Schedule - Universitat de Barcelona


Schedule - Universitat de Barcelona
3rd JIPI
Jornada d’Investigadors Predoctorals Interdisciplinària
February 5th , 2015. Universitat de Barcelona
The Game of Talks, thesis is comming...
Session I - Biological sciences
Session II - Environmental sciences
Session III - Physical sciences
Debate: transparència científica
Awards I, II, III
Lunch (not included)
Session IV - Cellular and molecular sciences
Entrepreneurship session
Break & Speaker’s corner
Session V - Social and human sciences
Speed networking
Awards IV, V
Enric I. Canela
Joan Roca
Jordi Quer
Lluís Calvo
Vice-Rector of Universitat de Barcelona
Barcelona Knowledge Campus (BKC)
Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics (UPC)
Institutional coordinator of CSIC in Catalonia (CSIC)
Session I. BioTrek: Biology meets technology
Biological sciences
Chairman: Joan Camuñas
- “Discovering the ultrafast world” by Barbara Buades Sabater
- “Physical principles of membrane remodelling during cell mechanoadaptation” by Anita Kosmalska
- “Can we identify, change the color or stretch a single sheep using Optical Tweezers?” by Marc Rico Pastó,
Álvaro Martínez Monge and Xavier Viader Godoy
- “Nanomedicine: New solutions for neurodegenerative diseases” by Natàlia Feiner Gracia and Suris Valls
- “Hemocompatibility study of nanoparticles” by Hector Llanas
- “Illuminated drugs” by Silvia Pittolo
Session II. Green is the new black: Understanding and managing
Environmental sciences
Chairwoman: Alba Hierro
- “” by
- “The purposes of modeling electric vehicle batteries” by Lluc Canals Casals and Adrian Schiffer
- “Finite Elements and High Performance Computing” by Marc Olm Serra, Jesús Bonilla Toro
- “Groundwater: How to deal with a hidden resource” by Joaquim Soler Sagarra
- “How old is the water in a Mediterranean mountain catchment?” by Maria Roig Planasdemunt
- “Drugs of the future” by Sanja Zivanovic and Ivan Ivani
- “Interacció entre les poblacions de tortugues marines i la pesca professional al Mediterrani occidental, i els
seus efectes en l’ecosistema” by Irene Alvarez de Quevedo
- “Research on past and present human-carnivore interaction: From a multidisciplinary approach to a transdisciplinary perspective” by Edgard Camarós
Section III. The nano-Bang Theory: A journey from the quantic
to the mesoscale
Physical sciences
Chairman: Martí Perarnau
- “” by
- “A macroscopic quantum state analysed particle by particle” by Federica Beduini
- “Quantum chemistry: the world of the very small” by Josep Casellas Soler and Gerard Alcover Fortuny
- “Topological Bound States generated by Cold Atoms performing a Quantum Walk” by Samuel Mugel
- “There’s plenty of room under pressure!” by Robert Oliva Vidal
- “Giant caloric effects for solid state refrigeration” by Enric Stern Taulats
- “Optoelectronics with 2D materials” by Peter Schmidt and Achim Woessner
- “Can superfluids rotate? Depositing angular momentum in 4 He nanodroplets” by Antonio Jesús Leal
- “Characterization of simple model of attractive squirmers” by Francisco Alarcon Oseguera
Debate: Scientific transparency
Transparency, open-sources and knowledge transference are relevant issues in science. In this session 3
speakers will explain their personal experience as former PhD candidates who have developed their career in
different aspects of knowledge management. Where does the knowledge go? Do I own my research? How do
the public or private resources distribute among the different research projects? These and many other topics
will be open to discussion in this session.
Invited speakers:
Dr. Jesús Purroy
Dr. Ignasi Labastida
Dr. Enric Banda
Advisory Board Member in Waterologies, Mind the Byte.
Former Scientific Director of PCB
Oficina de difusió del coneixement Universitat de Barcelona
Public Leader of Creative Commons Spain
Director of the Àrea de Ciència i Medi Ambient de "la Caixa"
Awards I, II, III
Awards presented by Excma. Sra. Anna Cabré from Associació Catalana d’Entitats de Recerca (ACER)
and Dr. Antoni Guillamon from Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM)
Section IV. Braining Bad: Cooking biology through proteins and
Cellular and molecular sciences
Chairman: Luis Botaya
- “” by
- “A model to study regeneration: Fruit flies!” by Paula Santa Bárbara Ruiz and Elena Vizcaya Molina
- “Intrinsically disordered proteins: Introducing unstructural biology” by Miguel Arbesú Andrés
- “A new way of looking at reactivity. Construction of a model from Green Fluorescent Protein” by Carlos
Heras and Daniel Reta Mañeru
- “Neuromorphological and wiring pattern alterations effects on brain function: a mixed experimental and
computational approach” by Linus Manubens Gil
- “Brain research in the mesoscopic scale” by Maciek Jedynak, Daniel Malagarriga and Lara Escuain
- “Wiring specificity: how the neurons are connected” by Haritz Plazaola Sasieta and Alejandra Fernández
- “Neuronal activity and its correlation with decison-making” by Ramon Nogueira Mañas
Entrepreneurship session
In this session 3 speakers will explain their personal experience creating start-up companies. If you’ve heard
about entrepreneurship, start-up’s, spin-off’s, and you are curious, in this session you’ll be able to ask questions
and discuss with PhDs who have already followed this path.
Invited speakers:
Dr. Miquel Oliver
Sr. Jordi Naval
Sr. José Mariano
Visiting Researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and co-founder
of Logim Solutions. He is also UPF’s Vice-Rector for Quality and Institutional
Chairman Fundació Escola Emprenedors. Star-ups founder HIVACAT, ENEMCE
Pharma, Genocosmetics, Anaxomics, Infociencia
Founder and CEO at zero2infinity
Section V. Critical Minds: Fitting society into the frame
Social and human sciences
Chairman: Oleguer Sagarra
- “” by
- “Quantifying merging vowels, or why os and ós rhyme in Girona Catalan” by Eva Bosch Roura
- “Human Activity Recognition Using Wearable Camera” by Girmaw Abebe
- “Bringing Statistics and Film Studies together: using cluster analysis to define a taxonomy of documentaries”
by Sergio Villanueva Baselga
- “Drawing space through architecture and photography” by Judit Taberna Torres
- “Políticas de regeneración urbana y su influencia en la seguridad ciudadana. Lineamientos para la elaboración
de política pública.” by Daniela Idrovo
- “Creative Minds: Innovation in Animals” by Ferran Sayol Altarriba
- “Fuzzy interpretation of scientific models” by Gabriel Mattioli
- “Can we predict everything?” by Alexia Salavrakos, Florian Curchod and Paul Erker
- “Scientific explanation” by Roger Deulofeu
- “Meta-evaluation of Sustainable Land Management Initiatives in Senegal” by Mònica Lomeña Gelis
Speed Networking
Awards IV and V
Presented by Dr. Albert Díaz-Guilera from
Excm. i Mgfc. Sr. Dídac Ramírez
Excm. i Mgfc. Sr. Enric Fossas
Sr. Antoni Castellà
Dr. Joandomènec Ros
Organizing committe:
Rector of Universitat de Barcelona.
Rector of Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona.
Secretary of Universities of the Department of Economy and Knowledge of Generalitat de Catalunya
President of Institut d’Estúdis catalans
Anna Alemany, Luis Botaya, Nereida Bueno, Joan Camuñas, Joan Codina, María Fumanal, Alba Hierro, Martí Perarnau, José Manuel Rebled, Narcís Miguel, Daniel Reta, Pilar
Rodriguez, Oleguer Sagarra, Daniel Sánchez i Marina Uroz