January 26, 2015 - Printing Industries Association, Inc. of Southern
January 26, 2015 - Printing Industries Association, Inc. of Southern
We have a dispute about a job we printed, what’s the best way to resolve it? Call Bob Lindgren at Ext. 214 for help. See inside! WEEKLY UPDATE January 26, 2015 A recent Update article advised readers to avoid becoming prisoners of their estimating systems which are causing them to leave money on the table or pass up opportunities to gain contribution to overhead and profit. Reasonably, a reader asked—what then should we do? It’s really simple. Change the focus of the estimating system from cost prediction to price prediction. Use it as a tool to systematically think about the price that a client might actually be willing to pay for a project. To accomplish this, two changes need to be made. First, reset the hour rates to your best guess as to prevailing prices in your market (this is a sales, not an accounting exercise). Second, classify your clients according to your best judgment of their willingness to accept price levels. For example, some of them regard you as a sole source— for those you might guess that they would pay 10% more than the base price established in the first step. Others, get multiple bids on every order and buy on price only— for those you might guess that the right price is 90% of the base. Remember that the object of the game is to get every order quoted upon and to leave nothing on the table. Then, on significantly large orders, you might want to think about the importance of the project to the client and your probable competition and use that analysis to further refine your decision. Finally, understanding that optimum pricing is the key to increased overhead contribution and therefor profit, you would wish to take the time to analyze a sample of the quotes you give out each month using your best estimate as to money left on the table if the quote sold or money high if the quote was rejected. This information can then be used to refine the assumptions described above in recognition of the reality that neither your knowledge is perfect nor is the outside world unchanging. Price optimization is the key to the increased revenues that will more fully utilize your overhead and grow your firm’s profitability. Sales guru, Leslie Groene says: Forget For A Better Resolutions - Make a Plan. Nobody 2015 accomplishes anything of significance by trying to do it all at once. Most people want to magically move from point A to point Z, but don't have even an outline of a plan to get from point A to point B, and from point B to point C and so on. While it's easy to A Better Estimating System REGIONAL PRINTING COMPETITION 2015 Call for Entries D E A D L I N E O N O R B E F O R E Friday, February 13 , 4:00PM th SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT! Sponsorship opportunities available! Contact Maribel Campos, at (323) 728-9500, Ext. 210, or email: [email protected]. See page 3 for details! Picture Yourself and the Life You Want, the difficult part is actually getting there. Break lofty goals up into manageable steps and your likelihood of success increases tenfold. Focus on Your Strengths. Backsliding is not failure. It's easy to see what we haven't accomplished, rather than the steps that we have taken. Any effort or energy you give to what you haven't accomplished will only slow you down. Celebrate every accomplishment, keep the momentum, and look toward the future. Make sure you maximize your strengths, and minimize your weaknesses. Every so often a project goes wrong. Make Peace Sometimes it’s the client’s fault, sometimes Not War it’s the finisher's fault, sometimes it’s our fault. Job one is always to keep the client and make it right ASAP. In many cases, the job is really usable but not as good as was wished. Those are situations where a credit is called for—ideally on future jobs to be produced. Where the problem was created by a finisher or mailer, the best course is to share the pain. In any case, what should be avoided is trying to prove one is 100% right. At best, this can lead to an enormous waste of time with exchanges of angry emails. At worst, it can be an opportunity to spend more money on lawyers than the matter is worth. Thought for the Week The greatest grace is to want to do what you have to do. Weekly Update Upcoming National Events Calendar 2015 3/22-3/25 4/12-4/15 4/12-4/15 5/18-5/19 9/13-9/16 CALENDAR SECTION (323) 728-9500 • FAX (323) 724-2327 TAGA 67th Annual Tech Conference CI Conference PIFE Conference Print Leadership Summit Graph Expo 15 Hotel Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM Marriott City Center, Minneapolis, MN Marriott City Center, Minneapolis, MN Marriott City Center, Minneapolis, MN McCormick Place, Chicago, IL Mark Bohan Jim Workman Nick Stratigos Julie Shaffer Chris Price 412-259-1782 412-259-1710 412-259-1750 412-259-1730 703-264-7200 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] For more information on any of the following events, go to www.piasc.org. PIASC January—April Activities Event Number- Mar. 3 Register at right BWB 7:30 a.m. Cost: $5 Location: see locations at right BREAKFAST WITH BOB Contact: Angelica Coulston, Ext. 262, [email protected] Building The Skills Of Our People (And Getting New Ones) All of us are used to doing things the way that they’ve always been done, but while we weren’t looking, the world has changed. How are we going to bring ourselves up to speed? What about G7 color, lean manufacturing, target marketing? What are the resources out there to help with this? Also, sooner or later, we’ll need to hire someone. Where can we go to get experienced people? What about temporary resources? Breakfast with Bob in March will focus on the resources both from PIASC and PIA’s Integrated Learning Center that are available to get those key skills. The folks from Semper International will explain their unique printing focus in employment. Check the box(es) below to register for any of these additional upcoming Breakfast Meetings: Mar. 3rd Mar. 4th Mar. 5th Mar. 10th Mar. 11th Mar. 12th Jan. 29 Check here to REGISTER Event Number OEDT2 11:00 a.m. – – – – – – Mimis Café • 10909 Foothill Blvd. • Rancho Cucamonga 91730 Green Street Restaurant • 146 Shoppers Lane • Pasadena 91101 Brent's Deli • 19565 Parthenia Street • Northridge 91342 Mimi's Cafe • 17231 E. 17th St. • Tustin 92780 Ozzie's Diner • 7780 East Slauson Avenue • Commerce 90040 Hof’s Hut • 2147 North Bellflower Boulevard • Long Beach 90815 NEW N TIO LOCA OVERTIME EXEMPTION DECISION TIPS: HOW TO DETERMINE & FIXING COSTLY ERRORS Kristine Kwong, Partner, Musick, Peeler & Garnett LLC Contact: Angelica Coulston, Ext. 262, [email protected] Cost: $15/member Due to popular demand, we are running this webinar again! Location: On the surface, classifying employees as exempt or non-exempt seems like it should be very straightforward. That is, until you explore into all the possible exceptions to the rules. In March 2014, President Obama called for the Department of Labor to revise rules on overtime pay so that white-collar jobs, typically viewed as exempt, can start receiving overtime. As you can imagine, that could mean big changes and costly litigation if not taken care of properly. How confident are you that your employees are accurately classified? $99/non-member on your computer Quick Registration • Mark your choices from listings above • Fill out the form at the right • FAX page(s) to (323) 724-2327 Company __________________________________ Phone ( Attendees:________________________________ Bill Company _________________________________ Credit Card #_______________________ Page 2 )_____________________ All No Shows and Cancellations Less Than 48 Hours Prior to Meeting Will Be Billed. WEEKLY UPDATE For the latest and complete list of Educational Programs, go to our website: www.piasc.org Other Industry Events Calendar Feb. 12 3/19/15 3/24/15 5/19/15 Lean Printing & Manufacturing (Flexo) Fullerton College APAOC: Digital Printer Smackdown Orange County - TBD APAOC: 17th Paper & Substrate Show Orange County – TBD Event Number CAC9 5:30 p.m. Cost: $20 Register at right Dave McCormac 323-728-9500 Julie Esler Julie Esler [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] COCKTAILS AND CONVERSATIONS Contact: Angelica Coulston, Ext. 262, [email protected] Connect with other local colleagues, meet some new friends and network, network, network. Check the box(es) below to register for these events: Feb. 12th – Z’Tejas Southwestern Grill • 3333 Bristol Street, Suite 1876 • Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Feb. 19th – Bodega Wine Bar • 260 E. Colorado Blvd. #208 • Pasadena, CA 91101 Location: See locations at right Feb. 13 Download entry form at www.piasc.org Event Number C4ED Cost: PIASC members first entry is FREE! (when more than one entry is submitted) Location: PIASC Offices 5800 S. Eastern Ave Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90040 Apr. 10 Check here to REGISTER Event Number GN 5:00 p.m. Cost: $100 single table of 8: $800 table of 10: $1,000 11TH ANNUAL PRINT EXCELLENCE AWARDS CALL FOR ENTRIES DEADLINE Contact: Kristy Villanueva, Ext. 215, [email protected] Printing Industries Association, Inc. of Southern California proudly presents “Call for Entries” for the 11th Annual Print Excellence Awards—the most prestigious symbol of printing excellence throughout Southern California. Whether it’s Best of Category, Judge’s Award, Award of Excellence or Certificate of Merit, a Print Excellence Award is the single most powerful promotional tool your business can have. It demonstrates your award-winning capabilities to customers and potential customers, and tells your employees how proud you are of the work they produce. Start gathering your best pieces from 2014 today! Save the date for the Call for Entries deadline on Friday, February 13, 2015. GRAPHICS NIGHT 2015 Featuring the Print Excellence Awards and Ben Franklin Award Contact: Maribel Campos, Ext. 210, [email protected] Graphics Night is a Celebration of Print! It is a PIASC tradition attended by your industry peers, suppliers, clients, and friends! Graphics Night is proud to present the best of the best in Southern California, the winners of the Print Excellence Awards Competition! Join them in this celebration of print and admire their work during the cocktail reception. Location: Pacific Palms Resort Industry Hills, CA Quick Registration • Mark your choices from listings above • Fill out the form at the right • FAX page(s) to (323) 724-2327 Company __________________________________ Phone ( Attendees:________________________________ Bill Company _________________________________ Credit Card #_______________________ Page 3 )_____________________ All No Shows and Cancellations Less Than 48 Hours Prior to Meeting Will Be Billed. WEEKLY UPDATE Providing reasonable accommodations to Reasonable workers with disabilities is the law under Accommodation the Americans with Disabilities Act. It’s also the right thing to do if you want to attract and retain a team of loyal workers. To help candidates and employees with disabilities, follow these guidelines: • Go beyond the bare minimum. Don’t take an attitude that implies, “We’ll do one or two things to accommodate a disability, but then you’re on your own.” You may need to devote time or training to helping a worker with disabilities master special equipment, for example, but it will pay off in the long run in loyalty and commitment. You’re not required to work miracles, but provide as much in the way of accommodations as you can. • Listen to employees. Chances are the worker and his or her doctor have a pretty good idea of what specific accommodations are needed. Work together to find reasonable solutions that work for everyone. Don’t insist that the employee submit to only the accommodations you want to provide. • Keep trying. Accommodating an employee may be more of an ongoing process than a one-time event. If one piece of equipment doesn’t work, for instance, keep looking for one that does. Ask the employee for suggestions to show that you’re interested in working together. • Keep a record of your efforts. Document your attempts at accommodation. If worse comes to worst, you’ll need some data to prove that you did everything you could to accommodate the worker. January 26, 2015 Incentives and other rewards can be Thank Them important motivational tools, but they’re As Well next to useless by themselves. A financial incentive can show employees that you appreciate their performance, but unless you express sincere appreciation for their efforts while distributing the reward, employees may grow cynical about the exercise, or develop a sense of entitlement that undercuts motivation. Tell employees how much you appreciate their work in addition to handing out bonuses and incentives, and they’ll recognize why their efforts are important to your organization. We are printing on a metallized paper, are there special inks required? Dr. Mark Ask Dr. B... Bohan from the Center for Technology and Research, 412-259-1782, said: we recommend high-solids formulation, which will have V.O.C. content under 10%. We also recommend running the minimum amount of fountain solution possible with an added drying stimulator. Also keep delivery piles small. It is always good to send stock samples to your ink supplier. The non-porous metalized paper would have similar printability to a plastic substrate. For Sale HP Indigo 1000, has only 2.7 mil impressions (1 impression per color) and is in fairly new condition. The asking price is $ 8,000. Any questions give Lee Lee a call at (408) 245-5151. Machine is being sold "AS IS" "Where Is" See our e-Classifieds section on the web at www.piasc.org. Address: Buying Power of the Month 5800 South Eastern Avenue, #400 P.O. Box 910936 Los Angeles, CA 90091-0936 JANUARY Telephone Number: (323) 728-9500 PIASC members get a one-day assessment that can help their business operate more efficiently and grow. or 808-9990 for area codes: 213, 310, 619, 714, 818, & 951 Web Site: http://www.piasc.org Print Access: Carlson Advisors can help you with… • • • • • Business Turnaround Strategic & Business Planning Operations Performance Financial Forecasting Workflow Analysis • • • • • Executive Compensation SOC 2 Business Valuation Accounting Valuation And much more For more information or to make an appointment today contact Louis Carron at (323) 837-5246 Email: [email protected] To get started go to: http://www.piasc.org/pages/buying.html#carlson http://www.printaccess.com/piasc Choose Print: http://www.chooseprint.org Printing Industries Association of Southern California Affiliated with Printing Industries of America, Inc. Fax numbers: Association Insurance Agency Credit Union Benefit Trust (323) 724-2327 (323) 728-0483 (323) 722-8927 (323) 722-7386
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