Weekly Bulletin - Waitara Seventh
Weekly Bulletin - Waitara Seventh
SABBATH DAY, 7th February 2015 DIVINE SERVICE – 08:30 AM Announcements Sandy Luderer Welcome Louise Deane Hymn of Praise I’m But a Stranger Here No. 445 Invocation As We Come to You in Prayer No. 671 Prayer Wayne Bradshaw Sermon Let It Be War Andrew Russell Benediction Andrew Russell Hymn of Dedication Onward, Christian Soldiers! No. 612 Offering Education MVAC Deacons Team Benediction Hymn Now Unto Him On Screen SABBATH SCHOOL – 09:30 AM 184, 484, 241 Song Service Eldon Stevenson Welcome & Introduction Daniel Vokurka Hymn Sweet Hour of Prayer vs. 1,2,3 No. 478 Prayer Yvonne Chapman Feature 10 Days of Prayer Ben Chapman Hymn & Offering I Need Thee Every Hour No. 483 Bible Study What You Get Is Not What You See By Classes DIVINE SERVICE – 11:10 AM Announcements Sandy Luderer 547, 466, 470 Song Service Eldon Stevenson Welcome Junior Sulusi Hymn of Praise I’m But a Stranger Here No. 445 Children’s Story Jacquie Jacobs Offering Education MVAC Deacons Team Invocation As We Come to You in Prayer No. 671 Prayer Daniel Vokurka Sermon Let It Be War Andrew Russell Benediction Andrew Russell Hymn of Dedication Onward, Christian Soldiers! No. 612 Benediction Hymn Now Unto Him On Screen ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome to all visitors We hope you will come back and worship with us again. Forthcoming Speakers February 14 February 21 Andrew Russell Andrew Russell CHURCH SERVICE TIMES As from THIS SABBATH, 7th February 2015, Service times will return to normal: First Service Sabbath 08:30 – 09:30am Sabbath School 09:30 – 11:00am Second Service Sabbath 11:10am – 12:30pm SPECIAL Power-Point Sermons presented by Bill Gates 7th meeting: TODAY, February 7th 2015 at 2:30pm. THE LAST NIGHT ON PLANET EARTH. GOD has a master plan which includes destroying this earth and all its corruption and violence; Then replacing it with a new planet. The citizens of that new planet will be the people who have entered into a trusting and loving relationship with GOD and gladly followed GOD’s instructions as found in the Holy Bible. 8th & FINAL meeting 14th February 2015. A visual and sound journey to our new and temporary home in the 3rd Heaven, prior to coming back to the New Earth, 1000 years later. The end of Satan and GOD having a peaceful and happy Universe, with no crime, no hospitals, no sickness, suffering, pain or death ever again. BUSINESS MEETING All Church members are invited to attend the next Church Business Meeting scheduled for Tuesday 10th February at 7:30pm in the Chesham Hall. All agenda items need to be in the hands of Louise Deane by noon Monday 9th February. If you know you have an agenda item please email it to Louise ASAP at [email protected] BIBLE STUDY continues THIS WEDNESDAY evening, 7:308:30pm, led by Andrew Russell. Come and be blessed as pray and study the Word of God together. LUNCH: POT LUCK hosted by the Hospitality Team. Everyone is welcome, please bring a plate of food and enjoy the fellowship. February 14 Joy & Denis Carey, and Team. February 21 Margaret Chau, Diane Kerby, Rebecca Fletcher, Looie Wong, Henry & Margaret Enasio, Yvonne Chapman, Mark Evans, and Ralph Chivas. Save the date for TEN DAYS OF PRAYER 11-21 February at Waitara, including a special vespers program on 20th February. For details go to www.tendaysofprayer.org or contact Ben & Yvonne CHIP Summit When: 13-15 February 2015. What: Dr Neil Nedley, the author of the Depression Recovery Program will be a speaker at the CHIP Summit. The CHIP Summit will be running from Friday evening through to Sunday lunchtime, February 13-15 and this will be followed by concurrent Facilitators Training for CHIP and Depression Recovery from lunchtime Sunday through till Monday evening. To book in for the CHIP Summit and the CHIP Facilitators Training go to http://adventistchip.com/facilitate-chip/aus-summit/ ALIVE '15 commences February 21 at 2:30pm in the Church! All welcome to join us as we embark on another exciting journey together in 2015! More details coming soon. Run by the youth - especially for YOU! Waitara CHURCH CAMP 2015 will be held at KCC in the Blue Mountains from 27-29 March 2015. Registration is open NOW. Please plan to attend and you will be blest. WANTED Budding ukulele players to wanted to form an Ukulele Ensemble for Waitara SDA church. Contact Anthony Hutapea [email protected] MOBILE PHONES Please turn off ALL mobile phones before entering the Church. Next Week’s Offering: Waitara Local Budget Sunset Times: Tonight at 7:56pm Friday 13th February at 7:51pm