise! (Disney's Storytime Treasures Library) Snowballs Snowbird, The Snowboard Champ Snowboard Maverick Snowboard Showdown Snowbound Snowbound Mystery Snowed in at Pokeweed Public Snowflake Bentley Snowshoe Thompson Snowsong Whistling Snowy Day, The Snug as a Big Red Bug Snug Bug's Play Day So Far from the Bamboo Grove So Many Me's So Much in Common So Sick So You Want to be President? Soccer Duel Soccer Duel Soccer Halfback Soccer Hero Soccer mania Soccer Sam Soccer: The Ultimate Guide to the Beautiful Game Socks Sod Houses on the Great Plains Sody Sallyratus Sojourner Truth: Ain't I A Woman? Soldier's Heart Solitary Blue, A Solo Solo Girl Some Dogs Do Some Fine Dog Some of the Kinder Planets Some Smug Slug Somebody and the Three Blairs Andersen, Hans Christian; Zeldich, Arieh; Le Gallienne, Eva McSwigan, Marie Young, Mary O.; Wetterer, Margaret K.; Wetterer, Charles M. 3 4 Fiction Fiction 1 Fiction Marsoli, Lisa Ann Lois Ehlert Calvert, Patricia Matt Christopher Matt Christopher Matt Christopher Hamilton, Ladd Gertrude C. Warner Bianchi, John Azarian, Mary; Martin, Jacqueline Briggs Sandin, Joan; Levinson, Nancy S. Lotz, Karen E. Keats, Ezra Jack Edwards, Frank B.; Bianchi, John Cathy East Dubowski Fritz, Jean; Watkins, Yoko K. Barbara J. Neasi Jacobs, Laurie A. Ziefert, Harriet St. George, Judith; Small, David (Illustrator) Dygard, Thomas J. Christopher, Matt Christopher, Matt Matt Christopher Tamar, Erika Marzollo, Jean 1 0 7 4 4 4 8 2 2 1 3 1 3.2 0 0 6 0 3 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 6.7 4 4 4 2 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gifford, Clive Cleary, Beverly; Darwin, Beatrice Rounds, Glen Compton, Joanne; Compton, Kenn McKissack, Pat Paulsen, Gary Voigt, Cynthia Higgins, Jack Pinkney, Andrea D.; Bennett, Nneka Jez Alborough Sherlock, Patti Wynne-Jones, Tim Cole, Henry; Edwards, Pamela D. Abel, Simone; Tolhurst, Marilyn 5 5.4 2 3 6.6 7 5.8 9.4 2 1 5.6 4.5 2 2.1 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Somebody somewhere knows my name Lowery, Linda; Karpinski, John E. 2 Fiction Someday a Tree Someday a Tree Someday House, The Somehow Tenderness Survives: Stories of Southern Africa Someone Dies, Someone Lives Bunting, Eve Himler, Ronald; Bunting, Eve Litzinger, Rosanne; Shelby, Anne 2 2 1.7 Rochman, Hazel Lurlene McDaniel Nicholls, Judith; Manna, Giovanni (Illustrator) Bunting, Eve Hermes, Patricia Patneaude, David Carol. P. Saul Prelutsky, Jack; Stevenson, James Gilman, Phoebe Helen Lester Levy, Elizabeth Levy, Elizabeth Levy, Elizabeth; Gerstein, Mordicai Levy, Elizabeth; Gernstein, Mordicai Williams, Vera B. Avi Bohlmeijer, Arno 2 4.8 4.2 5.2 2 3 2.9 1 2 3.5 2 2 3 5.1 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Numeroff, Laura Joffe Lurlene McDaniel Patricia Eastman Lurlene McDaniel Myers, Walter Dean Lois Lowry 1 5 1 7 5.5 7 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Sondok: Princess of the Moon and Stars Song & Dance Man Song Lee and the Hamster Hunt Song Lee and the Leech Man Song of the Buffalo Boy Song of the Christmas Mouse Song of the Swallows Song of the Trees Song of the Waterboatman Song of Trees, The Sooner Sootface: An Ojibwa Cinderella Story Holman, Sheri Gammell, Stephen; Ackerman, Karen Kline, Suzy Suzy Kline Garland, Sherry Diamond, Donna; Murphy, Shirley R. Politi, Leo Taylor, Mildred D. Sidman, Joyce Taylor, Mildred Calvert, Patricia San Souci, Daniel; San Souci, Robert D. 7 1 3 3 9 4.1 3 4.3 2 5 6 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Sophie and Sammy's Library Sleepover Sophie the Awesome Sophie the Hero Sophy and Auntie Pearl Sorrow's Kitchen SOS Titanic Soul of the Silver Dog, The Caseley, Judith Lara Bergen Lara Bergen Titherington, Jeanne Lyons, Mary E. Bunting, Eve Hall, Lynn 0 1 2 2.9 6 7 6.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Someone I Like: Poems About People Someone is Hiding on Alcatraz Island Someone To Count On Someone Was Watching Someplace Else Something Big Has Been Here Something From Nothing Something Might Happen Something queer in outer space Something Queer in Rock 'N' Roll Something queer in the cafeteria Something queer in the wild west Something Special for Me Something Upstairs Something Very Sorry Sometimes I Wonder If Poodles Like Noodles Sometimes Love Isn't Enough Sometimes Things Change Somewhere Between Life and Death Somewhere In the Darkness Son 8 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Sound of Leaves, A Sounder Soup Soup and Me Soup on Ice Soup on Wheels Souperchicken Soup's Goat Soup's Hoop Southpaw Space Space (A New True Book) Space Alphabet Space Bingo Space Brat Space Dog & the Pet Show Space Dog the Hero Space Vehicles Spacebusters: The Race to the Moon Spaceman Spaghetti and Meatballs For All! A Mathematical Story Sparrow Hawk Red Speaker for the Dead Special Friends Spells Spencer's Mountain Spicy Hot Colors Spider Kane & the Mystery under the May-Apple Spider-Man 2: Everyday Hero Spider-Man: I Am Spider-Man Blegvad, Lenore; Blegvad, Erik Armstrong, William H. Peck, Robert Newton Lilly, Charles; Peck, Robert Newton Robinson, Charles; Peck, Robert Newton Robert Newton Peck Auch, Mary Jane Robinson, Charles; Peck, Robert Newton Peck, Robert Newton Rich Wallace Kids Discover Magazine Podendorf, Illa Zacks, Irene Abbott, Tony Coville, Bruce; Coville, Katherine Standiford, Natalie Natalie Standiford Alexander, Kent Philip Wilkinson Cutler, Jane 3.5 6 4.6 5 6 5 1 4.5 4 4 5 4 2 3 3 2 3 2.5 3 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Non Fiction Fiction Marilyn Burns Mikaelsen, Ben Card, Orson Scott Walt Disney Aprilynne Pike Hamner, Earl Shahan, Sherry 3 5.3 10 1 9 7 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Chess, Victoria; Osborne, Mary P. Figueroa, Acton Figueroa, Acton 5 2 2 Spider-Man: Spider-Man Saves the Day Spiders Spiders (Usborne Beginners) Spider's Baby Sitting Job Spider's Lunch Spider's Web Spike in the Kennel Spike It! Spin a Soft Black Song Spirit of the Maasai Man, The Spite Fences Splat and the Cool School Trip Splat Says Thank You! Splat the Cat Splat the Cat and the Duck with No Quack SPLAT THE CAT FISHY TALES Figueroa, Acton Otto, Carolyn Rebecca Gilpin Kraus, Robert Cole, Joanna; Broda, Ron Back, Christine and Watts, Barrie Bogan, Paulette Christopher, Matt Giovanni, Nikki; Martins, George Berkeley, Laura Krisher, Trudy Rob Scotton Rob Scotton Rob Scotton 2 1.8 1 1 0 2 2 6 2 2 7 1 1 0 Rob Scotton ROB SCOTTON 0 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Splat the Cat Sings Flat Rob Scotton Splat the Cat: Fishy Tales Annie Auerbach Splat the Cat: Good Night, Sleep Tight Rob Scotton Joan Bransfield Graham Steve Scott Splish Splash (Illustrator) Splish, Splash, Splat! Rob Scotton Splishy Sploshy Cowley, Joy; Fuller, Elizabeth Spoiled Rotten DeClements, Barthe; Plecas, Jennifer SpongeBob and the Princess Lewman, David Spongebob Squarepants: Ready, Set, Go! Molly Reisner and Stephen Hillenburg Spongebob Squarepants: The Great Escape Emily Sollinger Spooksville: Dangerous Quest Pike, Christopher Spookville: Aliens in the Sky Pike, Christopher Spookville: Haunted Cave Pike, Christopher Spoonbill Swamp Lloyd, Megan; Guiberson, Brenda Z. Spotlight on Cody Duffey, Betsy Spots Leonard, Marcia Spotting the Leopard Myers, Anna Spotty Pig, The King-Smith, Dick; Wormell, Mary Spray paint mystery, The Medearis, Angela; Williams, Richard Spring is Here Joan Holub Spring Picnic Ellie O'Ryan Springtime Bears Cathy Warren Spy Cat Peg Kehret Spy Hops and Belly Flops: Curious Behaviors of Woodland Animals Graham-Barber, Lynda Scheffler, Ursel; Martens, Marianne; Spy in the attic Unzner, Christa Spy Who Came in From the Sea, The Nolan, Peggy Squarehead Ziefert, Harriet Todd McKie Squashed Bauer, Joan Squeaky Clean Puttock, Simon Squeaky Wheel, The Smith, Robert K. Squids Will Be Squids Scieszka, Jon Squire, His Knight, and His Lady, The Morris, Gerald Squire: Protector of the Small Pierce, Tamora Squirrelly Gray James Kochalka Squirrel's World Moser, Lisa St. Agnes' Stand Eidson, Tom St. Patrick's Day in the Morning Bunting, Eve; Brett, Jan Stage Fright on a Summer Night Osborne, Mary Pope Stallion by Starlight Mary Pope Osborne Stan the Dog and the Crafty Cats Scoular Anderson Stan the Dog and the Golden Goals Scoular Anderson Stan the Dog and the Major Makeover Scoular Anderson Stan the Dog and the Sneaky Snacks Scoular Anderson Stand Back, Said The Elephant, I'm Going to Sneeze! Thomas, Patricia; Tripp, Wallace 1 0 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 0 2.3 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 2 5 5 5 3 3 1 6 2.8 2 1 1 2 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 2 5 1 6.9 0 6.1 1 6 7 2 2 9.4 3.4 2 3 2 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction Stand Tall Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon Stanley Stanley & Rhoda Stanley & the Magic Lamp Stanley in Space Stanley, Flat Again! Star Fisher, The Star in the Storm Star of Fear, Star of Hope Star of Melvin, The Star of the Circus Star of the Sea Star Wars Clone Wars: Planets in Peril Star Wars The Clone Wars - The New Padawan Star Wars The Hunt for Grievous Star Wars: Battle For Naboo Star Wars: Journey Through Space Star Wars: Ultimate Duels Stargazers Stargirl Stargone John Starlight Comes Home Starlight Shines for Miranda Starlight, Star Bright Starlight's Courage Starlight's Shooting Star Starring Rosie Starring Sally J. Freedman As Herself Starring Tracy Beaker Starry Messenger Stars and Constellations Stars Beneath Your Bed: The Surprising Story of Dust Start Your Engines Starting Home: The Story of Horace Pippin, Painter Starting School - Ahlberg Stay Out Of The Basement Stay With Me Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Staying Nine Steal Away Steal That Base! Stealing Air Stealing Home Bauer, Joan Patty Lovell Hoff, Syd Rosemary Wells Brown, Jeff Jeff Brown Jeff Brown Yep, Laurence Harlow, Joan Hiatt; Minor, Wendell (Illustrator) Hoestlandt, Jo; Polizzotti, Mark; Kang, Joanna Dunrea, Olivier; Zimelman, Nathan Sampson, Mary Beth Pfister, Marcus Bonnie Burton 6 1 2 0 3 1 1 6.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 Fiction 4.7 3.3 0 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Christopher Cerasi Christopher Cerasi Lisa Stock Ryder Windham Lindsay Kent Gibbons, Gail Spinelli, Jerry McKenzie, Ellen K. Hill, Janet Muirhead Hill, Janet Muirhead Hill, Janet Muirhead Hill, Janet Muirhead Hill, Janet Muirhead Giff, Patricia Reilly Blume, Judy Jacqueline Wilson Sis, Peter Elizabeth Bennett 2 2 3 2 2 2 6 5.1 5 5 5 5 5 2 4.5 5 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Sayre, April Pulley Ace Landers Lyons, Mary E. Janet and Allan Ahlberg Stine, R. L. Garrett Freymann-Weyr Crutcher, Chris Wimmer, Mike; Conrad, Pam Armstrong, Jennifer Kurtis Scaletta Trent Reedy Stolz, Mary 2 1 3 1 4 7 6 3.2 6 2 4 5.2 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Stealing Home: The Story of Jackie Robinson Stealing Thunder Stefan's Story Stella Louella's Runaway Book Stella, Queen of the Snow Stellaluna Stella's Bull Step by Wicked Step: A Novel Stephanie's Ponytail Stephen Hawking, Understanding the Universe Stepping on the Cracks Stick Dog Stickeen Sticks Sticky Beak Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express Stink and the Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker Stink and the Midnight Zombie Walk Stink and the Ultimate ThumbWrestling Smackdown Stink and the World's Worst SuperStinky Sneakers Stink and the World's Worst SuperStinky Sneakers Stink the Incredible Shrinking Kid Stink: Solar System Superhero Stinker From Space Stinky Cheese Man & Other Fairly Stupid Tales Stinky Cheese Man, The Stinky Sneakers Contest, The Stitch in Time, A Stolen Children Stolen Children Stone fox Stone Fox Stone in My Hand Stone Soup Stone Soup Stonecutter Stonecutter, The Stones & Bones Stonewalkers, The Stonewords: A Ghost Story Stop Stop (I Can Read Book Series) Stop That Pickle! Stories Julian Tells, The Denenberg, Barry Casanova, Mary Hobbs, Valerie Campbell Ernst, Lisa Gay, Marie-Louise Cannon, Janell Arrington, Frances; Arrington, Aileen Fine, Anne Munsch, Robert 5.6 5 8 1 0 1.5 2.9 5.9 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Sakurai, Gail Hahn, Mary D. Tom Watson Rubay, Donnell Bauer, Joan Gleitzman, Morris 3 6.3 5 3 6 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Megan McDonald 1 Fiction Megan McDonald Megan McDonald 3 2 Fiction Fiction Megan McDonald 2 Fiction Megan McDonald 3 Fiction Megan McDonald McDonald, Megan Megan McDonald Service, Pamela F. 2 3 3 5.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Scieszka, Jon Scieszka, Jon Peters, Julie A. Rinaldi, Ann Peg Kehret Peg Kehret Sewall, Marcia; Gardiner, John R. Sewall, Marcia; Gardiner, John R. Clinton, Cathryn McGovern, Ann; Pels, Winslow P. Muth, Jon J. Watts, Leander McDermott, Gerald Yount, Lisa Alcock, Vivien Conrad, Pam Hurd, Edith Thacher Armour, Peter Cameron, Ann; Strugness, Ann 2 3 3.7 8.2 4 6 2 4 6 1.9 2 8 4.5 0 5 6.3 3 0 2.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Stories of Robots Storm Chaser: Into the Eye of a Hurricane Storm is Coming! Storm Runners Storm Runners The Surge Storm Warriors Storm, The Story A Story, A Story About Ping, The Story Clara Barton, The Russell Punter Greenberg, Keith E. Heather Tekavec Roland Smith Roland Smith Carbone, Elisa L. Harshman, Marc; Mohr, Mark Haley, Gail E. Flack, Marjorie; Wiese, Kurt Kent, Zachary De Brunhoff, Jean; Poulene, Francis; Story of Babar the Little Elephant, The Poulenc, Francis U. Story of Ferdinand, The Lawson, Robert; Leaf, Munro Story of Johnny Appleseed Aliki Story of Jumping Mouse, The Steptoe, John L. Story of Jumping Mouse, The Steptoe, John L. Story of King Arthur and his Knights, The Pyle, Howard Story of Little Babaji, The Marcellino, Fred; Bannerman, Helen Story of My Life, The Keller, Helen A. Story of Ruby Bridges, The Coles, Robert; Ford, George Story of Sacajawea: Guide to Lewis and Clark, The Rowland, Della Story of the Easter Bunny Tegen, Katherine Brown Story of the Milky Way: A Cherokee Tale Bruchac, Joseph; Ross, Gayle Story of the Pilgrims, The Ross, Katharine Story of Thomas Alva Edison : The Wizard of Menlo Park Davidson, Margaret Storytellers, The Lewin, Ted Stotan Crutcher, Chris Stowaway to the Mushroom Planet Henneberger, Robert; Cameron, Eleanor Straight to the Pole O'Malley, Kevin Stranded Mikaelsen, Ben Stranded Jeff Probst Stranded at Plimoth Plantation 1626 Bowen, Gary; Hawke, David B. Strange Creatures That Really Lived Selsam, Millicent Ellis Strange Egg Depalma, Mary Newell Boston, Lucy M.; Boston, Peter; Deeter, Stranger at Green Knowe, A Catherine Stranger With My Face Duncan, Lois Stranger, The (Gallman Library) Allsburg, Chris Stravaganza II: City of Stars Hoffman, Mary Stravaganza: City of Masks Hoffman, Mary Strawberry Girl Lenski, Lois Strawberry Shortcake: A Picnic Adventure Lisa Gallo Stray Dog, The Simont, Marc Streams to the River, River to the Sea: A Novel of Sacagawea O'Dell, Scott 2 Fiction 2 0 4 3 6 2.9 2 3.1 4 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 3.5 2.8 2 2.9 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 2.6 8.5 2.8 Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction 6.1 1 Fiction Fiction 4 2 Fiction Fiction 3 0 6.3 4 0 5 5 3 2 1 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6.8 5 4 7 7 4.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 1 Fiction Fiction 6.2 Fiction Street Child Street Magic Strega Nona Strega Nona Strega Nona's Magic Lessons Strider String In the Harp, A String of Chances, A Stripe Striped Ice Cream Striped Ships, The Stuart at the Library Stuart Little Stuart Little: Stuart at the Fun House Stuck in the Mud Doherty, Berlie Pierce, Tamora de Paola, Tomie de Paola, Tomie De Paola, Tomie Cleary, Beverly; Zelinsky, Paul O. Bond, Nancy Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Partis, Joanne Lexau, Joan M. McGraw, Eloise Hill, Susan White, E. B. Susan Hill Jane Clarke 5.1 7 1 1.5 3 5.6 6.1 5 0 4.7 5.4 1 5.4 1 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Stuck in the Mud (Thomas and Friends) Stupids Die, The Stupids Have A Ball, The Stupids Step Out, The Stupids Take Off, The Stuttgart Nanny Mafia, The Sub, The Substitute Teacher From the Black Lagoon, The Subtle Knife, The Such Nice Kids Sudden Silence, A Shana Corey Allard, Harry Allard, Harry Allard, Harry Allard, Harry Fletcher, Susan Petersen, P. J. 0 2 2 2 2.7 5.9 2.9 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Thaler, Mike Pullman, Philip Bunting, Eve Bunting, Eve 2 7 7 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Sue Threw the Goop Through the Hoop Sugar and Ice Sugar Plum Ballerinas: Plum Fantastic Sugar Plum Ballerinas: Sugar Plums to the Rescue! Sugaring Sugaring Time Sugr Plum Ballerinas: Terrible Terrel Suitcase Suitcase Kid, The Sukey and the Mermaid Summer According to Humphrey Summer Ball Summer Fun Summer I Shrank My Grandmother, The Summer in the South, A Summer of My German Soldier Summer of the bonepile monster, The Summer of the Bonepile Monster, The Summer of the Falcon Amanda Rondeau Kate Messner Whoopi Goldberg 1 5 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Whoopi Goldberg and Deborah Underwood Smith, Joseph A.; Haas, Jessie Lasky, Kathryn Whoopi Goldberg Mildred Pitts Walter Wilson, Jacqueline Pinkney, Brian; San Souci, Robert D. Betty G. Birney Mike Lupica Larry Dane Brimmer 2 2.2 4.8 4 3 3 5.1 4 5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Coville, Katherine; Woodruff, Elvira Marshall, James Greene, Bette Henderson, Aileen K.; Cooper, Kim Henderson, Aileen K.; Cooper, Kim George, Jean Craighead 5.5 3 7.4 3 4.5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Summer of the Gypsy Moths Summer of the Monkeys Summer of the Sea Serpent Summer of the Swans, The Summer on Wheels Summer Reading is Killing Me! Summer Story Summer Surprise Summer to Die, A Summer Wheels Sun and Other Stars (I Can Read About the) Sun and Spoon Sun up, Sun down Sun, the Wind & the Rain Sun, the Wind and the Rain, The Sunday Outing, The Sundiata, Lion King of Mali Sunflower House Sunita Experiment Sunken Treasure Sunpainters: Eclipse of the Navajo Sun Sunset of the Sabertooth SUNSHINE HOME Sunshine Makes the Seasons Sunup, Sundown Super Ace and the Thirsty Planet Super Cluck Super Fly Guy Super Spiders Super Sports Star Peyton Manning Supercross Motocycle Racing Superdog: The Heart of a Hero Super-Fine Valentine Superfudge Superfudge Supergrandpa Superheroes Collection SuperTwins Meet the Dangerous DinoRobots Surfer Dog Surfer of the century : the life of Duke Kahanamoku Surf's Up Geronimo! #20 Surprise Island Surprise Party: Rainbow Fish and Friends Surprising Sharks Surtsey: The Newest Place On Earth Surviving the Applewhites Sara Pennypacker Rawls, Wilson Mary Pope Osborne CoConis, Ted; Byars, Betsy C. Soto, Gary Scieszka, Jon Barklem, Jill Leppard, Shannon M. Lowry, Lois Bunting, Eve; Allen, Thomas 4 6 5 5 4 4 2.8 2 5.2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Harris, Richard Henkes, Kevin Gibbons, Gail Peters, Lisa W. Peters, Lisa Westberg Pickney, Gloria J.; Pickney, Jerry Wisniewski, David Eve Bunting Perkins, Mitali Gibbons, Gail Whitethorne, Baje Osborne, Mary Pope EVE BUNTING Branley, Franklyn Mansfield Gibbons, Gail Cheryl Crouch OConnor, Jane Tedd Arnold Jason Blake Ken Rappoport Savage, Jeff Buehner, Caralyn Cosby, Bill Blume, Judy Blume, Judy Schwartz, David Jerry Siegel 2 3.3 2 1 2 4 4 0 7 2.8 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 4.2 6 4 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction B.J. James Elizabeth Spurr 2 4 Crowe, Ellie Geronimo Stilton Warner, Gertrude C. 6.2 2 3.2 Donovan, Gail Davies, Nicola Lasky, Kathryn Tolan, Stephanie S. 2 3 6 6 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony: Daring to Vote Susannah and the Purple Mongoose Mystery Swamp Angel Roop, Peter; Roop, Connie Barbara Keevil Parker 2.8 2 NonFiction Fiction Elmore, Patricia Shaw, Kerry Pyle, Howard; Greene, Ellin; Sauber, Robert G. Seabrooke, Brenda Hughes, Langston Melissa Lagonegro Ransome, James E.; Hopkinson, Deborah Lucy Cousins Taylor, Theodore Hamilton, Virginia Van Allsburg, Chris Hudson, Jan Balian, Lorna 5.9 5.3 Fiction Fiction 4 4 2 1 4.5 1 6.5 5.5 2.3 4 3.6 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 6.4 Fiction Fiction 5 Fiction Swan Maiden, The Swan's Gift, The Sweet & Sour Animal Book Sweet and Spooky Halloween Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt Sweet Dreams, Maisy Sweet Friday Island Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush Sweetest Fig Sweetgrass Sweetheart for Valentine, A Sweetwater Run: The Story of Buffalo Bill Cody & the Pony Express, The Glass, Andrew Swiftly Tilting Planet, A L'Engle, Madeleine Swimming Upstream: Middle School Poems George, Kristine O'Connell George Mallory, Kenneth; New England Aquarium Swimming With Hammerhead Sharks Staff, New England Aquarium Swimming with Sharks George, Twig C. Swimmy Lionni, Leo Swindle Gordon Korman Swiss Family Robinson, The Wyss, Johann D. Switcharound Lowry, Lois Switching Well Griffin, Peni R. Swollobog Taylor, Alastair SWOP! Kristin Holbrow Sword and the Chain, The Rosenberg, Joel Sword in the Stone, The White, T. H. Sylvester and the Magic Pebble Steig, William Sylvester and the Magic Pebble Steig, William T. Rex Trouble! Billy Wrecks Tacky and the Emperor Lester, Helen Tacky in Trouble Lester, Helen; Munsinger, Lynn Tacky the Penguin Lester, Helen; Munsinger, Lynn Tackylocks and the Three Bears Lester, Helen Tae's Sonata Balgassi, Haemi TailyPo Wahl, Jan; Clay, Wil Take a Giant Leap, Neil Armstrong Connie Roop Take a Stand, Rosa Parks! Peter and Connie Roop Takedown Rich Wallace Taking Care of Terrific Lowry, Lois Taking Sides Soto, Gary Taking Terri Mueller Mazer, Norma F. Tale for Easter, A Tudor, Tasha 3 5 2.9 5 8.9 5.9 6.4 1 3 6.8 7.9 2.4 1 0 1 2.8 2 1 4 4.6 5 3 4 6.5 5.6 4.5 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Tale of Benjamin Bunny, The Tale of Dog Giovanni Tale of Gilbert Alexander Pig, The Tale of Jolly Robin, The Tale of Rabbit and Coyote Tale of Solomon Owl, The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks, The Tale of Tom Kitten, The Tale of Two Bad Mice, The Tale of Two Cities, A Tale of Two Rice Birds : A Folktale from Thailand Tales for Very Picky Eaters Tales from Aesop Tales from Aesop Tales from Cranberryport: A New Baby in Cranberryport Tales from the Odyssey, Part 1 Tales Mummies Tell Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Tales of Amanda Pig Tales of King Arthur Tales of Oliver Pig Tales of Uncle Remus: The Adventures of Brer Rabbit, The Talk About a Family Talk Talk Talkin' About Bessie Talking Earth, The Talking Eggs, The Talking with Artists Tall Tales Tallahassee Higgins Tallulah in the Kitchen Tallyho, Pinkerton! Tamarack Tree, The Taming of the Shrew, The Taming of the Star Runner Tangled Webb Tangled: Kingdom of Color Tangled: Kingdom of Color Tanka Tanka Skunk! Tanya's big green dream Tanya's Reunion Tap dancing on the roof : sijo (poems) Tar Beach Tarantula in My Purse, The Tarantula Shoes Tarzan of the Apes Potter, Beatrix Gravdahl, John Cresp, Gael; Cox, David (Illustrator) Bailey, Arthur Scott Johnston, Tony Bailey, Arthur Scott Dillon, Diane; Dillon, Leo; Paterson, Katherine Potter, Beatrix Potter, Beatrix Dickens, Charles 3.5 2 1 4.5 3 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 3.5 3 5.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 2 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Devlin, Wende Mary Pope Osborne Lauber, Patricia Blume, Judy Jean Van Leeuwen Riordan, James Lobel, Arnold; Van Leeuwen, Jean 0 5 5 4.9 0 5 2.4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lester,Julius; Pinckney, Jerry Greenfield, Eloise Sirr, Peter Grimes, Nikki George, Jean Craighead San Souci, Robert D.; Pinkney, Jerry Cummings, Pat Young, Henry F. Hahn, Mary D. Wolff, Nancy Kellogg, Steven Clapp, Patricia C. Shakespeare, William Hinton, S. E. McGraw, Eloise Melissa Lagonegro Melissa Lagonegro Steve Webb Glaser, Linda; McGinnis, Susan Flournoy, Valerie; Pinkey, Jerry Park, Linda Sue Ringgold, Faith George, Jean Birdseye, Tom Burroughs, Edgar Rice 4 3 3 5 5 4 4 1 4.3 3 2 6.3 11 5.6 5.7 0 0 0 1 1 3.7 3 5 3 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Meeker, Clare H. Josh Schneider Aesop, Sharon Lerner (Editor) J.P. Miller Taste of Blackberries, A Taste of Salt: A Story of Modern Haiti, A Tattercoats Tattooed Potato and Other Clues, The Taxi Cat and Huey Taxi! Taxi! Tea Party for Two Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia Teacher from the Black Lagoon Teacher's Night Before Christmas, The Teacher's Pet Teammates Technical Foul Ted & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Ted in a Red Bed Teddy Bear for Sale Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Ted's Shed Teeth Tehanu Tell Me A Season Tell Me A Story, Mama Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born Tell Me Everything Tell Me Something Happy Before I Go to Sleep Tell Me, Tree: All about Trees for Kids Teller of Tales Ten Apples Up On Top! Ten Kids, No Pets Ten Little Fingers Ten Little Mice Ten Rules You Absolutely Must Not Break if You Want to Survive the School Bus Ten Sly Piranhas: A Counting Story in Reverse (A Tale of Wickedness - & Worse!) Ten Thousand Charms Ten Timid Ghosts Ten Tiny Tadpoles Ten Ways to Make my Sister Disappear TEN, NINE, EIGHT Tenement: Immigrant Life on the Lower East Side Tent, The Tenth City Smith, Doris B.; Wimmer, Mike 3.5 Fiction Temple, Frances Tomes, Margot; Jacobs, Joseph Raskin, Ellen Ritz, Karen; LeRoy, Gen Best, Cari; Gottlieb, Dale (Illustrator) Poploff, Michelle Sweat, Lynn; Parish, Peggy Thaler, Mike Layne, Steve; Rice, James Hurwitz, Johanna; Hamamaka, Sheila Golenbock, Peter Rich Wallace Dan Gutman Cox, Phil Roxbee Herman, Gail Bush, Timothy Phil Roxbee Cox Oksche, A.; Vollrath, L. Le Guin, Ursula K. Mary McKenna Siddals Petra Mathers (Illustrator) Johnson, Angela; Soman, David 10 4 6 5.8 1 2 2.8 2 5 4.2 2 4 4 1 1 0 1 2.6 9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 0 3.9 Fiction Fiction Cornell, Laura; Curtis, Jamie Lee Coman, Carolyn 2 6.3 Fiction Fiction Dumbar, Joyce; Gliori, Debi Gibbons, Gail Brooke, William J. LeSieg, Theo Martin, Ann M. Kubler, Annie Dunbar, Joyce 2 1 4.7 1 5 0 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction John Grandits 3 Fiction Chess, Victoria; Wise, William Leander Watts Jennifer O'Connell Debbie Tarbett 1 6 0 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Norma Fox Mazer MOLLY BANG 5 0 Fiction Fiction Bial, Raymond Paulsen, Gary Carman, Patrick 5 5 5.5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Tenth Good Thing About Barney, The Terrible Thing That Happened At Our House, The Terrible, Wonderful Tellin' at Hog Hammock, The Terrier of the Lost Mines Terror at the Zoo Terror in the Stadium (Left Behind-the Kids-Book 17) Tess of the d'Urbervilles Tex Texas Rebel Thank You Bear Thank You, Amelia Bedelia Thank You, Brother Bear Thank You, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Thank You, Mr. Falker Thanks to Josefina Viorst, Judith 1 Fiction Wallner, John; Blaine, Marge 3 Fiction Velasquez, Eric; Siegelson, Kim L. Strickland, Brad Kehret, Peg 4 5 5.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Hardy, Thomas; Widdowson, Peter Hinton, S. E. Kerr, Rita Greg Foley Parish, Peggy Hans Baumann Tate, Eleanora E. Polacco, Patricia Valerie Tripp 7 9 6 5 0 2 2 6.1 4.1 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Thanksgiving Day parade mystery, The Thanksgiving Mice! Thanksgiving on Thursday Thanksgiving Story, The That Book Woman That Extraordinary Pig of Paris That Horse Whiskey That Toad is Mine! That's a Possibility! A Book About What Might Happen That's Good! That's Bad! In the Grand Canyon The 10 Best Things about My Dad The 100th Day of School The 100th Day of School From the Black Lagoon The 39 clues The black Circle The 39 Clues: Unstoppable: Nowhere to Run The Adventurers The Adventures of a South Pole Pig The Adventures of Bean Boy The Adventures of Benny and Watch: A Present For Grandfather #2 The Adventures of Benny and Watch: Benny's New Friend #3 The Adventures of Benny and Watch: Keys and Clues for Benny #11 The Adventures of Benny and Watch: Sam Makes Trouble #9 The Adventures of Benny and Watch: The Secret Under The Tree #7 Markham, Marion M.; Cassidy, Dianne Roberts, Bethany Osborne, Mary Pope Sewell, Helen; Dalgliesh, Alice Henson, Heather Schotter, Roni; Catalano, Dominic Adler, C. S. Barabara Shook Hazen 3 1 2 3.9 4.5 3.8 5.1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Bruce Goldstone 3 Fiction Cuyler, Margery Loomis, Christine Angela Medearis 1 1 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Mike Thaler Patrick Carman 3 4 Fiction Fiction Watson, Jude Rachel Elliot Chris Kurtz Lisa Harkrader 5 1 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gertrude Chandler Warner 2 Fiction Gertrude Chandler Warner 2 Fiction Gertrude Chandler Warner 2 Fiction Gertrude Chandler Warner 2 Fiction Gertrude Chandler Warner 2 Fiction The Adventures of Button Broken Tail The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl: Movie Storybook The Adventures of Spider: West African Folktales The Amanda Project: Invisible I The Amazing World of Stuart The American Revolution The Animal Shelter Mystery The Animal That Drank Up Sound The Apple Pie Tree The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse The Awesome Aquarium Mystery The Babe & I The Ball Book The Ball Game The Ballad of Mulan The Ballad of Sir Dinadan The Ballpark Mysteries: The Fenway Foul-Up The Ballpark Mysteries: The L.A. Dodger The Bark of the Bog Owl The Basket Counts The Batboy The Batman: Going Batty The Battle of the Labyrinth The Bears in the Bed and the Great Big Storm The Bear's Picnic The Bears Upstairs The Beautiful Game-Georgie's War The Bee Tree The Beginner's Bible The Berenstain Bear Scouts Save That Backscratcher The Berenstain Bears and Mama's New Job THE BERENSTAIN BEARS AND THE BABY CHIPMUINK The Berenstain Bears and the Bad Influence The Berenstain Bears and the Big Blooper The Berenstain Bears and the Big Spelling Bee The Berenstain Bears and the Bully The Berenstain Bears and the Double Dare Richard W. Leech Mark Twain, adapted by Deidre S. Laiken Thornton W. Burgess 3 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Robert Rodriguez & Racer Max Rodriguez 3 Fiction Joyce Cooper Arkhurst Melissa Kantor Sara Pennypacker JoAnn A. Grote Gertrude C. Warner Stafford, William Zoe Hall Eric Carle Caolre Marsh Adler, David A. Hillert, Margaret David Packard retold by Song Nan Zhang Morris, Gerald 1 6 3 4 2 2 1 0 3 2 0 0 3 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction David A. Kelly 2 Fiction 2 5 3 5 2 4.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Paul Bright Stan and Jan Berenstein Jane Belk Moncure Narinder Dhani Patricia Polacco Zonderkidz and Kelly Pulley 1 1 1 6 0 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Stan and Jan Berenstain 0 Fiction Jan and Stan Berenstain 3 Fiction STAN & JAN BERENSTAIN 1 Fiction Stan and Jan Berenstain 1 Fiction Berenstain, Stan & Jan 1 Fiction Stan and Jan Berenstain Stan and Jan Berestain 0 1 Fiction Fiction Stan and Jan Berenstain 2 Fiction David A. Kelly Jonathan Rogers Matt Christopher Mike Lupica Hunt, Brian Rick Riordan THE BERENSTAIN BEARS AND THE HICCUP CURE STAN & JAN BERENSTAIN THE BERENSTAIN BEARS AND THE JUMP ROPE CONTEST STAN & JAN BERENSTAIN The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room Stan and Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone Berenstain, Stan and Jane The Berenstain Bears and The Missing Watermelon Money Stan and Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears and the Papa's Day Surprise Berenstain, Stan The Berenstain Bears and The Truth Stan and Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Car Trip Stan and Jan Berenstain THE BERENSTAIN BEARS AND TOO MUCH PRESSURE BERENSTAIN, STAN & JAN The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Teasing Stan and Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears Catch the Bus Stan and Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears' Christmas Tree Stan and Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears' Class Trip Jan & Mike Berenstain The Berenstain Bears Count Your Blessings Stan & Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears Down on the Farm Stan and Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears' Family Reunion Stan & Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears' Four Seasons Stan and Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears' Funny Valentine Berenstain, Stan & Jan The Berenstain Bears Give Thanks Jan and Mike Berenstain THE BERENSTAIN BEARS GO ON A GHOST WALK STAN & JAN BERENSTAIN The Berenstain Bears Go Out to Eat Jan and Mike Berenstain The Berenstain Bears Go To Camp Stan & Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears Go To The Doctor Stan & Jan Berenstain THE BERENSTAIN BEARS HUG AND MAKE UP STAN & JAN BERENSTAIN The Berenstain Bears Hurry to Help Stan and Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears Kitten Rescue Jan and Mike Berenstain The Berenstain Bears Love Their Neighbors Stan and Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears' New Kitten Stan and Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears' Not-So-Buried Treasure Stan & Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears' Nursery Tales Berenstain, Stan The Berenstain Bears On The Job Stan & Jan Berenstain THE BERENSTAIN BEARS' PERFECT FISHING SPOT STAN & JAN BERENSTAIN The Berenstain Bears Ready, Get Set Go! Stan and Jan Berestain The Berenstain Bears' Science Fair Stan and Jan Berenstain 1 Fiction 1 Fiction 0 Fiction 0 Fiction 2 Fiction 2 3 Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 2 Fiction 0 2 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 1 1 1 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 0 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 1 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 0 Fiction Fiction 4 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 Fiction 2 2 Fiction Fiction The Berenstain Bears Sick Days The Berenstain Bears Sleepover THE BERENSTAIN BEARS VISIT UNCLE TEXS The Berenstain Bears: Bedtime Battle The Berenstain Bears: Big Bear, Small Bear The Berenstain Bears: Brother Bear Loves Dinosaurs The Berenstain Bears: Clean House The Berenstain Bears: Play T-Ball The Berenstain Bears: Sister Bear Learns to Share The Berenstain Bears: The Bears' Vacation The Best Halloween Ever The Best Halloween of All The Best Mouse Cookie The Best Nest The Best Seat in Second Grade The Best Story The Best Thing About Valentines The Big Boasting Battle The Big Bug Dug The Big Field The Big Honey Hunt The Big Seed The Big Snowball The Big, Big Wall The Biggest Easter Egg The Biggest Snowball Fight! The Biggest Snowball of All The Biggest Valentine Ever THE BIKE LESSON The Birds, the Bees and the Berenstain Bears The Birthday Dance Party (Dora the Explorer) The Blizzard Disaster The Blood-Hungry Spleen and Other Poems About Our Parts The Blue and the Gray The Blue Death The Blue Ribbon Puppies The Blue Roses The Bobbsey Twins and the Mystery at Snow Lodge The Bobbsey Twins of Lakeport The Bombed House The Book of Time The Book Thief Jan and Mike Berenstain Jan and Mike Berenstain 1 0 Fiction Fiction STAN & JAN BERENSTAIN Berenstain, Stan 1 2 Fiction Fiction Jan and Stan Berenstain 0 Fiction Berenstain, Stan Berenstain, Stan Berenstain, Stan 0 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Berenstain, Stan 0 Fiction 1 3 0 1 1 2 2 0 1.5 0 5 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Stan and Jan Berenstain 2 Fiction Inches, Alison Peg Kehret 0 4 Fiction Fiction Wolf, Allan Eve Bunting Judy Allen Crockett Johnson Linda Boyden 4 3 4 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hope, Laura Lee Hope, Laura Lee Jonny Zucker Guillaume Prevost Zusak, Marcus 3 3 3 6 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Stan and Jan Berenstain Barbara Robinson Wojciechowski, Susan Laura Numeroff P.D. Eastman Kenah, Katharine Eileen Spinelli Eleanor Hudson Wilhelm, Hans Mary Serfozo Mike Lupica Stan and Jan Berenstain Howard, Ellen Wendy Cheyette Lewison Howard, Reginald Sonia Sander Medearis, Angela Shelf Jane Belk Moncure Steven Kroll STAN & JAN BERENSTAIN The Book Without Words: A Fable of Medieval Magic The Books of Elsewhere: The Shadows The Boy Who Cried Wolf The Boy Who Looked Like Lincoln The Boy Who Was Raised by Librarians The Boys Team The Bravest Fish The Breezes of Inspire (The Remin Chronicles) The Bremen-Town Musicians The Buddy Files - The Case of the Fire Alarm The Buddy Files: The Case of the Library Monster The Bully Book The Bully Brothers Making the Grade The Bumpy Little Pumpkin The Bumpy Pumpkin The Burglar's Breakfast The Butterfly Ride (Strawberry Shortcake) The Cabinet of Wonders The Cafeteria Lady from the Black Lagoon The Call of the Wild (abridged) Illustrated Classic The Case of the Baffled Bear The Case of the Best Pet Ever The Case of the Class Clown The Case of the Crybaby Cowboy The Case of the Deadly Desperados the case of the elevator duck The Case of the Ghostwriter The Case of the Hungry Stranger The Case of the Lost Boy The Case of the Missing Monkey The Case of the Mixed-up Mutts The Case of the New Year's Eve Nightmare The Case of the Rainy Day Mystery The Case of the School Ghost The Case of the Secret Valentine The Case of the Sleepy Sloth The Case of the Sneaky Strangers The Case of the Troublesome Turtle Avi 5 Fiction 5.1 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Carla Morris Amy Schwartz Matt Buckingham 3 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Ruth, Nick Plume, Ilse; Brothers Grimm 6 2 Fiction Fiction Dori Hillestad Butler 2 Fiction Dori Hillestad Butler Eric Kahn Gale Mike Thaler Cuyler, Margery George H. Inman, Jr. Felicity Everett 2 5 2 2.2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Amy Ackelsberg Rutkoski, Marie 2 4.9 Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction edited by Malvina G. Vogel Cynthia Rylant Preller, James Preller, James Carole Marsh Caroline Lawrence polly berrien berends Preller, Jimmy Crosby Bonsall Dori Hillestad Butler Rylant, Cynthia Dori Hillestad Butler 4 1 2 2 5 6 2 2.9 1 2 1.7 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Nancy Star Preller, James Dori Hillestad Butler James Preller Rylant, Cynthia Nancy Star Rylant, Cynthia 3 2 2 2.9 1 3 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 2 Fiction Fiction Jacqueline West Retold by Mary O'Toole Reiss, Mike Mike Thaler The Cat in the Hat Home for Christmas Tish Rabe The Cat Who Liked Potato Soup Farish, Terry The Charles Addams Mother Goose The Cherokee Indians The Cheshire Cheese Cat: A Dickens of a Tale The Chocolate Trail The Chocolate War The Christmas Cub The Christmas Hat The Christmas Toy Factory The Chugger Championship The City of Ember The Class From The Black Lagoon The Class Pet from the Black Lagoon The Class Trip from the Black Lagoon The Climb (Everest Book Two) The Clique The Clock Struck One: A Time-Telling Tale The Clockwork Three The Clue in the Clubhouse The Coin Counting Book The Color of Home The Comeback Kids (Soccer Dad Series #1) The Comic Book Mystery (Boxcar Children # 93) The Complete Adventures of Big Dog and Little Dog The Copycat Fish The Copycat Mystery The Counting Race The Cow That Got Her Wish The Cow Who Clucked The Cows Are in the Corn The Cranky Day The Creature From My Closet: Wonkenstein The Creature from My Closet: Potterwookiee The Critter Kids:Showdown at the Arcade The Curious Garden The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time The Dandelion Seed The Dangerous Days of Daniel X The Dark Dreamweaver (Remin Chronicles) The Day it Rained Hearts The Day Leo Said I Hate You! The Day Mom Finally Snapped Illustrated by Charles Addams Bill Lund Carmen A. Deedy Haydon, Julie Robert Cormier Justine Korman Fontes A.J. Wood Geronimo Stilton Michael Anthony Steele DuPrau, Jeanne Mike Thaler Mike Thaler Mike Thaler Gordon Korman Harrison, Lisi 2 5 Fiction NonFiction 5 5 5 1 1 3 1 5 2 1 2 4 4.9 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Trudy Harris Matthew J. Kirby Betancourt, Jeanne Rozanne Lanczak Williams Hoffman, Mary 3 6 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hapka, Catherine 1 Fiction Gertrude C. Warner 2 Fiction Dav Pilkey Marcus Pfister Gertrude C. Warner Margaret McNamara Margaret Hillert Fleming, Denise James Young Random House 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Skye, Obert 5 Fiction Obert Skye 4 Fiction Mayer, Mercer Peter Brown 2 1 Fiction Fiction Mark Haddon Anthony, Joseph James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge 11 1 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Ruth, Nick Felicia Bond Robie H. Harris Bob Temple 5 0 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction The Day The Crayons Quit The Day the Dog Said, "Cock a Doodle Doo!" the day the goose got loose The Death Cure The Declaration of Independence (Amazing Days of Abby Hayes) The Deserted Library Mystery The Diamond Champs The Dog that Pitched a No-Hitter The Dog Who Cried "Woof!" The Dog Who Thought He Was Santa The Door to Time The Double Life of Angela Jones The Dragon of Doom The Dragon's Scales The Dream Thief (Secrets of Droon Series #17) The Drop in My Drink The Duchess of Whimsy: An Absolutely Delicious Fairy Tale The Duck Commander Family The Duck Vinci Code and Other Tales The Duckling Gets a Cookie!? The Dumb Bunnies' Easter the Eagle of the Ninth The Ear Book The Early Bird The Earth The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big, Round Things The Easter Ribbit The Edge of Nowhere The Eensy Weensy Spider freaks out: (Big Time!) The Elsewhere Chronicles The Elsewhere Chronicles Book 2 The Shadow Spies The Elsewhere Chronicles Book 3 The Master of the Shadows The Elsewhere Chronicles Book 4 The Calling The Emperor's Birthday Suit The Etcher's Studio The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict The Eye Book The Fairy Berry Bake-Off The Fairy Treasure Hunt Drew Daywalt 0 Fiction David McPhail Reeve Lindenbergh/ Steven Kellogg James Dashner 1 2 9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Anne Mazer Gertrude C. 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Geronimo Stilton Gertrude C. Warner 3 3 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Christopher Healy 6 Fiction Christopher Healy Pallotta, Jerry Peg Kehret Jon Scieszka McDonald, Megan Dan Gutman Dan Gutman Hoff, Syd Stephenie Meyer Rick Riordian 6 2 5 2 3.7 5 5 1 10 8 Rick Riordan Joan Lowery Nixon Gail Rock Michael Coleman Ellen Potter suzzane collins Suzanne Collins Suzanne Collins 5 4 4 5 4 8 8 8 Snicket, Lemony Murphy, Stuart J. Bali Rai Grace Maccarone Phil Bildner Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction The Ice Cream Mystery (Boxcar Children # 94) The Ice Race (Clifford the Big Red Dog) The Incredible Book Eating Boy The Ironwood Tree (Spiderwick Chronicles #4) The Isle of Illusions The Isle of Mists (Secrets of Droon Series #22) The Jacket The Janitor's Boy The Journey The Jungle Run The Karate Mouse The Kingdom Keepers The Kings Are Already Here The Kissing Hand The Kite Rider The Koala King The Land Before Time The Land of a Thousand Whales The Land of a Thousand Whales Chapters 4-5 The Land of a Thousand Whales Chapters 6-7 The Land of a Thousand Whales Chapters 8-9 The Last Holiday Concert The Last Mall Rat The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles The Last Olympian The Last Rider: Final Days of the Pony Express The Laurel Series "Wings" The Leaf Men and The Brave Good Bugs The Legacy: Making Wishes Come True The Legend of the Lady Slipper The Legend of the Poinsettia The Lemonade War The Leopard and the Sky God The Let's Pretend Attic The Librarian from the Black Lagoon The Lighthouse Mystery The Lightning Thief The Lion King The Little Ballerina The Little Bit Scary People Gertrude C. Warner 2 Fiction 1.5 2 Fiction Fiction 3 5 Fiction Fiction 3 4 4 5 1 3 6 8 1 5 2 0 4.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Browne, Susan Chalker 0 Fiction Browne, Susan Chalker 0 Fiction Browne, Susan Chalker Andrew Clements Esckilsen, Erik E. 0 4 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Julie Andrews Edwards Rick Riordan 5 4.3 Fiction Fiction J. Gunderson Aprilynne Pike 3 9 Fiction Fiction William Joyce 2 Fiction Lurlene McDaniel Preus, Margi Tomie dePaola Jacqueline Davies Mairi MacKinnon Susan Cook Mike Thaler Gertrude C. 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The Magic Moon Machine The Magic of Spider Woman The Magic Purse The Magic School Bus and the Missing tooth The Magic School Bus Butterfly And The Bog Beast: A Book About Butterfly Camouflage The Magic School Bus Gets Crabby The Magic School Bus Has a Heart The Magic School Bus Inside A Beehive The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds: A Book About How Living Things Grow The Magic School Bus Rides the Wind The Magic School Bus Sees Stars The Magic School Bus Takes a Dive The Magic School Bus Taking Flight: A Book about Flight The Magic School Bus Wet All Over: A Book About the Water Cycle The Magic School Bus: Dinosaur Detectives Margaret Hillert 0 Fiction Mike Thaler 3 Fiction Williams, Linda 2 Fiction 1 0 1 2 3 4 4.5 1 2 4 3.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Megan McDonald Abbott, Tony Fox, Mem Jane Belk Moncure Duncan, Lois Yoshiko Uchida 1 3 0 1 5 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jeanette Lane 2 Fiction Cole, Joanna Kristin Earhart, Joanna Cole Anne Capeci 3 0 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Cole, Joanna 2 Fiction Cole, Joanna Anne Capeci Nancy White Cole, Joanna 2 2 2 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Cole, Joanna 2 Fiction Cole, Joanna 2 Fiction Judith Bauer Stamper 3 Fiction The Magic School Bus: Inside the Earth The Magic School Bus: Lost in the Snow The Magic School Bus: Rocky Road Trip The Magic School Bus: The Fishy Field Trip Cole, Joanna 2 Fiction Joanna Cole 2 Fiction Judith Bauer Stamper 3 Fiction Joanna Cole 5 Fiction Charlotte Zolotow Barbara Barbieri McGrath Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel Joan Sandin Dr. Seuss H.N. Kowitt Rick Riordan Martin Taylor Derrick D. 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The Mystery at Kill Devil Hills The Mystery At Skeleton Point The Mystery at the Eiffel Tower The Mystery Girl The Mystery Horse The Mystery in New York City The Mystery in the Fortune Cookie The Mystery in the Mall The Mystery in the Rocky Mountains The Mystery in Venice The Mystery of the Alamo Ghost The Mystery of the Biltmore House The Mystery of the Cupboard The Mystery Of The Haunted Boxcar (Boxcar Children # 100) The Mystery of the Hot Air Balloon Cleary, Beverly 0 Fiction Cleary, Beverly 0 Fiction Cleary, Beverly 0 Fiction Cleary, Beverly 0 Fiction Cleary, Beverly 0 Fiction Cleary, Beverly 0 Fiction Cleary, Beverly 0 Fiction Cleary, Beverly 0 Fiction Cleary, Beverly Geronimo Stilton Waber, Bernard Geronimo Stilton Helen Frost 0 2 1 3 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Mike Thaler Trenton Lee Stewart 2 6 Fiction Fiction Trenton Lee Stewart 5 Fiction Trenton Lee Stewart 6 Fiction Diane Stanley Geronimo Stilton Tomie dePaola Carole Marsh 5 3 3 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 4.5 2 5 2 2 4.8 2 2 4.9 3 5 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 2 Fiction Fiction Carole Marsh Marsh, Carole Gertrude C. Warner Kelly, Erin Gertrude C. Warner Gertrude C. Warner Marsh, Carole Gertrude chandler warner Gertrude C. Warner Marsh, Carole Geronimo Stilton Marsh, Carole Carole Marsh Banks, Lynne Reid Gertrude C. Warner Gertrude C. Warner The Mystery Of The Lake Monster (Boxcar Children # 62) The Mystery of the Lost Colony The Mystery of the Missing Dinosaurs The Mystery Of The Mummy's Curse The Mystery of The Purple Pool The Mystery Of The Secret Message (Boxcar Children # 55) The Mystery of The Spider's Clue The Mystery of the Star Ruby The Mystery of the Stolen Bike The Mystery of the Stolen Music The Mystery of the Underground Railroad The Mystery of the Wrong Dog The Mystery on Alaska's Iditarod Trail The Mystery on the California Mission Trail Gertrude C. Warner Carole Marsh Marsh, Carole Gertrude C. Warner Gertrude C. Warner 2 4 5.1 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 2 2 3 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Marsh, Carole Elspeth Campbell Murphy Marsh, Carole 5.1 3 4.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Marsh, Carole 5.7 Fiction 4.4 6 Fiction Fiction 1 Fiction 4 Fiction Nina Alexander 4 Fiction Pauline Preiss 4 Fiction Judy Katschke 4 Fiction Cathy East Dubowski 4 Fiction Carol Ellis Maria Puncel Mike Thaler Lynn Maslen Kertell Wing, Natasha Natasha Wing Natasha Wing Natasha Wing Wing, Natasha Wing, Natasha 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1.5 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 0 Fiction Gertrude C. Warner Gertrude C. Warner Gertrude C. Warner Marc Brown and Stephen Krensky Gertrude C. Warner The Mystery on the Mightly Mississippi Marsh, Carole The Name of this Book is Secret Pseudonymous Bosch The Neat Line: Scribbling Through Mother Goose Edwards, Pamela Duncun The New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Blue-Ribbon Horse I.K. Swobud The New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Haunted Camp The New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Logical I Ranch The New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Summer Camp Caper The New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of the Surfing Secret The New Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley: The Case of the Big Scare Mountain Mystery The New Friend The New Kid from the Black Lagoon The New Puppy The Night Before Easter The Night Before First Grade The Night Before Kindergarten The Night Before St. Patrick's Day The Night Before Summer Vacation The Night Before Thanksgiving The Night Before the 100th Day of School Natasha Wing The Night Before the Night Before Christmas The Night Before Valentine's Day The Nightmare Man The Nightmare Room #1: Don't Forget Me!, The No Place Cat The Nobel Book of Answers The Odd Squad: Bully Bait Natasha Wing Wing, Natasha Tessa Krailing 2 2 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Stine, R. L. Adler, C. S. Stiekel, Bettina Michael Fry 5 6 5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction The Old Lady Who Swallowed Fly Guy The Old Willis Place The Old Woman who Swallowed a Fly The Olympians The One and Only Ivan The Ordinary Princess The Other Goose The Other Side The Pack Dogs of the Drowned City The Panther Mystery (The Boxcar Children Series #66) The Patchwork Path A Quilt Map to Freedom The Patchwork Quilt The Peace Book The Peculiar Pumpkin Thief The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy The Penguins of Madagascar Gone in a Flash The Penultimate Peril #12 The People of Sparks The Perfect Pet The Pet That I Want The Phantom Of Five Chimneys The Phantom of the Subway #13 The Picnic The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog The Piggy in the Puddle The Pirate's Eye The Pirate's Parrot Ted Arnold Hahn, Mary Downing Katie Davies Fisher, Leonard Everett Katherine Applegate M.M. 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Tolkien Jean Marzollo Jane B. Mason Ron Roy Pallotta, Jerry Jacobs, Joseph Paula Fox Carmen Tafolla and Jan Epton Seale 2 9 1 5 3 4 2 6 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Snicket,, Lemony Ilanit Oliver Dr. Seuss Becker, Bonny Margaret Hillert Lester, Alison Amery, Heather 5 2 3 2 1 7 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction The Soccer Mystery The Son of Neptune The Speed of Light The Spelling Bee The Spider and the Fly The Spooky Scavenger Hunt The Starving Time (My America) Elizebeth's Diary The Stone Child The Storm Dogs of the Drowned City The Stormy Day Rescue The Story of the Statue of Liberty The Story of Tong and Mai Nhia: A Hmong Legend The Storyteller's Candle The Strange Case of Origami Yoda The Stranger Next Door The Stuffed Bear Mystery (Boxcar Children # 90) The Stupendous Dodgeball Fiasco The Summer Of Riley The Summer Vacation From the Black Lagoon The Sundae Scoop The Supernaturalist The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett: An Origami Yoda Book The Surprise Party The Surprising World of Bacteria with MaxAxiom Super Scientist The Sword in the Tree The Tail of Emily Windsnap The Tale of Despereaux The Tale of Despereaux The Talent Show from the Black Lagoon The Talented Clementine The Talking T. Rex The Tallest Building of All! The Tarantula Scientist The Tattletale Mystery (Boxcar Children # 92) The Teeny Tiny Woman The Temple of the Ruby of Fire The Thirsty Moose The Thornberry's One of a Kind The Three Little Pigs The Three Little Pigs The Three Little Rigs The Three Ninja Pigs The Three Snow Bears Gertrude C. Warner Rick Riordan Carlson, Ron Mark Twain Howitt, Mary Botham Grosset & Dunlap Hermes, Patricia Dan Poblocki Dayna Lorentz Kimberly Weinberger Betsy and Giulio Maestro 2 4 6 1 4 1 3.2 7 5 0 4.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Cha, Shoo Lucia Gonzalez Tom Angleberger Peg Kehret 2 1 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gertrude C. Warner Repka, Janice Eve Bunting 2 3 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Mike Thaler Murphy, Stuart J. 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There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bell! There was an old lady who swallowed a fly There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose! There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Trout There Was An Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom There's a Fly Guy in My Soup Geronimo Stilton Collier, James Lincoln Bruchac, Joseph Froese, Deborah Levine, Gail Carson 3 8 4 1.5 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Keith McGowan Meddaugh, Susan Jean Craighead George Robertson, Kay, Korie, Missy Jessica, and Lisa Dian Curtis Regan Tony DiTerlizzi Blue Balliet Hurst, Carol Otis Kirkpatrick Hill Andrea Cheng LaFaye, A. Margaret Hillert Ron Roy Philbrick, Rodman Ron Roy 5.1 1 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction 9 4 3 5 5 3 3 6 0 3 6 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Stilton, Geronimo Stilton, Geronimo Reed, Lynn Rowe Sacks, Margaret; Clay, Wil Christie, Agatha John Grisham John Grisham John Grisham Venezia, Mike 3 3 1 3.4 9.5 5 5 5 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Nathan Olson 4 Fiction Editors of TIME for Kids Willems, Mo 3 0 Fiction Fiction Colandro, Lucille 1 Fiction Lucille Colandro 0 Fiction Simms Taback 1 Fiction Lucille Colandro 0 Fiction Sloat, Teri 1 Fiction 0 4.5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Murdock, Hy Sachar, Louis; Greenstein, Mina Tedd Arnold There's a Frog in My Throat There's a Girl in My Hammerlock There's a Nightmare In My Closet There's a Snake in the Toilet There's a Wocket in my Pocket There's An Alligator Under My Bed There's an Owl in the Shower Theres Something in My Attic These Happy Golden Years These Happy Golden Years Theseus and the Minotaur Theseus and the Minotaur They Never Came Back They Were Strong and Good They're Poets and They Know It! A Collection of 30 Timeless Poems They're Torturing Teachers in Room 104 Thidwick The Big-Hearted Moose Thief Lord, The Thief of Hearts Thief, The Thieves' Market, The Thimble Summer Thimbleberry Stories Things in Corners Third Eye, The Third Grade Bullies Third Grade is Terrible Third Planet Thirteen Reasons Why Thirteen Ways To Sink a Sub Thirteenth Floor Thirteenth Pearl, The This Book Is Haunted This is a Great Place for a Hotdog Stand This is My Family This Is My Town This Is Our Earth This Is the Farmer This is the Star This is the sun Or is it? This Is The Way We Go To School This Island Isn't Big Enough For the Four of Us This Place Has No Atmosphere This Year's Garden Thomas A. Edison : Young Inventor Thomas and the Jet Engine Leedy, Lorreen & Pat Street Spinelli, Jerry Mayer, Mercer Sherman, Gisela T. Seuss, Dr. Mercer Mayer Jean Craighead George Mayer, Mercer Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Warwick Hutton Leonard Everett Fisher Caroline B. Cooney Lawson, Robert Scholastic Inc. Piasecki, Jerry Dr. Seuss Funke, Cornelia Susan Meddaugh Turner, Megan Whalen Haseley, Dennis Enright, Elizabeth Rylant, Cynthia Park, Ruth Duncan, Lois Levy, Elizabeth; Barnes, Tim Baker, Barbara Ride, Sally K.; O'Shaughnessy, Tam Jay Asher Jamie Gilson Bergstrom, Kay Keene, Carolyn Joann Rocklin 5.2 5.5 2.7 4 2.1 1 3 2 5.2 4 5 5 8 4.2 5 4 3 6 0 6.1 4 4.9 2 6.5 6.6 4 3 5.9 10 4 3 4 2 Saltzberg, Barney Gina and Mercer Mayer Mercer Mayer Benson, Laura Lee Tafuri, Nancy Dunbar, Joyce & Blythe, Gary Kathryn Knight Edith Baer 4 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 Ruddick, Robert; Greer, Gary Danziger, Paula Rylant, Cynthia; Szilagyi, Mary Guthridge, Sue Rev W Awdry 5.5 4.6 2 5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Thomas and the School Trip Thomas and the Treasure and other stories Thomas Edison -A Brilliant Inventor Thomas Goes Fishing Thomas' Snowsuit Thomas Tuttle just in time Those Rebels John and Tom Thousand Cousins: Poems of Family Life Thread That Runs So True, The Three about Thurston Three Aesop Fox Fables Three Bears, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Three Cheers for Catherine the Great! Three Cheers for Tacky Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe Three Gold Pieces Three Hat Day, A Three Little Javelinas, The Three Little Kittens Three Little Pigs Three Little Pigs, The Three Little Pilgrims Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig, The Three Lives of Harris Harper, The Three More Stories You Can Read to Your Dog Three Musketeers, The Three Names Three Pigs, The Three Questions Three Robbers, The Three Samurai Cats Three Stories You Can read to Your Cat Three Stories You Can Read to Your Teddy Bear Three Wishes Three Young Pilgrims Throne of Glass Through Grandpa's Eyes Awdry, Rev. W. 1 Fiction R. Schuyler Hooke The Editors of TIME For KIDSwith Lisa DeMauro Rev. W. Awdry Munsch, Robert Poydar, Nancy; Lindberg, Becky T. Barbara Kerley 0 Fiction 2 0 2.9 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Lewin, Betsy; Harrison, David L. Stuart, Jesse Milord, Susan Galdon,Paul and Aesop Ingoglia, Gina Bender, Robert Best, Cari; Potter, Giselle Lester, Helen; Munsinger, Lynn Williams, Vera B. Williams, Vera B. Aliki Lobel, Arnold; Geringer, Laura Lowell, Susan Galdone, Paul Galdone, Paul Gay, Marie-Louise Craig, Janet 1 8 1 2 1 4.4 3 2.8 3.6 2 4 2 2 0 1 3 1 NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Oxenbury, Helen; Trivizas, Eugene Cullen, Lynn 4.2 5.4 Fiction Fiction Miller, Sara Swan; Kelley, True (Illustrator) Dumas, Alexandre MacLachlan, Patricia; Pertzoff, Alexander Wiesner, David Muth, Jon J. (Retold by), Leo Tolstoy Ungerer, Tomi Kimmel, Eric A. 2 4.3 3 2 2 2.9 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 2 2 5.2 11 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 7 Fiction Fiction 6 Fiction Kelley, True; Miller, Sara S. Miller, Sara Swan Clifton, Lucille Harness, Cheryl Sarah J. Maas Ray, Deborah K.; MacLachlan, Patricia Through Moon and Stars and Night Sky Ann Turner Through the Flames Jenkins, Jerry; LaHaye, Tim Through the Flames (Left Behind-the Kids-Book 3) Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Through the Lock Through the Medicine Cabinet Throw a Hungry Loop Throw Your Tooth on the Roof Thumbelina Thumbs up, Rico! Thump Thump Thump! Thump, Quack, Moo: A Whacky Adventure Thunder Birds: Nature's Flying Predators Thunder Cake Thunder Cave Thunder Rolling In the Mountains Thunderbirds: Rescue Mission Thunderbirds: The Junior Novel Thunderhoof (I Can Read Book Series) Thunderstorm Thwonk Thy Friend, Obadiah Tia the Tulip Fairy Tibet: Through the Red Box Tico and the Golden Wings Tiddalick The Frog Tiger in the Well, The Tiger is a Scaredy Cat Tiger Moth Kung Pow Chicken Tiger Rising Tiger Soup: An Anansi Story from Jamaica Tigers at Twilight Tiger's Curse Tigger's Family Tree Tiggers Hate to Lose Tiggers Moving Day Tigress Tikki Tikki Tembo Tik-Tok of Oz Time for Andrew: A Ghost Story, A Time for Bed Time For Dancing, A Time for School Time Machine, The Time of Angels, A Time of Wonder, A Time Out Time Snatchers Time to Let Go Time to Paint, Biscuit! Time to Sleep Hurst, Carol Otis Greenburg, Dan Schenker, Dona Beeler, Selby B.; Karas, G. Brian Andersen, Hans Christian Paterson, Diane; Testa, Maria Rockwell, Anne 5 3 4 2 2 3 1.6 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Cronin, Doreen 2.7 Fiction Jim Arnosky Polacco, Patricia Smith, Roland Odell, Scott Egan, Kate Sullivan, Stephen D. Hoff, Syd Barnes, A. C.; Tsao, Yu; Wang, Tso-Liang Bauer, Joan Turkle, Brinton Daisy Meadows Sis, Peter Leo Lionni Susan Nunes Pullman, Philip Joan Phillips Aaron Reynolds DiCamillo, Kate 5 3.5 5.2 5 2 4 2 2.2 4.9 2.9 4 4.8 2 3 7 1 2 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Temple, Frances Osborne, Mary Pope Colleen Houck Gaines, Isabel Gaines, Isabel Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Cowcher, Helen Mosel, Arlene Baum, Frank; Neill, John Hahn, Mary D. Mem Fox Hurwin, Davida L. Gail Herman Martin, Les; Wells, H. G.; Edens, John Hesse, Karen; Barnes, Michelle McCloskey, Robert Cresswell, Helen Richard Ungard Lurlene McDaniel Alyssa Satin Capucilli Fleming, Denise 2.9 2 7 2 2 2 4.8 3 5 4.9 0 5.2 1 5.5 6 3.2 1 6 7 0 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Time Train Time Trapper - Book One: Yestermorrow Time Tree, The Timespinners Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made Timothy Goes to School Timothy of the Cay Tin Woodman of Oz, The Tinker Bell and the Most Precious Gift Tinker Bell: A Fairy Tale Tiny Goes to the Library Tiny Learns to Fish! Tiny Seed, The Tiny Titans Go Camping! Tiny's Bath Tippintown: A Guided Tour Tippu's Big Disappointment Titanic, The Titanic: A Nonfiction Companion to Tonight on the Titanic To Be a Drum To Be A Slave To Cross a Line To Grandmother's House We Go To Kill A Mockingbird To Market , To Market To The Rescue To the Summit To the Top of Everest To the Top of the World To The Tub To Walk the Sky Path Toad Food & Measle Soup Toad for Tuesday Toad Makes a Road Toad on the Road Toad Overload: A True Tale of Nature Knocked Off Balance in Australia Toby and His Old Tin Tub Toby Scudder, Ultimate Warrior Toby, What Are You? Toby, Where Are You Today I Feel Silly: And Other Moods That Make My Day Today I Will Fly! Toestomper and the Bad Butterflies Toestomper and the Caterpillars Together in Pinecone Patch Togo Ewart, Claire; Fleischman, Paul 3.6 Fiction Petrucha, Stefan Richemont, Enid Gray, Luli Stephan Pastis Rosemary Wells Taylor, Theodore Baum, Frank; Neill, John Graphic Novel from Papercutz Apple Jordan Cari Meister The Jim Henson Company Carle, Eric Art Baltazar Meister, Cari Brown, Calef Carruth, Jane Kent, Deborah 7 4 6 4 0 6.1 5 4 1 0 0 3.2 2 0 1 2 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Mary Pope Osborne Evelyn Coleman Feelings, Tom; Lester, Julius Ray, Karen Roberts, Willo D. Lee, Harper Miranda, Anne; Stevens, Janet Mercer Mayer Murphy, Claire R. Skreslet, Laurie; MacLeod, Elizabeth Brandenburg, Jim Anderson, Peggy Perry Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds McDonnell, Christine Erickson, Russell E.; Difiori, Lawrence Cox, Phil Roxbee Schade, Susan; Buller, Jon 3 2 8 6.7 5.6 10 0 1 9 6 5 1 5.4 3.6 2 1 0 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Ellis, Jan D.; Seibert, Patricia Colin West Gifaldi, David Steig, William Steig, William; Euvremer, Teryl 1 2 5 0 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Curtis, Jamie Lee Mo Willems Collicott, Sharleen Collicott, Sharleen Thomas Yezerski Blake, Robert J. 1 1 2 2 1 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Toilet Paper Tigers, The Toliver's Secret Toll-Bridge Troll, The Tom Tom the TV Cat Tom Thumb Tomatoes from Mars Tombs of Atuan, The Tomie's Little Book of Poems Tomorrow Is Daddy's Birthday Tomorrow When the War Began Tom's Midnight Garden Tongue-cut Sparrow, The Tonight is Carnaval Tonight on the Titanic Toning the Sweep Korman, Gordon Wood Brady, Esther Root, Kimberly B.; Wolff, Patricia R. Leverich, Lyle Joan Heilbroner Margaret Hillert Yorinks, Arthur Le Guin, Ursula K.; Garraty, Gail DePaola, Tomie Wadsworth, Ginger Marsden, John Pearce, Philippa Ishii, Momoko Dorros, Arthur Osborne, Mary Pope Johnson, Angela Tony Baloney School Rules Too Hot to Handle Too Many Balloons Too Many Cats Too Many Dogs TOO MANY FROGS! Too Many Pumpkins Too Many Puppies Too many secrets Too Many Tamales Pam Munoz Ryan and Edwin Fotheringham Christopher, Matt Catherine Matthias Lori Haskins Houran Haskins, Lori SANDY ASHER White, Linda Brewster, Patience Wright, Betty R. Gary, Soto McGovern, Ann; Taback, Simms (Illustrator) Lurlene McDaniel Spinelli, Jerry Too Much Noise Too Young to Die Tooter Pepperday Tooth and Claw: Animal Adventures in the Wild Lewin, Ted Tooth Book, The McKie, Roy; Le Sieg, Theodore Tooth Fairy's Tale, A Christiana, David Marlene Targ Brill Katya Krenina Tooth Tales From Around the World (Illustrator) Toothpaste Millionaire, The Merrill, Jean; Palmer, Jan Toothpick Ethridge, Kenneth E. Top of the World: Climbing Mount Everest Jenkins, Steve Top Secret Simont, Marc; Gardiner, John R. Top to Bottom Down Under Lewin, Ted Top Wing Christopher, Matt Tops and Bottoms Stevens, Janet Topsy-turvies Simon, Francesca Torn Margaret Peterson Haddix Tornado Byars, Betsy C. Totally Bored Boris! Wilhelm, Hans Touch Blue Cynthia Lord 5 5 2 2 2 0 1 5.8 1 1 6.1 6.5 3 1 3 5.4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 5 0 0 2 2 2 2 3 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 7 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 2.6 5 Fiction NonFiction Fiction 1 6.1 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction 5 4 1 4 3 2 6 3 1.5 0 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Touch Blue Touch the Moon Touchdown for Tommy Touching Spirit Bear Toughing It Toussaint L'ouverture: Fight for Haiti's Freedom Tower of the Elf King Tower Treasure Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, The Town Mouse Country Mouse Toy Brother, The Toy Story: The Bunny Surprise Toy to Toy Tracker Trading Game, The Trail of Tears, The Train Song Train To Somewhere Trains Transformers Bots of Science Transformers: The Lost Autobot Trapped Trapped: A Tale of Friendship Bog Trapper Travel Team Travel Tips from Harry: A Guide to Family Vacations in the Sun Traveling Man Travels of Doctor Dolittle Treasure Hunt, The Treasure Island Treasure of Bessledorf Hill Treasure of Panther Peak Treasury of Georgia Tales, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A Tree House Mystery Tree in the Trail Tree Is Nice, A Tree of Cranes Tree of Life: The World of the African Boabab Tree That Would Not Die, The Tree, The Treeful of Pigs, A Trespassers, The Trick or Treat, Danny! Trick or Treat, Little Critter Cynthia Lord Bauer, Marion Dane; Berenzy, Alix Christopher, Matt Mikaelsen, Ben Springer, Nancy 5 5.7 4 6 9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lawrence, Jacob D Abbott, Tony; Merrell, David Dixon, Franklin W. 4 3 5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Schecter, Ellen Jones, Carol Steig, William Apple Jordan Tennant Redbank Paulsen, Gary Slote, Alfred Bruchac, Joseph Wimmer, Mike; Siebert, Diane Himler, Ronald; Bunting, Eve Reit, Seymour V. Megan E. Bryant Katharine Turner Arthur Roth Gloria Repp james moloney Lupica 1 3.5 2 0 1 6.5 4.4 3 3 3.3 1 4 2 5 1 2 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Truesdell, Sue; Hest, Amy Rumford, James Hugh Lofting's Cosby, Bill Stevenson, Robert Louis Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Henderson, Aileen Kilgore Garrison, Webb Smith, Betty Warner, Gertrude C. Holling, Holling Clancy Simont, Marc; Udry, Janice M.; Fiol, Maria A. Say, Allen 3.9 4 2 2 8 3 5 6 7 4 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1.1 4.5 Fiction Fiction Bash, Barbara Rand, Ted; Levine, Ellen Lyons, Dana Lobel, Arnold; Lobel, Anita Snyder, Zilpha K. Kunhardt, Edith Mayer, Gina; Mayer, Mercer 2 3.5 0 2.9 6.4 2.2 0 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet Trick-or-Treat on Milton Street Trick-or-Treat! Triplet Trouble & the Cookie Contest Triplet Trouble & the Red Heart Race Triplet Trouble & the Runaway Reindeer Tris's Book Trixie the Halloween Fairy Trojan Horse Troll Country Trolls Trolls Don't Ride Roller Coasters Trouble According to Humphrey Trouble At Sugar Dip Well Trouble Dolls Trouble for Lucy Trouble in Space Trouble River Trouble With Lemons Trouble With Tuck, The Trouble With Tyrannosaurus Rex, The Trouble with wishes, The Troubling A Star Trucks Trucks and Diggers True Believer True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle True Friends True Grit True North True or False: Baby Animals True Story of the Three Little Pigs by A. Wolf True Story of the Three Little Pigs by A. Wolf, The True-Life Treasure Hunts Truly Grim Tales Truman's Aunt Farm Trumpet of the Swan, The Trumpeter of Krakow, The Truth about Cousin Ernie's Head Tsunami! Tua and the Elephant Tub People, The Tuck Everlasting Tucker's Countryside Tuckers Four-Carrot School Day Tucket's Gold Tucket's Home deGroat, Diane Bullard, Lisa; Oeltjenbruns, Joni Dixon, Ann Dadey, Debbie Dadey, Debbie Dadey, Debbie Pierce, Tamora Daisy Meadows Hutton, Warwick Edward Marshall Horvath, Polly Dadey, Debbie Betty G. Birney Watson, Esther Pearl Buffett, Jimmy Himler, Ronald; Stevens, Carla Rose Greydanus Byars, Betsy C. Hayes, Daniel Taylor, Theodore Cauley, Lorinda B. Plecas, Jennifer; Pfeffer, Susan Beth L'Engle, Madeleine McNaught, Harry Hannah Wilson Wolff, Virginia Euwer Avi Wallace, Bill Portis, Charles Merrick, Elliott Melvin and Gilda Berger Scieszka, Jon Scieszka, Jon Donnelly, Judy Galloway, Priscilla Karas, G. Brian; Rattigan, Jama K. White, E. B.; Frascino, Edward Domanska, Janina; Kelly, Eric P. McElligott, Matthew Kimiko Kajikawa R. P. Harris Conrad, Pam; Egielski, Richard Babbitt, Natalie Williams, Garth; Selden, George Winget, Susan Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary 1 2 1 2 2 2 7 4 4 2 4 3 4 2 3 4.5 0 3.1 5 6 3.9 2 6 1 1 8 6 4.9 8 4 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 2 Fiction 2.9 3 8 2.5 5.5 5.5 2 3.4 5 3.5 5.9 6 0 6 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Tucket's Ride Tudley Didn't Know Tuesday Tuesday Cafe, The Tuesdays at the Castle Tulip Sees America Tulip Touch Tuning In: The Sounds of the Radio Turkey For Thanksgiving, A Turkey Trouble Turkeys, Pilgrims, and Indian Corn Turn Homeward Hannalee Turn Homeward, Hannalee Turn of the Screw Turnabout Shop Turquoise Boy Turtle and Snake Go Camping Turtle in Paradise Turtle People Turtle Splash! Countdown at the Pond Tut Tut Tutankhamen's Gift Tut's Mummy Lost--And Found Tutu much ballet TV Kids, The 'Twas the Fright Before Christmas Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving Twelve Dancing Princesses, The Twelve Days in August Twelve Labors of Hercules Twelve Snails to the Lizard Twenty and Ten Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Twenty Ways to Lose Your Best Friend Twenty-Five Cent Miracle Twenty-Four-Hour Lipstick Mystery, The Twenty-One Balloons, The Twice Taken Twice Upon A Time Twilight Twilight Saga: New Moon Twinkie Squad, The Twinnies Twisted Summer Twisted Window, The Twister On Tuesday Twits, The Twizzlers: Shapes and Patterns Paulsen, Gary John Himmelman Wiesner, David Trembath, Don Jessica Day George Rylant, Cynthia; Desimini, Lisa Fine, Anne Stwertka, Eva and Albert Bunting, Eve Patricia Hermes Barth, Edna Beatty, Patricia Beatty, Patricia James, Henry Rodowsky, Colby Terri Cohlene Kate Spohn Jennifer L. Holm Guiberson, Brenda Z. Cathryn Falwell Scieszka, Jon Sabuda, Robert Donnelly, Judy Carter, Abby; Charbonnet, Gabrielle Byars, Betsy C.; Cuffari, Richard Sierra, Judy Pilkey, Dav Mayer, Marianna Murrow, Liza K. Ceracini, Marc Hightower, Susan Bishop, Claire H.; Pene Du Bois, William 6 2 1.7 7 3 3.8 5.2 5 2 4 3 6.5 6 10 4 5 0 3 4 0 4.2 2 2 2 4.5 3 4.5 5.2 6 2 2 5.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Verne, Jules Singer, Marilyn; Lindberg, Jeffrey Nelson, Theresa 5.5 4.2 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Pryor, Bonnie Du Bois, William P. Pfeffer, Susan B. James Riley Stephenie Meyer Stephenie Meyer Korman, Gordon Bunting, Eve; Carpenter, Nancy Roberts, Willo D. Duncan, Lois Osborne, Mary Pope Dahl, Roald Jerry Pallotta 4 5.7 6.6 6 7 7 5 2 6 6.1 2 4 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Two Bad Ants Two Crazy Pigs Two Days in May Two Dogs Swimming Two of Everything Two Princesses of Bamarre, The Two Tickets to Freedom: The True Story of Ellen & William Craft, Fugitive Slaves Two Times the Fun Two Towers, The Two under Par Two Ways to Count to Ten: A Liberian Folktale Two-Minute Drill Tyler Meets the Moon Tyler Toad and The Thunder Tyrannosaurus Rex Tyrannosaurus Tex Tyrone and the Swamp Gang Ty's One-man Band UFO DIARY UFO Kids Ugh Uglies Ugly Duckling, The Ulaq and the Northern Lights Ulysses Moore #2: The Long-Lost Map Ulysses Moore #3: The House of Mirrors Umbrella Umbrella Day, The Umbrella Summer Unbeelievables Unbouncing Tigger Uncle Daney's Way Uncle Farleys False Teeth Uncle Jed's Barbershop Uncle Ronald Uncle Shamus Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen Uncommon Criminals Undead Ed Under Alien Stars Under One Rock: Bugs, Slugs and Other Ughs Under the Blanket Under the Blood Red Sun Van Allsburg, Chris Karen Berman Nagel Harriet Peck Taylor Reiser, Lynn W. Mathews, Judith; Hong, Lily T. Levine, Gail Carson 4.8 1 3 2 3 7 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Keats, Ezra Jack; Freedman, Florence B. Cleary, Beverly Tolkien, J. R. R. Henkes, Kevin 6.6 0 7.1 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Meddaugh, Susan; Dee, Ruby Mike Lupica Patricia Hano Chorao, Kay; Crowe, Robert Landau, Elaine O'Brien, John; Birney, Betty G. Wilhelm, Hans Walter, Mildred Pitts SATOSHI KITAMURA Zullo, Alan Egielski, Richard; Yorinks, Arthur Westerfeld, Scott Andersen, Hans Christian; Bogdanovic, Toma Taylor, Harriet P. 3 3 2 3 3.8 3 1.5 1.5 2 5 3.7 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 3.4 Fiction Fiction 5 Fiction Pierdomenico Baccalario Yashima, Taro Cooney, Nancy E.; Mathis, Melissa B. Lisa Graff Douglas Florian Walt Disney Haas, Jessie Walsh, Alice Ransome, James E.; Mitchell, Margaree K. Doyle, Brian Duffy, James DiSalvo-Ryan, Dyanne Ally Carter Rotterly Ghoulstone Service, Pamela F. 4 2 2.8 5 1 1 4.4 2 4.5 5 5.4 3 7 7 6.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fredericks, Anthony D. Linden, Madelaine G. Salisbury, Graham 3 2.9 5.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Baccalario, Pierdomenico Under the Blood-Red Sun Under the Cherry Blossom Tree: An Old Japanese Tale Under the Ice Under the Mambo Moon Under the Quilt of Night Under the Royal Palms Under the Same Sky Under the Serpent Sea Under the water Under the Wild Western Sky Undercover Tailback Underground Railroad, The Underground, The (Left Behind-the Kids-Book 6) Underrunners Understood Betsy Underwear! Unfinished Portrait of Jessica Unicorns Don't Give Sleigh Rides United We Spy Unlovable Unreal Unsolved Mystery From History : The Mary Celeste Up A Road Slowly Up and down spring Up Country Up From Slavery Up in the Air Up Periscope Upchuck & the Rotten Willy Upon the Head of the Goat: A Childhood in Hungary, 1939-1944 Upstairs Room, The Usborne First Reading: Frogs Usborne First Reading: Monkeys Usborne Illustrated Guide to Greek Myths & Legends Utterly Yours, Booker Jones Vacation under the Volcano Vacation! Valentine Bears, The Valentine Cat, The Valentine Cats Valentine Fantasy, A Valentine for a Dragon Valentine Frankenstein Valentine Friends Valentine Mice! Salisbury, Graham 6 Fiction Say, Allen Conlan, Kathy E. Julia Durango Hopkinson, Deborah Ada, Alma Flor DeFelice, Cynthia C. Abbott, Tony, Jessell, Tim Harriet Ziefert Arnosky, Jim Christopher, Matt Bial, Raymond 2 6 3 4 5 7 3 0 3 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Mahy, Margaret Canfield, Dorothy Monsell, Mary Elise Peck, Richard Dadey, Debbie Ally Carter Dan Yaccarino Jennings, Paul 7 6.5 6.4 1 8.5 3 8 2 6.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Yolen, Jane Hunt, Irene Hurwitz, Johanna Carter, Alden R. Washington, Booker T. Madgwick, Wendy White, Robb Wallace, Bill 3 6 4 7 9.2 1 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Siegal, Aranka Reiss, Johanna Sarah Courtauld Sarah Courtauld 6 5.9 2 2 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Matthews, Rodney Duffey, Betsy Osborne, Mary Pope Wigand, Molly Bunting, Eve; Brett, Jan Bulla, Clyde R.; Weisgard, Leonard Marzollo, Jean Ambrus, Victor G.; Haywood, Carolyn Murphy, Shirley R. Twohill, Maggie Schweninger, Ann Roberts, Bethany 5 3.5 3 1 2.8 3.5 1 3.7 3.8 5.1 0 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Valentine's Day Valentine's Day Disaster #23 Bauling, Jayne Geronimo Stilton Valentine's Day from the Black Lagoon Mike Thaler Valiant Red Rooster, The Kimmel, Eric A.; Arnold, Katya Valley of the Giant Skeletons Geronimo Stilton Vampire and Werewolf Stories Durant, Alan Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots Dadey, Debbie Van Gogh Venezia, Mike Vandemark Mummy, The Voigt, Cynthia Vanishing Pumpkin, The Johnston, Tony; De Paola, Tomie Vanishings, The (Left Behind-the KidsBook 1) Jenkins, Jerry B.; LaHaye, Tim Vanity Fair Thackeray, William Makepeace Variant Robison Wells Vasalisa and Her Magic Doll Grauer, Rita Velveteen Rabbit (5 Minute Good Night Stories) Cynthia Benjamin Velveteen Rabbit, The Williams, Margery Verdi Cannon, Janell Veronica Duvoisin, Roger Very Boring Alligator Gralley, Jean Very Busy Spider, The Carle, Eric Very Far Away from Anywhere Else Le Guin, Ursula K. Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Carle, Eric Very Last First Time Wallace, Ian; Andrews, Jan Very Lonely Firefly, The Carle, Eric Very Personal Computer, A Rendal, Justine Very Quiet Cricket Carle, Eric Very Smart Pea and the Princess-to-Be Grey, Mini Very Special Critter Mayer, Gina Very Worried Walrus Richard Hefter Very Young Musician, A Krementz, Jill Veterans Day Mir Tamim Ansary Victoria Flies High Koontz, Robin M.; Ayers, Becky H. Victory or Death!: Stories of the American Revolution Rappaport, Doreen Vidia Takes Charge Melissa Lagonegro View from Saturday, The Konigsburg, E. L. View From Saturday, The Konigsburg, E. L. View From the Cherry Tree, A Roberts, Willo D. Viking Ships at Sunrise Osborne, Mary Pope Vile Village, The Snicket, Lemony Village by the Sea, The Fox, Paula Village of Round and Square Houses, The Grifalconi, Ann Village That Vanished Grifalconi, Ann Vincent and Jake Learn Color Mixing Painter, Annie Vinegar pancakes and vanishing cream Owens, Gail; Pryor, Bonnie 2.8 2 Fiction Fiction 3 4 3 7 3 2 7.5 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 11 9 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 4.2 4.8 3.8 1 0 5 1 2 1 6.2 3.1 2 2 0 3 3 3.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 5 1 3 5 5 2 6 5.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 4 2 5 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Violet Raines Almost Got Struck by Lightning Violet The Pilot In Canada Virals Virginia Lee Burton: A Life in Art Virginian, The Virtual Cody Vision of Beauty: The Story of Sarah Breedlove Walker Visit to Grandmas Visit to the Art Galaxy, A Visit to the Fire Station, A Visit, The Visiting Langston Visiting the Art Museum Viva Chicano Voice from the Wilderness, A Voice on the Radio Voices After Midnight Voices from Vietnam Voices in the park Voices of AIDS, The Volcano Disaster Volcano: The Eruption & Healing of Mount St. Helen Vote for Me (Beastieville Series) Vote! Voting (True Book Series) Voting And Elections Voyage of the "Dawn Treader" Voyage of the Frog, The Voyage of the half moon Voyage of the Jaffa Wind Voyages of Doctor Dolittle, The Vulpes, the Red Fox Wackiest White House Pets Wacky Wednesday Wagon Wheels Wainscott Weasel, The Wait Till Helen Comes Wait till Helen Comes: A Ghost Story Wait! No Paint! Waiting for Anya Waiting for the Magic Waiting for the Rain Wake Me In Spring Wake up, Groundhog! Wake up, Sun! Waking Upside Down Walk in Wolf Wood, A Danette Haworth Bathe , Bettina Jenkins Kathy Reichs Elleman, Barbara Wister, Owen Thompson, Ellen; Duffey, Betsy 4 1 8 7 9 3.2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Kathryn Lasky Carlson, Nancy Reiner, Annie Dotti, Hannum Durrenmatt, Friedrich; Bowles, Patrick Perdomo, Willie Brown, Marc; Brown, Laurene Krasny Bonham, Frank Brown, Don Cooney, Caroline B. Peck, Richard Denenberg, Barry Browne, Anthony Ford, Michael Thomas Beckoff, Samuel 3 1 5 1 6.5 1 3 6 2 5.8 5.3 6.2 2 9 4 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Lauber, Patricia Hall, Kirsten Christelow, Eileen Capua, Sarah De Fradin, Dennis B. Lewis, C. S.; Baynes, Pauline Paulsen, Gary West, Tracey Abbott, Tony; Jessell, Tim Lofting, Hugh; Lofting, Christopher George, Jean Craighead; George, John Davis, Kathryn Gibbs Dr. Seuss, Theo LeSieg Brenner, Barbara; Bolognese, Don Seidler, Tor; Marcellino, Fred Hahn, Mary Downing Hahn, Mary Downing Whatley, Bruce Morpurgo, Michael Patricia MacLachlan Gordon, Sheila James Preller Cohen, Carol Harrison, David Been, Dwight; Heckmsn, Philip Stewart, Mary 4.5 0 3 2 4 4.5 6.3 4 3 5.6 4 5.2 0 -1 3.7 5 4.7 2 7.1 3 7.4 2 0 1 1 4.8 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Walk Two Moons Walkabout Walkingsticks Wall, The Wallpaper from space Walls Within Walls Walt Disney, Master of Make-Believe Walt Disney's Cinderella Walt Disney's Lady and the Tramp Walt Disney's Peter Pan Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Walt Disney's Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too Walt Disney's Winnie the Pooh Half a Haycorn Pie Walt Disney's:Pinocchio Walter and the Farting Dog Banned from the Beach Walter, the Farting Dog Walter's Magic Wand Walter's Tail Wan Hu is in the Stars Wanderer, The Wanted...Mud Blossom War (Watchers #4) War Comes to Willy Freeman War Games War Horse War in Georgia, The War of the Worlds War with Grandpa, The War, The Warped Warrior Lives, The Warriors Into the Wild Warriors #5: A Dangerous Path Warrior's Apprentice, The Warriors Fire and Ice Vol 2 Warthogs in the Kitchen: A Sloppy Counting Book Wartman Wartville Wizard, The Watch Me Throw the Ball Watch out for Clever Women!: Cuidado Con Las Mujeres Astutas! Watch Out! Man-Eating Snake Watch the Stars Come Out Watch your Whiskers, Stilton! Watchdog and the Coyotes Creech, Sharon Marshall, James V. Helen Frost Himler, Ronald; Bunting, Eve Pinkwater, Daniel M.; Pinkwater, Jill Maureen Sherry Montgomery, Elizabeth Disney, Walt Walt Disney Disney, Walt 6.6 7.3 0 2.3 1 5 5 2 2 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Disney, Walt 2 Fiction Disney, Walt 2 Fiction Birney, Betty Eugene Bradley Coco Elizabeth Gundy, Glenn Murray, Audrey Colman, William Kotzwinkle Kotzwinkle, William Teasdale, Denise; Houghton, Eric Ernst, Lisa Campbell Root, Barry; Armstrong, Jennifer Creech, Sharon Robers, Jacqueline; Byars, Betsy C. Lerangis, Peter Collier, James L.; Collier, Christopher Terry Deary Michael Morpurgo Oughton, Jerrie Wells, H. G. Smith, Robert K. Vaugelade, Anais Maurissa Guibord Rosenberg, Joel Hunter, Erin Hunter, Erin Bujold, Lois M. Hunter, Erin 1 1 Fiction Fiction 3 2 3 3.8 2.5 6 5.2 5 4.8 1 6 7 7 4.5 2 7 6.8 5 5 9 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Edwards, Pamela Duncan Michael Morpurgo Madden, Don Willems, Mo 1 2 3 1.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hayes, Joe Giff, Patricia Reilly Levinson, Riki Geronimo Stilton Wallace, Bill 5 2 2.8 3 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Watching Foxes Watching the Stars Watchman, The Water Gift and Pig of the Pig Water Hole: Life in a Rescued Tropical Forest Water Rat Water Sky Waterman's Boy Watership Down Watsons Go To Birmingham 1963, The Wave of the Sea-Wolf, The Way Home Wayside School Gets A Little Stranger Wayside School Is Falling Down We All Fall for Apples We Are In A Book We Eat Dinner In the Bathtub We have a Wee Whale We Keep a Pig in the Parlor We Keep A Store We Love the Dirt We Love Trucks We Rode the Orphan Trains We Share Everything WE THE KIDS: THE PREAMBLE TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES We the People: The Constitution of the United States of America Weasel Weather Wedding Bells for Rotten Ralph Wedding Crasher Arnosky, Jim Edana Eckart Rankin, Ian Martin, Jacqueline Briggs 1.8 1 9 3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Kenneth Malloy Laire, Marnie George, Jean Craighead Sharpe, Susan Adams, Richard Curtis, Christopher P. Wisniewski, David Rogers, Gregory; Hathorn, Libby Sachar, Louis; Schick, Joel Sachar, Louis Herman, Emmi S. Willems, Mo Angela Shelf Medearis Amanda Rondeau Bloom, Suzanne Ward, John; Shelby, Anne Johnston, Tony Jan and Mike Berenstain Warren, Andrea Munsch, Robert; Martchenko, Michael 4 6 7 4.4 7.4 4.9 3 1 4.6 4 1.5 1.3 0 1 2.8 1.9 1.5 2 6.4 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction DAVID CATROW 2 Fiction Spier, Peter DeFelice, Cynthia C. Seymour Simon Gantos, Jack Geronimo Stilton 0 7 3 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Wedgieman and the Big Bunny Trouble Wednesday Surprise, The Wee Little Bunny Wee Musketeers, The Wee Witches' Halloween Week Past Forever, A Weird Parents Weird Wolf Weirdo, The Welcome Home, Jellybean Welcome to Camp Nightmare Welcome to Dead House Welcome to the Bed & Biscuit Welcome to the Green House Welcome to the Ice house Charise Mericle Harper Bunting, Eve Lauren Thompson Bresloff, Robert Smath, Jerry Devore, Cynthia D. Wood, Audrey Cuyler, Margery Taylor, Theodore Shyer, Marlene F. Stine, R. L.; Stine, Megan; Cohen, Jeff Stine, R. L. Joan Carris Yolen, Jane Yolen, Jane 2 2 2 4.2 1 3.5 2 5 9 4 4.5 4.5 3 2.4 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Welcome, Little Baby We'll Meet Again Well of Sacrifice, The Wemberly Worried We're Going on a Bear Hunt Werewolf of Fever Swamp, The Werewolf of Twisted Tree Lodge, The Werewolves Weslandia West Against the Wind West Side Kids: The Pet-Sitters Western Wind Westing Game, The Westmark Wet Dog! Wet Pet, Dry Pet, Your Pet, My Pet Whale In The Sky Whale Song Whales : Killer Whales, Blue Whales and More Whales : The Gentle Giants Whales' Song, The Whales! Strange and Wonderful What a Bad Dream What a Day It Was At School What a Good Kitty What a Hungry Puppy! What a Trip Amber Brown What a Trip, Amber Brown What a Truly Cool World What About Me? What Are Drugs? What Are We Going To Do About David? What Can We Play Today What Comes in 2's, 3's, & 4's? What Could Go Wrong? What Day Is It?/Que Dia Es Hoy? What Do Authors Do? What Do You Do When Something Wants to Eat You? Aliki Clark, Mary Higgins Eboch, Chris Henkes, Kevin Michael Rosen Stine, R. L. Stine, R. L. Garden, Nancy Fleischman, Paul Murrow, Liza K. Schecter, Ellen Fox, Paula Raskin, Ellen Alexander, Lloyd Broach, Elise Dr. Seuss Siberell, Anne Young, Ed; Johnston, Tony 1 9 7 0 0 4 5 4.5 4 6 4 5.6 7 6 3 0 2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Hodge, Deborah Milton, Joyce Sheldon, Dyan; Blythe, Gary Pringle, Laurence Mayer, Mercer Jack Prelutsky Mercer Mayer Herman, Gail Danziger, Paula Paula Danziger Lester, Julius Ed Young Super, Gretchen 3 2 3 2 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 3.4 4 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Roberts, Willo D. Jane Belk Moncure Karlin, Bernie; Aker, Suzanne Roberts, Willo D. Alex Moran Christelow, Eileen 5.1 1 1 6.3 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jenkins, Steve 1 Fiction What Do You Do with a Tail Like This? What Do You Say When a Monkey Acts This Way What do you with a Grumpy Kangaroo What Does Bunny See? What Eric Knew: A Sebastian Barth Mystery What Grandmas Do Best/What Grandpas Do Best Jenkins, Steve 1 Fiction Jane Belk Moncure Jane Belk Moncure Linda Sue Park 1 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction 5.5 Fiction 0 Fiction Howe, James Numeroff, Laura What Happened to Patrick's Dinosaurs Carrick, Carol ; Carrick, Donald What Happens to a Hamburger Showers, Paul; Rockwell, Anne (Illustrator) What If... Williams, Regina What Instrument Is This? Hausherr, Rosmarie What is a Princess? Weinberg, Jennifer Liberts What is a Wookiee Simkins, Buller What is Electricity? Lisa Trumbauer What is That? Said the Cat Maccarone, Grace What is the Sun? Lambert, Stephen; Lindbergh, Reeve What Is the World Made Of? Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner What Kind of Baby-sitter Is This Johnson, Dolores What Makes You What You Are: A First Look at Genetics Sandy Bornstein What Mary Jo Shared Udry, Janice May; Mill, Eleanor What Mommies Do Best/What Daddies Do Best Numeroff, Laura what moms can't do douglass wood What my Sister Remembered Sachs, Marilyn What Next, Baby Bear! Murphy, Jill What Pet to Get? Dodd, Emma What Presidents Are Made Of Piven, Hanoch What Shall We Do With the Boo Hoo Baby? Cowell, Cressida What Time Is It?: A Book of Math Riddles Keenan, Sheila What was the March on Washington? Kathleen Krull What Will You Be for Halloween? Todd, Mark What You Know First MacLachlan, Patricia What Zeesie Saw on Delancey Street Priceman, Marjorie; Rael, Elsa O. What! Cried Granny: An Almost Bedtime Story Lum, Kate; Johnson, Adrian Whatever After #1: Fairest of All Sarah Mlynowski Whatever Happened to Janie? Cooney, Caroline What's Faster Than a Speeding Cheetah? Wells, Robert E. What's Happening to Grandpa? Shriver, Maria What's Inside The Box? Ethel Kessler What's New at the Zoo? Betty Comden and Adolph Green What's That Awful Smell? Heather Tekavec Whats That Mittens schaefer What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin Tomes, Margot; Fritz, Jean What's This? Caroline Mockford What's Wrong With Timmy? Shriver, Maria What's Your Story? Bauer, Marion Dane Wheel Away! Dodds, Dayle Ann Wheel on the School, The Sendak, Maurice; DeJong, Meindert Wheel Wizards Christopher, Matt WHEELS ON THE BUS RAFFI Wheels! Annie Cobb When a Dragon Moves In Jodi Moore 2 Fiction 1 0 3 0 2 2 1 1.5 3 2.2 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Non Fiction Fiction 7 1.5 Fiction Fiction 0 0 5.5 2.3 2 4.3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 1.5 Fiction 2 4 0 2 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 4 5.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 2 1 1 2 1 3.4 1 2 6 1 5.7 5 0 0 0 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Greene, Rhonda Gowler; Kaczman, James When a Line Bends, a Shape Begins (Illustrator) When Agnes Caws Candace Fleming When Andy's Father Went to Prison Hickman, Martha W. When Birds Could Talk & Bats Could Sing Hamilton, Virginia; Moser, Barry When Birds Could Talk and Bats Could Sing Hamilton, Virginia; Moser, Barry When Bunny Grows Up Patsy Scarry When Chickens Grow Teeth: A Story from the French of Guy de Maupassant Halperin, Wendy A.; Maupassant, Guy de When Clay Sings Baylor, Byrd; Bahti, Tom When Dad Killed Mom Lester, Julius When Dinosaurs Came With Everything Broach, Elise When Esther Morris Headed West Connie Nordhielm Wooldridge When Everybody Wore a Hat Steig, William When Grandfather's Parrot Inherited Kennington Cou Allen, Linda When I Am a Sister Ballard, Robin When I Am Old With You Johnson, Angela; Soman, David When I Get Bigger Mayer, Mercer When I Grow Up Mayer, Mercer When I Have a Little Girl Charlotte Zolotow When I Was Five Howard, Arthur When I Was Little: A Four-Year-Old's Memoir of Her Youth Curtis, Jamie Lee When I Was Young in the Mountains Rylant, Cynthia When I'm Alone Redenbaugh, Vicki J.; Ochs, Carol P. When Jane Marie told my secret Poydar, Nancy; Willner-Pardo, Gina When Jeremiah Found Mrs. Ming Jennings, Sharon When Jo Louis Won the Title Rochelle, Belinda When Kangaroo Goes to School Levitin, Sonia When Marian Sang: The True Recital of Marian Anderson Ryan, Pam Muñoz When Mom Turned into a Monster Harrison, Joanna When My Name Was Keoko Park, Linda Sue When No One Was Looking Wells, Rosemary When Pigs Fly Wood, June Rae When She Was Good Mazer, Norma F. When Sheep Cannot Sleep Satoshi Kitamura When Sheep Sleep Numeroff, Laura When Someone in the Family Drinks Too Much Rubel, Nicole; Langsen, Richard C. When Sophie Gets Angry-Really, Really Angry Bang, Molly When the Legends Die Borland, Hal When the Phone Rang Mazer, Harry When the River Ran Backward Crofford, Emily When the Road Ends Thesman, Jean When the Soldiers Were Gone Propp, Vera W. 0 4 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 Fiction 3 1 Fiction Fiction 3.5 4 8 Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 5 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction 6 2 1.6 1 0 1 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 1 2 3.9 1 1 3 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 3 2.5 6 5 5.2 6.1 2 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2.8 NonFiction 1 7 7.3 6 5.5 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction When the TV Broke When The Wind Stops When Tiny was Tiny When Will it Snow? When Willard Met Babe Ruth When Wishes Were Horses When You Reach Me Ziefert, Harriet; Smith, Mavis Zolotow, Charlotte; Vitale, Stefano Meister, Cari Marty Crisp Hall, Donald Addy, Sharon Hart Rebecca Stead When Zachary Beaver Comes To Town Where Are All The Children Where Are My Shoes? Where Are the Dogsharks? Where Do Balloons Go? : An Uplifting Mystery Where Does the Trail Lead? Where Does the Wind Blow? Where is baby bear Where Is Bear? Where Is It? Where is Maisy? Where Is? Where the Broken Heart Still Beats: The Story of Cynthia Ann Parker Where the Buffaloes Begin Where the Lilies Bloom Where the Red Fern Grows Where the Red Fern Grows Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems & Drawings Where the Wild Things Are Where To, Little Wombat? Where's Mary's Hat Where's My Teddy? Wheres The Baby? Which Way Freedom? Whingdingdilly, The Whipping Boy, The Whirligig Whisper Goodbye Whistle for Willie Whistling Dixie White Bicycle White Bird White Fang White Horse Gang, The White House Kids: The Perks, Pleasures, Problems, and Pratfalls of the Presidents' Children White House White-Out 2 2 1 3 5.5 2 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Kimberly Willis Holt Smith, Matthew V. Dudko, Mary Ann Robert Wurzburg 3 9 0 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Curtis, Jamie Lee Albert, Burton Rink, Cindy A. Jane Belk Moncure Tish Rabe Bryant-Mole, Karen Cousins, Lucy Bergman,Tamar 2 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Meyer, Carolyn Baker, Olaf Cleaver, Vera; Cleaver, Bill; Raspanti, Celeste Rawls, Wilson Rawls, Wilson 7.9 5 Fiction Fiction 5.5 6 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Silverstein, Shel Sendak, Maurice Charles Fuge Barroux, Stephane Alborough, Jez Hutchins, Pat Hansen, Joyce Peet, Bill Sis, Peter; Fleischman, Sid Fleischman, Paul Morrison, Dorothy N. Keats, Ezra Jack Vaughan, Marcia K.; Noser, Barry Lewis, Rob Bulla, Clyde R.; Weisgard, Leonard London, Jack Bawden, Nina 5.5 3 0 1 2 1 6.5 3 4.8 7 5.5 2 2 1.8 4.1 5 5 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Joe Rhatigan Roy, Ron 5 3 Fiction Fiction White Is for Blueberry White Jade Tiger White Lilacs White Mercedes, The White Mountains, The White Peak Farm White Rabbit's Color Book White Socks Only White Stag, The White Star: A Dog on the Titanic White Wolf, The (A to Z Mysteries) Shannon, George Lawson, Julie Meyer, Carolyn Pullman, Phillip Christopher, John Doherty, Berlie Baker, Alan Coleman, Evelyn Seredy, Kate Marty Crisp Roy, Ron 0 7 5 9 6.8 7.5 1 3 4.8 9 3.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Whiteblack the Penguin Sees the World Whitefish Will Rides Again! Whitewater Courage Who Comes with Cannons? Who Eats What?: Food Chains and Food Webs Who Gets the Sun out of Bed? Who Goes Out on Halloween? Who Goes to School? Who Killed Mr. Chippendale?: A Mystery in Poems Who Knew There'd Be Ghosts Who Lives on the Prairie? Who Loves Me? Who Owns the Cow? Who Really Killed Cock Robin Who Stole the Cookies? Who Stole the Wizard of Oz Who Took the Cake? Who Wants Rocks? Who Was Albert Einstein? Who Was Daniel Boone? Who Was Harriet Tubman Who Was King Tut? Who was Martin Luther King, Jr. Who was Neil Armstrong? Who Was Roald Dahl? Who Was Rosa Parks? Who was Steve Jobs? Who Was That Masked Man Anyway Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? Who Would Win: Wolverine vs. Tasmanian Devil Whoever You Are Who'll Pull Santa's Sleigh Tonight? Whooos Haunting the Teeny Tiny Ghost Whoopie's Big Book of Manners Rey, H. A. Drucker, Mort; Yorinks, Arthur Jake Maddox Beatty, Patricia 1 3 4 5.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Lauber, Patricia Carlstrom, Nancy White Alexander, Sue Hillert, Margaret 2 1 1.5 0.9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Glenn, Mel Brittain, Bill; Chessare, Michele Ron Hirschi MacLachlan, Patricia Clements, Andrew George, Jean Craighead Moffatt, Judith Avi Robert Wurzburg Michael Kusugak Jess Brallier Sydelle Kramer Yona Zeldis McDonough Roberta Edwards Bonnie Bader Roberta Edwards True Kelley Yona Zeldis McDonough Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso Avi Yona Zeldis McDonough 7 5 1 0 1 4.5 1 4 0 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Jerry Pallotta Fox, Mem Rader, Laura 2 1 1 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Winters, Kay Whoopi Goldberg 2 3 Fiction Non Fiction Whoosh of Gadoosh, The Who's A Pest? Who's in Rabbit's House? Who's Orp's Girlfriend? Who's Out There? UFO Encounters Who's That Stepping on Plymouth Rock Who's There? Whose Hat Is It? (My First I Can Read Book Series) Whose Mouse Are You? Why Are the Whales Vanishing? Why Benny Barks : A Step One Book Why Did She Have to Die? Why Dolphins Call: A Story of Dionysus Why Don't You Get a Horse, Sam Adams? Why is the White House White? Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears Skene, Pat Crosby Newell Bonsall Aardema, Verna Kline, Suzy Mayer, Ann Margaret 1 2 3 4.3 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fritz, Jean Tolan, Stephanie S. 4 5.9 Fiction Fiction Gorbachev, Valeri Krause, Robert Asimov, Isaac Milgrin, David Lurlene McDaniel 0 0 3 1 8 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Jamie and Scott Simons 5 Fiction 4.6 5 4.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction 3.8 Fiction Fritz, Jean Peter Roop and Connie Roop Aardema, Verna; Addison, Donna Shub, Elizabeth; Singer, Isaac Bashevis; Why Noah Chose the Dove Carle, Eric Sachar, Louis; Sullivan, Barbara; Hughes, Why Pick On Me? Neal Why Save the Rainforest? Donald Silver Why So Sad, Brown Rabbit? Cain, Sheridan Why Spiders Spin: A Story of Arachne Jamie and Scott Simons Why We Have Thanksgiving. Margaret Hillert Wicked Cat, The (Spooksville #10 ) Pike, Christopher Wicked: The Life and Times of the Gregory Maguire Douglas Smith Wicked Witch of the West (Illustrator) Wide Window, The Snicket, Lemony Widget McFarland, Lynn Rossiter; McFarland, Jim Widow's Broom, The Van Allsburg, Chris Wild About Books Sierra, Judy Wild Bill Hickok Weidt, Maryann N.; Casino, Steve Wild boy, The Gerstein, Mordicai Wild Cats and Other Dangerous Predators Parragon, Incorporated Wild Cats and Other Dangerous Predators Oliver, Clare Wild Children, The Holman, Felice Wild Christmas Reindeer, The Brett, Jan Wild Flamingos McMillan, Bruce Wild Girl Patricia Reilly Giff Wild Horse Summer Ryden, Hope; Casale, Payl Wild Horses I Have Known Ryden, Hope Wild kid, The Mazer, Harry Wild Magic Pierce, Tamora Wild Man Island Will Hobbs Wild Orchid Cameron Dokey 1 5 2 5 0 5 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 7 6 1 2 2 6.2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction 3 3 6.2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5.1 5 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Wild Times at the Bed and Bisquit Wild, Wild Wolves Wilderness Cat Wilderness Peril Wildfire Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge Will & the Way, The Will at the Battle of Gettysburg: 1863 Will Rogers: An American Legend Will Rogers: Larger Than Life Will We Miss Them? Will We Miss Them?: Endangered Species Will You Take Care of Me? Willa the Wonderful William and the Good Old Days William Problem, The Williams Doll William's Doll William's House Willie, The Frog Prince Willow Whistle, The Willowood Willows in Winter, The Willy the Champ Willy the Wizard Wilma Mankiller Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma Rudolph Became the World's Fastest Woman Wimp of the World, The Wind Blew, The Wind Blows Backward, The Wind in the Door, A Windcatcher Winds of Mars, The Wing Shop, The Wingman On Ice Wings Wings on Things Wings, Wheels, and Sails Wings: A Tale of Two Chickens Winners and Losers Winners Take All Winnie Dancing on Her Own Winnie the Pooh's Silly Day Winnie-The-Pooh Winning Stroke, The Joan Carris Milton, Joyce Graham, Mark; Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie Dygard, Thomas J. Taylor Morrison Fox, Mem; Vivas, Julie Williams, Paul R.; Hudson, Karen E. Laurie Calkhoven Keating, Frank Dadey, Debbie Wright, Alexandra 4.7 3 3.9 5.8 5 2.5 5 7 4 2 3 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Peck, Marshall H.; Wright, Alexandra Bridges, Margaret P. Milord, Susan Greenfield, Eloise; Gilchrist, Jan Spivey Baker, Barbara; Iosa, Anne Zolotow, Charlotte Zolotow, Charlotte; Pene Du Bois, William Howard, Ginger Adler, C. S. Lewin, Ted; Homola, Priscilla Cecilia Galante Grahame, Kenneth; Benson, Patrick; Horwood, William Browne, Anthony Browne, Anthony Rand, Jacki T 3.5 1 2 1.9 2 3 2.7 3.4 5.4 5 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 4 1.5 2.8 5.5 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Krull, Kathleen Mali, Jane L.; Herzig, Alison Hutchins, Pat Hahn, Mary Downing L'Engle, Madeleine Avi Hoover, H. M. Gammell, Stephen; Woodruff, Elvira Matt Christopher Jane Yolen and Dennis Nolan Marc Brown Kalman, Bobbie Marshall, James Hoffius, Stephen Fred Bowen Jacobson, Jennifer; Geis, Alissa Imre (Illustrator) Bruce Talkington Milne, A. A. Christopher, Matt 3 3.8 1.5 7 5 5 4.8 4.5 4 5 0 2.8 1 4.8 3 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction 2 2 4.8 4.6 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Winter Camp Winter Days in the Big Woods Winter of the Ice Wizard Winter Room, The Winter Wren, The Winter's Tail: How One Little Dolphin Learned to Swim Again Wipe Out Wise Woman & Her Secret Wish for a Fish: All About Sea Creatures Wish Giver, The Wish Me Luck Wish Me Well Wish You Were Here Wishing on a Star (The Cheetah Girls Series #1) Witch Catcher Witch Child Witch Hill Witch Hunt: It Happened in Salem Village Witch Mama Witch of Blackbird Pond, The Witch of Fourth Street & Other Stories, The Witch of Hissing Hill, The Witch Trade, The Witch Tree Symbol, The Witch Way to the Beach Witches Witches' Children Witches Don't Do Backflips Witches of Worm, The Witchweed With Every Drop of Blood Wizard in the woods, The Wizard in wonderland Wizard of Earthsea, A Wizard of Earthsea, A Wizard or Witch (Secrets of Droon Special Edition Series #2) Wizards Don't Need Computers Wizard's Hall Wobble The Witch Cat Woe Is Moe Wolf : Night Howler Wolf Brother (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness Series #1) Wolf By the Ears Wolf is Coming, The Hill, Kirkpatrick Wilder, Laura Ingalls Mary Pope Osborne Paulsen, Gary Cole, Brock Hatkoff, Juliana and Hatkoff, Isabella Mimi Thebo Merriam, Eve Bonnie Worth Brittain, Bill Heneghan, James John Ryckman and John McInnes Shoup, Barbara 5.7 2 4.1 5.5 3.3 2 7 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction 0 4.7 7 3 9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Gregory, Deborah Mary Downing Hahn Rees, Celia Sedgwick, Marcus 7 6 7 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Krensky, Stephen Caseley, Judith Speare, Elizabeth G. 3 4.2 7.4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Levoy, Myron; Lisowski, Gabriel McCaffery, Janet; Calhoun, Mary Molloy, Michael; Wyatt, David Keene, Carolyn Mariconda, Barbara Dahl, Roald Clapp, Patricia C. Debbie Dadey Snyder, Zilpha K. Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Collier, James Lincoln Ure, Jean; Anstey, David Ure, Jean; Anstey, David Le Guin, Ursula K. Le Guin, Ursula K. 5 3.5 6 4 3 5 5.4 3 5.6 6 4.8 3 3 6.1 6.1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Abbott, Tony Dadey, Debbie Yolen, Jane; Ingber, Bonnie V. Duvoisin, Roger; Calhoun, Mary Stanley, Diane Havard, Christian 3 4 6.2 4 2 4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Paver, Michelle Rinaldi, Ann MacDonald, Elizabeth 6 5 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction Wolf Rider Wolf Shadows Wolf Stalker Wolf Who Cried Boy Wolf: Killer King of the Forest Wolfmen Don't Hula Dance Wolf's Chicken Stew , The Wolf-Speaker Wolf-Woman Wolves Wolves Wolves for Kids Wolves of Willoughby Chase Woman of Her Tribe, A Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood among Ghosts, The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, The Wombat Divine Wonder Wonder Wonder Horse: The True Story of the World's Smartest Horse Wonder Pets!: You Can Fly, Bumblebee! Wonderful Nature, Wonderful You Wonderful Pigs of Jillian Jiggs, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Wonderful Wolves Wonderstruck Woodshed Mystery, The Woodsong Woody Guthrie: Poet of the People Woolbur Word By Word First Reader: The Mud Monster's Halloween Words by Heart Words of Stone Working Cotton World According to Garp, The World Famous Muriel and the Magic Mystery Worrywarts Worse Than Rotten, Ralph Worst of Friends: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and the True Story of an American Feud Worst/Best School Year Ever, The Wow Wow Wubbzy: Jungle Journey Wow! It Sure is Good to be You! Wrapped in a Riddle Avi Brown, Dan; Casanova, Mary Skurzynski, Gloria; Ferguson, Alane Hartman, Bob Royston, Angela Dadey, Debbie Kasza, Keiko Pierce, Tamora Jordan, Sherryl Simon, Seymour Otto, Carolyn Wolpert, Tom Aiken, Joan Robinson, Margaret A. 7.2 4 3 2 2 3 2 7 7 2.5 2 7 6.9 5 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Kingston, Maxine H. Pierce, Tamora Fox, Mem Vail, Rachel R. J. Palacio 9.8 7 1 4 4 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Emily McCully Jennifer Oxley Ireland, Karin Gilman, Phoebe Baum, Frank Martin, Justin McCory Brian Selznick Warner, Gertrude C. Paulsen, Gary Christensen, Bonnie Leslie Helakoski 0 1 2 2.5 5 1 5 2.1 7.2 4 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Rex, Michael Sebestyen, Ouida Henkes, Kevin Byard, Carole; Williams, Sherley Anne Irving, John 2 6 6 1 9 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Alexander, Sue; Frazee, Marla Edwards, Pamela Duncan; Cole, Henry (Illustrator) Rubel, Nicole; Gantos, Jack 1.4 Fiction 0 5 Fiction Fiction Suzanne Jurmain Robinson, Barbara Mara Conlon Cynthia Jaber Heisel, Sharon E. 4 3.5 1 1.5 5.8 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Wreck of the Zephyr, The Wrestling Sturbridge Wrestling With Honor Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Airplane Wringer Wrinkle In Time, A Wump World Wuthering Heights X'ed-Out X-Ray, The Yagua Days Van Allsburg, Chris Wallace, Rich Klass, David Freedman, Russell; Wright, Wilbur; Wright, Orville Spinelli, Jerry L'Engle, Madeleine Peet, Bill Bronte, Emily Roy, Ron Pinkney, Jerry; Martel, Cruz 3.9 6 6 Fiction Fiction Fiction 6.9 6 5.8 4 10 3.5 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear Yankee Doodle Yanomanmi:People of the Amazon Yard Sale Yay, You! Moving Out, Moving Up, Moving On Year Down Yonder, A Year for Kiko Year Mom Won the Pennant, The Year of Impossible Goodbyes Year of the Panda, The Namioka, Lensey; De Kiefte, Kees Kellogg, Steven Schwartz, David M.; Englebert, Victor James Stevenson 5.5 2 3 2 Fiction NonFiction NonFiction Fiction Boynton, Sandra Peck, Richard Wolff, Ferida Christopher, Matthew F. Sook, Nyul C. Schlein, Miriam; Mak, Kam 1 7 1 4 6.8 3 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree, The Year of the Ranch, The Year the Wolves Came, The Year Without Michael, The Yearling, The Yeh-Shen A Cinderella Story from China Yellow Bird and Me Yellow House Mystery, The Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories Yes, No Little Hippo Yesterday I Had the Blues Yikes!!! Yo! Yes! Yo, Hungry Wolf! Yoko Yolanda's Genius Yonder You & Me, Little Bear You and Me You Are Mine You Can Be a Woman Basketball Player You Can't Eat Your Chicken Pox, Amber Brown You Can't Scare Me! Cooney, Barbara; Houston, Gloria M. McLerran, Alice; Root, Kimberly B. Rice, Bebe F. Pfeffer, Susan B. Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan 3.8 2.9 4.7 7.6 7.4 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Young, Ed; Ai-Ling, Louie Hansen, Joyce Warner, Gertrude C.; Gehr, Mary Seuss, Dr. Jane Belk Moncure Jeron Ashford Frame Florczak, Robert Raschka, Chris Lewin, Vozar Wells, Rosemary Fenner, Carol Johnston, Tony; Bloom, Lloyd Waddell, Martin Manna, Giovanni Lucado, Max 3.8 7 2 2 1 2 0 0.5 3 1 4.3 1.5 2 1 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Dixon, Tamecka Danziger, Paula; Ross, Tony (Illustrator) Stine, R. L. 6 2 4.5 NonFiction Fiction Fiction You Can't Taste a Pickle with Your Ear: A Book About Your 5 Senses You Don't Know Me You Hold Me & I'll Hold You You Never Knew Her As I Did! You Read to Me, I'll Read to You You Want Women to Vote, Lizzie Stanton? You Will Be My Friend! 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You're Not My Best Friend Anymore Harriet Ziefert Klass, David Carson, Jo Hunter, Mollie Mary Ann Hoberman 3 8 2 6.4 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fritz, Jean Peter Brown Adler, C.S. Locker, Thomas 5 1 4 3 Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Adler, David A. 2 Fiction Adler, David 2 Fiction Adler, David 2 Fiction David A Adler 2 Fiction Adler, David A. 2 Fiction David Adler 2 Fiction David Adler 2 Fiction Adler, David A. 2 Fiction Adler, David 2 Fiction DAVID A.ADLER 2 Fiction Elspeth Campbell Murphy Cynthia Voigt Lewis, Elizabeth F Warner Tinus, Arline Milgrim, David Farris, Pamela J.; Gorbachev, Valeri (Illustrator) 1 5 5 3 2 Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction 1 Fiction Murphy, Jim Anne Benjamin Shefelman, Janice J. Gaeddert, Lou Ann LeMaster, Leslie J. 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Zzzng! : A Yoruba Tale Treat, Lawrence Shen Roddie Cave, Kathryn Corinne Demas Pallotta, Jerry; Masiello, Ralph Marshall, James Kelly Bingham Vassilikos, Vassilis Kolbrek, Loyal A. Roland Smith Shirley Mozelle Palatini, Margie Mosher, Richard Denis-Huot, Christine Hamilton, Virginia; Shimin, Symeon Napoli, Donna Jo Kvasnosky, Laura McGee 7 2 1 1 4.9 3.5 1 5.6 2 7 0 2 7 2 5.1 6.2 1 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Duey, Kathleen Skurzynaki, Gloria Christopher, Matt O'Dell, Scott Asch, Frank Moss, Lloyd; Priceman, Marjorie Ben Hatke Filipovic, Zlata Shreve, Susan Kelly DiPucchio Kevin Bolger Debbie Dadey and Marcia Thornton Jones McDermott, Gerald Gibbons, Gail 5 3 3.5 5.2 1 2 3 5 3 1 5 3 2.4 2.5 Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Mitton, Jacqueline Gordon Korman Banyai, Istvan Kirsten Hall Judy Sierra Dana, Barbara Korman, Gordon Ferreira, Anton 2 4 0.9 1 3 4 4 6 NonFiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction NonFiction Fiction Romanek, Trudee Gershator, Phillis 7 1 Fiction Fiction
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