Bulletin - Cambridge Street United Church


Bulletin - Cambridge Street United Church
"A caring and loving family"
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Office: ....................705-324-3547
Office hours: ..........Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm (closed 12-1pm)
Address: .................61 Cambridge St. N., Lindsay, Ontario K9V
Website: ................www.theunitedchurch.com
Email: [email protected]
Minister's email: [email protected]
For after hours pastoral emergency, call
Rev. Paul Reed at 705-879-2886
Our Mission Statement
“We, as members of Cambridge Street United Church, seek to follow
Jesus Christ through word, music, and social action; thereby,
nurturing our personal faith and supporting the faith journey of
others. We promise to be stewards of our living earth, to share with
those in need, and to be welcoming to all.”
On today's church sign: Prayer: Wireless access with no
roaming fees.
PASTORAL PRAYERS - Prayer requests can be placed in the Prayer Box
located in the narthex prior to the start of Sunday's service. The
Ushers will bring the box forward during the offering and Rev. Reed
will include them in our pastoral prayers.
NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? - If you require a drive to the Sunday
worship service, call the church on Sunday before 10:00 am (please,
don’t leave a message on the answering machine).
MONDAY, February 2
3:00-8:00 p.m. - S. McCracken Voice Lessons - Parlour
5:30-6:30 p.m. - 1st Sparks - Lower Hall
6:30-8:00 p.m. - 3rd Brownies - Lower Hall
6:30-8:00 p.m. - 6th Beavers - Gym
TUESDAY, February 3
9:30 a.m. - Kawartha Lakes Food Source Mtg. - Parlour
10:30-11:30 a.m. - 3F Exercise Group (Fellowship, Fitness & Fun) - L.H.
2:00 p.m. - Pastoral Visitation Committee Meeting - Upper Room
4:00 p.m. - Faith Development Committee Meeting - Upper Room
7:00 p.m. - Property Committee Meeting - Upper Room
7:00 p.m. - UCW Executive Committee Meeting - Parlour
WEDNESDAY, February 4
9:30-11:30 a.m. - Wednesday Morning Bible Study - Upper Room
11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. - Presbytery Ministers Meeting - Parlour
3:00-7:00 p.m. - Stroobach Music Lessons - Parlour/Choir Room
5:30 p.m. - Trefoil Guild Meeting - Lower Hall
6:30-7:30 p.m. - 3rd Sparks - Parlour
7:00-9:00 p.m. - 6th Scouts - Gym
7:00-8:00 p.m. - Pragmatic Buddhism - Upper Room
7:15-8:45 p.m. - Bellchoir - Choir Room
THURSDAY, February 5
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. - Community Care Staff Training - Lower Hall
10:30-11:30 a.m. - 3F Exercise Group (Fellowship, Fitness & Fun) - Gym
1:30-3:30 p.m. - Alzheimer Group - Upper Room
1:00 -3:00 p.m. - Crochet Group - Parlour
4:00-4:45 p.m. - Cherub Choir - Parlour
4:00-5:25 p.m. - Voices of Victory Junior Choir - Sanctuary
-34:30-6:00 p.m. - Voices of Victory Youth Choir - Sanctuary
6:30-8:00 p.m. - 6th Brownies - Lower Hall
7:00-8:30 p.m. - Cambridge St Singers - Choir Room
SUNDAY, February 8
9:00-10:00 a.m. - Seekers - Upper Room
10:30 a.m. - Worship Service - Sunday School classes & Nursery
Fellowship time following the service
2014 INCOME TAX RECEIPTS are available today in the gym. All
receipts not picked up will be mailed on Thursday, Feb. 20th.
team working on a plan to sponsor a refugee family in hopes of
providing them with a safer, more productive life here. Sarah and
Karl Repka are providing leadership, with considerable support from
the United Church. All applicants are screened and cleared by the
federal government, which also funds six months of the year-long
commitment. Our group has decided we’d like to sponsor a family
with up to three children. Many people have volunteered to look
into crucial areas such as housing, language training, procuring
furniture and household items, education for any children,
employment and more. The project has already garnered $7,100 in
pledges toward a goal of $15,000 for our potential six-month
financial commitment. If you would like to make a donation, please
write a cheque to the church with the words “Refugee Sponsorship”
on the memo line. This is a truly exciting and meaningful way to live
out our mission statement “to share with those in need, and to be
welcoming to all.” You are invited to be a part of this project by
taking on one of the small areas of responsibility remaining. Please
speak to Sarah or Karl in person or at [email protected]
or contact Nancy Payne to find out how you can help.
-4HABITAT FOR HUMANITY is looking to form a Build Committee to
support the Construction Manager for the Kawartha Lakes Build.
They are looking for knowledgeable members from local trades. If
you are excited about getting involved and want in on the ground
floor, let them know. For more information please email the
Habitat Volunteer Coordinator Chair at [email protected]
THE NURSERY is looking to update some of our equipment. If you
have recently finished with a crib or change table that meets current
CSA standards, and would like to donate it to the Sunday School
Nursery, please contact Joanne Winter (705-878-3622). Thank you!
MUSIC AT CAMBRIDGE ST - today Voices of Victory will be
participating in the afternoon nursing home services at Victoria
Manor and Extendicare, followed by bowling.
Choral Extravaganza V
Saturday, Feb. 28, 7:00 pm
with guest conductor Brainerd Blyden-Taylor
six choirs, 115 voices
Freewill offering in support of refugee sponsorship.
COME BOWLING ON MARCH 1! - If you would
like to take part in a fun afternoon of bowling
with Cambridge Streeters of all ages on Sunday,
Mar. 1 starting at 3:00, please put your name on
the sheet posted on the bulletin board near the
Bond Street entrance, at the end of the long hall. Please do so soon
so that we can determine how many lanes to reserve. We may have
pizza afterward, again, depending on interest, so please indicate
that, too! -Nancy Payne
Source is accepting all donations. Items can be placed in the
shopping cart at the main doors and outside the office door.
12th Annual - 2015 Noon Hour Concerts
Cambridge Street United Church
February 25th Arlene Gray & Mary Taves
piano, vocal, saxophone, recorder
March 4
Kawartha Male Chorus (starts at 12:15 pm)
March 11
Dante Pettapiece - piano
March 18th
Bob May - guitar & vocal
March 25
Shannon McCracken - vocal
Erwin Stroobach - accompanist
Free-will offering - Concerts begin at 12:00 noon
Enjoy a social time following the concert, bring your lunch.
Tea and coffee are provided.
WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL FOR? - A Gratitude Jar located on the
table outside the church office. It will stay there all year, along with
some slips of paper. Any time something happens that you’re
grateful for or someone does something you appreciate or you want
to thank a person or group for anything connected with the life of
Cambridge Street United Church, take a moment to write it on a
piece of paper and drop it in the jar. You don’t have to sign it if you
don’t want to. We’ll dip in periodically to share those happy
memories and remind ourselves of how very lucky we are to be part
of this active, caring church family!
2015 CHURCH OFFERING ENVELOPES are available for pick-up
outside the Cambridge Hall gymnasium. If you don't currently have
Offering Envelopes for 2015, please contact the office.
There are countless ways that any of us can assist Cambridge
Street United Church in working towards the fulfillment of its
mission. The Stewardship Committee presents a weekly
suggestion on how you can help your church:
→ Contribute to the Church Newsletter
Under the leadership of Lou Clement-Hobbs, the quarterly
church newsletter – otherwise known as the Cambridge
Chronicle – is an important communications tool for our
church. The newsletter helps members of the congregation
keep others up to date with church activities, serves as a
reminder of upcoming events, and helps everyone stay
informed about past, present and future endeavours.
The production of the newsletter is an ongoing process. As
soon as one edition is completed and distributed to church
members, it seems that it is time to produce another one!
Fortunately for the publishers of this esteemed product, there
is no lack of events and activities that can be reported on to
fill the pages and make the Chronicle an interesting,
informative read.
Lou is encouraging everybody to provide her with
contributions to the newsletter: news, photos, book reviews,
historical reflections on different elements of the church, even
recipes and fictional writing – the list of items that can go into
the newsletter is endless, and any of us can provide material
for it! For the suppressed writer in many of us, this is your
chance to show us what you’ve got!
For further information on how to contribute to the
- Help
is needed
putting the Annuale-mail:
Cambridge REPORTS
Lou Clement-Hobbes
on Friday, Feb. 13 at 9:30 a.m. If you can spare an hour
[email protected]
or so, please call the office at 705-324-3547. Refreshments of
coffee, tea and muffins will be available. Thank you.