February newsletter - Shared Lutheran Ministry


February newsletter - Shared Lutheran Ministry
of the Shared Lutheran Ministry
of Fayette County
your invitation to fellowship, learning, serving, and celebrating
February 2015
Sharing God’s W ord by embracing and serving all as God’s faithful family.
Shared Ministry Conference
We’ve got a great thing going here in Fayette County – and now we get to share! Saturday Feb. 7 our Colorado River Lutheran churches are sponsoring a conference on Shared Ministries. We have a panel talking
about how SLM got started; other models for shared ministry will be presented. If you’re interested in attending, it’s from 9 am to noon at Martin Luther in Carmine. Just let the SLM office know.
Joint Council Retreat February 21st
We’re doing a unique thing – AGAIN!! Our church councils are having a retreat with the councils of New Ulm
and Frelsburg Lutheran churches—these churches are also in a shared ministry together. Evan Moilan
(Lutheran Social Services/former director of Lutherhill/Synod Council Vice-President) will lead all the councils through a survey about ministries which will lead us into discussing vision and mission. Each congregation council will meet to talk about the mission and vision for their own congregation. We are a Shared Ministry and we honor the distinctness of each congregation so this retreat will be especially helpful for us!
The setting is a beautiful lodge in the woods outside of Frelsburg. Time is 9:00 am (gathering and tours) to
3:30 pm.
“Fat Tuesday” Pancake Supper at Fayetteville
Whether you call it Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday was the day for households
to dispose of all the fat in the pantry in preparation for the Lenten fast. Most of us don’t do that any more,
but part of the tradition remains in Fayetteville – serving pancakes for supper! It’s on Tuesday Feb. 17 from
5-7 pm. Free Will donation. They invite the whole community – and their SLM family, of course!
“Watchers on the Hill” is the theme for Lent 2015
Lenten dramas are returning to SLM. Each Wednesday we will witness the conversation between two people who are watching the events on Golgatha when Jesus and two thieves are crucified. As we see the crucifixion through their eyes, we will also see its significance for us. Each Wednesday, except Ash Wednesday, we will meet at 6:00 for soup; worship begins at 7:00. Here’s the rotation:
Feb. 18 (Ash Wednesday) noon – Fayetteville; 7:00 pm – Warrenton
Feb. 25 – Rutersville
March 4 – Ellinger
March 11 – Fayetteville
March 18 – Warrenton
March 25 – Ellinger
April 2 (Maundy Thursday) – Rutersville
April 3 (Good Friday) noon – Ellinger; 7:00 pm – Fayetteville
Palm Sunday will be celebrated in our individual congregations at regular worship times. Procession with
palms and Holy Communion.
Sundays in Lent will follow the Old Testament Lesson, considering the covenants God has made with humans. We will use setting 10 ELW.
So – why hasn’t anyone told me about the Super Bowl Jesus song?
Here I am in the heart of “country music” country – and I had to find out on
Facebook that there’s a song called “Drop Kick Me, Jesus, Through the Goalposts
of Life”. It seemed that it might be fun, right before the Super Bowl, to check out
song. As it turns out, it has terrible theology and it’s not a great song.
The refrain is:
“Dropkick me, Jesus, through the goal posts of life
End over end, neither left nor to right
Straight through the heart of them righteous up rights;
Dropkick me, Jesus, through the goal posts of life.”
Other memorable lyrics: “I’ve got the will, Lord, if You got the toe.” And asking God to bring
the faithful departed to “Stick 'em up front in the offensive line.”
If you want to check it out, just go to YouTube. It’s sung by Bobby Bare.
There are all kinds of songs out there with terrible theology that are also terrible songs. But they
still manage to speak to someone. On the other hand, we Lutherans are very proud of our hymn
tradition. Martin Luther was a prolific hymn-writer. In trying to educate a population of uneducated
Germans, Luther believed that song was a great way to teach theology and Bible. It is true that
we’ll remember a commercial jingle much longer than we’ll remember the words that are spoken.
In our tradition, putting theology to a popular tune is a way to pass along the faith.
On Super Bowl Sunday there is another way to share good theology and good tradition. It’s called
Souper Bowl. We are among the wealthiest people of the world. Rarely do we go to bed with truly
hungry stomachs. On the day when we’ll be enjoying football and the great BBQ from our fundraiser we are invited to help others. It’s a fun project – vote for your favorite team with money
which all goes to AMEN or the ELCA Hunger Appeal. And bring a can of protein which will be given to AMEN. See the article elsewhere in the newsletter.
We are also invited to share good theology and tradition by helping at AMEN or Second Chance.
“Love your neighbor,” said Jesus. We can do that by sorting and selling at Second Chance – or
donating items. You won’t believe how much FUN these volunteers have! And at AMEN you get
to help people who truly have had hunger pangs. You might like to quilt for Lutheran World Relief
or help with Habitat, building houses or volunteer at Hospice.
I’m pretty sure Jesus won’t drop kick anybody through the goalposts of life and sail us through the
air to heaven. But the Bible tells us that we will be asked what we did for the “least of these”.
Take a look around and see where you can practice your good Lutheran theology and tradition. If
you need ideas,
check out this news-
letter to see what
your church friends
are up to.
Please remember in your thoughts
and prayers our homebound and
nursing home residents.
At Home:
Ellinger Members:
Laurie Mae Heintschel
Lurline Wilburn
Raymond Domel
Burney & Irene Hartmann
Gay Nell Heinsohn
Rutersville Members:
Ivy Vasut
Marvin Unger
College Park, Schulenburg
Eva Lee Tonn—Warrenton
Jefferson Place:
Nelda Weyand—Rutersville
Jerry Sauer—Fayetteville
Genell Rohde—Warrenton
Monument Hill:
Mae Dell Harms—Rutersville
Evelyn Tietjen—Rutersville
Ralph Styers—Warrenton
River Oaks, Columbus:
Patsy Pflughaupt—Fayetteville
Regency, Schulenburg:
Nicky Guzman—Ellinger
Out of Town:
Ellinger Members:
Elwert Kansteiner—Austin
Leda Muske—Katy
Rutersville Members:
Delta Mischer— Buda
Dea Simons—Sugar Land
Warrenton Member:
Eric Boultinghouse—Georgetown
 Thank you to Chip and Sheron Citzler and Carolyn Rotter
for helping distribute food from the A.M.E.N./Austin Food
Truck. In December 154 families received food; 22 volunteers gave out 8,498 pounds of food. For January 134 families and 300 individuals received 7,834 pounds of food.
There were 23 volunteers including Carolyn Rotter and
Chip & Sheron Citzler.
 Thank you to Marie Hensel, Genelda Stahmer, Leatrice
Scholtz, Viola Weiss, Carolyn Rotter, Margie Stardig, and
Jack Kifer for distributing food at the A.M.E.N. building. There were twelve clients. The group sorted
in excess of a thousand pounds of donated food.
 Our sincerest “Thank You” to everyone who purchased pies
from the Youth group. The proceeds will help offset the
costs of travel for the ELCA National Youth Gathering in
Detroit this summer. We appreciate your support; without
you we would not be able to experience the gathering with
our peers. ~ Payton, Allison, Koltin, Justin, Claire, Addysyn, Sydny, Kaylee, Kyler, Jade & Jagger.
 Congratulations...to Madison Krenek on the birth of her
daughter, Bristol Smitley. She was born on July 19th and
weighed 8 lbs 2 oz and was 20 inches long. Grandparents
are Stephen and Nicol Krenek and great-grand parents are
James and Audrey Krenek.
Your generous donations at the December 28th Joint Worship service raised $966.00 for the Pastor’s Discretionary
Fund. These funds are used to help individuals and families
in need. If you would like to contribute to this fund please
send a check to the office or designate that on your check
and put it in the offering plate at your congregation.
Carol Bigott, Mary Bohot, Eric Boultinghouse, Nicky Guzman, Sheila Hanke, Jane Keilers, Delta Mischer, Scott Moore, Doris Pilger, Doris Polasek, Meshelle Seymour, Billy
Teague, Kara Welch, Lou Ann Williams and the family and friends of Clara Wessels,.
Please continue to hold in your prayers:
We pray for the safety of all our troops and military personnel around the world.
We pray for firefighters and police officers and all who work for justice, peace and understanding.
March Newsletter Deadline
The deadline to submit information for the March newsletter will be February 23st. Any information received
after this date is not guaranteed to be printed in the newsletter. You may email newsletter items to
[email protected] or drop them off at the SLM office.
News and Events
WWW – Stewardship of Creation!
Sessions led by Lutherhill Staff!!
WWW. KeepingUsConnected in Warrenton!
5:30 – Dinner; 6:10 – Education for all ages; 7:15 – Worship
Our GREAT Cross-Generational program continues meeting in Warrenton on Feb. 4 and 11.
Youth are studying Care of Creation Stewardship with the Lutherhill staff. High school are
“Following the Way” discussing important themes of life. Pr. Bohot is teaching Stewardship to his
class while Phyllis and Carissa’s Coffee Shop group is watching and discussing “Heaven is For
Real.” We’d love to see you there!
Ellinger will worship with Warrenton on
Feb. 1
The 2015 World Day of Prayer service will be held Friday, March 6, 2015, at St Paul Lutheran Church in La
Grange beginning at noon. St. John, Rutersville
WELCA will be the host, Mt. Calvary LCMS, La Grange
will be in charge of the program.
The Ellinger congregation has decided to
join Warrenton for worship on the SLM
Fundraising day. All members are asked to
attend worship in Warrenton at 8:30 or
one of our other SLM congregations.
Submitted by Kristen Graeter
W E LC A Ne w s
WELCA Bible Study and Meetings
The Shared Lutheran Ministry has two WELCA groups that meet. The afternoon group meets on the first Tuesday
at 2:00 and studies the Bible study in the Gather magazine. In February this group meets in Rutersville. The Bible
study is followed by lunch and individual meetings. The other group meets in Warrenton on the 3 rd Sunday at
3:00, Feb. 15, and is studying women of the Bible through the book “Strong Was Her Faith.” February’s study is
Chapter 4, “Mary, the Extravagant.”
WELCA Monthly Congregational Reports
 Fayetteville and Rutersville met on Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at Pastor Marcia's home after a study about the Epiphany blessing
of a home, and lunch provided by Pastor Marcia. We also viewed her son's wedding pictures from South Korea.
 Four members from Fayetteville attended. Minutes from the December meeting were read and approved. No financial report was
 ELCA Good Gifts were discussed. A motion was made and approved to purchase two goats by WELCA in Fayetteville.
 The next WELCA meeting will be held in Rutersville on February 3, 2015.
 The following activities were discussed:
- Pancake Supper to be held on February 17, 2015, in Fayetteville.
- Barbeque fundraiser on February 1, 2015, in Warrenton. Desserts are requested. Tickets are available through Fred and
Carol Seymour.
 The Spring gathering will be held in Warrenton on April 11, 2015.
 Quilting will be held in Fayetteville, on Tuesday, February 20, 2015.
 Pastor Marcia led a festive Epiphany celebration. We blessed the house with chalk, learned about the magi, watched the Korean wedding slideshow and tried Korean ginseng candy.
 January birthdays include Mary Noak 1st, Lee Ann Hartmann 2nd, Jennifer Vickers 3rd, Natalie Norsworthy 7th, Sheron Citzler
13th, and Carol Bigott 14th.
 Minutes were approved and financial report was placed on file for audit.
 Cheer committee, Betty and Lorali, visited and gave Christmas gift to the shut ins.
 Thank you notes were received from Pastor Marcia and Pastor Bohot.
 Quilting will begin for 2015 on January 28th.
 World Day of Prayer will be March 6th at St Paul in La Grange and we will be hosting.
 The Care Inn birthday party will be January 29th. Carolyn, Helen, Leatrice, and Lorali volunteered to bake cakes.
 Thank you to Margie, Leatrice, and Lorali for baking cookies for the 11th Night Concert held at St. Paul Fayetteville on January
 February meeting will be held on the 3rd in Rutersville.
 Greeters for January are Wayne and Sherry Noak; Altar guild Lee Ann Hartmann and Laurie Karisch; Cheer committee Leatrice
Scholtz and Darlene Weyand.
 The Warrenton WELCA did not meet in January
 The February meeting will be held on Sunday February 15th at 3:00 pm in Warrenton
MiLisa Gaertner of Rutersville is a board member of
the Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Women of the ELCA.
SLM News & Events
Krispy Kreme Donuts for Valentine’s Day!
What a special Valentine treat! Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast!
You can order as many dozens as you’d like from our youth going
to the Detroit Youth Gathering. A dozen is $9.00. We’ll make an
early-morning run to pick up the donuts so you can have them
fresh! Pick-ups will be in your own town. Must order by Feb. 12
and delivery will be on Saturday February 14th.
Murder Mystery Dinner in Hawaii!
The ever-popular Murder Mystery is returning on
Saturday March 7. This time the setting is the Hawaiian
Islands. Dig out your island shirt and your muumuu and
join us for an evening of fun and a great luau! The
proceeds will help our youth going to the Detroit Youth
Gathering. They will be your servers. There will also be a
silent auction. Donations are appreciated.
TICKETS: $30/couple, $20/individual, $10 child
Bake Sale and Color Me Christian Run
The other two fundraisers that will get us to Detroit? The Antique
Week Bake Sale on March 28-29 and the Color Me Christian
Run on Saturday May 2 at Lutherhill. For bake sale, we appreciate homemade goodies donated for us to sell. For the Color Run,
we will need sponsors and workers as well as runners and walkers. Get the dates on your calendar, please! We appreciate your
Looking for a fun workout? We do Zumba every Thursday at 6:00 pm at the Warrenton church. Come try it out! We
use a DVD routine and each one dances to their own ability. No pressure ~ just doing something healthy!
SLM and each individual church now offers electronic giving.
Go to the SLM website www.sharedlutheranministry.org and click on the
“Donate Now’” tab to begin submitting your offering on your schedule! You can
also use this tool to pay for items for Youth and Family Fundraisers by signing
on through the SLM portal and creating a profile. If you have questions or need
assistance, please call the office at 979-249-3155.
Shared Lutheran Ministry
If you ordered chicken or sausage
please do not forget to pick it up in
Ellinger, Fayetteville or Warrenton on
Sunday Feb. 1st
between 11 am and 1 pm.
is happening on February
1st! It's an exciting rivalry
between Ravioli and Spaghetti O's with Meatballs!!
The CHEFS VS O'S!! Which will be the Souper Bowl
champs? It's up to you! Come to church on Sunday
February 1st with as many cans of Ravioli or Spaghetti O's as you can offer. All cans will be counted by our
high school www. youth and the winner will be an-
nounced! Food will be donated to AMEN, of course.
Cash donations are also accepted. Thank you for helping to feed the hungry!
Walking in the Footsteps of Martin Luther
Celebrate the 499th Anniversary of the 95 Theses in GERMANY!!
June 6-17, 2016
An informational meeting was held for our fantastic Germany trip. We’re so excited to share some of
the information that was provided:
 In addition to walking in the footsteps of Martin Luther (Eisleben, Erfurt, Wittenburg, Eisenach) we
will also have activities and tours at Leipzig, Dresden, Berlin and Buchenwald
 Highlights include: the door where Luther nailed the 95 theses, a Renaissance festival with reenactment of Martin and Katie Luther’s wedding, touring the monastery where Luther lived as a
monk, Wartburg castle, a porcelain factory (with high tea!) in Dresden, art museum, Bach museum, post-WWII life in Eastern Germany…there’s just too much to list!
 Lee Ann Hartmann is using her vast experience in putting together a fantastic trip
 Pastor Marcia and Pastor Ben will be presenting education and worship experiences
 It’s the 499 anniversary of the Reformation and we’ll celebrate with our 4 churches and Grace
Lutheran in Washington, NC.
 The estimated cost for the trip will be $2200 plus air fare
 April 26 is the deposit due date - $400, non-refundable, will reserve your place
 The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday April 12 at 1:30 pm in Rutersville. We’ll present the
PowerPoint again. Forms for insurance, cancellation, etc. will be available.
 If you have questions, contact Lee Ann Hartmann or Pastor Marcia.
Looking Ahead -Listening to God’s Word
February 1: Mark 1:21-28 When Jesus speaks, evil flees. For Mark, "an unclean spirit" is more than an example of sickness or insanity: the risen Christ gives his Holy Spirit to conquer the power of all unclean spirits of the world. The miracle
attests to Christ's divine authority. Filled with the Holy Spirit, we too are able to recognize Jesus as the Holy One of God.
Deuteronomy 18:15-20 The passage from Deuteronomy is chosen to indicate Israel's religious hope that God will continue
to speak words of covenant, comfort, and command. Christians see Jesus as the divine prophet for whom we all long.
Mark's way to present Jesus responds to the Israelite desire for an authoritative prophet. 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Although it
is always tempting to lay down a new law, Paul instead thinks through the ethical dilemma and urges the community members to care for each other. Twenty centuries later Christians are still split on many moral questions, including food issues.
May we heed Paul's advice, and live together in one Lord, Jesus Christ.
February 8: Mark 1:29-39 Jesus meets with his disciples, and he escapes alone to pray. He heals, and he hides. He displays power, and he orders demons to keep silent. Mark's account of the meaning of Jesus' ministry alternates between his
being hidden in the crucifixion and being acclaimed risen within the believing community. Like Peter's mother-in-law, we
have been raised from illness and now serve one another. Isaiah 40:21-31 This poem from Isaiah 40 is chosen to exemplify the power of the LORD God to bring hope and life out of despair and death. We too are faint and powerless, and we
have gathered to be raised from our sickbeds to serve one another. The Old Testament reading both articulates the human
hope for salvation and prepares us to receive today's gospel proclamation. 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 We are called to share
Paul's paradoxical understanding of life under the gospel. We are free, in order to submit ourselves to others. In Luther's
words, Christians are both perfectly free, subject to none, and dutiful servants, subject to all. Like Peter's mother-in-law, we
arise from ourselves to be a slave to all .
February 15: Mark 9:2-9 In the narrative of the transfiguration the church sees testimony to Jesus' status as both the eschatological Son of Man and the beloved Son of God. Just as God, seen on a mountain and in a cloud, conferred authority
on Moses at Sinai, now God confers authority on Jesus. This Sunday, as we stand to hear this reading, we heed Mark's
message: "listen to him." The church, after the resurrection, is let in on the secret and becomes the dwelling that Peter
thinks to erect. 2 Kings 2:1-12 On Transfiguration in year A, the first reading narrates Moses' death, and in year B, the first
reading narrates the ascension of Elijah. Jewish legend anticipated the return of Elijah at the eschaton, thus (c.f. Mark
8:28) the gospels' repeated inquiries as to whether Jesus was Elijah. In Mark 9:13, Jesus refers to John the baptizer as
Elijah. The gospels describe Jesus as like Elijah, a miracle-worker who healed, raised the dead, spoke the word of God,
stood up to rulers, and goes to God at his death. Now it is our turn to follow Elijah. 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 The passage from
2 Corinthians brilliantly summarizes the day: God's light, shining first at creation, now shines in the illuminating gospel and
through the lives of believers. To see the glory of God, we look to Jesus
February 22: Mark 1:9-15 We begin our Christian life with baptism and then, like Jesus, face testing. The Spirit of God
accompanies us, both in baptism and in our wilderness. In receiving the gospel, the time is fulfilled; we repent and believe
in the good news. Genesis 9:8-17 Like popular disaster films, the flood myth expresses our fears of annihilation. Yet in the
biblical version, God restores all things to beauty and promise. Even the natural world, such as the rainbow, can remind us
of God's covenant of grace. In the resurrection of Christ, we celebrate that the forty days of the flood are over. 1 Peter 3:18
-22 This extremely important New Testament passage is an early example of Christian interpretation of the Old Testament.
Christians treasure the story of the flood as a picture of baptism, God saving eight persons, and now us, through the waters. Lent is like our forty days in the ark .
Shared Lutheran Ministry—Council Highlights—1-20-2015
Signed Monthly birthday cards.
Approved minutes and treasurer’s report.
Elected officers: President-Brinda Dunlap, Vice-President-Lee Fritsch, Secretary-Gladys Koehl, Treasurer-Gerald Gest.
Joint council retreat in Frelsburg, 2-21-2015.
Shared Ministry Conference to be held February 7th with other churches.
Discretionary Fund added $966 collected on Dec. 28th at joint services in Warrenton.
Germany trip was discussed.
Approved audit committee.
St. John, Ellinger—Council Highlights—1-20-2015
Approved minutes and treasurer’s report.
Welcomed two new council people-Maxine Brugger and Sheila Brugger.
Discussed Constitution and will meet with committee.
Decided to hand out quarterly reports and quarterly contributions.
Discussed roofing on Church
Discussed pest control.
St. Paul, Fayetteville—Council Highlights—1-20-2015
Accepted the resignation of our fellow council member, Kristen Graeter.
SLM Fundraiser is on Sunday February 1, 2015. Please remember to buy your tickets.
Lenten service schedules were discussed.
SLM Conference with other churches wanting information on the workings of a shared ministry is Sat. Feb. 7, in
 Feb. 21, 2015 is the Joint Council Retreat of our 4 councils, Frelsburg and New Ulm church councils. Evan Moilin will
be the guest speaker. It will be held in Frelsburg from 9:30 -3:30.
 April 26, 2015 is the deadline for the down payment for the Germany trip.
St. John, Rutersville—Council Highlights—1-20-2015
 Minutes and financial reports were given and approved.
 Council officers were elected and are as follows: Lee Fritsch-President, Weldon Hartmann-Vice President, Greg
Noak-Secretary, Joyce Wied-Treasurer.
St. John’s, Warrenton—Council Highlights—1-20-2015
 Approved minutes and treasurer’s report.
 Update on tree stumps being ground down and lights repaired in church.
 Election of officers for 2015: President- Dawn Moore; Vice President- Roy Pieper; Secretary- Brinda Dunlap; Treas-
urer- Charles Buro; Memorial Chair- Kay Von Minden; Financial Secretary- Megan Buro; and Head Usher- Gene
 Discussed upcoming events: Easter Sunday, Shared Ministry Conference on February 7, Council Retreat on February
21, SLM Fundraiser, and Synod Assembly in April.
 Council approved the Columbarium Committee to move forward and present to the congregation. Congregational
meeting set for February 15, 2015 following service. Church members will receive a mail out with the information
on the proposed columbarium.
Shared Lutheran Ministry Calendar of Events
February 2015
Gerald Gest, Lorali Schultz &
Ruth Noska Birthday
Souper Bowl of Caring
8:30 AM Worship in
Warrenton; Sunday School
10:00 AM Worship in
10:30 AM Worship in
11:00 AM SLM Chicken &
Sausage Fundraiser @
Teresa Moeller
Madisyn Horndt
2:00 PM WELCA's
@ Fayetteville
5:30 PM WWW @
8:00 AM Worship in Ellinger
Heather Bush &
Tiffany Michalsky
Delaney Smidovec & Gladys Koehl
Kelsie Hrbacek
8:30 AM Worship in
Warrenton; Sunday School
5:30 PM WWW
Event @ Warrenton
10:00 AM Worship in
10:30 AM Worship in
9:00 AM Shared
Ministry Conference @
Krispy Kreme Donut
6:00 PM Zumba
@ Warrenton
7:00 AM Men's Breakfast @ Riverside Café
12:30 PM Murder Mystery Practice @ Rutersville
8:00 AM Worship in Ellinger
8:30 AM Worship in
Warrenton; Columbarium
Meeting following worship
10:00 AM Worship in
10:30 AM Worship in
10:00 AM Quilting
@ Fayetteville
Lynn Strahan, Ruth
Martinak, Macey Kovar
& Rheagan Karisch
6:00 PM Zumba
@ Warrenton
John Divin, Jr &
Ryan Frerichs
9:00 AM Congregation
of Councils Retreat @
5:00 PM Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper
@ Fayetteville
10:00 AM AMEN/Austin
Food Truck @ Waldeck
12:00 PM Ash
Wednesday Service
@ Fayetteville
3:00 PM WELCA @ Warrenton
SLM Office Closed
Christy Noak Birthday
Marvin Schley Birthday Wayne Kocian
6:00 PM Y&F Team
9:00 AM Quilting @ Brad Johnson
Meeting @ Warrenton
6:00 PM Soup
6:00 PM Zumba
Supper @ Rutersville @ Warrenton
8:00 AM Worship in Ellinger
8:30 AM Worship in
Warrenton; Sunday School
10:00 AM Worship in
10:30 AM Worship in
14 Valentine's Day
Gene Citzler Birthday
Kasen Kocian
11:15 AM Murder Mystery
Practice @ Rutersville
Cheryl Otto & Makayla
Cegielski Birthday
6:00 PM Zumba
@ Warrenton
7:00 PM Ash
Wednesday Service
@ Warrenton
7:00 PM Lenten
Worship @ Rutersville
Patsy Buro
Donna Wessels Birthday
7:00 AM Men's
Breakfast @ Riverside
February 2015 - Worship Leaders
Assisting Minister
Carolyn Bartosh
Laura Brugger
Annie Mueller
Lucille Koehl
Gladys Koehl
Maxine Brugger
Lucille Koehl
Burdine Divin
Head Usher
Allen Mueller
JR Koehl
Barbara Hinton
Chris Brugger
Carolyn Bartosh & Gladys Koehl
Jerry Brown
Kayleigh Walcik
Maurine Schley
Wayne Fruge & Jerry
Lisa Corn
Fred Seymour
Wendy Vasut
Maurine Schley
Kyler Vasut
Bryce Bartek
Kate Holloway
Taylor Cegielski
Carol Seymour & Maurine Schley
Von Minden
Annette Richards
Jerry & Jeanette Brown
Altar Guild
Carol Seymour
Assisting Minister
MiLisa Gaertner
Lee Fritsch
Teresa Moeller
Kathy Hensel
Norman Schultz
Greg Noak
James Averyt
Heather Muesse
Bethany Naumann
Breann Jordy
Macy Kovar
Emily Fritsch
Weldon Hartmann, Laddie Michalsky, Timmy Michalsky
Altar Guild
Carol Bigott & Carolyn Rotter
Phil & Helen Oestreich
Laurie Karisch
Kacy Frerichs
Teresa Moeller
Dena Wren
Assisting Minister
Harry Schellberg
Megan Buro
Brinda Dunlap
Dawn Moore
Dawn Moore
Lou Ann Williams
Harry Schellberg
Patsy Buro
Marvin & Donna
Lester Keilers &
Donnie Wunderlich
Megan Buro & Jeanette
Alice Schmitt &
Kay Von Minden
Edward & Betty
Jeanette Boultinghouse
Scott & Dawn Moore
Megan Buro
Dawn & Scott Moore
Mike & Ruth Roecker
Charles & Patsy Buro
Shared Lutheran Ministry
of Fayette County
4446 South State Hwy. 237
Round Top, Texas 78954
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Round Top, TX 78954
Dated Material: Please do not delay.
February 2015
The Invitation
from the Shared Lutheran Ministry of Fayette County
February 2015
Parish Leadership
Reverend Marcia Kifer, Lead Pastor
Reverend Paul Bohot, Supply Pastor
Aimee Elles, Office/Business Manager
Brinda Dunlap, Shared Ministry Council President
Parish Communications
Office Hours: Mon – Thurs, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Office Phone Number: 979-249-3155
Pastor Marcia’s Home: 979-968-3634
Fax: 979-249-3548
Email addresses: [email protected]
[email protected]
Website: www.sharedlutheranministry.org
The Shared Lutheran Ministry of Fayette County is a cooperative rural ministry of four congregations: St. John Lutheran in Ellinger, St. Paul
Lutheran in Fayetteville, St. John Lutheran in
Rutersville, and St. John’s Lutheran in Warrenton. All are member congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the
Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod. We share
pastors and an office/business manager. We
share whatever ministry benefits the mission of
Jesus Christ.