Parish Magazine - St. Peter's Church Ardingly


Parish Magazine - St. Peter's Church Ardingly
Parish Magazine
February 2015
Visit our web site
St Peter's Church, Ardingly
Who’s Who at St. Peter’s
Revd John Crutchley
Revd Sarah Upchurch 414808
Nigel Cheater
Rachel Cowling
PCC Secretary
Hazel Ramsey 01342 714106
Tom Holbrook
Director of Music
David Martin
Steve Burgess
Child Protection Officer
Caroline Steer
Church Centre Manager
Jill Clark
Church Centre Bookings
Carol Grossman
Magazine & Web Editor
Michael Denman
A traditional form of Holy Communion,
10.15am Morning Worship - Our main service - see diary page,
6.30pm Occasional special evening services will be shown on
the diary page and announced in advance.
See inside for full details of all this month’s services
Dear Friends
Have you learned the secret of being content in any and
every situation? I ask this because the experts have
apparently calculated that the end of January was the
moment when the people of Britain would have been
the least contented. The reason? Well, this is the
formula for the calculation: [W + (D-d)] x TQM x NA! Let
me explain! W stands for ghastly weather, D- d for the gap between your
Christmas shopping credit card debts and your next pay cheque, T for the time
since you were enjoying Christmas, Q for the broken New Year’s Resolutions,
M for the lack of motivation and NA for that nagging feeling that you really ought
to do something about all this.
Now that is uncomfortably like some of the algebra formulas I was forced to
learn at school but never understood at all. But I do think that whatever we may
think of this formula the truth is that many people do not have true contentment
in their lives, whatever the circumstances of their lives – whether in plenty or in
need. The world of course says that one of the secrets of being content lies in
having more things; that things make you happy and content and that ‘retail
therapy’ is always the answer. But that secret is ultimately a lie. You can collect
all the things you have ever wanted and still feel desperately empty. By contrast
the Apostle Paul learned that the secret of being content was not things but
rather a relationship with Jesus Christ, through whom we can do all things, and
through whom we can have the strength to be content whatever the circumstances. Indeed Paul’s own testimony was that he had lost all things in order to
know Jesus Christ and he considered all that he had lost to be ‘rubbish’
compared with the surpassing greatness of knowing the Lord Jesus Christ
(Philippians 3:8).
Paul was a man of unshakeable contentment in Christ. His personal circumstances varied and were frequently very testing [take a look at 2 Corinthians
11: 25 – 28 some time to see what I mean!] but still he held on to his
contentment through Christ who gave him strength. Indeed, he was still
content in Christ whilst facing execution because he knew that union with the
living Christ is the secret of being content and the source of our abiding strength
in everything. All of which is another contrast with the myth that the world puts
out that all you need is within yourself. In the western world self-centredness is
a boom industry. But Paul was clear and we need to be clear as well. We are
not self-sufficient but Christ sufficient. And no matter what challenges lie
ahead, Jesus Christ is big enough to meet them. To be content in need or in
plenty, in whatever situation we face is not the product of human skill. The
secret isn’t us, it is Jesus in us! Because the strength that Christ gives us is
sufficient for anything we face in life.
Of course to change our understanding from the self-centred ways taught by
the world to the Christ centred way of God as exhibited by Paul takes discipline,
growth and maturity. It also takes trust and time as well. In Christ Paul learnt
the discipline of being content with all that he had as well as a deep trust in God
to provide all that he really needed. He was content because God is trustworthy: "I can do everything through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13).
And that is true for us as well. In Christ we too can meet all circumstances with
contentment. "My God", says Paul, "will meet all your needs according to his
glorious riches in Christ Jesus". And he will meet our need to the full as well.
And his supply will not be limited to the size of our need but according to his
riches in Christ, which, and to borrow Jesus’ words in Luke 6 we can be
assured will be: “A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running
over, poured into your lap.”
Lent is the perfect time to think about all of this and especially the NA part of
that equation. It is also the perfect time to begin to respond to that nagging
feeling of wanting to do something about that lack of contentment. You could
join us at one or all of our Lent services and discover what you really ought to
give up for Lent. That would be a great start. Or you could just take the time
to stop, to reflect and to pray, a sort of spiritual spring clean that may well be
the beginning of that essential relationship with Christ.
With my best wishes,
Services for February 2015
Crèche & Children’s activities are always available at our 10.15 services
Wardens’ Words
Happy New Year to you all!
Following on from last Octobers' TRIO ( The Response is Ours) we
thought this a good time to think again about giving. The life,work and
ministry of our church depends entirely on the generosity of people
like all of us who share our faith and serve our communities. Giving is
a reminder that everything we have has come from God in the first
The Parish Giving Scheme has been set up to help Parishes such
as ours manage our regular donations. There are many unique
features to this scheme which benefits both the giver and the Parish.
The Parish reduces its administrative work because the scheme also
collects the gift aid for us and pays it all in to us by 15th of the month,
hence helping our cashflow and assisting with financial planning.
Benefits for the giver include the ability to be anonymous, to give
monthly, quarterly or annually, and to have your donations linked to
the rate of inflation should you so wish.
If you want to start giving or want to switch to this method of regular
giving please contact Rachel Cowling who can give you a form and
also answer any questions you may have about how the scheme works.
" and everyone who was willing and whose heart moved him came and
brought an offering to the Lord for the work..." Exodus 35 v 27
Rachel and Nigel
Our Mums and toddlers group meets each Thursday in term
time from 9,0am to 11.30. We have been very well supported
(24 is the highest ) but have recently lost a regular helper,
and will lose another in June. If you feel you could help us ,
preferably on a regular basis, please give me a call on
892755 for more information.
Meeting Point Coffee Morning.
February Coffee Morning is on Monday 23rd
Hall. 10.15- 11.30.
in Hapstead Small
All are welcome. Anyone needing a lift to
Meeting Point, please contact Jeannie Leadsom on 892571 before the
day. Help is appreciated for setting up tables etc.
Ardingly History Society
10th Feb 7.45pm Hapstead Hall
Ian Everest
“From Sussex Ox to Fordson Major”
CHRISTIAN BOOKSHOP? No, but the Christian owners of the
Hardware Shop in Handcross High Street are now stocking a range
of Christian books, cards and CDs in their store. Now that all our
local dedicated Christian bookshops have closed, it is good to have
somewhere nearer to hand where these items are available.
Brass Cleaning. The reason our church brass gleams is that a
team of people keep it that way. All it takes is two people working
together for about two hours. We need enough volunteers to make
sure it only comes round twice a year. We could really do with two or
three more people. Not a huge burden, is it? - two hours twice a year
to help keep our church beautiful. Please come and join the team. For
more information or to offer your services contact:
Pam Dennis 892692
Cuckfield Deanery Day
Saturday 7th February (10am -3pm) at The Tiger in Lindfield.
Pathways of Prayer for Everyday Life
Key Note Speaker: Canon Andrew Mayes
(Chichester Diocesan Advisor for Spirituality)
Workshops to include:The Jesus Prayer, Prayer and our Personality,
Ignatian Prayer
Prayer and Silence
Bring a packed lunch - light refreshments available
David and Pam’s Farewell lunch
On 11th January about forty people joined David and Pam Smith
for a Fellowship Lunch to say farewell to these two much loved
members of our church as they make preparations to leave Ardingly for a new home in the Basingstoke area.
Magazine Deadline
As the last Sunday in the month of February is on the 22nd, the last
date for magazine copy is the alarmingly early date of the 14th!
If it’s any consolation, there is a whole five weeks before the March
magazine copy is needed,
Pre-School News
With the spring term well under way the children
have already enjoyed learning about winter, gingerbread men and houses and taken part in a full week
designated to music. During the rest of this half term, they will be
experiencing a sensory week, special Valentine's week and Chinese
New Year celebrations.
We hope our four newcomers enjoy the activities with the other
children and we wish them and their parents a very warm welcome.
There is always a very cheerful atmosphere at Pre-School and the
children seem very content and happy to be there. The team of staff
are a working incredibly hard to make it so; thank you very much for
your continued dedication and enthusiasm. It is no doubt due to this
that places are filling up quickly for September so please do get in
touch as soon as possible to guarantee your spot.
The team is kicking start the new year with a committee and
fundraising meeting right away! We have new members to welcome
and we must also take the opportunity to thank all the previous
members for their continued support and enthusiasm and for choosing to stay on for another year. The Chair, Sophie Koziarski, deserves
a special mention and word of gratitude for her tireless hard work and
for making it such a fun organisation to be part of.
The afore mentioned fundraising meeting will outline our diary of
events which we will publicise locally for you but for now please just
make a note of the first event of the year as the Valentines Cake Sale
. This will be held at the Church Centre at 2.45pm on Wednesday
11th February. Do please come along and support us and if you're
feeling very generous any cake donations are gratefully received!
Contact: Sophie Koziarski, Chair, St Peter’s Pre-School Committee 07764606685, [email protected]
:Maribel de Haro, Supervisor, St Peter’s Pre-School - 07969890907,
[email protected]
Occasionally, we replace Mission of the Month with details of all the
missions we support as a church, some as official missions, some
through individual groups of church members. Here they are:
AOJA. The Ardingly Old Jeshwang Association was founded by a
group of people in this village to provide primary health care to an
urban village in The Gambia. Remarkably, it is exactly twenty years
ago this month that the building of the Health Centre was commenced. It is now a thriving Centre of Excellence and we still support
its work.
CMS. Church Mission Society is a community of people in mission
working on over 50 countries, directly supporting more than 700
people and drawing thousands more into local mission wherever they
CPAS. Church Pastoral Aid Society was founded by Lord Shaftsbury
in 1836, in response to the massive social change brought about by
the Industrial Revolution. They provide resources for churches, training of clergy. Our church has received support from CPAS in finding
and appointing rectors.
INTERSERVE. This is a mission agency which seeks to bring God’s
love to the people of Asia, the Arab World and Europe. Mission
Partners use their professional skills such as medicine, teaching or
business, to share the love of Christ with whom they live and work.
They provide training and resources for Christians in this country to
enable them to share the Good News in a culturally sensitive way with
those of other faiths.
RIO PROJECT. The Rio Project aims to provide pastoral and social
assistance to poor communities in the West of the city of Rio de
Janeiro in Brazil. St. Peter’s made funds available for the provision of
social help and a small property to develop as a community church.
JONNY BURGESS. Jonny is coming towards the end of his time
working for the Iwerne holidays and will be moving on to something
very different after the summer. He has been accepted as a
Crosslinks Mission Partner to work in the Gambia from autumn 2015
alongside local Christians developing ministry training projects for
local pastors
(see ).
There is a lot of planning and preparation to be done before this
becomes a reality! Jonny would value your prayers as he reads and
studies about Islam, builds partnerships with churches and individuals who may support him in various ways, and makes many practical
preparations over the coming months.
IMARA-UGANDA EDUCATION FUND. Our aim is to provide the
means for extremely disadvantaged children in Northern Ugandato
receive an education which would otherwise be denied them. We
and have rebuilt a library for Abia Primary School. This area was
badly affected 20 years of war and there extreme poverty.
AANANDIT CHURCH Khatmandu, Nepal. This highly active church
organisation is working in a largely Hindu nation. Leaders Milan and
Shusma Adhikari have planted additional churches in other parts of
Nepal, they run a children’s home and they organise conferences and
women’s meetings and have had a long association with St. Peter’s
BAMBI AND ANDREAS. This family, Bambi is from the Philippines,
Andreas is German, are well known to many of us in Ardingly. With
their two young children, Toby and Yana are working as missionaries
in Indonesia.
Please support them with your prayers
Thank you, all those who have paid their sub for this year especially
those who paid more than the minimum £3.
There are still a lot of subs to come in and if, by the time you
read this, if you haven’t paid, your subscription is overdue.
A reminder: The minimum sub is £3 or, for postal subscribers, £10.
Please pay your deliverer or drop it through my door (35 High
With your name and address on the envelope. (Used envelopes
On the next page is a poem submitted to his school by William Box,
(Bill and Angela’s grandson), aged 11 on the subject of the Great War.
How perceptive and moving for someone born in the 21st century! Ed.
Christingle Making
Seven people from three generations joined together to prepare for
the Christingle service. They enjoyed tea, coffee and fellowship.
Thank you, Janice, for the photo.
Disturb us Lord
Parish Council News
Sarah Mamoany 01444 226209
[email protected]
Postal address: c/o The Post Office, 37 High Street,
Ardingly, West Sussex RH17 6TB
Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan moves forward to
Referendum – March 5th 2015
The Parish Council is pleased to announce that the Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan will be moving forward to referendum which has been
set for Thursday, 5th March 2015 – so please put the date in your
Anybody registered to vote in the Ardingly Parish is entitled to vote.
A majority of votes (over 50% of those voting) in favour of the
Neighbourhood Plan will be required for it to pass. Assuming a
majority is achieved, Mid Sussex District Council will adopt the
Ardingly Neighbourhood Plan as part of its development plans
The Parish Council will be publicising the Referendum date and
related information over the coming weeks, so look out for further
information on how to have your say!
Free NHS Health Checks for Residents
New Year, new you – contact the Mid Sussex Wellbeing team who
have organised health checks in East Grinstead on the 17th February
and in Burgess Hill on the 9th March. Appointments are available to
people aged between 40 and 74 years old as long as they are not on
medication for high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, cholesterol or kidney disease.
The free NHS health checks are run by trained health professionals
and take just 20-30 minutes. For more information or to book an
appointment for a free health check call the Mid Sussex Wellbeing
team on 01444 477191 or email. [email protected].
Please note appointments need to be booked in advance.
Village Voice Articles
Margaret Meldrum, the Editor of the Village Voice is always on the
look out for interesting articles relating to the village and residents
for the publication. If you wish to contact her with any information,
please call on 01444 891520 or email [email protected].
The Spring edition is due to be published in early March.
Ardingly Cinema – 29th January – ‘What We Did On Holiday’
The successful Ardingly Cinema returns in the New Year and will be
showing ‘What We Did On Holiday’ a comedy drama starring Billy
Connelly, Rosamund Pike and David Tennant, with doors opening at
7.00 pm. So come along on Thursday, 29th January and meet up
with friends and family to enjoy a local evening out. Tea, coffee, ice
cream, wine and snacks will be available before the show and at the
interval. Doors open at 7 pm and the film commences at 7.30 pm.
Tickets are available from Fellows Bakery, The Post Office and the
Gallery Café.
Neighbourhood Panel meetings – invitation to join from our
PCSO Erica Baxter
PCSO Erica Baxter recently contacted me with the following message
regarding the above. “These meetings should comprise a good and
wide representation of all the communities, hence they are open to
all - and we could do with some additional members! The meetings
are held about every 10 weeks at the Haywards Heath Police Station
at 7.30pm. At each meeting I give a general report on the crime and
incidents of the area, then each of the parishes has a chance to raise
matters with me - this is for police related matters that affect all of or
a section of the community rather than individuals. Meetings last a
bit over an hour and at each one up to 3 priorities are agreed for me
to work on until the next meeting.
If you, or anyone you know, may be interested in attending a meeting
or would like some more information please just drop me an email
[email protected] or call on 101 and ask for extension 27123.”
Forthcoming meetings:Tuesday, 3rd February – Planning Committee Meeting at 7.00 pm
Tuesday, 3rd February – Parish Council Meeting at 7.30 pm
Tuesday, 3rd March – Planning Committee Meeting at 7.00 pm
Tuesday, 3rd March – Parish Council Meeting at 7.30 pm
News and views collated by
the editor
Some items by courtesy of Clive Izard’s diary
ARDINGLY INN. It is to be hoped the major works outside the Inn will
finally put an end to the flooding that has caused so much trouble. It
will be nice to have that stretch of road back to normal.
BURGLARY. After a very unpleasant burglary (aren’t they all) in
Ardingly over the New Year, it was gratifying to read the following
“Police are questioning five people on suspicion of being involved in
a series of more than 200 burglaries across the south east. Detectives
from Sussex, Surrey, Kent and the Metropolitan Police have been
working together to try to identify and arrest a group of people
suspected of carrying out break-ins in all four force areas since
A TALENTED ARTIST: Tommy Golunski, age 21, of Ardingly, has
been accepted to The Art Academy in London. Well done.
TRAFFIC ACCIDENT: The driver, a 42 old man from Crawley,
who on 14th November lost control of his car causing damage
in the High Street, Ardingly pleaded guilty of drunk driving at
the Sussex(Northern) Magistrates Court was banned from driving
for 22 months with a £300. fine, a £30. victim surcharge, and
£85. Costs.
STANDGROVE FIELD: The payment by the developers of the
housing site on Standgrove Field, College Road to Mid Sussex
District Council under the 106 agreement amounts to £233,577.
This money is not payable until the first occupation of a house
on the site so this will be sometime yet that the Parish Council
must await sign of financial benefit to the Parish.
Remember, I am always on the lookout for items for this page - please do let me know
if you have something you feel should be reported here. Ed.
The funeral of Mrs. Rita Helen Hart, known as Helen, who died on
24th December 2014 aged 91 years, was held at St.Peter's on
Thursday 15th January.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.
--- Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)
February Flower Rota
Tuesday 17th Belinda Maclean
February Brass Cleaning
Roy and Una Tester
Meeting Point Transport
Georgie Curtis
General Information
BELL RINGING: Practices on Wednesdays at 8.00pm. New recruits please
contact Lynn Wilson (892113).
BIBLE READING NOTES: Regular reading helps us to grow as Christians.
Bible Reading Fellowship notes are available from Margaret Dale
BOOKS: On loan and for sale at back of church or can be ordered specially.
Contact Anne Kelly (892540).
BRASS CLEANING: If you wish to join the team, contact Pam Dennis
BRASS RUBBING: Appointments may be made via Churchwardens. Fee
CHOIR: The choir, who practise on Wednesdays from 7.15pm to 8.00pm,
always welcome new members. Please contact David Martin 455310
CHURCH CENTRE: Hire of Centre,
crockery, cutlery and chairs: contact
Carol Grossman 416707
FLOWERS: Belinda Maclean (892368) is always glad to hear from anyone
who would like to arrange / give flowers for the decoration of the church.
GIVING: Special weekly or monthly envelopes or bankers’ order forms are
available from Tom Holbrook (892025). Anyone paying income tax or capital
gains tax is encouraged to sign a Gift Aid declaration which would enable
the church to claim tax (currently 25 %) on all their giving.
HOME GROUPS meet for bible study, prayer and fellowship on various nights
of the week in homes.
MAGAZINE: Annual Subscription £3.00. Can be delivered or posted (Post
extra). . MAGAZINE EDITOR: Michael Denman Rye Cottage, 35 High Street.
Ardingly RH17 6TB Tel. (892344). Items for inclusion must be submitted
to the editor by noon on the Saturday before the penultimate Sunday in
the month. Email: [email protected]
TRANSPORT: If you require transport to church or to Meeting Point, or if
you could provide it for others, please contact Jeannie Leadsom (892571).
YOUTH: For details contact Michael Denman
Crèche and Children’s activities
Contact Anne Kelly 892540
PRAYER DIARY February 2015
“Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into
the harvest.” Luke 10:2
1. Sunday at the Centre at 10 a.m. Do come along and bring a friend.
“Open to God” : a quiet, reflective service in church at 6.30 p.m.
2. The Rectory Family: John and Sally, Tom, Jack, Charlie and Joe.
3. Meeting of the Ministry Team. Pat Wilson's Prayer Morning.
4. Our Curate Sarah and her family. Give thanks for her ministry.
5. Angels and Urchins at the Church Centre; pray for all helpers.
6. The increasing threat of terrorist attacks here and everywhere.
7. Health workers bravely struggling to contain the Ebola outbreak.
8. Services of Holy Communion at 8 a.m. and 10.15 a.m.
9. Monday evening prayer meeting 8 to 9 p.m. In Church Centre
10. The plight of the Syrian refugees as wintry weather strikes.
11. The many frail and elderly persons in our church family.
12. Pray particularly for Hester Dain, now in Compton House.
13. Ardingly College – Headmaster, Chaplain, all staff and pupils.
14. Pray for our ministry to the young people in our church.
15. Morning Praise: “Praise God from whom all blessings flow....”
16. Pray for Bambi and Andreas, with OMF in Indonesia.
17. Pat Wilson's Prayer Morning. All informal prayer groups.
18. Ash Wednesday, start of Lent. Evening service in church.
19. Pray that we may all draw closer to Christ during this season.
20. Pray for the witness of Ben and Ceri, back in St.Helena.
21. Pray for wisdom for David Cameron and for all politicians.
22. Holy Communion with prayers for Healing and Wholeness.
23. Meeting Point:pray for Belinda as she struggles with ill health.
24. Our local A&E department; pray for adequate staffing.
25. The sick and the suffering in our community; the bereaved.
26. Our Home Groups and their leaders; pray for more members.
27. St.Peter's School and Pre-School. Graham Savage & his staff.
28. Give thanks for the Christian heritage we enjoy here in Ardingly.
Very last copy date for the March 2015 edition is noon on
Saturday 14th February!
Printed for St. Peter’s by Ardingly College