February 25 at Shells March 4 at St. John Methodist March 11 at
February 25 at Shells March 4 at St. John Methodist March 11 at
1 SHELLS MESSENGER Shells Evangelical Lutheran Church 287 Shells Church Road, Grantville, PA 17028 717-469-2586 Pastor Linda Hostetter www.shellschurch.org VOLUME 16, No. 2 February 2015 On February 18, we observe Ash Wednesday, beginning another Lenten season. Didn't we just decorate the Christmas tree in the chancel? In the blink of an eye we turn our thoughts from the cradle to the cross; from the cross to the resurrection. We will continue the practice of sharing a light meal and worship with our sisters and brothers in Christ from the Grantville ministerium on Wednesday evenings during this Lenten season. The theme for this year is " Faces on the way to the cross," and we will be focusing on biblical characters who cross our paths as we journey from creation to the cross and resurrection. Please join us for any or all of the services. February 25 at Shells March 4 at St. John Methodist March 11 at Faith UCC March 18 at Zion March 25 at Shells Lenten Meal at 6:30 PM Lenten Services 7:30 PM Easter sunrise at Hollywood Casino 6:30 a.m. 2 Mandatory Reporting Law Summary Pennsylvania House Bill 435, which went into effect on Dec. 31, 2014, requires Pennsylvania congregations to make changes to how they retain volunteers who work with children. The changes are mandated by legislation passed in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky child-sex-abuse case. Expanded Mandated Reporters The legislation expands the definition of “mandatory reporters” to include paid church employees who work with children, and also volunteers over age 18 who work with children in regularly scheduled programs. This means ALL Sunday school teachers, nursery attendants, VBS volunteers, youth group leaders, anyone who is responsible for caring for children in a regularly scheduled program or activity are considered mandatory reporters. Mandatory reporters are required to call the state ChildLine when they have reasonable suspicion of child abuse. They are required to follow up with a written report. Willful failure to report is punishable by law. The law also includes new confidentiality protections for mandatory reporters. Background Checks Required The new law calls for background screenings to be conducted on all mandated reporters every 36 months. 1) Child Abuse History Clearance Form (CY-113) ($10) - Obtained from the Department of Human Services, i.e. DHS(Previously known as the Department of Public Welfare i.e. DPW) 2) Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Record Check Form (SP4-164) ($10) 3) Federal Criminal History Background Check (with submission of fingerprints at a cost of $28.75). FBI checks will not be required for volunteers if they have been a resident of the Commonwealth for the prior 10 years. Volunteers who have not lived in PA for 10 years are required to get the FBI check. Effective date: Volunteers must have current clearances by 7/1/2015. Bars to volunteering The new laws maintain and strengthen provisions of the legal code (§6344(c)) that disqualifies a person from volunteering based on convictions of certain crimes in Pennsylvania or any other jurisdiction. Current volunteers must affirm in writing that they are not disqualified from service based on convictions to crimes listed in §6344(c) or similar crimes in non-Pennsylvania jurisdictions. Bottom line In 2015 Congregations will be required to create a system to identify all mandated reporters and ensure that: -All mandated reporter volunteers have the two required clearances (and if necessary, three) by July 1, 2015. -All volunteers affirm they are not disqualified from volunteering under §6344(c). Shells is putting a system in place to comply with these new laws. We will be assisting our many volunteers that work with children to comply also. An information session for all interested people will be held following worship on February 15th. 3 BAPTISMAL ANNIVERSARIES Lily Klos Emily Rose Keith Espenshade Ruth Espenshade Jean Stammel Jared Espenshade Tom Terry He will never forget that you are His child. Feb 01 Feb 03 Feb 04 Feb 07 Feb 14 Feb 15 Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 20 Feb 21 Feb 25 Feb 26 BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Kathy Peffer Patty Harmon Emily Maynard Rylie Michael Corine Potter Randy Gotshall Blaine Moreland Sylvester Lilley Karen Gussler Emily Rose Barb Dupler Connie Terry John Terry Gerry Hess Mackenzie Friedline GRANTVILLE AREA FOOD PANTRY The Food Pantry served 329 families, 863 people, 249 children, 614 adults and 528 bags of food were given for the month of November. There is a basket for the Grantville Area Food Pantry each Sunday in the Narthex. Please continue to bring food pantry donations on Sundays at 9:00 AM. Thank you PRAYER LIST: Janet Espenshade, Rose Espenshade, Ed Fake, Mim Fake, Janet Fasnacht, Randy Gotshall, Keira Karijomenggolo, Mary Kreiser, Sandy Musser, Sonya Oltean, Corine Potter, Norma Shelahamer, Carol Spangler, Ron Stammel, Jay Vogler, Dick Wenner, Witness Ministry, Shells Capital Campaign, our home bound, and service women and men, especially Bill Elliott, Crist Espenshade, Andrew Foutz, James Hess, Nikolas Jaggan, Jason Kerstetter and Matthew Martin. Family & Friends: Andi Alleman, Kim Amodei, Zach Barkman, Janet Batdorf, Samuel Bish, Gladys Blouch, Connie Bower, Donald Brink, Chip Brink, John Brinser, Tammy Carillo, Garth Callaghan, Cherya Cavanaugh, Chuck Cishek, Janet Cleckner, Jim Dunkle, Donovan Eberly, Mary Feaster, Matthew Fortnese, Eleanor & Al Germann, Sr., Gretchen Giordano, Barb Greenwood, the family of Mary Gregory, Dennis Haines, James Harmon, Dennis Hess, Erin Hesse, Lilly Higgins, the family of Eva Hummel, Rob Kearney, Austin Keller, Samantha Kelly, Alex Kinlock, Gene Lemmon, Margaret Levi, Jackie Lithgow, Kayla Lutz, Debbie McDade, Daniel McNeil, Don Mease, Debbie Mesaric, William Milliken, Ronald Morton, Gretchen Moyer, Becky Neidigh, Ralph Nelson, Mary Kay Parker, April Parr, Christian Pankake, Craig Pheasant, Mary Plouse, Jim Reed, the family of Kimberly Reese, Jessica Reinzer, Heather Ritter and family, Lisha Robertson, Shirley Rodrock, Ryan, Linda & Jeff Sanders, Don Schlosser, Carol Shay, Barb Shaeffer, Bruce Shutt, Alex Stammel, Louise Swartzbaugh, Nick Sweeney, Beth Wagner, John Walmer, Robert Wenner, Bob Wentzel, Jim Whetstone and Daryl Zimmerman. Anyone wishing to place someone on the prayer list may call Karen Gussler, Prayer Chain Coordinator at 717-838-4946. A Prayer Chain list is available in the Narthex. SHELLS EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 9, 2014 Marianne Germann, Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Those present: Marianne Germann, Erica Hilbert, Tom Hrivnak, Erica Strang, Pastor Linda Hostetter, Louise Murphy, Karen Gussler, Steve Rose, Diana Budd, Mark Stremmel, and Bobbie Boyer. Kevin O’Brien and Michael Hilbert were excused. Diana offered opening devotions. 4 Council meeting minutes from November 11, 2014 were reviewed. Steve made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Mark seconded. Motion passed. Annual Budget meeting minutes from November 16, 2014 were reviewed. Steve made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Mark seconded. Motion passed. Treasurer’s report for November 2014 was reviewed. Marianne had a question about what Mutual Ministry’s discretionary fund money was spent on. Discussion was had about it possibly being for the supply organist. Bobbie will check with Tom. Steve made a motion to accept. Bobbie seconded. Report was accepted. Financial Secretary’s Report for November 2014 was reviewed. Steve made a motion to accept. Karen seconded. Report accepted. Report will be filed for audit. Correspondence was reviewed as follows: • Thank you letter from Save the Children regarding contribution. Steve made a motion to donate $100 from the discretionary fund to Bethany Espenshade for her trip to Africa. Mark seconded. Motion passed. Pastor’s Report – November report was submitted and reviewed. Report was accepted. Ministry Reports: Worship – No report. Altar Care – Cookie trays and goodie bags were gathered and delivered to the shut-ins. Witness – No report. Draft for the directory is in the process. Learning – New regulation dealing with security and people that work with children – see New Business. Historian/Curator – No report. Service – Gift tree is in the narthex. All the gift requests were taken from the first tree – yay! So they refilled the tree with more gift requests. Fellowship – Christmas Tea for the college students on December 28th. Race Track – Shells will be providing a meal on Monday, December 15th. A sign up sheet is in the Narthex. Health – No report. Support - Finance – Staff Christmas gifts -- see New Business. Higher Ed. Grants – see Unfinished Business. Property – No report. Technology – Working on quotes for purchasing a projector for the sanctuary Stewardship – No report. Strategic Planning – No report. Youth – Report/email from Christina Frye updating on recent activity. Craig put all of the Winterfest registration fees on his credit card. The church will reimburse for half of each youth’s registration fee and the entire fee for the advisers. The youth will have to cover half of their cost. For now, the money is coming out of what would have been Pam’s salary. Finance committee is going to begin writing a policy on how the church will help with youth event fees. Mutual Ministry – Report reviewed. Audio issues were discussed. Catherine Germann is willing to look into finding an expert to help look into issues, get an estimate, and a recommendation of how to move forward. Steve made a motion to authorize Catherine to obtain proposals on how to correct the system. Tom seconded. Motion passed. Concerns will be addressed as soon as possible. Unfinished Business: 1. Higher Ed. Grants – five applications were submitted. In the past, $100 was given to each applicant. Bobbie motioned that we give $100 to each applicant. Karen seconded. Motion passed. Marianne challenges that we find some use for the money from the trust. Bobbie will take that back to the finance committee. New Business: • Staff Christmas Gifts – Barb D., Barb G., Theresa – in the past $100 has been given to each staff member for Christmas. Bobbie motioned that we give $100 to each staff member as a Christmas gift. Diana seconded. Motion passed. • New Requirements for Volunteers and paid staff (Federal and State Clearances) – including Nursery, Bible School, and Sunday School. The two that most people will need cost $10 each. Anyone that comes into contact with kids on a regular basis are also considered mandated reporters. Law takes effect as of December 2014. Employees must have current clearances by December 31, 2015. Volunteers must have current clearances by July 1, 2015. 5 Diana closed with a prayer. January newsletter articles are due by December 15, 2014. Next council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 13, 2015. Mike has devotions. Steve motioned to adjourn, Mark seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Erica Hilbert, Council Secretary Service Ministry - Basket Ministries The collection location for our basket ministries is now back in the outer Narthex. We continue to collect the following for our on-going basket ministries: Soda Can Tabs Used Postage Stamps Used Cell Phones Greeting Card Fronts The collection box for Aluminum Cans is back! Look for it near the entrance to the Christian Education Building. We will no longer be collecting glossy magazines at Shells. Please continue to donate directly to the Ronald McDonald house. Locations can be found at rmhc-centralpa.org under "How You Can Help." WE’VE GOT MAIL! Dear Shells Lutheran Church, Thank you so much for your generous donation to Tree 4 Hope. We really appreciate it, on behalf of our children and elders. Your donation will purchase vaccines for children at Hogar Miguel Magone, who otherwise transmit sickness quickly between them. You are awesome! Peace & Blessings, Charles Allegar Dear Friend: Re: Monetary gift in honor of Rev. Linda Hostetter Partnerships! I cannot even begin to express how important they are for us here at Gettysburg Seminary. Those partnerships range from the shared relationships we have with the other seven ELCA seminaries, to the strong bond we have with our Region 8 Synods and, especially, the congregational support we receive through them, to the hundreds of individuals who have become financial partners with us in support of the important mission we seek to fulfill. Thanks, again, for your partnership, for together we will continue to serve our Lord and the church we love by raising up trained leaders for witness and service to the Gospel. In partnership with you, Rev. Glenn E. Ludwig Vice President of Seminary Advancement Dear Pastor Hostetter: Shells Lutheran Churchs' gift of $85.00 in honor of the pastor's 25th ordination anniversary is a wonderful expression of love for the countless children, adults and families who depend on Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries for care and services. The needs of our neighbors are present all year long, but never more than now. As the individuals Diakon serves face another year of challenges, we are reminded of Christ's love for others and that compassion and love for others is truly our highest calling. Thank you for your continued prayers and generosity. Have a blessed holiday season! Gratefully, MaryEllen Dickey Senior Vice President of Advancement 2015 ALTAR FLOWERS CHART is available for sign up. Please fill out a form to let us know to whom you will be honoring/remembering and whether you want to keep or donate them to our homebound. Please designate the Sunday you are donating on the top of the form. Thank you 6 Capital Campaign Update As we come to the end of our official three year Shells Capital Campaign all I can say is Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your support has allowed us to raise $476,901.93 as of January 18, 2015 and reduce our outstanding loan balance to just below $194,000. What we have been able to accomplish with God's help over the past three plus years has been truly remarkable. For those that have not yet fulfilled their pledge there is still time to do so. And for those that can continue to give to further reduce our outstanding loan balance it will greatly help and insure the long term health of Shells Lutheran Church. Thank you again for your past, current, and continued support of our Capital Campaign. In His Service, Al Germann Capital Campaign Chair Through the Flames into the Future On Ash Wednesday we begin our Lenten journey. Our hymns, songs and choral repertoire for the season portray a wide array of the images and subjects that help us actively remember the Paschal Mystery -- our Lord’s suffering, death and resurrection. The Senior Choir is working on psalmody and choral offerings, enhancing and leading the congregation in worship. An invitation to join choir and share in our music ministry is extended to all. Senior Choir rehearses Thursday evenings from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Our Children In Worship Sunday School music program continues for our children in preschool through sixth grade, providing opportunities for them to share in worship in many ways. The children are learning music for the bell choir, and working on scripture readings and psalmody with non-pitched rhythm instruments. We begin Sunday School each week at with our Children in Worship program. The children will be participating in worship on February 22. Our youth have the opportunity to share in our music ministry with seasonal choir, solos, keyboard and instrumental music during the choir year. The Youth Ensemble will be working on music for guitar and keyboard accompaniment to share during the Lenten season. CHOIR SCHEDULE: SHELLS MUSIC MINISTRY The Sundays after Epiphany began with Jesus’ baptism and end with the Transfiguration of Our Lord. We sing “Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory; blaze, Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire.” The Transfiguration of Our Lord is also the last Sunday before Lent. Alleluia is bid farewell on this Sunday and will not be used until Easter. Feb. 1 – Senior Choir - Healer of Our Every Ill Feb. 8 – Supply Organist Feb. 15 – Senior Choir –Be Thou My Vision Feb. 18 – Ash Wednesday Service – Senior Choir – Lord, Create in Me Feb 22 – Senior Choir & Children in Worship – Psalm 25 Feb. 25 – Mid-Week Lenten Service (7:30 p.m.) Senior Choir Please don't hesitate to call or send me an email if you have any questions -- evenings, 4690127; cell phone, 991-8862; or email at [email protected]. With joyful songs and praise, Barbara Dupler Director of Music 7 Cancellation of Worship service due to inclement weather Be sure to watch and listen to any of the seven stations listed below for all weather related closings of Shells Church worship service: Winter Driving From Shells Health Ministry Committee Ideally, we would spend every snowy day curled up by the fireplace. But some commitments won’t wait for a fair day. When you must steer through snow and sleet, here’s how to navigate safely: • As you approach a bend, gently apply the brakes. Your goal is to slow your vehicle until it has enough momentum to coast around the curve. • Steer smoothly through the turn doing your best to stay off the brakes and gas. IF the front of the car slides on a slick patch, resist the urge to wrench the steering wheel. Otherwise the car could dart unexpectedly once the tires regain traction. • When the road straightens outs accelerate gradually. Flooring the gas could cause a spin out. Maintain at least a 15 second following distance between your vehicle and the car in front of you. Remember it takes about 4-10 times longer to stop on snow and ice. Reference: Better Homes and Gardens, December 2012. Snow Removal Crew We are looking for additional able bodied volunteers to assist with the snow removal on Shells walks and steps. If you are able and interested in helping clear the snow and ice please contact Al Germann. WGAL – Channel 8 NBC TV WHP – Channel 21CBS TV WHTM – Channel 27 ABC TV CW – Channel 15 TV OR 97.3 FM WRVV Radio 94.9 FM BOB Radio FM KISS Radio The Souper Bowl, known as the Super Bowl in the secular world, is just around the corner. The Swatara Creek Lutheran Community will replay last year's project of collecting soup to donate to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. This year's preferred flavors are tomato and chicken noodle soups. Please leave soup in the container on the narthex or in the box in front of the coat rack downstairs in the education building. Let's see if we can out do last years donation! The soup will be delivered on Super Bowl Sunday, February 1, 2015. Anyone interested in helping to plan the prayer vigil from April 3-4 please contact Pastor Linda. We will also be needing volunteers for the vigil. February 2015 Worship Assistants Feb 01 Feb 08 Feb 15 Feb 22 Epiphany 4 Epiphany 5 Transfiguration of our Lord Lent 1 Terry Kamerzel David Hostetter Bobbie Boyer Karlene Jaggan Intinction Vicki Hilbert Terry Kamerzel Raelene Smith Lector Kathy Peffer Shirley Huber Elizabeth Holler Karen Gussler Acolyte Blake O'Brien Blake O'Brien Ben Rodemaker Luke Holler Greeters/ Ushers Sherry Davis & Sheryl Rozman Sherrie Kauffman & Karlene Jaggan Ken Espenshade & Shirley Huber Erica Wilkinson & Glen Peterson Altar Care Connie Terry & Marianne Germann Steve & Kathy Espenshade Ken & Ruth Espenshade Raelene Smith & Diana Budd Crist Espenshade Crist Espenshade Crist Espenshade Crist Espenshade Church lock up Steve Espenshade Steve Espenshade Steve Espenshade Steve Espenshade Asst. Minister Comm. Asst. Bread Road Clean up Nursery If you are unable to serve on the Sunday assigned, please find a replacement. A list of replacements may be found on the church website shellschurch.org under "Our Ministries"/"Worship Ministry" or on the bulletin board outside the office. Thank you. March 2015 Worship Assistants Mar 01 Mar 08 Mar 15 Mar 22 Mar 29 Lent 2 Lent 3 Lent 4 Lent 5 Palm Sunday Raelene Smith Gen Whitehaus Karen Elliott Karen Gussler Erica Wilkinson Comm. Asst. Intinction Don Whitehaus Rick Elliott Bert Gussler Jean Stammel Lector Erica Wilkinson Mike Hilbert Terry Kamerzel Janet Klos Nancy Koppenhaver Greeters/ Ushers Dan & Bobbie Boyer Brenda Frye & Rena Sattazahn Megan & Seth Frye Al & Marianne Germann Joe & Diana Budd Altar Care Rick & Karen Elliott Diane Suhr & Terry Kamerzel Louise Murphy & Bobbie Boyer Connie Terry & Marianne Germann Steve & Kathy Espenshade Road Clean up Raelene Smith Raelene Smith Raelene Smith Raelene Smith Raelene Smith Church lock up Karen Gussler Karen Gussler Karen Gussler Karen Gussler Karen Gussler Asst. Minister Acolyte Bread Nursery If you are unable to serve on the Sunday assigned, please find a replacement. A list of replacements may be found on the church website shellschurch.org under "Our Ministries"/"Worship Ministry" or on the bulletin board outside the office. Thank you. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 2 Epiphany Souper Bowl BP Screenings 3 4 7 PM Bible Study 6:30 PM Dessert 5 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 6 7 8 5 Epiphany 9 10 11 12 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 13 14 16 Race Track Meal 17 18 21 Food Pantry 19 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 20 Ash Wednesday Service 7:30 PM 6-8 PM SSJYG @ Shells 15 Transfiguration of our Lord Food Pantry 22 Lent 1 23 Children in Worship 6-8 PM SSJYG @ St. John 24 25 6:30 PM Lenten Meal 7:30 PM Lenten Services @ Shells Food Pantry Food Pantry 26 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 27 28 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Lent 2 BP Screenings 2 3 4 6:30 PM Lenten Meal 7:30 PM Lenten Services @ St. John Methodist 5 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 6 7 8 Lent 3 9 10 11 7 PM Council 6:30 PM Lenten Meal 7:30 PM Lenten Services @ Faith UCC 12 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 13 14 16 Race Track Meal 17 18 Food Pantry 6:30 PM Lenten Meal 7:30 PM Lenten Services @ Zion 19 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 20 21 25 6:30 PM Lenten Meal 7:30 PM Lenten Services @ Shells 26 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 6-8 PM SSJYG @ Shells 15 Lent 4 22 Lent 5 Food Pantry 23 24 30 Holy Week 31 6-8 PM SSJYG @ St. John 29 Palm Sunday Food Pantry Food Pantry 27 28 287 Shells Church Road Grantville, PA 17028 (717) 469-2586 E-mail: [email protected] Web Page: www.shellschurch.org MISSION STATEMENT OF SHELLS EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH We are committed to being God’s presence in the Grantville area with a mission of evangelism and outreach that seeks to spread the good news in Jesus Christ, inviting all to join with us in the worship of our Lord. We are committed to read, study, and meditate upon the word of God. Through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to respond to those in need.