겨울방학 영어 독해&문법 보충교재


겨울방학 영어 독해&문법 보충교재
겨울방학 영어 독해&문법
거창여자고등학교 2학년
**수업오기 전 매일 1강씩**
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Oxygen is what it is all about. Ironically, the stuff that gives us life eventually
kills it. The ultimate life force lies in tiny cellular factories of energy, called
mitochondria, ① that burn nearly all the oxygen we breathe in. But breathing has
a price. The combustion of oxygen that keeps us alive and active ② sending out
byproducts called oxygen free radicals. They have Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
characteristics. On the one hand, they help guarantee our survival. For example,
when the body mobilizes ③ to fight off infectious agents, it generates a burst of
free radicals to destroy the invaders very efficiently. On the other hand, free
radicals move ④ uncontrollably through the body, attacking cells, rusting their
proteins, piercing their membranes and corrupting their genetic code until the
cells become dysfunctional and sometimes give up and die. These fierce radicals,
⑤ built into life as both protectors and avengers, are potent agents of aging.
*oxygen free radical 활성산소 **membrane 얇은 막
1. 위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Most efficient ways to deal Aging
② How air pollution harms our body
③ Beneficial roles of oxygen free radicals
④ The mechanism of oxygen combustion
⑤ Oxygen: What gives lives takes our lives
2. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
The importance of the “sensitive period” of socialization in domestic animals (A)
[has/have] been emphasized time and
again in
both scientific
and popular
literature. A sensitive period is the time when an experience that a young animal
does or does not have will have the greatest effect on its later behavior. The time
period that most pet owners are concerned with (B) [is/being] the socialization
period. It is this time period which helps shape the later behavior of the pet in its
relationship to people. At the present time, the sensitive period for socialization in
cats is thought to be from 3-7 weeks, with a range of 2-9 weeks. The early onset
of this period makes the first few weeks of a kitten’s life very (C) [significant/significantly].
1. 위 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Ways to improve intimacy with your cats
② Scientific methods to raise your pets
③ The danger of adopting young animals
④ The importance of sensitive period in pet rearing
⑤ behavioral characteristics of baby pets
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Years ago I witnessed two neighbors ① arguing over a sprinkler system that had
accidentally sprayed a freshly waxed vehicle. As things escalated, one of the
neighbors ② starting unbuttoning his shirt. It was then that I knew fists were going
to fly. Sure enough, the shirt came off and the chest bumping began between them.
This was a mere precursor to the punching, which soon followed. It seemed ③ incredible
that grown men would fight over water spots on a car. What was really remarkable,
however, ④ was the chest bumping between the two guys, as thought they were
gorillas. I was actually embarrassing to watch them ⑤ engage in such a ludicrous
torso display. It’s just something that shouldn’t happen.
*ludicrous 우스꽝스러운
3. 위 글쓴이의 어조로 가장 적절한 것은?
① humorous
② enthusiastic
③ critical
④ excited
⑤ fearful
4. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
Waste industry representatives often promote the concept of burning landfill gas as a
renewable energy source, which would make landfills (A) [eligible/eligibly] for massive
governmental subsidies, or carbon-offsetting credits, and grant them some invaluable
public relations. They argue that the gas is going to be produced anyway, and burning
it to create energy (B) [is/to be] better than just letting it seep into the atmosphere.
The catch is that landfill gas is dirty gas; it contains methane as well as other nasty
VOCs and potential contaminants that can form supertoxic dioxin when burned.
Burning landfill gas to produce energy is far more polluting than burning natural gas.
Nevertheless, the landfill lobby succeeded in having it (C) [including/included] in the
renewable energy standard in the 20009 Waxman-Markey climate bill, as well as in the
Senate’s renewable energy standard.
* VOC 휘발성 유기화합물
5. 위 글쓴이의 주장으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① 대체에너지로써의 매립지가스사용이 권장되어야한다.
② 정부는 탄소배출량을 줄이기 위한 법안을 조속히 통과시켜야 한다.
③ 에너지 생산을 위한 매립지가스이용은 환경에 악영향을 준다.
④ 무분별한 쓰레기 매립이 토양오염을 가속화 시키고 있다.
⑤ 쓰레기 매립지 주변 공기를 정화하기 위한 시설이 더 필요하다.
6. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Thomas Jefferson wrote that “if a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a
state of civilization, it ① expects what never was and never will be.” The link
democracy, not because democracies invest more in education. For example, the
post-1990 political history of the better-educated members of the Warsaw Pact,
like the Czech Republic or Poland, ③ have been much brighter than the path of
less educated areas, like Kazakhstan. A study of compulsory-schooling laws across
states ④ found that people who got more education because of these laws become
more civically engaged. Education doesn’t just improve a region’s economic
prospect; it also helps create a more just society. Giving poor children a good
education may be the single best way to help them ⑤ become prosperous adults.
*Warsaw Pact 바르샤바 조약기구
7. 위 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Education is essential in forming civilized democratic country
② Without democracy, there can’t be any proper education
③ Emphasis on education guarantees the economical success of a country
④ People’s perspective on education has greatly changed
⑤ More money is invested in education in democratic countries
8. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
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In many countries, amongst younger people, the habit of reading newspapers has
been on the decline and some of the dollars previously (A) [spent/were spent] on
newspaper advertising have migrated to the Internet. Of course some of this
decline in newspaper reading has been due to the fact that we are doing more of
our newspaper reading online. We can read the news of the day, or the latest on
business, entertainment or (B) [however/whatever] news on the websites of the New
York Times, the guardian or almost any other major newspaper in the world.
Increasingly, we can access these stories wirelessly by mobile devices as well as
our computers. Advertising dollars have simply been (C) [followed/following] the
migration trail across to these new technologies.
1. 위 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
① 젊은 층이 신문을 읽는 정도가 급격하게 감소하고 있다.
② 인터넷 신문의 등장으로 신문광고에 투자되는 비용이 점점 늘어나고 있다.
③ 신문에 포함되는 정보의 종류와 유형이 젊은 층의 수요에 따라 바뀌고 있다.
④ 인터넷 신문의 무분별한 등장이 신문의 질을 저하시키고 있다.
⑤ 젊은 층의 신문구독 방법이 인터넷의 영향으로 바뀌고 있다.
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
A far less toxic form of carpet cleaning and the method (A) [how/that] nearly all
carpet manufacturers and carpet fiber producers recommend is called “hot water
extraction,” or “steam cleaning.” The term “steam cleaning” is a little misleading,
because there is actually (B) [few/little] or no steam involved. This cleaning
process involves spraying a fine steam of hot water and detergents into the carpet
at high pressure. The dirt, soil, and grime thus (C) [loosening/loosened] up is then
sucked up by a powerful vacuum into a holding tank. This can be done from a
truck-mounted unit outside your home, with only the hose and floor tool brought
inside, or by portable system brought into the home or office.
1. 위 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
① 스팀세탁의 실제 과정은 그 이름만큼 대단한 것이 아니다.
② 스팀세탁은 카페트를 청소하는데 가장 효율적인 방법이다.
③ 스팀세탁은 누구나 집에서 시행 할 수 있는 방법이다.
④ 스팀세탁을 제대로 시행하는 업체는 그리 많지 않다.
⑤ 스팀세탁은 화상의 위험이 있으므로 주의해야 한다.
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
The person who nervously recalls an ① embarrassing interview would benefit by
acknowledging the thought, then reminding himself that his memory is, in fact,
just that – a thought. It’s not “real,” but imagined. One of my favorite ways ② to
illustrate this is to have you think back to when you were a child. There was
probably a time ③ when you imagined there was a monster (or some other scary
thing) in the closet or under the bed. You may have been quite frightened, despite
your mom and dad’s assurance ④ which there was nothing to fear. Then one day
you have the necessary insight: “Oh, it’s not real, it’s just my imagination.” From
that moment on, ⑤ most people are never again frightened about the lurcking
monster. Even if a scary thought arises, you can relate to it in such a way that it
doesn’t scare you anymore.
3. 위 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
① 과거 실패의 경험을 자꾸 되살리는 것은 사람을 더 긴장하게 만든다.
② 부모의 도움을 통해 상상의 괴물에 공포심을 갖는 아이들을 도울 수 있다.
③ 어린 시절의 상상력을 억지로 제한하는 것은 창의력 계발에 방해가 된다.
④ 어린 시절의 충격적인 실패경험은 어른이 되어서도 문제를 유발한다.
⑤ 과거의 실패했던 경험을 떠올리는 것은 앞으로의 삶에 도움이 된다.
4. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
Pastoralist groups in East Africa have been victims of a tourism policy that has
promoted safari tourism at the expense of people. The Maasai have been one of
the groups worst (A) [affecting/affected] by displacement – thrown off the land that
they and their animals have inhabited for centuries. Conservationists defended
their policy of creating national parks and evicting people by arguing that nomadic
groups (B) [alike/like] the Maasai were responsible for over-grazing and the
over-hunting of wildlife. The effect has been devastating. George Monbiot, the
environmentalist, has argued that the Maasai have lost ‘all but two of their major
dry season pastures and drought reserves.’ Now they are confined to spaces
(C) [that/where] cannot support their herds and their growing populations.
5. 위 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
① The necessity of stopping excessive grazing and hunting
② Efforts of conservationists to save the wild animals
③ Shrinking habitats of wild animals due to safari tourism
④ Ways that animals and people can live together in harmony
⑤ Native people loosing homes due to growing tourism.
6. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Offering a career development seminar ① designed for your organization could
help address the need that employees on all levels of the organization may have.
The seminar could be specific or general about the available career development
opportunities. You could have seminars ② presented in appropriate categories for
the types of positions you have in the organization. If there are limited career
opportunities ③ available in the foreseeable future in the organization, then this
information should also be shared. This way there will be ④ little unfulfilled
circumstances, you can try to find other ways ⑤ to provide growth opportunities
for employees.
7. 위 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Proper work environment facilitating work efficiency
② How a career development seminar helps employees be better
③ Introduction to new type of leadership for executives
④ The importance of Information sharing in the office
⑤ Ways to predict an organizations future success
8. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
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Mr. Potter was sailing for Europe on one of the greatest transatlantic ocean
liners. When he went on board, he found (A) [another/other] passenger was to
share the cabin with him. After going to see the accommodations, he came up to
the purser’s desk and inquired (B) [if/that] he could leave his valuables in the
ship’s safe. Mr. Potter explained that ordinarily he never availed himself of that
privilege, but he had been to his cabin and had met the man who was to occupy
the other bed. Judging from his appearance, he was afraid that he might not be a
very trustworthy person. The purser accepted the responsibility for the valuables
and (C) [remarking/remarked], “It’s all right. I’ll be very glad to take care of them
for you. The other man has been up here and left his valuables for the same
1. 위 글의 상황에서 Mr. Potter가 느꼈을 감정으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① embarrassed
② angry
③ satisfied
④ hopeful
⑤ proud
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
There has been much discussion in recent years about (A) [what/whether] obesity
is caused by nature or nurture – that is, are you genetically predisposed to be
overweight, or is it a condition determined by environmental factors? Scientists
have found that both nature and nurture play a role in obesity. For example,
obesity is six times as prevalent in women of lower socioeconomic status. Since
the same relationship has not been found in men, it is believed (B) [if/that]
environmental factors for obesity are more active in women. Researchers have
also found that children of lean parents grow up to be lean, while children of
obese parents grow up to be obese. This is believed to be partially genetic and
partially environmental. Most epidemiologic studies suggest that obese people take
in the same number of calories, or even fewer, than nonobese people. There is
good evidence, however (C) [that/which] obese individuals are less physically active
than nonobese people.
1. 위 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Environmental factors play major role in obesity
② Socioeconomic environment hugely affects the obesity rates
③ It is inherited genes that cause obesity in people
④ Obesity is the result of both environment and inherited genes
⑤ Parents’ role greatly affects whether children become obese or not.
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
At some stage in the interview you will be asked ① if you have any questions, so
be sure to have a couple up your sleeve. They should be points of information
you want to have clarified, not aggressive questions along the lines of ‘Why on
earth don’t you…?’ You could ask about the interview process and what happens
next, or ② that the person interviewing you would be the person you report to if
you got the job. Another good tactic is to use the time for questions as an
opportunity to highlight something you want them to know you are interested in
and that they have made only passing reference to – but ③for which regretfully
there is no time for further discussion right now. Asking when ④ they will let you
know is a good way to end as it implies that there may be other people after you
too. Or you could just remind them ⑤ that you really do want this job.
3. 위 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Different dress codes for different types of interviews
② Question asking tactics in job interviews for interviewees
③ Powerful communication strategies for job interviews
④ Types of questions for interviewers to ask in job interview
⑤ Ways to empowering relationship with your boss
4. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
About fifty years ago, a Pygmy (A) [named/was named] Kenge took his first trip
out of the dense, tropical forest of Africa and onto the open plains in the
company of an anthropologist. Buffalos appeared in the distance – small black
specks against a bleached sky – and the Pygmy surveyed them curiously. Finally
he turned to the anthropologist and asked what kind of insects they were. “When I
told Kenge (B) [that/if] the insects were buffalos, he roared with laughter and told
me not to tell such stupid lies,” wrote the anthropologist. The anthropologist
wasn’t stupid and he hadn’t liked. Rather, because Kenge had lived his entire life
in a dense jungle that offered no views of the horizon, he had failed to learn what
most of us take for granted, namely, (C) [that/those] things look different when
they are far away.
5. 위 글의 Kenge가 밑줄 친 부분과 같이 행동한 이유를 고르세요.
① 자신이 살던 곳에서는 버팔로가 ‘작은 벌레’를 의미하기 때문에
② 버팔로를 본지 너무 오래 되었기 때문에
③ 멀리에 있는 사물이 작게 보인다는 것을 몰랐기 때문에
④ 부족 외부의 사람들에 대해서는 믿지 않는 경향이 있기 때문에
⑤ 인류학자의 말을 다른말로 오해해서 들었기 때문에
6. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
By consistently representing your experiences so that they lead to greater results,
you will be empowered to have better results. Surely this is the key to having a
positive and more successful career. Wouldn’t you just love to have the skill to
turn ① every situation round in order to find a benefit? An example of finding a
positive could be ② when someone resigns from your team. One way to look at it
is to realize ③ that it will leave a large hole in the team, meaning that there could
be an impact on sales and that the business is likely to take some kind of
financial hit. A positive reframing of this situation could be ④ that change is
always a good thing and this will allow others in the team to grow their skills and
take on more responsibilities. This will mean that they are more motivated, eager
to show how much more ⑤ can they do.
7. 위 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
① 현재에 대한 긍정적인 시각이 긍정적인 결과를 가져 온다.
② 더 나아지기 위해서는 변화를 두려워해서는 안 된다.
③ 팀의 단결을 위해서는 모든 참여자의 희생이 필요하다.
④ 직원들에 대한 꾸준한 동기부여가 사업을 성공하게 만든다.
⑤ 위기를 극복하기 위해서는 현실을 객관적으로 바라보아야한다.
8. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
제 4 강
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You have to pay close attention to someone’s normal pattern in order to notice a
deviation from it when he or she lies. Sometimes the variation is as (A)
[subtle/subtly] as a pause. Other times it is obvious and abrupt. I recently saw a
news interview with an acquaintance (B) [who/whom] I was certain was going to lie
about a few particularly sensitive issues, and lie she did. During most of her
interview she was calm and direct, but when she started lying, her manner
changed dramatically: she threw her head back, laughed in ‘disbelief,’ and shook
her head back and forth. It is true that the questions (C) [dealt/dealing] with very
personal issues, but I have found that in general, no matter how touchy the
question, if a person is telling the truth,
1. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① his or her manner will not change significantly.
② the interviewer wouldn't be able to tell if that is true or not.
③ they wouldn't be able to keep calm and patient.
④ they will be reluctant to answer the private questions.
⑤ their actions will have a subtle hint of a lie in it.
위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
Many local banks and credit unions offer a kid-friendly savings account, often
called a Young Savers Account. Some will offer an above-market interest rate, a
bonus deposit of $10 or so just for opening the account, and a periodic newsletter
written for kids. If you feel (A) [comfortable/comfortably] online, consider a
web-based bank. They won’t necessarily have kid-specific accounts, but parents
can still open an account in their child’s name. The benefit of an online savings
account is that it generally offers far fatter interest rates than you’ll find at a
local bank. In early 2009, several online banks were offering interest rates as (B)
[high/highly] as 3%, while local banks were well below 0.5%. Money in online banks
is just as (C) [safe/safely] as money in a local branch, since the online bank
deposits are covered by the same Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. guarantee that
protects your money on deposit at a local bank.
1. 위 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
① 자녀들에 대한 조기 경재교육의 중요성
② 온라인 은행거래의 위험성과 대책
③ 어린이용 계좌와 온라인 계좌의 장점
④ 온라인 계좌와 오프라인 계좌의 장단점
⑤ 안전한 은행과 계좌를 고르는 방법
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
When we’re feeling strong emotions we may do all sorts of things we later regret.
We may smash things, shout, abuse people, eat ① excessively, or engage in any
number of destructive behaviors. And it seems ② as if the emotion were causing
us to do this. But actually, it’s not. We’re only acting this way because we’ve
developed bad habits. But if we consciously bring our awareness to how we are
feeling, and consciously observe how we’re behaving, then no matter how ③ intensely
our emotions are,
. Even when you’re ④ furious,
you can stand up or sit down, close your mouth, drink a glass of water, answer
the telephone, go to the bathroom, or scratch your head. You can’t stop yourself
from feeling angry or afraid, but you certainly can control how ⑤ you behave.
3. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① it seems impossible to act against these emotions
② we starts to follow how we feel
③ our small behaviors show us these emotions
④ these feelings starts to fade away
⑤ we can still control our actions
4. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
Social Support is one of the most important environmental resources that make
people more or less (A) [reactive/reactively] to stressful events. The knowledge that
we can rely on others for help and support in a time of crisis helps blunt the
impact of stress. In contrast, lack of social support is a significant vulnerability
factor. Studies (B) [carried/carrying] out in the United States, Finland, and Sweden
carefully tracked the well-being of some 37,000 people for up to 12 years. Even
after taking into account medical risk factors such as age, smoking, high blood
pressure, high cholesterol levels, obesity, and lack of physical exercise, the
researchers found that people with weak social ties were (C) [as twice/twice as]
during the period of the study as those with strong ties to
others. The relation between social isolation and poor health was stronger for men
than for women.
5. 위 글의 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① to die earlier
② to live healthier
③ to help others
④ to rely on others
⑤ to loose friends
6. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
If you do decide to move after retirement, the sooner you start looking for your
new home ① the better. There is no point in delaying the search until you retire
and then rushing around expecting to find your dream house in a matter of
weeks. With time to spare, you will have a far greater choice of properties and are
② less likely to indulge in any panic buying. Although a smaller house will almost
certainly be easier and cheaper to run, make sure that it is not ③ such small that
you are going to feel cramped. Remember that when you and your partner are
both at home, you may need ④ more room to avoid bothering each other. Also, if
your family lives in another part of the country, you may wish to have them and
your grandchildren stay. Conversely, beware of taking on commitments such as a
huge garden. Although this might be a great source of enjoyment when you are in
your 60s, it could prove a burden as you become ⑤ older.
7. 위 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Things to consider when you move to another country
② The reality and burdens of after retirement life
③ Ways to make your retirement meaningful and enjoyable
④ How to choose a house for your after retirement
⑤ Why you should retire earlier than others
8. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
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“Aerobic” means “with oxygen.” It’s not surprising that the demands you make on
your body when you ask it to sustain an aerobic activity train your lungs to
deliver oxygen and your heart ① to pump out greater amounts of blood to carry
that oxygen to your working muscles. Your body also responds to this challenge
by producing and storing something ② referred to as aerobic enzymes. These
enzymes help you burn more fat, which is another reason why aerobic exercise
has ③ such a pronounced effect on your body fat. This effect, which is often
overlooked, is a primary reason why people ④ do aerobic exercises establish a
new metabolism and a leaner body. Yet another benefit of aerobic training is ⑤ that
it enables your muscles to better use oxygen to perform work over extended
periods of time.
1. 위 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
① Lists of aerobic exercises making you healthy
② How your body responds to stressful situations
③ The importance of doing enough training before aerobic exercises
④ Things you should be careful when doing aerobic exercises
⑤ Benefits you get from doing aerobic exercises
2. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
One way for a salesperson to gather knowledge about competitors is to study
available literature and bulletins (A) [publishing/published] on competitive products.
These bulletins can usually be obtained at trade shows.
Finally, a salesperson can also compare competitive ads and bulletins with this company’s
material and perhaps assist the advertising department in (B) [improving/improvement] the
company’s brochures and advertising.
Additional facts can be gathered by reading trade journals and competitors’
advertisements. It may be helpful for the salesperson to cut out and save each ad
run by the competitors, because these ads reveal what products they are pushing.
These ads will also reveal what features and benefits they are promoting on their
products. (C) [Have/Having] this information enables a salesperson to make counter
1. 위 글의 주어진 부분 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Prior to your kitten settling into her new environment, be aware of areas where she
might eventually become ① enclosed. If your suite has a washer and dryer, always
check without fail with each load of laundry ② dried that your kitten has not claimed
the dryer as a warm resting place. Before adding wet clothes and after removing dried
clothes from your dryer, always check your appliance before ③ closing the dryer door
and leave the laundry area. Kittens move quickly and can jump into a dryer in the
blink of an eye. They will use the few seconds ④ needing to place dry clothes on
a table for folding to explore a certain death trap. The bathroom may also become
. However, if toilet seat covers are always left down
and a bathtub ⑤ filled with water is never left unattended, your kitten will remain
3. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
① the safest hides for your cat
② a strange place area
③ a place where you can keep your kitten
④ an unnecessary hazard
⑤ a place you can put your dryer
4. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
A common form of conditioning occurs when children are told, “Clean your
plate!” This is particularly potent if we are made to feel guilty about malnourished
children on the other side of the globe. This instruction tells us to ignore signals
from our stomach and (A) [relies/to rely] instead on the signal of
decide when we’ve had “enough.” Research shows that this is exactly how most
people in North America decide when to stop eating. When (B) [asking/asked] how
they decide when to stop eating, only 20 percent of people say they decide based
upon clues from their body, such as when they feel full or no longer hungry. The
rest depend upon visual cues, such as when a bowl is half or (C) [complete/completely]
empty. They stop when the place or bowl, regardless of size, is empty
5. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
① parents' order
② an empty plate
③ social pressure
④ other parts of body
⑤ moral justice
6. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
One positive way to motivate your employees to do exceptional work is ① to create
incentives that will allow them to have a clear reward they can strive for.
Incentives can be very simple to complex. They range from naming an employee
of the week all the way ② to award corporate titles that allow each employee to
be honored both inside and outside of the corporations. Each company has a
different corporate culture and idea of appropriate incentives. You will have to be
creative within your company ③ to develop incentive plans. You can designate a
parking place for the employee of the week. You can award cash bonuses to
employees for specific accomplishments that save the company money. Let your
imagination run wild. Incentives don’t have to be elaborate or ④ costly. The
recognition of work ⑤ done well counts for more than the value of the award.
7. incentive와 관련하여 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 직원들이 자신의 최선을 다하도록 하는 방법 중 하나이다.
② 꼭 거창하고 복잡한 것일 필요는 없다.
③ 모든 회사에 똑같은 인센티브의 형식이 통하는 것은 아니다.
④ 회사에 벌어준 수입에 대해 보상금을 주는 것도 하나의 방법이다.
⑤ 잘 한 일에 대해서는 말로만 인정하기보다는 실질적인 상을 주어야 한다.
8. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
제 6 강
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It had long been something of a mystery where, and on what, the northern fur
seals of the eastern Pacific feed during the winter, (A) [when/which] they spend off
the coast of North America from California to Alaska. There is no evidence that
they are feeding to any great extent on sardines, mackerel, or other commercially
important fishes. Presumably four million seals could not compete with commercial
fishermen for the same species without the fact (B) [being/is] known. But there is
some evidence on the diet of the fur seals, and it is highly significant. Their
stomachs have yielded the bones of a species of fish that has never been seen
alive. Indeed, not even its remains (C) [has/have] been found anywhere except in
the stomachs of seals. Ichthyologists say that this ‘seal fish’ belongs to a group
that typically inhabits very deep water, off the edge of the continental shelf.
* Ichthyologists 어류학자
1. Northern fur seals에 대한 위 글의 내용과 일치하는 것을 고르세요.
① 겨울동안 주로 캘리포니아와 알라스카사이의 북미대륙에서 지낸다.
② 겨울동안에는 멸치나 고등어 등의 생선을 주로 먹는다.
③ 겨울동안 먹이를 얻기 위해서 어부들과 힘겹게 경쟁한다.
④ 위에서 발견된 생선의 뼈가 겨울서식치의 단서가 된다.
⑤ 위에서 발견된 생선은 주로 얕은 바닷가에 서식하는 종이다
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
In early 1998, Bill Gates couldn’t envision what was to come. Microsoft was at the
apex of its power with revenues (A)[that/what] would reach $14.5 billion by year’s
end. At the time, Microsoft was so flush that it had flirted with investing in
Hollywood, having already dispatched its chief technology officer and dealmaker to
spend an anthropological week with DreamWorks cofounder Jeffrey Katzenberg. It
was in that confident time (B) [that/which] I visited Gates in his office. In the
course of our interview, I asked him to describe his competitive nightmare: “What
challenges do you most fear?” He silently pondered the question. When he finally
spoke, he did not recite the usual list of prominent enemies. Nor did he cite the
federal government. Instead, he said, “I fear someone in a garage (C) [who/which]
is devising something completely new.
1. Microsoft와 Bill Gates 에 대하여 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르세요.
① 1998년 당시 마이크로소프트는 최고의 상승세에 있었다.
② 한 때에는 영화사업 투자에도 관심을 가졌었다.
③ 본인이 직접 DreamWorks의 공동창업자와 협의를 하기도 했다
④ 어떤 장애물이 제일 두렵냐는 질문에 한동안 곰곰이 생각했다
⑤ 새로운 것을 고안해내는 경쟁자를 두려워했다.
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
If you see something ① that is wrong and want to do something about it, first do
your best to go to the cause of what you see, don’t be content to deal with
symptoms. This is a radical way ② to deal with things. The word radical comes
from the same root word as radish, ③ which means “root.” Dig out the cause of
the problem. Effective change can only occur if you change the course of action
from the casual level. It’s hard to face the fact that ④ whatever problem we may
see out there in the world is coming from inside of us. In fact, there is no “out
there” out there; rather
. Therefore, we become the
change ⑤ in which we wish to see in the world.
3. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① there always is outside source of the problem
② it is symptoms that should be dealt with
③ it's all coming from within us
④ changes should be followed by the actions
⑤ if the problem does exist should be decided
4. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
When substances dissolve in a liquid, the density of the liquid increases. The
dissolving molecules mix with the liquid molecules, so each drop of liquid now has
more molecules in it. ① Sea water has salt and other substances dissolved in it
(A) [that/what] make it denser than fresh water. ② The Dead Sea, on the borders
of Israel and Jordan, (B) [is/are] the world’s saltiest and densest body of water.
③ Nearly 25 percent of the water is dissolved salts – more than six times the
amount in ordinary sea water. ④ Recently, however, as a result of climate change,
the balance of water and salt in the water has changed. ⑤ Due to the hot climate,
any water that flows into the Dead Sea evaporates quickly, leaving the salt behind.
The concentrations of salt in the water is so high (C) [that/which] the only living
things that can make their home there are bacteria.
5. 위 글의 문장 중 본문의 흐름상 가장 어색한 것을 고르세요.
6. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Country singer Joe Diffie said that the best year of his life was the one ① which
he lost his job at a foundry, got divorced, destroyed his pickup, and was audited
by the IRS. With so little to lose, Diffie left Oklahoma for Nashville, ② where he
eventually became the Country Music Association’s male vocalist of the year. “If
the foundry hadn’t ③ been shut down,” Diffie later admitted, “I’d probably still be
there today.” As Diffie discovered, failures sometimes
. We
do everything ④ that we can to achieve triumph and hold adversity at bay, then
find that unavoidable setbacks blaze the trail for our significant successes.
Misfortune forces us to discover new paths to achievement, ⑤ which, in turn,
produce more setbacks and subsequent achievements in an endless cycle.
*foundry 금속, 유리를 녹여 제품을 만드는 공장
7. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
① pave the way for successes
② make us so devastated
③ is what we have to totally ignore
④ allow us to have time with family
⑤ gives a chance to look back
8. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
제 7 강
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Given that music ① appears to enhance physical and mental skills, are there
circumstances where music is
? One domain ② where this is
of considerable significance is music’s potentially damaging effects on the ability to
drive safely. Evidence suggests an association between loud, fast music and
reckless driving, but how might music’s ability to influence driving in this way ③
explain? One possibility is that drivers adjust to temporal regularities in music, and
④ that their speed is influenced accordingly. In other words, just as faster music
causes people to eat faster, ⑤ so it causes people to drive at faster speeds, as
they engage mentally and physically with ongoing repeated structures in the music.
1. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① damaging to performances
② affected by our mental status
③ used as a means of training
④ considered to be beneficial
⑤ influencing our health
2. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
Humans don’t swell up like blowfish or change color like chameleon. Our
reactions are (A) [seeing/seen] in more subtle expressions, tones of voice, and
body language. Consider this: recognizing someone’s facial expression takes less
than one-sixth of a second. We can process expressions from as far as 100 yards
away. How can we do this? We pay attention. Humans are attuned to facial
expressions as an indicator of what their companions are (B) [thinking/thought].
Because we think facial expressions are important, we pay attention to them.
Because we pay attention to facial expressions, we react to them. Because we
react, facial expressions become important to our communication. The next time
someone asks you (C) [if/that] you like the dinner they made and you say “It’s
good,” remember the other person is paying attention not only to what you say,
but also to
1. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
① others' opinion sitting around the table
② how much food you have left on the dish
③ the expectation they have about you
④ what kind of food you had and not
⑤ other message you might be communicating
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
People are slowly becoming aware of environmental needs in the production of
fabrics. And it is becoming increasingly vital that people investigate how fabrics ①
are made. There is a lot of work going on, for instance in the chemistry of
production, with dyers ② looking at low-impact dyes. Every single fibre ③ is
looking at for its sustainability and, as you know, cotton growing is high on the
nonsustainable side. The growing of cotton is one of the thorniest problems. There
are changes ④ being made in systems of growing cotton, but it still has a long
way to go. Organically grown cotton is increasing, but it generally has a lower
yield. Nonetheless, demand for organic cotton has grown. Linen and ramie ⑤ are
being promoted a lot more, because they are more environmentally sustainable.
*thorny (문제 등이) 어려운, 곤란한
3. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
① environmental needs
② advanced technologies
③ soaring numbers of customers
④ alternative ways of purchase
⑤ academical knowledge
4. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
If music and movies were important features of youth culture, clothing may have
. High school students in earlier decades often had
dressed like miniature adults, with boys (A) [wearing/worn] coats and ties and girls
dresses or skirts. As the number of students in school increased, these standards
of dress began to (B) [consider/be considered] outmoded. As one study of students
in Milwaukee found, by the later 1950s high school students there had shed coats,
ties, dresses in favor of slacks, shirts, and sweaters. In the 1960s high school dress
codes became a subject of student protest and were (C)[eliminated/eliminating] in
schools across the country. By the 1970s jeans and T-shirts were the norm in
many schools, even among younger faculty members, and adolescent tastes were
becoming a major force in the world of adult fashion.
5. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
① ignored by students themselves
② equally significant
③ strongly affected by these features
④ criticized by older generations
⑤ underestimated by adults
6. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Viewing the employee as a customer can ① be effectively demonstrated through
scheduling. Flexible scheduling based on the needs of the workforce is not
necessarily new. However, not all food service managers have felt the need to be
accommodating. Part-time and occasional staff can ② be used to provide adequate
coverage while maintaining flexible scheduling for staff. Occasional staff may ③
consist of full-time parents who wish to earn extra income or disabled workers
who may be unable to work full-time hours. Over the past few years, 32-hour
schedules have become commonplace in many health care institutions, ④ allowing
full-time benefits with an extra day off for personal activities. Food service
managers might learn by observing schedule patterns from other health care
departments. Over a number of years, a shortage of professionals has created the
demand for flexible scheduling to provide adequate coverage, and no method of
coverage should be dismissed without ⑤ giving adequate consideration.
7. 위 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
① Importance of establishing strict schedule in workplace
② Suggestions for restaurant managers to improve work environment
③ Qualities you should have as a restaurant manager
④ Necessity of flexible scheduling in food service field
⑤ Problems caused by a shortage of professionals in food service field
8. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
제 8 강
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There is an old Japanese legend about a man renowned for his flawless manners
visiting a remote village. Wanting to honor as well as observe him, the villagers
prepared a banquet.
After a brief moment of surprise, in order to preserve the myth of their guest’s
perfection and keep (A) [him/himself] from any embarrassment, all the villagers at
the banquet began to fling tofu into each other’s laps.
But then, by an unfortunate accident, as the mannered man raised a slippery slice
of tofu to his lips, he (B) [placed/was placed] the tiniest bit of excess pressure on
his chopsticks, propelling his tofu through the air and onto his neighbor’s lap.
As they say to eat, all eyes were on their noble guest. Everyone looked at (C)
[what/how] the man held his chopsticks, so that they could imitate him.
1. 위 글의 주어진 문장 다음에 이어질 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
Sometimes people find themselves in a forced-choice situation, where they need
to make a decision but (A) [any/none] of the alternatives are attractive. Worse still
is when people feel they must choose between alternatives that are not only
unattractive but maybe even painful. This is Carol’s dilemma: she is unhappy in
her marriage and doesn’t want to stay, and she is afraid to leave her marriage.
(B) [Either/Neither] choice is desirable for her, and both choices carry with them
the potential for
. This is a classic “approach-avoidance”
conflict. Carol needs to be able to make a decision and implement it, realistically
knowing that (C) [which/whatever] decisions she makes will have some negative
consequences for her, but none she can’t manage if she knows what she’s doing
and why she’s doing it.
1. 위 글의 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
① obvious benefits for her
② miserable marriage life
③ future happiness
④ considerable emotional pain
⑤ reasonable alternative
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
The bridegroom slid off the horse, then approached Uma with a damp and
withering garland. His brothers steered him toward Uma, then raised the curtain
of silver and gold tinsel from his face. He looked at Uma without much interest. ①
What he saw did not seem to make him change his attitude. He handed over his
garland and Uma was made ② to place hers over his head. She bit her lips as
she ③ did so. He seemed so reluctant to accept it. The man looked as old to
Papa, nearly, and was extremely overweight too. None of this disturbed her as
much, however, as ④ were his sullen expressions. He so resembled all ⑤ the
other men who had been reduced to precisely this state of unenthusiasm – that
she gave up all her foolishly unrealistic hopes.
3. 위 글에서 Uma의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① excited
② worried
③ frightened
④ enthusiastic
⑤ disappointed
4. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
One study suggests that group brainstorming may fail, in part, because of a
phenomenon known as ‘social loafing.’ In the late 1880s, a French agricultural
engineer named Max Ringelmann became obsessed with trying to make worker as
(A) [efficient/efficiently] as possible. After carrying out hundreds of experiments,
he inadvertently stumbled across an unexpected effect that would inspire a century
of psychological research. One of Ringlemann’s studies involved asking people to
pull on a rope and lift increasingly heavy weights. Perhaps not unreasonably,
Ringlemann expected people in groups to work harder than (B) [them/those] on
their own. But the results revealed
. When working alone,
[placed/placing] in a group. Additional work revealed that the phenomenon is
largely due to a diffusion of responsibility.
5. 위 글의 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
① nothing significant
② reasonable consequence
③ the opposite pattern
④ widely accepted answer
⑤ meaningless outcome
6. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
The night before my husband had asked me ① if I wanted to cancel this shoot. I
told him no. I had to do this. It didn’t seem, at the time, ② that I’d ever feel
better and I had to find a way to push past the pain. My husband had come in
case I needed him. ③ So was my youngest son. But when the shoot began, it was
just me – standing all alone in the spotlight ④ dressed in black. It was the first
time I would shoot a video solo, without anyone else in the scene, and I had never
felt so alone in my life. That was as it should have been because I was alone in
my pain and there was no one else to blame for ⑤ what I was feeling but me.
7. 위 글의 본문에 나타난 글쓴이의 심경으로 가장 적절한 것은?
① reluctant
② excited
③ ashamed
④ discouraged
⑤ determined
8. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
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Researchers studied two mobile phone companies trying to solve a technological
problem. One company developed what it called a ‘technology shelf,’ created by a
small group of engineers, on which ① was placed possible technical solutions that
other teams might use in the future. It also created an open-ended conversation
among ② its engineers in which salespeople and designers were often included.
The boundaries among business units were deliberately ambiguous because more
than technical information was needed ③ to get a feeling for the problem.
However, the other company proceeded with more seeming clarity and discipline,
④ dividing the problem into its parts. Different departments protected their
territory. Individuals and teams, competing with each other,
The two companies did eventually ⑤ solve the technological problem, but the
latter company had more difficulty than the former.
1. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
① made efforts all together
② stopped sharing information
③ started breaking barriers between them
④ paid more attention to others' work
⑤ focused on long-term problem
2. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
We would starve without birds, bats, and bees to pollinate the crops we depend on.
Bees give services valued at $15 billion annually – but they’re dying. Whole colonies of
bees are simply abandoning their hives. Over the last 30 years, over half of the bee
colonies that pollinate California’s $1 billion almond industry (A) [has/have] been lost.
Besides the virus-fungus combination that is so deadly to them, they have to contend
with pollutants, pesticides, mites, and mite-killing chemicals. Current farming practices
don’t help. For instance, almond trees are grown on cleared land, so there are no wild
flowers for bees to live on; growers have to rent bees (B) [bringing/brought] in from
hundreds or even thousands of miles away to pollinate the trees. So stress from being
shipped adds to the bees’ problems. Pollutants are destroying the fragrances in
flowers, making (C) [it/them] harder for pollinators to find the blossoms and
pollinate crops.
* mite 진드기
위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
Bees: natural born navigators
How to raise bees for you garden
Almond industry and bees
how bees help farmers and gardeners
Why have bees gone?
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Therapist and researcher David Barlow and his colleagues propose a similar
approach to dealing with stress and anxiety: worry exposure. Clients struggling
with excessive anxiety levels ① are asked to imagine the worst-case scenario
relating to the cause of their concerns. They are given the following instructions:
“It is essential ② that you imagine the worst event happening and concentrate on
it as hard as you can. Do not avoid this thought or image, since ③ avoiding it will
defeat the whole purpose of the exercise.” First, clients are encouraged to fully
experience the emotion and the discomfort that comes with the imagined scenario.
Only then ④ they do proceed to the second stage, which is to calm down and deal
with the irrationality of their thoughts. While their anxiety initially intensifies as a
result of worry exposure, anxiety levels soon drop below ⑤ what they were
originally. Clients are often amazed by how quickly and naturally their anxiety
3. 위 글을 요약한 아래 문장의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
your anxiety about something, it is proven to be helpful to
the worst case that can happen about the cause of anxiety.
① expose
② intensify
③ clarify
④ get rid of
⑤ defeat
live behind
4. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
Here’s the most important thing to remember about physical distance: very, very
few people will ever tell you you’ve overstepped and you’re in their personal
space. They’ll just gradually withdraw their attention, and eventually they’ll flee.
And apologizing is not going to (A) [bring back them/bring them back]. To them,
you’re now an aggressor, pure and simple. That’s (B) [what/why] it is so important
that whenever you’re in doubt, or if you see any of the signs mentioned above,
you should
. No amount of reaching out will help as
much as simply stepping back and letting the other person approach you. The
other person will tell you nonverbally exactly how m uch personal space
(C) [she requires/does she require].
5. 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
① ask him or her if they feel uncomfortable
② learn every single person has different social bubble
③ approach the person much more subtly and slowly
④ show them how you feel with your own signs
⑤ just slowly and calmly back up
6. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Those who play sports in childhood are very likely to continue to ① do so as
adults. We get used to ② feeling good and strive to keep feeling that way. For that
reason children need to learn good fitness habits early in life. In addition to
encouraging kids to exercise, sports can teach why ③ exercise is so important.
For example, young swimmers can learn to read their pulse – they get a huge
kick out of this – and from a very early age they can understand that maintaining
a high pulse rate for at least twenty minutes three times a week ④ is a good way
to guarantee the long-term health of their hearts. By the same token, children
must learn the life-threatening – this is no exaggeration – consequences of a
sedentary lifestyle. Once again ⑤ this is very important that we promote the
fitness-building sports that
7. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
① are safe enough for children and the elders
② have been inherited from our ancestors
③ can be played throughout life
④ can save others live in emergency
⑤ are beneficial to young swimmers
8. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
제 10 강
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When induced to give spoken or written witness to something they doubt, people
will often feel bad about their deceit. Nevertheless, they begin to believe (A)
[what/that] they are saying. When there is no compelling external explanation for
one’s words, saying becomes believing. Tory Higgins and his colleagues had
university students read a personality description of someone and then (B)
[summarize/summarized] it for someone else who was believed either to like or to
dislike this person. The students wrote a more positive description when the
recipient liked the person. Having said positive things, they also then liked the
person more themselves. (C) [Asked/Asking] to recall what they had read, they
remembered the description as being more positive than it was.
1. 위 글을 요약한 아래 문장의 빈 칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
In short, it seems that we are prone to
listeners, and having done so, to believe the
① expose
② adjust
③ read out
④ compel
⑤ distort
our messages to our
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
When I was born, my family lived on a farm in Indiana. The town wasn’t a place
that understood the arts much, but my mother (A) [did/was]. I was the eldest of
four, and when all of us were less than a year old we were already ear training –
my mother would play a note and we would sing it back. When I was two, Mother
began sending me to a woman who (B) [specialized/specializing] in teaching babies
at the keyboard, a form of pre-Suzuki. By the time I was four, I was studying lots
of things including violin and different kinds of dancing with formal teachers. We
eventually moved to San Bernardino, California, (C) [there/where] she found a pair
of sisters from the Paris Opera and sent me to them when I was ten. When I was
twelve, I went to a woman who had studied with Pavlova. My piano teacher was a
woman who had gone to Juilliard.
1. 위 글의 저자에 대한 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르세요.
① 그녀의 어머니는 예술에 관심이 많았다.
② 한 살 이전부터 엄마로부터 음악훈련을 받았다.
③ 두 살 때 키보드 치는 법을 배우러 다녔다.
④ 네 살 때 이미 많은 악기와 춤을 배웠었다.
⑤ 열두 살 때는 Pavlova와 함께 공부하였다
2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
The expedition landed on Mexico’s east coast in March 1519. Over the next few
months, Cortes put his plans to work – founding the town of Veracruz, forging
alliances with local tribes who hated the Aztecs, and ① making initial contact with
the Aztec emperor, whose capital lay some 250 miles to the west. But one problem
plagued the conqueror: among the 500 soldiers who had sailed with him from Cuba
were a handful that had been placed there by Velazquez to act as spies and ② make
trouble for him if he exceeded his authority. These Velazquez loyalists accused
Cortez of mismanaging the gold that he was collecting, and when it became clear
that he intended to conquer Mexico, they spread rumors ③ that he was insane. A
rational man would take the gold they had, return to Cuba, and ④ had come back
later with an army. Why stay in this forbidding land, with its diseases and its lack of
creature comforts, when they were so heavily ⑤ outnumbered?
3. Cortes에 대한 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르세요.
① 1519년 3월에 멕시코 동쪽 해안에 도착했다.
② Veracruz마을을 세우고 몇 몇 원주민들과 동맹을 맺었다.
③ 쿠바에서부터 500여명의 병사를 데리고 왔다.
④ Velazquez를 견제하기 위해서 스파이를 심어놓았다.
⑤ 멕시코를 점령하려할 때 미친 사람이라는 소문이 돌았다.
4. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재
Learning to relax takes time – at least half an hour a day for the first few weeks.
But if you feel tense, learning how to relax should become a priority. Decide first
which time of the day suits you best. You need to find a time when you can make
yourself warm and comfortable, and (A) [which/when] you will not be disturbed,
either by other people or by the telephone. If it is difficult for you to see how you
can fit a relaxation practice time into your day, then ask yourself what you could
give up in order to make time, or (B) [how/what] others could help you protect
the space and time that you need. Making relaxation into a routine, and (C)
[practice/practicing] it at the same time, every day, can relieve you of the task of
deciding each day when you will do it, and make it easier to remember to
5. 위 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
① 목표를 이루기 위해서는 계획이 구체적이어야 한다.
② 매일 규칙적인 휴식 시간을 정해 놓을 필요가 있다.
③ 휴식이 하나의 의무로 느껴지게 해서는 안 된다.
④ 안락했던 기억을 되살리는 것이 피로회복에 도움이 된다.
⑤ 매일 일정한 시간을 주위 사람들과 어울리며 보내야한다.
6. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Cheering oneself up through treats and pleasures ① was a fairly popular antidote
to depression.
, people soothed themselves when depressed ② ranged from
taking hot baths or eating favorite foods, to listening to music or watching a movie.
Buying oneself a gift or treat to get out of a bad mood was particularly popular
among women, as ③ did shopping in general, even if only window-shopping. Among
those in college, eating was ④ three times as common a strategy for soothing
sadness among women than men; men,
, were five times as likely to turn
to drinking or drugs when they felt down. The trouble with overeating or alcohol
as antidotes, of course, is ⑤ that they can easily backfire: eating to excess brings
regret; alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, and so only adds to the
effects of depression itself.
7. 위 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르세요.
① For example
② therefore
③ For instance
on the other hand
④ In general
⑤ However
in contrast
8. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
2015 거창여자고등학교 2학년 겨울방학보충교재