International Advanced Levels January 2016 Provisional
International Advanced Levels January 2016 Provisional
Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL Home Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL For more information on Edexcel qualifications please visit Notes Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL Home Notes Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 View by Week Week Day Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Monday 11 January Monday 18 January Monday 25 January Monday 1 February Tuesday 12 January Tuesday 19 January Tuesday 26 January Tuesday 2 February Wednesday 13 January Wednesday 20 January Wednesday 27 January Wednesday 3 February Thursday 14 January Thursday 21 January Thursday 28 January Thursday 4 February Friday 15 January Friday 22 January Friday 29 January Friday 5 February View by Subject Subject A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V X Y Z Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL Notes Home Notes 1.Conduct of Examinations 2.Key dates • Each examination must be taken on the day and at the time as shown on the timetable. • The date for the restricted release of results to centres only is Wednesday 9 March 2016. • The published starting time of all examinations for UK centres is either 9.00 a.m. or 1.30 p.m. Candidates with more than one examination in a session should take these consecutively. A supervised break January be given between consecutive examinations. • The date for the release of results to candidates is Thursday 10 March 2016. • UK centres January start an examination earlier than, or later than, the published starting time for the session without prior approval from Pearson. However, in order to maintain the security of the examination all candidates must start examinations scheduled for a morning session no earlier than 8.30 a.m. and by 9.30 a.m. and for an afternoon session no earlier than 1.00 p.m. and by 2.00 p.m., except where arrangements have been made for dealing with timetable clashes. No other departure from the timetable is permitted without the prior written approval of Pearson. Examination centres should refer to the JCQ publication ‘Instructions for Conducting Examinations’ in the first instance. • UK based candidates who take an examination earlier than the published starting time shown on the timetable must remain under centre supervision until one hour after the published starting time for that examination. • UK based candidates who take an examination later than the published starting time shown on the timetable must remain under centre supervision from 30 minutes after the published starting time for the paper concerned until the time when those candidates begin their examination. • When a change is made to the published starting time for an examination it is the responsibility of the centre to inform all candidates affected by the alteration. • International centres must refer to the relevant document setting out examination starting times for their timezone, available at ISBN: 9781446914939 Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL Week 1 Home Notes Date Morning Length Afternoon Length Monday 11 January WPH01 Physics Unit 1: Physics On The Go 1h 30m Tuesday 12 January WDM01 Mathematics: Decision Mathematics D1 1h 30m Wednesday 13 January WCH02 Chemistry Unit 2: Applications Of Core Principles Of Chemistry Thursday 14 January WAC01 Friday 15 January WBS01 WCH03 WBI01 WCH01 Chemistry Unit 1: The Core Principles Of Chemistry 1h 30m 1h 30m WFM01 Mathematics: Further Pure F1 1h 30m Accounting Unit 1: The Accounting System and Costing Biology Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes And Health 3h 00m WME03 Mathematics: Mechanics M3 1h 30m Business Unit 1: Business Enterprise Chemistry Unit 3: Chemistry Laboratory Skills I 1h 30m 1h 15m 1h 30m Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL Week 2 Home Notes Date Morning Length Afternoon Length Monday 18 January WPH02 Physics Unit 2: Physics At Work 1h 30m WBI02 Biology Unit 2: Developments, Plants And The Environment 1h 30m Tuesday 19 January WMA01 Mathematics: Core Mathematics C12 2h 30m WEC01 Economics Unit 1: Markets in Action 1h 30m Wednesday 20 January WBS03 WPH03 Unit 3: Strategic Business Decisions Physics Unit 3: Exploring Physics 2h 00m 1h 20m WBI03 Biology Unit 3: Practical Biology and Research 1h 30m Thursday 21 January WCH04 Chemistry Unit 4: Rates, Equilibria And Further Organic Chemistry 1h 40m WPH04 Physics Unit 4: Physics On The Move 1h 35m Friday 22 January WBS02 Business Unit 2: Business Structures and Processes 1h 30m Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL Week 3 Home Notes Date Morning Length Afternoon Length Monday 25 January WAC02 Accounting Unit 2: Corporate and Management Accounting Biology Unit 4: The Natural Environment And Species Survial 3h 00m Tuesday 26 January WEC03 WPH05 Economics Unit 3: Business Behaviour Physics Unit 5: Physics from Creation To Collapse Wednesday 27 January WBI05 WBS04 Thursday 28 January WEC02 Friday 29 January WME01 Mathematics: Mechanics M1 1h 30m 2h 00m 1h 35m WCH05 Chemistry Unit 5: Transition Metals And Organic Nitrogen Chemistry 1h 40m Biology Unit 5: Energy, Exercise And Co-Ordination Business Unit 4: Business in a Global Context 1h 45m 2h 00m WST02 Mathematics: Statistics S2 1h 30m 1h 30m WME02 Mathematics: Mechanics M2 1h 30m WPH06 Economics Unit 2: Macroeconomic Performance and Policy Physics Unit 6: Experimental Physics WST01 Mathematics: Statistics S1 1h 30m WBI04 1h 30m 1h 20m Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL Week 4 Home Notes Date Morning Length Afternoon Length Monday 1 February WBI06 Biology Unit 6: Practical Biology and Investigative Skills 1h 30m WEC04 Economics Unit 4: Developments in the Global Economy 2h 00m Tuesday 2 February WMA02 Mathematics: Core Mathematics C34 2h 30m WCH06 Chemistry Unit 6: Chemistry Laboratory Skills II 1h 15m Wednesday 3 February Thursday 4 February Friday 5 February Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL Subject A Subject A A Home B C D E Subject Unit Title Accounting Accounting F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Notes X Y Z Unit No Date Time Duration Unit 1: The Accounting System and Costing WAC01 14-Jan-16 AM 3h 00m Unit 2: Corporate and Management Accounting WAC02 25-Jan-16 AM 3h 00m Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL Subject B Subject A Home B B C D E Subject Unit Title Biology F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Notes X Y Z Unit No Date Time Duration Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes And Health WBI01 14-Jan-16 AM 1h 30m Biology Unit 2: Developments, Plants And The Environment WBI02 18-Jan-16 PM 1h 30m Biology Unit 3: Practical Biology and Research WBI03 20-Jan-16 PM 1h 30m Biology Unit 4: The Natural Environment And Species Survial WBI04 25-Jan-16 AM 1h 30m Biology Unit 5: Energy, Exercise And Co-Ordination WBI05 27-Jan-16 AM 1h 45m Biology Unit 6: Practical Biology and Investigative Skills WBI06 1-Feb-16 AM 1h 30m Business Unit 1: Business Enterprise WBS01 15-Jan-16 AM 1h 30m Business Unit 2: Business Structures and Processes WBS02 22-Jan-16 AM 1h 30m Business Unit 3: Strategic Business Decisions WBS03 20-Jan-16 AM 2h 00m Business Unit 4: Business in a Global Context WBS04 27-Jan-16 AM 2h 00m Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL Subject C Subject A Home B C C D E Subject Unit Title Chemistry F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Notes X Y Z Unit No Date Time Duration Unit 1: The Core Principles Of Chemistry WCH01 11-Jan-16 PM 1h 30m Chemistry Unit 2: Applications Of Core Principles Of Chemistry WCH02 13-Jan-16 AM 1h 30m Chemistry Unit 3: Chemistry Laboratory Skills I WCH03 15-Jan-16 AM 1h 15m Chemistry Unit 4: Rates, Equilibria And Further Organic Chemistry WCH04 21-Jan-16 AM 1h 40m Chemistry Unit 5: Transition Metals And Organic Nitrogen Chemistry WCH05 26-Jan-16 PM 1h 40m Chemistry Unit 6: Chemistry Laboratory Skills II WCH06 2-Feb-16 PM 1h 15m Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL Subject E Subject A Home B C D E E Subject Unit Title Economics F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Notes X Y Z Unit No Date Time Duration Unit 1: Markets in Action WEC01 19-Jan-16 PM 1h 30m Economics Unit 2: Macroeconomic Performance and Policy WEC02 28-Jan-16 AM 1h 30m Economics Unit 3: Business Behaviour WEC03 26-Jan-16 AM 2h 00m Economics Unit 4: Developments in the Global Economy WEC04 1-Feb-16 PM 2h 00m Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL Subject M Subject A B Home C D E Subject Unit Title Mathematics F G H I J K L M M N O P Q R S T U V Notes X Y Z Unit No Date Time Duration Mathematics: Core Mathematics C12 WMA01 19-Jan-16 AM 2h 30m Mathematics Mathematics: Core Mathematics C34 WMA02 2-Feb-16 AM 2h 30m Mathematics Mathematics: Decision Mathematics D1 WDM01 12-Jan-16 AM 1h 30m Mathematics Mathematics: Further Pure F1 WFM01 13-Jan-16 PM 1h 30m Mathematics Mathematics: Mechanics M1 WME01 25-Jan-16 PM 1h 30m Mathematics Mathematics: Mechanics M2 WME02 28-Jan-16 PM 1h 30m Mathematics Mathematics: Mechanics M3 WME03 14-Jan-16 PM 1h 30m Mathematics Mathematics: Statistics S1 WST01 29-Jan-16 AM 1h 30m Mathematics Mathematics: Statistics S2 WST02 27-Jan-16 PM 1h 30m Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Levels January 2016 Examination Timetable – PROVISIONAL Subject P Subject A Home B C D E Subject Unit Title Physics F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Notes X Y Z Unit No Date Time Duration Unit 1: Physics On The Go WPH01 11-Jan-16 AM 1h 30m Physics Unit 2: Physics At Work WPH02 18-Jan-16 AM 1h 30m Physics Unit 3: Exploring Physics WPH03 20-Jan-16 AM 1h 20m Physics Unit 4: Physics On The Move WPH04 21-Jan-16 PM 1h 35m Physics Unit 5: Physics from Creation To Collapse WPH05 26-Jan-16 AM 1h 35m Physics Unit 6: Experimental Physics WPH06 28-Jan-16 AM 1h 20m