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blac a k friday BO BO ON NUS US SA AV V VINGS G F DAY, NO FRI NOVEM VE EM MBER 20 20–MOND MON AY, NOVEMBER 30, 2015 20 2 200 00 0 0 CAS CA C AS A SH BAC CK $ $50 REB EBA EB BATE TE + $150 1 BLACK K FRIDAY BONUS BY MAIL MAI AIL IL with witth th the h pur he pu urchase as se of an ny new DP PMS GII Modern Sporting Rifles. DP MS DPMS MS GIII RE GII GI R RECON ECON CO C ON O N D PM DPMS DP MS S Consumer Rebates are MAIL-IN ONLY. Black Friday Bonus is valid on purchases made from 11/20/15 through 11/30/15 and must be postmarked by 12/19/15. GII G IIII AP AP4 N t all No a Falll 20 2015 1 reba e ated ed p product oduc s w willll q qu qualif ua fy for o thi th his Black ack ac ck Frida d yB Bo Bonus o s reba e te. eb On y m Only mo models odels o list isted d on this t sB Bla Black la k FFri riid rida da ay form mw willl q qua alif ify for the Bla Black la Frida rid id y rebate. SEE REBATE FORM FOR COMPLETE DET TAIL A S, OR VISIT DPMSINC.COM/PROMO PROMO CODE: 61106 EELIGIBIL EL BIL Y: This BILITY TThhis Promotion Pro otio otion iss open o n only onn to legal leg l U.S. U residents sidents sid ntss age 21 orr older ol er. Void where wh prohibited. whe ohibit Offer ohibite fer er not valid vali alid for groups, ups, ups ps, clubs, or organizations. Employees of Remington Outdoor Company and any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, distributors, adverrtising, promotion rom omotion ion or any other her agencies gen s or o entities enn ties involved inv d with w th this t Promotio P tion, and tion, an members mbers m ers off their immedia diate dia te families ilili and/or /orr those th residing sidin din in the same household (whether related or not) of each of the above are not eligible to participate in this Promotion. 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HECKS ©2015 HECKS 015 15 DPMS DP PANTHER AN A ARMS LLC ARMS, DPMS APPROVED ITEMS FOR BLACK FRIDAY PROMOTION ROC BLACK FRIDAY PROGRAM: 11/20 - 11/30/2015 POSTMARK BY: 12/19/2015 ITEM# DESCRIPTION REBATE BF BONUS TOTAL REBATE DPMS FIREARMS 60525 Lite 16 - A3 Upper $50 $0 $50 60507 Sweet 16 - A3 Upper $50 $0 $50 60505 AP4 Carbine - A3 Upper $50 $0 $50 60537 Panther Carbine 16 - A3 Upper $50 $0 $50 60545 TAC 2 - A3 Upper $50 $0 $50 60542 Recon - A3 Upper $50 $0 $50 60543 Recon w/10 Round Mag - A3 Upper $50 $0 $50 60527 LBR - A3 Upper $50 $0 $50 60522 3G2 - A3 Upper $50 $0 $50 60544 Mini SASS $50 $0 $50 60521 3G1 - Long Range 3 Gun Rifle $50 $0 $50 60523 A3 Classic $50 $0 $50 60510 A2 Classic $50 $0 $50 60546 Tactical Precision Rifle 00536 0 $50 $0 $50 60509 Bull 20 $50 $0 $50 60538 Prairie Panther - Black $50 $0 $50 60539 Prairie Panther - Mossy Oak® Brush $50 $0 $50 60540 Prairie Panther - King's Desert Shadow $50 $0 $50 60541 Prairie Panther - King’s Snow Shadow $50 $0 $50 60502 Arctic Panther $50 $0 $50 60501 Panther Bull 24 Special $50 $0 $50 60508 Bull 24 $50 $0 $50 60520 300 Blackout SR $50 $0 $50 60519 LR-204 $50 $0 $50 60220 16" GII AP4 $50 $150 $200 60232 16" GII MOE® $50 $150 $200 60222 16" GII Recon $50 $150 $200 60558 16" GII Recon w/10rd Mag $50 $150 $200 60238 20" GII Hunter $50 $150 $200 60242 20" GII Hunter $50 $150 $200 60243 20" GII Hunter $50 $150 $200 60244 20" GII Hunter $50 $150 $200 60236 24" GII Bull 24 $50 $150 $200 60230 18" GII SASS $50 $150 $200 60554 16" Gen II Compact Hunter $50 $150 $200 60555 16" Gen II Compact Hunter $50 $150 $200 60556 16" Gen II Compact Hunter $50 $150 $200 60557 16" Gen II Compact Hunter $50 $150 $200 60565 AP4 Bullet Button, California Compliant $50 $0 50 60515 11.5" Carbine A2 (NFA RESTRICTED) $50 $0 50 60517 11.5" Carbine A3 (NFA RESTRICTED) $50 $0 50 90802 7" PDW (NFA RESTRICTED) $50 $0 50 60503 14.5" AP4 Carbine (NFA RESTRICTED) $50 $0 50 60524 7" Kitty Kat (NFA RESTRICTED) $50 $0 50